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A Live Another Life plugin with Sexlab and Sexlab-mods integration
Last updated: January 19, 2018
For the latest changes, see THIS POST.


This mod adds some new Alternate Start scenarios using Arthmoor's Live Another Life mod. Many scenarios also require other Sexlab mods, but these are soft requirements; that is, you can play this mod without them, though you won't get access to those scenarios without the associated mod installed.
Most of these are sexlab-based starts, i.e. many have specific sexual content, and others indirectly reference sexual content.


What are the scenarios?
Select "I am a character in a dark tale..." to begin.

I didn't feel like retyping the entire scenario list, so I just put it in a PDF file. Sorry for the inconvenience.

scenario list.pdf


What are the requirements of this mod?
Not listed: each mod's sub-requirements. For example, Sexlab requires SKSE, ASLAL requires Skyrim Legendary, etc.

  • Alternate Start - Live Another Life 3.1.4 or newer. This is a hard requirement, the mod will not function without it.
  • Sexlab 1.61b or newer. This is a hard requirement, the mod will not function without it.
  • Fuz Ro D-oh. This is a soft requirement. Without it, the mod will work, but the unvoiced dialogue will scroll by way too fast.
  • EZ2C Dialogue Menu and/or Better Dialogue Controls. This is a soft requirement that fixes the vanilla Skyrim bug where dialogue options would not appear if there were too many in the list.

Other mods may be required for some scenarios, or give optional content. See the scenario list .pdf file above.

Here are some handy links:



How do I install, update, and uninstall this mod?
To install or update, just copy and paste into your data directory, overwriting as necessary.
To uninstall, it's easiest to just delete the .esp file. It's not a bad idea to delete all files starting with "ccas" in your scripts directory too.
Uninstalling mid-game will cause some serious problems if you haven't been to Helgen yet for ASLAL's "Rumors of War" quest. If you've been to Helgen, uninstalling mid-game *should* be fine.


Known bugs, mod conflicts, and troubleshooting tips:
General troubleshooting tips:

  • If you're using any of the following mods, try disabling them: JUGS, Eternal Darkness Redone, ImprovementInn, OBIS, Genesis, Maria Eden, Skyrim Unbound, Populated Skyrim.
  • If you're using the Chaurus Breeder scenario, make sure to activate and fully configure EC+ before you sleep in the LAL bed. Ideally, you'll be saving the game, exiting, and reloading it before even talking to the Mara statue.
  • Make sure you've fully set up all of your MCM settings from all other mods before sleeping in the LAL bed. This is particularly important for Sexlab, Apropos, and Estrus Chaurus, but is good advice for all your mods.
  • Make sure that Live Another Life is very low in your load order, ideally just before LAL mods (like CCAS), bashed patches, TES5Merged patch, etcetera. LOOT generally does a good job at sorting these mods.
  • If you've been using an older save in the starting cell, that could cause problems - try beginning a brand new game instead.
  • If you're using Mod Organizer or another mod manager, that might be the cause of some issues. I recommend manually installing just to be on the safe side.
  • Make sure you're using EZ2C or Better Dialogue Controls (or both) or some other mod that fixes the vanilla engine bug with dialogue (NB: USKP or USLEEP does not fix this bug). If you plain don't want to use a mod like that, try using the arrow keys instead of the mouse in the dialogue menu.
  • If you're having a common problem where you sleep in the LAL bed, the screen fades to black, and fades back in and nothing appears to have happened, try jdough's fix.
  • Note that the Giant Offering, Soulgem Oven, Chaurus Egg Breeder, Expectant Mother, and Egg Factory scenarios can take several seconds for everything to finish initializing after sleeping in the LAL bed.
  • If you try all of that and still nothing is working, attach a copy of your papyrus log (instructions can be found here) and I'll see if I can find anything relevant in it. A copy of your load order may also help. To keep the support thread clean, please don't just paste the text directly in your post - put it in a spoiler tag or attach it as a text file instead.

This is the sequence of events I generally follow when starting a new game:

  1. Start Skyrim, start a new game.
  2. Wait for everything to cool down before doing anything. This can take a while, depending on how many mods you have installed. Generally about a minute or so. A good rule of thumb is to wait for all of the debug.notifications (the messages that pop up in the upper-left corner of the screen) to go away.
  3. Set up the Sexlab MCM.
  4. Wait for Sexlab to be fully configured and all of its debug.notifications to go away.
  5. Save the game, exit Skyrim.
  6. Go back in and load. You may notice some new notifications and MCM menus popping in, depending on your mod setup. This is normal.
  7. Set up everything in all of your MCM menus.
  8. Repeat steps 5 - 7 until everything is set up properly. This may require multiple game saves and exits (but see the note below).
  9. Speak to the Mara statue, select a scenario.
  10. Sleep in the LAL bed.
  11. Play the game.

NB: It isn't actually necessary to save and exit every time. In fact, it's only necessary to do it once, and only if you're using those few mods that do stuff on game load rather than game start (such as Estrus Chaurus for example). But it's not a bad habit to get into.


NB: Also, take a look at this. This is good advice, unless you're using a Wrye Bashed Patch that has the "Merge Patch Mods into Bashed Patch" flagged, because doing it this way can fool Skyrim into actually thinking that some mods have been disabled when they haven't really. When in doubt, uncheck the "merge patches" flag when making a bashed patch.


More in-depth notes and information:

  • If you are using any mods that heavily modify any of the starting areas, you may experience problems.
  • Mods that may conflict include JUGS, Eternal Darkness Redone, and ImprovementInn. These conflicts are generally harmless, but will prevent the scenario from working properly.
  • Mods that add numerous NPCs to the world such as Populated Skyrim, OBIS, Genesis, etc. may conflict with some scenarios. These conflicts are generally harmless, but may present problems getting around in crowded areas, or having some NPCs be inexplicably hostile.
  • Older versions of CCAS had potential conflicts with SkyTEST, Combat Evolved, Deadly Combat, etc. and the various Creature Slave scenarios, causing creatures to be aggressive. This problem should be fixed now, but if you notice problems with hostile creature masters, try disabling those mods and then retest.
  • Maria Eden, Skyrim Unbound, and other alternate start mods will conflict with LAL, and by extension, CCAS. CCAS includes a Maria Eden scenario, but the two may not play nicely together. Be warned. Mods that plug in to LAL should be completely fine.
  • The bandit by the levers in the Bandit Honeypot start will still ask you for a toll. There's nothing I can do about that without breaking compatibility with some other mods.
  • Skooma whore start: It doesn't make much sense if you're using anything under version 1.0. It works fine, but some of the dialogue is a bit off.
  • Note on the Chaurus Breeder scenario: You must activate and fully configure EC+ before you sleep in the LAL bed. This may require saving the game and reloading while still in the starting jail cell, because the EC+ menu requires a game load to activate.
  • The beginning cell in the Aspiring Mage start has a number of cracks in the floor and walls. I cannot fix it - the pieces of the level are placed exactly right, yet still the cracks persist. This is only a visual problem and does not impact gameplay at all.
  • This mod needs to go after ASLAL in your load order, and should really go as low as possible, and certainly below any of the mods it references.My personal load order puts it right before the Bashed Patch and TES5Merged patch (i.e. as low as possible).
  • If you are having a problem where only a few scenarios are showing up in dialogue: This is a vanilla engine bug. There is nothing I can do about it directly. However, installing the EZ2C dialogue Menu mod will fix the problem. If you don't want to do that, you might be able to get to the other options by using your arrow keys instead of the mouse.
  • Make sure you're using the latest version of this mod.
  • If you're still having problems, following the instructions here, please post your Papyrus log. That'll probably help me figure out what the problem is. Posting your load order can also help me determine any possible problems and solutions.
  • Make sure you have updated all of the requisite mods to their latest versions. Especially LAL!
  • Make sure you have updated all of these mods' own prerequisites too.
  • Many starts require specific mods to be installed or you won't get them. For example, you won't see the "expectant mother" start unless you have Beeing Female installed. Other mods integrate content in an optional fashion - for example, the creature slave scenarios will make use of SD+ if you have it.
  • It is recommended that you place this mod as low as possible on your load order. That should help minimize conflicts and may also help fix the "no starts are happening" bug.
  • To minimize conflicts, bugs, and the like, it is best to save your game when starting, before talking to the Mara statue, thenexit, then reload the game. That will help ensure that all mods are loaded properly.
  • It is not a good idea to keep a save in the starting cell and re-use it when I update this mod. There will be problems if you do that, with dialogue and with starting scenarios.
  • If you're getting a common problem where sleeping in the LAL bed causes the screen to fade to black and fade back in without anything happening, try JDough's fix (LINK).



skyrimll, bane_master, and Kazyn for invaluable assistance.
Dentarr, darkconsole, bane_master, jfraser, skyrimll, docclox, and arthmoor for their mods.
skyrimll, jfraser, jordisslave, thermius, and bane_master for beta testing.

