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What really pisses you off? please no posts about nexus lol

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9 hours ago, 27X said:

You didn't read. The virus and its encapsulation is 9 microns on average. The virus by itself is 1.4 microns. Average dispo masks have 19-21 micron apertures.



Don't know where you got the 19 to 21 micron number. Sounds dubious (see end of this post). Also surgical masks usually have 3 layers.




We found that when the person said “stay healthy,” numerous droplets ranging from 20 to 500 μm were generated.


Guess there are also smaller droplets or 'aerosols' released when breathing though.

Here's a study that also covers that:



We collected samples of exhaled particles (one with and one without a facemask) in two size fractions ("coarse">5 µm, "fine"≤5 µm) from 37 volunteers within 5 days of seasonal influenza onset, measured viral copy number using quantitative RT-PCR, and tested the fine-particle fraction for culturable virus. Fine particles contained 8.8 (95% CI 4.1 to 19) fold more viral copies than did coarse particles. Surgical masks reduced viral copy numbers in the fine fraction by 2.8 fold (95% CI 1.5 to 5.2) and in the coarse fraction by 25 fold (95% CI 3.5 to 180). Overall, masks produced a 3.4 fold (95% CI 1.8 to 6.3) reduction in viral aerosol shedding.


I know from personal experience that surgical masks get a little damp on the inside from wearing them, even if I didn't say a single word. So they obviously block some fluid.

Is it enough to limit the virus spread?

I don't know, Wikipedia says yes.


Also on Wikipedia:


Surgical masks for use in the US and the EEA conform to ASTM F2100 and EN 14683 respectively. In both standards, a mask must have a Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE) of more than 95%, simulated with particles of size 3.0 μm.

Dunno if the single use ones you can buy all conform to that. If not then the gubbernmint or other authorities fucked up. If it looks like a surgical mask it should be one or you should not be allowed to sell it.

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On 10/16/2020 at 3:36 AM, gregathit said:






NBER working papers are circulated for discussion and comment purposes. They have not been peer-reviewed or been subject to the review by the NBER Board of Directors that accompanies official NBER publications.

So that's weak as fuck even without assuming that this might be bought by Koch & co.



Ever wondered why China, Taiwan, South Korea and Japan are doing so much better than Europe and the American continent?

China might be lying but I doubt it, their culture is similar to their neighbor's so the are probably all doing something very right.

Also they have very few deaths while the US is at 220k and rising. Rising 'only' by about 1000 per day but East Asia shows that this was preventable.

They must have done some things differently. Like wearing masks without their leaders shaming them for doing it.


We Europeans are too much like the US I guess, we just can't follow rules.

Even Germany, known to be sticklers for rules, wasn't able to prevent the second wave. I saw it around me all the time in late summer, people just got fed up with the distancing and became more careless.

We'll see if we can at least handle it better than our neighbors.


The US never left the first wave of course.


And please stop muddying the waters by claiming that a diabetes patient who died shortly after a covid 19 infection wasn't a covid 19 death and other such bullshit. He probably wouldn't have died and might have lived a long live otherwise and there are long established guidelines on how to count deaths with multiple contributing factors. Awfully convenient to now claim that medical statisticians didn't know what they were doing in the last few decades.

Also deaths are probably still undercounted especially during times of high virus spread, when the infirmaries are overloaded and other illnesses might not get the treatment they need.

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1 hour ago, Bazinga said:

China might be lying but I doubt it, their culture is similar to their neighbor's so the are probably all doing something very right.

Everything you said is utterly ignorable once you spit this out.  China is the worst human rights violator by a HUGE margin of any country today, regularly mass executing swaths of it citizens and you want to be their apologist?  Almost everyone now thinks they fucked up and created the virus and then fucked up and accidentally let it out.  Everyone knows that they locked local travel down but allowed international travel (which is what spread the virus).  You lost anyone who might ordinarily in support of you.  Shill for the chinese if you like, I WILL NOT.

