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Alternately you may have something that changes Jordis entirley, and by that I mean changes her refID. When you prid her, do you prid the refID in the Syrim wikis, or a number you find searching TES5Edit or something like that? If the former it's the correct Jordis, nothing you change with her should invalidate her for this mod, if it's the latter then some mod has completely changed Jordis. For example one mod that would have broken Amorous was if Amorous did anything with the housecarl Calder, and you used Migal's mod that changes Calder to Calderenne, then you have a different character and no way to get ahold of the real Calder.




I have been playing this mod for quite a while now and I have to thank you for it. However I have always had a problem with Jordis The Swordmaiden not showing up in game after becoming Jarl of Solitude. to get around that i used prid a2c95 disable enable and that got her ingame, However I upgraded to the latest version of this mod and everything works ok except................. In the quest CURSE OF THE DEAD BRIDE .......... when asked to talk to Jordis nothing happens no dialogue option when I talk to her I have even advanced the quest stage only to run into the same problem later on. I have removed everything that remotely alters the followers, Started the game from scratch and this mod is the last in my load order I'm now ready to jack it in dont want to but cant think of anything else to do Anyone got any Idea's I need help desperately...........

The only thing I can think of is that you don't have the real Jordis.


If you did something like a placeatme at the console, then you have a new copy off the base Jordis actor... you have a clone, not the real Jordis.


People do that sometimes.


Like all quests, including base game ones, they need the real original Jordis.


That's all I can think of that fits the problem you describe.




I got Jordis the first few times using tesedit and it seemed to be satisfactory for a while but as the story lines in this mod got more complex it was no longer good enough, Since I installed this latest version i have used the ref id from the wiki which is the one i wrote in the first post. She appeared in my solitude home ok and said the correct words on our first meeting but as i activated the dead bride episode she arrived at the blue palace wouldn't return to my home and had just the basic dialogue options.......... now i did bring her into the world just after being made thane is there a package missing? I have now brought her into the world BEFORE becoming thane unfortunately I have now got to repeat all the side quests for the god knows how many times don't want to short cut it as don't want to create more problems. as i said I have removed EVERYTHING that I can see that effects the followers the only ones i have left running are the sexlab basics and children..........................Will let you know if it works when I reach that stage again   

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So I have an idea. And I'd understand it if you don't want to run with it... but who would be likely to protest if "no means no" applied to the Dragonborn instead? What if Lydia was that raging nymphomaniac that had to be Tamed, and first sex is actually her overcoming the DB, partially with the DB just allowing it to happen and then afterwards acting all hurt, like she pressured him into it, and that just isn't right, and is she going to behave herself from now on? Becuase if she does, and she does her meatshield duty, there might be some more nookie in it for her later. Bring in Danica as a councilor to help Lydia deal with her situation (but for her to agree, you have to fix the Gildergreen!) and get to a bit of at taming situation where she won't be a man-eater anymore.


I can absolutely promise you, that if the situation is reversed and the one who pushes for sex is a good looking female, you are not going to hear any complaints at all. It's a total double standard as it should go both ways, but yeah. So see it as both poking fun at the Nexus comments that was never an issue on this, getting that statement out there that "no means no" indeed, and also lighting up that equality goes both ways, and not all women are helpless rape victims. I mean seriously, if I were to truly try to rape and take advantage of Lydia, I'm decently certain that she would beat me silly and dump me in jail. Well at least at that point in the story, but that's beside it. And this is a real life thing, about 80 % of the women I know have taken self-defense classes just in case something happens to them, and maybe 10 % of the guys I know have done any serious martial arts or any kind of defense training. If these girls wanted to use what they knew another way around, personally I know a few of them that could easily have their way with me, and I'm 1.83 and 90 kg, I'm a big guy and some of these girls could put me on my ass easily. And in an equality society like Skyrim where Lydia is actually your warrior tank there to keep people from beating up on you? Yeah same dael.

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Taste of Death (murder-cannibalism) and Boethiah's Calling (betrayal of trust and sacrifice/murder), and Killing Gelod (cold blooded murder)  are standard quests with actual rewards for completing them in the vanilla Skyrim.

(Killing Gelod and bullying townspeople actually are required just to join two of the main guilds). 


Sorry you have to deal with this, FoxFingers, but mad respect for taking the time to make changes so people feel better about playing. 

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@Sacremas could be people trying to coerce Fox into doing just what they want(not that I or anyone else is any different), like more male roles and carebear love trials by pulling heavy handed out of arse horsedung.

