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Correct. I'm planing to do most of the code in C++.

The functions will still exists for everyone but there source code is now in C++ The AddOn System will be still the save as it was in the last version.


What Scripts are effected:

- FWController - Almost everything in FWController will be effected

- FWSystem - Many functions, especialy those, that are called very often like "IsValidateFemaleActor"

- FWSaveLoad - The Update(Woman) Function will be effected.

- FWChildActor - Right now I don't know in how far this will be effected

- FWChildArmor - Right now I don't know in how far this will be effected

- FWCamera - It's a new script, 100% C++


The C++ Code will be published again, too.



What will be better with C++

- C++ is way way way way faster then Papyrus

- The AddOn Manager will load and cache the Data when the game starts and not like now, whenever a game is loaded.

- same to the new FWCamera Script (this one is still a bit buggy and will raise a CTD :(

- Right now, a woman that wasn't updated for around 40 ingame days takes around 10 - 20 seconds to update all her stats when using papyrus and you shouldn't save during this time. In C++ this may take 0.5 seconds on a slow machine.

- I can do Multi Threading - so using more processor cores then just 1. I can call the Update(Woman) function in other threads so it won't block the game.

- It won't be that easy to make a Pedo-Patch for BeeingFemale (well, the last on I've seen was for BF 2.4 - so this is already ages ago)


I will keep an eye on all AddOns for BeeingFemale, so they will keep working. I don't see any reason why AddOns shouldn't work anymore. For all modder everything will stay the same.



What else is planed:

- The animated Camera. This will be in the next version!

- Magic Effects that effects the actor and effect things like "Duration of a phase", "Pain level", "Chance to become pregnant", ... This is planed but not 100% sure if this will be done in the next version. With this you can also make new Perks, shrine effects, .....

- The Console Script is exported to a new Object and handles the command in another thread.

- I realy can't remember what else I've already changed - but it's a lot

- Cat Beast Pregnancy Script. As you may know, cats don't have a menstruation cycle. They are in heat and will have there ovulation, when they have sex. So they have a kind of "unlimited Follicular Phase" and when they have sex, they switch to Ovulating - That's how it is planed

- An own "GetSex()" function that returns if an actor is threaded as male or female, and it can also be changed

- Allow Non Unique Actors

- Contraception for Males



What's this camera script?



