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Sanguine Debauchery enhanced: SD+ (January 2022)

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about the stand/kneel/crawl animation

SD+ 3.6.2

> the transfer from one animation to the next works without issue with all  DDs, only elbowbinder makes issues

> the transfer from kneel/crawl to stand with a elbowbinder equipped with reset the elbow binder idle to the breast joke idle.

After save/reload the right idle will be loaded, but only till the PC kneels and sand up again, after that the animation will change to breast joke idle again


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3 hours ago, Tex said:

So, will there be an chance to take his place then?

Take Sanguine's place? Not really... that's not what I have in mind.

Sanguine is a Daedra. it is well established in the Lore that Daedra are immortal.  Even the whole Sheoggorath/Jyggalag thing in Shibering Isles was a little fuzzy about what really happened to Sheo.


I have other options to explore than that :)

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Just now, DeepBlueFrog said:

Take Sanguine's place? Not really... that's not what I have in mind.

Sanguine is a Daedra. it is well established in the Lore that Daedra are immortal.  Even the whole Sheoggorath/Jyggalag thing in Shibering Isles was a little fuzzy about what really happened to Sheo.


I have other options to explore than that :)

Nono, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean we'd shiv his ass, I'm thinking something more of an retirement, or an vacation. Old paps Sang must be somewhat tired after few millennia after all :D

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Quick question: I started a new playthrough with this mod and I noticed the line "player is waiting" over and over again in my papyrus. Just to check, I started a new game with nothing but SD and it's requirements installed and found the same thing. Is this normal? I didn't get this with older versions of the mod.

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3 hours ago, Wyldfoxx said:

Quick question: I started a new playthrough with this mod and I noticed the line "player is waiting" over and over again in my papyrus. Just to check, I started a new game with nothing but SD and it's requirements installed and found the same thing. Is this normal? I didn't get this with older versions of the mod.

This is a state where the player should get stuck in. 

I added that message to track if or when the player gets into that state. It should clear up on its own but if it doesn't, it may be a sign that enslavement is messed up and you should use the Safe Word option to cancel it.

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On 2/25/2018 at 4:53 PM, DeepBlueFrog said:

A court wizard should be able to remove them for a fee. There is a %5 chance they will have to try again.


Sanguine can remove them as well if you ask nicely after a few visits.


They should also dissipate on their own after a while (but will be re-equiped if you go back to Sanguine's dreamworld).



I also have a problem to unequip this artifact I paid a lot for the court wizards but nothing happens at all ...

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On 1/18/2019 at 2:23 PM, DeepBlueFrog said:

Take Sanguine's place? Not really... that's not what I have in mind.

Sanguine is a Daedra. it is well established in the Lore that Daedra are immortal.  Even the whole Sheoggorath/Jyggalag thing in Shibering Isles was a little fuzzy about what really happened to Sheo.


I have other options to explore than that :)

It's pretty much established lore that the Champion of Cyrodill became Sheogorath after the defeat of Jyggalag, even if the details are fuzzy. CoC was fully mantled, and after the fight, Jyggalag was freed from the Shivering Isles to do his own thing upon his rebirth in the waters of Oblivion. I think the reason we don't see hide or hair of him in Skyrim though is because of one simple thing: influence. The Daedra Princes' powers in Mundus are heavily dependent on worship and attention given to them by mortals. Not in the same depth as the Aedra, who are literally tied to Nirn, where worship by mortals defines their continued existence. Jyggalag will probably never be seen or heard from in Mundus, and thus never worshiped, as the events of the Graymarch took place in a plane of Oblivion. What rare denizens of the Shivering Isles did make it back to Mundus were mad anyway, and were most likely brushed off if they told anyone of the battles.


Also, I don't think any mortal could replace Sanguine anyway. With his spheres of hedonism and debauchery, it would be nigh impossible to have that perfect blend of jovial and sadistic, and still be able to keep a strong enough mind and cunning enough wit to resist sinking into insanity and dementia, and thus into Sheogorath's sphere.

