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Version 0.5
This is still a work in progress Bodyslide is a great tool and generally works really well. There is a problem with the implementation of TBBP on the Caliente Advanced Body however, that leads to breast distortion and not letting armor and clothes fit correctly. If you've spent a great deal of effort and time making your body preset be the way you like and then find that what ends up in the game doesn't look at all like what you were trying to create, then this may be just the fix you need The main problem is with bone-weighting on the default Bodyslide mesh and a misalignment of the mesh's armature. This patch fixes that to a great degree. See the screenshots INSRALLATION: Using your favorite installer, just allow overwrite. Or to install manually, unpack into the Skyrim directory and allow overwrite. The file replaces the DragonflyTBBP nif in the Bodyslide Shapedata Directory. TO USE: Install, then open Bodyslide, Choose the CalienteAdvancedTBBP Body, use what ever preset you wish or create your own, then build the bodies, and also all the armor and clothes so that they fit the new body It all work on my system---please let me know if there are problems on yours-
- Bodyslide
- Outfit Studio
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Version 1.5
HDT 1.5 is still unsupported and 'unnoficial' (It hasn't been tested in-game). I only uploaded it because I used it as a reference for making a guide. Read changelog for changes. HDT Body has officially reached it's end of support. For my newest work that is current please use following thread: Project Citrus For those of you who have updated to Groovtama's newest Alpha skeleton, please use the similar HDT enabled body contained in CT77's Nexus armour downloads. It's based off of this mod but with the breasts setup to work with Groovtama's Alpha skeleton. Thanks for the support! Purpose: With the advent of BodySlide 2/ Outfit Studio becoming more popular modders are finding that they must tear themselves between adding FULL TBBP weighting vs. zecoron's PSB Body weights. The TPSB/HDT body is created out of the frustration of not being able to have the best of BOTH worlds! What is TPSB HDT Body?: TPSB = Tender Pregnant Scaled Body It's a moniker I came up with to describe FULL TBBP enabled bodies that also have the Belly weight paint from the original PSB body mod. The body is out there only for those who want to have TBBP animations AND Pregnancy at the same time. HDT Body = A fully optimized weight system for (hopefully) any BodyType to take maximum advantage of HDT physics effect. Contains legacy support for TBBP and PSB as well. Features: - 1 standard body to use to copy bone weights from in OS conversion - Cleaned weighting for maximum HDT compatability - Increased compatibility with Outfit Conversions (Use of Lock Seams is minimized) - Customized HDT effects. Read this thread for more info. - Future Expandable (Read FAQ) Requirements/Recommendations: 1. Groovtama's XPMS Extended 2. HydrogensaysHDT's Physics Extensions (Latest or Stable) File Descriptions: Unclean TPSB: Confirmed working with no seams. Has been successfully developed by Lother who has also made outfit conversions with them. Weights are 'unclean' BodySlide Enabled TPSB CBBE BodySlide v1.1: Full standard TBBP + PSB Body, included with an optional Pubes mesh Based on the Hairy Vaginas of Skyrim mod. Useful for those who do not use HDT HDT Body 1.4: A MUCH improved body weighted specifically for use with HDT effects. It is now safe for OS users to convert armors using this body (and is highly encouraged) - Even cleaner weights to allow more future HDT expansions/(possibly) better standard animation support - Butt Weights Re-Cleaned so as to allow HDT jiggle without losing your hip shape (for those of you with wide hips) - Breasts Weights Updated so as to allow for smoother HDT collision as well as Bounce - Breast01 Weights updated to give a better 'subtle' top heavy Boob Jiggle - Slight Shoulder weight tweaks to help with transitions from walk/running animations to custom idle animations (not perfected) - Belly weights left untouched, after countess HDT testing I simply could not make 'better' weighting for the belly. The weighting is carefully balanced so it caters to the need of normal users who choose not be pregnant but still retain HDT effects and effects for Pregnant Jiggle. If you can come up with better weighting let me know and I'll be happy to upload it as an optional or if it has overall better effects for both spectrums, I'll update the main file with it. 1/29/14 - Added 3 New Bodies with 3-D PUBES AND LABIA MESHES! - FIXED a few slight weight adjustments to shoulders (needs more work to be perfect) - Integrated 5 NEW SLIDERS! They'll mimic 7Base Thighs/Calfs/Breasts and ADM LowerBody/Thighs/Calfs 1/31/14 - Changed Belly weighting to be more 'realistic' - Changed Breast weighting for better HDT effects and for better skeleton node scaling support. - Improved the 'synergy' of my new sliders with current sliders. - Improved butt and breast node scaling 2/2/14 - Reverted Belly weights back to Vioxsis original belly weights (After many tests/tweaks I simply could not get better working weights for HDT and scaling) - BodySlide weight changes are finalized. This version is now safe for OS use to convert armors. - Breast Scaling works fine as long as you ONLY scale the Breast Weights, DO NOT SCALE BREAST01 WEIGHTS! - Included my custom sliders, re-fixed to be more compatible with current sliders (again) - Added 5 new sliders based off of the ZGGB Body (Please Thank Vioxsis for the hard work, took 4 Hours to make!!!) - Any versions after this version will only contain alternative Bodies (such as more pubes/labia options) or more sliders (very rare for now) or Bugfixes - While the current weights are finalized, I will be open to change ONLY the butt weights and only ADD future weights (All this will also only happen when OS is updated again) 2/6/14 - Changed the Config.xml file to have my new sliders put under the advanced tab to make them more 'noticeable' (Thanks to Tase for idea!) - Added ZGGB conversion references (Again only possible due to Vioxsis) - Added Fixed 7Base Conversion References (Full credit to Cell and thanks for 'releasing' them early to us here on LL!) - Added CHSBHC/Adec Conversion References! (Let me know if you want me to rip any 'parts' from them to add as sliders for CBBE Body) Thanks cell! - Halted Conversions and such to work on my new project! 2/9/14 - Added 3 New Sliders court (Courtesy of PsychoMachina and his Venus Body Mod) - Implemented RaceMenu tattoos fix for Labia meshes - Added BETA Nipple Piercing Reference for conversions (Needs alignment testing in game a bit) - Major Thanks to Vioxsis again! - Fixed Config.xml file for the Bone issue in OS. 2/10/14 - Fixed the Nipple Piercing Conversion Reference, they work correctly now. - Added an optional box.nif for the nipple piercing conversions for the 'original' HDT weighting. - [bUG] Labia + Racemenu Tattoos still do not work together, will have to ask expired and see if he can offer some guidance. Low priority for now. 3/1/14 - Completely redesigned end user package made exclusively by stuffed_bunny! - The package is now a LOT smaller to download and includes many neat new optional zap sliders - It includes a BUNCH of new 'conversion references' for both CBBE and 7BaseBombshell! - Removed 'Modder' stuff like Piercing Conversion Packages and other unnecessary extra's - HIGHLY SUGGESTED to download if all you'll be doing is making Bodies and not converting outfits to it! (AKA: End User Friendly) - Probably missing a few other important details, if I am let me know - Outfit Modder's: Please stay on v1.3 until a seperate modder's package is made for update 1.4. Thank you for your patience! 