Scriptname FWCamera
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Theory:
; - First, you must create a camera. Store the camera ID in a variable:
; - Now you must attach actions to the camera - what the should camera do.
; - - So you must create an Action first.
; - - Set the values of an action like "rotate to object and move to a position"
; - - Attach the action to the camera
; - Play the Camera
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Example:
; int cameraID = CameraCreate("Move_from_the_player_to_an_object_and_then_back_to_player")
; int action1 = CameraCreateAction(0, 5)
; MoveFromObject(action1, Game.GetPlayer())
; MoveToObject(action1, akTarget)
; int action2 = CameraClearAction(6, 11)
; MoveFromObject(action2, akTarget)
; MoveToObject(action2, Game.GetPlayer())
; CalculationMethode(action2, "expo.in")
; CameraAddAction(cameraID, action1)
; CameraAddAction(cameraID, action2)
; CameraPlayWait()
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Beware: When you define a camera with objects, the object is stored.
; When you use "CameraFind(...)" it will keep the stored actor. If you like to
; use another object, you must create a new camera
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Easing (Transition) Calculations
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; There are different easing functions available to make a nice smooth camera animation
; Each easing has a "in", "out" and "inout".
; You can give an easing function to a camera action by using the command:
;   CalculationMethode(ActionID, "linear.in")
; so you must type in a string the easing methode, followed by a dot and the function.
; The easing methodes are:
; - back
; - bounce
; - circ
; - cubic
; - elastic
; - expo
; - linear
; - quad
; - quart
; - quint
; - sine
; Diagrams can be found via google
; for example: https://docs111.mootools.net/Effects/Fx-Transitions
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Node Names
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; There are several functions where you can enter a node name. The node names are
; defined in the skeleton and the body. If the node can not be found, it will use
; the basic object position
; Because the node names may change depending on the used body, I made some
; 'general' node names. If you use them, the script will try to find this bone
; even if it has another name - or it tries to find the closest node.
; For example: "belly". it will search for the "NPC Belly" node. If the node does
; not exists, it searches for "NPC Spine1 [spn1]", then for "NPC Spine1", and the
; same thing with Spine2.
; This is a bit slower then the full bone name - so if you are 100% sure about the
; node name, use the node name instead of a 'general' name
; The 'general' names are:
; - eye
; - head
; - genitals
; - butt
; - belly
; - l breast
; - r breast
; - spine1
; - spine2
; - l thigh
; - r thigh
; - l shoulder
; - r shoulder
; - neck
string function FindNodeEx(ObjectReference obj, string s) global native
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Camera Methodes
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Create a camera
int function CameraCreate(string name) global native
; deletes a camera
bool function CameraClear(int camID) global native
; check if a camera already exists
bool function HasCamera(string name) global native
; returns the ID of an existing camera - if the camera could not be found, it returns -1
int function FindCamera(string name) global native
; Crreates an action
int function CameraCreateAction(float startTime, float duration) global native
; deletes an action
bool function CameraClearAction(int ActionID) global native
; returns the number of actions a camera has got
int function CameraNumActions(int camID) global native
; adds an action to the camera
bool function CameraAddAction(int CameraID, int ActionID) global native
; removes an action from a camera
bool function CameraRemoveAction(int CameraID, int ActionID) global native
; Action Methodes
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Set the easing methode of the camera (if not set, "linear.in" is used
bool function CalculationMethode(int ActionID, string methode) global native
; Locks the position of the camera during this action, so it can't move anymore
bool function LockPosition(int ActionID, bool bLock) global native
; Locks the rotation of the camera during this action, so it can't rotate anymore
bool function LockRotation(int ActionID, bool bLock) global native
; Makes an animated FOV - starting position
bool function FOV_Start(int ActionID, float FOV) global native
; Makes an animated FOV - ending position
bool function FOV_End(int ActionID, float FOV) global native
; The Camera action starts from Position X, Y, Z
bool function MoveFrom(int ActionID, float x, float y, float z) global native
; The Camera action starts of this object
bool function MoveFrom_Object(int ActionID, ObjectReference obj) global native