All of my other CCAS beta testers, without whom I probably wouldn't have gotten v14 out for at least another six months.
Any other mod authors I'm adding piecemeal.
Everyone who tolerates my pointless and excessively wordy dialogue.
Everyone who tolerates my buggy-ass mods. :classic_wink:

http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64440  Real Bows by DecimusMaximus
http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/85497  Apepi's Art Assets by ApepiofDuat
http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/77097  Witcher 3 Mega Resource Pack by LorSakyamuni
http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57113  Amulets of Skyrim by UNI00SL
http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68755  Modder's Resource Pack - Witcher Extension by Oaristys
http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16525  Modder's Resource Pack by Oaristys
http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65268  Ogre statue by GenunDrup
http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70312  Skull Throne by Cyphe
http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13061  UNP Jewelry by Petrovich
http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25431  Quarterstaff by JZBai


A note to mod authors:
If CCAS provides a starting scenario for your mod, you might be interested to know that as of v12 I've added a storageutil variable called ccas_scenario that tracks which scenario was used to start the game. The integer of the variable is the same as the value given on the download page for CCAS, in the scenarios list. For example, the script for the Aspiring Mage scenario begins like this:
-- debug.trace("CCAS Quest: 390 Aspiring Mage",0)
-- ccas_globalstart.setvalue(390)
-- storageutil.setintvalue(none, "ccas_scenario", 390)
-- SetObjectiveDisplayed(390)
This will help if you, for whatever reason, wish to find out if your mod was used to start the game, or whatever other purpose you might put to it.


Frequently Anticipated Questions


Q: I'm having a problem with this mod or I have found a bug.
A: That is certainly possible. Leave a comment in the support thread and I'll get back to you. I can't guarantee I can fix a problem, but I'll do my best. :classic_smile: But before you do, please check out the Known bugs, mod conflicts, and troubleshooting tips section on this page.


Q: I have a question about this or any other mod. Should I PM you?
A: No, please. Use the support thread. That's what it's there for.


Q: Can I suggest <start>?
A: Sure! I can't guarantee it'll make it into the mod, but if I like the idea I'll certainly try!


Q: Can I translate your mod?
A: Certainly! I didn't write it with any sort of translation in mind, though, and I do tend to use American English idioms and phrasing, so... good luck! Go ahead and post your translation in the support thread and I will link to it in the OP. Also note that I do tend to update my mods in a fairly irregular fashion, so you might need to re-translate from time to time. Sorry.


Q: Can I or you upload this to another site?
A: Nope. I don't personally have anything against other sites, but this mod requires Sexlab so it's staying right here on Loverslab. If you write a translation, I'd appreciate it if you'd post it in the support thread instead of putting it on a different site, but if you do I'd at least like a link to the other site please.



  • Submitted
  • Category
  • Requires
    Sexlab, Live Another Life, Fuz Ro D-oh, EZ2C Dialogue Menu, and other -optional- requirements listed on this page
  • Special Edition Compatible


Link to comment


Note: Only the most recent version is available to download. Previous versions available upon request (except v1, which seems to have gotten lost somewhere, and v11, which seems to have been corrupted during a recent server problem.


Full Changelog for v14c:

  • Fixed bad mod detection for Prison Overhaul patches
  • Fixed bad quest objective refs for escaped slave scenarios
  • Fixed bad devious device setting for Escaped Slave - Reach scenario
  • Fixed Master Bane's dialogue (removed "say once" flag)
  • Fixed some bad forcegreet and dialogue conditions in the Expectant Mother scenario
  • Potential fix for a problem with Anise causing a spriggan event
  • Removed Family Ties scenarios from the Surprise Me option
  • Added quest pointers in the Expectant Mother scenario
  • Added a semirandom SD+ master option in the enslaved submenu (not fully tested)



    I know it's a pain in the ass to redo all your MCM settings every time you start a new game, but it's almost guaranteed to cause problems with some mods if you don't. Saving early, i.e. just before talking to the Mara statue, might seem like a good idea, because you haven't really played the game yet - but Skyrim doesn't see it that way. Once you press "new game" from the main menu, stuff is already baked into your save, and it doesn't matter whether you've only been in a jail cell for ten seconds or played for twenty hours. Think about it - once you're in the LAL cell, it's just like if you started the game without LAL and are in the cart on your way to Helgen. You may not have done anything yet, but you have definitely started the game. And most mods initialize everything right when you start the game.
    Keeping a save in the LAL cell is perfectly fine only under these conditions:
    • You do not remove any mods between uses of that save.
    • You do not update any mods between uses of that save.
    • You do not add any mods between uses of that save, unless the added mod is a] at the end of your load order (i.e. you don't change the order of your mods), and b] the added mod doesn't interfere with the working of any other mods.
    • Basically, keeping a save in the LAL cell is fine only if you don't touch your load order at all. Since you're only level 1, there should also be no problems with using showracemenu to change your race at this point. *
    * probably.
    NB: Updating a mod might not seem as bad as removing one, and in general this is true, but sometimes updates delete, change, or remove things that are already baked into the game. This will lead to the same problem as if you had removed the mod. Updates that only add things are fine, but good luck finding one of those - even a simple "added a new bit of dialogue" will be altering current trees in order to link it properly.
    Sorry, using script cleaners don't guarantee that problems will go away. They can help, sure, but they're not magic fix-all solutions.
    And remember, instabilities in your game often build up over time, so just because everything seems normal now doesn't mean it'll still be normal when you hit level 10 a few hours from now.
    Changelog for older versions:
    • Reorganized the mara statue dialogue menus. Hopefully this is a little better...
    • Added a "back to previous menu" option in all submenus
    • Added a new submenu to root - escaped slave, where you can pick a hold to start out in. Requires the latest DD version for the optional DD content.
    • Moved the Red Wave dialogue option under the Prostitute submenu.
    • Changed Bandit Honeypot scenario, now requires Bandit Honeypot mod (WIP/beta)
    • Enabled the Trapped In Rubber scenario
    • Removed SD+ requirement for Alicia and Dibellan Sisterhood.
    • Added a "must be Nord race" requirement to the Ancient Nord Queen scenario (must be female, nord, and have sexlab stories installed). These requirements are subject to change.
    • Removed Estrus Chaurus requirement for the Chaurus Egg Breeder scenario (is an optional extra).
    • Changed SD+ requirement to Sexlab Stories requirement for the Chaurus Egg Breeder scenario.
    • Removed SD+ requirement from the Falmer Slave scenario (is an optional extra like all the SD+ enslavement scenarios) - note that the falmer may, in rare cases, be permanently hostile without it
    • Fixed an array out of bounds error in the Surprise Me option (thanks skyrimll for catching that)
    • Added the missing storageutil call to the Surprise Me option.
    • A couple of changes to the Mara dialogue - typos, order issues, etc.
    • Red Wave now moved back from Prostitute submenu into Miscellaneous submenu. I think it probably makes more sense this way...
    • Giant Offering and Egg Factory scenarios moved to "none/optional requirements" submenu.
    • Added Family Ties submenu and scenarios
    • Added an Enslaved to a Seeker scenario (SD+ optional).
    • Added an Enslaved to a Lurker scenario (SD+ optional).
    • Added Reikling Shaman scenario (WIP/beta)
    • Added a missing Inn Prostitute scenario (Ragged Flagon in Riften)
    • Added some barebones "Beastess" scenarios under Miscellaneous. Requires Beastess Lairs.
    • Added a new Chaurus Slave scenario (SD+) because of the changes to the current Egg Breeder scenario.
    • Added some new mechanics to the Witch of the Wilds scenario, new crafting benches, and new recipes. Like Bandit Honeypot, this may eventually work its way into a separate mod.
    • Witch of the Wilds now sets SD+ spriggan infection to zero when starting. This can be changed in the MCM.
    • Moved the Witch of the Wilds scenario out of Anise's cellar. The cave entrance/exit is now in the Rift. Cleaned up the basement and removd all my changes.
    • Fixed a bug where the quest would not complete properly in the Soulgem Incubator scenario.
    • Moved the "wrong way" trigger box in the Soulgem Incubator scenario closer to the starting area.
    • Prevented Necromancers and some undead from being permanently friendly if taking the "bad" ending route in Soulgem Incubator.
    • Added patrol markers to the Dark Counselor so he wouldn't get too busy playing with alchemy to stop the player in the Soulgem Incubator scenario
    • Fixed the Dark Counselor's voice
    • Updated Egg Factory scenario for the newest version
    • Fixed bad faction properties in the Egg Factory scenario
    • Fixed a typo in the Egg Factory Cultist's journal.
    • Egg Factory is now modevent-driven, meaning Egg Factory is actually an optional extra for the scenario.
    • Egg Factory modevents also used in some other scenarios where appropriate. Beware possible complications with other node alteration mods, as always.
    • Completely reworked the Expectant Mother scenario from the ground up. This includes all dialogue, stages, locations, etc. Hopefully this won't be quite so buggy now.
    • Moved creature masters a bit farther away from the player, so script lag hopefully won't cause player damage or death.
    • Added some minor things to the creature cell.
    • Messed with the lighting in the creature start cell. Should be a bit better now, I hope.
    • Added some missing navmesh in the creature cell (deliberately left some out though for testing).
    • Moved the Falmer Slave scenario (standard SD+ enslavement) location to the creature cell.
    • Moved the Spider scenario (SD+, not Arachnophobia) to the creature cell. Cleaned up blackreach.
    • Added an extra Sabre Cat and Bear to the creature cell.
    • Stripped out everything but the additem and modevent calls in the Egg Breeder scenario. This will prevent conflicts and extra script time with the new version of Stories/Parasites.
    • Reworked Giant faction and slavetats effect. Should prevent conflicts with other mods in the Giant Offering scenario. Note - this scenario now uses custom giants, which means they will not be affected by any other mods that affect normal giants.
    • Moved the SD+ Giant Slave start to Guldun Rock with a new master to prevent conflicts with the Giant Offering scenario. NB: This may or may not work properly as I have used a vanilla giant template with no aggro warning/attack settings. In practice, this *should* mean that your master is fine, but other giants will still attack you if you get too close (?). Note that since this is a templated actor with no alterations except the aggro settings, all other mods that alter giants should work.
    • Added missing goodbye flag on Dremora's dialogue in the Aspiring Mage scenario
    • A couple of (fairly minor) changes to the Maze of Oblivion cells.
    • Added some more potions to the player's starting inventory in the Aspiring Mage scenario.
    • Fixed some bad object alignment issues in the Maze of Oblivion cells.
    • Added patrol markers to the Whiterun guard in the XPO scenario so he doesn't just sit in one place all day doing nothing. Users might not ever notice this unless they specifically use that scenario and even then only after getting out of prison.
    • Moved starting location for Prison Overhaul closer to Whiterun
    • Added a small item to the Inn Prostitute scenarios
    • Fixed a typo in one of the Inn Prostitute scenarios
    • Moved starting location for the Alicia scenario out of the prison (currently uses a forsworn camp).
    • Changed SD+ parasite events to Kyne's Blessing events
    • Added Kyne's Blessing parasites events (optional as always) to some scenarios where appropriate
    • Family Ties (orphan) triggers the entry scene of the orphanage when exiting the punishment room.
    • Fixed a bug that could prevent SD+ quests (notably, Enslaved to a Creature quests) from closing properly. Note that this fix will undo any changes players have made to their SD+ dreamworld setting.
    • Changed Alicia journal entry
    • Fixed a broken mod detection/requirement - Scenario 210 (brood maiden) now requires Sexlab Parasites instead of Sexlab Stories.
    • Fixed the Skooma Whore cleanup script from triggering a debug trace whenever you'd enter the area around the worker's house in Mixwater Mill regardless of whether or not you're using that scenario.
    • Fixed a partially broken script in the Aspiring Mage scenario when talking to Urulaaska-Shun.
    • Fixed the Forsworn scenario actor forcegreeting the player during the game if you didn't select that scenario to start.
    • Changed the Orc Master (SD+ enslavement) to an orc at Bilegulch Mine
    • Removed the bow and thorn rake (sword) from the Spriggan Host entry scenario, as skyrimll is adding them to the next version of Stories anyway. Kept the arrows though, because I like the look of the Riekling gear. :smile:
    • Fixed a problem with mixed up Kynesgrove/Candlehearth Inn Prostitute scenarios.
    • Changed the starting area in the Aspiring Mage scenario.
    • Removed the unnecessary (and possibly buggy) trigger outside Chillwind Depths.
    • Added a spell to teleport you back to the Dark Retreat for the Succubus scenarios.
    • Fixed missing goodbye flag on sex option in Succubus scenarios.
    • Cleaned up .esp of unused items, spells, packages, globals, NPCs, etc. Players hopefully won't notice any difference, but it makes me happier.
    • Deleted some unused meshes from the archive. Players hopefully won't notice any difference, but the archive should be a tad smaller now.
    • Fixed numerous USLEEP overwrites... except the damnable Moldering Ruins issues. End users probably won't really notice anything, but take pleasure in the knowledge that CCAS is now (mostly) USLEEP-compatible.
    • Renamed a lot of the topic information form scripts. Players won't notice any difference, but my sanity does.
    • Changed how sexlab stats are seeded. Now 33% more better goodness!
    • Added Apropos wear and tear seeding to all scenarios, if your apropos settings allow for W&T and after effects textures.
    • Removed invalid race check. It's a resource hog and is too easy to bypass, making it mostly pointless.
    • Fixed some missing/bad quest objectives
    • Added missing north markers to some interiors
    • Added some of actors to the Sexlab Forbidden faction. Should prevent enslavement, random sex, and sexist/derogatory comments.
    • Added a modevent for Solstheim scenarios configurations. Hopefully players won't notice any difference.
    • Updated book: Parasites volume 1 with new parasite
    • Probably a few more things I've forgotten...






