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4 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Sounds about right..  the former mayor of my City is now our chancellor. Dude is just.. Uff how do I put it nicely and without talking too much politics..

One of the very few People you really, really want to punch in the Face. Worst part is my Mom went on the same School as him. She could've saved us if she just had pushed him down some stairs.. ?


LMAO if your mom had future vision i think she may have done that, who knows XD


5 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

True. I wanted to do that a while now. I am not really big overweight anymore but the last few extras, i would lose too At least taking the last few steps ? Would be easy to change too. I like vegetables and eating stuff not that healthy only once or twice a week wouldn't hurt me. But here comes the Butt, I am downright lazy about cooking and stuff ? I can do it. I just don't wanna that often XD Hence.. I either kick myself to do it or I find me a Women that loves to cook. But why should I go looking for someone, only cause of that. And an old german saying goes: if you look for a Women that cooks like your Mom, you find a Women that drinks like your Dad.. Ok not exactly like this, but kinda


That saying somehow makes the most sense and the least sense at the same time lel. But yeah i know what you mean, i'm not very strict about my diet either, i go out to drink and fuck very frequently, i just also do a lot of physical stuff to stay strong and in shape. As long as you're burning more calories than you're putting in you'll get in shape, after that you just need to maintain an equilibrium and that's it. I actually didn't like eating that much vegetables when i was a kid but my mom would force it down my throat so i had to eat them until i got used to it (i was kind of a mama's boy so that helped me a bit) and when i was really really young she'd do the "loook, airplane!!" thing XD


11 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

I wouldn't say a Rush, but I have fun at times doing simple stuff and the simple parts of my work make just more fun when you do them fast. That and the faster I'm finished with that, the faster I can go about something more interesting and the faster I am done with that, the faster I can go Home. We don't really have strict Hours at my Workplace, if you're done and there is no way you could finish another job in Time, you don't have to.

(Well, until Mr. Numbers changes that too. But then.. Most of us will Flip him the Bird.


Oh yeah i get it, by rush i meant more like i like to keep myself active most of the time. It feels good to exert myself.


15 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

The only real Problem I find in Woke Stuff is, that the loudest Ones are the most stupidest ones and say shit like "Feelings over profits" and everyone who won't agree with them is the Devil. I mean.. I don't agree with most People, doesn't mean i hate them or can't talk with them about stuff without losing my shit ? It would be funny if a big Part of the World didn't go insane over it. Way to sensitive those good People. 


We have those tax Idiots too..  I mean yes, they are high in some Parts that I don't understand and I would love not having to pay a Fourth of my Income, but on the other Hand.. It's like the ranting about Sim Uploaders recently. The Traffic helps this Site, that's what I now understand and if you get more Traffic, the whole community benefits from that. Hosting this Site costs money. So does roads, hospitals and other stuff in general the City provides. If nobody pays it, we all are going down. And hey, it's not like i can't life decent from 3 Fourth of my Money. Since I am not a big Spender, I would say I have a good sum for rainy days too if something breaks and stuff.


Sounds about right, my biggest problems with them is that they always whine about complete non-issues. They don't say much when you bring up real issues that real people are facing, no they'd rather complain about the way women look in comic books and anime. Like, who cares? Is that how you plan on fighting for women's rights? Gimme a break you're not even doing anything lmao.


And yeah that's also true about the sims thing, i don't give a fuck about sims but from what i understand about the situation it's just spam that can be bypassed by simply going to the downloads section of any game, sort by new and boom there you go. But i think i remember suggesting in that thread early on that maybe new files section should be divided into each game and then miscellaneous games that anyone can actively toggle off or on in their profile settings. I don't care about sims stuff, so being able to turn off sims files from the new files feed could be the best solution. That way everyone gets what they want but, oh well.


24 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Cheers to that ?




24 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Well it's not like I won't do Khajiit scenes in my storys and that I won't do more beastality stuff in some chapters. (Especially in the other story I'm about to make.) So I couldn't be extremely judgy even if I wanted to.  Just some of the drawings.. Well let's not speak too much about it. Furrys are actually People i don't want to trash talk like I said. More power to them. Hope they can be happy. xD


I think in my mind i classify Khajit and Argonian scenes as bestiality, not sure why. Maybe it's because they're "beast races" and don't look odd somehow? Or maybe because i'm, biased towards them since i love Elder Scrolls as a whole. Or maybe it's just that most of the furry art i see is drawn very poorly so that gives me a weird feeling but yeah, i have zero issues with furries since most of them are still just regular people.


28 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Reading Erotic Comics and Manga actually helps with Blog Storys too.. I do read from time to times, even the more extreme stuff. Just to see "What dialogues to those fuckers use during sex. And mh.. Can I do something like this in skyrim too?" Usually the later takes so much Time that I usually don't do it..

Making a freaking Kissing scene align well takes needlessly more Time then just letting their brains out ? But this Tripodal Penetration I saw last Sunday.. That is something I might try ? And nope, Idiots actually tried it in a normal Porn. Who on earth.. Can somebody explain to me HOW it could be even remotely pleasant? Ya can't even MOVE! ?


XD the extremity comes in many flavors, not everyone will like the same ones. The "can't move" part is actually a plus within that kink. But yeah it's not for everyone, my friend is kinda bad at english so i help him with his grammar a lot in the DMs.


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29 minutes ago, gagemage said:

very much agree honestly on all points honestly. i do wish there was more self-thought involved because that’s how we innovate as humans, and i also wish people could know when it’s time to shut up when nobody asks or cares lol. but hey, humans are generally not known for their practical use of common sense.


