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5 hours ago, Lupine00 said:


What's important for any system is predictability; that can easily understand it and get outcomes they want without trial and error.

Disagree.  That's not how DCL works.  The outcomes should be unpredictable to a typical user.  For instance, the MCM allows the user to determine whether arousal has an effect on device comments/reactions, but gives no indication what this effect will be.

5 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

Maybe your idea is a little ... complicated? It's full of magic numbers, and there's a power function.

No normal person can look at that and intuit what changing the parameters will do.

Nor is it necessarily desirable for chances to go "off the charts" as arousal gets into the top few percent.

As I say this is just a bit of fun.  We have two parameters, so I figured I might as well use them both.  In all honesty, if designing the system from scratch, I would just have a single parameter for how much effect arousal has on event outcomes.  Then I would have a complicated formula, but all the user needs to understand is that the higher the parameter, the bigger the effect.

5 hours ago, Lupine00 said:


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In practice, arousal swings rapidly between 0 and 100.

The way the system is set up, it quickly accelerates the character to an exposure of 99.9999etc, due to frequency of sex, and from then on, you'll never see exposure drop below 98%.


This results in rapid fluctuations of actual arousal between 0 and 100, taking only a few (real) minutes to get back from 0 to 100, even without plugs or a belt.

Once plugs or a belt are in the mix, you can get to 100 in seconds.


Personally, I feel the arousal system is broken, and mostly useless because it hits hard limits very easily.

I would argue the underlying conceptual model is perfectly plausible, but timing values seem poorly tuned, limits poorly chosen, it's unstable, and possibly the entire system isn't actually the best way to get fun game-play.


You can change the decay, but it hardly matters because the system is inherently unstable. Fixing this would require a serious rethink of what we think arousal is FOR. I don't think it was every thought through very carefully, but instead attacked from a naive simulationist approach. Simulationist thinking rarely leads to great gameplay. You can't make a fun game by creating a flawed mirror of reality. How you might make a fun game is rather a large topic, beyond the scope of this aside unfortunately.


In any event, the rapid transition of arousal from one hard limit to another makes any system that bases itself on nuances of arousal value, broken.

Player  arousal ends up being like a switch, and it's only NPCs that show intermediate values for more than a minute or two. And non-follower NPCs at that. Sasha has the same problem as the PC, she's either just had sex and it's 0, or she is at 100.


This is not a big problem for DCL, as it's basically throwing a "vulnerability switch", and if your character doesn't spend much time sitting between 20 and 65 arousal, it doesn't pose any problem, but it makes any revised system trying to get subtle behaviour, largely pointless.


If you try and play a game where you worry about, and control arousal, and try to keep it down, eventually the process of getting rid of it leads to ever increasing arousal rate, so that path is basically screwed...


...unless of course, your game is so unstable that you never play more than a dozen hours on a character before you start another new game. But otherwise, DCL itself, or any kind of slavery mod, is going to result in rapid arousal exposure increase until exposure hits the limit, and then it will never go down, leading to aforementioned rapid arousal fluctuations.


And if you have plugs, you don't even need a high exposure to create the same scenario. If you have DCL in your LO, chances are you are going to end up plugged pretty quickly. Add belt scaling, and arousal simply catapults to 100 and sits there, unless the plugs can give you an orgasm, in which case it will be zero for a few seconds and the next plug event will catapult it again.


These instabilities were designed in, but they weren't designed well. Arousal is being asked to do several jobs, and its an overloaded value.


For modders who simply wanted something to make some NPCs easier to solicit than others, it does the job. As a tool for controlling how the player is punished for being in a belt of plug, it's mostly useless.


As a tool for controlling whether the player should be punished with DCL events because they didn't have sex recently, it's extremely crude, and eventually breaks.


Generally, DCL doesn't need to complicate any of these percentage systems, they are already very configurable, and as your formulae show, relatively complex already.


