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Hello, thank you for this great mod. I want to ask, where does ELLE go if i part with her?

She should go back to where you found her.


Could it be possible for her to go somewhere more accessible? Or at least at the entrance of the "dungeon"?
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Hello, thank you for this great mod. I want to ask, where does ELLE go if i part with her?

She should go back to where you found her.
Could it be possible for her to go somewhere more accessible? Or at least at the entrance of the "dungeon"?

That's a vanilla thing. Followers go back to their home by default when they are dismissed - home is usually where they are created in the editor.


Certain follower mods like EFF lets you assign a home to followers. You will have to use that kind of mod to fix the problem.

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Hello, thank you for this great mod. I want to ask, where does ELLE go if i part with her?

She should go back to where you found her.
Could it be possible for her to go somewhere more accessible? Or at least at the entrance of the "dungeon"?
That's a vanilla thing. Followers go back to their home by default when they are dismissed - home is usually where they are created in the editor.


Certain follower mods like EFF lets you assign a home to followers. You will have to use that kind of mod to fix the problem.



yep, skyrimll is right.

in my previous playthrough, I used many time EFF to set E.L.L.E. home in Breezhome.. problem solved.

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I made a small Campfire addon for milk mod economy and I used a mesh from your mod for the milker plans. I do not know if that is okay but I have not shared it yet. I just want to ask for permission before I do.




I think I extracted that mesh from the vanilla files so it should be fine.

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I made a small Campfire addon for milk mod economy and I used a mesh from your mod for the milker plans. I do not know if that is okay but I have not shared it yet. I just want to ask for permission before I do.




I think I extracted that mesh from the vanilla files so it should be fine.



Awesome. I guess it was just a texture change on a vanilla asset.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any help installing the bodyslide file in mod organizer? Comes up with the error "no game data on top level". Thanks!


Manually set the 'Data' directory to be just above the CalienteTools folder, MO will still think its not packaged right, but the bodyslide files will make it to right directory.

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I have the wolf pit fighting Deeja in the red wave. I have tried to teleport the wolf pit in the bottom of the ship and it was fine until Deeja come to attack it. Don't know what to do to stop that. I read previoulsy (p61 on this thread) about tcai but not understand all of it.


Can someone tell me how to fix the fight between Deeja and the pit Wolf ?



Thanks, I have a lot of Fun with E.L.L.E.

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TCAI is just opening the console and entering it. Does not need a target, because it affects all NPCs


It toggles combat AI, basically makes all NPCs forget when or how to fight, unless they're already engaged. Once a protected or essential npc is stunned though, I think it will trigger and stop a fight.


You could just use TAI as well, to toggle all of the AI off, find the wolf, select and disable, as I think that's what I ended up doing.

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OK, I have tcai to put off combat and disable pit wolf and enable it again (as Eris who was very vurious).


I don't know where come from 'badass bandit', 'bandit tank' and some other nasty guy (They come from SD Cage) but they have put it place my avatar who was to confident when entered this mine to kill some bandit chief. She has serve many client and become adict to sex. Now the owner of the red wave put her in belt and ballon gag to calm her. Thus she still use the rest of her body to please customer.

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After the encounter with badass bandit, bandit tank and there friends, my avatar was sent to red wave after the auction (I think it's simple slavery the mod responsible, not me, I swear, I will never do that to my avatar :) )


As a prostitute at red wave, she was having fun with clients and in fact any humanoid present (The pit wolf was scared her, as I posted previously it was a bit aggressive). But I think the red wave need some cleanup, I order my avatar to do her best and she collect empty bottle, mug and such that was lying on floor to put it some chest but she didn't manage to get the web spider and other dirt.


So do a mod compatible with this one provide a better red wave ? Or can you work on it ? If it could be a quest to make Red Wave a better brothel that should be a cool thing to do for my avatar between client. And if we can have some thing to do in addition to serve Drink or body like make purchase, publicity or sent to another place to work temporaly.