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On 1/19/2019 at 9:23 AM, DeepBlueFrog said:

Take Sanguine's place? Not really... that's not what I have in mind.

Sanguine is a Daedra. it is well established in the Lore that Daedra are immortal.  Even the whole Sheoggorath/Jyggalag thing in Shibering Isles was a little fuzzy about what really happened to Sheo.

I suspect the reason this is raised, is because the existing dialog discusses the possibility of killing Sanguine. Sure, destroy doesn't mean replace, but it opens up that line of reasoning.

While the dialog response is that this isn't a practical plan, the door is left open, even if just a crack.


This sort of Chekov's Gun is tantamount to a contract with the audience. To introduce it, then discard it is going to leave a lot of people frustrated and confused as to why it was ever introduced. That's fine if you want to make The Last Jedi, and constantly frustrate audience expectations, but if you want to please the crowd, you either have to...


a) support all the options that you hint you will support - even if they end in failure or some kind of "bad end"

b) remove all mention of it, so nobody feels cheated

c) stick a lampshade on it and explain it's never going to happen


I'm all for the player attempting to destroy Sanguine, and failing, with whatever consequences.

I don't really think that replacing Sanguine makes any kind of sense, but I could imagine some kind of temporary banishment of him.


There's a lot of background on Alicias that suggests another direction for the player, so that's probably where the focus is going to be.

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14 hours ago, Adviser69 said:

It's pretty much established lore that the Champion of Cyrodill became Sheogorath after the defeat of Jyggalag, even if the details are fuzzy.

This can be excused away by re-interpretation of time with respect to Daedra. The CoC always was Sheo. That he becomes Sheo at that point doesn't contradict it, becuase once he IS Sheo, he doesn't obey time. As Daedra have no beginning, and no end, there is no need to restrict the "touch of the hand that spins the wheel" to the alleged beginning of the universe. Admittedly, this is sophistry, or something of a contrivance, but it does show you can argue anything you like about Daedra, and if you happen to be the authoritative source, then you can get away with it.


If you happen to be DBF, you can decide to do whatever you like with Sanguine, because it's not like anyone will really care if a future Bethesda product contradicts it.


Kill a daedra? Kill a god? Destroy time itself? Reset the universe and replace it with a different one? Sure, whatever ends up being fun, just as long as the story is well told.

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Following up my ill conceived notion of talking draugr...


I noticed mention of Flowering Spriggan quest being moved to Parasites on the Hormones thread.


This reminded me of the Flowering Spriggan NPCs who I take it are regular human-based actors.

They will often attack you as you travel down the road, and if you're weak, they'll defeat you.


Would be great if they could enslave you, but with a little spriggan flavouring.

I imagine them being vanilla SD+, except they drag you on a tour of spriggan gottos or something, and have tasks to sniff flowers, or fuck a stag or something.



In a similar vein...

I really would have liked enslavement by the Matriach. She could decide to keep you to flower a few times more.

Alas, Spriggans can't talk, though I suppose they could produce message boxes with more sophisticated demands than a bear or a wolf.



You are suddenly filled with an urge to travel to the rift, and visit a cave there so that you may plant your seed.

The glorious green Matriarch must be inside your head, commanding you somehow.

Every fibre of your beings longs to fulfil her demand.

The thought of pleasing her leaves you overflowing with arousal.


Then you get a regular spriggan as a follower+master and have to make your way to some other cave, where there's a load of spriggan sex, then they put some awful plant parasite inside you and let you go.

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If I read articles about the Lore correctly, Sheogorath preferred to be Jyggalag and was punished to act as a madman. By stopping the greymarch, the player gave him a way out. He gave him the mantle of the madman while he returned to being Jyggalag. So yes, the player replaced him, but Sheogorath was not killed.


Regarding the "Chekov's gun" issue, I believe Bethesda has coddled players to excess by making sure anything that is mentioned anywhere is important.

