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On 1/24/2020 at 7:16 AM, riskirills said:

i want to suggest to reduce the percentage of success while mixing your chemist based on value of the potion/poison is.

the more value the more percentage of success is reduced.
same thing with enchantment based on soul gem tier.

Thanks - always good to hear other peoples thoughts/ideas ☺️


At the moment:



Potion success is affected by how many times you have successfully made the potion - I could also look at potion value but I think that's more about ingredient rarity than difficulty in crafting - happy to hear other views though.


Enchanting success is already modified by Soulgem size - the larger the soul the harder it is to control the flows

Disenchanting is based on item value (I'd rather use soul size but there's no way of knowing so I use value as a surrogate)



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3 hours ago, Bane Master said:

Thanks - always good to hear other peoples thoughts/ideas ☺️


At the moment:

  Reveal hidden contents


Potion success is affected by how many times you have successfully made the potion - I could also look at potion value but I think that's more about ingredient rarity than difficulty in crafting - happy to hear other views though.


Enchanting success is already modified by Soulgem size - the larger the soul the harder it is to control the flows

Disenchanting is based on item value (I'd rather use soul size but there's no way of knowing so I use value as a surrogate)



You would implement an anticheat feature ;)

If you consider the value of a potion for the success calculation it should be impossible to create potions with to high enchanted gear. You enchant 5 pieces of amor with alchemey skill using an crafted enchantment potion. Go to the alchemy desk and create an enchantment buffing potion wearing the enchanted gear...repeat.

Sooner or later your enchantment potion will add a 1000% buff, making you invincible if used on weapons and armor. If the value is part of the success calculation the 1000% potion is impossible to craft ;)




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On 1/3/2020 at 8:59 AM, Bane Master said:

FMEA Version 1.44 released

  • Added: Toggle option to enable a check of the trapped lock rearm chance each time a trap is triggered
  • Updated: The force of the blast from an Alchemical Explosion has been reduced somewhat

Thank you so much, these are both great improvements - I just saw them now, thanks to LL's reluctance to actually flag changes in followed files.


Very much appreciated, Bane Master.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've got a weird issue with the mod, don't know if it's a bug or conflict with something else.  When I initially enable to mod in MCM and install the plugins, the values for everything are set to 0.  I can then set them to whatever I want, and the enchanting, alchemy, and mining plugins all work as intended, but the gathering ingredients effects aren't functioning properly.  When gathering, the effects trigger, but then immediately clear from the character so that they're never really in effect.  Any idea how to fix this or what could be causing it?

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7 hours ago, BSAccount said:

I've got a weird issue with the mod, don't know if it's a bug or conflict with something else.  When I initially enable to mod in MCM and install the plugins, the values for everything are set to 0.  I can then set them to whatever I want, and the enchanting, alchemy, and mining plugins all work as intended, but the gathering ingredients effects aren't functioning properly.  When gathering, the effects trigger, but then immediately clear from the character so that they're never really in effect.  Any idea how to fix this or what could be causing it?

I have had no reports of anything like this previously.


It sounds like it might be an issue with your setup - if you post a log of the mcm install process I can take a look

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to say it's possible that an overcharged weapon can still be picked up by a follower without any knock out happening ? if you're feeling creative you could add a counter-measure to that. Also could you put in an option to disable knock out abuse? Since it doesn't make sense if you're in an empty dungeon and wake up with a ton of cum overlay on you.


Also, how would I go about editing the NPC list for dimensional rift spawning? I want to add some dremora's without getting falmer and draugr as often.

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22 hours ago, Durante said:

Just wanted to say it's possible that an overcharged weapon can still be picked up by a follower without any knock out happening ? if you're feeling creative you could add a counter-measure to that. Also could you put in an option to disable knock out abuse? Since it doesn't make sense if you're in an empty dungeon and wake up with a ton of cum overlay on you.


Also, how would I go about editing the NPC list for dimensional rift spawning? I want to add some dremora's without getting falmer and draugr as often.

Happy to add a knock out abuse toggle to the list.


I have come to the view that it is not  worth using coding time to try to prevent people cheating their own game  so I don't plan to change the unstable enchantment effect to deal with NPC pickups.


The Levelled Creatures are held in formlists. The size of the soul used (1 to 5) affects the difficulty of the creature summoned - the easiest creatures in are in fmea_SoulSize1 the hardest in fmea_SoulSize5. So if you are happy  editing formlists  you can add/customize them to match your personal taste.


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3 hours ago, Bane Master said:

Happy to add a knock out abuse toggle to the list.


I have come to the view that it is not  worth using coding time to try to prevent people cheating their own game  so I don't plan to change the unstable enchantment effect to deal with NPC pickups.


