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Sex Slaves for Vanilla Bandit Camps

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Having lurked this site for many months, I decided to finally post to pose the following question:

- Is there interest in an expansion development of this excellent mod by pchs?  I've started doing just that, with a slightly different

direction for immersion and dialogue, and I'm calling it pchsCaptives for now.  One of the central ideas is that some of the captives are being saved for sale as pleasure slaves rather than being used just by the bandits.
Up until now I've been using other people's mods like crazy, but now I'm making rapid progress in using the CK and scripting in Papyrus.  (It's been a lot of years since I tinkered extensively in TurboPascal.)  This is the first mod I've started to actually alter content beyond NPC appearance via the CK.  Now that I see what it takes, I have a deeper appreciation for the huge amount of work pchs put into this mod.
So far:

- All captives edited for makeup and Apachii hair.  (The bandits only take the really attractive ones, apparently, and prefer to keep them that way in most cases.)

- All captives made unique with no respawn, and are now potential followers.  (All potential followers for now; may change as part of lore friendly direction in the future plans.)

- All captives given race appropriate unique names from the JaxonzNameGenerator mod.

- Branching (unvoiced) lore friendly dialogue tree with some random branches and others that reflect how the captive NPC may have been treated by the PC.

- Expanded captive outfits to include some minimalist/skimpy items (bundled into the .esp from Gatti & AOM mods for now) plus a few more from the Devious Devices sets.

- New script for release captive that only removes the restraints/bindings instead of every single thing in inventory.

- Random lore friendly greetings conditional on NPC state and prior treatment.

- Fixed the maddening behavior of not being able to talk to an NPC after release.  I think it has to do with the "Flee" package.  For now, I've got released captives successfully sandboxing.

Future plans:

- Add a handful of Dunmer, Altmer, and Bosmer captives.  (Sorry, not into Orismer -- head canon says they fought to the death rather than be captured.)  I use the BeautifulElves mod and that softens up the angry brow ridge of the vanilla headshape quite a lot.

- Remove duplication where the same captive is in two separate sites; mainly using the additional races

- Some released captives search the area for better clothing and/or weapons after release before executing a "travel to" package.

- Released captives "travel to" tailored destinations on release.  (Similar to Kenjoka's script)

- Customizing the dialogue branch comments to be tailored to the type of character taken captive.  i.e., a captured merchant's dialogue would differ from a captured noble, sailor, blacksmith, hunter, etc.

- Unlock restraint dialogue that checks success vs. lockpicking skill (realize DD already does something like this -- may raid that mod or build original functionality).

- Some captives may be former bandits whose compatriots betrayed them.  Same goes for female bandit leaders who experienced a mutiny.  Who knows what these types may do when released?  (See search for armor/weapon above.)

- Some captives hostile to each other and things get interesting upon releasing either one or both.

- Tie in the enchantment on restraints/bindings to affect SexLabArousal.




Just my thoughts :P  (ah, Pascal, the language that became obsolete the moment I learned it in school)


1. Isn't there already another mod that beautifies pch's mods by adding Apachi Hair?  Not everyone likes the Apachi dependency.


2. Converting the slaves into new unique NPC/follower kinda change the mod into a mod adding followers instead of a aesthetic mod because after the follower is rescued next time the bandit camp respawns there won't be slave/captive there anymore.  It removes the re-playability.  I think the uniqueness and attraction of this mod is that it adds, or supposedly, would create a dynamically spawn camp scene that has a slave/captive.  I seemed to remember very early on in this mod's discussion, the consensus of people wishing from this mod would be when the bandit camp spawns the slave/captive would be one of the named vanilla NPC (either a copy or original depending on whether this would screw up the NPC's quests).  After the captive is rescued by clearing the bandit camp, she would be released back into her original AI package, or run away/disappear if this were a copy.  When the camp respawns, another named NPC would be captured.  The plus is that it adds depth and relevance to the vanilla world but the issue is that one, this might screw up the NPC quests, and two there might not be enough attractive named females to fill the camps.  Another idea was that the slave/captive would be randomly chosen from the follower faction (or potential-follower faction or potential marriage faction) so it would include all the pretty waifu mods the player have installed.  After the rescue, the NPC can be recruited/returned as follower or return back to her original AI package.  Essentially the Sex Slaves for Bandit Camp would be the Hearth Fire wife kidnapped quest getting expanded.