Truuure. People need better priorities cause this shit is not working out. All progress will cause drama, but not all dramas are about progress.


32 minutes ago, gagemage said:

always do everything you can to protect your eyes, lest ye end up like me lol. i had 20/20 vision as a child with absolutely no cause for concern with my vision, but over the past several years it’s gotten very bad. thank you so much for the well wishes! :)


and these are great, i love blue light glasses like these and i use them a majority of the time as well as my computer’s nightlight. however when it comes to times that i need to see accurate color (drawing or texturing) i do have to take them off and turn the nightlight off as well. but those glasses are great, and they’re also good for protecting your eyes from being damaged even if you don’t have any damage already! they’ve spared me so many migraines. 


Yeah you're right, i need to be even more careful. Thank you. I haven't used much night mode stuff outside of my phone when using it at night but it does feel more relaxing, so good on you for doing everything possible to take care of your eyes. Be stronk mayne 3x.gif.a20a46f8d517d83ce7b826b22e38b945.gif

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1 hour ago, Mr. Otaku said:

That's how language works. Your generation did the same, the one before did the same and so on. All things evolve, trying to ascribe some kind of "dumbing down" based on people using shortened words online is simply silly.

I wrote that I see the use in texting... typing online can be seen as an extention of that. I refer to verbal speech. And no, my generation did not do as you suggest, and IF so, was no where to the extent of the present. Besides, even your example shows a change that came over several hundreds of years between example texts... and I have never heard that last one.


There have been, and are many shortennings of words, or use of acronyms that make sense. RADAR is one. Even TV... My husband's favorite is FUBAR.

1 hour ago, Gukahn said:

Try having a serious conversation with someone and say speak the Word Lol.. I wanted to loose my belt and punch the ever loving shit out of her..  (Which would've been even nastier then it sounds since I slept with her hours before.. ?) But yeah, after that i couldn't take her serious anymore. It's not just the younger Generation, mine does it too..

Probably just those who think talking silly as young do, makes them look cool.

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3 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

LMAO if your mom had future vision i think she may have done that, who knows XD

Yup but if she had that, I probably wouldn't be here ?  She would drowning in Bit Coin and Microsoft Money

At least, that what I would've done


4 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

That saying somehow makes the most sense and the least sense at the same time lel. But yeah i know what you mean, i'm not very strict about my diet either, i go out to drink and fuck very frequently, i just also do a lot of physical stuff to stay strong and in shape. As long as you're burning more calories than you're putting in you'll get in shape, after that you just need to maintain an equilibrium and that's it. I actually didn't like eating that much vegetables when i was a kid but my mom would force it down my throat so i had to eat them until i got used to it (i was kind of a mama's boy so that helped me a bit) and when i was really really young she'd do the "loook, airplane!!" thing XD

It's in Humans nature to be lazy when we can and do nonsense all the Time ?

I have a big Vaccation coming up, 3 Weeks for myself and since I don't plan to travel this year, might as well start working on my eating Habits and "train" myself to be a bit less lazy when it comes to diner preparations.

My Mom didn't force us to eat anything we didn't want. Eat or starve ? She was the "I throw him in the Pool, he will learn to swim on his own." Kind of Mom. Love that Women ?




8 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

Sounds about right, my biggest problems with them is that they always whine about complete non-issues. They don't say much when you bring up real issues that real people are facing, no they'd rather complain about the way women look in comic books and anime. Like, who cares? Is that how you plan on fighting for women's rights? Gimme a break you're not even doing anything lmao.


Especially about the fighting of rights.. They do realize most of the Things they "Fighting" For are already there right?

What I find most "entertaining" is that every time someone of them got a major or Minor Role in a Franchise, they act as if it's the first time.

*Gasp* a Black Super Hero! 

Let me introduce you to Blade.. Shaft (HE IS A SUPER HERO!) Steel (ok.. Best not.) and practically every single movie Role Samuel L. Jackson ever played Minus the one in Django. Guy is in every Role he plays super and most of the time a Hero ?  Well almost every Role.. They wasted him in a few Movies and I still wanna see a Nick Fury Movie.

Same for Women of course.. Every Time something comes up "GASP! Even if the Product is Shit. There are so fantastic Movies since the forever but nope, we gonna act like they don't exist.  I miss the simple Times..



9 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

And yeah that's also true about the sims thing, i don't give a fuck about sims but from what i understand about the situation it's just spam that can be bypassed by simply going to the downloads section of any game, sort by new and boom there you go. But i think i remember suggesting in that thread early on that maybe new files section should be divided into each game and then miscellaneous games that anyone can actively toggle off or on in their profile settings. I don't care about sims stuff, so being able to turn off sims files from the new files feed could be the best solution. That way everyone gets what they want but, oh well.


True. I don't care much about them either. There is maybe one Sim Blogger I watch from Time to Time to see what stuff they even have. That's it.

Never understood the Appeal to play it without adult mods either.


16 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:




And now say Fischers Fritz, fischt frische Fische :classic_angel:


Reminds me of how dark some german fairy tales are and how much fun they would be to make lewed skyrim versions of them.. Gonna throw a coin who will have the Honors to fuck Snow White and adult  Red Riding Hood ?Apart from the Werewolves..  Sleeping beauty.. Would be a Challenge.. Would've to make closed eye expressions for sex.. Gukahn, go get to that


21 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

I think in my mind i classify Khajit and Argonian scenes as bestiality, not sure why. Maybe it's because they're "beast races" and don't look odd somehow? Or maybe because i'm, biased towards them since i love Elder Scrolls as a whole. Or maybe it's just that most of the furry art i see is drawn very poorly so that gives me a weird feeling but yeah, i have zero issues with furries since most of them are still just regular people.

