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I did notice one strange issue.

I have one female, use latest Hormones to, and have creature support on.

The issues seems that Beeing Female turns off creature sperm support and at the first page where the checkbox should be change and that box goes away and also the "lore" box.

It comes back when I restart B-F and loads all plugins again.





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since the latest updates, this mod runs very fine, there are only two things that bug me a bit:

1) My children are 90% male. This might be just a statistical effect but when playing a female character that impregnates other females I'd love to have female children only, though (missing Y-gene).


2) Some entries in the children list are duplicated or better one entry is duplicated but it varies which one. Any tips what might cause this?


Thanks a lot,





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I am getting some errors involving the FWAbilityBeeingFemale.psc script line 165 and effects 5, 6, and 7.  They normally appear in the log attached/targeting individual actors but there are a few that has no actor listed. in the log that I attached, there are 381 errors involving this particular script and line and that means ~127 clusters of error per effect in only ~8 mins of gameplay. I saved and quit at the end of the log the game did not crash.

is this script behaving as intended or is something causing it to go left?



Log in question.rar

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I'm having some problems with the mod, it says there's a 99% chance of conceiving but then every time I  wait a few in game hours pregnancy doesn't start and it just goes to the next phase of the menstrual cycle. I keep trying and my character just doesn't become pregnant at all.  Any idea whats wrong?

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First of all, I've read everything :)

The Error Spam is already known and I realy realy can't get it. This is impossible. I think this is a problem with skse or something else.


iven when I make something like this


if self as ActiveMagicEffect
if self.GetType()
the Error won't go away.... i've tried everything so hard, but no way >.<

This error still got highest priority - so don't worry


I'm having some problems with the mod, it says there's a 99% chance of conceiving but then every time I  wait a few in game hours pregnancy doesn't start and it just goes to the next phase of the menstrual cycle. I keep trying and my character just doesn't become pregnant at all.  Any idea whats wrong?


The highest chance to become pregnant beginns when ovulation phase is at 50% and ends at 1% of lutheal phase. Then the chance drops "fast".

Does the MCM Menu -> Information say, that you have sperm from someone inside?

What SexMod are you using, or do you use the Bed-Sleeping option, or both?

Try to sleep next to your spouse, ... for 1 hour, then repeat it for a couple of times - this should always work (this is using Sleeping and the chance that "Something happen" can be set in the MCM Menu -> Impregnation

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First of all, I've read everything :)

The Error Spam is already known and I realy realy can't get it. This is impossible. I think this is a problem with skse or something else.


iven when I make something like this

if self as ActiveMagicEffect
if self.GetType()
the Error won't go away.... i've tried everything so hard, but no way >.<

This error still got highest priority - so don't worry


I'm having some problems with the mod, it says there's a 99% chance of conceiving but then every time I  wait a few in game hours pregnancy doesn't start and it just goes to the next phase of the menstrual cycle. I keep trying and my character just doesn't become pregnant at all.  Any idea whats wrong?


The highest chance to become pregnant beginns when ovulation phase is at 50% and ends at 1% of lutheal phase. Then the chance drops "fast".

Does the MCM Menu -> Information say, that you have sperm from someone inside?

What SexMod are you using, or do you use the Bed-Sleeping option, or both?

Try to sleep next to your spouse, ... for 1 hour, then repeat it for a couple of times - this should always work (this is using Sleeping and the chance that "Something happen" can be set in the MCM Menu -> Impregnation

Yes I use both sexlab and bed sleeping options, I tried sleeping next them like 16 times but same problem no pregnancy even though it shows under information there is sperm inside. Does it make a difference that its my follower and not my spouse? Because with the previous version 2.7 I did not have this problem (and it was with the same follower) so I'm not too sure whats going on. I did not upgrade from 2.7 to 2.8 either I made a completely new save from scratch.

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There shouldn't be any difference between follower and spouse. Maybe your character is in the menopause :D ... jk. Haven't included this right now.

