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For some reason every time I visit Rannveig's Fast I want to start a new game as Sild's slave. He has tons of cages down there and I think it'd be a lovely setting for a quest where he enslaves you and then experiments on you, using maybe creatures he keeps in those cages and all sort of nasty devices until you can escape or just surrender to being his slave. 


May not be exactly what you're looking for but Angrim's Apprentice has a side quest that may take you there. If you don't escape right away then Sild will have some fun with you before turning you.



thanks! I'll git it a try

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not sure if there's anything like this but would love it in my game.


you become a dog "trainer" / seller where you can sell dogs to any girls over skyrim to have "fun" with, you can help the girls by showing them how to "use" the dogs etc.


dogs then would follow they're master who would have fun at anytime, anywhere even in public.



and something like having wandering stray dogs around the cities that go after women for free fun.



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I actually tried working on that "Stone curse" mod myself a bit, I used the iron flesh texture from "invested magicka" alternate mage armor visuals. But I hit a wall I can seem to get the texture to stay along with the paralyze effect. I can make one work or the other but not both. It would seem paralyze spell has it's own "glow" that overwrites the iron flesh texture.

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I actually tried working on that "Stone curse" mod myself a bit, I used the iron flesh texture from "invested magicka" alternate mage armor visuals. But I hit a wall I can seem to get the texture to stay along with the paralyze effect. I can make one work or the other but not both. It would seem paralyze spell has it's own "glow" that overwrites the iron flesh texture.


You'd have to create a new paralyze effect with a custom effect shader (or whatever they call them in the CK) that points to the new textures.

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Succubi Spells mod. Hopefully these would plug-in to PSQ and take advantage of the Succubus Energy in there, or into Succubus Heart to use the spells there.



Night's Embrace
-High Cost for Magicka and the succubus stat (From PSQ or Succubus Heart)

After sex, victim will be temporarily charmed to the succubi's service, will behave like a follower, and attack her enemies.
Depending on spell Strength, and strength of enemy at the time of sex, enemy will attempt to break free from the spell at certain intervals.(every few minutes)
This should be accompanied by a warning. If the victim fails, the spell continues, if it breaks free, he will either attack the succubus, or attempt to flee depending on their disposition. (Civilians should flee, bandits and other enemies should try to fight back).
Spell should always work and have a high duration if the victim was sleeping.
Skill ups
-Allow succubus to instantly kill the victim.
-Allow more victims to be controlled
-Decrease Victim's Chance to break free over time until they're permanently enslaved.

Fascinating Visions
-Moderate Cost for Magicka and the succubus stat (From PSQ or Succubus Heart)

Victim not in combat will be compelled to non-aggressively walk towards the succubus with weapons down, this behavior in of itself will not draw attention. Succubus will receive option to feed on charmed NPC. However, nearby NPCs do have a potential to see the spell being cast and will not be affected by it. Spell should last only 10-20 seconds for balance, but be upgradable to up to a minute.
Skill ups will: 
-Prevent aggro from nearby NPCs
-Increase calmed duration
-Allow Succubus to take items from charmed NPC (Does not work on essential NPCs)
-Allow Succubus to feed from Charmed Victim
-Allow succubus to command Victim to sleep
-Temporarily leech regeneration from the victim

Seductive Touch
-Moderate Cost for Magicka and the succubus stat (From PSQ or Succubus Heart)

Touch spell requiring succubus to be undetected. NPC will be commanded by succubus for a short period of time depending on skill level. Commanding NPC to attack an ally will break the spell.
It would be awesome if this spell forced a quick kissing or foreplay animation
Skill ups:
-Increase duration
-Allow succubi to command victim to attack nearby enemies.
-Allow succubus to feed from victim
-Temporarily leech regeneration from the victim

-High Cost for Magicka and the succubus stat (From PSQ or Succubus Heart)

Could come at the end of a sex animation for a long bonus, or a short kissing animation.
Ethereal form for succubus, who takes full control "Movement, actions" of character for a temporary period of time. Character may attack Enemies of the succubus, and receives a small stat bonus.
This spell was done by Apocalypse magic, it is called "Mind Control"
Lore: Reward succubi for sneaking, allow them to not get their hands dirty, and allow them to pick apart many enemies without engaging in direct combat. Perfect for agents, spies, or lone-wolves.

