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2 hours ago, petterparker09 said:

I solved the 'T-Pose' problem, but I can't play this mod...turns out this mod is not compatible with the 'Special Edition' version.
Is there any version of this mod available for SE?

 On top of the answer you already got, you might wish to note both nexus and loverslab have dedicated pages which are seperated almost entirey between Skyrim LE (Legendary edition, the older one) and Skyrim SE (special edition, the newer one). Always when looking for any mod, even the simplest ones, make sure you are looking for the SE version.


Only in the rare cases a mod doesn't have a SE version, you should try and ask in the forum of that mod if it is compatible for SE anyway. Mostly the answer is probably "no", unless the mod is something extremely simple like a texture replacer

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Hoping someone can help:

I have a minor issue and a major issue.


Minor issue: Armbinder not functioning correctly. Character's hands are invisible and not in the armbinder; like it doesn't exist.


Major issue: Can't remove the armbinder through the console debug command or manually removing from inventory.


Any ideas?

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On 2/23/2022 at 8:21 PM, petterparker09 said:

Thanks, I didn't know that.
I tried to install the SE version of this mod and the installation did not complete. Instead I get this error:


  Reveal hidden contents


How do I solve it?

Good news!
I already managed to fix the error, to do it just downgrade vortex to the previous version. Then install all the 'device' mods and voila!

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4 minutes ago, petterparker09 said:

I scoured all of Whiterun looking for the 'bottle of Honningbrew Mead' from Chloe's quest ('find a bottle of Honningbrew Mead') and found nothing... any clues?

There should be a bottle in Ysolda's tavern in Whiterun. The Honningbrew Mead brewery is also just outside of Whiterun as well

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22 minutes ago, Mikewind said:

There should be a bottle in Ysolda's tavern in Whiterun. The Honningbrew Mead brewery is also just outside of Whiterun as well

Thanks! I went straight to the Honningbrew Mead brewery and bought it xD
Now it's my turn to find the Nirnroot and make the potion.
I read on google that it is near the rivers...is it true?

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5 hours ago, petterparker09 said:

Thanks! I went straight to the Honningbrew Mead brewery and bought it xD
Now it's my turn to find the Nirnroot and make the potion.
I read on google that it is near the rivers...is it true?

yea nirnroot appear nears rivers. I believe one spawns under a bridge that leads to some of the farms surrounding Whiterun

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1 hour ago, jaxgrim said:

I've tried to find the answer for this, but have come up with nothing.  The furniture that you get from the whip and chain...once you place it can you get rid of it somehow?  Or move it?  I've seen it asked, but I never have seen a response.

You can disable it in the console. Open console, move cursor on furniture item and click until it's i.d. details come up then hit delete button.

Edited by flobalob
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Got a  problem with the SE version. I use the rape/defeat function from dcl. When i get defeated in combat i am properly raped (animations get triggered). But when i get raped in my sleep or when i am on the road in bondage gear then i see the rape message pop up but no animation is triggered. Rapist aproaches but then we just stand there endlessly. Had it working fine in the LE version.

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5 hours ago, SamBooka said:

I use the rape/defeat function from dcl.

It's depend on your settings:

1) Sexlab SE are incompatible with DCL. DCL uses Sexlab strip function what hangs up - you need enter in console to start sex or all freezes up.

2) There is bug if you have set full chastity with gag (rape never ends):


Edited by Elsidia
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On 3/5/2022 at 11:12 AM, Elsidia said:

It's depend on your settings:

1) Sexlab SE are incompatible with DCL. DCL uses Sexlab strip function what hangs up - you need enter in console to start sex or all freezes up.

Explain a bit more? It would be major news if DCL doesn't work properly on SE, i don't think anyone is going to believe you lightly. There would be much more reports.



Edited by Zaflis
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1 hour ago, Zaflis said:

Explain a bit more? It would be major news if DCL doesn't work properly on SE,

Not DCL. DCL not work unity with Sexlab SE.  I post this problem into Sexlab SE thread but no one wants to hear it. At this moment i can't found my post because i just repeat it.

Sexlab SE is most complicated thing and with unity in DCL it stops work papyrus script calling. One of player says that problem is in multiple call getgender (male or female) And this call does DCL and Sexlab because papurys script hangs up. It cures by short enter in any menu - by press start on gamepad or enter in console.  Then scripts continue working. As for my test show that problem not contain into this call but Sexlab structure. What i found:

Root is in procedure Form[] function StripActor(Actor ActorRef, Actor VictimRef = none, bool DoAnimate = true, bool LeadIn = false) what is called for DCL trap scenes and rape.

