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Modders get Ready! Dragon Age: Inquisition Release date-10-07-2014


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I just hope they didn't screw up the world state thing like they did between DAO and DA2.  One of My DAO saves I imported into DA2 had anders dead in awakening yet somehow he magically was alive and well in Kirkwall.........


Edit: I'm also glad they didn't change the voice actors for some of these characters like they did in DA2 (Merrill)

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I'm human irl, I played as a human in DAO, and was forced to play a human in DA2. This time I want to try the new race out before going back to being Human.


In my first playthrough I usually make a character smilar to myself, for the sake of immersion. Hence why I choose human. I think my second playthrough will be an elf mage. 

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I sincerely hope Bioware doesn't force romance dialogues and flirt shit like they did in DA2. I practically had to punch Isabella and Anders to make them back the fuck away from my Hawke.

Last thing I need is to have a massive hornhead telling me he wants my dick.

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I'm human irl, I played as a human in DAO, and was forced to play a human in DA2. This time I want to try the new race out before going back to being Human.


In my first playthrough I usually make a character smilar to myself, for the sake of immersion. Hence why I choose human. I think my second playthrough will be an elf mage. 



if you choose an elf mage then you're Dalish. :)  :lol: merrill was not very bright (not bright = is not smart). :P  :lol:  :lol:

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LOL, I was reading over the romance info again and came across this line.


"It has been confirmed by the developers that the Inquisitor will not be able to marry their romanced companion due to the chaotic state the world of Thedas is in."


How is this any different then the other two games?


DAO the only companion you could marry was Alistair where as the only NPC you could marry was Anora and both were race locked to Human.


DA2 the only companion you could marry was Sebastian but considering he was a DLC comp AND the fact being married without consummating said marriage I don't think he really counts.

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I must be the most boring person on this thread, because everyone is talking about how they want to play as qunaris, elves and dwarfs and I'm just gonna play as a human warrior. 


No. I almost always play mere humans, no matter what kind of RPG. Sometimes an elf or half-elf if you have the choice. (Especially in Morrowind I played a Dunmer 90% of the time).


I also never really cared for the big reveal that DAI would have a race-choice again, + even Qunari. I relaly don't care, as I don't see much difference anyway despite appearance when you play different races. A dwarf Inquisitor will hardly be treated any different from a human or elven one, maybe except for some passing references ("Oh, you are a dwarf AND the Inquisitor??" "Yes Sir, thats right!" "Good! Now please kill that dragon over there, please!")


Though on a third playthrough or so I will play a female Qunari mage ... for the different visuals AND because female Qunari that are fighting (not cooking!) + are free mage (not Sarebaas) are exactly what the Qun despises. Perfect! Because I hate the Qun!

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LOL, I was reading over the romance info again and came across this line.


"It has been confirmed by the developers that the Inquisitor will not be able to marry their romanced companion due to the chaotic state the world of Thedas is in."


How is this any different then the other two games?


DAO the only companion you could marry was Alistair where as the only NPC you could marry was Anora and both were race locked to Human.


DA2 the only companion you could marry was Sebastian but considering he was a DLC comp AND the fact being married without consummating said marriage I don't think he really counts.


Nope in DAO was my great love leliana and alistar has enora got married.

in DA2, I was in love with merrill and I got married her too.

sorry german



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If you decapitate Oghren in DA:O he shows up saying he woke up in the gutter and basically walked it off. If you decapitate Leliana, she says God saved her. If you kill Flemeth, she gets resurrected by a horcrux ripoff. If you stab Morrigan in the chest with a knife the size of her arm, she's survives.

Your choices matter.

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I sincerely hope Bioware doesn't force romance dialogues and flirt shit like they did in DA2. I practically had to punch Isabella and Anders to make them back the fuck away from my Hawke.

Last thing I need is to have a massive hornhead telling me he wants my dick.


Lol i had that problem too :D

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Yep. You can pick one up at Gamestop or Best Buy or pretty much any big box store.  Still have to have origin....


That's good to hear!

In my opinion, Origin isn't too intrusive.

I've heard people rage more about UPlay, but I've never used it before.

Online DRM is, in general, a pretty bad idea, as pirates will always find away around it.

(Speaking of pirates, Farcry 4 was leaked, and is now all over torrent sites. Well before the official release date. How did that happen?)

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It's just hours away dude! I just pre-ordered it, and it should be available in less than an hour! Woooooooo!




Someone's gotta crack the crap outta this game and get some chicks naked! Wait, doesn't it already say Nudity in the ratings? ;)  esrb_m.gif


Nudity means belly in bioware.


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