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 try man but my stamine and magic recover fast



i liked when mod have timer set up 2 but i play soo long on char i got 2000stamine and 2500hp magic 1000 i like long play true



It doesn't have anything to do with recovery. Does the MCM menu options for multipliers not go down low enough for you, if so:


Use the following console commands:


set SLKR_MultiStamina_Global to xxx


set SLKR_MultiMagicka_Global to xxx


Replace  xxx with a small number. For example if you want 10 rounds before passing out: 10/ 2000 = 0.005 . So:
set SLKR_MultiStamina_Global to 0.005


I have a problem with a rescue Quest.


I rescued Drifa and escort her back to Rifton to the The Pawned Prawn. Unfortunately the quest don't end now, i still have the quest "escort the victim home". Unfortunately she is following me now permanently, i tried to talk to her andto her husband too but the quest don't end.


Has someone an idea what i have to do that the quest ends?


Where's the marker pointing at?


IF everything fails, talk to an innkeeper again to cancel the quest and get a new one.

set SLKR_MultiStamina_Global to xxx



I am having a similar problem. I started a rescue quest with Ysolda and brought her to Whiterun, but the quest marker is pointing to the floor behind Jorrvaskr and nothing happens when I bring her there. Cancelling the quest worked, but now Ysolda has no dialogue.

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So here's an odd issue that's cropped up: after a kidnapping, I get the passed out message, click okay, and then the bandits go hostile and attack me. Problem is, I can't kill them, they just go down to one knee. And even if I could, I can't seem to escape. I'm in the abandoned house, and the main door just opens and closes. It doesn't go anywhere.


Also, weirdly enough, the revenge quest doesn't pop up at any point. 


So I'm kinda stuck with this one.

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 try man but my stamine and magic recover fast



i liked when mod have timer set up 2 but i play soo long on char i got 2000stamine and 2500hp magic 1000 i like long play true



It doesn't have anything to do with recovery. Does the MCM menu options for multipliers not go down low enough for you, if so:


Use the following console commands:


set SLKR_MultiStamina_Global to xxx


set SLKR_MultiMagicka_Global to xxx


Replace  xxx with a small number. For example if you want 10 rounds before passing out: 10/ 2000 = 0.005 . So:
set SLKR_MultiStamina_Global to 0.005


I have a problem with a rescue Quest.


I rescued Drifa and escort her back to Rifton to the The Pawned Prawn. Unfortunately the quest don't end now, i still have the quest "escort the victim home". Unfortunately she is following me now permanently, i tried to talk to her andto her husband too but the quest don't end.


Has someone an idea what i have to do that the quest ends?


Where's the marker pointing at?


IF everything fails, talk to an innkeeper again to cancel the quest and get a new one.

set SLKR_MultiStamina_Global to xxx



I am having a similar problem. I started a rescue quest with Ysolda and brought her to Whiterun, but the quest marker is pointing to the floor behind Jorrvaskr and nothing happens when I bring her there. Cancelling the quest worked, but now Ysolda has no dialogue.



You need to talk to her when you reach the marker. You should see a dialogue choice like "you are safe now" or something like that.

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in the mcm (dont fully understand this :P ) on rounds till back out does higher mean more rounds? same with until animations become consensual?


Higher means more rounds, yes.


I have a problem, the massages about events being true or false, go on and on and on, I want to turn of showing me this information


Don't use the debug notification add-on. It's never intended for normal plays.

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Another suggestion, and another bug:


suggestion: introduce the option to make kidnappings only happen at night


bug: when i egt kidnapped, kidnappers just stay there, nothing else happens


a. Already possible. Just set the base chance to zero and increase the night bonus.


b. I need more info than that.

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The only problem I have with this mod is that it pulls in actual named NPC as kidnappers.


For example, I just got ambushed by a bunch of Argonians and Keerava was one of them. I killed them all thinking perhaps it was just the mod spawning new entity but when I went over to Riften to check on Keerava, she is indeed the one trying to kidnap me. 


Perhaps creating or spawning generic NPC would be good, like Argonian named "RapeYourButt".


Other than that, this is an amazing mod and I am having a lot of fun with this. 

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Another suggestion, and another bug:


suggestion: introduce the option to make kidnappings only happen at night


bug: when i egt kidnapped, kidnappers just stay there, nothing else happens


a. Already possible. Just set the base chance to zero and increase the night bonus.


b. I need more info than that.



Well, kidnappings happen when i change area, regardless of the settings in mcm. When i get knocked down, i am sento, together with the kidnappers, to their hideout. The last few times this happened, 2 more npcs were kidnapped with me. But then, my character remains in the bleedout position and cant move (i gain back control if i jump, though), while the kidnappers apparently returned to their normal status, because there is no dialogue regarding the kidnapping, and they don't move. The scenes that are supposed to happen, fail to do so. Also, if the kidnappers are vampires or necromancers, they start attacking me.

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several issues comes up when i played this mod on last night


1) when i played a new game with this mod, more higher level than Lv.30 npc appears just behind of my character and instantly caught her by a one punch. can i tweak the ambushers level? so that can builds fair level match for current character. 


2) regardless how do i set ambush odds, it still appears where ever  they will. ive set 0% chance in the city but yet ambush happens in the inn. no where for stay safe.


