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I tried to whore myself out in ivarstead (Inn), but i stuck on the part where i have to take my new clothes. The "wardrob" is just empty. Idk if i have the same problem in other inns too.

What are the locations for all those clubs and brothels?


Thanks for the answer.


You need to define some outfits using the Maria MCM menu. Equip the items you want to make your whore outfit, then open MCM and in the Maria menu select "Save clothes." Name the outfit. Next time you get enslaved/pimped, the pimp will give you your choice of the outfits you've defined.


Be aware that defining an item of vanilla clothing as a whore outfit marks *every* instance of that outfit in the game as whore outfits, and therefore any NPC's wearing it will become whores, service johns, etc. It's better to use custom clothes/armors that are used only by your character. The process for defining them as whore outfits is the same, and any time you put them on, johns will come looking for you. Zaira has posted his favorite outfits elsewhere in this thread, and you can use anything that occupies the torso/cuirass armor slot. (Some custom armors that cover the chest but do not use the standard armor slot for it can't be defined as whore outfits.)


Once you've defined your whore outfits, when you whore yourself in an inn, the innkeeper/pimp will lead you to a chest where you must store a few things from your inventory (like your current non-whore outfit), and then a wardrobe or chest containing your defined whore outfits. Each inn has a slightly different location for these things. For example, in Solitude, the chest where you must store things is in the hallway near the stairs on the ground floor. In Riften, the wardrobe where you get your whore outfits is in Kerava's room. The pimp will lead you to each location in turn. Remember you have to store things in the first chest before he/she will lead you to the wardrobe.



Ah, i thought the outfits from the pictures are included... Thats what he meant with "you need outfits". Where in this thread is the outfit list? Because the thread as 103 pages <.<



Heh, good question. It may also be in one of the earlier threads for earlier versions of ME. There's no file of them available that I know of, if that's what you're looking for, just links for downloads. In general you can use any outfit for your body type from the Nexus or anywhere else. I use a variety of UUNP custom clothes and armors; anything that has armors in pieces will usually have some nice, revealing tops that make good whore outfits. I use UNP Leather, Black Viper's Will, and others. Anything by zzjay is excellent, and usually comes in mix-and-match pieces that will allow you to define certain variants as whore outfits while keeping others un-whoreified for regular adventuring. I switched from CBBE to UUNP specifically to have access to more lore-friendly, vanilla-looking yet still revealing clothes.


You can search for new armors and clothes by just putting in "CBBE outfits" or "UUNP outfits" or whatever your body type is as a search term. You'll get a lot of Nexus and LL links, including some to pages of various people's favorite outfits. Those are particularly helpful.


TL;DR: there's no single file of the outfits, and you'll probably find something more in line with your personal tastes if you go looking for stuff to match your body type elsewhere.

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Well that sucks. Looking like the characters in the pictures (the outfits) would be much better, easier and less time consuming. Neverless i have more questions:


1. Is there a way to use the DDi blindfold effect? I would guess i get zaz blindfold effect.


2. When i get a gag the only thing that NPC's are saying is "talk to yourself" or something like that.


3.  Sometimes i just get the information "You are buisy", but nothing is happening and i don't get any ME options when talking to the NPC's.


4. Freak Show: Do i need to place things in the room (with builder) so that i can use this option? When i choose something from the list the NPC's shows me the list again and i can't stop it without reloading save.


5. Whores Meal: Nothing is happening.


6. A special Client: I can choose between different places and i went to an orc place, but there was no other npc (probably in their hous) and because of the blindfold effect i couldn't see shit anyways.


7. The special whores Job / A worse Job: Nothing is happening.


8. Punishment: I kneel down he starts to teleporting 1meter every 5seconds.


9. I did something for a costumer and he gave the money to the Innkeeper. I didn't get nothing (he should get half of what i earn). Do i have to end my "job" first before he gives me the money?


10. Should i ignore the inkeepers "you have a job for me?"? Do i get them randomly anyways?


11. How can i get something to drink or to eat? Is there an option that he gives me something?


I like that he can change my haircolor and that he gives me random piercings, but the piercing part is a bit annyoing because i like the outfits i have to "save" them by myself. Why not making an extra download for people who want the outfits that are in the pictures (with bodysliders).


I start with Alternate Start in Iverstead Inn and i wanted to make atleast enough gold to buy weapons and armor.

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I tried to whore myself out in ivarstead (Inn), but i stuck on the part where i have to take my new clothes. The "wardrob" is just empty. Idk if i have the same problem in other inns too.

What are the locations for all those clubs and brothels?


Thanks for the answer.