; The Camera action starts from this object node (like 'NPC Belly')
bool function MoveFrom_ObjectNode(int ActionID, ObjectReference obj, string NodeName) global native
; Sets the offset of the starting position of this action so you can define, that it won't start in the body
bool function MoveFrom_Offset(int ActionID, float x, float y, float z) global native
; The Camera Offset depends on the camera ObjectReference/camera rotation
bool function MoveFrom_CameraOffset(int ActionID, float x, float y, float z) global native
; The camera action moves to this position
bool function MoveTo(int ActionID, float x, float y, float z) global native
; The Camera action moves to this object
bool function MoveTo_Object(int ActionID, ObjectReference obj) global native
; The camera action moves to this objects node
bool function MoveTo_ObjectNode(int ActionID, ObjectReference obj, string NodeName) global native
; The camera action keeps an offset to the final position
bool function MoveTo_Offset(int ActionID, float x, float y, float z) global native
; The Camera Offset depends on the camera ObjectReference/camera rotation
bool function MoveTo_CameraOffset(int ActionID, float x, float y, float z) global native
; The camera action rotation starts by looking at this position
bool function LookFrom(int ActionID, float x, float y, float z) global native
; The camera action rotation starts by looking at this object
bool function LookFrom_Object(int ActionID, ObjectReference obj) global native
; The camera action rotation starts by looking at this objects node
bool function LookFrom_ObjectNode(int ActionID, ObjectReference obj, string NodeName) global native
; The camera action rotation starts by looking at the offset of the position
bool function LookFrom_Offset(int ActionID, float x, float y, float z) global native
; The Camera Offset depends on the camera ObjectReference/camera rotation
bool function LookFrom_CameraOffset(int ActionID, float x, float y, float z) global native
; The camera action rotation ends with looking at this position
bool function LookTo(int ActionID, float x, float y, float z) global native
; The camera action rotation ends with looking at this object
bool function LookTo_Object(int ActionID, ObjectReference obj) global native
; The camera action rotation ends with looking at this objects node
bool function LookTo_ObjectNode(int ActionID, ObjectReference obj, string NodeName) global native
; The camera action rotation ends with looking at the offset of the position
bool function LookTo_Offset(int ActionID, float x, float y, float z) global native
; The Camera Offset depends on the camera ObjectReference/camera rotation
bool function LookTo_CameraOffset(int ActionID, float x, float y, float z) global native
bool function RotateFrom(int ActionID, float rot_x, float rot_z) global native
bool function RotateXFrom(int ActionID, float rot_x) global native
bool function RotateZFrom(int ActionID, float rot_x) global native
bool function RotateTo(int ActionID, float rot_x, float rot_z) global native
bool function RotateXTo(int ActionID, float rot_x) global native
bool function RotateZTo(int ActionID, float rot_x) global native
; Play, Wait and Stop
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Play the camera asyn. You must stop the camera manuell!
bool function CameraPlay(int camID) global native
; Plays the camera and waits untill it's finished. Then it stops the camera automaticly (recommanded!)
bool function CameraPlayWait(int camID) global native
; Play the camera asyn. You must stop the camera manuell! - After the first run it repeats x times
bool function CameraPlayRepeat(int camID, int repeat) global native
; Plays the camera and waits untill it's finished. Then it stops the camera automaticly - After the first run it repeats x times
bool function CameraPlayRepeatWait(int camID, int repeat) global native
; Waiting till the camera was played successfully
function CameraWait(int camID) global native
; Waiting till the camera was played successfully and stops the camera
function CameraWaitStop(int camID) global native
; Stops the Camera and reset the view
bool function CameraStop(int camID) global native
; Play a Camera-File
bool function PlayCameraFile(string File, float TimeScale= 1.0, ObjectReference arg1 = none, ObjectReference arg2 = none, ObjectReference arg3 = none) global native
; Get a random CameraAddAction-File depending on the given Type
string function getCameraFileByType(string TypeName, ObjectReference arg1=none, ObjectReference arg2=none, ObjectReference arg3=none) global native
; get the native rotation axes of an object for native code (0 - 2pi)
float function getAngleX(ObjectReference obj) global native
float function getAngleZ(ObjectReference obj) global native
; Setting the rotation axe of an object with the native rotation (0 - 2pi)
function setAngleX(ObjectReference obj, float val) global native
function setAngleZ(ObjectReference obj, float val) global native