Dunno about that.. The Reason I like Orcs as an Idea is, that they look like Monsters. So Monsters with the ability to use human animations are a big Plus. But I can't really do much with them cause.. I really like oral in many forms, apart from Kissing. They ain't exactly made for stuff like that, same goes for Khajiit and Argonians. I mean I would do something like Tongue Stuff more often, but even now the Items are a Nightmare sometimes.. (we do have waaaay to few Mods like that.)

in my Mind, Khajiit and Argonians are more furry then beasts. I love Elder scrolls lore too and I know of the quadrillion sub species of Khajiit, (and gods know if we had those kitty Cats of Elsweyr in Skyrim, there would be a Tone of Animations for them xD) But still more Human then animal ? I do will have to make 2 Buff Khajiits someday tho.. I got a Scene in Mind.. A Naughty one.



26 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

XD the extremity comes in many flavors, not everyone will like the same ones. The "can't move" part is actually a plus within that kink.

? Really? If 2 Dudes out of 3 can't move, the only thing the Women feels is the one Dude that Can and an probably not so comfortable feeling while the Other Two try to process if rubbing their dicks together while they are in a Women would count as Gay sex or not ? I think it's at least Bi ?


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16 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Yup but if she had that, I probably wouldn't be here ?  She would drowning in Bit Coin and Microsoft Money

At least, that what I would've done


Or maybe you would be here, just richer and with different interests. The multiverse is real i say!


18 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

It's in Humans nature to be lazy when we can and do nonsense all the Time ?

I have a big Vaccation coming up, 3 Weeks for myself and since I don't plan to travel this year, might as well start working on my eating Habits and "train" myself to be a bit less lazy when it comes to diner preparations.

My Mom didn't force us to eat anything we didn't want. Eat or starve ? She was the "I throw him in the Pool, he will learn to swim on his own." Kind of Mom. Love that Women ?

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So all this time i was talking to a bird! This is insane, can you chirp?


(Lol nah fr though, i get what you mean. My mom was really soft on me in many ways yet also hard on me in other ways. She had the perfect balance, maybe that's why i have a complex for women that are iced/hard but also super warm/affectionate XD)


23 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Especially about the fighting of rights.. They do realize most of the Things they "Fighting" For are already there right?

What I find most "entertaining" is that every time someone of them got a major or Minor Role in a Franchise, they act as if it's the first time.

*Gasp* a Black Super Hero! 

Let me introduce you to Blade.. Shaft (HE IS A SUPER HERO!) Steel (ok.. Best not.) and practically every single movie Role Samuel L. Jackson ever played Minus the one in Django. Guy is in every Role he plays super and most of the time a Hero ?  Well almost every Role.. They wasted him in a few Movies and I still wanna see a Nick Fury Movie.

Same for Women of course.. Every Time something comes up "GASP! Even if the Product is Shit. There are so fantastic Movies since the forever but nope, we gonna act like they don't exist.  I miss the simple Times..


Oh dude yeah that shit was so annoying. I loved Black Panther, it was an excellent movie (despite the ps4 graphics ending fight, tf was that bruh?) but the way some people hyped it up like "this is literally a historic moment that a black superhero movie is being made" and i'm like, ya'll got no love for my boi Blade? And i think so many of their own stories are so bad because of that same over fixation on surface level physical identity, in their minds nothing is more important. It's one thing to say "it'd be great if a more diverse cast is utilized to make stories more multi-faceted and nuanced" but their approach is straight up obnoxious.


And then of course there are dipshits who say shit like "uhhhh why is there a blackie in my vidya gaems" and you just go "aight fuck it, fuck you all i'm outta here" XD


31 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

True. I don't care much about them either. There is maybe one Sim Blogger I watch from Time to Time to see what stuff they even have. That's it.

Never understood the Appeal to play it without adult mods either.


Understandable, the sims just isn't my kind of game i guess. Never saw the appeal.


34 minutes ago, Gukahn said:


And now say Fischers Fritz, fischt frische Fische :classic_angel:


Reminds me of how dark some german fairy tales are and how much fun they would be to make lewed skyrim versions of them.. Gonna throw a coin who will have the Honors to fuck Snow White and adult  Red Riding Hood ?Apart from the Werewolves..  Sleeping beauty.. Would be a Challenge.. Would've to make closed eye expressions for sex.. Gukahn, go get to that


Hey the only bit of German i know is "mein gott muss das sein so ein bockmist aber auch" and that's only because of Sebastian Vettel (absolute legend, he'll be missed) so i'm not in any position to say more complex german stuff lol.


If you make a mod around those fairy tales that'd be cool. Or maybe you can recommend me a few "darker" ones so that i can draw porn comics based around them. Should be fun i think.


37 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Dunno about that.. The Reason I like Orcs as an Idea is, that they look like Monsters. So Monsters with the ability to use human animations are a big Plus. But I can't really do much with them cause.. I really like oral in many forms, apart from Kissing. They ain't exactly made for stuff like that, same goes for Khajiit and Argonians. I mean I would do something like Tongue Stuff more often, but even now the Items are a Nightmare sometimes.. (we do have waaaay to few Mods like that.)

in my Mind, Khajiit and Argonians are more furry then beasts. I love Elder scrolls lore too and I know of the quadrillion sub species of Khajiit, (and gods know if we had those kitty Cats of Elsweyr in Skyrim, there would be a Tone of Animations for them xD) But still more Human then animal ? I do will have to make 2 Buff Khajiits someday tho.. I got a Scene in Mind.. A Naughty one.