Here's an example of how complexity in configuration causes problems/confusion:

For ages, I was frustrated that I seemed to be getting cursed loot events when I had them turned off.

I had the detailed percentages enabled, and had dungeon set to 0, town 30, and wilderness 2.

I was still getting events in dungeons!

I wondered if it was a bug...


But then I realised it was all working as intended, because the chance for arousal can still trigger an event even if the area percentage is zero.

It depends on the arousal weight, as you show in your code snippet. Actually, it's annoying, if you want to disable events in dungeons but allow them elsewhere, you can't do it and still have arousal in the mix.

But that's exactly the problem my revision is addressing!  If you set arousalmodifier to 0, you can play with arousalweight as much as you like (whether you want a big or a small effect from arousal) and your dungeon percentage will always be zero.

5 hours ago, Lupine00 said:


When I was setting those area percentages, I'd forgotten about arousal weights entirely. The only way I can get the behaviour I want is to turn arousal weight to zero.


I think the way the configuration is presented in DCL leads to this kind of simple user error all over the place, and not just for event percentages.

There is no doubt that DCL does not have a well designed UI.  This is an inevitable outcome of the ad hoc way that features are added.  I doubt that the mod will ever reach a final form.  But it doesn't matter that much, because the experience is supposed to be confusing and frustrating to the player.  Think of the MCM as a multi-lock device you're trying to manipulate in mittens.  I for one would rather have a mod bursting with creativity than one with an impecable UI.

5 hours ago, Lupine00 said:


As you see above, I had to turn my arousal weight to zero anyway, and what's more, it doesn't matter. I know my character's arousal is going to be 100 most of the time, so it's effectively a constant anyway.

From my point of view, arousal management is an important part of the gameplay.  If your character's arousal is always 100, why even include it?  I would never enter a dungeon with arousal over 50.  I want the PC to be heavily penalised for very high arousals (over 80) so that the system has some bite.

5 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

But event percentages are already hard for players to work out at first, when they're learning the mod. Putting a power function in there is going to make is highly-non-intuitive. Humans are extremely bad at intuiting how exponential curves work, which is why all kinds of phenomena take them off guard. Your new formula is filled with arbitrary magic numbers, and what happens when you change this would be as unintuitive as what that formula actually does. Just looking at it, I have to ask, why 3.5 as a limit? It feels quite arbitrary. And so on.

It's supposed to take them off guard.


3.5 is chosen simply because arousalweight scales from 0 to 1 in increments of 0.1.  I want each increment to add 25% (relative) at max arousal.  So 10 increments adds 250%, which is 3.5.  It's just a feature of reusing the UI which is already there.  But also, I doubt that anyone would want it to be higher than that.

5 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

Now, what could have been done, which is even simpler than the current system, is this:


chanceOfEvent = regionalBaseChance + (arousalModifierScale * arousal)

That would be an improvement on the current system, because the base chance applies at arousal 0, which is what one expects.  But it still has the undesirable feature that you get events triggering in places intended to be safe.  (Although I would be in favour of secretly adding a 0.1% chance, because I don't think the player should ever be *completely* safe.)


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2 hours ago, Reesewow said:

I'm going to assume by your description that your biggest issue has been the time arousal getting sky-high, which means having sex is mostly pointless as arousal will rapidly cap again afterwards.  For me, this is avoided by the use of a separate mod - Sexlab Eager NPCs.  That mod offers many features, but for the purposes of controlling arousal the most important feature for me has been the fact it lets priestesses of Dibella sell "Cure Sex Addition" potions.  These potions are expensive (unless you are an Agent of Dibella), but they function as an in-game way to reset the time rate for arousal to default levels.  Basically, if I ever find my arousal seems to be getting out of control, I use one of them to "reset" that part of arousal and return the rate of growth to sane levels.  I find I only really need to do this after some of the heaviest sex-scene items are removed, like the rubber doll suit.


