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A little warning to mod creators of non adult mods....


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Well imho, the modders who did put up their Work on steam obivously thought something is better than nothing




Yeah, I'm not sure if that something is a blessing or a curse.


Maybe both.

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Out of curiosity.


Is there anyone here with an extensive history using Steam and keeping track of events that can tell us whether or not they've ever seen a shitstorm of this magnitude? If so, what became of it?


I've been on steam since the begining, and no, nothing like this, closest thing I can think of the the original origins EULA stating they had the right to scan your whole computer, and that pales in comparison to this shitstorm. I think we are in uncharted territory here. I mean when forbes comes out with 2 articles saying a company making profits off the unwashed masses is a clusterfuck and basicaly siding with the unwashed masses, you know things are seriously topsy turvy in the world.



Very true, it really is irksome.


I just don't understand the recent points coming up.


- "Modders deserve money for all the time spent slaving to make mods for others."


Which doesn't make sense considering that most authors I know made mods for themselves. They just happened to decide to share it with others and updated it if they saw errors/room for improvement. Eventually, authors would band together to make larger projects or improve each others work. That is the beauty of how the community is. 


When authors submit their mods to Steam, they are now in a legal contract to provide support for their mods. This is basically working for Valve/Bethesda at a low cut. They end up profiting off of your work while doing nothing. 


They also make more off of your own work than you do.


So now they will become the slaves that they never were.





*Not saying that people do not deserve anything. Money is not the only way to reward someone, which a lot of people fail to realize.



All very true.


And here I thought creating mods was a voluntary thing. No one forces a mod creator to create a mod. Sure, people will ask for updates if said mod needs it, but all of this is voluntary. The users don't crack a whip. Nor can they sue or throw mod creators in jail for not keeping their mod updated. This whole "They were slaves working for nothing" spiel needs to die immediately, because that was, and is, obviously not the case.


However as you stated, they are now with Valve breathing over their shoulder.


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Are we all just going to forget that the creator of Frostfall released a mod days before the change promising to be a prerequisite for the "New and Improved Frostfall"?


You guys aren't seeing how incredibly coincidental that is? That they had been planning a mod for several weeks before the change? That they were one of the originals that had a mod go up on the workshop?

Isn't it so completely coincidental that the day that it comes out Wet and Cold already has jumped onto the ship? That they had a new version ready specifically for this happenstance?


This is engineered. This has been on Bethesda's mind for ages.

They have contacted prominent modders (but not too prominent) and told them to create upgrades (but upgrades that weren't so revolutionary) so that they could usher in an age of modding without the public getting angry. And boy did the fail spectacularly. They will see the error of their ways.




I almost forgot! Anyone that praises mod authors that aren't engaging in this behavior? Stop. You don't thank some really creepy uncle for NOT sexually assaulting you. Stop thanking mod authors for the same thing. Mod authors that are partaking are simply scumbags. Let them rot.

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In future, companies like Valve would like to see the end of Mod Organizer, Bashed patches, esp merge... TES Edit... Lover's Lab?  


Why? because... these things don't make them any money.


It's just my perspective. Maybe it's not like that at all. But if it is, well then, these Mod creators don't seem to be worried about supporting that. 



Someone may have said this before me, so apologies.  The only reason I bought most of the Skyrim DLC..ok, ALL of the Skyrim DLC was because mods required it.


I've never built a house, adopted a kid, spent more than 30 mins in Solstheim, completed Serana's quests or any of the other stuff that came in the DLC.  But I purchased every single one of them because I knew mods would make use of the new features in each DLC.


I have paid Bethesda more money than I would have given any other game developer because of the mods the community makes.


There's a lot of things wrong about the implementation, but I do like the idea of being forced to pay for some mods that I love.  Bethesda only does about 10% of the work on their moddable games, the other 90% has been done for free and on a philosophical level I'd like to see modders get some money for what they contribute.  However, the way this has been implemented is just wrong and hasn't been thought through enough.

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Are we all just going to forget that the creator of Frostfall released a mod days before the change promising to be a prerequisite for the "New and Improved Frostfall"?


You guys aren't seeing how incredibly coincidental that is? That they had been planning a mod for several weeks before the change? That they were one of the originals that had a mod go up on the workshop?

Isn't it so completely coincidental that the day that it comes out Wet and Cold already has jumped onto the ship? That they had a new version ready specifically for this happenstance?


This is engineered. This has been on Bethesda's mind for ages.

They have contacted prominent modders (but not too prominent) and told them to create upgrades (but upgrades that weren't so revolutionary) so that they could usher in an age of modding without the public getting angry. And boy did the fail spectacularly. They will see the error of their ways.   


This was indeed confirmed.