3. Another thing people wanted was Sexlab compatibility but with Scent of Sex that is no longer an issue.  People can just use SSX to trigger animations.

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Having lurked this site for many months, I decided to finally post to pose the following question:

- Is there interest in an expansion development of this excellent mod by pchs?  I've started doing just that, with a slightly different

direction for immersion and dialogue, and I'm calling it pchsCaptives for now.  One of the central ideas is that some of the captives are being saved for sale as pleasure slaves rather than being used just by the bandits.
Up until now I've been using other people's mods like crazy, but now I'm making rapid progress in using the CK and scripting in Papyrus.  (It's been a lot of years since I tinkered extensively in TurboPascal.)  This is the first mod I've started to actually alter content beyond NPC appearance via the CK.  Now that I see what it takes, I have a deeper appreciation for the huge amount of work pchs put into this mod.
So far:

- All captives edited for makeup and Apachii hair.  (The bandits only take the really attractive ones, apparently, and prefer to keep them that way in most cases.)

- All captives made unique with no respawn, and are now potential followers.  (All potential followers for now; may change as part of lore friendly direction in the future plans.)

- All captives given race appropriate unique names from the JaxonzNameGenerator mod.

- Branching (unvoiced) lore friendly dialogue tree with some random branches and others that reflect how the captive NPC may have been treated by the PC.

- Expanded captive outfits to include some minimalist/skimpy items (bundled into the .esp from Gatti & AOM mods for now) plus a few more from the Devious Devices sets.

- New script for release captive that only removes the restraints/bindings instead of every single thing in inventory.

- Random lore friendly greetings conditional on NPC state and prior treatment.

- Fixed the maddening behavior of not being able to talk to an NPC after release.  I think it has to do with the "Flee" package.  For now, I've got released captives successfully sandboxing.

Future plans:

- Add a handful of Dunmer, Altmer, and Bosmer captives.  (Sorry, not into Orismer -- head canon says they fought to the death rather than be captured.)  I use the BeautifulElves mod and that softens up the angry brow ridge of the vanilla headshape quite a lot.

- Remove duplication where the same captive is in two separate sites; mainly using the additional races

- Some released captives search the area for better clothing and/or weapons after release before executing a "travel to" package.

- Released captives "travel to" tailored destinations on release.  (Similar to Kenjoka's script)

- Customizing the dialogue branch comments to be tailored to the type of character taken captive.  i.e., a captured merchant's dialogue would differ from a captured noble, sailor, blacksmith, hunter, etc.

- Unlock restraint dialogue that checks success vs. lockpicking skill (realize DD already does something like this -- may raid that mod or build original functionality).

- Some captives may be former bandits whose compatriots betrayed them.  Same goes for female bandit leaders who experienced a mutiny.  Who knows what these types may do when released?  (See search for armor/weapon above.)

- Some captives hostile to each other and things get interesting upon releasing either one or both.

- Tie in the enchantment on restraints/bindings to affect SexLabArousal.




Just my thoughts :P  (ah, Pascal, the language that became obsolete the moment I learned it in school)


1. Isn't there already another mod that beautifies pch's mods by adding Apachi Hair?  Not everyone likes the Apachi dependency.


2. Converting the slaves into new unique NPC/follower kinda change the mod into a mod adding followers instead of a aesthetic mod because after


the follower is rescued next time the bandit camp respawns there won't be slave/captive there anymore.  It removes the re-playability.  I think the uniqueness and attraction of this mod is that it adds, or supposedly, would create a dynamically spawn camp scene that has a slave/captive.  I seemed to remember very early on in this mod's discussion, the consensus of people wishing from this mod would be when the bandit camp spawns the slave/captive would be one of the named vanilla NPC (either a copy or original depending on whether this would screw up the NPC's quests).  After the captive is rescued by clearing the bandit camp, she would be released back into her original AI package, or run away/disappear if this were a copy.  When the camp respawns, another named NPC would be captured.  The plus is that it adds depth and relevance to the vanilla world but the issue is that one, this might screw up the NPC quests, and two there might not be enough attractive named females to fill the camps.  Another idea was that the slave/captive would be randomly chosen from the follower faction (or potential-follower faction or potential marriage faction) so it would include all the pretty waifu mods the player have installed.  After the rescue, the NPC can be recruited/returned as follower or return back to her original AI package.  Essentially the Sex Slaves for Bandit Camp would be the Hearth Fire wife kidnapped quest getting expanded.



