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Mesh Rigger (Skyrim, Fallout, Oblivion) Beta.89.f (10-26-2014)

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I keep getting "No template found" error when using this tool, here is the log from it



('target', 'C:/Tools RC_89_k_Light/Mesh Rigger/target')
('uv_search', True)
('override', True)
('skin', 'All Materials')
('replace_weights', True)
('select_bones', True)
('delete_weights', False)
('flatten_skin', False)
('Distance', 20.0)
('template', "('C:/Tools RC_89_k_Light/Mesh Rigger/template/UUNPHDT.nif',)")
('template_s', 'Mesh Rigger/template/')
('Tool', 'MESHRIGGER')
('skeleton_links', 0)
('subfolder', 0)
('v_index', False)
('destination', 'C:/Tools RC_89_k_Light/Mesh Rigger/output')
('delete_rigging', False)
('gender', 'Both')
('Game', 'Auto')
('Targets', 1)
('copy_havok', False)
('bone', True)
('delete_partitions', False)
('select_meshes', False)
('update_version', 0)
('C:/Tools RC_89_k_Light/Mesh Rigger/template/UUNPHDT.nif',)
morph_key None
dirpath ('C:/Tools RC_89_k_Light/Mesh Rigger/template/UUNPHDT.nif',)
Checking Directory Path for Nifs and Tri files
No valid template found, Exiting
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Tools RC_89_k_Light\mesh_rigger.py", line 343, in
input('\nWork done, press enter to close.')
AttributeError: 'Logger' object has no attribute 'errors'



The thing is, the template I'm using is the exact same one that this guy who made the instructions I'm following for converting armors seen here



Copy ...\CalienteTools\BodySlide\ShapeData\Unified UNP\UUNPHDT.nif ---> Paste into ...\Mesh Rigger\Template
Copy your Project's shapedata meshes from the ...\ShapeData\...\ folders into the ...\Mesh Rigger\Target folder
Launch Mesh Rigger, select UUNPHDT.nif as template and your mesh(es) as target
The settings in Mesh Rigger are not quite universal, for example if the target mesh is TBBP with Breast01 bones then you have to select "Delete all Weights" and "Replace Bones", but under no circumstances do the same with boots or gloves - this would need its own guide
"Ok" ---> wait for the next dialogue ---> For a Torso Outfit you select all bones, boots only thighs, gloves only adjacent arm weights
wait until Mesh Rigger is finished, this can take a while ranging from 10 seconds to 30+ minutes - when it's done, the active MS-DOS window will shut down and your rigged mesh will be found in the "Output" folder of Mesh Rigger
Copy the output meshes back into your mod project's "ShapeData" folders



And yet I'm getting that "No valid template found" error. Any ideas how to solve this?

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And yet I'm getting that "No valid template found" error. Any ideas how to solve this?

Once you've selected your template, be sure that you don't click the Load Defaults or Load Settings buttons - they will clear the template that you just selected. That's the only thing I can think of.


EDIT: As an experiment, try a different template, just to rule out a problem with that particular file.

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And yet I'm getting that "No valid template found" error. Any ideas how to solve this?

Once you've selected your template, be sure that you don't click the Load Defaults or Load Settings buttons - they will clear the template that you just selected. That's the only thing I can think of.


EDIT: As an experiment, try a different template, just to rule out a problem with that particular file.



I've actually used 2 more different templates aside from that one, and they all gave me the same result. I'm at a loss on what to do

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I've actually used 2 more different templates aside from that one, and they all gave me the same result. I'm at a loss on what to do

Really grasping at straws here, but are you using the portable version of 89k? That's the only version that works for me.



I tried both the portable version of 89k and scripts only version

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After clicking "load Defaults" and just starting it just from there I manage to get it started, but now I get a new error



