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Spunk should come with its own Lust hud too though. Maybe it's hidden under another hud - I placed it center right. Check out the MCM - I think - to reposition or maybe even activate (been a while).


About the enjoyment vars for roles that don't gain any: at one point I had a plan to set up a HUD menu to let people pay xp points for specific roles into enjoyment points, but I dreaded the work.


I've played with all the lust hud settings. And I don't have any additional HUD mods to block it. It doesn't seem to work.  I'll check deeper in the UIO config files and such to see if I can find it and figure out why it doesn't work.  The MCM configuration stuff works for the arousal hud, but none of it seems to do anything for the lust hud.  I just figured I'd ask before I start digging into the gritty stuff.


If I understand you correctly, it seems as though those particular roles will never gain enjoyment except through console commands, as you describe in the main posts, or a new version of the mod.  Would that be accurate?  I have a little experience in other bethesda mods, very little in FNV, but I am a coder with lots of experience in general, and lots of free time on my hands.  I could probably help add that functionality to the mod if you'd like.  Take some/most/all the dreaded work off your hands for the good of the community.


Question: Where is my lust HUD?  From minimal to max, even with the setting to always display it, I've never seen a lust HUD.  I get the display during sex okay, solo, partnered, or threesome.  But there has never been a lust HUD for tracking lust level.


You have to have a HUD mod installed, then use the corresponding lust HUD esp from the download section.




I've been over what I believe to be every part of the download section without seeing any lust hud esps.  Do you know a particular one you could point me to?

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Spunk should come with its own Lust hud too though. Maybe it's hidden under another hud - I placed it center right. Check out the MCM - I think - to reposition or maybe even activate (been a while).


I managed to fix the HUD issue by splitting the two UIO hud parts from the spunk.txt into separate files.  After doing that, I can see and reposition the Lust HUD as expected.  I just Cut/Pasted the second two lines from spunk.txt into spunklust.txt.


Perhaps the latest version of UIO only allows one HUD per txt while an older version was willing to work with more?

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About the enjoyment vars for roles that don't gain any: at one point I had a plan to set up a HUD menu to let people pay xp points for specific roles into enjoyment points, but I dreaded the work.


I made a workaround for my personal wishlist by adding a NX_SetEVFL "Spunk:Act:CanCum" 1 before the conditionals on the script to get details for an act.  Initial testing shows that it seems to work.  If you'd like me to help you work on the functionality you talked about, PM me.

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For some reason I cannot get the latest versions of "Sexout Spunk" to work. New Vegas detects the mod just fine, and states so in game when first loading in, however the desired effects do no initialize when they should, and checking the console I see this:


"SpunkDialog has string 'Whoever A is'
Error in script 6300e21e
Operator := failed to evaluate to a valid result
    File: SexoutSpunk.esp Offset: 0x0123 Command: Let
Error in script 6300e21e
An expression failed to evaluate to a valid result
    File: SexoutSpunk.esp Offset: 0x0123 Command: Let
SpunkQuTracking: checking index 0, actor is Mojave Mistress, 00000014
Error in script 6300e21e
Invalid array access - expected string index, received numeric.
    File: SexoutSpunk.esp Offset: 0x03A0 Command: Let
Error in script 6300e21e
Operator [ failed to evaluate to a valid result
    File: SexoutSpunk.esp Offset: 0x03A0 Command: Let
SpunkQuTracking: removing Mojave Mistress, 00000014, index 0: empty
SpunkFuRemoveFromTracking: removing element 0 from option 2
SpunkFuStopNWindBack operating on 'Spunk Semen Tracking' at index 0
Error in script 630196b0
Operator := failed to evaluate to a valid result
    File: SexoutSpunk.esp Offset: 0x0467 Command: Let
Error in script 630196b0
An expression failed to evaluate to a valid result
    File: SexoutSpunk.esp Offset: 0x0467 Command: Let
SpunkFuIsActor: not a valid form:FURemoveFromTracking
Error in script 63045825
Invalid array access - expected string index, received numeric.
    File: SexoutSpunk.esp Offset: 0x00D6 Command: Let
Error in script 63045825
Operator [ failed to evaluate to a valid result
    File: SexoutSpunk.esp Offset: 0x00D6 Command: Let
SpunkQuShaderTracking: checking index 2, actor is Powder Ganger, 001629A7
Error in script 63045825
Invalid array access - expected string index, received numeric.
    File: SexoutSpunk.esp Offset: 0x0375 Command: Let
Error in script 63045825
Operator [ failed to evaluate to a valid result
    File: SexoutSpunk.esp Offset: 0x0375 Command: Let
Error in script 63045825
Invalid array access - the array was not initialized.
    File: SexoutSpunk.esp Offset: 0x05B6 Command: Let
Error in script 63045825
Operator [ failed to evaluate to a valid result"


I have attached the full log.