3. Another thing people wanted was Sexlab compatibility but with Scent of Sex that is no longer an issue.  People can just use SSX to trigger animations.


zzz72w3r:  Excellent feedback; thanks!


1.  Easily changed by removing Apachii in CK; everything defaults back to vanilla hair.  Also, some of the hair options I really don't like (looking at you, Redguard shrubbery on your head), so I manually assigned one to each NPC captive.  PotentialFollower status is easy to remove as well, or even only make some of the NPCs potential followers if they happen to have the skills.  i.e., Former mercenary guard?  Welcome aboard!  --------------- Former farmhand?  Not so much . . . 


2.  Trust me, I wrestled with that decision before charging off in that direction.  I wanted to convert it from being just​ an aesthetic mod into an interaction mod that retained the essence of the aesthetic appeal.

  • I can accept the bandit's respawn, particularly in caves, as a new group of bandits finding a now abandoned but otherwise perfectly good cave complex/fort/camp and moving right in.  I figure it would take them a while to start reaping the rewards of their banditry and may not have captives like the last bunch did until they're established for a while.  Maybe add an additional (perhaps random?) delay to captive respawn might work if I can figure out how to pull that (and several other things) off.
  • A large part of the reason I removed respawn from the captives comes down to them being named NPCs, particularly since I use SexLab TDF Aggressive Prostitution as well.  Getting the dialogue option, "Perhaps you can enjoy the company of [bandit Slave]" and seeing that non-name also in SexLabArouse's screen list sort of drove me nuts; it does that even if you've used Jaxonz Renamer to change the name in-game.  Changing the name in CK side-steps that issue, but makes respawn sort of goofy since the same captive with the same name would be back upon respawn so it becomes a trade-off choice.  If I could get over the hurdle of random (race appropriate) names like from the Jaxonz Name Generator list I would revisit the respawn idea.  (Love to hear anyone's ideas on how to script this, and I've not tried yet to pick apart Jaxonz script to see what I can harvest out of it.)
  • Right now I'm focusing on making the interaction upon captive rescue a whole lot more interesting and with around 70 captives from pchs Vanilla + MBC mods that's plenty to start with before I worry about respawn.  Probably too risky to mess with Vanilla NPC captivity and borking side quests, but I understand the idea.

3.  I didn't mention that all of my Papyrus script is built around SexLab functionality.  I thought that was a given.  No need to trigger anything since scene tags are built into the dialogue branches as well as being a function of PC gender and RelationshipRank (before captive rescue).  After rescue, things depend on RelationshipRank for some built in options as well as any other mod interaction (SexLabEagerNPCs, SexLabRomance, etc.)  BTW, practically everything you do interacting with a captive depends on and in turn can affect RelationshipRank (positive or negative) the way I've written it.

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If your focus is on adding interactions I hope we get before-I-kill-everyone scenes (bandit-captive, bandit-player) instead of post-rescue Sexlab animations.  The former require customize scripting that only this mod can do but the latter can be accomplished by several existing mods already especially if you are changing bandit-slaves to unique followers.  Heck, some "captives" may not even require or want rescue, and not all bandits will want to take on the Dragonborn over some captives :D  


Not knowing specifically how CK quest scripting works perhaps you can restrict respawn to be pooling only actors WITHOUT quest scripts attached (maybe with gender/faction restriction as well)?  I think EFF/ATF and certainly TDF have quests attached to NPC once they are in the platform.  I am suggesting this only from messing with generic custom follower/waifu mods and seeing many NPC immersions mods only add actors with just AI packages and no script.  This removes current followers/whores/quest-NPC from being potentially captured by bandits and you not having to rename, add AI packages and cell placements to captives in this mod.  Rescue-and-release returns the captive back to her original in world cell placement AI package without interfering with immersion and quests but rescue-and-recruit removes said NPC from future capture.  Hoarding recruits from rescues just means bandits have fewer or even no victims to capture.