You can make a camera papyrusscript. You create a Camera, then you can attach Actions to the Camera. An action got a "Start Time" and a "Duration". You can attach several functions to this action like "Move To Object" and "Look at Actor" - then the Camera fades to the Object during it looks at an Actor.
You can also say "Look at an Actors Bone and Move around" ... like the 'Vagina' or 'Breast' .... then the Camera keeps looking to there during it moves around.
But that's not enough. You can make script-files where you can define animations and then you can say "Play the Camera Script File"
And this is still not enough!
Inside the Camera Scripts there are Camera Type defined like "PresentationActor", "PresentationArmor", ..... then you can say: "Play a random CameraScript that contains the Type: "PresentationActor" ....
Example Code:

CamID=FWCamera.CameraCreate("Look around actor")
; --- Create Camera Action 1 ---
int act1=FWCamera.CameraCreateAction(0,5)
FWCamera.MoveFrom_ObjectNode(act1,target, "head")
FWCamera.MoveFrom_CameraOffset(act1, -80,-50,0)
FWCamera.RotateFrom(act1, 0.5, RotationZ2)
FWCamera.MoveTo_ObjectNode(act1, target, "head")
FWCamera.MoveTo_CameraOffset(act1, 80,-50,0)
FWCamera.RotateTo(act1, 0.5, RotationZ2)
; --- Create Camera Action 2 ---
int act2=FWCamera.CameraCreateAction(5,5)
FWCamera.MoveFrom_ObjectNode(act2,target, "head")
FWCamera.MoveFrom_CameraOffset(act2, 80,50,0)
FWCamera.RotateFrom(act2, 0.5, RotationZ1)
FWCamera.MoveTo_ObjectNode(act2, target, "head")
FWCamera.RotateTo(act2, 0.5, RotationZ1)
; --- Create Camera Action 3 ---
int act3=FWCamera.CameraCreateAction(10,10)
FWCamera.MoveFrom_ObjectNode(act3, target, "head")
FWCamera.MoveFrom_Offset(act3, 0,0,60)
FWCamera.MoveFrom_CameraOffset(act3, 0,50,0)
FWCamera.RotateFrom(act3, 1.5, RotationZ1)
FWCamera.MoveTo_ObjectNode(act3, target, "Root")
FWCamera.MoveTo_CameraOffset(act3, 0,50,0)
FWCamera.RotateTo(act3, -1.3, RotationZ1)
int act4=FWCamera.CameraCreateAction(20,10)
FWCamera.MoveFrom_ObjectNode(act4, target, "head")
FWCamera.MoveFrom_Offset(act4, 0,0,60)
FWCamera.MoveFrom_CameraOffset(act4, 0,-50,0)
FWCamera.RotateFrom(act4, 1.5, RotationZ2)
FWCamera.MoveTo_ObjectNode(act4, target, "Root")
FWCamera.MoveTo_CameraOffset(act4, 0,-50,0)
FWCamera.RotateTo(act4, -1.3, RotationZ2)
int act5=FWCamera.CameraCreateAction(30,10)
FWCamera.LookFrom_ObjectNode(act5, target, "head")
FWCamera.MoveFrom_ObjectNode(act5, target, "head")
FWCamera.MoveFrom_CameraOffset(act5, 50,0,0)
FWCamera.LookTo_ObjectNode(act5, target, "head")
FWCamera.MoveTo_ObjectNode(act5, target, "head")
FWCamera.MoveTo_CameraOffset(act5, 50,0,0)
; --- Add Camera Actions to camera ---
FWCamera.CameraAddAction(CamID, act1)
FWCamera.CameraAddAction(CamID, act2)
FWCamera.CameraAddAction(CamID, act3)
FWCamera.CameraAddAction(CamID, act4)
FWCamera.CameraAddAction(CamID, act5)

What I will use this for?

Well, ... I don't realy know :) It's a nice to have feature and can be used with so many things! It can be used to animate the camera during sex and stuff. Because it has a Repeating function as well as a Play_ASync and Stop Function, it can be used for any situation - But it will require BeeingFemale, because it's not a seperat mod.


Right now it's planed to use it when:

- Child is learning a new spell

- When the 'Come inside' is triggerd after sleeping in a bed - the spouse will be displayed for 3 seconds.

- When giving birth to a child

- Maybe when having a misscarryage.

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But it will require BeeingFemale, because it's not a seperat mod.

Why not making it a separate mod? Is there anything in particular, that is preventing you from making it into a standalone mod?

This sounds like modders could benefit from it, as a utility plugin or something like that.

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I already thought about making a seperate mod for it.... but it's just a modder ressource and wouldn't work without a mod that handles it.


I need to do some tests and maybe I will come with a "beta" for this, without the Camera File (the Camera Files are in "Skyrim/Data/BeeingFemale/Camera/" and I don't know if you will like this :)

Another reason is... for some reason the game often CTD with the file right now. Something I don't understand because the File does the same as the papyrus commands, and the papyrus commands work realy well.


But those are the only reasons. It can be easiely ported to a new SKSE Plugin.



What do you all think?

Should it be a seperate modder ressource so everyone can create camera animations for the mods (like sex mods)

Maybe someone could even create a Widget or Menu to create new camera animations realy easy.

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the Camera Files are in "Skyrim/Data/BeeingFemale/Camera/"

Yeah, if you were to separate it from Beeing Female, they would have to go in another folder, maybe just in "Skyrim/Data/Camera/".


What do you all think?

Should it be a seperate modder ressource so everyone can create camera animations for the mods (like sex mods)

Maybe someone could even create a Widget or Menu to create new camera animations realy easy.

From a programming point of view, I would say separate it from Beeing Female, since it's only indirectly related to Beeing Female.

Those are also some nice ideas, I'm also positive, that someone might be able to make use of it.

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I was thinking about the camera stuff.