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1 hour ago, Bazinga said:

And please stop muddying the waters by claiming that a diabetes patient who died shortly after a covid 19 infection wasn't a covid 19 death and other such bullshit. He probably wouldn't have died and might have lived a long live otherwise and there are long established guidelines on how to count deaths with multiple contributing factors. Awfully convenient to now claim that medical statisticians didn't know what they were doing in the last few decades.

Also deaths are probably still undercounted especially during times of high virus spread, when the infirmaries are overloaded and other illnesses might not get the treatment they need.

This is another spout of ignorant bullshit.  Why, because it has ZERO evidence.  Go look at the CDC website.  The average age of death is occurring between 2 and 4 months before the average life expectancy!  The jig is up.  The fear porn is real and folks are not buying it anymore.  NO!  I will not stop calling a fucking lie out.  NEVER!  Learn to fucking deal with it or ignore me.  And I'm not alone.  And don't talk shit about America.  There have been mask protests from Spain to Germany.  Folks are waking up to the politicians grabbing power using the excuse of a virus that is deadly ONLY to a specific very small subset of people.  To the rest, it is LESS deadly than the flue.  Facts over fucking feel feels.  DEAL WITH IT.  We will protect those who are vulnerable and the rest of us are going back to a normal life.  Hide in your basement like a coward if you want.  I WILL NOT.

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2 hours ago, Bazinga said:

I know from personal experience that surgical masks get a little damp on the inside from wearing them, even if I didn't say a single word. So they obviously block some fluid.

Is it enough to limit the virus spread?

My God you don't know much do you?  When a mask becomes wet, it looses ALL USE.  A virus passes through a wet mask like a bullet through butter.  Do some fucking reading for crying out loud.  NEVER use a wet mask.  Holy hell.  You talk about me spreading bullshit.  This nonsense flies in the face of ALL SCIENCE.  

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18 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:


Fake pandemic.  Yep.  Here are a shit ton of medical professionals calling you and those who shill for the coof out.  Trot out your little talking points and don't forget to suck on china's tit.

1 hour ago, Bazinga said:

Also deaths are probably still undercounted especially during times of high virus spread, when the infirmaries are overloaded and other illnesses might not get the treatment they need.

You really don't know how this works do you?  The cancer patient that doesn't get his treatment and dies due to the lockdown on a fake pandemic should NEVER be counted a covid victim.  That is NOT how it works.  To think that it does is the pinnacle of ignorance.  Not only that, but it so skews the numbers that it makes the data unusable.  And as for your comment about long established guidelines on how to count deaths with multiple contributing factors, nope.  Not in the US.  Sorry.  Do your homework next time.  We have 50 states that fill out coroners reports differently.  Multiply that by multiple counties in each state that aren't standardized and you have HUGE mixed back of dicks.  That needs to be fixed ASAP so we can have reliable information to make good decisions.  But we don't have it right now.  Then you throw in money to hospitals if they report covid.  Yea.  Guess what that did for reliability.

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1 hour ago, gregathit said:

My God you don't know much do you?  When a mask becomes wet, it looses ALL USE.  A virus passes through a wet mask like a bullet through butter.  Do some fucking reading for crying out loud.  NEVER use a wet mask.  Holy hell.  You talk about me spreading bullshit.  This nonsense flies in the face of ALL SCIENCE.  

A single use mask gets wet while using. Teh horror!

Nice trolling attempt. ;)


I won't respond to the other stuff you wrote, by now we know that our views don't exactly align. Let's leave it at that.

And stop with the videos already. Sharing that garbage doesn't help your position at all.

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18 hours ago, ChrisHPZ said:

If anything, it pisses me off when someone asks for advice on how to do something. Then summarily rejects such advice. That's time out of an advice giver's life that they'll never get back.