I don't get it.  At time arousal 100, it takes a whole day for your character's arousal to get back to 100 (and by then your time arousal will have fallen to 82, so it will actually take a bit longer).  I really like the way that things like the rubber doll suit have an ongoing effect.

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I missed Lupine00's long comment about arousal because it was hidden.  Trust me, my game's stable, and I've played for 100s of hours with my character's arousal nearly always remaining in the range 20 to 65.  It's worth noting that as far as possible I've eliminated chastity belts from my game (or set to a very short duration in the case of the belt of shame).


The arousal system's not the one I would design, but it works well enough for me.  The bigger problem is that some mods fail to interact with it correctly.

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i am giving up getting this to work...i made a second Nexus Mod Manager profile and JUST installed the mods required to run Cursed Loot but same problem as before. When i use alternate life and go for captured princess the latex hobble dress thing gets equipped on me but then my body goes invisible. Hands, feet and head are there, other accessories like the armbinder is there....just the dress isnt showing at all

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14 minutes ago, Camuel Moonwall said:

i am giving up getting this to work...i made a second Nexus Mod Manager profile and JUST installed the mods required to run Cursed Loot but same problem as before. When i use alternate life and go for captured princess the latex hobble dress thing gets equipped on me but then my body goes invisible. Hands, feet and head are there, other accessories like the armbinder is there....just the dress isnt showing at all

That's not a problem with DCL, you need to run BodySlide on Devious Devices. The invisible dress means that mesh can't be found. Might have to go in and tell BodySlide to run on that model specifically, sometimes the batch build misses a few.

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9 hours ago, Android1815 said:

Did what you said. The game worked. I reinstalled all my mods one by one. Found out the culprit. Captured dreams. For some reason unknown to me it crashes my game even with the newest version. All my mods work. Then when I install CD it crashes on load and I get the same zaz errors in my log even though I'm using the latest version.

Yeah, Captured Dreams was horrendously buggy when I last used it a couple of months ago - it got to the point where just coming into sight of the shop would cause a CTD.

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40 minutes ago, Statick16 said:

Is DD 4.0's straitjacket supposed to not be used by cursed loot at this point in time?

if so, are there any plans on doing so in the future?

The update is a compatibility patch for DD4 in a way.

But it doesn't have the new items as drops yet.

I don't know when though.

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9 hours ago, Camuel Moonwall said:
also i just use the CBBE Slim and Curvy Preset to build the Outfit/Body and for the Preset i have 3 htings since i guess DDX is devious devices....DDX-CBBE.Zipsuit, DDX-CBBE-MXW-Catsuit and the same catsuit with TBBP at the end

ddx is devious devices expansion, dda is devious devices assets and dcl is cursed loot.

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2 hours ago, thenintendobox said:

is the uh dialouge option that locks you in bondage coming from this mod?

Yes.  It think that debug mode was left on unintentionally.  This was supposed to be a compatibility patch for DDi 4.0 but not everything got fixed as you can see by reading previous posts in this thread.

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I'll try not to quote, because it would make this post massive.


1) I already use Eager NPCs, and I know what it does. But the sex-addiction mechanic is a band-aid on a gaping wound. Arousal is implemented is woefully designed, and only functions for a very narrow range of circumstances. It breaks down with trivial ease in any sex-heavy or device-heavy game. It was fragile to start  with, and never accounted for all the mods that have equated bondage/punishment with arousal increase.


2) It's not really the case that  it takes 24 game hours for a character with 100 exposure to reach 100 arousal from zero, with an expose of 100. A character with plugs in can reach 100 in minutes, and even without them will reach it in a few hours. 24 would be the absolute maximum time, in a situation where there is nothing else adding arousal, but there is almost always something else, be it bondage, piercings you can't remove, naked NPCs strutting around, exhibitionism, or some other effect. Try life enslaved to Leah and see how well you can "manage" your arousal. But I guess if you suck down a 1000 septim cure potion every time your exposure goes over 30, you won't see these issues. Try doing that in Slaverun, or in SD+, or in CD... Try doing it while you're locked in Queen Sarah's chastity set. (Though her set effectively stops other DCL events anyway).