    • Added a Witch scenario (under CCAS Only). This required editing Anise's cellar, so any mods that also edit that cell will conflict. As a side-effect, fixed the issue with Anise being hostile to her own slave if the player enters her cellar (when using the SD+ Enslaved to Anise scenario).
    • Minor graphical changes to the Succubus starting cell
    • Fixed a Surprise Me bug where you were much more likely to get Vampire Larder, Bandit Honeypot, and Forsworn Captive scenarios
    • Deleted creature dialogue. It caused too many problems and didn't add enough to justify its existence.
    • Minor fix to the waterfalls in the creature den
    • Finished up the expansion to the Soulgem Incubator scenario. Now it doesn't kill you dead!






    v12 beta




    Removed a bunch of unused properties from various scripts.

    Deleted some unused globals.

    Cleaned up the ccas_handler quest script.

    Cleaned up some unnecessary testing dialogue in the Expectant Mother scenario.

    Fixed a potential conflict between Succubus starts and Sexlab Hormones

    Fixed "surprise me" option picking invalid scenarios. Special thanks to skyrimll and jfraser for this!

    Fixed the missing Things in the Dark scenario

    Fixed Sabre Cat "master" not triggering sex properly

    Fixed Soulgem Oven option appearing for people who don't have Soulgem Oven (requirement added back in)

    Fixed the magic wall and door guard appearing for people who didn't use the Vampire Larder start.

    Fixed "objective 360" error for prostitute starts.

    Fixed a really stupid weather change script on the creature starts. Derp.

    Fixed a missing goodbye flag for the Angrim's Apprentice scenario mara dialogue

    Changed ambient lighting in the Creature Den cell - a little brighter now.

    Changed Bregha the Small's scale back up to 1.0 to stop his head from bobbing around like a pigeon.

    Enabled SD+ slavery option for Sabre Cat and Bear starts (optional)

    Changed several SD+ slavery scenarios to SD+ Optional. These scenarios will use SD+ if present but do not technically require it.

    -- Sabre Cat, Bear, Meeko, Wolf Bitch, Troll Toy, Orc Warrior, Anise.

    -- Other SD+ scenarios still require SD+ because without it creatures are automatically hostile (hagraven, drelas, etc).

    Moved Sabre Cat and Bear under the "I've been enslaved!" header.

    Moved all native scenarios (those without any requirements) under a separate header. Hopefully this will help fix the problem with too many options not showing up.

    Added SD+ and Stories requirements to Alicia and Dibella starts (in anticipation of a future update for those scenarios)

    Added Egg Factory scenario

    Switched Falmer master to Chaurus master in the "Egg Breeder" scenario.

    Shelethys (the midwife from the Expectant Mother scenario) should only appear if you use that scenario.

    Messed with the forcegreet packages for the bear and sabre cat masters - now the animal should only demand sex once a day and never if they are an SD+ master.

    Added Troll, Wolf, and Giant non-SD+ dialogue (same as bear and sabre cat masters).

    Expanded Soulgem Incubator scenario (currently unfinished and partly broken)

    Fixed Angrim's Apprentice showing up when choosing "surprise me" when that mod is not installed

    For modders: Added a storageutil variable called ccas_scenario that tracks which scenario was used to start the game. The integer of the variable is the same as the value given on the download page for CCAS, in the scenarios list. For example, the script for the Aspiring Mage scenario begins like this:

    -- debug.trace("CCAS Quest: 390 Aspiring Mage",0)

    -- ccas_globalstart.setvalue(390)

    -- storageutil.setintvalue(none, "ccas_scenario", 390)

    -- SetObjectiveDisplayed(390)

    This will help if you, for whatever reason, wish to find out if your mod was used to start the game.