Dark Allure

Foes in combat with the succubus will rapidly gain arousal. Landing melee attacks on, or being hit by melee attacks from the succubus will rapidly add arousal to the victim.
Higher levels allow minor desire gains, minor stat draining from highly aroused victims or from victims of this spell.
Lore: Arousal can do some really interesting things given other mods, and it suits this one perfectly.

Mark & Abudction (2 spells)
-High Cost for Magicka and the succubus stat (From PSQ or Succubus Heart)

High Cost
Mark a Location with the mark spell. When Abduction is cast on a non-essential enemy who is (Sleeping Staggered from damage, under the influence of charm or fear spells, nights embrace, or seductive touch), that enemy will be teleported to the location, given maximum arousal, calmed, removed from combat, paralyzed, and forbidden from moving. Higher levels allow succubi to abduct more than one victim at once, and gain energy and stats from abducted victims. Mark MUST be cast in a safe location owned by the succubus. 
Casting this spell on a character afflicted by night's embrace refunds 75% of any cost.
Lore: Inspired by SCP-106's pocket dimension and kidnapping/feeding mechanics. Being kidnapped by a succubus you've never seen while being held in some pocket of oblivion is fascinating and terrifying. Playing a character who could do this would be a blast. It would also allow a succubus to save one of her companions.



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  • 2 weeks later...


For some reason every time I visit Rannveig's Fast I want to start a new game as Sild's slave. He has tons of cages down there and I think it'd be a lovely setting for a quest where he enslaves you and then experiments on you, using maybe creatures he keeps in those cages and all sort of nasty devices until you can escape or just surrender to being his slave. 

If you want to start like that then perhaps Arthmoor's Alternate Start - Live Another Life Extension Documentation.txt file could be useful. :)




Creating a Quest Based Addon for Live Another Life



By semi-popular demand, a framework for adding on new start options for Live Another Life has been created. This should allow for much more seamless introduction of extended start options for the player without the obvious problems of conflicts introduced by multiple extensions being written. Not to mention it will no longer lock modders and/or players into needing a certain version of Live Another Life for their favorite extender to continue to work - beyond needing 2.5.0 or greater of course.


In order to create an extension, the following process is needed:


ESMify the Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp file. You will not be able to do the remainder of this process otherwise. You can use either TES5Edit or Wrye Bash to do this.


Once loaded into the CK, find the ARTHLALChargenQuest entry. Open it up, and go to the "Player Dialogue" tab.


Along the left side of the display you'll find various dialogue branches. You will need to create one to fill in here, with whatever name you want. It will automatically prompt you for a topic to go with it (Alternatively, put your dialogue in your own quest). Make sure none of the branches you create are marked as blocking topics. They need to be "Top Level" in order to work.


Once you have the topic branch created, you can set up the dialogue as you see fit. You can either have just one response for a single option, or you can have several subtopics linked to your branch in order to provide some extra choices. In order to work from the menu, the dialogue must be conditioned to be spoken by the ARTHLALMaraStatueActivator talking activator object.


With the way Live Another Life works, each actual response record needs to be flagged as a "Goodbye". A TopicInfo script must be attached to this with the following code supplied:


ChargenQuest.SetAddonQuestStage(Int, Quest)


"Quest" must be a quest record from your mod.

"Int" must be an integer quest stage > 0 which is part of your quest.

"ChargenQuest" is the property for ARTHLALChargenQuest. If this is not properly set, your extension will not get processed.


When the topic is used, Live Another Life will call your quest stage after the player has used the bed in the prison cell.


In the stage fragment for your quest, add whatever code you see fit. That would be where you'd outfit the player, set up any factions they should belong to, and then move them to whatever destination you have in mind. A journal entry to set the tone for your scenario would need to be placed here as well.