You need to spend some time defining the outfits before you begin playing with the mod. For, example, if you wanted to use the default Tavern Wench chest as a Whore outfit, you equip that, then go into the mod menu and select "save" then find whore clothes in the list and give it a reference name , like Whore 1, or whatever you like. Do this with all the outfits in the list which appears and you're good to go. I use luxury collection to define all my outfits but you could use all vanilla outfits if you want.  :P

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Answers to the ones I can in bold:



Well that sucks. Looking like the characters in the pictures (the outfits) would be much better, easier and less time consuming. Neverless i have more questions:


1. Is there a way to use the DDi blindfold effect? I would guess i get zaz blindfold effect.


Not sure, but I advise against having any kind of blindfold effect that interferes with movement -- zaz does this, so make sure to disable it in MCM Zaz menu. Otherwise you will be stuck in scenes where you have to move to advance the script. Also, you will have scenes that go dark because of the blindfold. Set your DDi blindfold effect so it doesn't affect 3rd person or you may have trouble.


2. When i get a gag the only thing that NPC's are saying is "talk to yourself" or something like that.


Gags that don't get removed after scenes can usually be removed with the "Release player" option in the Cheating part of the ME wheel menu.


3.  Sometimes i just get the information "You are buisy", but nothing is happening and i don't get any ME options when talking to the NPC's.


You are stuck in a scene or a script. Usually this can be solved by using the Release Player option. If that doesn't work, try the "Stop quest" option. Sometimes there's not much you can do but load an earlier save and try again, or uninstall, clean save, and reinstall.


4. Freak Show: Do i need to place things in the room (with builder) so that i can use this option? When i choose something from the list the NPC's shows me the list again and i can't stop it without reloading save.


You need to create a Freak Show Spot object from the Builder (Self) spell. Any objects the freak shows themselves use will appear during the scene and disappear afterward.


5. Whores Meal: Nothing is happening.


You probably need to set a Freak Show spot.


6. A special Client: I can choose between different places and i went to an orc place, but there was no other npc (probably in their hous) and because of the blindfold effect i couldn't see shit anyways.


Those can be twitchy. Save before taking on a special job and if it doesn't work, try again or try with a different job.


7. The special whores Job / A worse Job: Nothing is happening.


For the worse job, you must set a piece of deadly Zaz furniture in the inn, like Crux Nailed or the Spit Roast. 


8. Punishment: I kneel down he starts to teleporting 1meter every 5seconds.

Glitch. Try again. Make sure you're in as open an area as possible so the NPC's can move around you freely. Alternatively, set a piece of Zaz furniture and enter it when the john tells you to "Prepare for punishment."


9. I did something for a costumer and he gave the money to the Innkeeper. I didn't get nothing (he should get half of what i earn). Do i have to end my "job" first before he gives me the money?


You will have a dialogue option with the pimp to give you your half of the money when you leave his/her service. Until then, the pimp keeps all the money for your jobs.



10. Should i ignore the inkeepers "you have a job for me?"? Do i get them randomly anyways?


They do seem to pop up occasionally. If the dialogue opens and you don't choose anything, you may get a random job. My character just got sent to whore training this way: I approached the pimp for a special job, and while that dialogue was going on another mod started a rape scene. When that was over, my pimp had decided I needed training. I don't know if it was randomly selected or if I got it because I didn't respond; just saying, if you don't respond, you may get sent to the House of Burden or Riften Auctionhouse for training, and if you don't have those areas installed you will probably get errors.



11. How can i get something to drink or to eat? Is there an option that he gives me something?


Not to my knowledge. My poor girl is starving to death and about to drop from exhaustion while she's being whipped and gang-banged. I swear, it's a good thing she's just a videogame character because if we met in real life she'd kick my ass for what I've done to her.


I like that he can change my haircolor and that he gives me random piercings, but the piercing part is a bit annyoing because i like the outfits i have to "save" them by myself. Why not making an extra download for people who want the outfits that are in the pictures (with bodysliders).


Probably because all the outfits are the work of other modders, and it isn't cool to package them and post them with your own work, even if you give credit, unless the other mod authors agree. 


Here's one of zaira's posts about his favorite outfits.


I start with Alternate Start in Iverstead Inn and i wanted to make atleast enough gold to buy weapons and armor.



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Answers to the ones I can in bold:



Well that sucks. Looking like the characters in the pictures (the outfits) would be much better, easier and less time consuming. Neverless i have more questions:


1. Is there a way to use the DDi blindfold effect? I would guess i get zaz blindfold effect.


Not sure, but I advise against having any kind of blindfold effect that interferes with movement -- zaz does this, so make sure to disable it in MCM Zaz menu. Otherwise you will be stuck in scenes where you have to move to advance the script. Also, you will have scenes that go dark because of the blindfold. Set your DDi blindfold effect so it doesn't affect 3rd person or you may have trouble.