Should not that have potential to conflict whit other camera mods?


I'm using a FirstPerson Mod.. works great together.


The script behind switches the camera to the vanilla FreeCam and moves it automaticly. That's the magic behind it. But this also meen, that the "Roll" isn't possible, only the rotation axes "Pitch" and "Yaw". The Vanilla FreeCam doesn't support Roll (that's the axe you use, when you lay your head on your shoulder ^^)

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I was thinking about the camera stuff.

Should not that have potential to conflict whit other camera mods?


I'm using a FirstPerson Mod.. works great together.


The script behind switches the camera to the vanilla FreeCam and moves it automaticly. That's the magic behind it. But this also meen, that the "Roll" isn't possible, only the rotation axes "Pitch" and "Yaw". The Vanilla FreeCam doesn't support Roll (that's the axe you use, when you lay your head on your shoulder ^^)



Ah. Ok.


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Hi, can somebody help me with this problem that I'm having? All the active effects from ovulation and menstruation are showing up as gibberish. I've tried reinstalling the mod multiple times and the problem is seemingly fixed, showing the correct text but the bug would eventually show up again after one or two cycles.






00 Skyrim.esm
01 Update.esm
02 Dawnguard.esm
03 HearthFires.esm
04 Dragonborn.esm
05 ClimatesOfTamriel.esm
06 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp [Version 3.0.7]
07 SexLab.esm [Version 1.62]
08 Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
09 CreatureFramework.esm [Version 1.0.0]
0A SexLabAroused.esm [Version 2.8]
0B Devious Devices - Assets.esm [Version 2.8.3]
0C ZaZAnimationPack.esm
0D Devious Devices - Integration.esm
0E Devious Devices - Expansion.esm
0F MiasLair.esp [Version 6.2]
10 hdtHighHeel.esm
11 BeeingFemale.esm [Version 2.8]
12 RaceCompatibility.esm
13 HighResTexturePack01.esp
14 HighResTexturePack02.esp
15 HighResTexturePack03.esp
16 FNIS.esp
17 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp
18 ClimatesOfTamriel-Dungeons-Hardcore.esp
19 ELFX - Exteriors.esp
1A RealisticWaterTwo.esp
1B ELFXEnhancer.esp
++ ClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.esp
++ ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp
1C ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp
1D CoT-WeatherPatch.esp
++ CoT-WeatherPatch_DB.esp
++ CoT-WeatherPatch_Snow-40.esp
1E ELFX - Weathers.esp
1F RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp
20 SMIM-Merged-All.esp
21 TrueStorms.esp
++ TrueStorms-CoT-WeatherPatch.esp
22 Supreme Storms - Cot Version.esp
23 CoT-WeatherPatch_SupStorms.esp
++ TrueStorms-SupremeStorms-CoT.esp
24 SkyUI.esp
25 BeeingFemaleBasicAddOn.esp
26 _BF_Alchemist_CP_seller.esp
27 BFAP v1.3.esp
28 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp [Version 3.1.5a]
29 dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp
2A vAutosaveManager.esp
2B RaceMenu.esp
2C RaceMenuPlugin.esp
2D RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp
2E Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
2F SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp
30 SOSRaceMenu.esp
31 AMatterOfTime.esp [Version 2.00]
32 UIExtensions.esp
33 IcePenguinWorldMap.esp
34 AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp
35 SimplyKnock.esp
++ Random Vampire Attacks in Towns Disabled.esp [Version 1.0.0]
36 RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp
37 VVE.esp [Version 0.7]
38 TheEyesOfBeauty.esp [Version 9]
39 Bijin NPCs.esp
3A Bijin Warmaidens.esp
3B Bijin Wives.esp
3C Serana.esp
3D Valerica.esp
3E BijinAIO-2016_3.1.1_SV.esp
3F SexLabTools.esp
40 Toccata as Elisif.esp
41 MoreNastyCritters.esp