3) I completely agree that the Bondage Lover being enabled by default leads to a lot of forum posts asking how to turn it off. It's hard to find, and shouldn't be on by default. It is, in any case, an option that isn't needed. Want to keep items? Then keep them. Job done. 


The problem with this feature is that it's not smart enough to be fun.

If it only forced me to keep one of an item for each slot, picking the most severe, or most matching, so I am forced to build up a set, I would LOVE this feature.

Then it wouldn't become an inventory lint, encumbrance nuisance.


4) The idea, and I am quoting here: 

19 hours ago, Ytheria said:

Disagree.  That's not how DCL works.  The outcomes should be unpredictable to a typical user.  For instance, the MCM allows the user to determine whether arousal has an effect on device comments/reactions, but gives no indication what this effect will be.

--- chop ---

There is no doubt that DCL does not have a well designed UI.  This is an inevitable outcome of the ad hoc way that features are added.  I doubt that the mod will ever reach a final form.  But it doesn't matter that much, because the experience is supposed to be confusing and frustrating to the player.  Think of the MCM as a multi-lock device you're trying to manipulate in mittens.  I for one would rather have a mod bursting with creativity than one with an impecable UI.

What? What? You really think that players should not be able to get predictable results from their MCM?

That DCL is designed to frustrate and confuse?

I don't believe it is. Even if it was, it shouldn't be.

Nor is creativity a zero-sum game with clarity.

It might take time away from something else to reorganise the UI, but that's a different matter, and in any case, the UI doesn't need huge changes, it just wants a few things re-ordering, and a tiny handful of defaults changed.


Are you honestly suggesting that it's a good thing that a player has to waste ages faffing around with the trial and error, and experimentation with the MCM to get some desired outcome, or are you just joking around? That understanding the mod and its MCM is some kind of challenge or rite-of-passage that you have to overcome to be worthy? You want a configuration system that wastes the player's time and makes the mod do stuff they don't want and never wanted that they could have turned off, if only they knew how? That's just smug elitism trying to create an exclusionary community. Even Microsoft aren't that malicious.


But if an MCM like a multi-lock in bondage mittens is your definition of ideal mod behaviour, I don't think we have any common ground for a discussion.


Of course we want random events, but shouldn't we know how they are random? If a mod offers us a way to choose what random events we get (and DCL offers lots), shouldn't we be able to understand them?


5) I absolutely agree that arousal management is a potentially fun mechanic (at times), and that DCL enables lots of great penalties for arousal. It could be even more fun if arousal was properly designed game-mechanic, instead of a broken simulation with poorly chosen bounds and constants. See point (1).


If you choose to pivot your game enjoyment on such a fragile and ill-balanced system, it will only be fun if the outcome you wanted was to be almost always tied up, helpless, and hot to trot. Maybe that's the outcome most people prefer, but it's a stacked game that only really offers 'escape' as a false hope (if you do get out of the 'hole', you'll be back in it again real soon). It's like playing with hardcore SD+ and DEC set on impossible. You're going to spend most of the game enslaved with brief moments of freedom. Fine if that's what you wanted, but you've reduced Skyrim to an enslavement mini-game, and you can't play the rest of it. The same applies to over-emphasis of "arousal management". If you reliably "win" at that, you won't get to have sex, and you'll avoid wearing all the devices you installed four mods to give you.


For it to work in a game, there has to be a balance point, and that requires a self-stabilising system, not an unstable one.


I didn't install all these sex and bondage mods just so I could not have sex or bondage... But sometimes I want to play some skyrim, fight, kill some monsters, and DCL amps up the risk there too, and an extra bonus from all those mods I installed, right?