('delete_partitions', False)
('delete_rigging', False)
('Game', 'Auto')
('update_version', 0)
('delete_weights', False)
('bone', True)
('replace_weights', True)
('target', 'C:/Tools RC_89_k_Light/Mesh Rigger/target')
('select_meshes', False)
('template', 'Mesh Rigger/template/')
('version', 'b_90')
('template_s', 'Mesh Rigger/template/')
('v_index', False)
('uv_search', True)
('subfolder', 0)
('copy_havok', False)
('gender', 'Both')
('flatten_skin', False)
('Tool', 'MESHRIGGER')
('Distance', 20.0)
('override', True)
('name', 'MeshRigger_Options')
('skin', 'All Materials')
('Targets', 1)
('select_bones', True)
('destination', 'C:/Tools RC_89_k_Light/Mesh Rigger/output')
('skeleton_links', 0)
Mesh Rigger/template/
morph_key None
dirpath Mesh Rigger/template/
Checking Directory Path for Nifs and Tri files
init bones
initializing bones
**********Bones Initialized**********
initializing meshes
b'Labia{}3{}' : Initializing Vertices
b'Labia{}3{}' : Vertex Initialization Complete
b'Labia{}3{}' : Initializing Skin
b'Labia{}3{}' : *Initializing Skin Bone Transforms
b'Labia{}3{}' : *Calculating world Coordinates
b'Labia{}3{}' : Recalculating Normals
initializing faces
b'Labia{}3{}' : Recalculating Normals
nmv True
seams True
b'Labia{}3{}' : Normal Vector Calculation Complete
Initializing Seams
nmv True
seams True
b'Labia{}3{}' : Normal Vector Calculation Complete
b'Labia{}3{}' : Skin Initialization Complete
Building Vertex Dictionary
initializing faces
Initializing Seams
b'UUNP{}10{}' : Initializing Vertices
b'UUNP{}10{}' : Vertex Initialization Complete
b'UUNP{}10{}' : Initializing Skin
b'UUNP{}10{}' : *Initializing Skin Bone Transforms
b'UUNP{}10{}' : *Calculating world Coordinates
b'UUNP{}10{}' : Recalculating Normals
initializing faces
b'UUNP{}10{}' : Recalculating Normals
nmv True
seams True
b'UUNP{}10{}' : Normal Vector Calculation Complete
Initializing Seams
b'UUNP{}10{}': Right Foot Seam Identified
b'UUNP{}10{}': Left Foot Seam Identified
b'UUNP{}10{}': Neck Seam Identified
nmv True
seams True
b'UUNP{}10{}' : Normal Vector Calculation Complete
b'UUNP{}10{}' : Skin Initialization Complete
Building Vertex Dictionary
initializing faces
Initializing Seams
b'UUNP{}10{}': Right Foot Seam Identified
b'UUNP{}10{}': Left Foot Seam Identified
b'UUNP{}10{}': Neck Seam Identified
**********Meshes Initialized**********
[, ]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Tools RC_89_k_Light\mesh_rigger.py", line 342, in
File "C:\Tools RC_89_k_Light\mesh_rigger.py", line 282, in Main
bone_menu = ui_tools.boneMenu(bone_list, side = side)
File "C:\Tools RC_89_k_Light\kg\ui_tools.py", line 525, in __init__
self.buttons[this_bone] = uiToggle(self.frame_1, this_bone.decode("utf-8"), 'PACK', default = True)
File "C:\Tools RC_89_k_Light\kg\ui_tools.py", line 1227, in __init__
File "C:\Python34\lib\tkinter\__init__.py", line 1920, in pack_configure
+ self._options(cnf, kw))
_tkinter.TclError: cannot use geometry manager pack inside .523730392 which already has slaves managed by grid



I have no idea what this error means

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I successfully ran my armor through the mesh rigger and in game it has bounce but it's also floating off the body and there are see through parts along the neckline (see picture). The armor also appears off the body in outfit studio if that helps. I used CBBE HDT body made in bodyslide as a template and I tried: copying all the bones, just the bbb bones, building both .0 and .1 nifs separately and together but the armor is still off the body. Any ideas on how to fix?


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  • 2 weeks later...

After clicking "load Defaults" and just starting it just from there I manage to get it started, but now I get a new error



('delete_partitions', False)

('delete_rigging', False)

('Game', 'Auto')

('update_version', 0)

('delete_weights', False)

('bone', True)

('replace_weights', True)

('target', 'C:/Tools RC_89_k_Light/Mesh Rigger/target')

('select_meshes', False)

('template', 'Mesh Rigger/template/')

('version', 'b_90')

('template_s', 'Mesh Rigger/template/')

('v_index', False)

('uv_search', True)

('subfolder', 0)

('copy_havok', False)

('gender', 'Both')

('flatten_skin', False)

('Tool', 'MESHRIGGER')

('Distance', 20.0)

('override', True)

('name', 'MeshRigger_Options')

('skin', 'All Materials')

('Targets', 1)

('select_bones', True)

('destination', 'C:/Tools RC_89_k_Light/Mesh Rigger/output')

('skeleton_links', 0)

