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[Unofficial] Bodyslide 2/Outfit Studio Tutorials

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for tbbp to work, yes you will need the tbbp files and animations for it to work. If your using hdt though that's a different matter entirely


As for your breast size issue, it means you either messed up a step somewhere like not deleting the imported body mesh, or the default reference skelly in Outfit Studio is tripping you up (less likely).


Don´t get me wrong. All animations work fine, that´s not the problem. truly said, there is no real problem. The default tbbp animations are played while wearing the outfit, the tbbp animation i installed (TBBP + TBBP Dragonfly) are played while naked. But that´s fine. The only issue is the breast size but i have an idea.


During the step where i tried to fit the base shape on the outfit shape (i deleted the remaining body shape files as the guide said) i tweaked the breast silder and the "small breast" slider to minus values to fit the base shape to the outfit shape.


Could it be that the product in the end calculated a "kind of reverse algebra bullshit" to the breast size. Sorry, but i have no idea haw to say it better in english. :D


I will give that theory a try and test it tomorrov...now that i know how to handle this tool...somehow. ^^

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Hey guys. Is there no way to fix the squished breasts problem? I already tried changing the skeletons as I said before and it didn't work (xpms, used the nif in the "Default Weapon Position" folder)


This time I tried just exporting the body, and the problem doesn't seem to be just squished boobs, but everything seems to be wrong, causing even a neckseam (and probably everythingelse seam).


Here's a pair of pics. Left is original UNPB BBP, right is the same mesh exported from OS:




I'm starting to think that the problem is an offset problem, but I have no idea of what offset I should set with move vertices, if any.

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Don´t get me wrong. All animations work fine, that´s not the problem. truly said, there is no real problem. The default tbbp animations are played while wearing the outfit, the tbbp animation i installed (TBBP + TBBP Dragonfly) are played while naked. But that´s fine. The only issue is the breast size but i have an idea.


During the step where i tried to fit the base shape on the outfit shape (i deleted the remaining body shape files as the guide said) i tweaked the breast silder and the "small breast" slider to minus values to fit the base shape to the outfit shape.


Could it be that the product in the end calculated a "kind of reverse algebra bullshit" to the breast size. Sorry, but i have no idea haw to say it better in english. :D


I will give that theory a try and test it tomorrov...now that i know how to handle this tool...somehow. ^^



Well actually, some of the default sliders in CBAdvanced are already 'inversed' you can check which ones are by highlighting the slider (pencil button) and clicking Slider -> Properties and see if the invert slider box is ticked.


And yea, the smallBreasts slider is inversed along with the Breasts slider (that was confusing me because if anyone remembers the days of BodySlide 1 the breasts slider actually enlarged the breasts)


Meh. Regardless I sorta doubt that's the problem, I've done a few conversions with those sliders being tweaked and they came out fine.

More likely is that OS tricked you into believing that those slider values were 'saved' before you did the File -> Make Conversion Reference step.

OS bugs that sometimes :/, To be absolutely safe, you can try setting the sliders to the relevant positions then pick a random slider that does not need to be changed, use the pencil button, then disable the highlight by clicking pencil button again and then MOVE the slider a bit and a dialog box should show up saying would you like to save changes or something like that. Click Yes and the slider values should be saved now.

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Hey guys. Is there no way to fix the squished breasts problem? I already tried changing the skeletons as I said before and it didn't work (xpms, used the nif in the "Default Weapon Position" folder)


There are multiple ways to fix the squished breast problem, the most common fix for people is changing out the default bugged xpms skeleton that came with Outfit Studio.


Personally I use groovtama's XPMS skelly.


It also depends on how your using the program:

For instance what exactly did you do to the UNPB meshes? Just add weights? or Something else?

Do you use HDT?


Needs more detail, as well as why and what your doing this for if you want to get better answers.


Though personally I've never had the squished breast thing happen to me so I may not be able to help fully.


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Hey guys. Is there no way to fix the squished breasts problem? I already tried changing the skeletons as I said before and it didn't work (xpms, used the nif in the "Default Weapon Position" folder)


There are multiple ways to fix the squished breast problem, the most common fix for people is changing out the default bugged xpms skeleton that came with Outfit Studio.


Personally I use groovtama's XPMS skelly.


It also depends on how your using the program:

For instance what exactly did you do to the UNPB meshes? Just add weights? or Something else?

Do you use HDT?