If realy nothing helps, you can use the console command. But this is realy immersive braking I think.

Open the console, select your spouse and type in > bf:impregnate

Right now I realy don't know what the problem could be.

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There shouldn't be any difference between follower and spouse. Maybe your character is in the menopause :D ... jk. Haven't included this right now.

If realy nothing helps, you can use the console command. But this is realy immersive braking I think.

Open the console, select your spouse and type in > bf:impregnate

Right now I realy don't know what the problem could be.

hey thanks for the tip but I did try the old version 2.7 (since I had it on a back up) and I just uploaded the old version into my game and it worked! strange.



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Greetings all.

I'm looking forword to create BeeingFemale for Skyrim SE. But right now it will be complicated. For the configuration menu and the widgets something like SkyUI is required. But now I've read, that it's not planed to create SkyUI for Skyrim SE.

Now I need some brain storming. What do you guys think about, configuration and the widgets.


I think the configuration can be made with .ini files or something like that.

The commands like "Uninstall BeeingFemale", "Reset NPCs", "Reset BeeingFemale", ..... can be made with console commands I guess.

And what's about widgets?

Maybe something like text info, in the top left corner, when pressing the hot key.


It could be also possible to make a window based config menu. The Info Window and the Child Skill window should be possible with SKSE64 and without SkyUI. But such a window cost a lot of time.


And even if SkyUI will be released somedays, it may take a few month untill then >.<


What do you think, how those things should be done?

Maybe I could need some help with ActionScript 2 and Adobe Flash.

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Greetings all.

I'm looking forword to create BeeingFemale for Skyrim SE. But right now it will be complicated. For the configuration menu and the widgets something like SkyUI is required. But now I've read, that it's not planed to create SkyUI for Skyrim SE.

Now I need some brain storming. What do you guys think about, configuration and the widgets.


I think the configuration can be made with .ini files or something like that.

The commands like "Uninstall BeeingFemale", "Reset NPCs", "Reset BeeingFemale", ..... can be made with console commands I guess.

And what's about widgets?

Maybe something like text info, in the top left corner, when pressing the hot key.


It could be also possible to make a window based config menu. The Info Window and the Child Skill window should be possible with SKSE64 and without SkyUI. But such a window cost a lot of time.


And even if SkyUI will be released somedays, it may take a few month untill then >.<


What do you think, how those things should be done?

Maybe I could need some help with ActionScript 2 and Adobe Flash.


From what I recall, schlangster said at one point that although he was not interested in making SkyUI for SSE, he had no problem with someone else attempting to do so using his code. My memory may be faulty, though - but if it isn't, then as soon as the script extender comes out in full force it is likely that SkyUI will be made again, at least partially.


Configuration via .ini files is good because the changes will stay between games. My main objection was that it isn't easily testable in-game, but if you can do it with console commands then that's perfect.


As for widgets, I have no idea. Text info works and is easy to implement, anyway. Also easy to replace if something better comes up in the future.

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im not sure if tampons are apart of main beeing female or one of the add ons but is there anyone else having the issue of tampons giving beast races a human body when equipped? its really annoying since taking them away from my followers they keep getting more

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Sounds interesting - Tampons are included in the main file since 2.6 (if i remember correctly)

I think this can happen, depending on the mod/race you are using. the Kahjiit Tail and the argonian Tail are also using an Armor Slot. So I think there can be beast races out there that are using other slots, too, like the slot I'm using for the Tampon.

I haven't notices anything like that yet and I can't test anything because I'm writing a save/load script for BeeingFemale, and untill this isn't working correctly my Skyrim will crash, because it will try to load incorrect data.

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Just uploaded a Flower Girl (v1.6.4) Patch to make it compatible.

It will only handle the 2 Actor animations for Male/Female. Right now there is no FF, FFM, FMM or solo supported.


But - I won't update or support the patch. I hope the Flower Girls dev will include this script somedays.