7Base Bombshell BETA v.4: (On Hold) Installation: Place .nifs in your "Data\Meshes\actors\character\character assets" Features: - Re-Done from almost scratch - Smoothened Belly Weights - Fixed Breast/Butt weights - Added Weight Slider support - Cleaned EVERY weight - Improved butt and breast weighting for skeletal node scaling To-Do's: - User testing/feedback - Fix butt weights for skeleton node scaling ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HDT Weight Patch for ChronoTrigger77's Remodeled Armor Patch v1: REQUIRES: ChronoTrigger77's Remodeled Armor for CBBE BodySlide XPMS based skeleton. Installation: 1. Copy folders into "Data/CalienteTools/ShapeData" 2. Overwrite if needed. Notes: There might be some slight issues using some HDT files. Will be fixed in future. Panty Zap Sliders ARE THE ONLY WORKING ZAP SLIDERS, this MAY be fixed. Does not contain my custom 7Base thigh,breast or calf sliders. Depending on my motivation I may or may not add this. Permissions: Ask ChronoTrigger77 on nexus if you wish to use/edit/re-distribute these files. Conversions not working in BodySlide: The meshes for these are 100% correct, however due to some zap slider incompatibilities, BodySlide will not run through them correctly. I will see about a possible patch. Will take some time as I experiment to find the most efficient way to fix. - Elven Light - Draugr - Dark Brotherhood - Nocturnal - Savior's Hide - Nordic Carved - Skaal Credits: gerra6 - Creator of Mesh Rigger, a VERY easy to use program to transfer weights between meshes ChronoTrigger77 - For his hard working on making the sliders PERFECT! DISCLAIMER: THIS BODY IS ALREADY SETUP WITH .NIF COLLISION DATA POINTED TO "DATA/SKSE/Plugins/hdtPhysicsExtensionsDefaultBBP.xml" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ: Q. Will the bodies presented here only be for CBBE? A. Hopefully not, I created this page to help link all the requests out there for other BodyTypes as well. Q. What's the difference between this and PSB, doesn't it already have TBBP compatability? A. Yes, it has TBBP Compatability but BBP bounce, the author intentionally left out the Breast01 weights for fear of surpassing the 4 weights per vertex problem. Q. If I make an Outfit Conversion using these bodies, will I see pregnant ladies/do I need a pregnancy mod? A. NO, the whole point of this body is so that you can make the conversion with this body and then share with everyone without having to worry for requests such as making a dedicated TBBP one or PSB one... Q. What do you mean by 'clean' weights? A. Most of the body meshes you see even now have weird weight paints, for instance some CBBE meshes (including Dragonfly's TBBP mesh) has a R Calf Bone weight with the entire L Calf Bone weight applied to it (albeit the weight is tiny so it goes unnoticeable in game) see pic below for example: Q. What do you mean by expandable? A. As modders get more and more creative, they may begin to add more bone weights to the body to achieve greater effects. Using TPSB body's those modders can safely copy 'cleaned' bone weights that have been tested and focus on adding the new bone weights without removing past features. Ex: The vag bone weights are still unused, but will most definitely be used when modders come up with a vag mesh that opens and closes when something is inserted. Ex 2: With the cleaned weighting it may be possible to add Thigh + Arm jiggle as well without violating the 4 weights per vertex bone. If you would like to help/contribute to this effort just post back on this thread or PM me If you've got a file that you think should end up here, send it and be sure to attach credits for everyone who worked on it! HDT Extension Page HDT extension's are also a WIP. Belly Jiggle Added, check the page for instructions/download! Page To-Do's: - Clean up Page - Add more info into FAQ - Color/Highlight important info - Make credit links to everyone's work/relevant posts Credits: stuffed_bunny - For singlehandedly making update 1.4! Vioxsis - Creating the weighted mesh. zecoron - Creator of Original PSB body Dragonfly - Creator of TBBP Caliente / Cell - Team that brought us BodySlide2 and Outfit Studio Lother - for making the unclean TPSB files and some early outfit conversions on it DeathMaw - Help on testing TPSB body DorkDiva - Pubes mesh for v1.1 ACanOfWin - Help testing 7Base Body PsychoMachina - Creating Some of the New Sliders tase - Giving me the idea for 'Advanced Sliders' blabba - Some dude who put together everyone else's great work with some tweaks of his own. LoversLab - For the awesome community -
Version BETA v3.1
Added StevieRage's edited XML file as the main file, it's really good and please drop him a like for his work! Updates: 1/18/2014 - Found out that the values in this HDT Bounce kit work well for Large breasted women, need to make another for smaller breasted women. 1/19/2014 - Implemented Pregnancy Belly Collision, needs refinement though. - Added Butt Love in v2.1 For those who want more jiggle in their rear. See images for a .gif - This file has completely broken breast collision and breast bounce, will need to fix. - After getting some help from clp2011 and more experimenting, added an alternative TBBP breast01 version that manipulates the Breast01 weights of TBBP meshes, - This version fixes spazzy breasts for the most part. 1/25/2014 - Added Optional Modders Resource File v.2 download - The Modders Resource File contains custom skeleton replacer made by Groovtama and also include his HDT PE.hkx file (Don't have to delete femaleskeleton.hkx) - The file is experimental and meant to be used with the new HDT Body - There are a few known bugs, the HDT needs more tweaking and testing. Pleae report errors/bugs in this thread - The final form will require you to use Groovtama's updated Skeleton Files from his Download PAge (Will be linked when he has updated, and this file will be removed and replaced only with the .xml file) What is This File? Basically it's CLP's HDT All-In-One file merged together with the hdt.xml from the MangaBody thread , add to it a slight dash of Monsto's HDT Tribble with some spice added by yours truly while messing with the JFF program. I tweaked this file specifically for the TPSB body that is linked in my BodySlide Tutorial thread. ADDED BETA BELLY JIGGLE (PREGNANT AND NON PREGNANT) Test it out and let me know what you think. What is TPSB HDT Body? TPSB = Tender Pregnant Scale Body (Meant more for NON-HDT enabled bodies) It's basically a body that emerged from the frustration of people asking for PSB BodySlide conversions and then TBBP & HDT 'naturalists' saying that they wanted a full TBBP implementation of the Outfit in BodySlide... While PSB has TBBP SUPPORT, it only actually has BBP BOUNCE, which is simply too bouncy for some and also messes up with the great HDT Bounce Kits or vanilla TBBP bounce. So basically this Body will allow Outfit Studio modders to make just 1 conversion and please both camps HDT Body It also is supposed to increase compatibility with HDT Bounce kits, as most that have been posted have done so with TBBP in mind (where all the breast bones are weighted) So then why a customized Bounce kit for this Body? Reasoning for this Kit: A problem had arisen for me when using TPSB along with HDT Tripples and HDT.xml, basically I had collision but no Bounce. No idea why... In order to fix this, I created this Bounce Kit so HDT body users (as well as others I guess) could have both at the same time. Installation: 1. Place in Data/SKSE/Plugins directory, overwrite if asked To-Do's: - Work on the Bounce - Add some .gif's so people see what their getting. - Whatever else any users find. Credits: Monsto - For HDT Tripples and this forum Vioxsis - Creating the HDT Body CLP - For his All-In-One file zecoron - For the original PSB DeathMaw - For helping me test out the TPSB body and identifying the Crushed Breast problem Groovtama - For creating the custom skeleton and femaleskeleton.hkx Stevierage - For fixing up my pathetic values of belly jiggle -
Version 1.0
