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Can someone help me for some reason my character turns pink when she gets cummed in then after another cum she turns so pink i cant see anything anymore file:///C:/Users/Lou/Desktop/20160808005255_1.jpg


Haven't laughed that hard for a while.


Thanks man.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I thought it was my setup but after installing and reinstall ever thing at least 5 times having the same problem and others in this thread have said the same thing so hers goes.

First day having sex with Sunny goes good with timer set to 60 my male PC gets off 2 times.
Second day I have to set the timer to 300 and just at the end of the 300 my male PC gets of for the second time.
Now for the third day or after my male PC can not get off at all he may get as high as 90 but that is all.

Here is the report file.

This is also the 4 time Sunny has disappeared on me at around the halfway mark during the last sex and I have no idea how to get her back so I just start over again.

The only reason I have this mod is the Sexout Pregnancy mod requires it.

No mater what I try my male PC can not get off on the 3rd time or more of having vaginal sex, it just don't happens.

The 3rd reinstall of ever thing I have my PC wait for 10 days before I would let him have sex again but it was no go he could not get off.

ADD More Info.
Only this last time all I did was vaginal sex to get to the 3rd day but all the other times he can get off on the other options with no problem but I was trying to get sunny pregnant to see what a offspring would look like.
All the other options of sex BJ, anal, jerked and so on I don't have any problems with and my PC gets off 10 the 20 times a day its just vaginal sex it happens on.

Adding new info on this.
If and when I use the run command to speed it up for my PC all NPC's at the time will go negative on arousal.

SpunkSPArousalScpt on Goodsprings Settler, 0010B3DE: base 0.65, RP 1.00, XPF 5.00, AM -12.00, enjoy 1.00, timer 155, avg 153, arousal -5692

This one is at -5692 and will take a very long time to go positive again.
So using the run command is not a good idea if you want to satisfy the npc but your PC after about the 3rd day of sex is impossible to satisfy without the run command in use.

Here is the last log showing this.

This last log is after I did a clean save without any mods at all then installed all the mods listed in the log.



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Is that normal / can that be ignored (just checked the nvse.log)

NVSE DLL DoPreLoadGameHook: Save 127   Adeleine  Megaton  10 26 13.fos
Reading mod list from co-save
Loading array variables
Loading strings
  WARNING: substantial numbers of string variables exist for the following files (may indicate savegame bloat):
    SexoutSpunk.esp (916 strings)
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I am having a problem where partway thru a play thru, All sperm amounts go to zero, and no matter how many sex events takes place no sperm shows up.


I tried turning off all General settings, saving, loading the save, and turning them back on.


I have a log.  In this log according to both med scanners elizabeth has no sperm, but lucy did receive more sperm.



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All sperm amounts go to zero, and no matter how many sex events takes place no sperm shows up.

I have the same issue too.

Sometimes it is my ENB, eating up the shader ( so, does anybody know how to increase the shader contrast settings in ENBs? ).

But very often the shader does not appear, or dissapear very quick...

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All sperm amounts go to zero, and no matter how many sex events takes place no sperm shows up.

I have the same issue too.

Sometimes it is my ENB, eating up the shader ( so, does anybody know how to increase the shader contrast settings in ENBs? ).

But very often the shader does not appear, or dissapear very quick...



I am talking about semen, inside, not visual semen.

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Every time the player acquires the 'rubber' role, the SpunkFuRemovePerk script craps out.  I can reproduce by setting the enjoyment for that role, or engaging in the thigh job anim every time.  Not sure if it's just me or even if it really breaks anything.  Just a heads up.


EDIT: Deleted all saves and started a fresh game.  Haven't seen this since.

Edited by t3589
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  • 3 weeks later...

Do the preference perks spunk hands out do anything?  I ended up disabling that part because it seems like about half of my perks are from spunk.  I've heard too many perks can cause stability issues and I'm using TTW with achievement based perks as well as a perk per level enabled so I'm guaranteed to end up with a lot of them.

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  • 1 month later...

I thought it was my setup but after installing and reinstall ever thing at least 5 times having the same problem and others in this thread have said the same thing so hers goes.


First day having sex with Sunny goes good with timer set to 60 my male PC gets off 2 times.

Second day I have to set the timer to 300 and just at the end of the 300 my male PC gets of for the second time.

Now for the third day or after my male PC can not get off at all he may get as high as 90 but that is all.


Here is the report file.


This is also the 4 time Sunny has disappeared on me at around the halfway mark during the last sex and I have no idea how to get her back so I just start over again.


The only reason I have this mod is the Sexout Pregnancy mod requires it.