According to Chesko it wasn't too long ago that they were contacted and placed under an NDA after agreement.


So Bethesda/Valve likely had this on their mind for who knows how long.

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We've known for a little while now that those modders were in fact contacted beforehand and given the option to jump on the bandwagon. They were tasked with updating their mods for release as this went live. That's why the updates seemed engineered - they were.

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To accept the pay wall is to accept the death of your creative freedom in modding or making mods in video games.

How does someone else charging money for a mod infringe on your creativity in any way?



Because they are telling ( or letting you ) monetize your mod for their game that is copyrighted by them on their domain for people to buy more so from them and less so from you because they are controlling how much you get for what you made for their copyrighted game which now simply because you uploaded it to their domain to be custom modded DLC for sale you are relinquishing your custom created content and control to them and any now unauthorized control for them to keep, and that in order to make an profit on something it has to be copyrighted to even reap an cent from it and for you to have rights to do so as well     


Tooootally not on topic here but, Sexytop, what mods are you using in your avatar?

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Tooootally not on topic here but, Sexytop, what mods are you using in your avatar?



Also off topic, but this is something i love about this community.

The whole world could be on fire and we would still take time out to stop and ask about what mods people are using.


Despair, fear, distrust and anger... but also, mods, lots and lots of mods.

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Are we all just going to forget that the creator of Frostfall released a mod days before the change promising to be a prerequisite for the "New and Improved Frostfall"?


You guys aren't seeing how incredibly coincidental that is? That they had been planning a mod for several weeks before the change? That they were one of the originals that had a mod go up on the workshop?

Isn't it so completely coincidental that the day that it comes out Wet and Cold already has jumped onto the ship? That they had a new version ready specifically for this happenstance?


This is engineered. This has been on Bethesda's mind for ages.

They have contacted prominent modders (but not too prominent) and told them to create upgrades (but upgrades that weren't so revolutionary) so that they could usher in an age of modding without the public getting angry. And boy did the fail spectacularly. They will see the error of their ways.   


This was indeed confirmed.


According to Chesko it wasn't too long ago that they were contacted and placed under an NDA after agreement.


So Bethesda/Valve likely had this on their mind for who knows how long.



My guess, it was planned since the beginning of the workshop, they probably wanted to see how big the backlash is going to be.

I mean do they really want me to believe they werent aware this is going to happen, bs i say.

Im all up for modders making money, but only if they get 100% of it, wouldnt give a single penny to those Valve and Beth fucktards.


Lets just hope most of the modders arent going to give into this bs.

Fking greedy companies.

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Another modder that was contacted did debunk the 'binding NDA' claim by Chesko. He then paddled back to 'asked to keep quiet', and whenever he got called out on claiming 'NDA', the one calling him out got downvoted to Oblivion.


Could you post a link to this? I believe you, but I'd like to see for myself.

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Apparently, you'd more likely make 0% of any profits.


So far it's been established that the mod has to make atleast $400 USD before Valve will even pay the modder, if it makes less than that then Valve considders it beneath them to cut the developer a check.


Buut.. now i'm hearing people on reddit say that it's actually worse than that, that the $400 quota resets every single month, so if the mod isen't selling more than 400 bux every month, then Bethsoft and Valve gets to pocket all the dosh it did make and the author never sees a dime.


If that actually turns out to be true, then this really is a con.


Now if that's true ... hmm...glad I am bad at math ...but it spontaneously made me think of this for some reason ...



But don't have time now, gotta get me some "More Immersive Sleeping Giant Inn"- Mod for 70,00 €, that bear-rug truly is annoying

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Out of curiosity.


Is there anyone here with an extensive history using Steam and keeping track of events that can tell us whether or not they've ever seen a shitstorm of this magnitude? If so, what became of it?


Steam generally doesn't have a lot of shitstorms as compared to Sony and Microsoft from what I can recall. This is the first time I've been generally disgusted at Valve. 


Forbes puts it rather well that this is a legal and ethical disaster. Any goodwill by the community has been broken by infighting and toxicity by the community itself. If Bethesda or Valve really value their goodwill, they should realistically scale it back to a donation system. That's probably the best way to go. If they continue, then I fear that the PC modding community will be reduced to nothing in the end.

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If Bethesda or Valve really value their goodwill, they should realistically scale it back to a donation system. That's probably the best way to go.


Conspiracy theory time: that was the plan all along to make them out to be the good guys... cause reasons and magic... right?

Not that i think they even care.


All valve or beth care about is money and how to milk every single cent they can get from everyone they can get it from.

Cant blame them for it on the one hand, they are businesses after all, but it reeks of abject greed, and no amount of bleach will clean that off.


Never the less, the modding community for better or worse will never be the same... "pay for mods" and even "pre order mods" will now become a reality.