For me, and my play, I don't factor arousal into the risk, and I still have the random chance (unless I set it to zero, which I do when I decide I want to actually progress the quest instead of faffing around). It's simple, I choose whether I want the risk on, or off based on what is most fun for me at the time.


If arousal was designed, and fit into a broader context of meaningful mechanics, it would be great. But is isn't, and it doesn't. Most of the mechanics around it (DCL excepted) are junk - the same kind of pseudo-simulation nonsense that make needs mods so dull. It's way off topic here to get into why most needs mods (and I include Skooma Whore here) are boring stat and inventory management grinds, when they ought to be fun, so I'll move on past that.


Immersion is not numbers. Immersion is not a hidden buff/debuff, hiding away in the magic menu. Game-play doesn't arise from drab simulationist mechanics that mainly add clicking in the inventory, and studying numbers in the MCM.


What makes DCL sizzle, (apart from it does practically everything), is that the devices are visible, the animations are in-your-face, the consequences of restraint are immediately visible and highly impactful to what you can do in the game, and the situations where you end up in them are genuinely perilous.


I thought it odd that the new DD turns off key consumption, because that's a primary game-play element for me. If I have keys, I can escape, but if I'm not careful enough, I run out of keys. Way more fun than trying to figure out the fourteen different mods and factors impacting on my arousal rate so I can "manage" my arousal. I turn off most key stealing, and turn on consumption. This gives me so many "lives" before I'm screwed. Sometimes I might have to be choosy about what I unlock. I don't ever wear lucky charms, as they defeat the point of the mod. I get they were designed to enable uninterrupted dungeoneering, but I prefer fine control, not the simple on/off the charms offer.


6) I won't even get into how PSQ changes the arousal game, but there arousal is, once again, functioning as a switch.

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18 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:

5) I absolutely agree that arousal management is a potentially fun mechanic (at times), and that DCL enables lots of great penalties for arousal. It could be even more fun if arousal was properly designed game-mechanic, instead of a broken simulation with poorly chosen bounds and constants. See point (1).

While I personally am perfectly satisfied with how arousal functions and works in my game, that doesn't mean someone couldn't produce an amazing bondage-centric arousal framework to replace it.  Even the current version of Aroused could probably be used better by bondage mods if they were designed to be more hands-on with the values.  A good example IMO is the DCL tentacle armor, who's entire gimmick is that it ramps the player up to 100 arousal insanely fast and then causes an orgasm event, draining it back down.


The reality unfortunately, is that unless someone makes the effort to produce a replacement mod *and* other mod creators choose to adopt it as the framework they hook into, Sexlab Aroused is all we have.  We do have decent control of the framework values as users, so the options are to either tweak the numbers until they give the best results for individual gameplay style, or simply ignore the fact aroused exists (disabling any arousal-based triggers available in mods or literally locking the player to 0 arousal).

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And ... that's why I use the vlkAFSexLife mod.  It *does* replace Sexlab Aroused and has a completely different arousal calculation system that just works.  Also no need to remove Sexlab Aroused from your load order and mess up dependencies  (although it will be inactive and all settings are in AlkAFSexlife - Arousal) It also has a nice wear and tear module.

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3 hours ago, rjn said:

And ... that's why I use the vlkAFSexLife mod.  It *does* replace Sexlab Aroused and has a completely different arousal calculation system that just works.  Also no need to remove Sexlab Aroused from your load order and mess up dependencies  (although it will be inactive and all settings are in AlkAFSexlife - Arousal) It also has a nice wear and tear module.

Wow, thank you for the link! That sounds great! SLAR mechanics always irked me as weird and counter-intuitive. As it's said in the linked mod description, that "timerate" thing is just absurd.


UPD: tested. Works as advertised. And indeed, W&T is nice. I never thought to have something like that before, but now that it was already built in I decided to give it a go and now I'm confused why I didn't think it would be fun to have. :smiley:

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10 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

I'll try not to quote, because it would make this post massive.