That's interesting. The reason i find Orcs appealing is because they're basically "unrefined Elves" so that dynamic is pretty fun to work with. TES Orcs aren't like in medias where they look more like brainless barbarians, not saying that's a bad concept but i liked what TES in particular did with the concept of Orcs by making them "less animals" and just more "rough and tribal" if that makes sense.


I think i'll classify Khajits and Argonians the same way i classify aliens. Aliens to me aren't furry, even if they have fur on them or have some kind of animalistic design that resembles earth-like animals they're still aliens rather than humanoid animals. So that's my perspective at least. And since Khajits and Argonians don't suffer the "badly drawn deviantart furry art" problem i think i see them differently.


Me on my way to binge watch Fudgemuppet videos on the sextillion different kinds of Khajits in existence: *sped up industry baby playing in the background*




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55 minutes ago, TheLadysGhost said:

I wrote that I see the use in texting... typing online can be seen as an extention of that. I refer to verbal speech. And no, my generation did not do as you suggest, and IF so, was no where to the extent of the present. Besides, even your example shows a change that came over several hundreds of years between example texts... and I have never heard that last one.


There have been, and are many shortennings of words, or use of acronyms that make sense. RADAR is one. Even TV... My husband's favorite is FUBAR.


None of that changes my original point. Every generation evolves and changes the language they're using, your generation did it just like any other you just don't see it because it felt natural to you just like the current evolution feels natural to people my age. This is just a non-issue to fixate on. Your age group looked silly to your grandparents too, ain't nothing to it lol.

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3 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

Or maybe you would be here, just richer and with different interests. The multiverse is real i say!

Maybe ? Since i already have a thing for traveling, I would totally go on a big Trip each year.

You think there exists a Universe with a Version of me that like to clean? Would love to let that Guy visit form Time to Time ?

Or a female Version of me, so i can fuck myself (that's the Pris in me.. xD)


4 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

So all this time i was talking to a bird! This is insane, can you chirp?


(Lol nah fr though, i get what you mean. My mom was really soft on me in many ways yet also hard on me in other ways. She had the perfect balance, maybe that's why i have a complex for women that are iced/hard but also super warm/affectionate XD)


Sure but I'm more of a I shit on your Car Kinda Bird ?

my Parents gave us much freedom with the appropriate number of boundary's and strictness. Even think they could have been a bit more strict. Wouldn't have hurt 



4 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

Oh dude yeah that shit was so annoying. I loved Black Panther, it was an excellent movie (despite the ps4 graphics ending fight, tf was that bruh?) but the way some people hyped it up like "this is literally a historic moment that a black superhero movie is being made" and i'm like, ya'll got no love for my boi Blade? And i think so many of their own stories are so bad because of that same over fixation on surface level physical identity, in their minds nothing is more important. It's one thing to say "it'd be great if a more diverse cast is utilized to make stories more multi-faceted and nuanced" but their approach is straight up obnoxious.


And then of course there are dipshits who say shit like "uhhhh why is there a blackie in my vidya gaems" and you just go "aight fuck it, fuck you all i'm outta here" XD


Yeah, those 2 Extremes annoy the hell out of me. What does it to me if a good movie comes out and the Character doesn't look like me? I mean, almost every Actor doesn't resemble me in the slightest ? and since most of them are American, they ain't from my stock anyways. So what gives ?

(interesting tho, i have this kind of reaction with males in Porn. Silly as it sounds. I am a cock racist wtf)

At the end of the day, the story has to be good and executed right. Look at some of the shit Disney pulls the last years. Nothing really original anymore. They are just on repeat. No matter the Actors they hire.. It's almost only garbage. So i stick to old movies and series, if I even watch them. Usually more of a background noise anyways



4 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

Hey the only bit of German i know is "mein gott muss das sein so ein bockmist aber auch" and that's only because of Sebastian Vettel (absolute legend, he'll be missed) so i'm not in any position to say more complex german stuff lol.


If you make a mod around those fairy tales that'd be cool. Or maybe you can recommend me a few "darker" ones so that i can draw porn comics based around them. Should be fun i think.


If I could Mod I would do red riding Hood and stuff ?

And when it comes to dark fairy tales.. Every german fairy tale is dark in it's origin. Red Riding Hood? A rape story in it's core.

Sleeping beauty? Got raped by her own father the moment she got cursed and got even pregnant, I think the even gave Birth while sleeping.

Young mermaid? Bitch dies at the end.  but it's not german, it originated in  Denmark 


18 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

That's interesting. The reason i find Orcs appealing is because they're basically "unrefined Elves" so that dynamic is pretty fun to work with. TES Orcs aren't like in medias where they look more like brainless barbarians, not saying that's a bad concept but i liked what TES in particular did with the concept of Orcs by making them "less animals" and just more "rough and tribal" if that makes sense.


I think i'll classify Khajits and Argonians the same way i classify aliens. Aliens to me aren't furry, even if they have fur on them or have some kind of animalistic design that resembles earth-like animals they're still aliens rather than humanoid animals. So that's my perspective at least. And since Khajits and Argonians don't suffer the "badly drawn deviantart furry art" problem i think i see them differently.


Me on my way to binge watch Fudgemuppet videos on the sextillion different kinds of Khajits in existence: *sped up industry baby playing in the background*



Mh well yeah, they were Elves to begin with. What I like about them is their Culture and that if you don't make them the big rapists in your story you can have a shit tone of fun with calling some Characters Racist Looking at you Lydia! ?

