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So I think it's not too far-fetched to say that there are caoutchouc trees somewhere in Valenwood and that you can cook their sap with sulfur to get rubber. A world that has alchemy which can do all kinds of weird stuff (like turn people invisible) could also come up with the idea to cook tree sap with sulfur and end up with rubber.


It's as good an explanation as any... :)




From The Devious Manual, volume 4:
Inflatable plugs are constructed by making a mold for the sticky sap of the Para tree found in southwestern Valenwood and southeastern Black Marsh, and southern Cyrodiil. The inflatable plug comes equipped with a small bag that, with a cunningly constructed series of valves, allows the wearer (or anyone else) to compress the small bag, inflating the plug to extreme sizes.
Inflatable plugs can also be constructed with pig or sheep bladders, but these are not recommended due to lubrication problems and general unreliability.

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Actually, rubber is already cannon in the Elder Scrolls. There were catsuits (Khajiit suits), both shiny and not shiny, in Daggerfall.  Not added by modders after release. In the straight from Bethesda release.

I'd forgotten about that. :)

I don't remember any actual explanation as to where the rubber came from, though. So maybe rubber trees in Elsweyr?

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Actually, rubber is already cannon in the Elder Scrolls. There were catsuits (Khajiit suits), both shiny and not shiny, in Daggerfall.  Not added by modders after release. In the straight from Bethesda release.


Cool. Is there any official lore on them? I couldn't find anything on UESP but if there is and it fits somehow, it'll probably be better if I use that.

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Actually, rubber is already cannon in the Elder Scrolls. There were catsuits (Khajiit suits), both shiny and not shiny, in Daggerfall.  Not added by modders after release. In the straight from Bethesda release.


Cool. Is there any official lore on them? I couldn't find anything on UESP but if there is and it fits somehow, it'll probably be better if I use that.



There's no lore behind them.  They're just there, like spiked bras.  They are called Khajiit suits though.


I guess the best way to mention it in lore is to say that they were popular around Illiac Bay near the end of the Third Era.

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Were they actually rubber catsuits called Khajit suits?  Think I would have had immersion-breaking hilarity at that if I'd played Daggerfall.


Like when finding out one of the main characters in Oblivion is called Martin.  Really?  Whose idea was that?  Shall we just nip off and talk to Brian The Mage and his partner Helen The Archer?

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Were they actually rubber catsuits called Khajit suits?  Think I would have had immersion-breaking hilarity at that if I'd played Daggerfall.


Like when finding out one of the main characters in Oblivion is called Martin.  Really?  Whose idea was that?  Shall we just nip off and talk to Brian The Mage and his partner Helen The Archer?

Hey y'all, me and my half-elf brother Joeray are gonna go kill us a dragon. Later tonight we're gonna party down at Bill's Inn and Skeet-Shooting Emporium, and tomorrow me an' my Dark Brotherhood friend Fred are gonna raid the Thalmor embassy.

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Here are some pictures.  Also, being an older game they didn't properly line up the paper doll on some of the characters, so it clips into this one's chin.

My main complaint with how items looked on the paper doll in Daggerfall was with the Ebony Blade. I'd always end up dual-wielding the sucker with another weapon in the same hand.

And clothing for males wasn't nearly as interesting as female clothing. I mean... arm torcs? Really?

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Were they actually rubber catsuits called Khajit suits?  Think I would have had immersion-breaking hilarity at that if I'd played Daggerfall.


Like when finding out one of the main characters in Oblivion is called Martin.  Really?  Whose idea was that?  Shall we just nip off and talk to Brian The Mage and his partner Helen The Archer?

Hey y'all, me and my half-elf brother Joeray are gonna go kill us a dragon. Later tonight we're gonna party down at Bill's Inn and Skeet-Shooting Emporium, and tomorrow me an' Fred are gonna raid the Thalmor embassy.



High Thalmor Inquisitor Steve will kick your arse and hand you over to the jailers, Dave The Cruel and Keith The Accountant.


Rubber Mistress's real name is Miley.

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Were they actually rubber catsuits called Khajit suits?  Think I would have had immersion-breaking hilarity at that if I'd played Daggerfall.


Like when finding out one of the main characters in Oblivion is called Martin.  Really?  Whose idea was that?  Shall we just nip off and talk to Brian The Mage and his partner Helen The Archer?

Hey y'all, me and my half-elf brother Joeray are gonna go kill us a dragon. Later tonight we're gonna party down at Bill's Inn and Skeet-Shooting Emporium, and tomorrow me an' Fred are gonna raid the Thalmor embassy.



High Thalmor Inquisitor Steve will kick your arse and hand you over to the jailers, Dave The Cruel and Keith The Accountant.


Rubber Mistress's real name is Miley.


When General Danny hears of this, he will have your head! I am an important personage in Skyrim, and you'll pay for locking me up in the "Dungeon Of Unspeakable Eternal Torment Except On Thursdays Between 10:00 and 11:00 In The Morning When Tea And Bacon Sandwiches Are Served!"

