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A lot of mods have problems targeting unnamed NPCs. Pregnancy mods, slavery mods, etc.


I haven't looked at any code, but I believe it's because unnamed NPCs are randomly (semi-randomly) generated on the fly and then removed when not needed any more, so the game doesn't have to keep track of so many NPCs with their own unique schedules and stuff. Bandits, for example, don't need schedules at all, just basic AI packages.

So a mod that must alter some AI package, settings, or variables on NPCs will work best when targeting named NPCs because they aren't designed to reset periodically.

At least, I'm pretty sure that's why it works that way...


As for creating a named copy of an unnamed NPC, your best bet is to create a brand new NPC that just looks like the one you're trying to make and putting him/her into the world somewhere, making sure to turn off all respawn-style settings.


I'd recommend using various follower mods from Nexus or something like that. If you're wanting to capture bandits, there are some good-looking ones out there for download... :)


EDIT: I just now read darkconsole's post, so yeah, I guess I'm at least partially right...




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have you thought about a pairing spell so you pick 1 npc with pairing spell 1 then pick other npc with pairing 2 then pick a sex animation and they would be doing that animation until you cancel it ? could work with the player if the player had the ring on

So you're talking a cross between "books of love" and "matchmaker" or something like that?

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If I recall correctly one version of Paradise Halls allowed you to enslave bandits by creating a clone of the bandit and then the original bandit was quietly killed so it could be used again without difficulty the next time the location the bandit came from was reset. Meanwhile the clone could be set up in the needed factions and given the appropriate behavior package(s).


(Use the TempClone() call from Form.PSC to create a clone).

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Will this be updated with the crux furniture? Also, is there any way to allow the player (or another NPC I guess) to do animations on someone in a bondage pose? Like in the Prison Overhaul, the player gets put in a pillory and gets spanked, whipped, raped, and I think that's it. Is there any way to do that to someone in a pillory? And similar animations for the other furniture poses too I guess?

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If I recall correctly one version of Paradise Halls allowed you to enslave bandits by creating a clone of the bandit and then the original bandit was quietly killed so it could be used again without difficulty the next time the location the bandit came from was reset. Meanwhile the clone could be set up in the needed factions and given the appropriate behavior package(s).


(Use the TempClone() call from Form.PSC to create a clone).

Yes, and submit mod has an option where you can make followers with bandits and sell them to guards.

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I skimmed through the thread posts, but I may have missed the answer to my question....


Self-bondage is obviously an option, since the MCM lets me select it.  But how do I "do" it?  Do I select me from the console or what?


Also, I have to say, that's the best description of what Navmeshing does that I've ever seen... much better than my own explanation of "If you want it to move here, make it green, and don't ask me why."

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I skimmed through the thread posts, but I may have missed the answer to my question....


Self-bondage is obviously an option, since the MCM lets me select it.  But how do I "do" it?  Do I select me from the console or what?


Also, I have to say, that's the best description of what Navmeshing does that I've ever seen... much better than my own explanation of "If you want it to move here, make it green, and don't ask me why."


You need to wear the ring, then cast any display model spell.

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I skimmed through the thread posts, but I may have missed the answer to my question....


Self-bondage is obviously an option, since the MCM lets me select it.  But how do I "do" it?  Do I select me from the console or what?


Also, I have to say, that's the best description of what Navmeshing does that I've ever seen... much better than my own explanation of "If you want it to move here, make it green, and don't ask me why."


You need to wear the ring, then cast any display model spell.



oh for crying out loud, I'm an idiot.  Thank you!  So obvious now that it's pointed out.


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no i apparently missed. them. you don't by chance know what the zazapcblahblah0132 name for them is do you?



Well they're AnimObjectZazAPCAO251 and  AnimObjectZazAPCAO252, so I'm guessing ZazAPCAO251 and 252?