    • Updated Parasites of Skyrim book with a couple of new parasites.
    • Split Parasites of Skyrim into four different volumes. Should be easier on the game to open the book(s) now.
    • Added some minor graphical stuff to the Aspiring Mage scenario, and added a small section.
    • Redid Dend's Journal so it looks better.
    • Moved the start marker for the Arachnophobia scenario a little deeper into the cave.
    • Moved the starting location and master for the SD+ Enslaved scenario (navmesh problem fixed - now your master should start walking normally).
    • Switched the way the factions are handled in the Giant Offering scenario - you are now considered the property of the giants while you are marked with the Grine Woad. Note that this means you are permanently friendly to giants until you remove the woad. Once you remove the tattoo, you are removed from the faction. Putting the tattoo back on will re-add you to their faction. This also applies to players who do not choose the giant offering scenario. Players who wish to use the tattoo without altering their factions should use one of the other tattoos in the Grine section - just not the "Grine Woad" tattoo. I did not make Slavetats a requirement for the giant offering scenario. Players who do not use slavetats should be warned - the giants will be hostile to you if not tattooed with Grine Woad.
    • Changed Spider, Troll, and Wolf scenarios around a bit. This *should* fix many issues with creatures being hostile. These scenarios now require SD+ to function properly, and can be found under the "I've been enslaved!" header.
    • Changed Bear scenario around a bit. This *should* fix many issues with creatures being hostile. This scenario, unlike the Spider, Troll, and Wolf (and now Meeko) scenarios, does not require SD+ to function, and is still in its old place.
    • Changed the Skooma Whore start a bit - should start a little more drugged up and changed the journal entry to accurately reflect your status.
    • Altered the Bandit Honeypot journal entry a bit for the sake of consistency.
    • Removed extra dialogue from Troll and Wolf masters as being redundant with new SD+ integration.
    • Removed an unnecessary "female only" check for the Wolf Bitch scenario.
    • Removed the female-only check on the Angrim's Apprentice scenario.
    • Added "multiple" to the Mara statue dialogue on prostitute and enslaved topics, so players will know that there are multiple options under those headings.
    • Added the required mod name to all of the starts. This should help with bug reports, as well as making it easier to tell exactly what you're selecting.
    • Fixed the vampire door guard not casting a spell to disable the barrier.
    • Fixed a couple of typos and changed some minor bits of Mara statue dialogue.
    • Fixed an issue with the healer in Raven Rock having BF dialogue without BF being installed.
    • Fixed a potential issue with the Dog Chewtoy start, with people leaving the keep in unanticipated ways.
    • Fixed the Orc master's AI data. He shouldn't be quite so suicidal or squishy now.
    • Fixed missing goodbye flag on the Surprise Me option.
    • Fixed bad conditions for Milk Farm, Brood Maiden, Necromancer Pet, Spriggan Host, Alicia, Dibella Initiate, and Soul Gem Incubator.
    • Fixed bad facegen data (for some actors). Somehow the paths got corrupted or altered. No idea how, but it should be fixed now. Note: for most NPCs, not all. For example, the vampire door guard still has a gray face, and I can't figure out why.
    • Fixed the Bandit Honeypot scenario issue with the player permanently being friendly to all other bandits. I hope.
    • Fixed some bad level geometry in the Red/Undead trapped-in-oblivion cell near the glass dragon. Now it still looks funky, but not quite so bad.
    • Fixed a bad script where the QAYL start would mistakenly trigger the completion objective for the Orc Slave start.
    • Fixed some missing "complete quest" lines in the main script.
    • Fixed a potential problem with the Estrus Chaurus (Chaurus Egg Breeder) scenario. Now it requires SD+ to handle factions instead.
    • Fixed some misspellings (Ra'shel -> Ra-shel)
    • Fixed some bad navmeshes in the new creature den and the Dremora cell(s). Fixed bad patrol marker data in the creature den.
    • Fixed (hopefully) Glover Mallory not speaking to the player if the player speaks to Ra-shel first (Expectant Mother scenario).
    • Added a "surprise me" option to the prostitute start subtree. Note that the "enslaved" subtree options are already contained in the normal Surprise Me option, so they didn't need one.
    • Added a Prison Overhaul scenario. NB: This requires the latest XPO patch.
    • Added Trapped In Rubber start. The scenario requires Trapped In Rubber 0.54 (or above). Note that this scenario has been disabled until TIR 0.54 has been released.
    • Added Succubus scenario for both PSQ and Deadly Drain.
    • Added in the Retching Netch prostitute start. NB: Make sure your SKSE.INI file has the appropriate fixes in it, or you might get an infinite loading screen problem with this scenario.
    • Added a second Arachnophobia option for those that are using the newer version. I did <i>not</i> make these two options mutually exclusive. If you are using both versions of Arachnophobia (not recommended), you will have access to both scenarios (and no real way to tell them apart until you actually start the game).
    • Added Things In The Dark scenario (setting for Ibn as a personal slave)
    • Added a new enslaved scenario - Meeko's Bitch. This requires SD+.
    • Added a new enslaved scenario - Drelas. This requires SD+. Note that this scenario will conflict with Interesting NPCs - there will be two copies of Drelas in his cottage, and they will be hostile to one another.
    • Added a new enslaved scenario - Anise. This requires SD+.
    • Added a new enslaved scenario - a Hagraven. This requires SD+.
    • Added a new creature scenario - Sabre cat. This is essentially a duplicate of the Bear scenario, but with a Sabre Cat instead.
    • Added a new enslaved scenario - Giant Slave. This requires SD+. This uses the same location as the Giant Offering scenario but is a distinct scenario.
    • Added Heroine In Distress scenario.
    • Added missing mipmaps to many textures.
    • Removed Grine tattoos to a separate download, because it's already too darn big of an upload for my poor slow internet connection.
    • A few minor changes and fixes that I can't remember off the top of my head.







    Fixed the bug with the fallen rocks blocking the doorway in Ilinalta's Deep if you didn't select the SGO scenario.
    Hopefully fixed the problems with the Aspiring Mage start where the dremora wouldn't initiate sex or advance the quest.
    Expanded the Aspiring Mage scenario a bit.
    Fixed a bug where players without Sexlab Stories would be able to choose the cow farm start.
    Removed the one-time-only Mara statue dialogue hack.
    Moved all "enslaved" scenarios under a single header. This makes it easier for me to add new ones in the future.
    NOTE: I found a bug that's probably been around since version 1. Notes and possible patch located HERE.








    Previous bugfixes from the last couple of versions and interim patches should all be in place.

    Added Arachnophobia Extended starting scenario.
    Added Trapped In Rubber start. (note)
    Added Retching Netch to the possible inn prostitute scenarios. (note)
    Added Bumbling Aspiring Mage starting scenario.
    Several bugfixes to Milk Maid Economy scenarios
    Fixed Expectant Mother start bug introduced in one of the last couple of versions leading to nobody having any dialogue. My bad.
    Seeded Sexlab stats for all starts with random values. If anyone has any suggestions for different values, don't hesitate to say so... but please remember these are random values given, so it might not be the same next game. :classic_smile:
    Fixed bug with residents of Understone Keep having Dog Chewtoy dialogue when you haven't started with that scenario.
    Fixed a bug where the Prostitute and the Old Hroldan Inn wouldn't start.
    Fixed some problems with the "Parasites of Skyrim" book. BTW - if anyone wants to make up some sketches or something for those parasites, I'd love to include them...
    Note: the Aspiring Mage start is very much a WIP. It all works, but the starting dungeon needs to be increased and prettied up.
    Note: The Trapped in Rubber start has been disabled until the next update of TIR. Trust me, it's worth the wait. :classic_smile:
    Note: The Retching Netch start has been disabled until I can figure out why the game keeps freezing/crashing when leaving the inn.
    Note: The "surprise me" option does not include any of the Prostitute starts. I may change this next version.
    NOTE: I am an idiot, and I did something that may introduce a lot of bugs in this version. The details are irrelevant, and I think I've fixed it... but just in case, I am preemptively saying "sorry" if the mara dialogue doesn't appear again. I've tested it out on my machine, and it's working fine... but that's happened before.








    1. Remove the bad condition on the milk maid start

    2. Fixed the prostitute starts failing to close the starting quest properly

    3. Re-implements the mara statue activator dialogue condition. I'll keep it in unless people start mentioning that no dialogue is showing up again, in which case I might as well just release two versions from now on - one with the condition (preferred, but apparently doesn't work for some) and one without (more likely to work, but with an associated unavoidable bug). Fingers crossed...







    Added Prostitute starts at all of the inns in Skyrim (not including the Retching Netch or Stumbling Sabrecat yet)
    Fixed bad code on the Milk Maid start that seems to have gotten lost somewhere between v5 and v8
    Altered the Red Wave start to be unisex and used the empty stage for a male version of the Milk Maid start
    Hopefully fixed the "mara does not have dialogue" issue permanently.
    There may be one or two other things, I can't remember.
    Here's hoping this works this time!
    Potential bugs: These notes are because I just released it without testing first. I'll test these out tomorrow hopefully... but I think everything should be working fine.
    I might have left some residual bits from the Red Wave that may interfere with the Milk Maid (male) start. Hopefully not.
    I haven't checked the item code for the Lactacid in the Milk Maid (male) start. It should be added normally, but in case it isn't, just add it via the console for now.
    I changed the Giant start code around. Pretty sure it's working right, but if not, the tattoo won't show up properly.
    I didn't double-check the ID on the prostitute start locations. It's possible I made a mistake, and selecting (for example) the Frozen Hearth puts you in the Bannered Mare instead.
    Forgot to add a "Nord only" check to the Nord Queen start. No real problem, just won't make much sense, like starting out pregnant if you are male.
    Forgot to update the "surprise me" option, so it won't be including any prostitute starts.
    Be sure to tell me if you see any of these, or any other bugs!
    NB: v8 forgot to update the .seq file, fixed in v8b. Also fixed the gray face bug in v8b.

    v7 beta




    I'm releasing a new update in the support thread rather than the main mod, because I want to see if it breaks something for people.
    This update does only two major things:
    1. Add Grine's tattoos and a slavetats call in the Giant Offering start. As a result, there will be a slight delay in this start as Slavetats does its thing. Nothing to worry about.
    2. Potentially fix the issue people have with the mara statue not speaking to them at all. This is a poor-quality workaround. It works for me just fine, but note that it WILL cause a problem if you have this mod in your load order but select any other start.
    Changelog for v7(beta):
    • Fixed a weird quest objective for the Milk Maid start.
    • Added a slavetats call to the Giant Offering start using Grine's excellent "woad" tattoo.
    • Offering to a Giant scenario starts you off nude. I mean, their cows aren't wearing any clothes, are they?
    • QAYL starts you off nude
    • Removed added clothing in the CD Shop start (because it's removed anyway)
    • Added the framework for a Trapped In Rubber start (currently nonfunctional)
    • Added Grine tattoos and includes a slavetats package (all six can be found under Body-Grine).
    • Potentially fixed the "mara does not have dialogue from this mod" issue with a possibly-problematic workaround.

    v6b patch




    Okay, I got it working again. This is a hack. A bad hack, in fact, and one that shouldn't stay with the mod at all. I'm trying to think of a way around it.

    I'm tentatively reuploading v6 here under the "fingers crossed" category. I DO NOT RECOMMEND YOU USE THIS. TEST IF YOU MUST, BUT THEN GET RID OF IT.



    It works by removing the condition that makes only the mara statue speak the lines to the player. I have absolutely no idea why this would make it work, nor why it stopped working in the first place.

    Since the condition is missing, this dialogue will probably appear for every NPC in the game, which is unacceptable.

    I'm trying to figure out a way to get it to only appear for the mara statue without using the condition (that LAL says is necessary, and believe me it is). I think I may have it figured out, but I need to do some more testing before I officially upload v6 again.