Mesh Rigger/template/

morph_key None

dirpath Mesh Rigger/template/

Checking Directory Path for Nifs and Tri files

init bones

initializing bones

**********Bones Initialized**********

initializing meshes

b'Labia{}3{}' : Initializing Vertices

b'Labia{}3{}' : Vertex Initialization Complete

b'Labia{}3{}' : Initializing Skin

b'Labia{}3{}' : *Initializing Skin Bone Transforms

b'Labia{}3{}' : *Calculating world Coordinates

b'Labia{}3{}' : Recalculating Normals

initializing faces

b'Labia{}3{}' : Recalculating Normals

nmv True

seams True

b'Labia{}3{}' : Normal Vector Calculation Complete

Initializing Seams

nmv True

seams True

b'Labia{}3{}' : Normal Vector Calculation Complete

b'Labia{}3{}' : Skin Initialization Complete

Building Vertex Dictionary

initializing faces

Initializing Seams

b'UUNP{}10{}' : Initializing Vertices

b'UUNP{}10{}' : Vertex Initialization Complete

b'UUNP{}10{}' : Initializing Skin

b'UUNP{}10{}' : *Initializing Skin Bone Transforms

b'UUNP{}10{}' : *Calculating world Coordinates

b'UUNP{}10{}' : Recalculating Normals

initializing faces

b'UUNP{}10{}' : Recalculating Normals

nmv True

seams True

b'UUNP{}10{}' : Normal Vector Calculation Complete

Initializing Seams

b'UUNP{}10{}': Right Foot Seam Identified

b'UUNP{}10{}': Left Foot Seam Identified

b'UUNP{}10{}': Neck Seam Identified

nmv True

seams True

b'UUNP{}10{}' : Normal Vector Calculation Complete

b'UUNP{}10{}' : Skin Initialization Complete

Building Vertex Dictionary

initializing faces

Initializing Seams

b'UUNP{}10{}': Right Foot Seam Identified

b'UUNP{}10{}': Left Foot Seam Identified

b'UUNP{}10{}': Neck Seam Identified

**********Meshes Initialized**********

[, ]

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:\Tools RC_89_k_Light\mesh_rigger.py", line 342, in


File "C:\Tools RC_89_k_Light\mesh_rigger.py", line 282, in Main

bone_menu = ui_tools.boneMenu(bone_list, side = side)

File "C:\Tools RC_89_k_Light\kg\ui_tools.py", line 525, in __init__

self.buttons[this_bone] = uiToggle(self.frame_1, this_bone.decode("utf-8"), 'PACK', default = True)

File "C:\Tools RC_89_k_Light\kg\ui_tools.py", line 1227, in __init__


File "C:\Python34\lib\tkinter\__init__.py", line 1920, in pack_configure

+ self._options(cnf, kw))

_tkinter.TclError: cannot use geometry manager pack inside .523730392 which already has slaves managed by grid




I have no idea what this error means


I'm getting the exact same error. Did you find a solution?


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I ran a good amount of armors through mesh rigger without any problems before. the most recent 2 I did however, made nif files which showed up as extremely "grainy" in game. It's as if the mesh became bumpy.


Here is a picture of what I'm talking about




I guess in this case this effect kind of works and makes it look like wool or something but I'd still like to know what is going on because it happened with both of my recent mesh rigger nif files

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my .txt of great quotes says:

"And finally, you have a problem with Mesh Burn, however this is easily fixed. Open up each mesh in NIFSkope, and select the following from the menus:
Spells -> Batch -> Update all Tangent Spaces
Spells -> Sanitize -> Reorder Link Arrays

That will eliminate the Mesh Burn, as you can see in the screenshots below. " quoted from someone here on LL...


the problem looks like the one, where this helped.

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I ran a good amount of armors through mesh rigger without any problems before. the most recent 2 I did however, made nif files which showed up as extremely "grainy" in game. It's as if the mesh became bumpy.


Here is a picture of what I'm talking about


attachicon.gifenb 2015_09_15 22_02_40_54.jpg


I guess in this case this effect kind of works and makes it look like wool or something but I'd still like to know what is going on because it happened with both of my recent mesh rigger nif files


The one on the left looks as though its normals are wrong/ none existent, you can see some odd shading at the bottom of the top.

The one on the right looks as if the normals are showing up properly, but the normal map was made over excessive, looking at the belt shows this.


To fix it you will need to correct the normal map. mesh rigger just corrected the mesh  to show the normal map properly by the looks of it.


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I ran a good amount of armors through mesh rigger without any problems before. the most recent 2 I did however, made nif files which showed up as extremely "grainy" in game. It's as if the mesh became bumpy.


Here is a picture of what I'm talking about


attachicon.gifenb 2015_09_15 22_02_40_54.jpg


I guess in this case this effect kind of works and makes it look like wool or something but I'd still like to know what is going on because it happened with both of my recent mesh rigger nif files



 I totally agree with Vioxsis comments .


Please ,can you share this converted mesh with us ?

