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We all would like to help, jxm. But you have to tell us what your problem is.

Is your char pregnant, but the belly won't grow? If so, do the breasts expand?


I am actually not sure...yeah, I have a pregant char, but no change in belly-size. I guess I simply do not understand from the start what exactly is needed. I have always used the latest XMS-Skeleton for the Dualsheath etc. And I installed the B3lisario-Unp from the links here, hoping it would be enough. But I suppose its not. Just for good measure I installed UNP-Bodyslide, but in all honestly I am still unsure what that actually does even after reading the page for it...^^



Do you use a custom race? Those skeletons should be updated, too.

As a note, you won't see much belly immediatelly, it's mostly growing after reaching the second trimester.

And pardon me, but I've read a lot of things: Is your char naked? Most armors haven't got belly weight painting.

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Well.... everything looks great for a Beta release - now I have to finish the translations - then the Beta can be released.

This still need some time - ther's a lot to translate and prepared.


Btw: All Menus and options are still in the ini file - the esm file should be translated using the "Skyrim String Localizer" / "TesVTranslator" - that's the best way to keep files translated even for the next release.

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Realy a lot... it has a complete children overhaul.

When you give birth to a child actor - you can give orders to it like follow, wait, ...

They got an inventory for sure, too - and when you give them a spell bock, they will learn the spell (well animated). Depending on there stats, the learning was a success or not.

And when we talk about stats - the Childrens got a complete own level system. They will gain exp by hitting an enemy.... even mor for killing them... and a little bonus for the fight duration (long fights may give some exp bonus)

For each level you can give 5 skill points and 1 perk to the child.

There is a complete new skill named "Comprehension" - As higher this skill is, as faster they will learn a new spell, and the success rate for learning new spells is higher.

For sure, easy novice spells are easy learning with a comprehension of 10 they won't realy fail - but for learning difficult spells like Expert or master spells, you should have a lot of comprehension, otherwise it will fail.

Other skills are "Destruction", "Illusion", .... "one handed", "two handed", "marksman" ..... each of them got a range up to 100, and 1 point per spended skill point.

Then there are the 3 stat points below the skillpoints "Health", "Magicka" and "Carry weight" .... they got a max of 1000 and 1 skill point will add 5 points of this stat


The widget system is better now. Depending on the widget the refresh rate is reduced a lot! This will save a lot of performance.

And for sure the key press system is better now. The widgets will pop up together and won't taggle the visibility of each widget. In v1.14 it could happen that when you press the hot key, only 1 widget (lets say the baby health widget) pops up. When you pressed the key again, the stats and the contraception widget pops up, and the baby health widget fades out.... then you pressed again, and the stats widget fades out, the contraception widget stays and the the baby health widget pops up.

This is fixed now!

When you press the hot key, all widgets will pop up, stay for 8 seconds, and fade out again.

When you keep the Hotkey pressed for 1.2 seconds (this is long enough), the widgets will stay visible untiull you press the hot key again.

(right now, the state and conceive widget are not changed and may spoiler. In a later version they won't pop up anymore, when the message mode is set to Low information)


For sure the FWSystem Log-Spam bug is fixed. Some new functions were added to the FWController, too.

Now i'm using some own native functions I've made. Native functions are way faster then the Skyrim Papyrus script.


I also made a new Info Spell Window. This is way faster then the current info spell and easier to translate.


Then I've prepared a lot for the upcomming "compatiblity" system.

This isn't done right now. The menu exists, but the options got no effect right now.


But it's still a Beta. Some features don't work, like the compatiblity feature.

Another thing that won't work well are the orders you can give to your children. You can press "Go home" as often as you want.... the child won't go home (don't know why ^^ still tesing around)

Same to the Meet point or the spouse

When you give the order "wait and play" they will play... but not perfect... they should do way more things then just walking around

So right now, you just have a skillable follower that can wait and a bigger walking bag you can give things to.

The "Find my children" thing, you can enable in the MCM general settings, also won't work (for me) and I don't know why ^^


Well, don't know what else has changed... some bugs are fixed, the FNIS file version is corrected, ..... Ah and for sure I#ve added the new birth animation.

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First you have my sincerest thanks as this adds much to my female character's game.  Also  letting you know the comments on my character's pregnancy (nearing end of first trimester [like over due for second trimester by a couple of hours ^_^]).  Like getting re-fitted due to breast enlargement.  Queasy stomach due to bad food.  Also commenting their wife was similar when she was expecting.  Obviously said by the men folk.  So far the only female comment was wondering if my character realized she was pregnant. :D I should state that at the time of downloading your add-on I was in the process of removing mods I no longer wanted/needed.  So I started from the very beginning again with all my characters.  