Also i once had a pretty good Orc Preset.. I think I've lost it. Overwritten because i am stupid.. Like Jesus.. I Had to remake Jesus. Thankfully it was just a hair swap..


Mh Alien... Also something I wanna try someday. I mean I have so many exotic looking followers by now. One or two of them could very well be from another planet. ? Analprobe Lydia or DB? The other Girls would like it too much to make it funny.. Or tho.. That would be funny on it's own.


Have fun watching xD Getting too late for me to open the game, so I'm just gonna listen a bit music






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17 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

None of that changes my original point. Every generation evolves and changes the language they're using, your generation did it just like any other you just don't see it because it felt natural to you just like the current evolution feels natural to people my age. This is just a non-issue to fixate on. Your age group looked silly to your grandparents too, ain't nothing to it lol.

Well, opinions are as assholes, and yours is what it is... an attempt to justify social retardation of what I take from your words to be YOUR generation, by trying to say what "my" generation appeared as to my grandparents, not knowing a thing of what my generation is, nor the thoughts of my grandparents, while not being able to cite an example of any stupid word changes ever made by "my" generation, or any other. So, it's perfectly understandable to me that you would stand by your original statement, and ride that train....


Back to the Future - Train Crash michael j fox christopher lloyd back to the future part 3 GIF


Honestly, I only come to LL to enjoy all the train wrecks anyway...


Cry About It Popcorn Eating GIF - Cry About It Popcorn Eating Popcorn GIFs

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3 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Maybe ? Since i already have a thing for traveling, I would totally go on a big Trip each year.

You think there exists a Universe with a Version of me that like to clean? Would love to let that Guy visit form Time to Time ?

Or a female Version of me, so i can fuck myself (that's the Pris in me.. xD)


I think there's a universe where every possibility related to all of us is true as well as all the things outside of any possibility. So things that we can think of and not think of, possible and not possible. I know this sounds deranged and i'm not super serious about it but it's fun to think about, like time is branching every single zeptosecond into every single action that we would've taken and would not have taken at any given time.


I would loooove to meet my female version lol. Imagine the possibilities, sex with her would either be the most annoying thing in the world or the hottest thing in the world and if she's exactly like me then we'd never stop having sex at all XD


8 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Sure but I'm more of a I shit on your Car Kinda Bird ?

my Parents gave us much freedom with the appropriate number of boundary's and strictness. Even think they could have been a bit more strict. Wouldn't have hurt 


Yeah that makes sense, you are the shitter bird type. Good thing i have a motorbike instead of a car now so it's easier to clean at least, less surface to clean at least. My parents lived a very "unorthodox" life so they treated me much different from usual. My dad is chill one.


13 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Yeah, those 2 Extremes annoy the hell out of me. What does it to me if a good movie comes out and the Character doesn't look like me? I mean, almost every Actor doesn't resemble me in the slightest ? and since most of them are American, they ain't from my stock anyways. So what gives ?

(interesting tho, i have this kind of reaction with males in Porn. Silly as it sounds. I am a cock racist wtf)

At the end of the day, the story has to be good and executed right. Look at some of the shit Disney pulls the last years. Nothing really original anymore. They are just on repeat. No matter the Actors they hire.. It's almost only garbage. So i stick to old movies and series, if I even watch them. Usually more of a background noise anyways


I have never seen someone describe themselves as a cock racist lmao. But yeah i know what you mean about the other stuff, i don't even pay attention to a lot of the new media anyway since i spend more time on other things, and my partner watches a whole lot of east Korean and Japanese drama shows so even less so for disney stuff. Every now and then i'll take a look and go ehhh, maybe later XD


It's funny that the people who are overly fixated on diversity do diversity the least compelling way, like their methods are so shit. What gives them the authority to spout how this or that needs to be done? What have you done except ruin shit and produce garbage? Honestly lol.


18 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

If I could Mod I would do red riding Hood and stuff ?

And when it comes to dark fairy tales.. Every german fairy tale is dark in it's origin. Red Riding Hood? A rape story in it's core.

Sleeping beauty? Got raped by her own father the moment she got cursed and got even pregnant, I think the even gave Birth while sleeping.

Young mermaid? Bitch dies at the end.  but it's not german, it originated in  Denmark


Damn you guys do not hold back lmao. That is wild, i'll take a look at some more German fairy tails and see what catches my devious eyes. I love to do some dark shit with my comics, especially my friend who conditioned me to think even darker lol.


22 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Mh well yeah, they were Elves to begin with. What I like about them is their Culture and that if you don't make them the big rapists in your story you can have a shit tone of fun with calling some Characters Racist Looking at you Lydia! ?

Also i once had a pretty good Orc Preset.. I think I've lost it. Overwritten because i am stupid.. Like Jesus.. I Had to remake Jesus. Thankfully it was just a hair swap..


Mh Alien... Also something I wanna try someday. I mean I have so many exotic looking followers by now. One or two of them could very well be from another planet. ? Analprobe Lydia or DB? The other Girls would like it too much to make it funny.. Or tho.. That would be funny on it's own.


TES Orcs are more dynamic in that sense so i know what you mean, you can do a whole lot with them and swap all kinds of roles. Really interesting stuff. I don't know if there's any full alien mods for Skyrim though, but there are some unique looking succubus stuff that you can utilize in an alien way. So that's something, you can have them do a lot of wacky stuff and they can be funny.