No mater what I try my male PC can not get off on the 3rd time or more of having vaginal sex, it just don't happens.


The 3rd reinstall of ever thing I have my PC wait for 10 days before I would let him have sex again but it was no go he could not get off.


ADD More Info.

Only this last time all I did was vaginal sex to get to the 3rd day but all the other times he can get off on the other options with no problem but I was trying to get sunny pregnant to see what a offspring would look like.

All the other options of sex BJ, anal, jerked and so on I don't have any problems with and my PC gets off 10 the 20 times a day its just vaginal sex it happens on.



Adding new info on this.

If and when I use the run command to speed it up for my PC all NPC's at the time will go negative on arousal.


SpunkSPArousalScpt on Goodsprings Settler, 0010B3DE: base 0.65, RP 1.00, XPF 5.00, AM -12.00, enjoy 1.00, timer 155, avg 153, arousal -5692


This one is at -5692 and will take a very long time to go positive again.

So using the run command is not a good idea if you want to satisfy the npc but your PC after about the 3rd day of sex is impossible to satisfy without the run command in use.


Here is the last log showing this.


This last log is after I did a clean save without any mods at all then installed all the mods listed in the log.


I thought that was happening, cause I was getting raped a lot.

However, if you use the medical scanner in your items:aid it will let you know how fertile an NPC is if they are close by when you use it. Then you can just do them when it's really high. Unless of course, it's past the 3 day marker... hehehe


edit add:

Oh yes, use the swap position key while doing it, your arousal will slowly climb, there is like a 4 second delay between swaps.


I will also be adding a video of what I am experiencing as well, uploading it to youtube done, unlisted. Sorry about the background noise in it, that's my fan going.


Reedit: I can't seem to figure out what's causing the NPCs to vanish while they are having sex. But if you save ever few times you do it, you can just about count how many times it takes before the NPC does disappear, and then just exit the game entirely, then load last save and keep going... IF they disappear, and you let them go, you won't be able to do it with anyone after that.




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  • 4 weeks later...

 Cant finish a single game without this mod breaking after a couple of hours. Any tips on what should I turn off in this mod to make it less prone to breaking? 


Disabling the tracking on lust seemed to have helped me to a small extent, still the orgasm issue for me is a major issue, and I have well over 20 gallons of spunk inside me after having sex just a few times, and it makes me laugh. It seems to be exponential on how much it dumps each time.


Also, I had to reinstall the mod twice to get the semi functional again after each time it breaks.


If it wasn't for the pregnancy requiring this mod, I would not be using it in it's current state.

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Cant finish a single game without this mod breaking after a couple of hours. Any tips on what should I turn off in this mod to make it less prone to breaking?

You could start by defining "breaking" first.


Disabling the tracking on lust seemed to have helped me to a small extent, still the orgasm issue for me is a major issue, and I have well over 20 gallons of spunk inside me after having sex just a few times, and it makes me laugh. It seems to be exponential on how much it dumps each time.


Also, I had to reinstall the mod twice to get the semi functional again after each time it breaks.


If it wasn't for the pregnancy requiring this mod, I would not be using it in it's current state.

Disabling lust tracking can't possibly help speed up arousal build-up, it's the other way around. Neither can switching positions. I also don't see how people vanishing during sex can be caused by Spunk at all. All it does during sex is process data and occasionally cast a shader.


The current state of this mod is simply that its author was well burned out with developing and supporting it for years on end, in addition to other activities around here. Nevertheless, I'm picking it back up, and have just listed any and all outstanding bugs and will start going over them methodically. This might take a while; bear in mind that it's one of the most complicated script mods out there.


In the meantime:

- please don't report anything that's already been reported: already on to those

- if you report something at least try to describe the problem: not a psychic

- post a log capturing the problem as it happens: pictures of the console in-game simply just don't cut it


Issues already on my radar:

- negative sperm/semen volumes: a simple fix after it happens, not so simple figuring out the cause

- enormous sperm/semen volumes, although that's only supposed to be a problem if they don't match your settings and sexual activity

- zero sperm & not increasing

- slow or nonexistent arousal increase, especially for the player: needs the addition of 2 extra features (one, the seeding of xp to NPCs so it's not too disproportionate compared to the player's, the other the addition of an entire interface that lets people twiddle with enjoyment variables), would like to see if there's still a problem surrounding that if both xp & enjoyment systems are off, to make sure that's all it is about

- negative arousal for your partner when using the run key

- lust and/or arousal hud not appearing for some people, depending on whether a unified UIO file is used or not: no idea why but if if splicing the file works for the people who had no issue with only the one file, I'll just have the two by default at next update

- "go wash" dialog/package problem

- wash messagebox pops up when the option is off in mcm: can this be confirmed?