Needs more detail, as well as why and what your doing this for if you want to get better answers.


Though personally I've never had the squished breast thing happen to me so I may not be able to help fully.




That's the thing. I did absolutely nothing to the mesh. All I did was import the UNP body as a reference, import an outfit, erase all the meshes of the outfit, duplicate the reference body, then export. This was to test if the problem was copying bones or offset, but apparently the problem is happening when it exports.


All I want is to add BBP to some outfits that are already UNPB, using as reference the UNPB available in here. I keep following the instructions to do so, and the weights work, but the mesh comes out like that (squished boobs and seams everywhere). The skeleton I'm using is this one.


Yes, I use HDT, but other meshes with BBP don't have this problem, only the ones I export from OS.

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OK. i'm trying to add belly node to a bodice. And everything is alright, except for some serious clipping :)


I copied weights from UNPB and it's all good at stage 1-2, but then it starts to clip quite noticeably. 


As we can see at pic, I would preferably like to get what we can see at my reference outfit - Gothic Lolita, than what I get . 


My question is: what am I missing and what should I do to get even scaling of both outfit and body. 




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My question is: what am I missing and what should I do to get even scaling of both outfit and body.


Multiple fixes:


1. Go back in OS and create more 'space' between the mesh and the body using the mesh brushes (hint: view in Wireframe mode to double check the areas)

2. Create a zap slider, and mask the belly area, invert the mask and click Slider -> New Zap, This will 'hide' the belly underneath the armor so you will not see clipping issues.

3. Re-adjust weighting


Number 1 is fairly easy, Number 2 is sort of a hotfix in my mind, but many armors and such have do this to circumvent weight clipping , Number 3 is by far the hardest but could also potentially give the most 'quality' result (or it may not xD)


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Multiple fixes:


1. Go back in OS and create more 'space' between the mesh and the body using the mesh brushes (hint: view in Wireframe mode to double check the areas)


Number 1 did the trick. Moving 4 vertices just a tiny bit forward made drastic improvement. Why this didn't come to my mind I have no idea :)




Obviously, I have no need to touch a body except for weight copying and there's a huge gap between a head and outfitted body. What happened in the process that the body gets shifted/decreased.

For me it appears that if I just copy weights everything is pretty ok, but if I start moving vertices, something suddenly gets wild. 




Should I "lock" some objects to avoid random changes, like with 3dmax ? Or is there some other obvious step I failed to take care of before exporting ?


Any insightful hints please ?

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Obviously, I have no need to touch a body except for weight copying and there's a huge gap between a head and outfitted body. What happened in the process that the body gets shifted/decreased.

For me it appears that if I just copy weights everything is pretty ok, but if I start moving vertices, something suddenly gets wild. 




Should I "lock" some objects to avoid random changes, like with 3dmax ? Or is there some other obvious step I failed to take care of before exporting ?


Any insightful hints please ?



I'm afraid I am unable to comprehend what exactly you mean by your question?

Is it that you want to move vertices on the body mesh itself in OS? Or is it that some parts of the outfit mesh when moved cause seam gaps?


You can avoid 'random' changes, by applying a mask in Outfit Studio, anything that is masked in OS will not be affected by any of the brushes (Dunno about the weight brush though)


Hey Blabba, by any means you know how could I load one of those HDT skirts in OS without errors? Tried replacing the reference skeleton as you suggested in other thread about the schlongs thingy, but that didnt work :s


(bodyslide hdt skirts ftw~)


O.o, dunno if that will work well... :s

You'd have the mesh changed correctly, but the physics collision capsules may be off and throw the constraints off as well.

I'm still learning the trick to how HDT works in depth, thanks to Yoo sending me his max file I can take a look at it tommorrow and see if I can come up with some sort of solution/trick.


Mind if I ask what specific error cropped up, and also if you could attach the .nif file so I could take a look?

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All Right so here's an 'idea' that may or may not work (I need to spend some more time studying how exactly HDT works.)


Those files use their own custom skelly's that were imported and tied to the body as a whole nother NINode. Now I have no idea how skyrim skelly's work, but it should be possible to 'extract' the skeleton out and then swap it out to be the reference skelly in Outfit Studio.