This procedure is in module sslActorLibrary.psc what extends sslSystemLibrary. In that module is defined sslSystemConfig property Config auto and this call is used from  sslActorLibrary.psc

Example: Config.GetStrip And exactly this call from this module hangs up papyrus. I don't know why. Maybe because DCL and DD have own variable config why knows. I try to fix this many times. Anyway as i disabled call Config...... freezes stop. But i don't rework completed Strip procedure because can't guaranties that it works. 

UpD3: how it looks in my game: green part are Kimy left disabled script in library. I add some lines to correct check when need animate strip or not.


function strip(actor a, bool animate)
    Spell spl
    Weapon weap
    Armor sh
    Ammo amm
    Form frm        
    while hasAnyWeaponEquipped(a)
    frm = a.GetWornForm(0x00001000) ; circlet
    if frm && !frm.HasKeyWord(SexLabNoStrip)
        a.unequipItem(frm, abSilent = true)
    frm = a.GetWornForm(0x00000020) ; amulet
    if frm && !frm.HasKeyWord(SexLabNoStrip)
        a.unequipItem(frm, abSilent = true)
    ; unequip torches
    if a.GetEquippedItemType(0) == 11        
        a.unequipItem(dcumenu.torch01, abSilent = true)
    ; unequip quivers
    int n = dcumenu.dcur_ammolist.GetSize()
    while n > 0    
        n -= 1
        amm = dcumenu.dcur_ammolist.GetAt(n) As Ammo
        if a.IsEquipped(amm)
            a.unequipItem(amm, abSilent = true)

    If a.WornHasKeyWord(libs.zad_DeviousHeavyBondage)
        animate = false
    ; Temporarily don't use SexLab strip as it's borked in 1.60.
If animate
        int Gender = a.GetLeveledActorBase().GetSex()
        Debug.SendAnimationEvent(a, "Arrok_Undress_G"+Gender)
; my made send animation signal for strip.
     int i = 31    
     while i >= 0
         frm = a.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(i + 30))
         if frm && !frm.HasKeyWord(SexLabNoStrip)
             If a.IsEquipped(frm)
                 a.UnequipItem(frm, false, true)    
         i -= 1
     endWhile    ;  Kimy made strip procedure

;    SexLab.StripActor(a, doanimate = animate, leadIn = false)     - remove original call to Sexlab




How it looks in game. At rate 90% (sometimes it works normal).

1) Standard traps: (in MCM DCL -> Events-> Standard items weight)

Trap triggered. Starting bleedout animation. All freezes. Sometimes after minute it can continue. Sometimes not. Press start on gamepad to enter menu or enter in console. Immediately exit from console, menu. Player made strip animation and put on restraints. Second time maybe need (not 100%) repeat menu procedure when put restraints on follower.  When i completely remove Sexlab strip procedure from DCL and replace with Kimy own made procedure in this script dcur_library no more any freeze in trap triggering procedure. I repeat it many times to prove it.  The same for rape scenes - it start more faster. But still hang up as Sexlab call those procedures by own time.


2) Rape. 

Rape triggered.  Player freezes. maybe (not 100%) rapist stand near and all freezes. it can continue long time. If later enter in console there can see that Sexlab generated timeout errors and maybe even abort scene and completely hang out game.  But still not 100% guaranties.

How to do in that case:

Rape triggered. Enter in console and exit, Player animate strip procedure. Return to console and wait while in left upper corner show up - playing animation (animation name) While wait in console you can see Sexlab preparation log in papyrus.

As you see animation name, exit from console and watch sex scene. If there is few rapist repeat console procedure for all rapists. it's so annoying.


Why not reports? Many of it. Most it looks like - traps freeze. Or rape freeze. Some of it are there. Some it are in SE thread.


Also if you have idea in what direction work to fix this bug, will be welcome to share with me. My ideas completely end. I have idea move all config procedures into sslActorLibrary.psc but this completely destroy Sexlab MCM strip configuration.


UPD: Also @zaranta knows about it and recommend use console to end freezes.

UPD2: I start DCL with 8.5 and there was the same problem. Then Sexlab SE was beta. Now it out from beta, but still freeze.


Tag: Hint=015

Edited by Elsidia
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Can anyone know how to fix missing body textures? Just armblinder, gag and heels. No body .-.

A problem after installing Devious Cursed Loot. A warning came out said: Warning Devious Cursed will replace Devious Device LE 5.1 9 conflict files. Choose what files to replace. 

I have no idea what things gone wrong :v HELP






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