I like the idea of making Lydia nymphomaniac though.  Doesn't feel like it would fit to me now, but it would be something to see Lydia running up half the women in skyrim saying "My thane needs love, come join us and the dragonborn will make you a happy woman too".  It's always nice to have a wingman, even better to have a wingwoman.

Stupid thing is if there is a step added for DB to buy flowers and a box of sweetrolls and that convinces Lydia the complaint vanishes and is replaced by she's just vapid, fickle, shallow, weak etc...


Oh well, fox is nothing if not clever, and seems interested in making changes to boot.  So If fox is happy, then I'm happy.


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A change to Best Housecarl Quest? Alright lets see what I can think up.

The quest starts in the same way as now, but as opposed to using the whole "I'm your boss, put out" thing (which is a bit eh), we attempt to do so, and get utterly shut down (Bonus points if its made to look like a persuade check), so we try that whole "Dragonsouls make me horny" thing that got dropped a while ago, which Lydia is suss about and wants proof, leading to the first major change: Kill a Dragon with Lydia.

When you talk to her after you do, the PC hams it up being all "argh, cant control my boner!" and Lydia gives oral to "calm us down", after which she states that she knew you were lying, but the fact that you were willing to fight a Dragon to convince her actually impresses her, so she decides to give you another shot at a first impression, during which the PC asks about her family (Hrongar is her father, so shes the Jarls niece/cousin/whatever) and her opinion of you (Honestly thought you were faking being Dragonborn, regrets that fact, is starting to be attracted to you due to the fact you killed a Dragon to get into her pants), eventually the conversation moves to sex and that she'd be willing to give you a go if you actually have a stake in Whiterun, so as before, buy Breezehome (also maybe refurbish it if you want the option to space out those chats with Lydia about her family and stuff) and talk with her there for the second scene.

In this discussion she states that whilst at first she had a very low opinion of our horndog ways, the sheer lengths we go to to get some, as well as all the problems we solve along the way have convinced her that you mean well, and she agrees to be a bit more 'open' with you.

Not my best work but, eh not my worst either.

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Be aware you could see some stupid-ass politics in these rape charges. Basically someone who played the  mod specifically looking for something negative, either because they didn't like that it came from LL, or that they didn't like that it's outranked a mod like CACO on File of the Month, then maybe got one or two friends aboard to likewise stir up things. And it's working, AA's lost a few votes I noticed. Your quick response and offer to change it (even if it was for partially our benefit, us being Lydia lovers and wanting that quest to be bigger regardless of what there's now) has headed off the worst of it though, but it remains an open flame for now.


Man if the incest threesome or Ysolda's original thing was in the mod still, they would be bringing out the pitchforks by now.

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Would this mean rewriting it in order to completely remove the "Dragonborn Needs" aspect?


I decided to include that mod just because my PC can handle the scripting (and my DB is a bit of a sex addict so makes sense) but it seems that it is the main justification for the motive for both Lydia and Irileth's quests.


I know that mechanic is no longer part of the main mod but it does seem the writing for it is.

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Finished Morthal. Great quest!

Teh Awesome:
1) Integration of vanilla quests into the Amorous Adventures quest line. This has always been a strong point of the mod. It gives players a reason to look in dungeons and do side quests that they otherwise might completely ignore, and it gives meaning to those side quests.

2) Loved the integration of Sheogorath's lore into the quest. Now we know where Igrod's family gets their prophetic gifts. 

3) I liked what you did with Igrod's voice type. Knitting existing crazy old lady dialog into the story worked. And, yes, it also changed Igrod's character, but anything you do to deepen Skyrim's thin NPC characterizations will change the characters. 

4) Some very creepy moments. 

One question: In the final conversation with the Jarl, the player has some lines about Igrod having died, visited the Shivering Isles, and returned. I thought I had been paying attention, but I completely missed any dialog directly related to that. I got that Igrod was touched by Sheogorath and that he had made it possible for Igrod to have her son; I did not get that she had actually been to the isles. So, did I just miss something?

As always, thanks. 

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Be aware you could see some stupid-ass politics in these rape charges. Basically someone who played the  mod specifically looking for something negative, either because they didn't like that it came from LL, or that they didn't like that it's outranked a mod like CACO on File of the Month, then maybe got one or two friends aboard to likewise stir up things. And it's working, AA's lost a few votes I noticed. Your quick response and offer to change it (even if it was for partially our benefit, us being Lydia lovers and wanting that quest to be bigger regardless of what there's now) has headed off the worst of it though, but it remains an open flame for now.