1. Load nif into 3DSMAX or Blender with import skeleton stuff checked.

2. Delete actual mesh

3. Export nif, make sure skeleton only box is checked

4. You should have the .nif file that only contains the skelly now and no other nodes besides the bones

5. Replace the OS reference skelly to the newly created one

6. Import mesh into BodySlide

7. Make conversion (Hopefully it works)

8. Load and compare the original mesh and the newly created one and make sure the NiStringextradata stuff is there


The above is 1 way to do it, another probably equally if not more successful way to do it:

1. Do the opposite, delete skeleton from nif and load, or export the shape (NiTriShape) of the skirt into an .obj, load the .obj in OS (make sure obj has the same name as the NiTriShape!)

2. Make your sliders and stuff, do save as, or to do a quick test, just export one of the sliders as .bsd

3. Manually via xml editing add the sliders to the original mesh (Make sure you fill out the shape field and such correctly with the right NiTriShape node name)

4. Test in Bodyslide, hope nothing weird happens, then create a mesh open it up in nifskope double check for any errors and then load in game and hope the HDT works fine still.


Both ways will 100% guarantee that collision capsules will be screwed up and/or the physics constraints may get bongled. (Might be able to fix by tweaking the xml though)


In all honesty I cannot say either of these methods will work. Though now thanks to you I understand that it IS possible to package a skeleton inside an armour mesh (will be extremely useful for HDT mod authors) and between that and Yoo's max file I should at the very least be able to get a starting point into diving a deeper understanding of both HDT and Bodyslide and see if I can come up with a way to account for the collision capsules with Bodyslide.


Edit: Please do let me know if my midnight ramblings work or if something gets screwed up, I chalk these methods to my own madness and would like to confirm if my mad scientist ways are worth the long nights and days of skyrim modding :)

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I'm afraid I am unable to comprehend what exactly you mean by your question?

Is it that you want to move vertices on the body mesh itself in OS? Or is it that some parts of the outfit mesh when moved cause seam gaps?

What I mean is at the image. The left one is standard not modified bodice. Right one is treated with OS. 


This looks like my body is moved down or it shrinks a little bit. And I don't know why this happens nor how to prevent this.


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What I mean is at the image. The left one is standard not modified bodice. Right one is treated with OS.


This looks like my body is moved down or it shrinks a little bit. And I don't know why this happens nor how to prevent this.

xD that annoying bug...

I've never seen that happen in outfit conversions though. it's a known weight issue and bad reference Skeleton most likely. try changing out the reference Skeleton to a newer one and recopy weights.


Alternatively you can try loading up that mesh and right clicking it in OS and select rebuild skin partitions, this may or may not work.

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Quick quesetion


Is there a way to prevent clipping during animations? I ask as I'm attempting to convert the pieces of the Aradia Kato outfit and the skirt is particularly being a pain. Namely that it looks fine while standing still, but when walking it clips out the back in a particularly noticeable manner. I can't zap the offending body part or the character will then be missing their rear end.

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Quick quesetion


Is there a way to prevent clipping during animations? I ask as I'm attempting to convert the pieces of the Aradia Kato outfit and the skirt is particularly being a pain. Namely that it looks fine while standing still, but when walking it clips out the back in a particularly noticeable manner. I can't zap the offending body part or the character will then be missing their rear end.


Reference Post


Depending on the outfit's design, you may be able to get fix #1 working, if not then the only 'permanent' solution to ensure quality would be fix #3 and that will probably take a while to master. You'll probably want to manually check the skirt's weighting and compare it to the body's weighting and try to match them the best you can, or even add a bit more strength to the skirt weights than the body. The only way to test your changes is through trial and error in game unfortunately. (Note: when weighting in Outfit Studio, change your brush settings by pressing spacebar and adjust for slight strength changes)


Though if your good with Blender/3DSMax you can take the mesh into those programs and manipulate the bones or load up a test animation and see where clippings will happen.


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Reference Post


Depending on the outfit's design, you may be able to get fix #1 working, if not then the only 'permanent' solution to ensure quality would be fix #3 and that will probably take a while to master. You'll probably want to manually check the skirt's weighting and compare it to the body's weighting and try to match them the best you can, or even add a bit more strength to the skirt weights than the body. The only way to test your changes is through trial and error in game unfortunately. (Note: when weighting in Outfit Studio, change your brush settings by pressing spacebar and adjust for slight strength changes)


Though if your good with Blender/3DSMax you can take the mesh into those programs and manipulate the bones or load up a test animation and see where clippings will happen.