Can we have also more client coming in and out ? I think there was only a guard and a thalmor (and on a previous save Deeva too but the pit wolfe don't like her and attack) during the time my avatar was working here.


Also I don't know if my avatar is such a good prostitute/wench but she manage to pay is debt quickly in one or two day and she didn't ask too much if she need to do other thing than servers drink. If it was only her choice she will have done that only but some people takes advantage of her situation (she 's not really complain). So maybe I have not tested all the possibility.


Anyway it was fun despite E.L.LE seems upset and angry against my avatar and make really weird thing to her. I can help, my avatar put them in this bad situation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After realizing this mod is for background color rather than interactive quests, I have to say that, after journeying to all these remote locations, it was pretty anticlimactic to simply be told about all the depraved sex that was going on without having an opportunity to participate. To be unable to do anything other than say, "Oh, that's nice," and keep walking.


As well, it would be nice if some of what NPCs said turned out to be true. I was fairly disappointed when, after murdering a guard in Windhelm, I got the vanilla prison treatment. I likewise felt foolish after "asking around" in Solitude about a race I was told about, only to find no mention of it.


Bottom line: before you download this, make sure you know what it is, and what it isn't.

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After realizing this mod is for background color rather than interactive quests, I have to say that, after journeying to all these remote locations, it was pretty anticlimactic to simply be told about all the depraved sex that was going on without having an opportunity to participate. To be unable to do anything other than say, "Oh, that's nice," and keep walking.


As well, it would be nice if some of what NPCs said turned out to be true. I was fairly disappointed when, after murdering a guard in Windhelm, I got the vanilla prison treatment. I likewise felt foolish after "asking around" in Solitude about a race I was told about, only to find no mention of it.


Bottom line: before you download this, make sure you know what it is, and what it isn't.


The premise of the rumors is based on the player having installed, or at least knowledge of, other sexlab mods. For example, the race in Solitude is from QAYL, the prison rumors about Prison Overhaul or other prison mods, etc.


Also bear in mind that not all rumors are true...

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This mod started as a Thank You to LL modders for their creations. It's a way to bring awareness of the mods to NPCs.


It would have been too complicated to actually detect all mods individually and only show rumors if a certain mod is present.


Instead I went for the full rumor mod - that's what they are. Rumors. They may or may not be true depending of your choice of mods. Or just plain false :)

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This mod started as a Thank You to LL modders for their creations. It's a way to bring awareness of the mods to NPCs.


It would have been too complicated to actually detect all mods individually and only show rumors if a certain mod is present.


Instead I went for the full rumor mod - that's what they are. Rumors. They may or may not be true depending of your choice of mods. Or just plain false :)




After realizing this mod is for background color rather than interactive quests, I have to say that, after journeying to all these remote locations, it was pretty anticlimactic to simply be told about all the depraved sex that was going on without having an opportunity to participate. To be unable to do anything other than say, "Oh, that's nice," and keep walking.


As well, it would be nice if some of what NPCs said turned out to be true. I was fairly disappointed when, after murdering a guard in Windhelm, I got the vanilla prison treatment. I likewise felt foolish after "asking around" in Solitude about a race I was told about, only to find no mention of it.


Bottom line: before you download this, make sure you know what it is, and what it isn't.


The premise of the rumors is based on the player having installed, or at least knowledge of, other sexlab mods. For example, the race in Solitude is from QAYL, the prison rumors about Prison Overhaul or other prison mods, etc.


Also bear in mind that not all rumors are true...




You know, if you ever did want to make it detect other mods, a collaboration between you two would probably be the best bet to make that work.  Content consumer's alternate start does an excellent job of mod detection, though it is only relevant at a single point in the game, whereas rumors could pop up anywhere.  Anyway, all that to say, looking forward to seeing this updated. 

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This mod started as a Thank You to LL modders for their creations. It's a way to bring awareness of the mods to NPCs.


It would have been too complicated to actually detect all mods individually and only show rumors if a certain mod is present.