2. When i get a gag the only thing that NPC's are saying is "talk to yourself" or something like that.


Gags that don't get removed after scenes can usually be removed with the "Release player" option in the Cheating part of the ME wheel menu.


3.  Sometimes i just get the information "You are buisy", but nothing is happening and i don't get any ME options when talking to the NPC's.


You are stuck in a scene or a script. Usually this can be solved by using the Release Player option. If that doesn't work, try the "Stop quest" option. Sometimes there's not much you can do but load an earlier save and try again, or uninstall, clean save, and reinstall.


4. Freak Show: Do i need to place things in the room (with builder) so that i can use this option? When i choose something from the list the NPC's shows me the list again and i can't stop it without reloading save.


You need to create a Freak Show Spot object from the Builder (Self) spell. Any objects the freak shows themselves use will appear during the scene and disappear afterward.


5. Whores Meal: Nothing is happening.


You probably need to set a Freak Show spot.


6. A special Client: I can choose between different places and i went to an orc place, but there was no other npc (probably in their hous) and because of the blindfold effect i couldn't see shit anyways.


Those can be twitchy. Save before taking on a special job and if it doesn't work, try again or try with a different job.


7. The special whores Job / A worse Job: Nothing is happening.


For the worse job, you must set a piece of deadly Zaz furniture in the inn, like Crux Nailed or the Spit Roast. 


8. Punishment: I kneel down he starts to teleporting 1meter every 5seconds.

Glitch. Try again. Make sure you're in as open an area as possible so the NPC's can move around you freely. Alternatively, set a piece of Zaz furniture and enter it when the john tells you to "Prepare for punishment."


9. I did something for a costumer and he gave the money to the Innkeeper. I didn't get nothing (he should get half of what i earn). Do i have to end my "job" first before he gives me the money?


You will have a dialogue option with the pimp to give you your half of the money when you leave his/her service. Until then, the pimp keeps all the money for your jobs.



10. Should i ignore the inkeepers "you have a job for me?"? Do i get them randomly anyways?


They do seem to pop up occasionally. If the dialogue opens and you don't choose anything, you may get a random job. My character just got sent to whore training this way: I approached the pimp for a special job, and while that dialogue was going on another mod started a rape scene. When that was over, my pimp had decided I needed training. I don't know if it was randomly selected or if I got it because I didn't respond; just saying, if you don't respond, you may get sent to the House of Burden or Riften Auctionhouse for training, and if you don't have those areas installed you will probably get errors.



11. How can i get something to drink or to eat? Is there an option that he gives me something?


Not to my knowledge. My poor girl is starving to death and about to drop from exhaustion while she's being whipped and gang-banged. I swear, it's a good thing she's just a videogame character because if we met in real life she'd kick my ass for what I've done to her.


I like that he can change my haircolor and that he gives me random piercings, but the piercing part is a bit annyoing because i like the outfits i have to "save" them by myself. Why not making an extra download for people who want the outfits that are in the pictures (with bodysliders).


Probably because all the outfits are the work of other modders, and it isn't cool to package them and post them with your own work, even if you give credit, unless the other mod authors agree. 


Here's one of zaira's posts about his favorite outfits.


I start with Alternate Start in Iverstead Inn and i wanted to make atleast enough gold to buy weapons and armor.




Thanks that you took your time and yes i know what you mean with the outfit package, but it would be better if this list was somewhere visible for everyone without checking a thread with 100+ pages. Is it so time consuming to ask the authors? Idk.


What are the essential outfits that i need? Like the whore outfit.

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Some thoughts/questions.


1. It is a bit immersion-breaking, when enslaving oneself to an NPC, to be forced to leave the NPC's home at night to go to an inn. Is there any way to make this component optional? Overall the owner/slave dynamic works very well in ME, but I would like to be enslaved to various NPC's around Skyrim without breaking their sandboxes completely. I understand it may not be possible to add the slave/master stuff to existing NPC routines, but it would help if I weren't being transported involuntarily to an inn every night when in a town.


This is the only tweak I'd request to the otherwise excellent voluntary slavery system.


2. Would it be possible to have a selectable, or different, kneeling pose for when the player is enslaved? My favorite kneeling pose for a really submissive feel is the one in which the sub's face is close to the ground, her wrists bound behind her back, and her head almost between her knees. 


3. Is there any way to get the special whore jobs (A special client, A worse job, The whore's meal, Freakshow, etc.) while voluntarily enslaved to a master/mistress?


As always, thanks for the gold-standard player slavery/prostitution mod. 