25 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Have fun watching xD Getting too late for me to open the game, so I'm just gonna listen a bit music


I'm not watching right now lol, i was just empathizing that i watch their videos a lot and the Khajit variants video came out recently and was relevant to our topic. They make really good videos, nice to listen to when just lying around with my phone.

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30 minutes ago, TheLadysGhost said:

Well, opinions are as assholes, and yours is what it is... an attempt to justify social retardation of what I take from your words to be YOUR generation, by trying to say what "my" generation appeared as to my grandparents, not knowing a thing of what my generation is, nor the thoughts of my grandparents, while not being able to cite an example of any stupid word changes ever made by "my" generation, or any other. So, it's perfectly understandable to me that you would stand by your original statement, and ride that train....


That's not how... opinions work but alright you know what, go off. Go right off, blow that gasket right off. But the fact that languages evolve constantly is still true. Obviously "citing" would be difficult within just a few generations as language evolution is slow and it takes time for words to go obsolete and new words to be firmly established. That doesn't mean your generation didn't do the thing my generation is doing, but you just can't help but do the "urmmm kids are retarded now" routine that every retarded boomer sticks to any time their mindset is challenged and they get offended about it.


So no skin off my back. You don't just come here to "enjoy" trainwrecks, you come here to cause them and then cry about it yourself so it's ironic that you'd post a gif of Sarkisian with the "cry about it" text. Very facebook boomer style behavior.



Edited by Mr. Otaku
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8 minutes ago, TheLadysGhost said:

by trying to say what "my" generation appeared as to my grandparents, not knowing a thing of what my generation is, nor the thoughts of my grandparents, while not being able to cite an example of any stupid word changes ever made by "my" generation, or any other.

Your generation is irrelevant to @Mr. Otaku's point as his points are applicable to all generations.

Here in the UK each generation has its own collection of slang words for being drunk and few, if any, of them have any etymological connection to drink or alcohol.

Have you ever been 'Brahms' or 'Schindler's', or even 'elephant's'?

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3 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

think there's a universe where every possibility related to all of us is true as well as all the things outside of any possibility. So things that we can think of and not think of, possible and not possible. I know this sounds deranged and i'm not super serious about it but it's fun to think about, like time is branching every single zeptosecond into every single action that we would've taken and would not have taken at any given time.


I would loooove to meet my female version lol. Imagine the possibilities, sex with her would either be the most annoying thing in the world or the hottest thing in the world and if she's exactly like me then we'd never stop having sex at all XD

It's funny to think about it ? I would not like meeting a more succesfull me tho. Might be a selfish prick too proud of himself.. Might even be the first Guy I punch in a very, very long Time. Yup..


The sex Part.. Well, before you do it, we have to make something clear. Does it count as Masturbation or Incest? ? We at least need to know what taboo is broken here ? ya know? To tag the Videos right ?


6 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

I have never seen someone describe themselves as a cock racist lmao

Now you have :classic_angel:

6 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

But yeah i know what you mean about the other stuff, i don't even pay attention to a lot of the new media anyway since i spend more time on other things, and my partner watches a whole lot of east Korean and Japanese drama shows so even less so for disney stuff. Every now and then i'll take a look and go ehhh, maybe later XD


It's funny that the people who are overly fixated on diversity do diversity the least compelling way, like their methods are so shit. What gives them the authority to spout how this or that needs to be done? What have you done except ruin shit and produce garbage? Honestly lol.



Just a bunch of people wanting something but not able to put effort into making their own stuff OR not talented enough to do it so they demand from people in positions to do it. Must be fun for them, since the idiots even do it, multiple times even if there is no Money in it. That's something i can't understand. I mean I get it, you wanna widen your Audience and you stuff but.. They don't even read or watch their own shows and movies.. Most serious People don't even like the shit they talk, especially not (and here comes the real kicker.) Trans and Gay People with actual working brains. They must be embarrassed as hell since the whole shit started and I feel sorry for them. Nobody is gonna take them serious for the next 10 Years after the woke hype finally ends. Some Company's already started.

Thankfully, the worst Part of it didn't swap over.. A little bit yes, some annoying stuff yup but the worst parts aren't here and hopefully that stays that way. German Media are bad enough as they are.

Even our Porn is more funny then anything


11 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

Damn you guys do not hold back lmao. That is wild, i'll take a look at some more German fairy tails and see what catches my devious eyes. I love to do some dark shit with my comics, especially my friend who conditioned me to think even darker lol.

Ask the Brother Grimm what they smoked. I mean they actually searched for those Tales but I would love to know what they themselves edited out. I am almost sure Red Riding Hood was a Story about *Let's censor what everyone already knows or can guess. Don't need to name that stuff.'* and Rape until they changed it. Even surer that the Woodcutter was the actual villain in this story and that they just swapped it out with a Wolf.

If i remember correctly, everything Disney made into a movie has such a dark origin.. You think they could've made great Horror Movies out of it.

I like to do some darker stuff too, just not.. The right Cast right now ? the one Time i did it, almost fucked up my entire Idea.


16 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

ES Orcs are more dynamic in that sense so i know what you mean, you can do a whole lot with them and swap all kinds of roles. Really interesting stuff. I don't know if there's any full alien mods for Skyrim though, but there are some unique looking succubus stuff that you can utilize in an alien way. So that's something, you can have them do a lot of wacky stuff and they can be funny.

I actually used one of them in the other Blog ? Since i decided to scrap and redo it, I was happy to finally get rid of them. They look way to silly, even after altering their Bodys. First Time i looked at them.. I  couldn't take them serious, really.. I'm just gonna make an Alien if i can't find anything else. Especially their "Extra" Genitals in the one version.. Oh man..