Custom fit your Devious Devices to your Custom-Built Body! The assets of Devious Devices will clip no more with this BodySlide2.2 and Outfit Studio plugin (see screen shots). ***IMPORTANT*** New version uploaded for CBBE 3.3 and Bodyslide 2.2--for CBBE HDT only. The meshes may work on other CBBE derived bodies with HDT but this is not tested. The HDT Body is not compatible with the new Bodyslide 2.2. The previous versions for HDT Body and PSB Body will not be supported, however they are left in the downloads for the time being. The CBBE 3.3 body and Bodyslide 2.2 fix most known issues from previous versions making the HDT Body and the PSB Body obsolete. CBBE HDT is pregnancy scaling and fully HDT_PE compatible. *****VERY IMPORTANT***** Two versions of the Padded Bra are included in the DD File--one that remains rigid and one that has HDT weighting applied and thus mirrors breast movement. If you build both, one will override the other, so build either "Bra-Padded Rigid" or "Bra-Padded HDT" depending on your preferences. If you wish to use the HDT weighted variant you must deselect the Breast Management Option in the Devious Devices MCM, otherwise the bra will be FUNKY o say the least. **********VERY VERY IMPORTANT********** If you are using the HDT Weighted Bra variant (Bra-Padded HDT) and you have crushed breasts and the bra is crushed to them as well---deactivate the "Breast Management" Option under Devices in the Devious Devices MCM Menu. This will fix the crushed breasts WHAT THE MOD DOES: DD_Bodyslide_CBBE_HDT_1_0: Adds BodySlide compatibility to the Belts, Cuffs, and Restraints from Devious Devices Assets for the CBBE HDT Body DDX_Bodyslide_CBBE_HDT_1_0: Adds BodySlide compatibility to the Belts, Cuffs, and Restraints from Devious Devices Expansion for the CBBE HDT Body USAGE: Open BodySlide 2.2 Select "Choose Groups" from the "Filter by Groups" Spyglass/Drop-down (center-top) Select either "Skeuomorph Devious" or "Skeuomorph Devious psb" and hit "OK" Select "Batch Build" in the BodySlide 2.0 main window (lower left) Hit "OK" and Devious Devices' Assets are now scaled and fitted to your custom body preset CONFLICTS: There are no scripts, BSAs, or esp's. The files only add to Bodyslide and nothing is replaced, so this mod should not conflict with any known mod. REQUIRED MODS: Skyrim SexLab - Sex Animation Framework+ Devious Devices - Integration Devious Expansion Devious Devices (Assets) Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE- BodySlide 2 and Outfit Studio RECOMMENDED MODS: Skyrim Strapons Skyrim Strapons for Bodyslide2 Devious Devices - For the Masses Devious Devices - Captured Dreams Shop Devious Regulations -
Version 3.0
Custom Fit your SexLab Strapons to fit your Custom-Built Body!!! If you use BodySlide and create your own customized body preset; clothing and armor based on the base shape often clips and doesn't fit quite right. Such clipping is very noticeable when using a pregnancy mod or the Pregnancy Scaling Body (PSB), particularly during the body changes brought on by Estrus Charus. This is a set of plugins for BodySlide 2.0 and Outfit Studio that eliminates, or drastically reduces mesh clipping when using a custom Bodyslide preset and Skyrim Strapons. WHAT THE MOD DOES: File 1: Adds slider sets and slider groups to Bodyslide 2.0 that conform the strapons to the slider states of the chosen CBBE based body preset File 2: Adds support for the different scale weights of the Pregnancy Scaling Body (PSB) INSTALL: Best results with NMM. For manual install, extract the contents of the archives to your Skyrim directory, or the contents of the Data folder in the archives to your Skyrim\Data directory. PATCH: Install over the existing files and accept file replacement. UNINSTALL: Deactivate in NMM or delete the folder: ...Data\CalienteTools\Bodyslide\ShapeData\Skeuomorph and the files: ...Data\CalienteTools\Bodyslide\SliderGroups\Skeuomorph_Groups.xml ...Data\CalienteTools\Bodyslide\SliderSets\Skeuomorph_Skyrim_Strapons_cbbea.xml ...Data\CalienteTools\Bodyslide\SliderSets\Skeuomorph_Skyrim_Strapons_psb.xml USAGE: Open Bodyslide 2.0 Select "Choose Groups" from the "Filter by Groups" Spyglass/Drop-down Select either group "Skeuomorph Skyrim Strapons cbbea" or "Skeuomorph Skyrim Strapons psb" and hit "OK" Select "Batch Build" in the lower left corner of the BodySlide 2.0 window Select the NIFS to build and hit "OK." REQUIRED FILES Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition BodySlide 2 and Outfit Studio Skyrim Strap Ons OPTIONAL FILES (pregnancy scaling) [PSB] Pregnancy Scaling Body [HDT] HDT Body -
View File Custom fit your Devious Devices to your Custom-Built Body! The assets of Devious Devices will clip no more with this BodySlide2.2 and Outfit Studio plugin (see screen shots). ***IMPORTANT*** New version uploaded for CBBE 3.3 and Bodyslide 2.2--for CBBE HDT only. The meshes may work on other CBBE derived bodies with HDT but this is not tested. The HDT Body is not compatible with the new Bodyslide 2.2. The previous versions for HDT Body and PSB Body will not be supported, however they are left in the downloads for the time being. The CBBE 3.3 body and Bodyslide 2.2 fix most known issues from previous versions making the HDT Body and the PSB Body obsolete. CBBE HDT is pregnancy scaling and fully HDT_PE compatible. *****VERY IMPORTANT***** Two versions of the Padded Bra are included in the DD File--one that remains rigid and one that has HDT weighting applied and thus mirrors breast movement. If you build both, one will override the other, so build either "Bra-Padded Rigid" or "Bra-Padded HDT" depending on your preferences. If you wish to use the HDT weighted variant you must deselect the Breast Management Option in the Devious Devices MCM, otherwise the bra will be FUNKY o say the least. **********VERY VERY IMPORTANT********** If you are using the HDT Weighted Bra variant (Bra-Padded HDT) and you have crushed breasts and the bra is crushed to them as well---deactivate the "Breast Management" Option under Devices in the Devious Devices MCM Menu. This will fix the crushed breasts WHAT THE MOD DOES: DD_Bodyslide_CBBE_HDT_1_0: Adds BodySlide compatibility to the Belts, Cuffs, and Restraints from Devious Devices Assets for the CBBE HDT Body DDX_Bodyslide_CBBE_HDT_1_0: Adds BodySlide compatibility to the Belts, Cuffs, and Restraints from Devious Devices Expansion for the CBBE HDT Body USAGE: Open BodySlide 2.2 Select "Choose Groups" from the "Filter by Groups" Spyglass/Drop-down (center-top) Select either "Skeuomorph Devious" or "Skeuomorph Devious psb" and hit "OK" Select "Batch Build" in the BodySlide 2.0 main window (lower left) Hit "OK" and Devious Devices' Assets are now scaled and fitted to your custom body preset CONFLICTS: There are no scripts, BSAs, or esp's. The files only add to Bodyslide and nothing is replaced, so this mod should not conflict with any known mod. REQUIRED MODS: Skyrim SexLab - Sex Animation Framework+ Devious Devices - Integration Devious Expansion Devious Devices (Assets) Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE- BodySlide 2 and Outfit Studio RECOMMENDED MODS: Skyrim Strapons Skyrim Strapons for Bodyslide2 Devious Devices - For the Masses Devious Devices - Captured Dreams Shop Devious Regulations Submitter Skeuomorph Submitted 12/28/2013 Category Other Requires Skyrim SexLab, Devious Devices-Integration, Devious Devices (Assets), Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition, BodySlide 2 and Outfit Studio Special Edition Compatible
View File The Secretary Outfit: (All cloth parts are separately equippable un-equippable) SecretaryBra SecretaryEarrings SecretaryGarter SecretaryGlasses SecretaryHighHeelsCBBE SecretaryPanty SecretarySkirt SecretaryStockings SecretarySuit SecretarySuit2 (All cloth parts can be crafted at chemistry station under utility) ---------------------------------------- Modification and color variations: -SecretaryHighHeelsCBBE - is the Base "Outfit", build this first in BodySlide on your preset (it contains the body with edited legs to fit the highheels) = (red and black color variations) -SecretaryBra - with four color variations: blue,red,white,black (red and black are transparent) -SecretaryPanty - with four color variations: blue,red,white,black (red and black are transparent) -SecretaryGarter - with three color variations: black,white,red. -SecretaryStockings - whith three black versions,one white and a red. -SecretarySkirt - with four color variations: dirty,clean,lace,brown. -SecretarySuit - with three color variations: dirty,clean,lace. -SecretarySuit2 - with two color variations: brown,striped. (it will swap the first suit on equipe) (All modification and color variations can be crafted at armor workbench after build at chemistry station) you can mix cloth parts with other mods/outfit, just note: some parts are undearmor,armor,body etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To get the outfit in game using console commands type: Help secretary 0 (you will get a random ID number) Something like this: ARMO (00000000) 'SecretarySkirt' Remember the ID number and type again in console commands: Player.additem 00000000 <-- (the random ID number) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Or you can craft all outfit parts at chemistry station under utility. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Download and extract the archive to Fallout 4 directory or use your prefered download manager. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Credits: Creators of Body Slide and Outfit Studio 3D resources: Cadnav PS Brushes: roula33 Obsidian Dawn Falln-Brushes ---------------------------------------------------- This files are Not for commercial use you can edit,modify,retexture,reupload Only on this site ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- give proper credits to all parties involved. Submitter Gamoholik Submitted 10/19/2016 Category Armor & Clothing Requires BodySlide and Outfit Studio