    Added Milk Mod Economy start
    Added Maria Eden slavery start (note: ME may not be compatible with LAL)
    Added Slaverun Reloaded slavery start
    Fixed a missing goodbye flag on the Nord Queen start.





    • Removed a giant hellhound collar from the Expectant Mother start.
    • Fixed Gjalund not offering passage back to Skyrim in the Expectant Mother start.
    • Fixed a typo in start 22 (promixed -> promised)
    • Added a start (not yet implemented) for the Nord Queen idea.
    • Fixed missing "goodbye" flags on several of the Mara dialogues.
    • Fixed a missing global check on several of the Expectant Mother dialogues which would prevent several parts of the quest from advancing normally, as well as not allowing dialogue with the other people before talking to Gaev.
    • Known bug: No matter how many times I tweak it and re-export the facegen data, every NPC I've made has the gray face bug. I don't know what I'm doing wrong!
    • There's been a Captured Dreams start for a while, but I forgot to add it to the DL page. Oops.
    • Known bug: Sometimes the animals all start out hostile. No idea what causes this. It's intermittent too.
    • Known bug: Some people are reporting that no starts are triggering properly. This one is really irritating...







    1. The DL page lists EC+ 4.21a as a requirement but the actual version is 4.21. It's just been released.
    2. The "Expectant Mother" start may be bugged - I haven't tested to be sure, but it looks like you won't actually give birth to a child when you reach full term. There's a bit of missing code I'll add in the next update, but by then for anyone who's started with that scenario it's probably too late.
    3. Angrim's Apprentice start gave the player the Necromancer outfit instead of a Mage outfit. That'll also be changed next version.







    Angrim's Apprentice start added.

    Fixed missing global checks on Kin Family Slave and Dibella Initiate quests.








    Added two new starts for upcoming Sexlab Stories events - Kin Slave and Initiate of Dibella.

    Fixed Skooma Whore and Troll Toy starts not functioning properly.
    Added a "random" event that picks between all available scenarios.
    Updated the DL page to include the QAYL integration (forgot to do that on release).
    NOTE: The new "random" event doesn't care what mods you have installed or what versions they are. It also doesn't care what your gender is.
    This means that, if you don't have the right start installed, undesirable behavior may result. This usually shouldn't be game breaking, but no guarantees.
    Generally, I'd expect the most that would happen would be that dialogue won't make sense, or some dialogue entries will be broken with the starting NPCs, or you won't get teleported to the right location and you just end up in the starting dungeon as if you had selected "escape from this sell" from the Mara statue.








    Basically the same as Beta 14.




    beta version changelogs:




    First beta release


    Forsworn Fuckmeat -> Forsworn Captive
    Giant Cocksleeve -> Giant Offering
    Added journal entries to skyrimll starts


    Removed chaurus breeder start
    Soulgem Oven integration
    Expanded Bandit Honeypot start(s)
    Added mara statue dialogue for skyrimll starts


    Fixed a bug with refusing Gerast's orders not removing you from the faction properly
    Fixed a bug with Gerast forcegreeting over and over repeatedly
    Fixed Skooma Whore start not actually starting
    Export headmeshes and textures


    Soulgem Incubator bugfixes
    General tweaks
    Fixed Simple Slavery modevent not firing
    Re-implemented Chaurus Egg Tender start
    Fixed SD+ enslaved modevent not firing
    Removed voice files from mara statue
    Added Expectant Mother start with BF integration


    Enabled all skyrimll starts
    Enabled Dog Chewtoy start, fixed some dialogue bugs


    Expectant Mother start expanded and refined
    Added global condition check for skyrimll starts
    Added some dialogue to Dog Chewtoy start
    Added some dialogue to Vampire start
    Changed ontriggerenter to ontriggerleave for some starts
    Replaced all game.getplayer() calls with a player property ref.
    Reduced size of SGO exit trigger box
    Re-exported bad facegen data
    Enabled Giant start


    Reduced inventory for chaurus tender start
    Added dialogue for Skooma Whore start
    Skooma Whore starts high on skooma
    SD modevent for chaurus tender start
    Made a chaurus spit at player in chaurus tender start (EC integration)
    Fixed Expectant Mother door access bug
    Fixed Expectant Mother quest stage updates. No pointers (deliberate)
    Fixed non-reciprocal faction problems with EM and local wildlife.
    Fixed missing Gaev blocking dialogue on EM quest completion
    Added Wolf Bitch start
    Removed "female only" condition from Red Wave start
    Removed all dialogue for creature starts
    Removed Sabre Cat start, replaced with Spider Victim start.
    Removed global condition on skyrimll starts.


    Reverted the non-reciprocal faction with EM and wildlife.
    Starts player diseased with rattles for chaurus tender.
    Starts player enslaved to nearby falmer for chaurus tender.
    Added more dialogue and a forcegreet to the soulgem incubator start.
    Added non-sexual way to get past the barrier for the vampire start.
    Fixed a bug with the female bandit start having a bad dialogue condition (hopefully didn't introduce any new bugs with this fix)
    Changed ontriggerleave to ontriggerenter for the troll start.


    Added and changed some Expectant Mother dialogue.
    Added "Parasites of Skyrim" book to the Expectant Mother start.
    Added spider egg cluster modevent from SD+ to the spider victim start.
    Added "Queen of the Chaurus" modevent to chaurus tender start


    Moved all individual dialogue branches to a single branch in the Mara statue. There should be no noticeable change for the player.
    Changed Milk Cow journal entry.
    Changed Chaurus Tender start to female-only


    Added a big chunk of BF dialogue and a midwife NPC for the Expectant Mother start
    Gave midwife the ability to detect soul gems from SGO
    Added new start: QAYL integration
    Fixed a bad script for the red wave start
    Added a Captured Dreams start


    Unused slavetats textures for giant tattoo removed to save DL space. They'll be put back in if I ever get permission to use them.
    Added EC+ support to the Egg Tender start, starting pregnant with eggs.
    Changed Egg Tender to be Egg Breeder, female only.
    Got rid of "enslavement" to SD+ on the Egg Breeder start.
    Changed the Egg Tender journal entry, objectives, and starting mara dialogue to reflect the change.
    Added "enslaved to the falmer" start that requires SD+.
    NB: Finally hit the character cap in the CK's script editor. Damn thing...


    Changed "falmer slave" and "chaurus breeder" journal entries for the better.
    Added a female-only check to the Falmer Slave scenario.
    Altered the adventurer's journal just outside chillwind depths for fun and profit.
    Hopefully fixed any bad uses of a global check on the skyrimll starts.






    Complete Content List:

    Here is a complete description of the starting scenarios (list current as of v9) and everything associated with them in this mod.\

    Note that this is OUTDATED - it is for version 9, and we are up to version 14 now.

    This information is almost completely accurate, but it is missing several new scenarios.




