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Sexlab Aroused Redux December 05 2016

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I found that what you set the 'time' value in the 'puppet master' screen doesn't match what it gets set to when you go to the status screen, in any obvious way. I set it to 100 for J'Zargo, and got something like 0.78 back out. If he doesn't show more enthusiasm soon, I am going to be very upset with him

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I 'd like to ask some of you , to try to go to the guard house , at the entrance of White run, have sex with the guards inside ....


I'm always get ctd's when I do it, is it the same for every one else ?


BTW ,I haven't updated , yet , I'd like to know , if redux fixes that


Best to give it a try yourself and make sure you are using sexlabs 1.59c


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I 'd like to ask some of you , to try to go to the guard house , at the entrance of White run, have sex with the guards inside ....


I'm always get ctd's when I do it, is it the same for every one else ?


BTW ,I haven't updated , yet , I'd like to know , if redux fixes that


My female PC had several sex encounters with guards using Attractive mod, and never had CTDs. Not in Whiterun, not in any city.

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I 'd like to ask some of you , to try to go to the guard house , at the entrance of White run, have sex with the guards inside ....


I'm always get ctd's when I do it, is it the same for every one else ?


BTW ,I haven't updated , yet , I'd like to know , if redux fixes that


Are you using Radiant Prostitution as that can cause ctd's?


I can't see how SAR (or the old SA) would affect your issue one way or the other as it seems to be an animation problem


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Does this mod set your mood to happy when you are satisfied? In that case I would like to know how to disable that feature.


Does not change mood.


AROUSED REDUX is a sexual desire add on to SEXLAB ANIMATION FRAMEWORK , Once inable via MCM menu it notice when the player or npc sees NUDITY OR A SEX ACT (via animation) an logs to the player or npc sex desire ratio depending on the set up in the MCM menu however it does nothing other keeping a desire ratio log , Other MODS can then use that log to start animation , add BUFFS  or DEBUFFS , check the settings in MODS you are using that require this MOD.  HOPE THIS WAS HELPFUL

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I found that what you set the 'time' value in the 'puppet master' screen doesn't match what it gets set to when you go to the status screen, in any obvious way. I set it to 100 for J'Zargo, and got something like 0.78 back out. If he doesn't show more enthusiasm soon, I am going to be very upset with him


Time doesn't do anything. Just set exposure to 100.

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Any chance of you adding Race based arousal at some point?  I know you were trying to make it leaner, but just a little additional fat would be cool. :)


How would you see this?  I mean would you like it if race a would only arouse race a actors and not race b actors?


Skyrim does not have an even destribution of the races, not even close, so a system like that would be inherently unbalanced. It would grossly favour the Nords at one end of the scale, and be nearly broken for the Khajiit at the other end, with the rest of the races falling somewhere inbetween.


SL-Romance has a feature like this, and trying to play with that option on as a Dunmer was a terrible experiance. It would have been even worse as a Bosmer, and i can't even begin to see how it could be playable for an Argonian or Khajiit.

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I 'd like to ask some of you , to try to go to the guard house , at the entrance of White run, have sex with the guards inside ....


I'm always get ctd's when I do it, is it the same for every one else ?


BTW ,I haven't updated , yet , I'd like to know , if redux fixes that


Are you using Radiant Prostitution as that can cause ctd's?


I can't see how SAR (or the old SA) would affect your issue one way or the other as it seems to be an animation problem




No, I'm not using Radiant Prostitution....

I'ts just that particular spot, and mara's church in Riften, no matter which version of sexlab i use.

Maybe , it's just a script breaker, if this is possible.

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Any chance of you adding Race based arousal at some point?  I know you were trying to make it leaner, but just a little additional fat would be cool. :)


How would you see this?  I mean would you like it if race a would only arouse race a actors and not race b actors?


Skyrim does not have an even destribution of the races, not even close, so a system like that would be inherently unbalanced. It would grossly favour the Nords at one end of the scale, and be nearly broken for the Khajiit at the other end, with the rest of the races falling somewhere inbetween.


SL-Romance has a feature like this, and trying to play with that option on as a Dunmer was a terrible experiance. It would have been even worse as a Bosmer, and i can't even begin to see how it could be playable for an Argonian or Khajiit.


Yah! I once implemented race based blood preference in Vampiric Thirst aaaaand the backfire was so huge it came out the front! ^^

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Any chance of you adding Race based arousal at some point?  I know you were trying to make it leaner, but just a little additional fat would be cool. :)


How would you see this?  I mean would you like it if race a would only arouse race a actors and not race b actors?


Skyrim does not have an even destribution of the races, not even close, so a system like that would be inherently unbalanced. It would grossly favour the Nords at one end of the scale, and be nearly broken for the Khajiit at the other end, with the rest of the races falling somewhere inbetween.