- 30 replies
- Outfit Studio
(and 2 more)
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View File The Mini Dress: MiniDress - (a Lace version can be crafted at armor workbench after build at chemistry station) MiniDressBra MiniDressCBBEBoots - (build this first in BodySlide on your preset it contains the body and the boots) MiniDressThong separately equippable un-equippable -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To get the outfit in game using console commands type: Help mini 0 (you will get a random ID number) Something like this: ARMO (00000000) 'MiniDress' Remember the ID number and type again in console commands: Player.additem 00000000 <-- (the random ID number) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Or you can craft all outfit parts at chemistry station under utility. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Download and extract the archive to Fallout 4 directory or use your prefered download manager. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Credits: Creators of Body Slide and Outfit Studio 3D resources: Cadnav,kuma PS Brushes: roula33 Obsidian Dawn Falln-Brushes ---------------------------------------------------- This files are Not for commercial use you can edit,modify,retexture,reupload Only on this site ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- give proper credits to all parties involved. Submitter Gamoholik Submitted 10/21/2016 Category Armor & Clothing Requires BodySlide and Outfit Studio
- 11 replies
- Outfit Studio
(and 3 more)
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View File PinUp Outfit: -------------------- -PinUpBandana -PinUpBra -PinUpCBBE - build this first in BodySlide on your preset (it contains the body with edited legs to fit the highheels) -PinUpDress (it will swap with PinUpSkirt_Shirt) -PinUpGarter -PinUpGstring -PinUpHilo_Corset (option to hide hilo and/or corset in BodySlide - uncheck/check boxes) -PinUpSkirt_Shirt (option to hide Skirt and/or Shirt in BodySlide - uncheck/check boxes) - it will swap with PinUpDress -PinUpStockings (it will swap with PinUpSuspenders) -PinUpSuspenders (it will swap with PinUpStockings,PinUpGstring) All cloth parts are separately equippable un-equippable All can be crafted at chemistry station under utility or using console commands "help pinup 0" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Download and extract the archive to Fallout 4 directory or use your prefered download manager. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ========= Credits: Creators of Body Slide and Outfit Studio 3D resources: Rick Bridenbaker Aphrodite3d MarianneR brightshiningstar Eismaus svdl PS Brushes: roula33 Obsidian Dawn Falln-Brushes =============== ---------------------------- This files are Not for commercial use. Do Not Redistribute. ------------------------------------ Submitter Gamoholik Submitted 11/08/2016 Category Armor & Clothing Requires BodySlide and Outfit Studio
View File The Outfit: Version 1: 111VaultSuitCBBE = One piece suit (it should conform without clipping issues) ----------------------------------------------- Version 2: -111Boots -111CBBE - build this first in BodySlide on your preset (it contains the body) -111Pants -111TankTopPanty -111Top The parts are separately equippable un-equippable ------------------------------------------------------- Modification and color variations: 111Pants = clean + dirty 111TankTopPanty = clean + dirty 111Top = clean + dirty The dirty version can be crafted at armor workbench after build at chemistry station ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All cloth parts can be crafted at chemistry station under utility Or using console commands - "Help CBBE 4" -------------------------------------------------------------------- Download and extract the archive to Fallout 4 directory or use your prefered download manager. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Credits: Creators of Body Slide and Outfit Studio --------------------------------------------------------- you can edit,modify,retexture,reupload Only on this site Submitter Gamoholik Submitted 11/17/2016 Category Armor & Clothing Requires BodySlide and Outfit Studio
View File Bodyslide files: Jewelries (slot-unnamed 57) Jewelries2 (slot-unnamed 56) Jewelries3 (slot-unnamed 57) Jewelries4 (slot-unnamed 56) Jewelries5 (slot-unnamed 58) ------------------------ necklace bracelet foot bracelet belly piercing nose piercing rings foot toe ring earings ------------------------ All in one to save slots for other cloth/outfits It might not conform on all modded heads ----------------------------------------------------------- -V2 Added option to hide/unhide each parts in BodySlide by default is hidden uncheck the boxes. -V2.1 Added missing BodySlide files ------------------------------------------------------ -V3 Added: five new rings new nose piercing new belly piercing wrist watch neck collar nipple piercing (option to hide/unhide each parts in BodySlide) -V3.1 added correct path to folders -moved a ring that did not conformed on the small finger -------------------------------------------------------- V4: - Jewelries3 (18 new rings,bracelet) - Jewelries4 (new earings,neck collar,new nose piercing plus 1 from old version and 2 ear piercings from old version) - Jewelries5 (new belly piercing,new armlet,3 new foot rings,new foot nails, plus 1 foot bracelet from old version) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V5: - Jewelries3 (hands) rings. - Jewelries4 (head parts) earings,piercings,necklace. - Jewelries5 (body parts) bracelet,rings,piercings. ------------------------------------------------------------- separated in 3 files because: the parts for the head it will conform on the head the parts for the body it will conform on the body the parts for the hands it will conform on the hands (this way will have less stretching in game than the previous versions) (check the slots to see what will replace this version from old version) -i tried to fit the head parts on Loving Piper and Blood Rose, it will not fit on all heads- -no hide/show bodyslide files in this version,for now. ====================================================== The Jewelries can be crafted at chemistry station under utility, or get them using console commands, type: "Jew 4" ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Download and extract the archive to Fallout 4 directory or use your prefered download manager. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Credits: Creators of Body Slide and Outfit Studio -------------------------------------------------- Scythgames for the rings and textures ------------------------------------------------------ Submitter Gamoholik Submitted 12/28/2016 Category Armor & Clothing Requires BodySlide and OutfitStudio
- 44 replies
I've been trying to make a custom BodySlide slider to augment a particular body part. This is one of the advertised features of BodySlide/Outfit Studio, but I can't actually find any documentation on how exactly to accomplish this (and believe me, I've searched). I've gotten as far as going into Outfit Studio>Slider>New Slider, toggling Edit Mode and using the brushes to create the desired shape on the reference body... but now what? What are the next steps if I want to have outfits and bodies conform to this new slider, or (and I'm not sure if this is easily accomplishable but it would be nice) adjust the new slider through RaceMenu in-game?