I made a few test theses last days and  especially on the Normal Map ... and i can can the same effect if i add some " noises" to the base texture ( so the xxx.dds and not the xxx_n.dds file  in this case ) .


Now i can understand that you prefer to keep your converted mesh for yourself ... in this case could you put a link to the "original" file/mod you used ?


So , check and compare the settings of the textures between the two " nif " files first.

I 'm not quiet sure the original model has or not a correct normal map in its folder texture ( how it looks , depends of the lighting settings and conditions too ...  ) so i need to check these meshes first to be sure .


Thank you for " listening "  ...



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I ran a good amount of armors through mesh rigger without any problems before. the most recent 2 I did however, made nif files which showed up as extremely "grainy" in game. It's as if the mesh became bumpy.


Here is a picture of what I'm talking about


attachicon.gifenb 2015_09_15 22_02_40_54.jpg


I guess in this case this effect kind of works and makes it look like wool or something but I'd still like to know what is going on because it happened with both of my recent mesh rigger nif files


The one on the left looks as though its normals are wrong/ none existent, you can see some odd shading at the bottom of the top.

The one on the right looks as if the normals are showing up properly, but the normal map was made over excessive, looking at the belt shows this.


To fix it you will need to correct the normal map. mesh rigger just corrected the mesh  to show the normal map properly by the looks of it.




Hi Vioxsis, thanks for your observation. I checked the top_n.dds file which came with this outfit in GIMP and it looks like it's just a blank transparent file, so I assume this is a non-existent normal map? This actually seems to be fairly common practice now that I look through most of my older armor mods (I just batch added Labia bones to a bunch of Chapi outfits the other day), and they all have a *_n.dds file with filesize of 1,366 KB, and seemingly blank inside. However I did not get this problem with the chapi files and they all converted fine. Is there any particular reason this happened with this file but not the others, if I used the same setting and process with mesh rigger for all of them? 


Also my mesh rigger log shows a good amount of this particular error:


improper rotation matrix (error is 0.030689)


I do not see this error for meshes that are successfully rigged. Does that have anything to do with the problem? 


For what it's worth, all of the bones I selected from my template body were successfully added to this target nif, and they do function as expected with proper HDT xmls added. The outfit itself works precisely as I expect it to after rigging, with working chest and butt bounce, scaleable belly and collision on belly and vagina. The only thing that's off is the textured surface it has now, which btw is not apparent while in nifskope if I load the textures in manually. 

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I ran a good amount of armors through mesh rigger without any problems before. the most recent 2 I did however, made nif files which showed up as extremely "grainy" in game. It's as if the mesh became bumpy.


Here is a picture of what I'm talking about


attachicon.gifenb 2015_09_15 22_02_40_54.jpg


I guess in this case this effect kind of works and makes it look like wool or something but I'd still like to know what is going on because it happened with both of my recent mesh rigger nif files



 I totally agree with Vioxsis comments .


Please ,can you share this converted mesh with us ?

I made a few test theses last days and  especially on the Normal Map ... and i can can the same effect if i add some " noises" to the base texture ( so the xxx.dds and not the xxx_n.dds file  in this case ) .


Now i can understand that you prefer to keep your converted mesh for yourself ... in this case could you put a link to the "original" file/mod you used ?


So , check and compare the settings of the textures between the two " nif " files first.

I 'm not quiet sure the original model has or not a correct normal map in its folder texture ( how it looks , depends of the lighting settings and conditions too ...  ) so i need to check these meshes first to be sure .


Thank you for " listening "  ...





Hi, the two nifs are linked to the same texture as far as I can tell. I did not edit the texture file in any way, only the nif file. The clothing is "cute frills UNBP", I downloaded it from a google search but it's a fairly common outfit, from ling ling I believe.


The only thing I did with mesh rigger was to add the Labia bones from UUNP Special body to this mesh, and added the Labia mesh itself afterwards. I also added BBP bones so this outfit gets the jiggle effects.


Here is the modified nif:




This also happened with the Bridal Set as well; same problem but that set has a much more complex skeleton structure to begin with and I just gave up on it altogether.

my .txt of great quotes says:

"And finally, you have a problem with Mesh Burn, however this is easily fixed. Open up each mesh in NIFSkope, and select the following from the menus:

Spells -> Batch -> Update all Tangent Spaces

Spells -> Sanitize -> Reorder Link Arrays


That will eliminate the Mesh Burn, as you can see in the screenshots below. " quoted from someone here on LL...


the problem looks like the one, where this helped.