Thanks, seems that the required solution is #3, as I ran into the same issue attempting to convert the top and it seems to be a difference in weights between the body and the outfit. Unfortunatly that might be a bit beyond me at the moment as I just figured out how to use OS in the past day :P. I'll keep giving a try though!

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When you say "replace the skeleton" in OS (Bodyslide) I think I've done that, but....


in the Bodyslide/res folder there is skeleton_female_vanilla and skeleton_female_xpms


I renamed those to original-skeleton_female_vanilla and original-skeleton_xpms.

Then I copied Groovtama's skeleton into the folder and renamed it so it matched those original ones. So BOTH of those original skeletons are now Groovtama's (ar50 I think I'm on)


There's another skeleton file in the res folder called SkeletonBlank. I didn't do anything with that one.


So..... #1 question. Did I do that part right?


Question #2

Trying to add pregnant belly to Demon Hunter v2 armor.

I have a body preset I made. 

The preset is registered in ALL of the groups. 

I load the armor in Bodyslide, with my preset showing below it.

Preview looks fine.

I say "Make bodies" and it creates the armor nifs and overwrites the original ones. This is with the Demon Hunter v2 armor selected in "Outfit/Body" and my preset showing in "Preset". The Preset was made for the HDT LabiaPubes1.  The Demon Hunter armor apparently was converted using CB++.


I'm getting a large neck gap (head floating above body).


I also see clipping when I Load New Project in OS, select the BODY I'm actually using, and then select the armor. Do I have to do a CONVERSION from CB++ to HDT ??


I'm a little lost here. :)



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When you say "replace the skeleton" in OS (Bodyslide) I think I've done that, but....


in the Bodyslide/res folder there is skeleton_female_vanilla and skeleton_female_xpms


I renamed those to original-skeleton_female_vanilla and original-skeleton_xpms.

Then I copied Groovtama's skeleton into the folder and renamed it so it matched those original ones. So BOTH of those original skeletons are now Groovtama's (ar50 I think I'm on)


There's another skeleton file in the res folder called SkeletonBlank. I didn't do anything with that one.


So..... #1 question. Did I do that part right?


Yeap :lol:


For future reference though, you can just rename the new skelly to anything, drop it in the res folder and then open up config.xml inside the bodyslide main folder. Inside that file their should be a a field that points to the reference skelly, something like 'skeleton_female_xpms', just rename that field to whatever your new skeleton's name is called inside the res folder :)


Question #2

Trying to add pregnant belly to Demon Hunter v2 armor.

I have a body preset I made. 

The preset is registered in ALL of the groups. 

I load the armor in Bodyslide, with my preset showing below it.

Preview looks fine.

I say "Make bodies" and it creates the armor nifs and overwrites the original ones. This is with the Demon Hunter v2 armor selected in "Outfit/Body" and my preset showing in "Preset". The Preset was made for the HDT LabiaPubes1.  The Demon Hunter armor apparently was converted using CB++.


I'm getting a large neck gap (head floating above body).


I also see clipping when I Load New Project in OS, select the BODY I'm actually using, and then select the armor. Do I have to do a CONVERSION from CB++ to HDT ??


I'm a little lost here. :)




Hmm, if it's a pre-existing conversion that was made back in the CB++ era then you may need to re-do the conversion from scratch on the armor. The new CBadvanced bodies make use of new 'lockseam' sliders to align the body to the head and hands. If you add weights using OS this will mess up the lockseam sliders for whatever reason :(


The only solution that I can think of off the top of my head would be to rebuild the outfit using the new CBBE advanced or HDT bodies. (On a side note, the HDT Body actually is slightly different from stock CBBE body, I had accidentally set the breasts to be a bit more rounder on the HDT body, it's an easy fix though if you want the original CBBE shape back)


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Hmm, if it's a pre-existing conversion that was made back in the CB++ era then you may need to re-do the conversion from scratch on the armor. The new CBadvanced bodies make use of new 'lockseam' sliders to align the body to the head and hands. If you add weights using OS this will mess up the lockseam sliders for whatever reason :(


Uhm, no. The HDT body has the same offset as the TBBP one, which has the same offset as CalienteBody.nif from Bodyslide1. In Bodyslide2, CalienteBody.nif was shifted to default CBBE position (which is the zero position of vanilla body after transform is applied). So, for non-zero-pos reference (hdt, tbbp, possibly bbp) you use the lockseam clamps. For zero-pos reference (Bodyslide2 calientebody, cbbe) you use lockseam2. I have no idea what lockseamzero does.


babeliblab, lockseam sliders do not align the whole body, just the seams (48 or 70 vertices).