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If your focus is on adding interactions I hope we get before-I-kill-everyone scenes (bandit-captive, bandit-player) instead of post-rescue Sexlab animations.  The former require customize scripting that only this mod can do but the latter can be accomplished by several existing mods already especially if you are changing bandit-slaves to unique followers.  Heck, some "captives" may not even require or want rescue, and not all bandits will want to take on the Dragonborn over some captives :D


Not knowing specifically how CK quest scripting works perhaps you can restrict respawn to be pooling only actors WITHOUT quest scripts attached (maybe with gender/faction restriction as well)?  I think EFF/ATF and certainly TDF have quests attached to NPC once they are in the platform.  I am suggesting this only from messing with generic custom follower/waifu mods and seeing many NPC immersions mods only add actors with just AI packages and no script.  This removes current followers/whores/quest-NPC from being potentially captured by bandits and you not having to rename, add AI packages and cell placements to captives in this mod.  Rescue-and-release returns the captive back to her original in world cell placement AI package without interfering with immersion and quests but rescue-and-recruit removes said NPC from future capture.  Hoarding recruits from rescues just means bandits have fewer or even no victims to capture.

That's another interesting point.  I hadn't considered things before bandits are dispatched so much, although Oral Only already does this in at least a random fashion if you have the settings to allow it.  (I'll never forget sneaking up on a pair of vampires going at it in front of Clavicus Vile's shrine!)  The scripting for doing that in this mod might be hard; I haven't delved into the search-the-area for X logic packages yet.  If I figure that part out there are several things I can probably do with modifying behavior at any point.  It has to be possible since Vanilla characters will currently approach and search dead bodies (without actually taking anything).  In any case, this post is the theory/wish list of what I might like to do, but figuring out how to make it happen is the bigger challenge and I will be limited to what I can actually figure out, at least to get an initial version out the door.


I was just happy to figure out how to randomize a non-repeating dialogue branch using a series of dummy factions.  It worked perfectly, but I keep feeling like there should be a more efficient way to do it.  The CK limits conditions to things in its pre-defined list.  All I wanted was a simple integer variable (fine inside of a function, but the game has to recognize it), but I figured I could hijack something else, like a custom faction, for the same purpose to record the output integer.  Now I'm using a custom faction rank to define captive "sect," i.e., their background for each captive that's easy to change.  Combined with the varying races, there should be something over 250 unique dialogue branches possible if I were to actually write all combinations, 36 if I just stick with the dialogue unique to a sect.  Here's an example of the first branch point after, "Oh, well now . . . what happened to you?":


(4) Apothecary's assistant initial greeting branches (random)

1.   I was out gathering alchemical ingredients for my master when I stumbled on this group of bandits!  

     They've been using me for their enjoyment non-stop, but I heard them discussing selling me as a pleasure slave!

     Please!  If you could remove these restraints I think I could make it out of here on my own . . .

2.  "Just go gather some lavender and tundra cotton for me," she said.  "It is perfectly safe," she said.

     Look where that landed me . . . here with a bandit bunch whose stupidity rivals their stench!

     If you can manage the lock on these bindings, I might be able to help you out . . . in many ways . . .

3.  An easy death is too good for them after what they put me through!  Pleasure slave indeed!

     I would have poisoned them with deathbell and giant lichen and watched them writhe in agony as they died!

​     That is, if I wasn't bound and helpless.  You do see I'm bound and helpless, right?

     What?  Why are you looking at me like that?


(Maybe I'll add a flag for "Stockholm syndrome" cases, where they don't want rescue like you mention.)


Thanks for taking the time to comment.  Your feedback (and anyone's) is always welcome and appreciated.

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Looking forward to it. I for one don't mind the apachii hair, since I have it for some other mods and it always makes them look better.


You could even use the slavetats framework to add some tats before you find them, maybe, if that's something the framework allows. But I'd prefer an earlier release than a later one with slavetats, so nevermind.


Also, it should be relatively easy to add them to a faction for paradise halls (in a patch) so that you can just enslave them right there. I don't know the faction name, but I know it works. Alternatively you can just tell people to use the mark for slavery hotkey and it should do that.