One of my ways to de-stress is GTA V.  I find it amazing how the way I play has changed from enjoying being in a multiplayer environment to actively using work-arounds to avoid it.  Why?  Time wasters.  If I "waste" my time doing something that some else doesn't see the value in, that's one thing, but someone else actively working to prevent me from doing something I'm trying to do?  I get enough of that in the real world, thanks.  I don't need that in the pretend world.

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6 minutes ago, Bazinga said:

A single use mask gets wet while using. Teh horror!

Nice trolling attempt. ;)

Wow.  You not only lack any common sense, you are completely devoid of any basic understanding of science.

Directly from WHO:  the medical mask is changed when wet, soiled, or damaged; 

Link:  https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/advice-on-the-use-of-masks-in-the-community-during-home-care-and-in-healthcare-settings-in-the-context-of-the-novel-coronavirus-(2019-ncov)-outbreak

And here:  https://www.cebm.net/covid-19/extended-use-or-re-use-of-single-use-surgical-masks-and-filtering-facepiece-respirators-a-rapid-evidence-review/

So if you are going to wear a mask, at least fucking do it right.  

18 minutes ago, Bazinga said:

And stop with the videos already. Sharing that stuff doesn't help your position at all.

A shit ton of doctors and 87,000 nurses saying this is not a pandemic doesn't help my position?  I'll take the word of folks who actually practice medicine over your nonsensical shilling for china and fear porn.  Sorry, you'll lose that battle every time.

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1 minute ago, Tyrant99 said:

lemme see if I can summarize

That sounds about right.


When I was in medical school a very earnest middle aged physician came to teach second year students about filling out Death Certificates. He spent a whole hour doing so. He explained to not put "Cardiopulmonary arrest" as the cause of death. Yes, every death, ultimately, comes down to that but that is not useful information. He said that what you wanted was the the disease that most immediately led to the death of the patient as the cause of death. So, if your patient was dying of lung cancer and, as they often do, they became infected with pneumonia (there's a lot of that in hospitals) and died. Pneumonia is the cause of death.


There is also a place on death certificates to place other things. After the immediate cause of death there is a line that says "as a consequence of." So, in the above example the physician may have chose to say the cause of death was pneumonia, (line 2) as a consequence of Lung Cancer, (line 3) as a consequence of chronic tobacco use. I've filled out at least one that way myself.


Another whole category of things is also found on death certificates - other things that the physician may have felt were contributing factors but were not related to the immediate cause of death. Our theoretical patient above may have also had diabetes and this would be added in that category since diabetics are more prone to infections and to the complications of those infections.


As I've told my patients since this all began, two years from now we will all know what we want to know now. We should be able to get an idea of excess deaths from COVID. that is, the number of deaths in 2020 (for instance) over and above what would have been expected without COVID. We will have the time to parse out the death certificates (as mentioned above) and get a better idea of what contributed to what and by how much. And, hopefully, with a little distance, so much of this will lose the emotional overlay that is to be expected but is not helpful to understanding, and therefore treating, this illness.


"That's all I've got to say about that." - Forrest Gump

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1 hour ago, gregathit said:

Wow.  You not only lack any common sense, you are completely devoid of any basic understanding of science.

Directly from WHO:  the medical mask is changed when wet, soiled, or damaged

Guess you're not trolling then. ?

I wrote single use mask for a reason.

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1 hour ago, Tyrant99 said:

Yes, I think you're right. Probably the best usable metric that we have at this point is looking at overall excess deaths to get a ballpark idea of the impact that this has had, as all of the case by case minutia is too various to be reliable.

The excess deaths unfortunately is the only metric until folks have time to sort through the data.  Keep in mind, we are still waiting for data from 5 states that mandated covid infected people be sent into elderly care homes.  This mandate was expressly against CDC and WHO directives.  Hell, even if you threw out the CDC and WHO directives and look at Italy, that should have should have been info enough to know better.  These deaths must be counted, but they must be counted separately from others.  All of these factors and mistakes need to sorted so that we have reliable and usable data.  Those nursing home deaths are really the most tragic of all, those folks had no where else to go and no way of protecting themselves.  Sadly, those responsible for doing this can't be charged with a crime.  