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Hard to find in this thread, so please forgive me if this has already been mentioned but I'm running into an issue.
When pregnant, the body change will show momentarily but then disappear completely. It will display both breasts and belly as large upon any loading screen but after a second or two it disappears.
Any items? 

Hard to find in this thread, so please forgive me if this has already been mentioned but I'm running into an issue.
When pregnant, the body change will show momentarily but then disappear completely. It will display both breasts and belly as large upon any loading screen but after a second or two it disappears.
Any ideas? 

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Hard to find in this thread, so please forgive me if this has already been mentioned but I'm running into an issue.

When pregnant, the body change will show momentarily but then disappear completely. It will display both breasts and belly as large upon any loading screen but after a second or two it disappears.

Any items? 

Hard to find in this thread, so please forgive me if this has already been mentioned but I'm running into an issue.

When pregnant, the body change will show momentarily but then disappear completely. It will display both breasts and belly as large upon any loading screen but after a second or two it disappears.

Any ideas? 


No problem well known issue.

Try this nice mod, install it after Beeing Female, make sure that you follow the instructions how you install it.




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can anybody confirm, that the Bathing in Skyrim AddOn is working properly for them. I can't seem to get it work on my end. BeeingFemale-MCM says "Bathing in Skyrim: compatible", the AddOn itself seems to be active or is at least ticked in the AddOn manager. 


Acording to the code in BFA_BathingInSkyrim it should wash out sperm when it detects the Bathing MagicEffect from Bathing in Skyrim.

function OnMagicEffectApply(Actor akWoman, ObjectReference akCaster, MagicEffect akEffect)
	if bIsInstalled && bActive
		if akEffect==sBathingEffect
			System.Controller.WashOutSperm(akWoman, 1, 0.6)
		elseif akEffect==sBathingEffectSoap
			System.Controller.WashOutSperm(akWoman, 1, 0.8)

 I confirmed ingame that the Effect is applied during bathing using mfg console information, but if i check the BF-MCM afterwards I can't make out any difference in the sperm amounts in either the information tab or the Debug tab even after several attempts.


Not sure if there is something wrong with my installation or the AddOn itself or if it is even active at all..





btw, i also had a look at another patch for Bathing in Skyrim to clear SL cum made by Kimy (i think...) which modifies the mzinBatheAttemptSuccess scropt... and i thought, if it wouldn't be easier to use that script aswell and apply the BF-washout effect in the same manner as the SexLab.ClearCum effect.


I made a feeble attempt to modifying the script in such a way, but i am a papyrus dummy and couldn't get the script to compile.. :(  :lol:  

ScriptName mzinBatheAttemptSuccess Extends ActiveMagicEffect
{ this script bathes a dirty actor }

mzinBatheQuest Property BatheQuest Auto
MiscObject Property WashProp Auto
FWSystem property System auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)
	BatheQuest.BatheActor(Target, WashProp)
	SexLabFramework SexLab = SexLabUtil.GetAPI()
	if GetSex(Target)==1
		System.Controller.WashOutSperm(Target, 1, 0.4)

anyways, not sure if this would be a good/better way to approach this.. The AddOn approach is probably cleaner, i just though i could quickly butcher something together for troubleshooting and see if it would work this way.

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I did try if it works whit NPC. And no. I dont, have not checked my female char if it works there, have currently issues whit my Real shelter patch.


Also I do get this every time I load my game. It sorts it self out after restart and refresh of B-F.

But can be little tedious since it takes some time to refresh all. Not reset them.



Edited by Uncle64
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I will test everything when my Skyrim is working again. Right now I'm makeing above 50% of the BeeingFemale code native.

I think the most complicated parts are already written successfully. If here is a mistake, it will raise a CTD.

Right now, I'm writing the FWController into native. The Datas will be stored without PapyrusUtil. Therefore I must write a converter that exports the old Data to the new System. This will also be a bigger step. I don't want that you loose all your progress and that the children will run around without a name.

On April 03 I'm starting my new job, and then I will have even more less time for BeeingFemale. So it will take some time till the next version is ready.

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