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A little warning to mod creators of non adult mods....


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There's no silencing of criticism, negative or otherwise, in that picture.



Hey deleting the down vote tab and the stars thingy is kinda silencing it isn't it ? It's like, your government makes a referendum, but silences the total numbers, doesn't share it with journalists, and only speaks of "200 000 people agreed to the motion" instead of giving the percentage. Close enough I say

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if someone just need something, ask me, i will reupload those modes.... AGAINS PRIVILEGES OF MODDERS, I JUST THOSE PAYWALL B** CAN F***





No you won't.  LoversLab has always honored the wishes of mod makers.  This has not changed.  Posting mods without permission is still against forum rules and violators will be warned/banned.

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That is not what the word "censorship" means.


Close enough



Indeed, silencing negative criticism gets pretty damn close.


There's no silencing of criticism, negative or otherwise, in that picture.



I'll bite. How do you figure that?


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Arthmoor signed up for the paid mod scheme? I am surprised. He may be a grumpy bastard, but he's always had his principles.


Then again, if Chesko's opt-out letter is anything to go by, I think the initial sign-ups for the scheme were played. I mean Chesko initially though he was getting 75% and it wasn't until just before the scheme went live that Valve clarified that particular point. Then there was the $400 threshold. Now it transpires that the $400 limit resets every month. I think this was a con job from the word go.


That's my objection to the whole thing really. That and the divisive effect on the community as a whole. I don't think anyone here would begrudge mod creators making a few pennies from their hard work, but this isn't the way to go about it.



I never really liked Arthmoor to begin with, but I didn't expect him to jump into this bandwagon. I trully hope it doesn't affect the pretty much essential unofficial patches in any way. This could be my biggest fear so far with the whole situation.



AH SHIT.  :@



There are mods on Steam going for £66.99 and there is nothing in these mods. Well done Valve...........


These cost more than those payware FSX aircraft that go for some $30 apiece.


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Not trying to defend the bullshit in any way but to keep the criticism factual and accurate, the miserable amount of money modders receive from mods does not go to their steam wallet but to their actual bank account. Proof here under "payment". Do notice that the rates are nowhere mentioned until the end of the page where they basically tell you "Hey if you wanna know how much money we'll get from your ass, start producing and stop asking so many questions". It's funnier in French. 

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Not trying to defend the bullshit in any way but to keep the criticism factual and accurate, the miserable amount of money modders receive from mods does not go to their steam wallet but to their actual bank account. Proof here under "payment". Do notice that the rates are nowhere mentioned until the end of the page where they basically tell you "Hey if you wanna know how much money we'll get from your ass, start producing and stop asking so many questions". It's funnier in French. 


Why the hell am I getting that in Polish?

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Not trying to defend the bullshit in any way but to keep the criticism factual and accurate, the miserable amount of money modders receive from mods does not go to their steam wallet but to their actual bank account. Proof here under "payment". Do notice that the rates are nowhere mentioned until the end of the page where they basically tell you "Hey if you wanna know how much money we'll get from your ass, start producing and stop asking so many questions". It's funnier in French. 


Why the hell am I getting that in Polish?



Wait what ? 


Ah yeah they edited the page, html must be messed up, you need to copy paste the link to google and click on the link with the description written in your language !

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Not trying to defend the bullshit in any way but to keep the criticism factual and accurate, the miserable amount of money modders receive from mods does not go to their steam wallet but to their actual bank account. Proof here under "payment". Do notice that the rates are nowhere mentioned until the end of the page where they basically tell you "Hey if you wanna know how much money we'll get from your ass, start producing and stop asking so many questions". It's funnier in French. 


Why the hell am I getting that in Polish?



Wait what ? 



For whatever reason, when I go to the steam community, it's in freaking polish. At least it looks like Polish. Even if I follow a ling from google. I get Polish.


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Yep thats right the guy who created Midas Magic mod added a ad pop up into his older version that asks people to but the mod every time they cast a spell.


This has to be a joke. I raged when I saw this in Dragon Age: Origins. Now this crap is cropping up, in mods?! I'm starting to really rethink my hobby.