    The scenario numbers (10, 20, etc) are basically just used for internal tracking. Don't worry about it. :classic_smile:
    10: I've been captured and harnessed for a race!
    Send to QAYL by registering a quest stage.
    The starting quest automatically completes immediately.
    20: I am a larder for vampires.
    Start at Pinemoon Cave, in the back room. The vampires and wolves in the cave are nonhostile. Head to the exit, which is blocked by a magical barrier. The portal guard will grab your attention and demand to know why you, a blood slave, are here. The resulting conversation has a couple of branching paths, but ends up in one of two ways - 1, you agree to have sex with her and she disables the barrier letting you out, or 2, you intimidate her through dialogue and she disables the barrier letting you out.
    The starting quest completes as soon as you leave the cave.
    Re-entering the cave at any time will result in the door guard spawning dead, with a note on her body from the vampire master, and the vampires and wolves will be hostile. Sybille Stentor will have some unique dialogue for you if you use this start and you agree to clear out Pinemoon Cave for her.
    30: I am a bandit honeypot.
    There are two starts, one for males and one for females, that are functionally identical (only the journal entry is different). You start out at Robber's Gorge, a bandit camp halfway between Rorikstead and Dragon Bridge, in Hjaalmarch. When you spawn, Gerast (a female bandit) will walk up to you and demand sex.
    You can: 1, agree, which starts sex and keeps the bandits nonhostile permanently, or until you get a radiant quest (given by stewards and innkeepers) to clear out the bandit camp. 2, you can postpone the decision. 3, you can say no immediately.
    In the case of 2 or 3, if you leave the shack via the door the camp will turn hostile and attack you. Or you can try to escape via the underground tunnel, in which case the entire camp will become hostile and attack you. In all cases, you start out with a bounty of 500 gold in Hjaalmarch.
    The starting quest completes as soon as you either agree to sex with Gerast or you leave the shack.
    40: I am a bandit honeypot.
    This is the female version of scenario 30. The only difference is a single line of text in the journal entry - everything else is the same.
    50: I am a Forsworn captive.
    You start out in Broken Tower Redoubt, the top tower cell. This is a very basic start, with not much to it. There is a Forsworn guard and a Briarheart in the tower, but only the guard has dialogue.
    You've overheard that the Forsworn are thinking of sacrificing someone in one of their rituals, and you're worried it is going to be you. Speaking to the guard, he will pretend that this is the case and demand sex to let you out.
    Whether you agree or not, or ignore the guard, is irrelevant... the instant you try to leave the tower, the Forsworn become hostile and attack you.
    The starting quest completes as soon as you try to leave the tower.
    60: I am a soul gem incubator.
    You start out in Ilinalta's Deep, pregnant with several soul gems. There are two named NPCs right outside your room door. The Dark Counselor at first will ignore you, but apprentice Haerlon will speak to you. You've overheard that the Necromancers have acquired Azura's Star, and that they intend to sacrifice you to the star.
    Haerlon will inform you that this is true, and that you might want to escape. At this point, you can speak to the Dark Counselor, who will also inform you that it is true. He will then implant several more soul gems in you, to slow you down and prevent your escape.
    At any rate, you can choose to flee. If you pick the righthand path (i.e. the right corridor when facing out of your starting room), you will encounter no resistance, and will make it to the exit. The Necromancers will believe that you are fleeing if you reach the exit, and become hostile.
    If you pick the lefthand path, you will get most of the way toward the exit, but your path forward will be blocked by rubble. Returning, the Dark Counselor will forcegreet you and tell you that it is time for your sacrifice. You can either say yes or no or that you need time to prepare. Saying yes or no results in the Necromancers becoming hostile and attacking you, while saying you need time to prepare keeps them pacified until you escape.
    The starting quest completes as soon as you get near the exit door.
    70: I am a skooma-addicted whore.
    You start out in the worker's house in Mixwater Mill, already high on Skooma. This is a very basic start, with very little content.
    The starting quest completes as soon as you exit the worker's barracks.
    Gilfre will have some dialogue for you.
    80: I am a troll's sex toy.
    You start out in Darkshade Cave, friendly to the local trolls. This is a very basic start, with very little content.
    The starting quest completes, and the trolls become hostile, as soon as you exit the cave.
    90: I am an offering to a Giant.
    You start out at Talking Stone Camp, friendly to the giant there. This is a very basic start, with very little content.
    Depending on what mods you have that alter AI, the Giant may or may not be hostile, and may or may not have "dialogue" if you speak to him.
    You start out painted with blue woad, as is the custom for giant offerings.
    The starting quest completes, and the giants revert to their default state, as soon as you leave the immediate area.
    100: I am a dog's chewtoy.
    You can speak to the Jarl's dogs and have sex with them (they should be ready every couple of hours). There is an NPC blocking the way out. You can talk to him or just ignore him and leave. If you talk to him, you can either agree to give him a blowjob and he'll let you out, or you can agree to "train" the dogs and he'll let you out. If you train the dogs or give him a blowjob, you can leave without penalty. If you don't do either, you'll get a 500 bounty for walking out on your work release contract. The Jarl, cook, and cook's two assistants will have dialogue for this start. In any case, once you leave the keep Denter (the NPC) will be transported to Cidhna Mine for allowing you to walk out on your contract, regardless of how or why you did. Note that getting arrested and thus bypassing the exit will semi-break the quest - i.e. it will remain open and unfinished until you re-enter the keep and leave again.
    110: I am a bear's pet.
    Basically the same as 90: Offering to Giant. I've had some trouble getting this one to work properly - the bears are almost always hostile to me. YMMV, and it depends on your mods and load order. The quest ends when you leave the cave.
    120: I am a wolf's bitch.
    Basically the same as 90: Offering to Giant. Some people have trouble with the wolves being hostile. Same deal as with all the creature starts. The quest ends when you leave the cave.
    130: I am a chaurus egg breeder.
    You start out in Chillwind Depths. If you have EC+ installed, you'll be pregnant with some chaurus eggs. If you have SD+ installed, you'll have a Chaurus Worm parasite. If you have Sexlab Stories installed, you'll automatically start the Chaurus Queen quest. There are two humans nearby - another breeder, whose mind has become unhinged, and a guard/tender, who has been with the Falmer so long he doesn't speak normally any more. Depending on how you speak to the tender, he might get hostile and cause all the Falmer nearby to attack you. The starting quest ends and you are removed from the falmer faction when you exit the cave.
    140: I am an expectant mother.
    You start out in a small underground cell in Solstheim. You're part of an archaeological excavation, looking for the Deathbrand artifacts. The NPCs in and around the excavation will have dialogue, different depending on how far you are in this mini-quest. You're supposed to go into Raven Rock and pick up some mining supplies. Glover Mallory will try to extort you for the supplies - you can either pay him what he asks for, give him sex, or haggle him down a bit. If you've previously talked to Ra'Shel about it, you might be able to convince him to give you the supplies for free. In any case, when you reach the excavation again, you're told that there's been a cave-in and the whole area has opened up, but there's nothing valuable down there. The quest the ends.
    There is also a new NPC in Raven Rock who should forcegreet you as soon as you get close enough. She is a midwife in training and will give you advice or help you out depending on which stage of pregnancy you are in. She can also heal your unborn child for free.
    You will start in your first trimester of pregnancy from Beeing Female with this scenario.
    150: I am a spider's victim.
    Basically the same as 90: Offering to Giant. Same deal as with all the creature starts. The quest ends when you leave the current cell.
    If you have Sexlab Stories installed, you will start out with the Spider Egg Cluster parasite as well.
    160: I've been captured by slavers.
    This scenario sends you directly to Simple Slavery and ends automatically once you've been sent.
    170: I am a sexbot waking up in a Dwemer forge.
    This scenario sends you directly to Sexlab Stories and ends automatically once you've been sent.
    180: I am the pet of a Necromancer.
    This scenario sends you directly to Sexlab Stories and ends automatically once you've been sent.
    190: I am a prostitute in the Red Wave brothel.
    This scenario sends you directly to Sexlab Stories and ends automatically once you've been sent.
    200: I am a cow in a milk farm.
    This scenario sends you directly to Sexlab Stories and ends automatically once you've been sent.
    210: I am a Brood Maiden of the Chaurus.
    This scenario sends you directly to Sexlab Stories and ends automatically once you've been sent.
    220: I am an Alicia, promised to Lord Sanguine.
    This scenario sends you directly to SD+ and ends automatically once you've been sent.
    230: I am a Spriggan Host, devoted to Kyne.
    This scenario sends you directly to Sexlab Stories and ends automatically once you've been sent.
    240: I've been enslaved! (SD+)
    This scenario enslaves you to an orc master in the wilderness. He should start walking to his destination (depending on his personality) as soon as you arrive. The start quest ends automatically.
    250: I am starting up a milk maid business.
    This scenario puts you in Whiterun and gives you a couple of bottles of Lactacid from Milk Maid Economy, setting you up to start a milk maid business.
    260: I've been captured and bound in restrictive devices!
    This scenario sends you directly to Captured Dreams and ends automatically once you've been sent.
    270: I am a slave of the Falmer.
    This scenario is a variant of the Chaurus Egg Breeder scenario. Instead of triggering EC+, you are just a slave to a nearby Falmer. It does also automatically start the Chaurus Queen quest.
    280: I am a pregnant slave to the Kin family.
    This scenario sends you directly to Sexlab Stories and ends automatically once you've been sent.
    290: I am a novice in the service of Dibella.
    This scenario sends you directly to the Sisterhood of Dibella and ends automatically once you've been sent.
    300: I intend to be Angrim's Apprentice.
    This scenario puts you down outside of the Western Watchtower in Whiterun and ends automatically, pointing you in the direction of Angrim's residence.
    310: I am an ancient Nord Queen.
    This scenario sends you directly to Sexlab Stories and ends automatically once you've been sent.
    320: I am a milkmaid.
    This scenario starts you out producing milk for Milk Maid Economy.
    330: I have been enslaved! (Maria Eden)
    This scenario sends you directly to Maria Eden and ends automatically once you've been sent.
    340: I have been enslaved! (Slaverun Reloaded)
    This scenario sends you directly to Slaverun Reloaded and ends automatically once you've been sent.
    350: I have been trapped in rubber!
    Coming soon!
    360-380: I am a prostitute working at an inn.
    These scenarios start you out in the various inns of Skyrim. There is no other dialogue or integration associated with these starts - just think of them as flavor, same as the base LAL starts.
    Note that the Stumbling Sabrecat has not yet been implemented, and the Retching Netch has been disabled until I figure out why the game keeps freezing when exiting the inn.
    390: I am an aspiring mage who has been trapped in Oblivion.
    You start out in a small maze-like plane of Oblivion, and you have to escape. Quick walkthrough:
    1. You start out in a dwemer-looking place. This "green" cell is very small at first... move down a bit, past the statue of the raven, making sure to pick up the three spell tomes on the altar there. Your way is blocked by a pool of lava. Move forward until you get a message saying you need a key to continue.Backtrack to the top of the ramp, and a barrier will now be gone. Touch the crystal ball and you will be teleported to:
    2. Red Cell 1. This is a medium sized cell, a bit confusing to navigate, since it's not linear at all. As you walk forward through the first arch, your way back will be blocked by a stone wall that appears. You can immediately head left to get to the next crystal ball, or you can explore a bit, fighting off the occasional Flame Atronach. I recommend exploring, as you'll need to do this anyway to find a magical altar that, when approached, will summon another Flame Atronach near the beginning area and open the stone wall back up. At any rate, once you've cleared the way back, move forward by touching the crystal ball to...
    3. Red cell 2. Another medium cell, also nonlinear. Explore a bit to find a Frenzy spell tome that you'll probably need in the future. Beware some treasure piles, they may be trapped. When you've finished exploring, move on to...
    4. Red cell 3. Populated by a few Frost Atronachs, the major danger in this cell is the crystals growing on the floor in some places. They're dangerous to get near, so watch out... take the ledges around the side of the beginning area to avoid them. Make your way forward until you encounter a small alcove containing some Dwemer clutter. Grab the Keeper's Key off the key rack, and it's time to...
    5. Retrace your steps back through the red and green cells. A few new enemies may have spawned, but it shouldn't be too much trouble to run away from.
    6. Once you're back in the green cell, you may notice that the Raven is now pointing a different direction, and the lake of lava is gone, absorbed into the form of a flame-cloaked spider. Dispatch (or flee) the spider and move along the linear corridor, taking care not to get eaten by a dragon. As you continue on, you may encounter a small horde of tiny Storm Atronachs. They're very weak, and should only take a single hit or two to dispatch, but they do a lot of damage, and the combination of shock cloaks can overwhelm you in just a few seconds. Stand off and use your magic, or this might be a good place to cast Minor Frenzy. Or, you can just ignore them if you want to - they're magically bound to the altar, and can't stray far from it.
    7. Once you're done with the baby storm atronachs, speak to the dremora Keeper. If you're female, he may insist that you help him in his "project" but if you're male he'll just dismiss you. Anyway, after speaking to him and completing his conversations (both before and after sex), he'll open the way forward. Go and touch the purple floating crystal and get sent to:
    8. The "blue" cell. This area is filled with a blue fog that can make it difficult to navigate. The maze is very linear, but easy to get turned around in accidentally. Just keep moving forward, through a couple of loading doors, and eventually you'll come to a drain pipe, where the dremora dumps all of his unwanted things. Like you. Dispatch a couple of enemies along the way, and then jump into the drain. You'll fall a short distance, and end up in...
    9. Skyrim. Somewhere. It looks like an inn or something. Maybe not where you wanted to end up, but at least you're back in Nirn, right?
    400: I've been captured and webbed by a spider!
    This scenario puts you down in Cronvangr Cave, and starts you out webbed by a spider (using Arachnaphobia Extended). The Arachnaphobia scenario triggers as normal, and the starting quest ends automatically.
    RNG: Surprise me. This option picks from all available scenarios (excluding the inn prostitute scenarios for now). Note that it does not respect the same conditions as picking one normally - for example, it is possible to get the Expectant Mother start without having Beeing Female installed, or be sent to any one of the Sexlab Stories starts even if you don't have that mod. In these cases, you will just get a fade to black screen and then wake up in the abandoned prison with some lockpicks on the table, as if you had selected "I want to escape this cell" vanilla LAL option.




