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Sanguine Debauchery enhanced: SD+ (January 2022)

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44 minutes ago, DeepBlueFrog said:

there is also a spell (the spell goes way back) to early versions). It is a directed spell so you will have to cast it at someone you want to dance for. It shouldnt cost any Magicka and should be useable during enslavement.



Ah. I thought that was from another mod. Wasn't really paying attention.


Now you mention it, I used to use that. Been away from SD+ for too long.



To clarify. The entire May I? topic may (irony) fail to appear for me with some masters.

I think the problem is master-related, not SL-related. As I say, PC is at SL6.



The 'wait' problem has been present since I started testing the beta, and I have it in every game I make, no matter what other mods are there, or how I get enslaved. However, creature-masters do not have this issue.

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While I'm spouting random crap...


Could you make it so that Draugr masters transition from "creature type" to "human type" if you spend a long enough time enslaved by Draugr?


This would make a nice reversal of Ancient Nordic Queen ... or a tie into Hateful Wenches ... the idea that the longer you are with the draugr, the more draugr you become, and understanding them is part of this descent.



A while back I looked into whether I could make a draugrfication mod, but I didn't see a point unless there was some good gameplay there. I felt the necessary animations weren't available.


However, I can see how you might slot it into Hormones, like Bimbo and Succubus.

As you already have a lot of code for this, it wouldn't be a huge leap.


It wouldn't be practical to become fully Draugr looking, because so many armor/clothes models have bits of human skin in them, but you could swap to a skinny, emaciated look with the morphs available, and add a greyish skin tint, alternate head, hair, and glowing eyes.


Maybe swapping the skin texture would work with most gear, so you could get a bony shrivelled look. I guess it depends on how well they respect the UV layout on the player skin.


Could make a quest out of it, so you are kill-on-sight in cities until you get the cure.

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2 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

Is it safe to sleep now?

I know that feeling, but, behold!

try the new SD+ 3.6.2

SD slavery works very smooth now

> SD master doesn't loose master dialog anymore after a first day/few days or cell change

> SD master doesn't reset anymore after sleep

> SD master replaces collars if missing

> SD masters seem to be reclutant to remove DDs at first and are freindlier at higher slave lvls (to add more DDs during enslavement I use DEC)

> SD master doesn't start the travel packet anymore automaticly after 24 hours, so it's possible to travel more to do the tasks or even change the master "lair" to another bandit camp

> SD master followes you more reliable, it's now possible travel huge distances

> SD master knows to fight now

> if you watch closely, the Slave lvl evolves from master to master and drops if not enlsaved for a while

> on high difficulty setting it's very hard to please a master, often you need a few enslavements to reach higher lvls or even get the chance to ask for release

> the higher your slave lvl the more tasks

> try the SD+ 3.6.2 ^ SDcages ^ SDpatches 304 combo for harder escape

> standing/kneeling/crawling animation transfer works way better now and with most armbondage. Only the elbowbinder still makes issues.

> if you want to prevent be punished after waiting/sleeping => feed your master tamagotchi and rise the allowed hours for free roaming

> master watches you more closely in the first lvls (maybe that was before, but master bugged out after the first day on my setups pretty much to 100%, so it wasn't possible to see progress and effects of the slave lvl)

> it feels like there are more dialog options to make masters happy/react to tasks

> many more little improvement that make the enslavement experiance more smooth

> try other means of escape, like ask other NPC if you can go with them or if they free you on your travels

> the reward system seems to work much better now, I can see more how my actions have an impact on the slave lvl/free hours

> creature enslavement isn't as buggy anymore


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24 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

I know that feeling, but, behold!

try the new SD+ 3.6.2

I have tried a bit with 362, but the missing "May I" was with 362, was is the "wait" issue.


I didn't dare sleep so far ... the problem with it historically, was that it took many hours more of play to discover that the master was broken and would never release you ... so I was a bit nervous of trying it. I had it with a Frost Troll testing the beta, and there was basically no way out of that. Ever. I couldn't find an NPC who wanted me who could beat the troll. That's ancient history now, but I replicated the issue several times more in the beta, and wasn't entirely sure if it was fixed for the release.


I will give it a go now though; seems at least worth the attempt.


In 362, I still sometimes get collar issues, where going through a door leads to the master getting very angry and shocking me a lot.

I can't say why it happens. Seems to be specific masters, just like the "May I?" problem.


There may still be a race condition that leads to masters not getting set up quite right sometimes. But the odds of a broken master are now reduced.

I found, for example, that when I was "sold on", the master would not move or travel AT ALL, and would shock me for leaving the same Skyrim cell, but otherwise worked properly.