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Something seems to have jumbled up the arrays. I have no explanation - it's the first time I've seen this particular error: "Invalid array access - expected string index, received numeric."


Because it happens in both semen and shader tracking, you could

1. turn those systems off and on again, but wait in-game in between until you see notification they're off

2. perform a clean save



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Something seems to have jumbled up the arrays. I have no explanation - it's the first time I've seen this particular error: "Invalid array access - expected string index, received numeric."


Because it happens in both semen and shader tracking, you could

1. turn those systems off and on again, but wait in-game in between until you see notification they're off

2. perform a clean save


Yeah those were two of the first things I tried, however it seems I had to completely deactivate all of the other sexout mods, then make a clean save, then reactive them all. Bit of a pain considering one has to setup all of the mod settings again, and in my case on multiple saves, but it seems to be fixed now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Attached is a screenshot of the console log.  Spunk is having a small problem. Hoping this will help in rectifying it.


Additionally, the volume for animals seems to have a multiplication error.  It produces an insane amount until it gets to the point that the number turns negative.  It's almost as if successive sex acts apply their species multiplier not only to the current ejaculation but to the previous amount inside the pc as well creating an exponential rise in the volume.  I have the max volume set at 50 mL but this has no effect.


Finally, the number of swimmers seems to stay at 0 regardless.


Note I am using a male pc if that makes a difference.


Thank you for all your efforts.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I had OHUD.esm (with immersive, adustable and extra), UIO and UHUD.. I can't seem to find the Lust HUD?


Then again I had the same problem with flashnight NVSE 2 years back, and thne Advance Recon last year. I'm going to try:

1. Deactivate Unified HUD Project.

2. Activate One HUD.

3. Activate Unified HUD Project.

4. Remove double entry in “/menu/options/start_menu.xml” again


This trick works for me BTW.


EDIT: I know with UIO UHUD is supposed to be redundant now. But I don't want to break anything in my load order.

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I uninstalled UHUD and but the arousal hud still does not show up for me. Perplexing... it must be a conflict somewhere, I'll look around in this thread for an answer.


I followed Lordcayleth's advice on splitting the Lust UI HUD parts found inside UIO/Public, and that appears to have worked for me! The arousal bars can now be configured through MCM, they don't change size however, even using the "E" or activation key.


I good tip, that might get lost in this thread is to Disable Spunk's Own in MCM if you're using any on of the ".esp" patches!
I'm using the "Sexout Lust - oHUD.esp" patch, so I selected in MCM "patch or nothing" for the Lust HUD.




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Hello I have a question, it seems like everytime my character has sex, there is unrealistic amount of semen, for example right now when I open the AMS, it says that there is 7152810ml of semen in vagina. Is it supposed to be like this or is there a problem on my end? Thanks.

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It's not supposed to be like that.


Thank you for your quick reply, I also noticed that sometimes when I reset my pregnancy with MCM, sometimes all of the values go to zero, and sometimes all except semen in vagina values go to zero, but in both of these instances, If I wait around a few hours, I get pregnant again. Is there anything I can do? Thank you.

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The trouble is, I don't know enough about the inner workings of Pregnancy or the read-out mod, so the effect of resetting pregnancy on the semen readout is lost on me. There shouldn't be any, really. I do assume that if there's vaginal semen or sperm still around, a reset of pregnancy can pick those up and yes, get you pregnant again.

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It's not supposed to be like that.


Thank you for your quick reply, I also noticed that sometimes when I reset my pregnancy with MCM, sometimes all of the values go to zero, and sometimes all except semen in vagina values go to zero, but in both of these instances, If I wait around a few hours, I get pregnant again. Is there anything I can do? Thank you.