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Looking forward to it. I for one don't mind the apachii hair, since I have it for some other mods and it always makes them look better.


You could even use the slavetats framework to add some tats before you find them, maybe, if that's something the framework allows. But I'd prefer an earlier release than a later one with slavetats, so nevermind.


Also, it should be relatively easy to add them to a faction for paradise halls (in a patch) so that you can just enslave them right there. I don't know the faction name, but I know it works. Alternatively you can just tell people to use the mark for slavery hotkey and it should do that.

Love the tats idea!  Not sure yet how to do it other than with one small mod which makes three tats that are "equippable" like an armor.  It doesn't work with all bodies (clipping) and I'm using UNPB at the moment (untested).  If slavetats as a framework allows it via the CK, that would be rather awesome.  If not, there might be a way to hijack the scripts over into this mod to make it happen.  The cosmetic changes are fun . . . unfortunately I'm bogged down in dialogue function, persuade logic, unlock scripts, etc. right now.


Thanks for the feedback!  It helps keep me throwing time at this project knowing I'm not just chasing my own personal wild goose.  I didn't set out to make a mod, but rather to learn something.  Sharing with people who appreciate the end result is just a bonus.

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BlackBirdWanderer, actually... I was doing the same thing, developing this mod.


Right now it is translated into Korean, but I am working on translating it into English.

But maybe what you are doing would be more immersive and fine.

Huh.  Great minds thinking alike?  :P


Since I don't read Korean (though I have visited S. Korea and loved it) I can't say whether my direction is more immersive or not, and Google Translate only got me so far.  I can almost guarantee my dialogue will be more immersive, as this is the main direction I'm heading with it.  After I get the main dialogue stuff written and implemented, then I'll look for other (achievable) goals.


Do you have any dialogue samples you could post so I can get an idea on the depth of the player/NPC exchanges?


Basically, I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel if there's another mod that does what I want it to (unless it does it poorly); instead I'm trying to add some depth to an area that as far as I can tell nobody has delved into quite like this.  It's all about immersion and giving the player a significant number of options to explore beyond the two basic directions provided in the original mod (release and XXX) so that the captives aren't quite so one dimensional and uniform compared to each other.  Their circumstances when you find them may be the same or similar, but their responses, attitudes, and backgrounds should be understandably different.  I can't code 65+ unique captive NPCs, but by giving different races and backgrounds (sects) different responses, it will hopefully add that extra depth I felt was somewhat lacking from the original  mod.


Thanks for the feedback and the link.  I'll be watching for your English translation.

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Looking forward to it. I for one don't mind the apachii hair, since I have it for some other mods and it always makes them look better.


You could even use the slavetats framework to add some tats before you find them, maybe, if that's something the framework allows. But I'd prefer an earlier release than a later one with slavetats, so nevermind.


Also, it should be relatively easy to add them to a faction for paradise halls (in a patch) so that you can just enslave them right there. I don't know the faction name, but I know it works. Alternatively you can just tell people to use the mark for slavery hotkey and it should do that.

Love the tats idea!  Not sure yet how to do it other than with one small mod which makes three tats that are "equippable" like an armor.  It doesn't work with all bodies (clipping) and I'm using UNPB at the moment (untested).  If slavetats as a framework allows it via the CK, that would be rather awesome.  If not, there might be a way to hijack the scripts over into this mod to make it happen.  The cosmetic changes are fun . . . unfortunately I'm bogged down in dialogue function, persuade logic, unlock scripts, etc. right now.


Thanks for the feedback!  It helps keep me throwing time at this project knowing I'm not just chasing my own personal wild goose.  I didn't set out to make a mod, but rather to learn something.  Sharing with people who appreciate the end result is just a bonus.



Update:  The dialogue mod is coming along quite nicely; I'm actually extremely pleased with the structure, functionality, and diversity so far.  I still have a lot of content to generate, but it's pretty easy to add it in as parallel responses to the PC with the dialogue structure already built.