Also there's a spitroast and furo something now. The milking machine also exists, but not sure it works.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel that adding Aroused as a requirement was a bad move.  It causes too much instability and CTD issues.  SexLab-AmorousAdventures just removed the Aroused requirement in version 1.29 and it works so much better now.  I know there is a lighter version of Aroused available now but haven't tried it yet.  I have done a lot of testing with Aroused and it is a horrible framework to build off of.  It's cloaking scripts/spells get stuck or looped easily and can cause CTD on game load, CTDs in game, and save game corruption.  My game runs perfectly without it and I have a high end system.  I've been playing Skyrim heavily since release and have a highly optimized game.

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I feel that adding Aroused as a requirement was a bad move.  It causes too much instability and CTD issues.  SexLab-AmorousAdventures just removed the Aroused requirement in version 1.29 and it works so much better now.  I know there is a lighter version of Aroused available now but haven't tried it yet.  I have done a lot of testing with Aroused and it is a horrible framework to build off of.  It's cloaking scripts/spells get stuck or looped easily and can cause CTD on game load, CTDs in game, and save game corruption.  My game runs perfectly without it and I have a high end system.  I've been playing Skyrim heavily since release and have a highly optimized game.

I'm using the updated version of Aroused now...

From a gameplay perspective, I'm seeing absolutely no difference. Arousal increases a *bit* slower, but it doesn't quite appear to be half like the mod says. Could be how I've got it set up, though.

From a script load standpoint, there is quite a difference... it gets rid of the cloak spell entirely, cuts down on the scripts in the saved games, and is more stable overall.

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almost all the mods i use require aroused, i don't understand how you can have a system without it. is it bad? maybe. i haven't gone through the code, but i do know with my own experiences using cloaks instead of areabombs that cloaks suck for the job of area calculations. i also had problems with lingering effects left by them.


mods with optional aroused

  • devious devices integration


mods with required aroused (list SexlabAroused.esm as a master)

  • dd for the masses
  • deviously helpless
  • devious regulations
  • devious deviants (dd main quest)
  • devious traps
  • deviously cursed loot
  • captured dreams
  • aroused creatures
  • skyrim bound
  • tdf prostituion
  • zenet gag quest
  • trapped in rubber
  • pet collar

and those are just the mods *i* have installed. still another half of lovers lab that uses it :o


all that being said, now that Soulgem Oven II has been released this mod will probably be getting a rewrite in november to take advantage of all the things i learned this year.

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Cage animations are among the best in my opinion. Shame I cannot use them on my PC yet. Other than this little nuisance this mod is awesome. Thank you.


From the OP:-



  • Self Bondage! (Reset mod in MCM first)
  • There is a mysterious ring that can be crafted at the forge. While wearing this ring it will absorb any bondage spells you cast and put them on you! The keys unfortunately are not changeable because I designed it to work with both the keyboard and gamepad. After getting yourself tied up you will be presented with a dialog that tells you to press JUMP to cycle the different choices in the category of bondage you cast, press SHOUT to cancel the bondage, and press SHEATHE WEAPON to commit and lock yourself in. There is an MCM option for tweaking how long the bondage lasts.
  • Self bondage can also raise/lower sexlab arousal status, its a setting in the MCM, which you can choose based on your bondage personality.


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Cage animations are among the best in my opinion. Shame I cannot use them on my PC yet. Other than this little nuisance this mod is awesome. Thank you.


From the OP:-



  • Self Bondage! (Reset mod in MCM first)
  • There is a mysterious ring that can be crafted at the forge. While wearing this ring it will absorb any bondage spells you cast and put them on you! The keys unfortunately are not changeable because I designed it to work with both the keyboard and gamepad. After getting yourself tied up you will be presented with a dialog that tells you to press JUMP to cycle the different choices in the category of bondage you cast, press SHOUT to cancel the bondage, and press SHEATHE WEAPON to commit and lock yourself in. There is an MCM option for tweaking how long the bondage lasts.
  • Self bondage can also raise/lower sexlab arousal status, its a setting in the MCM, which you can choose based on your bondage personality.



I know there is self bondage. I use it, however cage animations do not work yet, even OP confirmed them. Appearantly he missed something or whatever.


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  • 3 weeks later...

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