SL-Romance has a feature like this, and trying to play with that option on as a Dunmer was a terrible experiance. It would have been even worse as a Bosmer, and i can't even begin to see how it could be playable for an Argonian or Khajiit.



I would think that all of the human races and all of the elven races could be lumped together.  Imperials and Bretons hardly seem to be-- literally-- discrete "races;" I posit that the game designers quite reasonably anticipated that players would like a variety of choices in character design, and they labeled all of the options "races."  It's rather like considering Norwegians, Britons, Italians and Spaniards as different "races."  There's also a commonality between Dark Elves, High Elves and Wood Elves that, if it were not obvious enough from their appearance, beats you over the head by their common denotation as "elves."  Meanwhile, only the Khajit have fur and feline features, and only the Argonians have scales, reptilian characteristics, and an amphibious lifestyle.


I suppose one could debate the meaning of "race."  In a fantasy game like this, there can be participants in society who are members of other species.  I was using "race" to mean "species."  Among the human "races," the only really distinctive one I note is the Redguard.  They possess unique clothing, weapons and darker skin.  All of the others appear to have so completely blended into Skyrim society that I usually can't tell what someone's "race" is without resort to the console.  If no difference can be perceived, I can't imagine how any difference could come into play. 



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I would think that all of the human races and all of the elven races could be lumped together.  Imperials and Bretons hardly seem to be-- literally-- discrete "races;" I posit that the game designers quite reasonably anticipated that players would like a variety of choices in character design, and they labeled all of the options "races."  It's rather like considering Norwegians, Britons, Italians and Spaniards as different "races."  There's also a commonality between Dark Elves, High Elves and Wood Elves that, if it were not obvious enough from their appearance, beats you over the head by their common denotation as "elves."  Meanwhile, only the Khajit have fur and feline features, and only the Argonians have scales, reptilian characteristics, and an amphibious lifestyle.


I suppose one could debate the meaning of "race."  In a fantasy game like this, there can be participants in society who are members of other species.  I was using "race" to mean "species."  Among the human "races," the only really distinctive one I note is the Redguard.  They possess unique clothing, weapons and darker skin.  All of the others appear to have so completely blended into Skyrim society that I usually can't tell what someone's "race" is without resort to the console.  If no difference can be perceived, I can't imagine how any difference could come into play. 


No, that still doesen't solve the problem for anything but Humans.


Go boot up Skyrim and visit a few towns and cities, and have a look at what's on offer as you travel around in the world of Skyrim. Plenty of Humans around anywhere you look (save maybe an Orc Stronghold), but even if we lump all the Mer races togeather, how many towns have zero Mer population? How many cities have only one or two to pick from whilst there's no shortage of Humans to pick amongst? How many of those do we have to discount if they are already married or courting? And how many of them are old and ugly and not very attractive offerings to most players?


And again, then you have the issue with Argonians and Khajiit..



Mer are a minority in Skyrim, even if we lump them all togeather, Orismer included, it's going to be slim pickings for a Mer char most places you can go in the game.


And then of course, you get the opposite problem the moment you travel to Solstheim.



EDIT: And lets not forget inns, mills and farmsteads. Again, as a sex-starved Human you really woulden't have any problems finding someone to boink even outside the city and town walls. But what's on offer for a Mer? Or worse, an Argonian or Khajiit?


Give this a good hard think, and the next time you play Skyrim, keep it in mind, ask yourself "if i was a Mer char in desperate need of a boink, and i could only do it with another Mer, how many Humans would i have to pass up on, and what would my options be?", and then see how quickly you will start to feel badly disadvantaged and limited.

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I found that what you set the 'time' value in the 'puppet master' screen doesn't match what it gets set to when you go to the status screen, in any obvious way. I set it to 100 for J'Zargo, and got something like 0.78 back out. If he doesn't show more enthusiasm soon, I am going to be very upset with him


Time doesn't do anything. Just set exposure to 100.



but I don't see why i need to do that. i looked at the papyrus logs and it seems like he's not being looked at at all so his arousal keeps dropping

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I found that what you set the 'time' value in the 'puppet master' screen doesn't match what it gets set to when you go to the status screen, in any obvious way. I set it to 100 for J'Zargo, and got something like 0.78 back out. If he doesn't show more enthusiasm soon, I am going to be very upset with him


Time doesn't do anything. Just set exposure to 100.



but I don't see why i need to do that. i looked at the papyrus logs and it seems like he's not being looked at at all so his arousal keeps dropping


j'Zargo seems to be an issue.  I'll have a look when I get time.