- 15 replies
View File Ok so I had quite a few people asking me to upload a body for download... so here's one I felt was the most complete. You're still going to need to edit the body in-game using racemenu sliders along with those from the new 'CBBE morphs' tab and some from another mod that I will post a link to below. I'll post my slider settings as well to show you how I got the look you see in the pictures. I'm not sure if the mod load order will mean anything for racemenu and the joining mod, but In my experience, you first need to edit the body using the default racemenu sliders in the 'body scales' tab, then move to the 'body' tab to edit the other ones. AND I finally got off my ass to release my edit for Sotteta Necromancer Outfit. It's in the downloads tab. Sorry for the super long wait. Included are the boots, armor, cuisse, gloves, and scarf. As always, let me know if any of it is broken and I'll fix it right away. Mods you need: (aside from the obvious skyui and skse) CBBE Make sure you get bodyslide as well Racemenu XP32 (my bad, it was brought to my attention that you also need the extended version along with it ) Racemenu Skeleton Sliders (this one is tricky. I'm not 100% sure what is good to install for it to work with the newer versions of the other mods but to be safe, I downloaded both the ' Slider Complier Beta 6 ' as well as the ' Main file - xml Complier included ' follow the instructions in the description with activating the mod manually and whatnot and you should be good. If you have any questions about it, don't hesitate to ask and I'll see if I can provide a more detailed explanation) HDT Physics Extentions (along with a preset if you want) And you can get Sotteta Necromancer Outfit here Mods that I use and are relevant: Fair Skin Complexion Feminine Argonian Textures You should be good to go to start in-game. If there are any issues with this crap then just ask. This is my first upload so I'm hoping it goes pretty smoothly. If there aren't any issues, I'll start posting other bodies that I think are complete for you. In case your'e interested, here's some more screenshots of other bodies I can post here at some point. Submitter snakermac Submitted 03/01/2016 Category Body Replacers Requires Special Edition Compatible
View File Nyra Outfit: -Nyra -NyraGloves Nyra weapon: -NyraKatana --------------------- all parts can be crafted at chemistry station under utility, or using console commands = "help nyra 0" --------------------------------------------------------------- Install: extract the archive to Fallout 4 directory or use your prefered download manager. --------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Creators of Body Slide and Outfit Studio 3D resources: Nyra Outfit, Artist - paultosca ----------------------------------------- This files are Not for commercial use Do Not Reupload Do Not Redistribute --------------------------------- Submitter Gamoholik Submitted 11/03/2016 Category Armor & Clothing Requires BodySlide and Outfit Studio
Hey everyone. This is the official sticky thread for the Skyrim versions of CBBE, UUNP, BodySlide and Outfit Studio. For news about the Skyrim Special Edition (SSE), please refer to this thread instead! Check out the wiki with documentation and guides for BodySlide and Outfit Studio! Mod pages: - CBBE - UUNP (included in BodySlide) - BodySlide and Outfit Studio (with physics and morphs) Mod lists: - CBBE Mod List (for Nexus) - There's more lists for CBBE and UUNP all over the sites, but I don't have the time to (always) find and list them all. -------------------- What is CBBE? CBBE replaces the female body with one that is fully customizable with BodySlide. Body textures with different quality options included. Includes a face pack compatible with the body, so you can jump right into the game. 50+ sliders are divided into categories that can be toggled on or off. Comes with BBP/TBBP/HDT variants through BodySlide! What is Unified UNP (UUNP)? All of your favorite UNP shape variants combined in one set of sliders! Includes all of the sliders that CBBE has, plus full-body sliders for the most popular UNP family shapes. These bodies require UNP textures to be installed and come in regular, HDT and Special variants. UUNP Special has a "working" 3D vagina for the HDT Physics Extensions and requires usage of the included TexBlendUUNP package or already compatible textures. Unless necessary, conversions should be made for UUNP regular and UUNP HDT only. What is BodySlide? BodySlide provides an easy way to customize outfits and bodies without the need to edit mesh files yourself. The project files for BodySlide are created in Outfit Studio. What is Outfit Studio? Outfit Studio lets you convert outfits between bodies using conversion references, create your own sliders for BodySlide, correct animation weights and edit meshes with brushes or transform tools. -------------------- Refer to the mod pages above for all game-specific releases, change logs, install instructions and FAQs. Discuss the bodies and the program, post questions, suggest features, report bugs and link to newly created outfits. All the things! The only rule: Don't start discussions about which body mods are better than others!