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I don't see lockseam clamps. Where are these located?


When I start a New Project, and load the femalebody_1.nif and then load the armor _1.nif in OS. I don't get any sliders at all.

Should I be doing something in Bodyslide when I make the armor sized for my HDT body?


If I use BodySlide to make the armor nifs with my HDT preset, the armore comes out right. It's only as son as I touch the weight I think that makes the gap.


This particular armor loads into OS with the Baseshape (at the top) and then 2 meshes. One says "Baseshape_outfit" and the other says "torso". It appears that "torso" is the actual armor. Would that Baseshape_outfit" be a body it's puling in with it?


I tried deleting that, fixing the clipping, and then duplicating the baseshape as "body" but the result was not good :)

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Uhm, no. The HDT body has the same offset as the TBBP one, which has the same offset as CalienteBody.nif from Bodyslide1. In Bodyslide2, CalienteBody.nif was shifted to default CBBE position (which is the zero position of vanilla body after transform is applied). So, for non-zero-pos reference (hdt, tbbp, possibly bbp) you use the lockseam clamps. For zero-pos reference (Bodyslide2 calientebody, cbbe) you use lockseam2. I have no idea what lockseamzero does.


babeliblab, lockseam sliders do not align the whole body, just the seams (48 or 70 vertices).



Huh. Weird, because whenever I edit the weights in OS of the base HDT body and/or any CBBE body in OS and then export/save with the edited weights the neck and hands get messed up. I found out that if I get rid of the lockseam sliders via text edit, then the 100% weight has absolutely no seams but the 0%-99% might have a little bit of a seam issue (unless i get rid of the small seam slider and other related sliders). I asked Cell about it long ago and he said he didn't know why that happens :/


I tried it on the default OS xpms skeleton, and on groovtama's xpmse skeleton and got better results with groovtama's.


I get the idea that the lockseams only tamper with the edge vertices, but I still do not know why applying a weight or editing one will throw the body out of alignment (with lockseams enabled) but if I remove them the body is back in alignment (for the most part....)


I don't see lockseam clamps. Where are these located?


When I start a New Project, and load the femalebody_1.nif and then load the armor _1.nif in OS. I don't get any sliders at all.

Should I be doing something in Bodyslide when I make the armor sized for my HDT body?


If I use BodySlide to make the armor nifs with my HDT preset, the armore comes out right. It's only as son as I touch the weight I think that makes the gap.


This particular armor loads into OS with the Baseshape (at the top) and then 2 meshes. One says "Baseshape_outfit" and the other says "torso". It appears that "torso" is the actual armor. Would that Baseshape_outfit" be a body it's puling in with it?


I tried deleting that, fixing the clipping, and then duplicating the baseshape as "body" but the result was not good :)


If you open up the sliderset.xml file of your outfit or body they will be there for most of the TBBP/BBP weighted bodies. It's a hidden slider so you cannot see it in OS. Yea forgot to mention editing weights in OS is buggy for the most part. You should be able to manually delete the lockseam sliders from the outfit and see if that gets rid of the gaps (at least on 100% it should, provided you disable the small seam sliders as well)

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I tried to open the CB++DemonHunterV2.xml and got an error about some unexpected white space. Tried to open a couple other armors that I got from the same place and they give the same error. 


SO.... I'm guessing I should get rid of them and start over from scratch?


What a pain in the butt. This was looking like it was going well for a while there. :)


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OK, I got a DIFFERENT armor. Dovahkin Mercenary. I REMOVED the lockseam sliders from the xml for the armor. Make the armor without touching the weights. 


Go back and copy the "selected weights" (selected the belly, both breast weights for each breast and the  left and right butt weights)


Logged in.

Her head pops off.

I'm getting frustrated.




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OK, I got a DIFFERENT armor. Dovahkin Mercenary. I REMOVED the lockseam sliders from the xml for the armor. Make the armor without touching the weights. 


Go back and copy the "selected weights" (selected the belly, both breast weights for each breast and the  left and right butt weights)


Logged in.

Her head pops off.

I'm getting frustrated.




Weird... I've never had a problem adding weights to my own conversions even with the lockseam sliders attached. Only had to remove them from bodies though.


Just a suggestion, after copying weights right click on the mesh and select 'rebuild skin partition'

That sometimes works for me and sometimes doesn't.

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