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So, I've been playing around with Redux a fair bit. My immediate thoughts:


Arousal calculations (Seeing naked actors, etc) are quite inconsistent, due to the longer polling intervals (You must spend a long time around a naked actor to have any affect - "Driveby" actors are entirely unaffected by calculations in general). Scanning every two minutes is not particularly useful. I edited the polling interval (updateFrequency) to be considerably shorter on my local copy, and am seeing much better results; an MCM configurable polling interval would be useful, as not all users have a system as beefy as mine :P.


On that subject, perhaps a better implementation would be to scan for NPC's periodically (Like you are now), and build a "known state" for each: Adjustments to each actor could then be made on smaller intervals, without having to perform extraneous calculations. You could keep the long scan interval (While reducing the risk of missing actors) if you were to scan at area transitions and the like. Win/win. More performance intensive than what you're doing now, though would produce a better effect (While still being a lot less needy than the original Sexlab Aroused).


All of that aside, one feature that I would like to see added would be a per-actor way to disable / modify the arousal decay. setting Preferably implemented via StorageUtil. I can fight with it by manually offsetting it, though it would be much more useful to be able to avoid the struggle entirely.



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So, I've been playing around with Redux a fair bit. My immediate thoughts:


Arousal calculations (Seeing naked actors, etc) are quite inconsistent, due to the longer polling intervals (You must spend a long time around a naked actor to have any affect - "Driveby" actors are entirely unaffected by calculations in general). Scanning every two minutes is not particularly useful. I edited the polling interval (updateFrequency) to be considerably shorter on my local copy, and am seeing much better results; an MCM configurable polling interval would be useful, as not all users have a system as beefy as mine :P.


On that subject, perhaps a better implementation would be to scan for NPC's periodically (Like you are now), and build a "known state" for each: Adjustments to each actor could then be made on smaller intervals, without having to perform extraneous calculations. You could keep the long scan interval (While reducing the risk of missing actors) if you were to scan at area transitions and the like. Win/win. More performance intensive than what you're doing now, though would produce a better effect (While still being a lot less needy than the original Sexlab Aroused).


All of that aside, one feature that I would like to see added would be a per-actor way to disable / modify the arousal decay. setting Preferably implemented via StorageUtil. I can fight with it by manually offsetting it, though it would be much more useful to be able to avoid the struggle entirely.


I'm gonna give this mod some love in a week or two, will explore these ideas then.


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On the NPC arousal state question what mods actually use it and are actively supported? SL Aroused Creatures is for creatures but arousal can be set for the pc in any case, DCL uses pc arousal not NPC, Dangerously Nude and Lovers Victim are pretty much dead.


I've been using SAR for around a week now and have not noticed any differences from the old SA in terms of effect, so I'm wondering what the point of NPC arousal state is. Is it used by followers to do something (I don't use followers so have a gap in my knowledge here)?

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I'm gonna give this mod some love in a week or two, will explore these ideas then.


Poll every 10 sec imo!   :P   If ur runnin throug h a town, all lovers victim or dangerously nude type stuff d/n work if ur not polling all teh time.


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I 'd like to ask some of you , to try to go to the guard house , at the entrance of White run, have sex with the guards inside ....


I'm always get ctd's when I do it, is it the same for every one else ?


BTW ,I haven't updated , yet , I'd like to know , if redux fixes that


My female PC had several sex encounters with guards using Attractive mod, and never had CTDs. Not in Whiterun, not in any city.



using Attractive mod ?....


Are you referring to sexlab matchmaker ?

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On the NPC arousal state question what mods actually use it and are actively supported? SL Aroused Creatures is for creatures but arousal can be set for the pc in any case, DCL uses pc arousal not NPC, Dangerously Nude and Lovers Victim are pretty much dead.


I've been using SAR for around a week now and have not noticed any differences from the old SA in terms of effect, so I'm wondering what the point of NPC arousal state is. Is it used by followers to do something (I don't use followers so have a gap in my knowledge here)?


It affects player arousal as well. Scenes that should generate arousal only do so if the update (every two minutes) occurs while the player is observing it.


It affects DD wearing NPC's as well, for that matter. Several of the events calculate their effects / probability based off of their wearers arousal.


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I 'd like to ask some of you , to try to go to the guard house , at the entrance of White run, have sex with the guards inside ....


I'm always get ctd's when I do it, is it the same for every one else ?


BTW ,I haven't updated , yet , I'd like to know , if redux fixes that


My female PC had several sex encounters with guards using Attractive mod, and never had CTDs. Not in Whiterun, not in any city.



using Attractive mod ?....


Are you referring to sexlab matchmaker ?



No, I'm not referring to Matchmaker mod. I'm using Romance mod for direct sex dialog and Attractive mod for dialog/autonomous sex with NPCs.

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