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INTRO: I made this thread to sort of neatly compile all the data/information over in the BodySlide Conversion Thread into a neat little guide to encourage more of you to use BodySlide and Outfit Studio correctly! The following link is all you need for most of these tutorials, it also contains official tutorials and FAQ on the main page. BodySlide 2 and Outfit Studio Fun Fact: CREDITS: Caliente - Creator of BodySlide and CBBE body cell (ousnius) - Contributor to BodySlide. You can ask him for assistance/bug reports on his thread here or the Nexus mod page stuffed_bunny - Contributor to BodySlide. Advanced users click his link for some resources and BSD slider data tools! ChronoTrigger77 - Contributor to BodySlide and creator of Remodeled Armor. Click the link for his work. Malystraza - Immortalizing this post by turning it into a professional looking PDF! Ashal - For pinning this thread so it can be used as a resource for users and modders alike. TERMINOLOGY: Read this section if you are unfamiliar with some terms in the guides. More advanced users can skip. GUIDE 0: Preparing meshes for Outfit Studio: (Not needed for newest version of Bodyslide) GUIDE 1: Any Outfit -> BodySlide (Custom Body): GUIDE 2: Loading a BodySlide Preset into Outfit Studio: GUIDE 3: Convert/Edit any outfit mesh (any body type): Guide 4: Tweak BodySlide/Outfit Studio: GUIDE 5: Outfit Studio's "Set Textures" feature: GUIDE 6: Setting up BodySlide presets to show up on your outfit: DISCLAIMER: This method should only be used for testing your own preset with the conversion, for a QUALITY release, please see guide 9. Guide 7: Creating your own sliders for an outfit: Guide 8: Adding options to your BodySlide outfits (e.g. Zaps): Guide 9: Packaging your BodySlide conversion for release (outfit groups): Guide 10: HDT/TBBP Nipple Piercing BodySlide Conversions (Video Only for Now): Guide 11: Transferring sliders via XML editing (WIP): FAQ: Q: I think I found a bug in BodySlide/Outfit Studio. A: Well, first check the official GitHub issues list to see if it's already been identified, and if it isn't, PM cell here (or ousnius on Nexus) with a description of it. Q: When I load up my conversion in-game I have these black squares or irregular textures? A: In Outfit Studio, hit "Shape" and uncheck "Smooth Seam Normals". Q: I get animation clipping issues on my conversions? (Body clipping through outfit in-game) Multiple fixes: 1. Go back in OS and create more 'space' between the mesh and the body using the brushes (hint: view in wireframe mode to double check the areas). 2. Create a zap slider and mask the belly area, invert the mask and click "Slider -> New Zap". This will 'hide' the belly underneath the armor so you will not see clipping issues. 3. Re-adjust bone weighting. Number 1 is fairly easy, number 2 is sort of a hack in my mind, but many armors and such have done this to circumvent weight clipping. Number 3 is by far the hardest, but could also potentially give the most 'quality' result (or it may not xD). Q: When I load boots/gloves the feet/hands/mesh is completely off from the body A: This is a known bug, you can try fixing this in Outfit Studio by hitting "Shape -> Move Shape" to move the ENTIRE shape back onto the body. Test if it worked by exporting to *.nif and opening in NifSkope and see if it shows up correctly. If not, then you're out of luck and should seek further assistance. Q: Help! No textures load in Outfit Studio or I have completely black textures! A: Well, check to make sure your textures are 'loose' and not packed inside a .bsa, this isn't a feature supported yet. If the textures are loose and you're still not getting any textures or black textures in Outfit Studio, then it's just a bug that others have reported. See guide 5 for quick fix.[/color] Q: I loaded my outfit into BodySlide, but I don't see my preset? A: You have to manually add your outfit to the (super) group the preset was saved in, or edit your created preset so that it links to your outfit. You can still create the outfit with your BodySlide preset, you just need to navigate to the body that you made the preset for, select the preset, then type your outfit's slider set name into the "Outfit Filter" and hit batch build. Q: When I add weights to my outfit mesh and try opening it up in NifSkope, I get a bunch of errors. A: Please see guide 0, and also make sure that all vertices of it are weighted! Q: What's that sexy text editor you use? (Okay not really asked but still...) A: Sublime Text 3 PERMISSIONS: Feel free to copy/paste or link this guide. Feel free to translate this guide. Feel free to make your own guide I've attached the images to help you! (They'll be updated for revisions/changes) If this guide helps any of you, then the best way to say thanks is to make more conversions and share with the community! Guide 1 Pics.rar Guide 2 Pics.rar Guide 3 Pics.rar Config.xml Guide 4 Pics.rar Guide 5 Pics.rar Guide 6 Pics.rar Guide 7 Pics.rar Guide 8.rar Guide 9 Pics.rar BodySlide for Dummies.pdf Guide 0 Pics.rar
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View File Custom Fit your SexLab Strapons to fit your Custom-Built Body!!! If you use BodySlide and create your own customized body preset; clothing and armor based on the base shape often clips and doesn't fit quite right. Such clipping is very noticeable when using a pregnancy mod or the Pregnancy Scaling Body (PSB), particularly during the body changes brought on by Estrus Charus. This is a set of plugins for BodySlide 2.0 and Outfit Studio that eliminates, or drastically reduces mesh clipping when using a custom Bodyslide preset and Skyrim Strapons. WHAT THE MOD DOES: File 1: Adds slider sets and slider groups to Bodyslide 2.0 that conform the strapons to the slider states of the chosen CBBE based body preset File 2: Adds support for the different scale weights of the Pregnancy Scaling Body (PSB) INSTALL: Best results with NMM. For manual install, extract the contents of the archives to your Skyrim directory, or the contents of the Data folder in the archives to your Skyrim\Data directory. PATCH: Install over the existing files and accept file replacement. UNINSTALL: Deactivate in NMM or delete the folder: ...Data\CalienteTools\Bodyslide\ShapeData\Skeuomorph and the files: ...Data\CalienteTools\Bodyslide\SliderGroups\Skeuomorph_Groups.xml ...Data\CalienteTools\Bodyslide\SliderSets\Skeuomorph_Skyrim_Strapons_cbbea.xml ...Data\CalienteTools\Bodyslide\SliderSets\Skeuomorph_Skyrim_Strapons_psb.xml USAGE: Open Bodyslide 2.0 Select "Choose Groups" from the "Filter by Groups" Spyglass/Drop-down Select either group "Skeuomorph Skyrim Strapons cbbea" or "Skeuomorph Skyrim Strapons psb" and hit "OK" Select "Batch Build" in the lower left corner of the BodySlide 2.0 window Select the NIFS to build and hit "OK." REQUIRED FILES Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition BodySlide 2 and Outfit Studio Skyrim Strap Ons OPTIONAL FILES (pregnancy scaling) [PSB] Pregnancy Scaling Body [HDT] HDT Body Submitter Skeuomorph Submitted 12/28/2013 Category Models & Textures Requires Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition, BodySlide 2 and Outfit Studio, Skyrim Strap Ons Special Edition Compatible
View File There is some weirdness with the CBBEAdvancedTBBP NIF file that comes with Bodyslide 2. When used with any preset, the bodies in game have distorted breasts. Using the model in Outfit Studio to add TBBP to armor or clothes for the CBBE body also creates distortion issues. The problems are based on a misalignment of the Breast (L and R) and Breat01 (Land R) armature bones in the body NIF and the corresponding weight painting of the mesh This mod attempts to fix this problem by editing the armature and re-weighting the mesh breasts and butt This is still a work in progress Bodyslide is a great tool and generally works really well. There is a problem with the implementation of TBBP on the Caliente Advanced Body however, that leads to breast distortion and not letting armor and clothes fit correctly. If you've spent a great deal of effort and time making your body preset be the way you like and then find that what ends up in the game doesn't look at all like what you were trying to create, then this may be just the fix you need The main problem is with bone-weighting on the default Bodyslide mesh and a misalignment of the mesh's armature. This patch fixes that to a great degree. See the screenshots INSRALLATION: Using your favorite installer, just allow overwrite. Or to install manually, unpack into the Skyrim directory and allow overwrite. The file replaces the DragonflyTBBP nif in the Bodyslide Shapedata Directory. TO USE: Install, then open Bodyslide, Choose the CalienteAdvancedTBBP Body, use what ever preset you wish or create your own, then build the bodies, and also all the armor and clothes so that they fit the new body It all work on my system---please let me know if there are problems on yours Submitter Skeuomorph Submitted 05/25/2014 Category WIP / Beta Requires CBBE 3.2, Bodyslide2, TBBP enabled skeleton Special Edition Compatible