Now keep in mind, you can't just look at this year.  We know that this year "may" be higher than last, but will it be higher or lower than next year.  It is possible that those folks who had 2 months to 2 years to live ended up dying earlier due to covid and the lock downs.  Thus to get the true numbers we will have to wait.  It takes as was stated earlier about 2 years for the reports to be compiled, checked and then published.  So we just won't know.  But the great big spike that the media pushes......yea, that didn't happen.


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20 minutes ago, AshleyakaTyni said:

might wanna ignore them bruh, they're a conspiracy theorist that thinks china created the virus x.x

ROFL!!  Why not believe that.  While there is no evidence of it being true, there is also no evidence of it being false.  

However, when the chinese loudly protest, it does make one wonder.  Why would we wonder.....well, let's start with the fact that they lied about damn near everything about this virus.  From it existing, to its severity and spread.  Lied about their containment measures, and freely allowed international travel but locked down intra-state travel.  When you are faced with such a huge steaming pile of lies and suspicious activities anyone would start to wonder.  And don't even get me started on the credibility of the chinese.  Not even their shill experts want to touch that with a 10 pole.


Now personally, I doubt very much that this was created in a lab.  I think it is no more than mother nature.  We may never know.  Anyone who really could tell us if it was made in a lab would be dead and buried by now.  That much we can bank on.  China doesn't fuck around.

20 minutes ago, AshleyakaTyni said:

i'd rather argue with a flat earther

Yawn.  Obviously that would be rather easy, you just post up pictures of earth from space.   Regarding covid, there is no such smoking gun.  It may end up being a cold case in the end.

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Oh god I went back a few pages, how far these conversations have deviated from the OP.


1) Pandemic is very real, America is one of the countries that have dealt with it the worst, many other countries are on their second wave of infections, the only reason America isn't because we haven't even gotten away from our first.


2) You can argue all you want on whether we should have to wear masks if you wish. If everyone's content with having the worst-case death count from this outbreak and don't care about the ethics/morals then so be it, but masks are proven to help.


3) China didn't make the virus. Also in a lot of ways China is far better than the U.S lmao... the U.S doesn't even have a national identification card at birth, they usually use their social security which is both dangerous and not very unique... the first two sets of numbers are area/group numbers meaning ppl share the same number... meanwhile China has a national ID system with biometric data, gun laws are also stricter there meanwhile America doesn't even have a national gun registry.


america only solves 60% of homicide cases where-as china solves 95% as ID is required when booking hotels for long distance flights etc. chinese police force are also centralised and well-funded unlike the U.S which splits it from state/local levels etc which can cause issues such as racism and police brutality.


china is also handling this virus much better than the U.S lol


china might not be the perfect country (definitely one of the worst given their concentration camps of about a million muslims, christians, etc), but I'd still say they're better than the U.S and definitely fare better in terms of law enforcement, handling this pandemic, crime rates, etc, so I don't see the reason for the hate.


4 hours ago, gregathit said:

Almost everyone now thinks they fucked up and created the virus and then fucked up and accidentally let it out.  Everyone knows that they locked local travel down but allowed international travel (which is what spread the virus).




this is a flat out lie, they didn't create it and even if they could've handled it better they definitely aren't the largest problem child here... america is

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2 hours ago, AKM said:

One of my ways to de-stress is GTA V.  I find it amazing how the way I play has changed from enjoying being in a multiplayer environment to actively using work-arounds to avoid it.  Why?  Time wasters.  If I "waste" my time doing something that some else doesn't see the value in, that's one thing, but someone else actively working to prevent me from doing something I'm trying to do?  I get enough of that in the real world, thanks.  I don't need that in the pretend world.