The trouble is, I don't know enough about the inner workings of Pregnancy or the read-out mod, so the effect of resetting pregnancy on the semen readout is lost on me. There shouldn't be any, really. I do assume that if there's vaginal semen or sperm still around, a reset of pregnancy can pick those up and yes, get you pregnant again.

well to reset pregnancy I just add an object to the actor with this script in it:

I don't alter any Spunk values.



scn SexoutP9SResetPregnancy

; *** Resets NX & Tokens in SexoutPregnancy depending on groups
; *** Should reset NX & tokens on any actor if gPregNXSOPReset set to 0 or 1
; *** as well as companions if gPregNXSOPReset set to 2.
; *** possible companions if gPregNXSOPReset set to 3
; *** possible companions and evryone in SexoutSFLDataActorsUsingNX if gPregNXSOPReset set to 4 or higher

ref rActor
int iOkToRun
int iRemoving
int iResetNum
int iCnt
int iCntB
ref rList
ref rItem
int iItemCount

Begin GameMode

	Set rActor to GetContainer
	if rActor && iRemoving < 1
		Set iOkToRun to 0
		if rActor.GetIsSex Female || rActor.GetIsSex Male || rActor.GetIsCreature
			Set iOkToRun to 1
		Set iResetNum to gPregNXSOPReset

		if iOkToRun ; *** Single Actor with token
			if rActor.GetIsSex Female || rActor.GetIsSex Male || rActor.GetIsCreature
				rActor.NX_ClrEVFl "SOP:" 2
				rActor.NX_ClrEVFo "SOP:" 2
				Set iCntB to ListGetCount SexoutPFLTokens
				While iCntB > 0
					Set iCntB to iCntB - 1
					Set rItem to ListGetNthForm SexoutPFLTokens iCntB
					Set iItemCount to rActor.GetItemCount rItem
					if iItemCount > 0
						if rActor.GetEquipped ritem > 0
							rActor.UnEquipItem ritem 1 1
						rActor.RemoveItem rItem iItemCount 1
						DebugPrint "PregReset1 %1.0f: %n, %1.0f, Removed %1.0f x %n" iCnt rActor iCntB iItemCount rItem
				ListRemoveForm SexoutPPregActors rActor
			endif ; *** rActor.GetIsSex Female || rActor.GetIsSex Male || rActor.GetIsCreature
			DebugPrint "PregReset1 %1.0f: SOP Variables Reset %n" iCnt rActor

			if iResetNum == 2 ; *** Pick list of Actors
				Set rList to SexoutPFertileActorsGroup2F
				Set iCnt to ListGetCount rList
				While iCnt > 0
					Set iCnt to iCnt - 1
					Set rActor to ListGetNthForm rList iCnt
					if rActor
						if rActor.GetIsSex Female || rActor.GetIsSex Male || rActor.GetIsCreature
							rActor.NX_ClrEVFl "SOP:" 2
							rActor.NX_ClrEVFo "SOP:" 2
;DebugPrint "MARK2.3 %1.0f %n" iCnt rActor
							Set iCntB to ListGetCount SexoutPFLTokens
							Label 1
							if iCntB > 0
								Set iCntB to iCntB - 1
								Set rItem to ListGetNthForm SexoutPFLTokens iCntB
								Set iItemCount to rActor.GetItemCount rItem
								if iItemCount > 0
;DebugPrint "MARK2.6 %1.0f %n %1.0f %1.0f x %n" iCnt rActor iCntB iItemCount rItem
									if rActor.GetEquipped ritem > 0
										rActor.UnEquipItem ritem 1 1
									rActor.RemoveItem rItem iItemCount 1
									DebugPrint "PregReset2 %1.0f: %n, %1.0f, Removed %1.0f x %n" iCnt rActor iCntB iItemCount rItem
							goto 1
							ListRemoveForm SexoutPPregActors rActor
						endif ; *** rActor.GetIsSex Female || rActor.GetIsSex Male || rActor.GetIsCreature
					endif ; ***rActor
					DebugPrint "PregReset2 %1.0f: SOP Variables Reset %n" iCnt rActor