1) I already use Eager NPCs, and I know what it does. But the sex-addiction mechanic is a band-aid on a gaping wound. Arousal is implemented is woefully designed, and only functions for a very narrow range of circumstances. It breaks down with trivial ease in any sex-heavy or device-heavy game. It was fragile to start  with, and never accounted for all the mods that have equated bondage/punishment with arousal increase.

I get it: SLAR doesn't work for your play-style.  This isn't the SLAR thread though.  For DCL's purposes we have to work with what we've got.  Somebody posted a link to an alternative, but that looks even more "simulationist".  Personally I'm not sure whether the concept of "wear and tear" has much use in a fantasy game, for instance.

10 hours ago, Lupine00 said:


2) It's not really the case that  it takes 24 game hours for a character with 100 exposure to reach 100 arousal from zero, with an expose of 100. A character with plugs in can reach 100 in minutes, and even without them will reach it in a few hours. 24 would be the absolute maximum time, in a situation where there is nothing else adding arousal, but there is almost always something else, be it bondage, piercings you can't remove, naked NPCs strutting around, exhibitionism, or some other effect. Try life enslaved to Leah and see how well you can "manage" your arousal. But I guess if you suck down a 1000 septim cure potion every time your exposure goes over 30, you won't see these issues. Try doing that in Slaverun, or in SD+, or in CD... Try doing it while you're locked in Queen Sarah's chastity set. (Though her set effectively stops other DCL events anyway).

I have tried both SD+ and CD at various times (SD+ quite recently in fact, because it went to version 3.6a).  They have some great elements but I ultimately find them unsatisfactory because:

  • I have never found a player-slavery mod which is at all fun to play.  DCL's player-slavery is probably the least obnoxious, but even that doesn't really work.  Fundamentally, player-slavery cuts too far against the game that Skyrim is.
  • The Dreamworld part of SD+ is kinda fun, but it just doesn't go anywhere.  That modder's kinda frustrating actually, because he clearly has lots of creative ideas, but his mods are rife with incomplete features.  It would be nice if he could finish something.  But, heh, nobody's getting paid for this.
  • CD is kinda immersion breaking, or at least it doesn't fit with the game I'm playing.  It's just not the sort of shop that you find in Skyrim.  And why would the Dragonborn ever go there?
  • The Master and I have a fundamental difference of opinion when it comes to chastity.

I'm playing the game so that much of the time it looks more or less like vanilla Skyrim (with a bunch of graphical mods, but you know what I mean).  My character is usually fully dressed (well, ish) and at liberty, going about her ordinary world-saving day.  But then occasionally, bang, she gets tied up and she needs to find a way to escape.  She needs to do that quite quickly, because being restrained puts her at risk of being more restrained, as well as sex attacks, and there's some danger of a vicious spiral, where she ends up impossibly restrained and permanently horny, everyone she meets either fucks her or ties her up and Alduin destroys the world.


I don't have a bunch of naked or restrained NPCs running around Skyrim.  In my mind, the Dragonborn is uniquely unfortunate in that respect.  It's some quirk of her dragon-blood or game of the daedra which means that she keeps getting into these situations.  (It's a curious feature of DCL's misogyny that notionally it's directed at all women, but you never see Nazeem demanding Ysolda goes down on him, do you?  Olfina says that it's not easy being a woman in Skyrim, but I don't think she really does know.)


10 hours ago, Lupine00 said:


3) I completely agree that the Bondage Lover being enabled by default leads to a lot of forum posts asking how to turn it off. It's hard to find, and shouldn't be on by default. It is, in any case, an option that isn't needed. Want to keep items? Then keep them. Job done. 


The problem with this feature is that it's not smart enough to be fun.

If it only forced me to keep one of an item for each slot, picking the most severe, or most matching, so I am forced to build up a set, I would LOVE this feature.

Then it wouldn't become an inventory lint, encumbrance nuisance.

I agree with you here.