In a nutshell, practically all of the interaction is pre-captive release, but after the bandit/captors are presumably dead.  I can't really see striking up a conversation with the hostile bandits, or with the captive while the bandits are still around (though it's possible in theory if you're sneaking).  The PC dialogue choices determine the nature of the relationship with the captive, anywhere from a simple release/rescue (with some gratitude) to the PC slowly (repeat encounters) bends the bound captive to their will (combined persuade/intimidation checks for now) and may end up with an extremely compliant thrall who likes her bindings and what they represent (i.e., she's gone full Stockholm syndrome).  All of this is predicated on the nature of the enchanted bindings worn by the captives that make them more likely to say what's on their mind, sometimes to their detriment, as well as making them more compliant/biddable.  Removal of the bindings will eventually have multiple possible outcomes ranging from continued compliance (for those "converted") to murderous rage directed at the PC.


I just wrote a fun branch to support dialogue for users who play a Futanari PC, so that was some interesting dialogue and backstory rationale I had to logic through.  (Discussion of such over on the Futa Content thread -- thanks to the folks who continue to help me with their ideas!)


On the slavetats idea suggested by arbiter, I still would like to pursue it, but as I feared, it doesn't look like it would be easy.  I've never done it, but I know it's possible to build each captive NPC as a custom character with a body texture folder and fuse tattoo files to the body texture file.  Workable, but a very brute force approach.  What I would be much more interested in, if anyone more of a code-jockey than I can help, would be using the SlaveTats.pex (murfk included the uncompiled .psc source code with the mod; thanks!) to write a script that I can put in the actor script section to fire OnInit() when the character is loaded and apply the designated tattoo .dds(filename and path) to the NPC the same way the slavetats MCM does, just without going through the menu.  The code is pretty convoluted (mostly building its lists of valid tattoo files detected, which I don't need), and I don't think my knowledge level is there yet to pull this off alone, so any assistance would be awesome!  Basically just looking to call on the SlaveTats.pex file without the SlaveTatsMCMMenu.pex as an intermediary sort of like what you can do with SexLab or SOS as a framework.


[solved] murfk​ wrote me directly. :D  It turns out slavetats​ was written with exactly what I'm talking about in mind.  For example, the following script fragment works perfectly:

  • SlaveTats.simple_add_tattoo(akSpeaker, "The Coenaculi CBBE", "DesuCelticBack")
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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I'll have to start watching this mod again, and mention one other mod you might want to look at: Prettier Bandits. That mod author is also using Apachii hairs and constructing a lot of face looks and such to make the variety of random NPCs nicer looking. If you're not too far along maybe some of his work you could use, or help him with what he is doing.


I've certainly appreciated the nicer looking bandits and rogue wizard types he's created.

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Finally an update, this mod was interesting since added some variety, cherrs for your project! 
Also bear in mind that i'm one of those who will probably get the Non-apachii version since i already have mods like the All-in-One from Leyenda and other stuff that optimizes the vanilla aspect of the game, or that adds generic fantasy hair instead of modern haircuts.


About slavetats i only use if for scratches/bruises or generic tattoos, not the oter kind of tattoos, since depends on what the player likes.

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I think I'll have to start watching this mod again, and mention one other mod you might want to look at: Prettier Bandits. That mod author is also using Apachii hairs and constructing a lot of face looks and such to make the variety of random NPCs nicer looking. If you're not too far along maybe some of his work you could use, or help him with what he is doing.


I've certainly appreciated the nicer looking bandits and rogue wizard types he's created.


Great idea!  I had actually already downloaded Prettier Bandits not long ago, but hadn't applied it to a game to try it out yet.  I've been so involved working on the mod I've basically stopped playing!  I've already got all of the mod NPCs built, and spent a few days making some more since the original mod recycled several of them twice.  This gave me the opportunity to keep all of the NPCs I've become fond of (they are all named NPCs now) while creating new ones to round out the racial distribution I mentioned several posts ago.  Right now I've added 2 each of: Altmer, Bosmer, Dunmer.  That seemed about right with the total captive population of 87 at last count for the original sites created by pchs with 8 Redguard,  29 Nord, 27 Imperial, and 17 Breton.


Thanks for the interest, feedback, and encouragement!

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Finally an update, this mod was interesting since added some variety, cherrs for your project! 