Instead I went for the full rumor mod - that's what they are. Rumors. They may or may not be true depending of your choice of mods. Or just plain false :)




After realizing this mod is for background color rather than interactive quests, I have to say that, after journeying to all these remote locations, it was pretty anticlimactic to simply be told about all the depraved sex that was going on without having an opportunity to participate. To be unable to do anything other than say, "Oh, that's nice," and keep walking.


As well, it would be nice if some of what NPCs said turned out to be true. I was fairly disappointed when, after murdering a guard in Windhelm, I got the vanilla prison treatment. I likewise felt foolish after "asking around" in Solitude about a race I was told about, only to find no mention of it.


Bottom line: before you download this, make sure you know what it is, and what it isn't.


The premise of the rumors is based on the player having installed, or at least knowledge of, other sexlab mods. For example, the race in Solitude is from QAYL, the prison rumors about Prison Overhaul or other prison mods, etc.


Also bear in mind that not all rumors are true...




You know, if you ever did want to make it detect other mods, a collaboration between you two would probably be the best bet to make that work.  Content consumer's alternate start does an excellent job of mod detection, though it is only relevant at a single point in the game, whereas rumors could pop up anywhere.  Anyway, all that to say, looking forward to seeing this updated. 



It's easy enough to run the detection, actually. The problem is putting in dialogue conditions for all of the rumors, making sure the condition fits the rumor exactly. Not hard, but very time consuming.


Plus, they're rumors. They don't all have to be true!  :lol:

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This mod started as a Thank You to LL modders for their creations. It's a way to bring awareness of the mods to NPCs.


It would have been too complicated to actually detect all mods individually and only show rumors if a certain mod is present.


Instead I went for the full rumor mod - that's what they are. Rumors. They may or may not be true depending of your choice of mods. Or just plain false :)




After realizing this mod is for background color rather than interactive quests, I have to say that, after journeying to all these remote locations, it was pretty anticlimactic to simply be told about all the depraved sex that was going on without having an opportunity to participate. To be unable to do anything other than say, "Oh, that's nice," and keep walking.


As well, it would be nice if some of what NPCs said turned out to be true. I was fairly disappointed when, after murdering a guard in Windhelm, I got the vanilla prison treatment. I likewise felt foolish after "asking around" in Solitude about a race I was told about, only to find no mention of it.


Bottom line: before you download this, make sure you know what it is, and what it isn't.


The premise of the rumors is based on the player having installed, or at least knowledge of, other sexlab mods. For example, the race in Solitude is from QAYL, the prison rumors about Prison Overhaul or other prison mods, etc.


Also bear in mind that not all rumors are true...




You know, if you ever did want to make it detect other mods, a collaboration between you two would probably be the best bet to make that work.  Content consumer's alternate start does an excellent job of mod detection, though it is only relevant at a single point in the game, whereas rumors could pop up anywhere.  Anyway, all that to say, looking forward to seeing this updated. 



That's not what I meant :)


I do know how to detect mods... what I meant is that Stories refers to many mods out there. It would be too much work for me to track down all the mods I am talking about in the rumors, detect if they are installed and then only display rumors linked to installed mods.


A lot of work for not a lot of benefits.


I prefer to leave the untrue rumors instead.

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TY for explaining, everyone. I subsequently learned that Content Consumer's Alternate Starts incorporates Sexlab Stories content, which, when combined with EC+, for example, enables you to interact with the Broodmaiden, though I have not tried that one myself. Perhaps it should say in the description that CCAS is required to interact with certain stories.


As for the rumors, I now understand what you're saying. You can make some of them true by downloading other LL mods. Perhaps that should also be clarified in the description, which simply states that it needs several mods to run properly, then lists Sexlab, Sexlab Aroused, etc.


And yes, not all rumors have to be true, but it would have been nice to have known how to help some of them along.  :lol:


I understand that you've put a lot of time and effort into this and other mods, and appreciate the work of all modders, so I just wanted to give you some honest (and hopefully constructive) feedback from a player's perspective.

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