(Funny if someone who just makes random Follower mods into succubus, actually avoids one of the few who actually describe their mod as a Succubi mod.)


19 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

I'm not watching right now lol, i was just empathizing that i watch their videos a lot and the Khajit variants video came out recently and was relevant to our topic. They make really good videos, nice to listen to when just lying around with my phone.

Touche. If think i might have watched a few recently. Kinda find the voice calming ?



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20 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

It's funny to think about it ? I would not like meeting a more succesfull me tho. Might be a selfish prick too proud of himself.. Might even be the first Guy I punch in a very, very long Time. Yup..


The sex Part.. Well, before you do it, we have to make something clear. Does it count as Masturbation or Incest? ? We at least need to know what taboo is broken here ? ya know? To tag the Videos right ?


Yeah i get what you mean, but there could also be dimensions where the more successful version of you is also more humble and kind which would make you look too proud instead lol. And some other universe where you're the king of the world with eternal youth and all the women wanna fuck you cause everything that can and can't happen is happening in another universe according to my theory (well not my theory but ya know) lmao.


I think it's neither unless you two have the exact same DNA build which would be weird given the opposite sex thing. But there's already a term/tag for that, it's selfcest. I just find the concept really hot. I don't know what her name would be though, a female version of my name would be... actually never mind i don't wanna go there, not here at least XD


20 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Now you have :classic_angel:


And i'll never forget it. Cock racist XD


20 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Just a bunch of people wanting something but not able to put effort into making their own stuff OR not talented enough to do it so they demand from people in positions to do it. Must be fun for them, since the idiots even do it, multiple times even if there is no Money in it. That's something i can't understand. I mean I get it, you wanna widen your Audience and you stuff but.. They don't even read or watch their own shows and movies.. Most serious People don't even like the shit they talk, especially not (and here comes the real kicker.) Trans and Gay People with actual working brains. They must be embarrassed as hell since the whole shit started and I feel sorry for them. Nobody is gonna take them serious for the next 10 Years after the woke hype finally ends. Some Company's already started.

Thankfully, the worst Part of it didn't swap over.. A little bit yes, some annoying stuff yup but the worst parts aren't here and hopefully that stays that way. German Media are bad enough as they are.

Even our Porn is more funny then anything


This tied back to what we talked about earlier, stuck up corporate types are out of touch and make bad business decisions. They don't care that they're losing money, they think it's still a good idea because they're "making a statement" which just boils down to "we don't care about any progressive values but we're gonna pretend we do so that we can feel righteous about ourselves". I'm friends with a ton, and i mean ton of lgbtq people due to circumstance and lifestyle but none of them ask for that shit so it really makes you wonder why do they still keep going, too blinded by ego.

Edited by Mr. Otaku
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14 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Ask the Brother Grimm what they smoked. I mean they actually searched for those Tales but I would love to know what they themselves edited out. I am almost sure Red Riding Hood was a Story about *Let's censor what everyone already knows or can guess. Don't need to name that stuff.'* and Rape until they changed it. Even surer that the Woodcutter was the actual villain in this story and that they just swapped it out with a Wolf.

If i remember correctly, everything Disney made into a movie has such a dark origin.. You think they could've made great Horror Movies out of it.

I like to do some darker stuff too, just not.. The right Cast right now ? the one Time i did it, almost fucked up my entire Idea.


Disney has always been the "family friendly" companies... even when they were mocking jews directly in their early animations because that was family friendly back then, yikes lmao. But yeah expecting Disney to do anything dark is just not gonna work, Some MCU stuff was pretty dark but that's only because Marvel Studios acted as a buffer and retained most of the control unlike with Star Wars that Disney had no resistance with. Oh well, it is what it is.


17 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

I actually used one of them in the other Blog ? Since i decided to scrap and redo it, I was happy to finally get rid of them. They look way to silly, even after altering their Bodys. First Time i looked at them.. I  couldn't take them serious, really.. I'm just gonna make an Alien if i can't find anything else. Especially their "Extra" Genitals in the one version.. Oh man..

(Funny if someone who just makes random Follower mods into succubus, actually avoids one of the few who actually describe their mod as a Succubi mod.)


I think given some lighting changes they can look pretty menacing, the scaly look is already there. I kinda like their designs though, very anime-esque in that sense. I find that hot but then again, i find a loooot of unconventional things hot so my bar is not very standard XD


19 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Touche. If think i might have watched a few recently. Kinda find the voice calming ?


Yeah those guys are honestly awesome. I love their videos, very informative and detailed but don't feel dragged out.


(By the way, if you're wondering why i replied in two parts, it's because i accidentally posted the first part of my post XD)

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1 hour ago, Mr. Otaku said:

That's not how... opinions work but alright you know what, go off. Go right off, blow that gasket right off. But the fact that languages evolve constantly is still true. Obviously "citing" would be difficult within just a few generations as language evolution is slow and it takes time for words to go obsolete and new words to be firmly established. That doesn't mean your generation didn't do the thing my generation is doing, but you just can't help but do the "urmmm kids are retarded now" routine that every retarded boomer sticks to any time their mindset is challenged and they get offended about it.


So no skin off my back. You don't just come here to "enjoy" trainwrecks, you come here to cause them and then cry about it yourself so it's ironic that you'd post a gif of Sarkisian with the "cry about it" text. Very facebook boomer style behavior.