10 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

Are you honestly suggesting that it's a good thing that a player has to waste ages faffing around with the trial and error, and experimentation with the MCM to get some desired outcome, or are you just joking around?

I'm mostly joking, but I do have the impression that Kimy genuinely likes to surprise us from time to time.  The real point is that, for a whole bunch of reasons, this mod (like most mods) will never reach a "release version", in the sense of being approximately complete and bug-free.  It's continually having new features added to it, and has numerous dependencies, many of which are also under active development.  It's actually kinda wonderful that 7 years after Skyrim released, we still regularly get major mod updates.  That means there's never a right time to redesign the MCM, because we don't know all the features it needs to cover.  If you read the code, you can see a number of values intended to be set in the MCM but not implemented.  Do we want Kimy to spend her time fixing the MCM, or would we rather she got on with putting the DDe4 devices in containers (and maybe even fixing public indecency)?


That said, I don't think there's anything stopping you from fixing it yourself.  Maybe you're right and it would be a big improvement.  If it's not much work to do, you could post the file here and other people could use it if they liked.  I don't know whether that's considered good form or whatever, but it's certainly within the licence conditions (provided you post the source code), and I guess Kimy might even adopt it if it's good enough.


A related point is documentation.  The top post is really not a good explanation of what this mod is or how it works.  The problem is that text has been added (or not) on an ad hoc basis as features are added.  I feel I could write a better description, but I don't know how useful that would be.

10 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

Immersion is not numbers. Immersion is not a hidden buff/debuff, hiding away in the magic menu. Game-play doesn't arise from drab simulationist mechanics that mainly add clicking in the inventory, and studying numbers in the MCM.

I completely agree with you here.  That's why I don't think it's necessary for the player to understand exactly how the sliders work.  That is to say, the player doesn't need to know what formula is being implemented: they can just tune things up or down as required.  Really, if DCL were a game intended for a general market (which would be a very different world!), you would have to say that the current MCM has far too many options.

10 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

I thought it odd that the new DD turns off key consumption, because that's a primary game-play element for me. If I have keys, I can escape, but if I'm not careful enough, I run out of keys. Way more fun than trying to figure out the fourteen different mods and factors impacting on my arousal rate so I can "manage" my arousal. I turn off most key stealing, and turn on consumption. This gives me so many "lives" before I'm screwed. Sometimes I might have to be choosy about what I unlock. I don't ever wear lucky charms, as they defeat the point of the mod. I get they were designed to enable uninterrupted dungeoneering, but I prefer fine control, not the simple on/off the charms offer.

Whatever works for you, but I don't get it.  You object to lucky charms (which protect you once), but you wonder round with a stack of keys?  To my mind it's kinda anticlimactic if my character gets trapped in a restraint ... and then frees herself with that key she happened to be carrying around.

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Not sure if this will help anyone, but I was having some major problems with the new build, which also had me installing DDI/DDE 4.0.  Basically, my papyrus log was talking about a lot of DCL quest and object properties that didn't exist anymore as well as Zaz animations not having an animation slot(?).  Removing Captured Dreams from my build solved my issues and this seems to be working fine for me now.

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1 hour ago, Teutonic said:

MO tells me I still have 5.8 installed, but the latest build is 6.2.7. Can someone give me a rundown on what has been added since then? I can't find a version history anywhere.

The version history is in the readme included in the mod (Docs/Deviously Cursed Loot/ReadMe.txt). However, a brief rundown:


6.0 added a Live Another Life plugin, a couple new quests for the Dollmaker, loot boxes courtesy of the Dollmaker, and a variety of new enchanted dresses that are exclusively in those loot boxes.

6.1 was a bugfix update, mainly for the new features added in 6.0.

6.2 is the DD 4.0 compatibility update, although it has a couple issues right now - Kimy's debug switch was left on, there's a dialogue topic added to every NPC that binds you (unofficial fix here), and it doesn't detect the new POP due to a changed plugin name (unofficial fix here).

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