- arousal bar disappearing after getting filled: can this be reproduced? Does it really disappear or is it an issue with lighting etc because it's rather oblique when empty.

- arousal cap for at least one participant in a threesome

- slight compatibility issue with Bottle That Water: will have to check out how that mod works


Unsure how to proceed:

- a perk removal issue with the 'rubber' role: seemed to go away after fresh start, not captured by log, hasn't been reported since

- character turning pink 'when cummed in'

- "Invalid array access - expected string index, received numeric."

- unspecified ("I have problems") compatibility issue with Tryout

- shaders only apply to player but not partner: needs log


Most likely related to the player being punished by the arousal system, and would benefit from confirmation that it is indeed related to xp & enjoyment:

- arousal reported to be capped for male player during vag sex but not other types

- female player can't ejaculate through strapon if that option is set but NPCs can


Currently dismissing:

- participants in an act disappearing during sex: see above

- failure to get aroused when you have fertile perk: unlikely

- sudden inability to click on main menu buttons after a certain amount of acts: sounds more like a UI issue

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Every time the player acquires the 'rubber' role, the SpunkFuRemovePerk script craps out.  I can reproduce by setting the enjoyment for that role, or engaging in the thigh job anim every time.  Not sure if it's just me or even if it really breaks anything.  Just a heads up.


EDIT: Deleted all saves and started a fresh game.  Haven't seen this since.


Just a little more info.  The error was just a null ref every time Spunk debug posts the enjoyment stats to the console.  It only happened when the PC acquired roles from handjob/thighjob/footjob/titjob that I could tell.


For a fresh start I make a save at the beginning of the game prior to loading any sexout mods.  Then I load it anytime I want to start fresh.  As a result the problem remained.  But since starting a literal new game, this seems to have resolved itself.  Something screwy with my fresh start save I'm assuming.

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Cool - will check into it later.


In the meantime, I've probably tracked down the negative semen volume issue (which in turn causes negative sperm) to a mistake in my overflow handling script. Will post a temporary update as soon as I've double-checked with other logs than the one I've been using, and adapted current handling scripts to correct negative volumes already in existence as well.

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Yay! Progress! I am already starting to moisten just thinking about the update!


Scripting can be a real pain, I have scripted in other games before, but I haven't even tried with this one, it's really complex to me. Since you have found a slew of bugs to work on, I won't say a word about another issue I have for several months, when those have been ironed out.


** Ideas are popping into my mind, about how some things could be related, but not exclusively caused by any one particular mod. Such as my problem with NPCs vanishing, when the PC vanishes, it always comes back, could some how be related to the one with the pink toned skin. I will have to restart my game, but will wait for the next update. A fresh start might be what I need. Maybe even wipe out the mods, and reinstall them, as there could of been a glitch in at least one of the downloads, as I did download several on the same day.


@DoctaSax, thank you for taking the time on this project.


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Update 0.97 hotfix 1


Instead of increasing versioning for every bug I fix along the way, I'm going with hotfix esp replacers until the list's been cleared.


This one fixes a mistake in the 'overflow' script that is responsible for both 'internal' semen exceeding the maximum capacity of the orifice, and negative semen values for other places. Should provide relief for 'massive amounts of semen and sperm' issue and 'negative amounts of semen' issue, yet oddly enough can't quite explain 'negative amounts of sperm'. Still, who knows, maybe it fixes it anyway. If that issue persists, I'll need fresh logs to track it down further, now that this possible cause can be ruled out. Also note that it might take a few cycles in-game before the two systems auto-correct negative values that were already created, and report the updated numbers via nx vars to the scanners.


Also fixes an oversight that might alleviate NVSE logs complaining about possible string bloat due to failing to destroy a string var I added to the arousal script when I added the arousal bar functionality.

Also fixes an oversight that made it more difficult to follow the spunk logs (ie: a debug readout was bugged, go figure).

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Update 0.97 Hotfix 2


While tracking down this issue of no sperm showing up, it became quickly clear that the reporter was using a female condom, which is supposed to prevent sperm from showing up. Rather than dismissing the report, I had a closer look at the log and noticed that sex involving a female condom was being handled wrong, dropping no semen in the condom as it was supposed to. Fixed it, so from now on female condoms will actually be tracked properly. Note that depending on the condition of the condom, leaving it in after sex will now definitely incur the risk of some semen leaking into the vagina, so if you're using that kind of protection, be smart about it and throw it away after use.