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File Name: {Broken for some reason} File Submitter: Skeuomorph File Submitted: 24 May 2014 File Category: WIP/Beta Requires: Bodyslide2, Outfit Studio, CBBE This is still a work in progress Bodyslide is a great tool and generally works really well. There is a problem with the implementation of TBBP on the Caliente Advanced Body however, that leads to breast distortion and not letting armor and clothes fit correctly. If you've spent a great deal of effort and time making your body preset be the way you like and then find that what ends up in the game doesn't look at all like what you were trying to create, then this may be just the fix you need The main problem is with bone-weighting on the default Bodyslide mesh and a misalignment of the mesh's armature. This patch fixes that to a great degree. See the screenshots INSRALLATION: Using your favorite installer, just allow overwrite. Or to install manually, unpack into the Skyrim directory and allow overwrite. The file replaces the DragonflyTBBP nif in the Bodyslide Shapedata Directory. TO USE: Install, then open Bodyslide, Choose the CalienteAdvancedTBBP Body, use what ever preset you wish or create your own, then build the bodies, and also all the armor and clothes so that they fit the new body It all work on my system---please let me know if there are problems on yours Click here to download this file
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HDT Body Customized Bounce Kit - BETA Belly Support
blabba posted a topic in HDT Physics - Downloads
View File Added StevieRage's edited XML file as the main file, it's really good and please drop him a like for his work! Updates: 1/18/2014 - Found out that the values in this HDT Bounce kit work well for Large breasted women, need to make another for smaller breasted women. 1/19/2014 - Implemented Pregnancy Belly Collision, needs refinement though. - Added Butt Love in v2.1 For those who want more jiggle in their rear. See images for a .gif - This file has completely broken breast collision and breast bounce, will need to fix. - After getting some help from clp2011 and more experimenting, added an alternative TBBP breast01 version that manipulates the Breast01 weights of TBBP meshes, - This version fixes spazzy breasts for the most part. 1/25/2014 - Added Optional Modders Resource File v.2 download - The Modders Resource File contains custom skeleton replacer made by Groovtama and also include his HDT PE.hkx file (Don't have to delete femaleskeleton.hkx) - The file is experimental and meant to be used with the new HDT Body - There are a few known bugs, the HDT needs more tweaking and testing. Pleae report errors/bugs in this thread - The final form will require you to use Groovtama's updated Skeleton Files from his Download PAge (Will be linked when he has updated, and this file will be removed and replaced only with the .xml file) What is This File? Basically it's CLP's HDT All-In-One file merged together with the hdt.xml from the MangaBody thread , add to it a slight dash of Monsto's HDT Tribble with some spice added by yours truly while messing with the JFF program. I tweaked this file specifically for the TPSB body that is linked in my BodySlide Tutorial thread. ADDED BETA BELLY JIGGLE (PREGNANT AND NON PREGNANT) Test it out and let me know what you think. What is TPSB HDT Body? TPSB = Tender Pregnant Scale Body (Meant more for NON-HDT enabled bodies) It's basically a body that emerged from the frustration of people asking for PSB BodySlide conversions and then TBBP & HDT 'naturalists' saying that they wanted a full TBBP implementation of the Outfit in BodySlide... While PSB has TBBP SUPPORT, it only actually has BBP BOUNCE, which is simply too bouncy for some and also messes up with the great HDT Bounce Kits or vanilla TBBP bounce. So basically this Body will allow Outfit Studio modders to make just 1 conversion and please both camps HDT Body It also is supposed to increase compatibility with HDT Bounce kits, as most that have been posted have done so with TBBP in mind (where all the breast bones are weighted) So then why a customized Bounce kit for this Body? Reasoning for this Kit: A problem had arisen for me when using TPSB along with HDT Tripples and HDT.xml, basically I had collision but no Bounce. No idea why... In order to fix this, I created this Bounce Kit so HDT body users (as well as others I guess) could have both at the same time. Installation: 1. Place in Data/SKSE/Plugins directory, overwrite if asked To-Do's: - Work on the Bounce - Add some .gif's so people see what their getting. - Whatever else any users find. Credits: Monsto - For HDT Tripples and this forum Vioxsis - Creating the HDT Body CLP - For his All-In-One file zecoron - For the original PSB DeathMaw - For helping me test out the TPSB body and identifying the Crushed Breast problem Groovtama - For creating the custom skeleton and femaleskeleton.hkx Stevierage - For fixing up my pathetic values of belly jiggle Submitter blabba Submitted 01/17/2014 Category HDT Physics Requires HDT based body Special Edition Compatible -
View File HDT 1.5 is still unsupported and 'unnoficial' (It hasn't been tested in-game). I only uploaded it because I used it as a reference for making a guide. Read changelog for changes. HDT Body has officially reached it's end of support. For my newest work that is current please use following thread: Project Citrus For those of you who have updated to Groovtama's newest Alpha skeleton, please use the similar HDT enabled body contained in CT77's Nexus armour downloads. It's based off of this mod but with the breasts setup to work with Groovtama's Alpha skeleton. Thanks for the support! Purpose: With the advent of BodySlide 2/ Outfit Studio becoming more popular modders are finding that they must tear themselves between adding FULL TBBP weighting vs. zecoron's PSB Body weights. The TPSB/HDT body is created out of the frustration of not being able to have the best of BOTH worlds! What is TPSB HDT Body?: TPSB = Tender Pregnant Scaled Body It's a moniker I came up with to describe FULL TBBP enabled bodies that also have the Belly weight paint from the original PSB body mod. The body is out there only for those who want to have TBBP animations AND Pregnancy at the same time. HDT Body = A fully optimized weight system for (hopefully) any BodyType to take maximum advantage of HDT physics effect. Contains legacy support for TBBP and PSB as well. Features: - 1 standard body to use to copy bone weights from in OS conversion - Cleaned weighting for maximum HDT compatability - Increased compatibility with Outfit Conversions (Use of Lock Seams is minimized) - Customized HDT effects. Read this thread for more info. - Future Expandable (Read FAQ) Requirements/Recommendations: 1. Groovtama's XPMS Extended 2. HydrogensaysHDT's Physics Extensions (Latest or Stable) File Descriptions: Unclean TPSB: Confirmed working with no seams. Has been successfully developed by Lother who has also made outfit conversions with them. Weights are 'unclean' BodySlide Enabled TPSB CBBE BodySlide v1.1: Full standard TBBP + PSB Body, included with an optional Pubes mesh Based on the Hairy Vaginas of Skyrim mod. Useful for those who do not use HDT HDT Body 1.4: A MUCH improved body weighted specifically for use with HDT effects. It is now safe for OS users to convert armors using this body (and is highly encouraged) - Even cleaner weights to allow more future HDT expansions/(possibly) better standard animation support - Butt Weights Re-Cleaned so as to allow HDT jiggle without losing your hip shape (for those of you with wide hips) - Breasts Weights Updated so as to allow for smoother HDT collision as well as Bounce - Breast01 Weights updated to give a better 'subtle' top heavy Boob Jiggle - Slight Shoulder weight tweaks to help with transitions