The Levelled Creatures are held in formlists. The size of the soul used (1 to 5) affects the difficulty of the creature summoned - the easiest creatures in are in fmea_SoulSize1 the hardest in fmea_SoulSize5. So if you are happy  editing formlists  you can add/customize them to match your personal taste.


I'm wondering if this answers something that's been mystifying me the last few days. Dangerous disenchant has been triggering on the rift, but nothing is summoned. Does the fact there's no soul gem level make it not able to find the right list to summon from, and thus nothing shows up?

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20 hours ago, Xiaron said:

I'm wondering if this answers something that's been mystifying me the last few days. Dangerous disenchant has been triggering on the rift, but nothing is summoned. Does the fact there's no soul gem level make it not able to find the right list to summon from, and thus nothing shows up?

Seems a likely explanation - the summon relies on Soul Gem Level being passed in to the function

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  • 1 month later...

Hello, i read that you're welcome to suggestions.
Here are my suggestion, please consider this as your future updates.
Stealing Plugin : In this plugin there are chances that the owner of the stuff caught you and the guards will arrest you if you get caught. The chances is depending on how heavy the items and how expensive the items are. I believe you can do the trigger like you did to lockpicking alarm. And the items inside the chest/barrels/wardrobe must be included by this plugins. And you can add curse to some stolen items for variant.

Smithing PLugin : I believe you're working on it. So i just leave this here to reminds you.

Alchemist Plugin : I see you're making enchanting percentage is based on how big the gem stone is, and why not making alchemist percentage of failure is based on how expensive the potion is(or based on how powerful the potion will be created), i saw in this plugin, only based on your skills to alchemy and any other factor but none of them are based on how powerful/expensive the potion is.
That's all. Thanks for read my suggestion. I will be glad if you make official on nexus and make this mod don't need Sexlab Framework to work (i just need the failure mode)


EDIT PS: I just realize that i wrote some of my suggestion before. Consider this just a reminder.

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For the consequences you can toggle on and off, could you add info in the mouse-over that notes what crafting actions they are associated with?



Every time I come back to FMEA, I can't remember what belongs to what, or decode the names of the effects, and so I end up disabling the wrong thing.


I just want to stop being blinded by potion making, as it drags on a bit, but I struggle to identify what toggle that is.

Alternatively, add some more configuration for that effect in particular, so the blindness duration is adjustable.


If I'm not making sense, I'm sure somebody will correct me :) 


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29 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:

I just want to stop being blinded by potion making, as it drags on a bit,

But that's the second best part of failing at your alchemy skills :classic_laugh:

Instead of finetuning each single effect, I'm more for a general "severity" slider.

But that's not ruling the finetuning out. :classic_smile: It's just less of my time spend on configuring the beast.

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26 minutes ago, worik said:

Instead of finetuning each single effect, I'm more for a general "severity" slider.

TBH, I don't really want the finetuning, I just want to disable it altogether, and have the other explosiony-thing without blindness so I can get a bounty sometimes, and modified failure chances overall, and I don't mind the blackout and get sexxed by follower either. I just don't want the blindness.


Maybe if there was also a cure for it, as was added for plant-harvesting?

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17 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:

Maybe if there was also a cure for it, as was added for plant-harvesting?

:classic_laugh: We need another alchemy mod: "Cures for FMEA". Ingredients should be devious and naughty :classic_wink:

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FMEA is a good mod because it can be used in different ways.  I turn off all the critical failures for alchemy except spoiled potions.  I suppose that's Easy Mode, but I get a lot of spoiled potions so alchemy is much less reliable than vanilla.  That plus voluntarily not making any mixed-effect (beneficial plus detrimental) potions for sale really limits my income.  I can make a few potions for my own use plus a few to sell without making crazy amounts of gold like I once did.  I used to use CACO for that but I never liked it that much, and once I found this mod I dumped CACO.  And alchemy is just one feature of FMEA.  Very nice. 

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14 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

For the consequences you can toggle on and off, could you add info in the mouse-over that notes what crafting actions they are associated with?



Every time I come back to FMEA, I can't remember what belongs to what, or decode the names of the effects, and so I end up disabling the wrong thing.


I just want to stop being blinded by potion making, as it drags on a bit, but I struggle to identify what toggle that is.

Alternatively, add some more configuration for that effect in particular, so the blindness duration is adjustable.


If I'm not making sense, I'm sure somebody will correct me :) 


It is possible to adjust effect durations globally in the MCM


Also the blind effect is solvable in an "immersive" way too.... 



Cure disease potions remove the effect


I don't know quite how to tell you this,  but It's been that way since Alchemy was released  ?


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4 hours ago, Bane Master said:

Also the blind effect is solvable in an "immersive" way too.... 


Well, that's useful, but it's not ... intuitive. Cure Poison at least makes sense for the plants.


Global effect durations ... I guess it might work, but I didn't really want to adjust the other durations.