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Were they actually rubber catsuits called Khajit suits?  Think I would have had immersion-breaking hilarity at that if I'd played Daggerfall.


Like when finding out one of the main characters in Oblivion is called Martin.  Really?  Whose idea was that?  Shall we just nip off and talk to Brian The Mage and his partner Helen The Archer?


I would say they look like rubber.

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Were they actually rubber catsuits called Khajit suits?  Think I would have had immersion-breaking hilarity at that if I'd played Daggerfall.


Like when finding out one of the main characters in Oblivion is called Martin.  Really?  Whose idea was that?  Shall we just nip off and talk to Brian The Mage and his partner Helen The Archer?


I would say they look like rubber.



They definitely do.  640x400 rubber but rubber nonetheless.  Leather's always got stitching, somewhere, there's no detail on those and Khajit suit is obviously supposed to be a little joke.


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Were they actually rubber catsuits called Khajit suits?  Think I would have had immersion-breaking hilarity at that if I'd played Daggerfall.


Like when finding out one of the main characters in Oblivion is called Martin.  Really?  Whose idea was that?  Shall we just nip off and talk to Brian The Mage and his partner Helen The Archer?

Hey y'all, me and my half-elf brother Joeray are gonna go kill us a dragon. Later tonight we're gonna party down at Bill's Inn and Skeet-Shooting Emporium, and tomorrow me an' Fred are gonna raid the Thalmor embassy.



High Thalmor Inquisitor Steve will kick your arse and hand you over to the jailers, Dave The Cruel and Keith The Accountant.


Rubber Mistress's real name is Miley.


When General Danny hears of this, he will have your head! I am an important personage in Skyrim, and you'll pay for locking me up in the "Dungeon Of Unspeakable Eternal Torment Except On Thursdays Between 10:00 and 11:00 In The Morning When Tea And Bacon Sandwiches Are Served!"



Pervert.  It's tea and toast/cake or coffee and bacon sandwiches.  Served by Karen The Rubber Waitress (trying not to derail here).


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Pervert.  It's tea and toast/cake or coffee and bacon sandwiches.  Served by Karen The Rubber Waitress (trying not to derail here).


Can you derail a derailment? Isn't that like negating a number twice? Two wrongs make a right?


There were two khajiit suits, one was glossy. I always thought that one was some sort of cloth and the other was rubber.

I must have spent days cumulative playing dress-up with the paper dolls in Daggerfall... the female ones, at least. Male clothing generally sucked.

It saddened me how much they "cut out" for Morrowind, and each successive game just keeps getting simpler and simpler.


I wonder if we're ever going to get a quest to infiltrate the Thalmor (enemies of the mistress)... have to doff the rubber suit for that, but mistress will undoubtedly not let us go in without any rubber, so she'll need to invent a set of rubber undergarments to go under the Thalmor robe disguise...

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I wonder if we're ever going to get a quest to infiltrate the Thalmor (enemies of the mistress)...

In a sense, yes. But you won't need a disguise. That part of the expansion is already done. It just needs to be wired to the rest once that is complete.

Let me guess, she "encourages" us to squeak around close to a conveniently located Thalmor patrol?

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I wonder if we're ever going to get a quest to infiltrate the Thalmor (enemies of the mistress)...

In a sense, yes. But you won't need a disguise. That part of the expansion is already done. It just needs to be wired to the rest once that is complete.

Let me guess, she "encourages" us to squeak around close to a conveniently located Thalmor patrol?


V: Meinano, do you hear that?

M: What is it, Vestormo?

V: Some sort of rhythmic squeaking sound...

M: Now that you mention it, I thought I was hearing mice or something.

V: It's coming from over there... that suspiciously bright pink looking bush.

M: I'm sure it's nothing, though. I mean, nobody would try to actually sneak up on us wearing bright pink. It's against common sense.

V: I guess you're right. Someone would have to be a complete fool to try to sneak around in, oh let's say, some sort of bright pink squeaky rubber suit.

M: True, true. Well, let's continue on our path, holding these secret documents that we were entrusted with.

V: I sure hope nothing happens to us... even if we survive, if a thief were to overpower us and steal these documents, it would undoubtedly mean our heads.

M: Chin up, Vestormo! There are no inexplicably rubber-clad thieves hanging around! That would be preposterous.

V: I guess so. Onward!

[V and M exit stage right]

[inexplicably pink "bush" waddles down the road after them]

P: Tee hee... they don't suspect a thing!

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Don't know if this was brought up as a bug previously or not, but it looks like quest items aren't removed from inventory when they should have been, specifically the Drool Goblet and the Wine Shipment; just noticed them while testing the Captured Dreams update, so figured I would mention it.

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I wonder if we're ever going to get a quest to infiltrate the Thalmor (enemies of the mistress)...



In a sense, yes. But you won't need a disguise. That part of the expansion is already done. It just needs to be wired to the rest once that is complete.




Very much looking forward to the follow-up to the task, hoping to finish as soon as possible

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