Hilarious!!! Again, YOU wish to define me as "blowing a gasket", which infers I have some emotion, caused by your emotional response. Whining that you have nothing to cite as example of your assertions is again, hilarious, then blaming "a few generations", when my original statement was in concern for the wordy gurdy of just a single generation, with examples provided. I have more if you need them, but as you are part of that generation of abbreviated wordsmithing, I imagine you are fluent.




So yes, by definition, such behavior is leading to the retardation of your generation. That you again, wish that I am a "boomer", not having a clue of my age or background, where I come from, or anything about me, yet trying to say that YOUR ideas of those things are true because... well, you backed yourself in a corner with your baby teeth snarling in fear and resentment when you began taking shots at a simple statement that I made, regarding what was on my mind.


As for causing a train wreck, I just laid the track... you laid on it. ? My work is done here.


No need to bother responding at all to that other person. He'll just continue trolling until someone else plays with him. 

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First managerial casualty of the season as Bournemouth sack head coach Scott Parker after four games. ?

Meanwhile United still spending money like a drunken sailor. Six(?) signings made and rumours of more before the window closes on Thursday. ?



Scott Parker dismissed for disastrous taste in cardigans

Scott Parker gets the sack


Edited by Grey Cloud
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1 hour ago, Mr. Otaku said:

@TheLadysGhost Alright to sum it up for the second time, everything you said is stupid and your behavior is dumb.

Well spoken, well said.... Thus my pic 2 posts up. Thanks for proving my point, that you, in particular, as well as many on LL, can't find "words" other than the most base, to express yourself. What I see when I read your blabbling...


Monkey Poop GIF by Kate

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4 minutes ago, TheLadysGhost said:

Well spoken, well said.... Thus my pic 2 posts up. Thanks for proving my point, that you, in particular, as well as many on LL, can't find "words" other than the most base, to express yourself. What I see when I read your blabbling...


Monkey Poop GIF by Kate


I love how you ignored the fact that my real post got fucking removed by one of your moderator buddies. You would've seen plenty of words explaining in details why everything you said is beyond dumb if it wasn't removed.


But it's great that you posted a gif of yourself finally. Dumb honesty is still honesty : D 

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1 hour ago, Mr. Otaku said:

I love how you ignored the fact that my real post got fucking removed by one of your moderator buddies. You would've seen plenty of words explaining in details why everything you said is beyond dumb if it wasn't removed.


But it's great that you posted a gif of yourself finally. Dumb honesty is still honesty : D 

It was probably removed, because you are incapable of using words, not either made up, or vulgar. Not my fault that you, and those like you, do not know how to find words to express yourself in a coherant manner. As stated, again, in my original post regarding what was on my mind, what apparently is (taken from your apparent offense) your generation is suffering from social retardation of some level, brought by your inability to use words.


As for my "moderator buddies", take note that I removed all of my TS3 content and deleted my old account, a little over 6 months ago, because of decisions made by admin and staff here, regarding what I consider "the boys club of LL". Doubt any are defending me, more likely that YOU (can't take responsibilty generation) crossed even an LL line with your comment. So one more time for the truly slow among us (time for you to find a good reflective surface), please stop making a fool of yourself over my post. I never asked for your input, and as you continue to prove my point, perhaps seeking counseling should be something for you to consider... that or go scream at the sky. 


I have seen PeeWee Herman. The "I know you are, but what am I" defense is again, one more of the many signs of the retardation and de-evolution I first spoke of.


train crash GIFs Search | Find, Make & Share Gfycat GIFs

Edited by TheLadysGhost
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13 minutes ago, TheLadysGhost said:

It was probably removed, because you are incapable of using words, not either made up, or vulgar. Not my fault that you, and those like you, do not know how to find words to express yourself in a coherant manner. As stated, again, in my original post regarding what was on my mind, what apparently is (taken from your apparent offense) your generation is suffering from social retardation of some level, brought by your inability to use words.


As for my "moderator buddies", take note that I removed all of my TS3 content and deleted my old account, a little over 6 months ago, because of decisions made by admin and staff here, regarding what I consider "the boys club of LL". Doubt any are defending me, more likely that YOU (can't take responsibilty generation) crossed even an LL line with your comment. So one more time for the truly slow among us (time for you to find a good reflective surface), please stop making a fool of yourself over my post. I never asked for your input, and as you continue to prove my point, perhaps seeking counseling should be something for you to consider... that or go scream at the sky. 


I have seen PeeWee Herman. The "I know you are, but what am I" defense is again, one more of the many signs of the retardation and de-evolution I first spoke of.


train crash GIFs Search | Find, Make & Share Gfycat GIFs


Ah ffs you're like a broken record, no it was probably removed by one of your friends because i rightfully called out how idiotic your comments are. Selective moderation is rampant in here, reminds me of that moderator guy i had a massive beef with which costed him his position, can't remember his name though. But anyway, i don't give a single fuck what you did with your account, none of my business. And nobody cares if you ask for an input, you're online anybody can respond to you.


So in short, your positions are dumb and you can't win without your friends deleting my posts. It's like arguing with someone with a mic, ya'll are washed up hags rambling at the younger people over the smallest shit imaginable, just like the generations before you did to you. 3x.png.eff0ca38b247143ab3828361eddb6a6c.png3x.png.eff0ca38b247143ab3828361eddb6a6c.png3x.png.eff0ca38b247143ab3828361eddb6a6c.png3x.png.eff0ca38b247143ab3828361eddb6a6c.png



Edited by Mr. Otaku
Make a post without a typo challenge (Impossible)
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