I guess it comes back to not wanting that effect at all, and I think there may already be a way to disable it.


My problem is that I can't necessarily figure what that option is in the list without trial and error.


My actual ask was simply for the list to have more informative tooltips :) so I can use it better.

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14 hours ago, Lupine00 said:


Well, that's useful, but it's not ... intuitive. Cure Poison at least makes sense for the plants.


Global effect durations ... I guess it might work, but I didn't really want to adjust the other durations.


I guess it comes back to not wanting that effect at all, and I think there may already be a way to disable it.


My problem is that I can't necessarily figure what that option is in the list without trial and error.


My actual ask was simply for the list to have more informative tooltips :) so I can use it better.

Well I guess it's about how you define the result of a chemical burn 


I made the  MCM a bit obscure on purpose as finding out by trial and error with a new mod is a major part of the fun for me - that being said it would be possible to make a plain English MCM Patch if there was enough demand for it.

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10 hours ago, Bane Master said:

I made the  MCM a bit obscure on purpose as finding out by trial and error with a new mod is a major part of the fun for me - that being said it would be possible to make a plain English MCM Patch if there was enough demand for it.

I've started a dozen games with the mod in, and figured out what the options were in several of them, but then I forget.

The events are occur somewhat at random and it's not so easy to tell what you've enabled or disabled sometimes. The event might simply not be triggering.

I can't even remember if that blindness effect can be turned on or off by itself for example.


I guess I could read the code and just change the text (or effects) for myself, but I'm kind of lazy, and in a hurry, so instead what I do is not enable alchemy.


I still can't figure out what a quarter of the options in MME are supposed to do - and they have no tooltips at all.

Normally, when a mod fails to communicate well what its options do, it's not on purpose.

So, I guess it didn't occur to me that was the case.

But even knowing that, I'm not sure I'm a fan of that kind of meta-game.

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On 8/24/2019 at 9:03 AM, Bane Master said:

FMEA Version 1.43 released

  • Added: FMEA Alchemy & Ingredients plugins now support Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul
  • Added: MCM toggle to disallow fallback to Vanilla Jail when Prison Overhaul Patched is not installed or fails to find a valid actor to perform an arrest
  • Added: MCM difficulty option to set a weight for Gold coins up to 10 lbs per 1000. Also supports coin types added by Skyrim Coin Replacer Redux
  • Updated: Optimized POP integration witness detection script
  • BugFix: Chests in the Riften Thieve's Guild will only be fitted with alarms and will no longer impose a bounty

Greetings!  Thanks for this mod, I have been enjoying it.


I've been trying to use the option introduced in update 1.43 to regulate the weight of coins in my inventory but am experiencing an issue.  It seems like when I save and exit the game and then open it again, the mod forgets that it was tracking coins and my weight seems to return to normal even though the slider is still set in the MCM.  I have tested it a few times at 10 pounds and 20 pounds and ran into this.  If I set the slider back to zero, exit the menu, and then open the menu and set it back to a specific value and close the menu again, it starts working.  The issue doesn't seem to be affected by the difficulty setting, I checked it on Challenging, and Mildly Vexatious and I'm fairly certain it also happened on the easiest mode. 


Steps to reproduce:

- Set coin weight in FMEA MCM

- Check character weight value in Inventory screen to see that carry weight has increased accordingly

- Save the game and Exit

- Open the game and load save

- the carry weight in the inventory screen now shows the previous value prior to changing the MCM


I'll keep using it and will try and provide additional information if I learn anything new.


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On 5/1/2020 at 4:30 PM, Marg597 said:

Greetings!  Thanks for this mod, I have been enjoying it.


I've been trying to use the option introduced in update 1.43 to regulate the weight of coins in my inventory but am experiencing an issue.  It seems like when I save and exit the game and then open it again, the mod forgets that it was tracking coins and my weight seems to return to normal even though the slider is still set in the MCM.  I have tested it a few times at 10 pounds and 20 pounds and ran into this.  If I set the slider back to zero, exit the menu, and then open the menu and set it back to a specific value and close the menu again, it starts working.  The issue doesn't seem to be affected by the difficulty setting, I checked it on Challenging, and Mildly Vexatious and I'm fairly certain it also happened on the easiest mode. 


Steps to reproduce:

- Set coin weight in FMEA MCM

- Check character weight value in Inventory screen to see that carry weight has increased accordingly

- Save the game and Exit

- Open the game and load save

- the carry weight in the inventory screen now shows the previous value prior to changing the MCM


I'll keep using it and will try and provide additional information if I learn anything new.


Thanks for the report - haven't come across any other reports of this but one thought comes to mind. There are a few mods that change coin weights, is it possible you have a mod installed that is changing the weight back due to it being set differently for that Mod?

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