from walk/running animations to custom idle animations (not perfected) - Belly weights left untouched, after countess HDT testing I simply could not make 'better' weighting for the belly. The weighting is carefully balanced so it caters to the need of normal users who choose not be pregnant but still retain HDT effects and effects for Pregnant Jiggle. If you can come up with better weighting let me know and I'll be happy to upload it as an optional or if it has overall better effects for both spectrums, I'll update the main file with it. 1/29/14 - Added 3 New Bodies with 3-D PUBES AND LABIA MESHES! - FIXED a few slight weight adjustments to shoulders (needs more work to be perfect) - Integrated 5 NEW SLIDERS! They'll mimic 7Base Thighs/Calfs/Breasts and ADM LowerBody/Thighs/Calfs 1/31/14 - Changed Belly weighting to be more 'realistic' - Changed Breast weighting for better HDT effects and for better skeleton node scaling support. - Improved the 'synergy' of my new sliders with current sliders. - Improved butt and breast node scaling 2/2/14 - Reverted Belly weights back to Vioxsis original belly weights (After many tests/tweaks I simply could not get better working weights for HDT and scaling) - BodySlide weight changes are finalized. This version is now safe for OS use to convert armors. - Breast Scaling works fine as long as you ONLY scale the Breast Weights, DO NOT SCALE BREAST01 WEIGHTS! - Included my custom sliders, re-fixed to be more compatible with current sliders (again) - Added 5 new sliders based off of the ZGGB Body (Please Thank Vioxsis for the hard work, took 4 Hours to make!!!) - Any versions after this version will only contain alternative Bodies (such as more pubes/labia options) or more sliders (very rare for now) or Bugfixes - While the current weights are finalized, I will be open to change ONLY the butt weights and only ADD future weights (All this will also only happen when OS is updated again) 2/6/14 - Changed the Config.xml file to have my new sliders put under the advanced tab to make them more 'noticeable' (Thanks to Tase for idea!) - Added ZGGB conversion references (Again only possible due to Vioxsis) - Added Fixed 7Base Conversion References (Full credit to Cell and thanks for 'releasing' them early to us here on LL!) - Added CHSBHC/Adec Conversion References! (Let me know if you want me to rip any 'parts' from them to add as sliders for CBBE Body) Thanks cell! - Halted Conversions and such to work on my new project! 2/9/14 - Added 3 New Sliders court (Courtesy of PsychoMachina and his Venus Body Mod) - Implemented RaceMenu tattoos fix for Labia meshes - Added BETA Nipple Piercing Reference for conversions (Needs alignment testing in game a bit) - Major Thanks to Vioxsis again! - Fixed Config.xml file for the Bone issue in OS. 2/10/14 - Fixed the Nipple Piercing Conversion Reference, they work correctly now. - Added an optional box.nif for the nipple piercing conversions for the 'original' HDT weighting. - [bUG] Labia + Racemenu Tattoos still do not work together, will have to ask expired and see if he can offer some guidance. Low priority for now. 3/1/14 - Completely redesigned end user package made exclusively by stuffed_bunny! - The package is now a LOT smaller to download and includes many neat new optional zap sliders - It includes a BUNCH of new 'conversion references' for both CBBE and 7BaseBombshell! - Removed 'Modder' stuff like Piercing Conversion Packages and other unnecessary extra's - HIGHLY SUGGESTED to download if all you'll be doing is making Bodies and not converting outfits to it! (AKA: End User Friendly) - Probably missing a few other important details, if I am let me know - Outfit Modder's: Please stay on v1.3 until a seperate modder's package is made for update 1.4. Thank you for your patience! 7Base Bombshell BETA v.4: (On Hold) Installation: Place .nifs in your "Data\Meshes\actors\character\character assets" Features: - Re-Done from almost scratch - Smoothened Belly Weights - Fixed Breast/Butt weights - Added Weight Slider support - Cleaned EVERY weight - Improved butt and breast weighting for skeletal node scaling To-Do's: - User testing/feedback - Fix butt weights for skeleton node scaling ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HDT Weight Patch for ChronoTrigger77's Remodeled Armor Patch v1: REQUIRES: ChronoTrigger77's Remodeled Armor for CBBE BodySlide XPMS based skeleton. Installation: 1. Copy folders into "Data/CalienteTools/ShapeData" 2. Overwrite if needed. Notes: There might be some slight issues using some HDT files. Will be fixed in future. Panty Zap Sliders ARE THE ONLY WORKING ZAP SLIDERS, this MAY be fixed. Does not contain my custom 7Base thigh,breast or calf sliders. Depending on my motivation I may or may not add this. Permissions: Ask ChronoTrigger77 on nexus if you wish to use/edit/re-distribute these files. Conversions not working in BodySlide: The meshes for these are 100% correct, however due to some zap slider incompatibilities, BodySlide will not run through them correctly. I will see about a possible patch. Will take some time as I experiment to find the most efficient way to fix. - Elven Light - Draugr - Dark Brotherhood - Nocturnal - Savior's Hide - Nordic Carved - Skaal Credits: gerra6 - Creator of Mesh Rigger, a VERY easy to use program to transfer weights between meshes ChronoTrigger77 - For his hard working on making the sliders PERFECT! DISCLAIMER: THIS BODY IS ALREADY SETUP WITH .NIF COLLISION DATA POINTED TO "DATA/SKSE/Plugins/hdtPhysicsExtensionsDefaultBBP.xml" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ: Q. Will the bodies presented here only be for CBBE? A. Hopefully not, I created this page to help link all the requests out there for other BodyTypes as well. Q. What's the difference between this and PSB, doesn't it already have TBBP compatability? A. Yes, it has TBBP Compatability but BBP bounce, the author intentionally left out the Breast01 weights for fear of surpassing the 4 weights per vertex problem. Q. If I make an Outfit Conversion using these bodies, will I see pregnant ladies/do I need a pregnancy mod? A. NO, the whole point of this body is so that you can make the conversion with this body and then share with everyone without having to worry for requests such as making a dedicated TBBP one or PSB one... Q. What do you mean by 'clean' weights? A. Most of the body meshes you see even now have weird weight paints, for instance some CBBE meshes (including Dragonfly's TBBP mesh) has a R Calf Bone weight with the entire L Calf Bone weight applied to it (albeit the weight is tiny so it goes unnoticeable in game) see pic below for example: Q. What do you mean by expandable? A. As modders get more and more creative, they may begin to add more bone weights to the body to achieve greater effects. Using TPSB body's those modders can safely copy 'cleaned' bone weights that have been tested and focus on adding the new bone weights without removing past features. Ex: The vag bone weights are still unused, but will most definitely be used when modders come up with a vag mesh that opens and closes when something is inserted. Ex 2: With the cleaned weighting it may be possible to add Thigh + Arm jiggle as well without violating the 4 weights per vertex bone. If you would like to help/contribute to this effort just post back on this thread or PM me If you've got a file that you think should end up here, send it and be sure to attach credits for everyone who worked on it! HDT Extension Page HDT extension's are also a WIP. Belly Jiggle Added, check the page for instructions/download! Page To-Do's: - Clean up Page - Add more info into FAQ - Color/Highlight important info - Make credit links to everyone's work/relevant posts Credits: stuffed_bunny - For singlehandedly making update 1.4! Vioxsis - Creating the weighted mesh. zecoron - Creator of Original PSB body Dragonfly - Creator of TBBP Caliente / Cell - Team that brought us BodySlide2 and Outfit Studio Lother - for making the unclean TPSB files and some early outfit conversions on it DeathMaw - Help on testing TPSB body DorkDiva - Pubes mesh for v1.1 ACanOfWin - Help testing 7Base Body PsychoMachina - Creating Some of the New Sliders tase - Giving me the idea for 'Advanced Sliders' blabba - Some dude who put together everyone else's great work with some tweaks of his own. LoversLab - For the awesome community Submitter blabba Submitted 01/19/2014 Category Body Replacers Requires HDT Physics extensions Special Edition Compatible