    Mara dialogue tree:

    I don't know if anyone else ever finds this kind of thing interesting, but I do.

    This is the dialogue tree for the Mara statue in v10.

    maradialogue tree v10.7z

    Mara dialogue tree for v12b.7z

    Older versions:



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    Aw, man. I wanted the FIRST POST!


    If the user above me deletes his post I'll delete mine, no problem, then your current post will be the first reply in the thread.


    You mean where it just selects randomly from among all available starts here?

    Sure, I can do that. Bear in mind that some of them aren't implemented yet, and won't be for a while. Skyrimll and Bane_Master are working as fast as they can. I just jumped the gun.


    Sounds like you want to do something custom with SD+ if you need skyrimll to work on it, but if you needed some generic SD+ reference code you could use the code in DEC::crdeDistantEnslaveScript.psc distantSD() for a working reference.


    The only issue I have with my implementation is that, if I send the player to a friendly NPC in their house, SD doesn't (and can't last I checked) auto add the player to the list of owners, so the house residents might ask the player to leave which is context breaking. You can add the player to the list manually, but you have to know which cell is the house before hand, so custom per NPC, more work for friendly NPCs anyway.

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    If the user above me deletes his post I'll delete mine, no problem, then your current post will be the first reply in the thread.



    Nah, I was just joking around. :)



    Sounds like you want to do something custom with SD+ if you need skyrimll to work on it, but if you needed some generic SD+ reference code you could use the code in DEC::crdeDistantEnslaveScript.psc distantSD() for a working reference.



    Well, yeah. Skyrimll was the one who suggested some of those starts, and he's already working hard on them. I believe the Red Wave and Spriggan Host starts will be available tomorrow or the next day with the next update of Sexlab Stories.

    Same thing for EC+. I don't know when it'll be ready, but 4.21 should be out soon-ish.




    The only issue I have with my implementation is that, if I send the player to a friendly NPC in their house, SD doesn't (and can't last I checked) auto add the player to the list of owners, so the house residents might ask the player to leave which is context breaking. You can add the player to the list manually, but you have to know which cell is the house before hand, so custom per NPC, more work for friendly NPCs anyway.



    Actually, the only starts that directly use the SD+ enslave event have very specific masters, created by this mod. So you won't get enslaved to a vanilla NPC or anything, so this shouldn't be an issue.

    The only bug I can see arising from this is a mixup between how SD+ handles factions and how this mod deliberately removes you from the faction, in the "enslaved to Falmer" start... but the worst thing that would happen there is if you flee your master and exit the cave you trigger an early release from enslavement. I think.


    This mod is very, very simple in how it works. It doesn't do anything much but call teleport the player to a cell and call a couple of modevents. You shouldn't expect very much content from this mod - for those starts, it'll all come from other mods. :)


    SD doesn't (and can't last I checked) auto add the player to the list of owners

    I did a little experimentation with this last year. Not a lot, but what I found out is:

    I have absolutely no freaking idea how the vanilla game handles house ownership, keys, that kind of thing. I can duplicate it exactly, and eight times out of ten nothing will happen. 1/10 it will work, and 1/10 it will break horribly.

    Granted, I'm not very good at modding, but still... the whole ownership lists seem massively fucked up to me.

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    I've been already RPing as the Soul Gem incubator scenario while using the Immerslave's Warlock test subject alternate start path.  Something about the Warlock rediscovering ancient dwemer technologies using piercings that allowed them to turn their snow elf slaves into incubators.   :P   It was my way to explain why my PC would be giving birth to gems instead of babies. So I'm excited to try your version of this start.    


    With Immerslave, if you had SD+, you could start enslaved in most of its scenarios. Does this soul gem incubator start you as a slave of the necromancers or will they start as hostile and you need to escape immediately?  I guess this question would also extend to the other scenarios that don't mention SD+ as a requirement.

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    I've been already RPing as the Soul Gem incubator scenario while using the Immerslave's Warlock test subject alternate start path.  Something about the Warlock rediscovering ancient dwemer technologies using piercings that allowed them to turn their snow elf slaves into incubators.   :P   It was my way to explain why my PC would be giving birth to gems instead of babies. So I'm excited to try your version of this start.    


    With Immerslave, if you had SD+, you could start enslaved in most of its scenarios. Does this soul gem incubator start you as a slave of the necromancers or will they start as hostile and you need to escape immediately?  I guess this question would also extend to the other scenarios that don't mention SD+ as a requirement.


    I didn't know Immerslave had that start! It's been a while since I've used it, is this new? Or did I just miss it?


    The Soulgem Incubator start doesn't do anything with SD+. The only starting scenarios that integrate with SD+ are clearly marked on the main page in their spoilers.

    You start in Ilinalta's Deep, already impregnated with a couple of soulgems. The NPCs are friendly to you... at least, until you look like you're running away. The two NPCs right outside your starting room have some dialogue, different dialogue depending on which one you talk to first.




    It was my way to explain why my PC would be giving birth to gems instead of babies.

    I always just imagined it was something to do with the fact that you're the Dragonborn. Specifically, the last Dragonborn... maybe Kyne wanted to ensure that there wouldn't be any more and this was the way. ;)

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    Nice, been a long time since someone created any sex time mods for AS, glad to see one come around finally. Mind if I ask of any starts for Skeevers? Something like living in under-water ways, rats getting jiggy with your ass (pun intended) because 'you're be all up in their turf'?

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    I've been already RPing as the Soul Gem incubator scenario while using the Immerslave's Warlock test subject alternate start path.  Something about the Warlock rediscovering ancient dwemer technologies using piercings that allowed them to turn their snow elf slaves into incubators.   :P   It was my way to explain why my PC would be giving birth to gems instead of babies. So I'm excited to try your version of this start.    


    With Immerslave, if you had SD+, you could start enslaved in most of its scenarios. Does this soul gem incubator start you as a slave of the necromancers or will they start as hostile and you need to escape immediately?  I guess this question would also extend to the other scenarios that don't mention SD+ as a requirement.


    I didn't know Immerslave had that start! It's been a while since I've used it, is this new? Or did I just miss it?


    The Soulgem Incubator start doesn't do anything with SD+. The only starting scenarios that integrate with SD+ are clearly marked on the main page in their spoilers.

    You start in Ilinalta's Deep, already impregnated with a couple of soulgems. The NPCs are friendly to you... at least, until you look like you're running away. The two NPCs right outside your starting room have some dialogue, different dialogue depending on which one you talk to first. 


    I don't think the warlock start is new.  It is the option listed when you choose that you have "escaped but then been captured by someone else".  And then choose the "I'm a warlock's plaything and test subject in a secret laboratory."  You start as a slave of an electromancer in Sinderin's Field Laboratory.  The option itself has nothing to do with being a soul gem incubator... that is just my story that I've added to it!  The main weaknesses of the start are that your owner is the only 1 in the building and that there is a dwemer sphere just outside the door which makes escape almost impossible without some cheating  :blush:

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    Nice, been a long time since someone created any sex time mods for AS, glad to see one come around finally. Mind if I ask of any starts for Skeevers? Something like living in under-water ways, rats getting jiggy with your ass (pun intended) because 'you're be all up in their turf'?

    Skeever start is on my to-do list. "I am an unfortunate exterminator." I just need to find a good skeever-infested spot. Or make one, I suppose... I was thinking of using Purewater Run for that.


    Hello. I use both Skooma Whore and Sexlab Stories yet the the skooma and Redwave brothel starts don't start for me? Or are they not available yet?

    As it says on the DL page, Red Wave doesn't have any integration yet. Actually, Red Wave and Spriggan Host should be available sometime soon (skyrimll said "tomorrow" but I don't like to push :) ).