I've grown fond of Doom Eternal for de-stressing. 

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43 minutes ago, AshleyakaTyni said:

China didn't make the virus.

We don't know that.


43 minutes ago, AshleyakaTyni said:

Also in a lot of ways China is far better than the U.S lmao...

Oh like, silencing the whistleblowers for the first three months of the virus spreading like wildfire through China? Waiting until it's outside the country so that foreign investors don't pull out in a panic? Straight up denying that there even was a virus until the cat was too far out the bag?


The US may not have been the best at dealing with this but if you think China, the nation where you can lose your housing rights and bank accounts for making the wrong weibo posts dealt with it better than anybody else, then you might as well be a CCP employee with time to mod Skyrim as far as anyone's concerned here.


43 minutes ago, AshleyakaTyni said:

the U.S doesn't even have a national identification card at birth, they usually use their social security which is both dangerous and not very unique... the first two sets of numbers are area/group numbers meaning ppl share the same number...

Oh? Then perhaps the democratically elected social credit system for the people's republic of china would be more to your liking? Because i don't know about you, but i like the fact that i won't lose access to travel rights for not kissing the supreme government's ass. But you know USA bad... Because CNN said so.


43 minutes ago, AshleyakaTyni said:

meanwhile China has a national ID system with biometric data,

Biometric data is everywhere except for Africa, but they don't need it so who cares. But there is a sweet hilariousness in the fact that being more easily trackable by your overlord is a more attractive notion to you. And as for ID, i could've sworn the driving license alone is worth quite a bit. But hey not everybody has a car so there's that... I guess drinking is a no go too then huh?


43 minutes ago, AshleyakaTyni said:

gun laws are also stricter there

And have you stopped to think why that is? Here's a hint, smacking up people and dragging them to jail for the pettiest shit is a whole lot easier if they aren't armed.


43 minutes ago, AshleyakaTyni said:

meanwhile America doesn't even have a national gun registry.

Why in the ever living hell would you want that i wonder? Hmmm i guess providing clearance while buying a weapon isn't enough anymore huh?


43 minutes ago, AshleyakaTyni said:

china solves 95%

A country that can kill you and shush your family and neighbors to forget you ever were a thing, does this come as a surprise? How many of these people were framed for bullshit i wonder. How about that corona virus whistle blower that miraculously died? They don't solve anything, they maul their problems with chainsaws (sometimes literally i'm guessing)


43 minutes ago, AshleyakaTyni said:

china is also handling this virus much better than the U.S lol

Oh yes by stuffing people into interventilated coffin houses. Great stuff lol


43 minutes ago, AshleyakaTyni said:

china might not be the perfect country

Oh you have NO idea XD


43 minutes ago, AshleyakaTyni said:

definitely one of the worst given their concentration camps of about a million muslims, christians, etc

Yet you blissfully turn a blind eye. Meh, just a couple of concentration camps where people are tortured day and night their whole lives. Still better than US "lol"


43 minutes ago, AshleyakaTyni said:

this is a flat out lie, they didn't create it and even if they could've handled it better they definitely aren't the largest problem child here... america is

China starts a pandemic yet gets a hoard of apologists coming to their defense. Classic bubble chamber mentality.

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44 minutes ago, AshleyakaTyni said:

1) Pandemic is very real, America is one of the countries that have dealt with it the worst, many other countries are on their second wave of infections, the only reason America isn't because we haven't even gotten away from our first.

No.  The virus is real and other than a specific subset of people (elderly 70+ and those who damn near anything they get will kill them) most folks recover quickly.  Hell, the president got it and 4 days later is running his ass off on the campaign trail.  As to the second part, there is no proof that we are not on the second wave.  You do realize that the virus has already mutated right?  ROFL!!!   https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/09/23/houston-coronavirus-mutations/?arc404=true

44 minutes ago, AshleyakaTyni said:

2) You can argue all you want on whether we should have to wear masks if you wish. If everyone's content with having the worst-case death count from this outbreak and don't care about the ethics/morals then so be it, but masks are proven to help.