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So what are slavers supposed to do exactly? I have a follower mod for chunli she is hanging out in the winking skeever in solitude. She has her own race though and maybe this is the problem but I don't really know. Anyway she just wanders around even though I marked her as a slaver. I can stand my PC directly in front of her with bondage stuff on and she won't do a dam thing to my PC but if I ask her through dialogue to make my PC a her fuck toy she takes ALL items and strips my PC then does the slaver stuff to my PC. If this is supposed to be how it works why in the hell does it work this way? Shouldn't a slaver chase after restrained player or npcs? I have devioulsly enslaved mod installed and it is supposed to have npcs approach the follower but there might be relationship rank issues there. Does the slaver have to be non follower?


I noticed while casting the builder spell on other npcs there was an option to make that npc a slave of chunli so I guess I could set her up in a dungeon somewhere and make other npcs her slaves lol. I can get the dialogue for best whore in tamriel training with her but she does nothing after selecting that dialogue.

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pimp changed the hair colour of my pc from platin to black. ok. after a while i wanted to have my platin colour back.

showracemenu changed platin to black and old saves are black too. no platin anymore. deinstalling ME brought total cd, no entrance to the game anymore.

maybe a warning should be written in BIG letters in the front description?

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pimp changed the hair colour of my pc from platin to black. ok. after a while i wanted to have my platin colour back.

showracemenu changed platin to black and old saves are black too. no platin anymore. deinstalling ME brought total cd, no entrance to the game anymore.

maybe a warning should be written in BIG letters in the front description?


In BIG letters:

Attention : Using mods can mess up your Skyrim installation


Sorry - but everything could mess up you installation and I am pretty sure that this is not caused by changing the hair color.

You should better use MO - it prevents your installation from being messed up in 90% of all cases.

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pimp changed the hair colour of my pc from platin to black. ok. after a while i wanted to have my platin colour back.

showracemenu changed platin to black and old saves are black too. no platin anymore. deinstalling ME brought total cd, no entrance to the game anymore.

maybe a warning should be written in BIG letters in the front description?


Take Zaira's advice.


And some unsolicited of my own:


1) Use Mod Organizer. That is a must.

2) Set up a Maria Eden profile. Include just those mods listed as prerequisites. Add more if you have to, but not many, and results not guaranteed.

3) Save a pre-install save. Label it in the console like "save BeforeMaria" so you don't lose it. Roll back to it on a new release of Maria.


Do these and life is (mostly) good.

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HAHA i thought so ! of course changing the platinum colour in showracemenu and in all  saves to black has NOTHING to do with changing the haircolour from platinum to black in ME in exactly that moment inside a hundred hours game!  Ultra !!!

i want the platinum hair colour back in the game. you should better tell about this !

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I have no problems with changing haircolour...i can load all gamesaves. (using NMM)

plz post your modlist and the papyrus logfile


(wird aber wie immer nichts in der Richtung kommen...)


i can load all saves, and in all saves she had platinum hair colour , but now black !  if deinstall maria eden first thing that can be seen, if a load works at all, she is a he now !  and not a north !   that comes from ME changing the charactder creation screen !   showracemenu will ctd unless you type in console player.setrace nord before. how long to find this out !


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pimp changed the hair colour of my pc from platin to black. ok. after a while i wanted to have my platin colour back.

showracemenu changed platin to black and old saves are black too. no platin anymore. deinstalling ME brought total cd, no entrance to the game anymore.

maybe a warning should be written in BIG letters in the front description?



best is to not touch the jaxonz positioner for changing CLOTHES - it can cause confused things with the caliente´s bodyslide tool.

After a new "batch-build" with Setting active: "race-menu-Morph" , your game should be again working.

MEP instead is really  very fine working (with my view pointed on that 100000 scripts) ...lol


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pimp changed the hair colour of my pc from platin to black. ok. after a while i wanted to have my platin colour back.

showracemenu changed platin to black and old saves are black too. no platin anymore. deinstalling ME brought total cd, no entrance to the game anymore.

maybe a warning should be written in BIG letters in the front description?



best is to not touch the jaxonz positioner for changing CLOTHES - it can cause confused things with the caliente´s bodyslide tool.

After a new "batch-build" with Setting active: "race-menu-Morph" , your game should be again working.

MEP instead is really  very fine working (with my view pointed on that 100000 scripts) ...lol




how to change clothes with jaxonz positioner ? you mean the load / save tool in me mcm ? why is it made when it can not be used?

i dont use race menu and dont have a race-menu-morph in batch-build.


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omg ive been modding skyrim now for a cpl years and had a cpl favorites that i stuck with. this one scared me with all the mods required in the beginning so i didnt install and never looked at it again. now im using it and loving everything. can make any building into a whore house put more ppl in places just awesome loving it ty for this mod ty ty.

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