Also bear in mind that i'm one of those who will probably get the Non-apachii version since i already have mods like the All-in-One from Leyenda and other stuff that optimizes the vanilla aspect of the game, or that adds generic fantasy hair instead of modern haircuts.


About slavetats i only use if for scratches/bruises or generic tattoos, not the oter kind of tattoos, since depends on what the player likes.


Hmmm . . . not sure about the interaction of the All-in-One mod with the NPCs from this mod . . . especially since I didn't write the original and I haven't tried any experiments yet with mod-to-mod interaction.  In any case, the Non-Apachii version should be super easy for me to do (I think) so no worries there.  Since I've hand-built each NPC, the hair I've selected in each case is more in the lore-friendly category, at least in my mind.  KS-Hairdos has more of the modern cuts to me than Apachii.


I'm totally with you on the use of SlaveTats for generic tattoos, etc, and I use it basically the same way you do.  I figured if a captive were a former adventurer, bandit, bandit chief, mage, or whatever, then some of them would have Warpaint/Tattoos just like the rest of the inhabitants of Skyrim.  I've thought about sticking in a mini-quest or two to pursue magical removal of the "other" type of tattoo for just a couple of the captives, but that will be closer to when I'm polishing up a product more ready for release.  Right now the mod and interactions aren't headed down the "abusive" path, and I'd like to keep it that way.


The feedback is much appreciated!

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Just a quick update.  I decided rather than conjecture verbally about what hair and makeup work I'd done to the mod, I'd just post a screenshot.  I'm pleased with "the look" at present, but may continue to tweak as the NPCs develop more personality in my head.  I'm basically done with the aesthetics phase (but not outfits) and am otherwise still slogging through dialogue generation.  That's the major chore in the mod and I had to take a break.  It's not going as rapidly as it was at first, and it's difficult to keep it fresh and varied unless I step back once in a while.


On the appearance stuff, keep in mind I don't just tweak hair and makeup.  I use the CK to alter facial structure and components for every single NPC in the mod to within the realm of what I find pretty -- but this may not be to everyone's liking or definition.  Tastes vary, and that's Ok.


This is a shot of Jensine (a Nord captive/servant), one of my personal favorites, and I seem to keep using her as a test subject over and over again so I see a lot of her.  I'm definitely not tired of looking at her.



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Not bad looking from my perspective, and I suspect the over-reddish hue is a lighting factor that won't always be present.


A collared serving girl bodes well for the theme, too.


A suggestion though I don't know how feasible. Perhaps a mechanical testing version before a full appearance version is ready? We don't even need full dialog perhaps, to make sure the AI and related stuff works in a variety of situation.

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Not bad looking from my perspective, and I suspect the over-reddish hue is a lighting factor that won't always be present.


A collared serving girl bodes well for the theme, too.


A suggestion though I don't know how feasible. Perhaps a mechanical testing version before a full appearance version is ready? We don't even need full dialog perhaps, to make sure the AI and related stuff works in a variety of situation.


She's standing right next to a lit brazier, so yeah, it's probably the light source contributing to the reddish hue.


It wasn't captured in that shot, but she's got matching wrist cuffs as well, courtesy of the Gatti/Yumiko Suit mod.


Good suggestion about the mechanical test, especially if you're volunteering as a beta tester.  Feedback always appreciated!

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Not bad looking from my perspective, and I suspect the over-reddish hue is a lighting factor that won't always be present.


A collared serving girl bodes well for the theme, too.


A suggestion though I don't know how feasible. Perhaps a mechanical testing version before a full appearance version is ready? We don't even need full dialog perhaps, to make sure the AI and related stuff works in a variety of situation.


She's standing right next to a lit brazier, so yeah, it's probably the light source contributing to the reddish hue.


It wasn't captured in that shot, but she's got matching wrist cuffs as well, courtesy of the Gatti/Yumiko Suit mod.


Good suggestion about the mechanical test, especially if you're volunteering as a beta tester.  Feedback always appreciated!



Yeah I restart a lot and just jump around and monkey about Skyrim. I think I really need to get comfortable with MO profiles, but I often disable/enabled mods and just keep track of which saves are which (console "save filename") helps, along with MO's listing of missing enabled Esps when you mouse over a saved game. I try to keep a couple saves in the LAL cell or an "inn patron" start so I can enable a mod and get started.