42 SexLabNudeCreatures.esp
43 SexLabNudeCreaturesDG.esp
44 SexLabNudeCreaturesDB.esp
45 SlaveTats.esp
46 SLAnimLoader.esp
47 Apropos.esp
48 SLA Monitor Widget.esp
49 SexLab Extra Voices.esp
++ SexLab Sound FX Replacer.esp
4A Blush When Aroused.esp
4B Blush When Aroused CE.esp
4C SexlabAchievement.esp
4D Bathing in Skyrim - Main.esp
4E Brawl Bugs CE.esp
4F AngrimApprentice.esp
50 sr_FillHerUp.esp
51 sr_FillThemUp.esp
52 MilkModNEW.esp
53 MilkMod_MilkPumpsFancy.esp
54 MilkModNEW HF.esp
++ MilkModNEW ZaZ.esp
55 Sexual Vampire Feed.esp
56 SL Deadly Drain.esp
57 SexLabSkoomaWhore.esp
58 qayl.esp
59 SexLab_DibellaCult.esp
5A SexLab_DibellaCult_Sisters.esp
5B Captured Dreams.esp
5C SexLab TDF Aggressive Prostitution.esp
5D SLALAnimObj.esp
5E SLAL_K4Anims.esp
5F SLAL_AnimationsByLeito.esp
60 NibblesAnimObjects.esp
61 ccas_starts.esp
62 Devious Deviants.esp
63 DW.esp
64 SexLab Aroused Creatures.esp
65 SexLab_Solutions.esp
66 SexLab Theft and Seduction.esp
67 SexLabDefeat.esp
68 mslDeviousCaptures.esp
69 SexLab_PaySexCrime.esp
6A xazPrisonOverhaul.esp
6B SexLab_Solutions_PO_Patch.esp
6C SLPleasure.esp
6D xazPrisonOverhaul - Patch.esp
6E SexLab-AmorousAdventures.esp
6F GetStripped.esp
70 MF_RadiantProstitution.esp
71 LoversComfort.esp
72 SexLab-Stories.esp
73 SexLab-StoriesDevious.esp
74 Devious Cidhna.esp
75 SexLab Eager NPCs.esp
76 FadeTattoos.esp
77 RapeTattoos.esp
78 SLPrivacy.esp
79 TBOS.esp
7A SimpleSlavery.esp
7B SexistGuards.esp
7C SexLabUtil1.esp
7D Auto Unequip Ammo.esp
7E HDT Piercingsets.esp
7F Remodeled Armor - Underwear.esp
80 Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer.esp
81 Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dawnguard.esp
82 Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dragonborn.esp
83 PerkusMaximus_Master.esp
84 PerkusMaximus_Warrior.esp
85 PerkusMaximus_Thief.esp
86 PerMa Expansion 1 - Wintermyst.esp
87 PerkusMaximus_Mage.esp
++ PerMa_USLEEP master patch.esp
88 Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp
++ Weapons & Armor_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp
89 Pre PaMa WAFR Patch.esp
8A PerkusMaximus_SimplyKnock.esp
++ QuickShouts.esp
++ DragonWordsDisplayed.esp
8B WetFunction.esp
8C SexLab Inflation Framework.esp [Version 1.0.5]
8D HDT Havok Object.esp
8E KS Hairdos - HDT.esp
8F SexLab_SOS-Stapon.esp
90 XPMSE.esp
91 Bashed Patch, 0.esp
92 PatchusMaximus.esp


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You should consider fix your loadorder. You have mods that should be very early in your load, but those are at the end. And the other way around.

And it looks like you have sorted it by adding them by name.


Run loot, use your Wrye Bash to tune up your load, and read on modders page how and in what order your mods should be.


Your issue whit letters, that goes back to wrong installation order and wrong loadorder it have nothing to do whit Beeing Female.

So it is one bug that is made by your self.

Make sure that you add latest Papyrusutil and Jcontaners. Nothing should overwrite those.


And read read read read read.

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There shouldn't be any difference between follower and spouse. Maybe your character is in the menopause :D ... jk. Haven't included this right now.

If realy nothing helps, you can use the console command. But this is realy immersive braking I think.

Open the console, select your spouse and type in > bf:impregnate

Right now I realy don't know what the problem could be.

hey thanks for the tip but I did try the old version 2.7 (since I had it on a back up) and I just uploaded the old version into my game and it worked! strange.


got your same problem ...i don't have the 2.7 version ...may you upload it or tell me how to fix this issue ..??