Man if the incest threesome or Ysolda's original thing was in the mod still, they would be bringing out the pitchforks by now.


I thought the threesome with Sylgia and Annekke was pretty hot, even more so since they were mother daughter but that's just me.


Ysolda was a bit on the line honestly, but it's fine now.


You also have to remember, only those who have a bone to pick with the mod will actually post. Most people who enjoy this mod won't say anything and just play through the mod and be on their way.

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Anneke and Sylgja have a completely ambiguous relationship.


Just really started playing Skyrim again and still got the older version of AA installed.

So is that`s just the clean version? getting kind of confused with all the talk about LL and nexus versions.





Right now at least, the only difference between the LL and Nexus versions is that the Nexus version is not hooked into the Sexlab framework. That may change, at FoxFingers discretion. From the posts above, there are already some tweaks and changes to quests in the works.

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I'm okay with changing Lydia. For a character that is the only one to have their own unique follower commentary, she does get kind of short changed on the quest.


Doesn't mean the quest will be Hello Kitty Island Adventure or anything.




Nice and sad.


Good to see more Lydia, but sad if you do it from the pression of 2/3 trolls from the nexus, who see rape everywhere ...


Oh and if you want to troll SJW on Nexus you could use that line 



And MXR Review of the mod :


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Anneke and Sylgja have a completely ambiguous relationship.


Just really started playing Skyrim again and still got the older version of AA installed.

So is that`s just the clean version? getting kind of confused with all the talk about LL and nexus versions.




In the clean version there's no scene, so, it isn't really specified. Just a text box that says that sylgja was helped by the player.


It's clean, see, and since the audience for that version is not interested in this version it is all well and good.



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Finished Morthal. Great quest!




Teh Awesome:

1) Integration of vanilla quests into the Amorous Adventures quest line. This has always been a strong point of the mod. It gives players a reason to look in dungeons and do side quests that they otherwise might completely ignore, and it gives meaning to those side quests.

2) Loved the integration of Sheogorath's lore into the quest. Now we know where Igrod's family gets their prophetic gifts.

3) I liked what you did with Igrod's voice type. Knitting existing crazy old lady dialog into the story worked. And, yes, it also changed Igrod's character, but anything you do to deepen Skyrim's thin NPC characterizations will change the characters.

4) Some very creepy moments.


One question: In the final conversation with the Jarl, the player has some lines about Igrod having died, visited the Shivering Isles, and returned. I thought I had been paying attention, but I completely missed any dialog directly related to that. I got that Igrod was touched by Sheogorath and that he had made it possible for Igrod to have her son; I did not get that she had actually been to the isles. So, did I just miss something?




As always, thanks.

At the end old Idgrod asks the DB to look after her son Joric and the DB basically says when you are dead and gone to the Shivering Isles i'll consider it.



Thanks for giving the quest a try, I do appreciate the feedback!

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I'm okay with changing Lydia. For a character that is the only one to have their own unique follower commentary, she does get kind of short changed on the quest.


Doesn't mean the quest will be Hello Kitty Island Adventure or anything.



Nice and sad.


Good to see more Lydia, but sad if you do it from the pression of 2/3 trolls from the nexus, who see rape everywhere ...



Oh and if you want to troll SJW on Nexus you could use that line





And MXR Review of the mod :




I've always thought Lydia deserved a little better quest. It's all good. She just will be more open to the idea.


Damn, the mod made MXR? Lol!


Well, I believe many people are giving the... Unrated Director's Cut a try based on volume of downloads. It's good that people have options.


I figure Fallout will take everybody's attention soon so I'm thankful the mod got a little publicity here at the end.



Anyway to start Serana's quest line if I've already released her from her tomb before and is a bit over half way of finishing Dawnguard?

It's really designed to run from when you first meet her, so not ar that point. Sorry about that.

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Still on vacation for a week and all I've got is a Kindle to peck out messages on, so not really posting much. It's a pain to use.


Just mentioning.


But thanks so much for the support here and elsewhere. I really appreciate it. And when I get back it will be back to trying to give you a reason to visit Skyrim once in awhile.



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I thought the threesome with Sylgia and Annekke was pretty hot, even more so since they were mother daughter but that's just me.



We should have an optional "Amorous Adventures - Sick Fucks Edition" that keeps all this stuff in :P



A "Devious Adventures" was talked about before, but it was probably just a joke.

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