When your quest fragment runs, the last line needs to be:




This needs to be done in order to make sure the data is setup to allow the player to proceed through the quest to get to Helgen. I realize some of you may not want this to happen, but it's necessary for the proper functioning of the mod since it is NOT set up to be a means to kill the Main Quest.


Once all of your work is done, and you've saved (you have been saving, right?) and exited the CK, don't forget to ESPify the Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp file. Forgetting to do this will lead to undesirable results.


Now go test it! Hopefully it's all working well :)


Extending the Vampire, Bandit, and Left for Dead Options



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Sorry, for the double post but now I have a request to make.



Over 3 years ago Dheuster abandoned his awesome Amazing Follower Tweaks (AFT) mod and I have use it since the day I downloaded it the first time.


Still I cannot play Skyrim without it, depsite for being outdated and sometimes a little buggy here and there.


The first thing I notice in the last 2-3 previous games is that the "Make Camp" feature seems to be needless.


Why?  It's simple the camp is ugly and the player cannot sit down as a follower(s) can.  Besides the camp is way too big and what I mean by that is that you can try to find one single spot on Solstheim that is big enough plus the spot must also be flat.  It is IMPOSSIBLE to find such a spot on Solstheim, I have tried that and I even find it hard to find a spot in Skyrim too that fits for using the "Make Camp" feature in AFT.


Lately, I've been thinking about posting a request about improving AFT, but then I realize not everyone are using AFT so that's why I post my request here.



I got some ideas.


1. Remove the "Make Camp" feature and let mod users use Chesko's Camping mod instead, both mods works great together.

2. Rewrite the code for the clothing management since it's a bit buggy in the AFT 1.66 version.

3. Make an English MCM version and not a translated AFT-MCM mod.  Also allow all dialogue since the AFT-MCM version has a hide all dialogue that conflicts with AFT setting.

4. I dunno if it's feasible or not, but something like this (I know it's Emma's Vilja mod for Oblivoin) would be awesome to see that in Skyrim.


Finally, I think the "Enhanced Amazing Follower Tweaks" (eAFT) is a good name for an improved AFT since someone released an Immersive Amazing Follower Tweaks mod.

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This idea is a combination of JUGS and Skooma Whore.


What if you add addiction to drinking milk with benefits/withdrawal effects?


Drink milk and get a temporary benefit but get addicted as well. Stop drinking milk and you get withdrawal effects, but over time your addiction lowers. The twist, the higher your addiction, the higher the benefits, but the withdrawal effects will increase as well. So there is an incentive for the player to get more addicted. See the spoiler as to a possible implementation.





Every time you drink milk, you earn one point to your next addiction level. After something like 5 points, your addiction level increases. It takes one week of not drinking milk to decrease your addiction level. That means that even one drop of milk will reset the detoxification timer while you gain one point towards the next level of addiction. The amount of addiction levels could be 10.



This is not to be mistaken for the addiction-level, these are two separate levels! The buffs/Defuffs-level is determined by how long it is since you drink you last glass of milk.


24 hours after drinking, you get the full benefits. (level +1)

24 to 36 hours after drinking, you get half the benefits (level +1/2)

36 to 48 hours, no benefits, but no withdrawal either (level 0)

48 to 60 hours, withdrawal effects at half strength (level -1/2)

... ... ...

84 to 96 hours, withdrawal effect at double strength (level -2, but you might decide to go to level -3)


  • Each time the dragonborn drinks (a pint of) milk, the buffs/debuffs level increases 1 or 2 levels.
    Meaning that it takes multiple drinkings to go from level -2 (or -3) to level +1.
  • The level +1 is active for 24 hours, while the other levels last 12 hours.
    But in general, the dragonborn has 2 days before withdrawal effects take place.
  • Should the dragonborn get gagged, he/she is of course in a bit of trouble.


Buffs and Debuffs strength

The strength of the effects depends on the multiplication of the addiction-level and the buff/debuff-level  (although an offset could be added).


For example, a possible benefit could be +20 to carry weight.