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There shouldn't be any difference between follower and spouse. Maybe your character is in the menopause :D ... jk. Haven't included this right now.

If realy nothing helps, you can use the console command. But this is realy immersive braking I think.

Open the console, select your spouse and type in > bf:impregnate

Right now I realy don't know what the problem could be.

hey thanks for the tip but I did try the old version 2.7 (since I had it on a back up) and I just uploaded the old version into my game and it worked! strange.


got your same problem ...i don't have the 2.7 version ...may you upload it or tell me how to fix this issue ..??



Hey, I do have the file but not too sure if the creator is fine with me uploading it, So I'll wait for their permission. I just install both 2.7 and 2.8 in mod organizer and then when I want to get pregnant I switch to 2.7 and once i am pregnant I switch back to 2.8, it seems there are no problems switching between versions, a bit immersion breaking but hey still a great mod!

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There shouldn't be any difference between follower and spouse. Maybe your character is in the menopause :D ... jk. Haven't included this right now.

If realy nothing helps, you can use the console command. But this is realy immersive braking I think.

Open the console, select your spouse and type in > bf:impregnate

Right now I realy don't know what the problem could be.

hey thanks for the tip but I did try the old version 2.7 (since I had it on a back up) and I just uploaded the old version into my game and it worked! strange.


got your same problem ...i don't have the 2.7 version ...may you upload it or tell me how to fix this issue ..??



Hey, I do have the file but not too sure if the creator is fine with me uploading it, So I'll wait for their permission. I just install both 2.7 and 2.8 in mod organizer and then when I want to get pregnant I switch to 2.7 and once i am pregnant I switch back to 2.8, it seems there are no problems switching between versions, a bit immersion breaking but hey still a great mod!



To change back and forward between mod versions is not some that is recommended. You actually mess up our save. Dont whine if your save suddenly stop works.

And the question about why you/npc dont get pregnant is answered 10-20 times already in the tread.


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There shouldn't be any difference between follower and spouse. Maybe your character is in the menopause :D ... jk. Haven't included this right now.

If realy nothing helps, you can use the console command. But this is realy immersive braking I think.

Open the console, select your spouse and type in > bf:impregnate

Right now I realy don't know what the problem could be.

hey thanks for the tip but I did try the old version 2.7 (since I had it on a back up) and I just uploaded the old version into my game and it worked! strange.


got your same problem ...i don't have the 2.7 version ...may you upload it or tell me how to fix this issue ..??



Hey, I do have the file but not too sure if the creator is fine with me uploading it, So I'll wait for their permission. I just install both 2.7 and 2.8 in mod organizer and then when I want to get pregnant I switch to 2.7 and once i am pregnant I switch back to 2.8, it seems there are no problems switching between versions, a bit immersion breaking but hey still a great mod!



To change back and forward between mod versions is not some that is recommended. You actually mess up our save. Dont whine if your save suddenly stop works.

And the question about why you/npc dont get pregnant is answered 10-20 times already in the tread.


strange ...may you send me one of those answered times i searched for them and no clue ...

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You should consider fix your loadorder. You have mods that should be very early in your load, but those are at the end. And the other way around.

And it looks like you have sorted it by adding them by name.


Run loot, use your Wrye Bash to tune up your load, and read on modders page how and in what order your mods should be.


Your issue whit letters, that goes back to wrong installation order and wrong loadorder it have nothing to do whit Beeing Female.

So it is one bug that is made by your self.

Make sure that you add latest Papyrusutil and Jcontaners. Nothing should overwrite those.


And read read read read read.


I've tried LOOT but it just screw up my saves and doesn't even affect the Beeing Female bug that I'm having. I have the Papyrusutil from sexlab and the latest Jcontainer. Allso the text bug is only happening on Ovulation and Menstration effects from Being Female mod, all other mod effects are fine.

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You should consider fix your loadorder. You have mods that should be very early in your load, but those are at the end. And the other way around.

And it looks like you have sorted it by adding them by name.


Run loot, use your Wrye Bash to tune up your load, and read on modders page how and in what order your mods should be.