I am deviating from that in the Rumors Content Consumer and I created for Stories, as well as a few other red herrings sprinkled across my mods. Does that frustrate players? sure! but think of the adventures they had while they were on their wild goose chase :)


If I had to do something about that particular one, I will use option c) and explain that Daedra cannot be killed at some point in the quest.

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Some feedback and maybe few ideas for future updates:

- Add submissive device equip dialogue - handled by Sexlab dialogue i guess ? 

- When hit your master he tie player hands then remove it and rape/fuck player either remove fuck or tie hands after fuck

- Remove distance limit or make it way bigger i feel like i miss so much "content" because of that and imo its just unnecessary

- More interaction with master basically dialogues that dont really do anything, after playing a lot of mods i must say that good dialogues can make mod way cooler 

- Dont remove wrist cuffs on every scene or make sure to lock them after fuck,dance...etc i just easy way to remove them

- Full set of restrains on cage scenes.


And btw since its 2019 would be cool to see some kind of statement about plans for future updates :D 


Keep up the good work! 

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On 1/22/2019 at 11:26 PM, DeepBlueFrog said:

Regarding the "Chekov's gun" issue, I believe Bethesda has coddled players to excess by making sure anything that is mentioned anywhere is important.

I think it's more that they didn't have time to mention anything except things that were important. Narrative economy isn't a vice, it's a discipline, but clearly, it does make the task of surprising the audience in a satisfying way (for them) a lot harder.



On another topic, take a look at: 

These short loop animations are super-sexy, and there are a bunch that could be chained together to make a sort of random dance or tease sequence.


Personally, I'd love to see something like that instead of the longer pre-canned dance animations that SD+ has, almost all of which are not particularly seductive, or simply don't fit right on the simplistic Skyrim bodymesh+skeleton, resulting in collapsing joints, and other nasties.


While SD+ can't fix those animations, it could use these new ones, which avoid such problems.



My guess is you don't have time to do this, but Gunslicer seems open to possibilities, and also seems to have plans to produce other animations. Who knows what you could negotiate?

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16 hours ago, Jappa123 said:

- When hit your master he tie player hands then remove it and rape/fuck player either remove fuck or tie hands after fuck

The ability to defer binding punishments and apply them after the sex, and the ability to re-bind the player are both things that would help the master seem less like a bot with zero memory of any state.


Surely, get in this sort of fundamental would help with things like cage scenarios too?

Give the master a list (array) with things he needs to do - with an "earliest time they can be executed" and process the list when he's idle for long enough?


16 hours ago, Jappa123 said:

- Remove distance limit or make it way bigger i feel like i miss so much "content" because of that and imo its just unnecessary

Could this simply be made a constant percentage of escape distance instead of fixed? No MCM addition needed.


16 hours ago, Jappa123 said:

- More interaction with master basically dialogues that dont really do anything, after playing a lot of mods i must say that good dialogues can make mod way cooler 

Dialogues where the master asks about the PC's preferences, and tries to get inside their head, find out what makes them most dependent and helpless... Would add some flavour. If you want some help writing them, I offer my services... j/k I know you can write your own dialogue just fine.


16 hours ago, Jappa123 said:

- Full set of restrains on cage scenes.

If they were DD devices, it would probably take too long to put them on, and add too much script load to be helpful. Getting them off can also be a pain - see how long it takes DCL to strip a full set from a Little Bondage Adventure run.


Would look nice though.


Maybe could use just one or two high-visual-impact devices, like a suit, hobble-dress, harness, straightjacket or pet-suit?

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Nice to see you've updated the mod and added the cage scenario again. I found an issue with it, that I didn't have before. The owner gets the recieving role in sex animations, and even if I can adjust it with a button, it's a bit immersion breaking. Any idea what could cause this?

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I've migrated completely to SE at this point. In Oldrim, it crashes more than BC3000AD ever did, so that's a non-starter for me these days. SE has run so smoothly, I actually finished the main plotline for the first time about a month ago.


So, that said, I seem to recall someone was working on a SE-friendly version of SD+. Was it ever finished? Is there a timeline to release for the SE version?

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