3) Ambusher who has AoE effects such as storm astronach can instantly hits the character on appear to knock her out. so even set ambushers knock out time duration to 0 sec doesnt stop the ambushers instant knock out attack. 



thanks for watching my comment.

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I installed the Mod 10 days ago. At first it seemed to work fine, but now no longer starts the automatic kidnapped. I already had the problem of my character being taken to the shack where the Darkbrotherhood quest begins and in the end I could not get out of the shack, the door does not open. I had to load a previous save.


The NPCs I marked to be kidnapped do not seem to work.


When I start a rescue quest and get to the scene, the NPCs are fighting between them, some are essential and you can not kill them.


Even if marked in the MCM for kidnapped occur only in abandoned places, the rescue quests happen in places where there are other NPCs, and what I have described above happens.


I have two MODs installed that allow me to have several NPCs as Death Thrall and when I enter a rescue location, one or more Death Trahll followers get naked and attack me. To get into the rescue site I have to desanimate all the Death Trhall who are following me.


NPCs of other MODs if they are in the rescue place happen to behave strangely, even the animations of these NPCs are all bugged (such as starting to walk slopes and above the ground).


NPCs from other MODs have behaviors that cause all kinds of conflict.


I'm hoping for a new version to be fixed because I really liked this Mod.


PS: English is not my native language (I used Google Translator)



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Enjoying the mod so far. Here are some suggestions:


1. Non named NPCs (or NPCs that respawn after killed)! This is the biggest change needed. Currently I can't fight back or I risk breaking quest lines and interactions.

2. After being kidnapped, if you attempt to fight back and lose, you go back into the "kidnap gangbang" instead of whatever other way of losing (in my case, Defeat starts to play). This should be toggleable (I'm sure people prefer having SL Defeat tied into this mod). 


Currently I think there is a bug where if you have the quest for Revenge (not the other quest, to rescue someone), you will not be ambushed at all while the quest is active. This should be toggleable much like the rescue quest. I'm just blind.


I also think there is a bug with the marking NPCs to be kidnapped. I have marked several of my followers, and I have yet to see any in any of the kidnappings I have endured.


Possible bug: Force trigger ambush does not seem to be working. I have yet to get one to spawn on demand. I also was sure to wait the default 12 hours between kidnappings to be sure it wasn't because of that.


I will edit in more as I find them.

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Currently I think there is a bug where if you have the quest for Revenge (not the other quest, to rescue someone), you will not be ambushed at all while the quest is active. This should be toggleable much like the rescue quest.


Not a bug. It's a feature that can be turned off in the MCM.

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Currently I think there is a bug where if you have the quest for Revenge (not the other quest, to rescue someone), you will not be ambushed at all while the quest is active. This should be toggleable much like the rescue quest.


Not a bug. It's a feature that can be turned off in the MCM.


Oh gosh, how embarrassing. You are totally right. I am not sure how I missed that option right under Nudity. I swear I must have looked for an option several times all throughout the MCM, I guess I missed it every single time.


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This mod really needs customisable aggressors, it's really frustrating when you don't want the female aggressors in the scene, but you can't customize it in any way. Also, it lacks the ability to set the number of aggressors and to set the state of player's character at the start of the scene, for example tied to a table using devious devices etc.


I would really want to see those changes implemented in the future, for now I think SL Defeat is far more customisable and straight up superior to this mod, unfortunately. Great idea though !

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I would really want to see those changes implemented in the future, for now I think SL Defeat is far more customisable and straight up superior to this mod, unfortunately. Great idea though !


This mod is never meant to be Defeat's competition. It enhances Defeat if anything - there's official integration with Defeat.

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Yes, but it's way easier to set up everything with console and just use Defeat, than dealing with the Kindnap stage.

That's one thing Defeat is really great at, lots of customizability. I wish more Sexlab mobs could do as much as Defeat does (although quite a few of Defeats options are either bugged, redundant, confusing or flat out don't work). I am sure it is very time consuming for a mod developer to add in so many options however, so I can understand why most don't make their mods so flexible. Furthermore, the more customizable a mod is, the more likely for unseen bugs to appear (as seen with Defeat).


That is not to say more options is a bad thing. More options is definitely a great thing as a consumer, as long as the mob creator can do them without wrecking the mod with bugs.

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 I want to suggest that you make one single mod that should solve all the problems and disagreements among the community. I just really like your scripting and approach to the matter.
The essence of the following. Skyrim needs a simple and well-working mod to enslave the NPC. Everything that exists today works terribly

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Hey there,


I had the idea to add your mod features into the new version of my own mod (Not yet published). Ok scripting is not really a problem, while the creation kit and its features are still a miracle in most cases.

However the new version of my own mod will have something like a "Naked dungeons light". All of this features are already working.


a) So the first thing is when the player (and followers) enters the dungeon i want to trigger the main kidnap quest sometimes, but without any ambush and the location for the kidnap should be the same as the current location of the player. Thats why the predefined events cannot be used, instead all necessary calls must be done direct.


B) Sometimes the followers of the player are cursed and my mod tracks the cursed followers in an own quest, each assigne an alias.

    I had the idea, when a follower is already tracked and the bleedoud event fires for this follower in a fight there

    should be a chance, that the follower is kidnapped. The location should also be in the same dungeon.

    It would be nice if more than one follower could be kidnapped.


So adding this features to my mod, some hints can be very helpful.

Reading a software that is not done from yourself is always difficult. Every programmer has his own ideas and style.


With regards




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