Keep in mind that xilverbulet has also taken down every one of his free versions of Midas, Nexus included, shut down comments on the workshop mod page and on his Youtube. 


He's a fucking twat and I hope he never makes another mod.  Also glad all it took for him to make an update to a 2 year old mod was to say "Hey you can make money now and we know you're a greedy sellout whore". 

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For whatever reason, when I go to the steam community, it's in freaking polish. At least it looks like Polish. Even if I follow a ling from google. I get Polish.




Good occasion to start learning Polish with Witcher 3 coming out soon  :lol:



LOL Yeah. Seriously, WTF? The google results are in English, but when i follow the link I get Polish. How the hell would I even fix that?

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Who's gonna do all the discovery/backend work on the next TES game with a mod market running? You'd benefit way more from completely hiding anything you find until you can put out some sort of saleable product.


My prediction is you're just gonna have ten thousand companion mods and mace retextures for 50 cents a pop and a handful of worthwhile things that a group of people wrote and voiceacted within the existing quest system, and the more complex stuff just won't get developed at all since all the unpaid modders will be fed up with people selling shit off the back of what they figured out, and it won't be worth the time investment for those just looking for quick cash.

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LOL Yeah. Seriously, WTF? The google results are in English, but when i follow the link I get Polish. How the hell would I even fix that?



Top right corner of Shiteam, little tab, open it, choose languages inside. 



Jesus, I'm apparently an idiot. Thanks.


And thanks for the link to the payment stuff. Makes much more sense now. Real money. Appears to be chump change, but still real money.

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And so is the Modding Community blackened

With each step you take in my Hall.
Marvel at perfection, for it is fleeting.
You have brought Sin to Heaven
And doom upon all the world.
-Threnodies 8:13
A qoute from Dragon Age, modified a bit. Seemed appropriate :P
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And so is the Modding Community blackened

With each step you take in my Hall.
Marvel at perfection, for it is fleeting.
You have brought Sin to Heaven
And doom upon all the world.
-Threnodies 8:13
A qoute from Dragon Age, modified a bit. Seemed appropriate :P



So, the Valve guys are the First Darkspawns now?

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And so is the Modding Community blackened

With each step you take in my Hall.
Marvel at perfection, for it is fleeting.
You have brought Sin to Heaven
And doom upon all the world.
-Threnodies 8:13
A qoute from Dragon Age, modified a bit. Seemed appropriate :P



So, the Valve guys are the First Darkspawns now?



More like, Valve guys are the Old Gods and the first moderators who decide to put their mods behind a paywall are the first darkspawn. ;)


There in the depths of the earth they dwelled,
Spreading their taint as a plague, growing in number
Until they were a multitude.
And together they searched ever deeper
Until they found their prize,
Their 25%, their betrayer.
-Threnodies 8:27
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Of course it was played. You don't have a major launch without guests, Vavle and Bethseda have most likely been working on this for months. You sign your mod up, they launch and you get screwed.

I mean the modders that signed up were conned. I think they were given misleading assurances and only found out the full details when they'd invested too much time to be willing to pull out.


Obviously, there was careful preparation on the part of Valve and Beth. What I'm saying is that I think valve went out of their way to paint a misleading picture of the rewards on offer.


At the end of the day, I suppose I have a degree of sympathy for Chesko and company. They're taking a lot of heat but the real culprits to my mind are Valve and Beth.

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Yep thats right the guy who created Midas Magic mod added a ad pop up into his older version that asks people to but the mod every time they cast a spell.


This has to be a joke. I raged when I saw this in Dragon Age: Origins. Now this crap is cropping up, in mods?! I'm starting to really rethink my hobby.


Keep in mind that xilverbulet has also taken down every one of his free versions of Midas, Nexus included, shut down comments on the workshop mod page and on his Youtube. 


He's a fucking twat and I hope he never makes another mod.  Also glad all it took for him to make an update to a 2 year old mod was to say "Hey you can make money now and we know you're a greedy sellout whore". 



I'll just post my response here:






This is getting ridiculous.

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