  • At addiction level 1 and the buffs-level be at +1, the dragonborn get (20 x 1 x 1 =) +20 to carry weight.
  • Should the dragonborn have an addiction level of 5 while the buffs-level is at +1/5, the dragonborn gets (20 x 1/2 x 5 =) +50 to carry weight.
  • The maximum bonus will be +200 while the maximum debuff will be -400 (or -600).


The effects

I mentioned carry-capacity as possible nice buff/debuff. But you could have effects that only are buffs and other effects that only are debuffs. For example, increase in health regeneration could be a buff, while reduction in speech and getting worse prices might be a debuff.



As the dragonborn, you might be the only one who might get buffs (and an addiction) from being a milk drinker. To be able to get your supply of milk, you need to convince other women in Skyrim to join a "breast worshiping cult" that might perhaps require a nice name. Before they are willing to let you drink from their tits, you will have to offer them to drink from your tits a few times first. But once they joined completely, they have no problem in exchanging milk. Do know that there is a time-out, something like not being able to produce (enough) milk the next 3 to 6 hours. This means that there is a delay before being able to drink again as you won't be able to offer milk yourself.


Avoid withdrawal

When the withdrawal effects are getting stronger, other members will treat you differently. The strength of the withdrawal depends on both the buff/debuff-level and the addiction level. This means that at higher addiction level, people will treat you different when you have a very low buff/debuff level. And when you barely have an addiction, you might not even get to that stage. Nice thresholds might be -5 and -10. These values are calculated by multiplication the  addiction-leven and the buff/debuff-level.


How do they treat you differently? At threshold level one, they demand that they get to drink from you first, but there will only be a 50% chance they return the favor and let you drink from their breasts. At threshold level 2, there will only be a 25% chance that return the favor. And as you can only give milk about once every three to six hours, you will spend most of your time to get your glass of milk.


Optional, at threshold level 1, there is a 25% chance that they only give you one drop of milk. And at threshold 2 there is a 50% chance that you will be given just on drop of milk. That one drop of milk will not count for the buff/debuff-level, but will affect the addiction level. In a worse case, you addiction level might even increase.


Of course, you could ad that members might demand certain services at certain thresholds, and that they might do that even if you did not spoke to them.


Background story

You could add a quest (in the shape of a witch) that cast a spell on you. Due to that spell, you can get addicted to milk and experience buffs from drinking milk. This will unlock the dialogues but the encounter will also lead to your first step in getting addicted (could be straight to addiction level 2 or 3). The witch will always help you to get some milk (and increase your addiction level), but after a while you will find her in the dungeon tied to a cross, unable to provide you with some milk. You better have converted some women of Skyrim to join the cult by then.




I hope you like this idea (I am aware that this might become a rather large mod).

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I would love to see some of the older rpg elements that fallout 3/ Oblivion had. Something such as a wear system for armour and weapons. Higher material armour (ebony/elven) should wear less then cheaper material armor (leather/iron). Armour and weapons should become more useless if they are never maintained, such as dull weapons and dented armour. Perhaps a scrapping system such as what Fallout 4 has, so I can recycle a iron pot into an iron ingot at a forge. Another thing I think would be cool is to be able to manage how dungeons and other places respawn items. I think it is dumb to clear out a dungeon and then have the game respawn the enemies and loot so often. Takes away the feel of finding lost treasure and other cool loot. Food also feels very useless in skyrim, especially after playing fallout 4. Food buffs, such as alcohol and a well rounded meal should give bonuses like increase carry weight or decrease stamina decay. Nothing really complicated, just a buff to show that stopping in for a meal or cooking that deer you had just hunted actually reflect a healthy dragon born. I think the diseases in Skyrim could definitely be more interesting. Something like adding an "injury" list along side the disease list and have various affects like if you have a fever from a disease, your vision starts to become blurry when your stamina drops below 50%. Or if i had an injury such as a broken wrist, my character can not use two handed weapons and use that hand for combat. Using the crafting menus, and applying the games internal clock, skyrim can be a lot more fun for hardcore players, as I personally find, even with the large archive of mods we have today, that lots of the simple crafting, consumables and items are still largely useless in game. Just some of my ideas, but I really do think this is awesome of you and look forwards to seeing what you can tinker with. Cheers

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Request - a Devious Sexual Addiction mod


I imagine it should be quite simple, really. 