Hi, unfortunately this did not work. I really wish it were that simple though lol. Your suggest was the first thing I tried when I got home

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Hi Vioxsis, thanks for your observation. I checked the top_n.dds file which came with this outfit in GIMP and it looks like it's just a blank transparent file, so I assume this is a non-existent normal map? This actually seems to be fairly common practice now that I look through most of my older armor mods (I just batch added Labia bones to a bunch of Chapi outfits the other day), and they all have a *_n.dds file with filesize of 1,366 KB, and seemingly blank inside. However I did not get this problem with the chapi files and they all converted fine. Is there any particular reason this happened with this file but not the others, if I used the same setting and process with mesh rigger for all of them? 


Also my mesh rigger log shows a good amount of this particular error:


improper rotation matrix (error is 0.030689)


I do not see this error for meshes that are successfully rigged. Does that have anything to do with the problem? 


For what it's worth, all of the bones I selected from my template body were successfully added to this target nif, and they do function as expected with proper HDT xmls added. The outfit itself works precisely as I expect it to after rigging, with working chest and butt bounce, scaleable belly and collision on belly and vagina. The only thing that's off is the textured surface it has now, which btw is not apparent while in nifskope if I load the textures in manually.

Normal maps in skyrim utilise the alpha, so will look transparent when viewed in gimp/image viewer.

And a file size of 1,366KB means its a 1k map saved as DXT5.


Can you post the textures (both normal and diffuse) so i can take a look at them?

You already posted the nif above so only need the textures.

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Normal maps in skyrim utilise the alpha, so will look transparent when viewed in gimp/image viewer.

And a file size of 1,366KB means its a 1k map saved as DXT5.


Can you post the textures (both normal and diffuse) so i can take a look at them?

You already posted the nif above so only need the textures.



hi, here are the texture files for the outfit. that will make sense if they are supposed to be transparent. I just thought they were all blank files because they have the same file size 


Cute Frills.7z

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new normal maps for the top and skirt.







the old ones have a ridiculous amount of noise to them.

Here's a comparison pic.







The vertex normals on the original mesh are completely setup wrong to not show any of that data on the normal map.


wow thank you very much Viosis! So the problem is that the old mesh just wasn't properly showing the normals, while the one I got after using meshrigger is?


Also I did some googling for normal maps and I'm having a lot of trouble understanding how exactly is the skirt getting the color? The diffuse map is also a transparent file just like the normal map. Where does the file actually store the data for the colors used in the game? I installed the normalmap plugin for GIMP and was finally able to see something in the skirt.dds file after setting Filter>Colors>Decode YCoCg, so it's not a blank file at all. However is it possible to recolor this file if I cannot see what's actually there?


I'm not sure if there is a word for what it is I'm trying to do, but any push in the right direction will be greatly appreciated. I know it has to get the color from somewhere because I have an older version of this outfit, with 2 color options. Both options has a transparent skirt.dds file, but are different colors in the game, so it has to have color information somewhere in the file. I'm googling for all the wrong stuff it seems (recolor alpha texture transparecy etc, get a bunch of hits of people trying to make their textures transparent while I'm trying to do the opposite lol).


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if it's using 32bit colours, it is a file with 8 bit per channel.

8 bit Red + 8 bit Green + 8 bit Blue = 24 bit

meaning there's still 8 bits unused, unless you define them as alpha channel.

that channel can be used (depending on how the mesh defines it) to map certain texture pixels in different ways:

- transparency

- reflection/glossiness

- additional surface bumps/edges


to see the alpha channel information, the program has to support that.

for example WindowsTextureViewer has an option to show alpha, but it's disabled by default - when enabled, it shows alpha as an additional pink overlay.

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if it's using 32bit colours, it is a file with 8 bit per channel.

8 bit Red + 8 bit Green + 8 bit Blue = 24 bit

meaning there's still 8 bits unused, unless you define them as alpha channel.

that channel can be used (depending on how the mesh defines it) to map certain texture pixels in different ways:

- transparency

- reflection/glossiness

- additional surface bumps/edges

Sorry for intruding DS and gtcard, but... does that mean that you can use Alpha channel to set transparency and glossiness at the same time? How? I'm having problems editing some face textures to show glossiness properly.

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no, the mesh defines what the alpha is used for and if you define both it will be very strange, as areas with high transparancy would also be most glossy.

at least that's how i understand it.

i hope someone else can answer that correctly, as i am merely a retexturer who found the "node->attach property->alphaproperty" function.

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no, the mesh defines what the alpha is used for and if you define both it will be very strange, as areas with high transparancy would also be most glossy.

at least that's how i understand it.

i hope someone else can answer that correctly, as i am merely a retexturer who found the "node->attach property->alphaproperty" function.

That gives me an idea. May I send you a PM? Discussing it here would be off topic.

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