Epona (ironically) is expecting a baby(ies?) from a horse.  I also got the beast babies add-on as well.   I'll let you know how the comments go as she progresses.  Oh and to get around the armour restriction I made a set of "Armoured" clothing.  I mod as well (best at skinning/texturing).  So I based it off of CT77's Chef outfit.  It is a pretty floral pattern with light solid blue.  The apron and wiping rag were cleaned (the rag is a lovely saffron colour).  I gave it the similar armour rating of leather with armor enchantments to make it usable when she can no longer wear her regular armour.  Plus a custom circlet and Iron Talos amulet. ;)   I'll keep you apprised and maybe get a screen shot of her in her "armoured" clothing. LOL 

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Phase Duration -> Ovulation 2 Days (Irregularity 9%)


Information -> Tme Remaining 43D 9H 45M


Pill 98%


TIMESCALE 6 (Playing for about 3 game months already with 2 fully cycle completed already this would be the 3rd)


so, could anyone explain me why time remaining is 43D since my settings are 2D since from the beginning of the game?


i don't get it... what could do that to time?

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is it normal that pregnancy chance is only around 6% even during ovulation? Only thing i really changed in the setting was the pregnancy duration.


Its normal for me and I have my MCM option for pregnancy chance set to 40% for PC, followers, and NPC's.

I've noticed though at the end of ovulation and beginning of follicular phase it is usually up around 60%.

This is actually what I expected after I read the 3 books that appear in inventory.


*loose quotation from books (don't remember the exact wording)*


"at the end of ovulation and during the beginning of the follicular phase the woman is in her most fertile state"


so i think its kind of like this...

when BF is saying there is a 6% chance there is still an egg present but it is no longer in a good state to allow fertilization.

at this point the woman would think shes "safe"

but as we all know, in reality "happy accidents" can occur.



I tried to pull all this info from memory so some/all of it could be inaccurate.

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is it normal that pregnancy chance is only around 6% even during ovulation? Only thing i really changed in the setting was the pregnancy duration.


It jumps up to around 90% to 100% the more sex you have with the gender that can impregnate you (based on selected options). Also it jumps to that same percentage if you had sex with in the last 6 or so hours game time then it will drop if you have not had sex but once.


Long answer short it will jump in percentage if you have fresh "seed" in you. (I apologize if that reads a bit dirty)

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ok ok, time for me now :)

First, akyryz, This is a bug, i caouldn't fix (even in the new version) I still don't know when it happen, but it seems, wehn the mod is running for the first time, and sometimes after loading a game.

Reset the player character via the MCM Menu. This will reset all beeing female relevant things from your character like pregnancy, state, sperm inside, .... But after that, it will work. Still don't know the reason.


And about the ovulating - it's mostly like Bodroi said. Not every egg can be fertilized. When the woman had to much stress, was ill, or something happend, the egg can't nest in the utherus. Many cupples run to the doctor "hey hey, we can't become pregnant" - "how long you are trying it?" - "since 2 Days!" - "....lol.... come back in 3 month"

3 Month = ~33% chance per cycle .... and that's the MCM setting.

WHen the chances are that low during ovulation, the egg can't get fertilized.

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The mod crashes my game...I'm new to these mods so can anyone PLEASE tell me how to fix it? Google is absolutely USELESS. I figured out how to install it using NMM but I guess I must have missed something if it's making my game crash :(


Well, the first main question to answer is "When does it crash?"


If it's before the main menu even loads, you have a dependency issue. Make sure you have followed all installation instructions and have all required mods working.


If it's when you load a save, you may have too many heavy script mods and its causing Papyrus to crash, thus crash Skyrim. An easy work around for this it to have a clean save from the beginning of the game (run the game with no mods enabled and get to the point where you get off the cart, save then.) When you start up Skyrim, load into this save first for a minute then go ahead and load your normal save (before you get thrown into the character creation menu is ample time.)


If its randomly while playing the game, then you might have an incompatibility issue. One of the other mods you have might be causing Beeing Female to do too much work and then crash Papyrus. I noticed this with my set-up before as I had Interesting NPCs which added numerous fully custom voiced people to the world, and the extra work Beeing Female had to do to keep up with them pushed me over my scripting limit (remember that Beeing Female also tracks males for virility (Beeingmale scripts)) This was not truly the fault of Beeing Female, just the environment in which I put it in. 


Troubleshooting is a process, finding out the problem has to be done in steps.

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Do you use a custom race? Those skeletons should be updated, too.

As a note, you won't see much belly immediatelly, it's mostly growing after reaching the second trimester.

And pardon me, but I've read a lot of things: Is your char naked? Most armors haven't got belly weight painting.


I am not too proud not to say it was probably (as I already expected) my own stupidity and the apparent ignorance of the female biology :)  Or maybe I am too used to the Fallout-Pregnancy which happens rather immediate with the changes to the body.