Addressed and debunked.  Data is inconclusive.  There are studies showing both sides.  And with the new mutation of covid, how it spreads is now very much in doubt.  I'm fine if you want to wear a mask.  Go right ahead.  I am not going to until there is some proof of it working.  The survival rate for me is something like 99.97 percent anyway, so what is the big deal?  And no, you can't bring morality/ethics into this as that is clearly just a desperate attempt by someone who has no facts on their side.  By all means, if you are going to see someone who is sick or elderly then wear a N95 respirator or better.  Less than this is just says you believe in placebos.  Get a lucky rabbits foot instead.

44 minutes ago, AshleyakaTyni said:

3) China didn't make the virus. Also in a lot of ways China is far better than the U.S lmao... the U.S doesn't even have a national identification card at birth, they usually use their social security which is both dangerous and not very unique... the first two sets of numbers are area/group numbers meaning ppl share the same number... meanwhile China has a national ID system with biometric data, gun laws are also stricter there meanwhile America doesn't even have a national gun registry.

And you sunk your own battleship, along with the rest of your fleet.  China is NOT better than the US.  Any attempt to go down this path just calls you out to be a shill.  As to identification cards..........yep, we have freedom.  We very much like that freedom.  We don't need papers on us at all times.  Breathe that beautiful freedom.  And a gun registry.........yep, we don't.  We never will.  You know who else had a registry.....Hitler's Germany just to name one.  The only purpose a registry serves is to identify gun owners so an authoritarian government can come get them.  This has been played out throughout history and goes back to swords and spears.  But reading history is probably too tough for you.  Maybe you can find a pop-up picture book.  


Just so you know who you are shilling for:








You might want to pick a different place to shill for.  Just saying.



44 minutes ago, AshleyakaTyni said:

america only solves 60% of homicide cases where-as china solves 95% as ID is required when booking hotels for long distance flights etc. chinese police force are also centralized and well-funded unlike the U.S which splits it from state/local levels etc which can cause issues such as racism and police brutality.

Of course china solves its homicides better.  The state and those working for it perpetrate that 95%.  The other five percent, they don't care about, anything that lowers the population is great according to them and their policies.   ?

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SOMEONE in this thread is CCP.


I know Chinese nationals and I have insight as to what an 'ordinary Chinese person' thinks;

  • If you're not Mandarin-speaking Han Chinese then you really aren't Chinese.
  • The CCP forces non-Han women to marry Han men, and that's okay.
  • If you're not Han your Social Credit score will never be on par with a Han, not matter how good of Communist you are...because you're not Chinese.
  • Everyone who's not Chinese is stupid and they don't try to hide it.
  • If you get arrested then you deserved it because you did something wrong.  The police don't arrest innocent people and they do not make mistakes.
  • India (not America) is enemy #1 to regular Chinese citizens because of the Nationalistic propaganda of the CCP.
  • China refuses to acknowledge Taiwan because they want the REAL Chinese culture Mao destroyed back.  It's not about 'politics'.

And it goes on..and on..and on.


Before anyone squawks that I don't know what I'm talking about, you better check yourself.  I've been dealing with CNPC USA for almost a decade.  The Permian Basin oil fields leased to Chinese firms have my compression nozzle technology on every coil tubing rig there.  Until a few months ago my company had open contracts with them; but the CCP poisoning the whole fucking planet changed that.  There will be no service contract renewals, there will be no new machinery.  This share-holder decision lost my company close to 1 million dollars and my personal gross is in the negative.  YES I'm pissed, especially when some genocide-loving racist shill comes waddling in here to try and correct people about China's intentional involvement in sabotaging the whole planet.

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Oh look.

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have invaded this thread.

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