    The Skooma Whore start not triggering is a problem, though. It doesn't even require the mod - you should be transported right to Gilfre's house. I'll double-check that... maybe I left a bit of code out.


    I don't think the warlock start is new.  It is the option listed when you choose that you have "escaped but then been captured by someone else".  And then choose the "I'm a warlock's plaything and test subject in a secret laboratory."  You start as a slave of an electromancer in Sinderin's Field Laboratory.  The option itself has nothing to do with being a soul gem incubator... that is just my story that I've added to it!  The main weaknesses of the start are that your owner is the only 1 in the building and that there is a dwemer sphere just outside the door which makes escape almost impossible without some cheating  :blush:


    Ah, that one. Yeah... I've gotten good results with just running as fast as humanly (elfanly? khajiitanly, argonianally... :) ) possible for the nearest elevator. Which isn't easy when you're starting out in slave heels. ;)

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    It was my way to explain why my PC would be giving birth to gems instead of babies.

    I always just imagined it was something to do with the fact that you're the Dragonborn. Specifically, the last Dragonborn... maybe Kyne wanted to ensure that there wouldn't be any more and this was the way. ;)



    I've always wanted to do a start where there would be a secret society dedicated, not to defeating or worshiping the dragons, but to harness their power for themselves.  Now since most normal folks can't absorb dragonsouls, this society would develop a way to enslave the Dragonborn and use her/him as a conduit to absorb power.  So then, I would have a follower who would be my owner/master and basically take my power and be able to use the dragonshouts and power for themselves.  The Dragonborn would then become a pawn coveted by those in power...


    The idea would be to allow for a enslaved gameplay but also to still be able to do quests and other stuff in vanilla Skyrim because the master would be doing them now.


    I've never been able to find a combination of mods that would allow me to play in this way though.   :(

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    Hello. I use both Skooma Whore and Sexlab Stories yet the the skooma and Redwave brothel starts don't start for me? Or are they not available yet?


    About the Skooma Whore bug - yeah, I figured out what was wrong. There's also a problem with a couple of other starts that do the same thing. It's all because a few days ago I renamed all the scripts, and apparently forgot to update them properly. I'll get on that right now.


    EDIT: Looks like Skooma Whore and Troll Toy were affected (previously the Working Girl start(s) were affected but I fixed that before release).

    I'll update this as soon as possible... give me an hour? Less?

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    Haven't tried yet, so it might already exist, but if there isn't one already can you add a Random option?



    Latest update (April 16, 10:20pm EST):

    Added two new starts for upcoming Sexlab Stories events - Kin Slave and Initiate of Dibella.
    Fixed Skooma Whore and Troll Toy starts not functioning properly.
    Added a "random" event that picks between all available scenarios.
    Updated the DL page to include the QAYL integration (forgot to do that on release).
    NOTE: The new "random" event doesn't care what mods you have installed or what versions they are. It also doesn't care what your gender is.
    This means that, if you don't have the right start installed, undesirable behavior may result. This usually shouldn't be game breaking, but no guarantees.
    Generally, I'd expect the most that would happen would be that dialogue won't make sense, or some dialogue entries will be broken with the starting NPCs, or you won't get teleported to the right location and you just end up in the starting dungeon as if you had selected "escape from this sell" from the Mara statue.
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    Thank you!


    Do you take requests or maybe even submissions?


    Alternate starts are perhaps the perfect vehicle for the small and unattached quest/story.



    Actually, Bestial Essence is one of those things on my to-do list. I just couldn't figure out a good place to start it. :)

    What did you have in mind? If at all possible I'd prefer to do it without making any other mods dependencies... either by triggering a quest via form, or by modevents.

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    I do have a request for you... Angrim apprentice.. it always bothered me that Angrim was hiding away in his basement without any quest line to send you there.


    That was kind of solved by adding some rumors to send you his way, but it is still very subtle.


    A start at the ruined farm above the basement, with some journal text explaining why you are there would help.

    Maybe something along the line of 'I am Angrim's biggest fan...  He is so hot and awesome. I read all his manuals and books about sexual magic and i can't wait to learn under his tutelage. Those frigid mages in the College laughed at my inquiries about Angrim. I will show them...'. For female mages only.

    Hello. I use both Skooma Whore and Sexlab Stories yet the the skooma and Redwave brothel starts don't start for me? Or are they not available yet?


    Patience... I still have a bit of work for Stories. 


    Unless I run into an offline emergency, I will have the Stories/Dibella/SD+/Alicia related starts available tomorrow night.

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    Wow... just read those starts and I must say they really sound exciting! I often run new saves just to play another character concept and those starts are so great for that. I used Immerslave a lot and there were many starts for SD+ and even for Simple Slavery but your mod brings new spice into the game I must try out. Thank you!

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    I do have a request for you... Angrim apprentice.. it always bothered me that Angrim was hiding away in his basement without any quest line to send you there.


    That was kind of solved by adding some rumors to send you his way, but it is still very subtle.


    A start at the ruined farm above the basement, with some journal text explaining why you are there would help.

    Maybe something along the line of 'I am Angrim's biggest fan...  He is so hot and awesome. I read all his manuals and books about sexual magic and i can't wait to learn under his tutelage. Those frigid mages in the College laughed at my inquiries about Angrim. I will show them...'. For female mages only.




    Sure thing. I just put it on my to-do list. :)




    Patience... I still have a bit of work for Stories. 


    Unless I run into an offline emergency, I will have the Stories/Dibella/SD+/Alicia related starts available tomorrow night.

    Like I said... I jumped the gun a bit here.  :blush:



    How about something related to Herm Mora?

    Okay... what did you have in mind? Another Solstheim start, something like that?


    Wow... just read those starts and I must say they really sound exciting! I often run new saves just to play another character concept and those starts are so great for that. I used Immerslave a lot and there were many starts for SD+ and even for Simple Slavery but your mod brings new spice into the game I must try out. Thank you!

    Thank you. I do the same thing sometimes.

    It isn't perfect, and there's still some fine detail I need to work out (like the Vampire door guard and the Beeing Female NPCs not casting spells properly), but I'm glad it's working out. :)

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    Actually, Bestial Essence is one of those things on my to-do list. I just couldn't figure out a good place to start it. :)

    What did you have in mind? If at all possible I'd prefer to do it without making any other mods dependencies... either by triggering a quest via form, or by modevents.



    I potch about with the Ck a lot, it kind of became my main hobby. Obviously BE and HH take up most of that. But every time you open the game you come up with a new idea or sometimes it's just a thing you're in to. Like for me I have a big thing about Witches, a huge thing in fact, I am a Witch (don't tell anyone). That's where the whole apothecary thing came from. But anyway, you have all these ideas, I can't force them into BE or HH (not through lack of trying). Updates are already sparse.


    I toyed with the idea of having a confession box in the temple in Whiterun that I could populate with one off quests. Nothing major. Just small, well made, well packaged. Easy to update with new quests, no big consequences in the long run, low or non existent impact on the game world. my mantra. Problem with BE is every time I add an npc, I feel like I have to give them meaning later in the story. For example, the Imperial that comes to the store during customer service. Whether or not you give him the potion (he can't afford it) determines whether he will live and die later when you get to Niflheim (not entirely true).


    Your alternate start mod is perfect for that kind of smaller self contained quest. You could have longer quests if you wish but for small low impact ones it is as good as it gets. And I would be more than happy just to make little stories that you could tie into it. Things that would just make the player actually feel like it's their character, their choices. You wouldn't even have to credit me, I just like making them and seeing them work well.


    No compulsion to accept any of it, of course. If you think it's crap, then it's crap and ignore it.

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    Actually, Bestial Essence is one of those things on my to-do list. I just couldn't figure out a good place to start it. :)

    What did you have in mind? If at all possible I'd prefer to do it without making any other mods dependencies... either by triggering a quest via form, or by modevents.



    I potch about with the Ck a lot, it kind of became my main hobby. Obviously BE and HH take up most of that. But every time you open the game you come up with a new idea or sometimes it's just a thing you're in to. Like for me I have a big thing about Witches, a huge thing in fact, I am a Witch (don't tell anyone). That's where the whole apothecary thing came from. But anyway, you have all these ideas, I can't force them into BE or HH (not through lack of trying). Updates are already sparse.


    I toyed with the idea of having a confession box in the temple in Whiterun that I could populate with one off quests. Nothing major. Just small, well made, well packaged. Easy to update with new quests, no big consequences in the long run, low or non existent impact on the game world. my mantra. Problem with BE is every time I add an npc, I feel like I have to give them meaning later in the story. For example, the Imperial that comes to the store during customer service. Whether or not you give him the potion (he can't afford it) determines whether he will live and die later when you get to Niflheim (not entirely true).


    Your alternate start mod is perfect for that kind of smaller self contained quest. You could have longer quests if you wish but for small low impact ones it is as good as it gets. And I would be more than happy just to make little stories that you could tie into it. Things that would just make the player actually feel like it's their character, their choices. You wouldn't even have to credit me, I just like making them and seeing them work well.


    No compulsion to accept any of it, of course. If you think it's crap, then it's crap and ignore it.



    Hey, if you've got ideas, post them! Run them up the flagpole, see if they hold water.

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    Guest ornak

    Uhm, I have a suggestion. What about a Solstheim start with Rieklings? Maybe something like player becoming (voluntarily) the Chief-Shaman of the small group of Rieklings (not the Thirsk one), and doing all Shaman things like herb collecting, potion brewing and also "relieving" Rieklings from their tribe ;) . How about that background?

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