			if iResetNum > 2
				Set rList to SexoutPFertileActorsGroup3F 
				Set iCnt to ListGetCount rList
				While iCnt > 0
					Set iCnt to iCnt - 1
					Set rActor to ListGetNthForm rList iCnt
					if rActor
						if rActor.GetIsSex Female || rActor.GetIsSex Male || rActor.GetIsCreature
							rActor.NX_ClrEVFl "SOP:" 2
							rActor.NX_ClrEVFo "SOP:" 2
							Set iCntB to ListGetCount SexoutPFLTokens
							Label 2
							if iCntB > 0
								Set iCntB to iCntB - 1
								Set rItem to ListGetNthForm SexoutPFLTokens iCntB
								Set iItemCount to rActor.GetItemCount rItem
								if iItemCount > 0
									if rActor.GetEquipped ritem > 0
										rActor.UnEquipItem ritem 1 1
									rActor.RemoveItem rItem iItemCount 1
									DebugPrint "PregReset3 %1.0f: %n, %1.0f, Removed %1.0f x %n" iCnt rActor iCntB iItemCount rItem
							goto 2
							ListRemoveForm SexoutPPregActors rActor
						endif ; *** rActor.GetIsSex Female || rActor.GetIsSex Male || rActor.GetIsCreature
					endif ; ***rActor
					DebugPrint "PregReset3 %1.0f: SOP Variables Reset %n" iCnt rActor

			if iResetNum > 3
				Set rList to SexoutSFLDataActorsUsingNX
				Set iCnt to ListGetCount rList
				While iCnt > 0
					Set iCnt to iCnt - 1
					Set rActor to ListGetNthForm rList iCnt
					if rActor
						if rActor.GetIsSex Female || rActor.GetIsSex Male || rActor.GetIsCreature
							rActor.NX_ClrEVFl "SOP:" 2
							rActor.NX_ClrEVFo "SOP:" 2
							Set iCntB to ListGetCount SexoutPFLTokens
							Label 3
							if iCntB > 0
								Set iCntB to iCntB - 1
								Set rItem to ListGetNthForm SexoutPFLTokens iCntB
								Set iItemCount to rActor.GetItemCount rItem
								if iItemCount > 0
									if rActor.GetEquipped ritem > 0
										rActor.UnEquipItem ritem 1 1
									rActor.RemoveItem rItem iItemCount 1
									DebugPrint "PregReset4 %1.0f: %n, %1.0f, Removed %1.0f x %n" iCnt rActor iCntB iItemCount rItem
							goto 3
							ListRemoveForm SexoutPPregActors rActor
						endif ; *** rActor.GetIsSex Female || rActor.GetIsSex Male || rActor.GetIsCreature
					endif ; ***rActor
					DebugPrint "PregReset4 %1.0f: SOP Variables Reset %n" iCnt rActor

			DebugPrint "PregUDFResetNX END"
			Set gPregNXSOPReset to 0
			Set iOkToRun to -1
		endif ; *** iOkToRun
		if iOkToRun < 0
			Set iRemoving to 1
	endif ; *** rActor & IRemoving < 1



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why does the arousal/enjoyment bar move extremely slow for my character?  I've tried changing settings, increasing the scene time, cleaning the spunk plugins from the mcm, changing load order...  also, are the perks from spunk supposed to be just a placebo effect?  I tried taking the nymphomaniac perk 4 times to see if it would make the bar go up faster but nothing changed at all.    i'm using the latest sexout beta and all the other stuff is up to date too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's possible, using the Advanced Medical Scanner MCM version to check and see your character is doing an activity they do not enjoy, or if you have negative arousal from previous.. lol I typed pervious.. uh-hum. Of course enabling a debug log and posting it here will help. (it tells you where it saves the log to)

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So I'm trying to get sperm tracking to work with the "A Better Veronica" mod. Since Veronica has her own custom race thanks to the mod, my guess was that I'd have to add her through the "add custom races through ini" option.
In the "Sexout Spunk for FCO Races 1.0" mod, races are added the following way



Since that mod seemed to work, I thought doing it the same way for the custom race would be enough but it isn't.
So I tried to fill in the index and form ID (what is the form ID of a character anyway, is it the base ID or the ref ID? because I can't find the form ID anywhere)
and it looked like this



But sperm tracking still doesn't work with her.
Everything else works and my player character can get pregnant, so I'm pretty sure I configured the rest just fine.

Any hints what the error could be?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The idea for the ini was to be able to equate a custom race with an existing race, so instead of [midvrace] you should probably put [Hispanic]

Not that it really matters at the moment - the point was to give Pregnancy an idea of what type of baby to create, but it never picked up the idea.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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