Your issue whit letters, that goes back to wrong installation order and wrong loadorder it have nothing to do whit Beeing Female.

So it is one bug that is made by your self.

Make sure that you add latest Papyrusutil and Jcontaners. Nothing should overwrite those.


And read read read read read.


I've tried LOOT but it just screw up my saves and doesn't even affect the Beeing Female bug that I'm having. I have the Papyrusutil from sexlab and the latest Jcontainer. Allso the text bug is only happening on Ovulation and Menstration effects from Being Female mod, all other mod effects are fine.


You did not read what I did write.


You dont understand what I did say.




And LOOT dont mess up your load order.

It is always you you you.


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Hello, I have a follower pregnant. 1st trimester, still 30 or so days to birth. She has 100% chance of giving birth as I've set the abortion levels to 0%.

But whenever I wait or fast travel the pregnancy just disappears. I did a quick google search and couldn't find any solved problem related to this one in this thread.

So I hoped it's a known issue with any fix. Glad if anyone can help, thanks.


EDIT: This is the first time I'm using this mod, so maybe we should consider that.

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My cycle keeps getting stuck at paused after I got pregnant by Estrus Charus / Estrus Spider.  Resetting the PC from the BF MCM only works for one cycle and then it gets paused again.  This happened in a relatively new game I started with BF 2.8.1.  I see from the forum people were running into this 2 years ago.  It still doesn't seem to be fixed.  Is there a better workaround which could unpause the mod without resetting my biological clock that I could try?

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Hello, I have a follower pregnant. 1st trimester, still 30 or so days to birth. She has 100% chance of giving birth as I've set the abortion levels to 0%.

But whenever I wait or fast travel the pregnancy just disappears. I did a quick google search and couldn't find any solved problem related to this one in this thread.

So I hoped it's a known issue with any fix. Glad if anyone can help, thanks.


EDIT: This is the first time I'm using this mod, so maybe we should consider that.


Are you referring to just the belly disappearing or the whole pregnancy? Does it show anything, if you use the showAllStats-spell on the follower?



could it be that i got left over scripts from previous versions ..i started new game and the same error ??


possible. For me everything is working fine so far with BF 2.8.1.

Are you using MO/NMM to install or did you manually install the mod?


Also i am not really sure what's the problem, you are running into. Your PC doesn't seem to be able get pregnant?



My cycle keeps getting stuck at paused after I got pregnant by Estrus Charus / Estrus Spider.  Resetting the PC from the BF MCM only works for one cycle and then it gets paused again.  This happened in a relatively new game I started with BF 2.8.1.  I see from the forum people were running into this 2 years ago.  It still doesn't seem to be fixed.  Is there a better workaround which could unpause the mod without resetting my biological clock that I could try?


Yes, that still seems to be a bit broken. Have you tried advancing to the next stage manually using the debug/cheat options? I think that worked for me a few times..







regarding the stuff i posted last page. I also noticed BFAP didn't work, until i reset BF, refreshed the addon list and saved/reloaded. However that didn't help with the bathingInSkyrim AddOn.. This was on a new game. I imported settings from a male char in the beginning, maybe that could have been a problem? idk. :s

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So it is stuck in ovulation phase or just continues without getting pregnant? Have you checked the chance to get pregnant in the information menu (hold the info key down for 8 seconds, by default the "8" key). Your pc can only get pregnant, if certain circumstances are fulfilled. There is a certain chance to be able to conceive. If that is not given, you have to wait for the next cycle. If it is stuck/bugged, maybe resetting the mod or switching to another phase manually could help. To get the phase switch option in the cheat/debug menu you have to set the information level to "debugging" first.


If it is really bugged and you want check for old scripts, thats always a bit tedius on a manual installation.. I would take a look at the archive you installed it from. The scripts are the *.pex files and the filenames for BeeingFemale start with either BFA_* or FW*...  Then compare the content with your data/scripts folder. Either check the timestamp of the file, if it is the latest version or remove all beeingfemale scripts you can find and install the new ones again.


another option.. nuke your skyrim folder, reinstall skyrim, install Mod Organizer and reinstall all mods with mod organizer. It makes installing/ removing mod files a lot easier and keeps your data folder clean..  ;)



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