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just some rambling thought here..  what do we have here, we have a company that produces best selling games even tho they are coded with the quality that would make a yugo look like fine craftsmenship <some of you young-uns may have to google "yugo"> but they forget WHY they were bestsellers.. because modders fixed the poor quality and workmanship in the original product <at no cost to the company> and made the game playable, even enjoyable. now, how do we know this is the sole reason it was the modders that made FONV and Skyrim and others best sellers? well they release a game from a VERY popular franchise with their standard level of craftsmanship, but this one CAN'T be fixed by the modding community <ESO> and the thing goes down quicker then lindsey lohan on a coke binge. so, in a case of STUNNING Stupidity and greed, then come up with a half baked plan to actually try make MORE money of these modders and they are going to "help" these modders for just 75% of the profits <a pitance really, if these asshats were worth more, they be working in the gaming industry already instead of for free> now they find out that, oopsie, the modding community in general <both modmakers and modusers> think this new plan is the worst dick move since ubi-soft..  now here is the kicker. what do they do now, they have a major release hopefully being announced at E3, that in all likelyhood is going to be of the same quality of their last releases and they have now pissed off 95% of the community they have relied on to fix their prior releases.. do they stick to their guns and realize that their next release is going to sell like ESO and not like Skyrim, or, do they attempt to repair the damage they have done <not sure thats possible> or, do they just stick to consoles knowing that that will fail too unless they REALLY fix their QA because the console releases tend to be more fucked up then the PC releases, anyway it goes, they just cost themselves a lot of money, what they need to do is go with the option that costs them the least amount and hope for the best. 


as far as Valve goes, I wouldn't put it past them to have planned for this to allow them to pick up some franchises in a firesale, kinda like THQ....


I appologize for the rambling, its 4am and the painkillers are kicking my ass

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I do wonder what would happen if a smart ass *acker did this. anyone remember nexus, someone hacked one of the adminstrator account and started to update one of the more popular mods with virus i think skyui was one of those mods. But now they did with it steam paywall mods. not only are those fools paying for somthing they are also downloading stuff they should have stayed away from.



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It's pretty retarded. While I realize that this isn't affecting Fallout, here's some issues:


1: Free mods being stolen and uploaded for money by people who didn't make them. This is already happening.


2: Someone who makes a large mod and then sells it, and in the process is essentially selling the work of others.  Tryout wouldn't be possible with Sexout, NVSE, and the plugin I'm making now requires TTW. Plus not to mention all the help and resources I've gotten from others.  If someone made something similar and tried to sell it, what are the ramifications? Who gets what money in what percentage?


Dude Loogie , we all know who gets the money, it's not even the question anymore. But hey, maybe in a week or two they'll introduce a "contributor" system on Steam and you'd get 2 dollars reductions on your game for your hard work. 


EDIT : Ohlee shaite, while writing that last sentence I just realized how fucking likely it is to happen. Ohlee. Shaite. 

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Guest privateuser99

Found this on another forum lol.



for people which are worry about skyui

download this skyui and let skyui creators which went to paywall to die in the rest ...... let kratos from god of war slay them as slayed zeus.....

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Guest privateuser99


Found this on another forum lol.



for people which are worry about skyui

download this skyui and let skyui creators which went to paywall to die in the rest ...... let kratos from god of war slay them as slayed zeus.....


if someone just need something, ask me, i will reupload those modes.... AGAINS PRIVILEGES OF MODDERS, I JUST THOSE PAYWALL B** CAN F***


Found this on another forum lol.



for people which are worry about skyui

download this skyui and let skyui creators which went to paywall to die in the rest ...... let kratos from god of war slay them as slayed zeus.....


if someone just need something, ask me, i will reupload those modes.... AGAINS PRIVILEGES OF MODDERS, I JUST THOSE PAYWALL B** CAN F***

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Well imho, the modders who did put up their Work on steam obivously thought something is better than nothing



Well I don't see how those particular modders on Steam right now deserve "better than nothing" while others who have spent countless more hours working on their mods completely refuse to sell out. I mean ZaZ, let's consider what kind of mods are on the market over there, it's just meshes and textures. Wet and Cold okay, a script heavy mod whose technical support was already flaky on Nexus, I don't even dare to think about how it'll go to sell itself. 


If someone like you or Ashal, or skyrimll who make frameworks needing countless updates, animation work, script work, mesh work, even voice acting sometimes (with the according audio editing) went and asked for money I would understand. It'd be even honest, if I had the knowledge that all the money would pass to you of course, and not to Corporation X. But paying 5 dollars to see my breath when it's cold and have a fucked up script equip fur hoods on my NPCs, or see my character make a T-Pose while holding a fishing rod near a river ? I mean come on. 

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