Whenever the player character has sex, there's a chance they get addicted. The type of addiction is dependant on wether they were having anal, oral or vaginal sex. Once addicted, a timer would start. If the character would go without a sex act related to the addiction, they'd get a progressively worse debuff by 8 hour intervals. A sex act related to the addiction would reset the timer and addiction level to zero, however the addiction would remain and the debuffs would start accumulating again.


The devious bit - wearing a ballgag (if orally addicted) or plugs (if anally or vaginally addicted) would suppress accumulation of timer debuff, causing them to be a temporary quick-fix to the problem. Of course, they'd bring the issue of increased arousal... 

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Hello. I'm not sure if this was requested before. It would be great if we got a mod from Oblivion ported over or redone for Skyrim. It's the Lovers Bitch mod and Loves Bitch Gone Wild. Skyrim seems to be lacking a mod like this.



Lots of times it's been asked for but nobody has ever done it. However you can do most of what it contains using a few of the other mods already available so that may explain why it never gets done.



how about a better male cumshot mod i mean look at the ladies making it rain with the squirt mods




thanks but i got that. so i was hoping for someone to do  better , like more of a firehose thing and not that drip thing.


You see that's the problem with so many requests, the requester often doesn't mention the fact that they already have a mod that does some or most of what they want. Perhaps you would be better off asking the author of the mod that comes close to add a "Hose the Ho with cum" option instead of asking someone else to write the whole damned thing from scratch.


Seriously, you stand a better chance of getting what you want that way. Even if the author of that mod doesn't want to do it, you may inspire someone else who already has that mod to create a patch because you'll be talking to the right audience if you make your request on the support thread for that mod.

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Hello. I'm not sure if this was requested before. It would be great if we got a mod from Oblivion ported over or redone for Skyrim. It's the Lovers Bitch mod and Loves Bitch Gone Wild. Skyrim seems to be lacking a mod like this.



Lots of times it's been asked for but nobody has ever done it. However you can do most of what it contains using a few of the other mods already available so that may explain why it never gets done. 




After trying lovers bitch for the first time, I don't recall any mods in skyrim that do similar ie training yourself to be a doggy bitch

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Hello. I'm not sure if this was requested before. It would be great if we got a mod from Oblivion ported over or redone for Skyrim. It's the Lovers Bitch mod and Loves Bitch Gone Wild. Skyrim seems to be lacking a mod like this.



Lots of times it's been asked for but nobody has ever done it. However you can do most of what it contains using a few of the other mods already available so that may explain why it never gets done.



After trying lovers bitch for the first time, I don't recall any mods in skyrim that do similar ie training yourself to be a doggy bitch


Animal Mansion, except you train to be more than just a doggy's bitch.

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Hello. I'm not sure if this was requested before. It would be great if we got a mod from Oblivion ported over or redone for Skyrim. It's the Lovers Bitch mod and Loves Bitch Gone Wild. Skyrim seems to be lacking a mod like this.



Lots of times it's been asked for but nobody has ever done it. However you can do most of what it contains using a few of the other mods already available so that may explain why it never gets done.



After trying lovers bitch for the first time, I don't recall any mods in skyrim that do similar ie training yourself to be a doggy bitch


Animal Mansion, except you train to be more than just a doggy's bitch.



I've only tried the original animal mansion as the "new" version its like your fighting the creator/updater to play the mod -.-


all I remember about that, you have to help a girl build a multi animal/creature sex house, I didn't think or see myself while playing it as a doggy bitch more helping whats her face build up customers and once that's done there's not much else to do with it.


lovers bitch though so far from how far I've played is female->dog specific orientated only, which I wish there was in skyrim :/


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