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Not bad looking from my perspective, and I suspect the over-reddish hue is a lighting factor that won't always be present.


A collared serving girl bodes well for the theme, too.


A suggestion though I don't know how feasible. Perhaps a mechanical testing version before a full appearance version is ready? We don't even need full dialog perhaps, to make sure the AI and related stuff works in a variety of situation.


She's standing right next to a lit brazier, so yeah, it's probably the light source contributing to the reddish hue.


It wasn't captured in that shot, but she's got matching wrist cuffs as well, courtesy of the Gatti/Yumiko Suit mod.


Good suggestion about the mechanical test, especially if you're volunteering as a beta tester.  Feedback always appreciated!



Yeah I restart a lot and just jump around and monkey about Skyrim. I think I really need to get comfortable with MO profiles, but I often disable/enabled mods and just keep track of which saves are which (console "save filename") helps, along with MO's listing of missing enabled Esps when you mouse over a saved game. I try to keep a couple saves in the LAL cell or an "inn patron" start so I can enable a mod and get started.


You were right; lighting.






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The slaves all have a problem of rapid lip fluttering when they speak. The problem only affects the npcs in this mod. Anyone know what might cause this and how I can fix it?


I noticed that too in my re-work of this mod, but I hadn't pinpointed the cause yet.  I never noticed a problem with the original mod, so I'm somewhat glad to hear it was an orignial defect.


Because of this I may be even more interested in a fix for it than you are!


Anyone know of the cause and/or the fix?  Not sure about onesumgame​, but I'm running Fus Ro Doh​ that I thought would address issues like this when using unvoiced dialogue.

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I thought Fuz was just for unvoiced dialog, a padding so that the captions had time to display otherwise with no sound file the game didn't know when to stop and would immediately.


One thing I have noticed though is I can hit the Activate key to skip ahead in dialog and it works fine with voiced but unvoiced stuff will not let me speak to the NPC if the "blank" audio is still playing.  I can activate the NPC and the dialog menu comes up but no options display until the silence is done.


I haven't really noticed any lip movement though. Either I'm missing lip files or have some other problem (possibly I'm failing my Spot checks).

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I thought Fuz was just for unvoiced dialog, a padding so that the captions had time to display otherwise with no sound file the game didn't know when to stop and would immediately.


One thing I have noticed though is I can hit the Activate key to skip ahead in dialog and it works fine with voiced but unvoiced stuff will not let me speak to the NPC if the "blank" audio is still playing.  I can activate the NPC and the dialog menu comes up but no options display until the silence is done.


I haven't really noticed any lip movement though. Either I'm missing lip files or have some other problem (possibly I'm failing my Spot checks).


I hate troubleshooting intermittent faults!  All I did was uncheck "Has LIP File" from the starting topic dialogue, save again, and now everything works perfectly through all of the dialogue (every branch still has "Has LIP File" checked).  I'm not ready to declare victory just yet (I'm pretty sure that tiny change didn't "fix" it), but I can say the weird lip fault isn't happening right now.  It could be due to some other cause and this was an imperfect test since I hadn't noticed that particular fault on loading in a couple of days.


I'll keep an eye on it, but I'd very much like to deliver an improved product without immersion-breaking annoyances like that . . . who knows, someday maybe I can deliver a voiced version!


For onesumgame, hopefully I build the fix into my version of the mod for you.  Continued troubleshooting on your end with the original would be helpful; let me know if you find anything.

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Just a mod update: here's a screenshot of the CK dialogue I've built so far, and I'm adding more every day.  This is the heart of what I'm contributing; everything else is interesting, but ultimately cosmetic.  I promised immersion; I'm trying to deliver.  Keep in mind that in the second column from the left there are currently 13 entering NPC backgrounds with 3 possible random dialogue responses each that are anywhere from 3-8 lines long . . . for now.  I'm sort of going for SexSlavesforBanditCamps meets the 3DNPC mod . . . without the burden of writing 85 custom dialogues . . . and many branches end with a SexLab script, but you've got to earn it in most cases.  SpeechCraft skill matters!







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