Following up on that, I also noticed that the 'punch through' functionality, whereby large creatures would inject semen directly into the cervix in addition to the vagina, was strangely limited to cases where a female condom was used. No good reason for that, so I removed that limitation. Also came across a parameter mismatch between the UDF that creates spurts and the orgasm script calling it, so fixed that too, although it's odd nothing like that's been reported or seems to appear in any of the logs so far.

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Odd, I don't remember changing anything that happens at sex end; please post a log.



Here you go this is with Hotfix 2. Again this is on a new save.



yeah here's another dude saying he got a ctd at the end of a sex scene after hotfix2

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Update: 0.97 hotfix 3


Should fix an infinite loop that I caused in hotfix 2. :blush:

Teaches me right for changing something that didn't need changing. "Hey, wait, let's change that right quick... - no, no, just don't: it's supposed to be like that!"

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I'm getting this every now and again immediately following sex.  Haven't been able to reproduce it reliably.  Nothing seems to be broken.  This using the latest hotfix 3.




error in script xx00ed97 (SpunkFuCheckAnimGrav)
Operator [ failed to evaluate to a valid result
File: SexoutSpunk.esp Offset:0x0214 command: let




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I'm getting this every now and again immediately following sex.  Haven't been able to reproduce it reliably.  Nothing seems to be broken.  This using the latest hotfix 3.




error in script xx00ed97 (SpunkFuCheckAnimGrav)

Operator [ failed to evaluate to a valid result

File: SexoutSpunk.esp Offset:0x0214 command: let




If it's right after sex, I think I know what it is and my debug console readout should also contain lines like:

SpunkFuCheckAnimGrav: failed to find act, probably already over, defaulting to 1


SpunkFuCheckAnimGrav: uninitialized animdef array, defaulting to 1


SpunkFuCheckAnimGrav: couldn't find a pos string for actor X, anim X, plugin X

In this case, most probably the third, because if the first two were encountered they'd have aborted the UDF before getting to the let command that opens an array in there:

let sv_pos := ar_animdef["Pos"][$sv_who]

Which means that the ar_animdef array is in fact valid, but the sv_who key that I retrieve from an nx key no longer is.


What it winds down to is some kind of timing issue, where Spunk's already decided the act is over in terms of it handling it (start hook, arousal, orgasms, end hook) and has cleared the nx key as a result (and should've wiped the act and corresponding ar_animdef right after too, but might not have gotten around to it yet, I guess), but the semen tracking system checks NG's UDF of whether the actor's involved in an act and NG hasn't quite closed down the act yet on its end so reports it's ongoing, leading to SpunkFuCheckAnimGrav trying to figure out how the actor's positioned with data that's no longer present.


There's lots of redundancy in SpunkFuCheckAnimGrav that makes it resort to a default value to ferry back to semen tracking in such cases, so it really doesn't cause any problems.

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I'm getting this every now and again immediately following sex.  Haven't been able to reproduce it reliably.  Nothing seems to be broken.  This using the latest hotfix 3.




error in script xx00ed97 (SpunkFuCheckAnimGrav)

Operator [ failed to evaluate to a valid result

File: SexoutSpunk.esp Offset:0x0214 command: let




If it's right after sex, I think I know what it is and my debug console readout should also contain lines like:

SpunkFuCheckAnimGrav: failed to find act, probably already over, defaulting to 1


SpunkFuCheckAnimGrav: uninitialized animdef array, defaulting to 1


SpunkFuCheckAnimGrav: couldn't find a pos string for actor X, anim X, plugin X

In this case, most probably the third, because if the first two were encountered they'd have aborted the UDF before getting to the let command that opens an array in there:

let sv_pos := ar_animdef["Pos"][$sv_who]

Which means that the ar_animdef array is in fact valid, but the sv_who key that I retrieve from an nx key no longer is.


What it winds down to is some kind of timing issue, where Spunk's already decided the act is over in terms of it handling it (start hook, arousal, orgasms, end hook) and has cleared the nx key as a result (and should've wiped the act and corresponding ar_animdef right after too, but might not have gotten around to it yet, I guess), but the semen tracking system checks NG's UDF of whether the actor's involved in an act and NG hasn't quite closed down the act yet on its end so reports it's ongoing, leading to SpunkFuCheckAnimGrav trying to figure out how the actor's positioned with data that's no longer present.


There's lots of redundancy in SpunkFuCheckAnimGrav that makes it resort to a default value to ferry back to semen tracking in such cases, so it really doesn't cause any problems.



It happens immediately after KD on sex end.  I'm starting the anims with flags btw.  Don't know if that's relevant to not finding the pos string?


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