Anyway, you mentioning the 2nd trimester did the trick. Shortened the length of all stages for testing and voila...belly changes...now you can slap me if you want for wasting time <_<


But many thanksfor the help, at least ME it saved a lot of time, though I surely should have figured this out myself, but I simply didn't think of this... :rolleyes:


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Would it be possible to get a fix for Illia the Imperial Mage follower? She isn't set as Unique by default as she uses a template, but I downloaded a replacer that makes her not use a template ('Bijun Warmaidens' from nexus), and went into the CK and changed her to unique manually, but the show stats spell still says she is not unique.

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Beeing Female 1.14 Estrus Chaurus Integration Patch V1.02


Hi All,


This is an update of the EC+ Integration patch for Beeing Female - posted here by kind persmission of milzschnitte.


This version includes a fix for an error in FWAbilityBeeingFemale.psc affecting update times that was identified by akyryz


This Version supports BF V1.14 Only


Required Mods and Versions


Beeing Female 1.14 (and it's requirements)

Estrus Chaurus+ 3.36 or higher  (and it's requirements)


The patch fixes handling of Chaurus Oviposition with Beeing Female, the changes are pretty simple (as are my coding skills!).  



  • Beeing Female will now recognise Chaurus attacks on females and trigger the Chaurus implantation effect
    • Having Chaurus eggs implanted whilst pregnant will KILL  the unborn child resulting in a miscarriage starting a few hours after the Chaurus eggs are "Born"
    • Having Chaurus eggs implanted whilst NOT pregnant will result in a menstruation phase starting a few hours after the Chaurus eggs are "Born"
  • The BF timer function bug caused by EC is fixed
  • If you are using devious devices and an actor is wearing a chastity belt/harness they will be protected from the Beeing Female Chaurus implantation effect.


To repeat - being implanted with Charus eggs will terminate any current pregnancy. If you don't want to lose that precious baby you probably shouldn't be fooling around in Bug infested caves!    ;)


Because I am triggering the EC effect from within Beeing Female it operates independently of EC's Actor events framework - this still needs to be installed because it is an EC master but it's use can be safely set to false in the EC menu thereby improving compatibility with defeat or other similar mods. If Actor events is disabled in EC then Sexlab driven events will be the only trigger for oviposition, chastity belts will protect against oviposition and tentacle spit attacks will no longer happen (I am working on another use for tentacles though - more news on that at a later date!)


Basically I am writing patches to  learn some papyrus scripting and (hopefully) to add immersion - I'm sure it could be done at lot better, but this seems to work.


To use install over Beeing Female 1.14  You should see a patch initialised message...  (NMM or Mod Organizer recommended for installation! )


For the avoidance of doubt, I am an amateur at modding and this unofficial patch is provided "as is " to use at youir own risk!







Known Issues


None - please report any problems (or success) and I will try and sort them.



Changelog V1.02

Fixed a script error in FWAbilityBeeingFemale.psc


Changelog V1.01

Added Slorm's FWSystem Papyrus log spam fix


Beeing Female 1.14 EC patch V01.02.7z

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Sorry for my English and  post here but  I  have a problem in using this mod   and someone who can help me.

as the required mod  all have been installed  but in the game I cant see any change from my female follower's belly even the trimester of pregnancy.

and  I try to use other pregnant mod like HentaiPregnancy for a test  but that mod works 。。。

so I think it is not the matter of pregnant amour or body which I used  , but I still like this mod  and really want to know how to make it work .(I am sure bigbelly node has been set in the bodyslide 2).


I used mod  like this:

Groovtama's XPMS Extended http://www.loverslab.com/topic/25971-xp32-maximum-skeleton-extended/

HDT Body 1.5 http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/658-hdt-body/

Bodyslide2 and  Pregnant-Weighted tbbp armor http://www.loverslab.com/topic/20799-pregnant-weighted-tbbp-armor-bodyslide2/





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So... any updates soon?...


Maybe tonight. Just testing - But it's just a Beta because i'm not sure everything is working - many things has changed, many things will change, and not all features that are displayed are realy included.


The Beta is playable and dosn't make any problems, but some features still don't work.



@toyatamimi: In phat pregnancy phase are you?

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So... any updates soon?...


Maybe tonight. Just testing - But it's just a Beta because i'm not sure everything is working - many things has changed, many things will change, and not all features that are displayed are realy included.


The Beta is playable and dosn't make any problems, but some features still don't work.




Any word on the random jumping "egg" icon? Or the ability to have the UI stay visible on the HUD? If it suppose to be that way from holding the key for 2 to 5 seconds it never stays on for me.

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the hold-key thing is only in the upcoming update.


Still got this annoying "Error: Unable to call RegisterForUpdateGameTime - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type" Error logs >.<

Somedays I will find out how to fix :-)


Now I have to finish the language files and then I can upload it

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