Sometimes they would "go on a journey" and it would be directly back to their usual spot!


I never really had issues with stand/kneel/crawl. SD+ has always done that better than other mods apart from SLAV, which is also fine, though different.


I suspect a lot of this stuff you're comparing against is the old release, and I've been running the betas for months now, so I'm comparing directly against the last beta, not the previous release.



I found something kicked my SL to 6, somewhat out of nowhere, and it never drops. I have decay set at 0.9 so it should drop ... slowly.

This hints at the existence of a rogue, duplicate script instance, so possibly some slave script still running when I'm free.


Do I really need patches 304 for cages to work? I thought 362 didn't need the patches?

It might be that the patches are helping you see different results to me? (As I do not have them).



If I am supposed to be punished for waiting, then it should say so.



Enter wait menu.

Leave wait menu.

Master: "Lazy slave. I didn't say you could just idle around for hours! Get moving!"

... beating ensues ...


That's not what I see.

Instead it's:


Enter wait menu.

Leave wait menu.

Master says: "I want you to entertain me..." or "I have a job for you..."

Then immediately: "Don't you defy me slave!"

Then whipping.


Sorry. Not exact correct dialog, but I think you can still get the point.


I'll make a new game, and put in the patches 304.

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1 hour ago, Lupine00 said:

I have tried a bit with 362, but the missing "May I" was with 362, was is the "wait" issue.

Don't scare me, will keep an eye on that than.

Up until now (3.6.2.) the "please" dialog always had the "may I" option too and I waited instead of sleeping for 3 days (because master didn't let me sleep, only rest, which is only waiting as far as I understand)

my issue was more with older versions that the whole "master dialog" vanished and only "please" dialog was left (the same dialog you get with any NPC while PC has high slave lvl or is enslaved)


1 hour ago, Lupine00 said:

In 362, I still sometimes get collar issues, where going through a door leads to the master getting very angry and shocking me a lot.

I can't say why it happens. Seems to be specific masters, just like the "May I?" problem.

I have that "punished at cell change" always

only way I can prevent that

> be fast

> change cell before the master

>  have free hours on your slave account

> happy master


1 hour ago, Lupine00 said:

There may still be a race condition that leads to masters not getting set up quite right sometimes. But the odds of a broken master are now reduced.

I found, for example, that when I was "sold on", the master would not move or travel AT ALL, and would shock me for leaving the same Skyrim cell, but otherwise worked properly.

yes different masters react a bit differently

biggest difference seems to me:

> civil master

> hostile (bandit for example) master

> voluntary enslavement master

> SD prepared masters (from DEC for example)

> random master

> vampire master


before I even try to start traveling with the master I wait till slave lvl 2-3 and only if enough free hours are generated

free roaming hours help with cell change, exploring the area, prevent punishments, get the master to follow you around if in "watching you" mode


1 hour ago, Lupine00 said:

Sometimes they would "go on a journey" and it would be directly back to their usual spot!

I saw that a lot too, often on the way to mistwatch

but now I have the feeling with SD 3.6.2. my slave takes on the lead a lot more (if free hours and slave lvl higher than 1)

they still try to go back to their original lair from time to time

on my travels they basicly try to walk back all the time at the first days, especially if slave lvl and free hours are low

wont even try that with negative slave hour account and an angry master


1 hour ago, Lupine00 said:

I suspect a lot of this stuff you're comparing against is the old release, and I've been running the betas for months now, so I'm comparing directly against the last beta, not the previous release.

I compare to any version since I joined LL and using SD+ and DEC and since this year the beta versions from beta topic and scripts from github

Constantly using SD (some rage deinstalls in between) for use with DEC and as defeat alternative and roleplay. Only Maria Eden gave me a break from SD^^

Like that I can recognize  changes or I wouldn't even know whats missing or what gets better.

Even with all the previous flaws its high compatible to other LL mods and allows for a quick enslavement anytime/anywhere. Perfect for sandbox play styles.

there where a lot of up and downs. My feeling was that during 2017 SD+ got worse (and with vanishing master dialog / broken travels to mistwatch even unplayable, at least for a continued enslavement instead of a quick defeat alternative) and now at the end of 2018 (or since the beta channel) it makes very (VERY!) good progress

Changing from master to master, travel around with master and long term enslavement where never that smooth (at least not since I use SD)

My feeling atm is there is a huge jump form the beta to the actual release in terms of quality


1 hour ago, Lupine00 said:

I never really had issues with stand/kneel/crawl. SD+ has always done that better than other mods apart from SLAV, which is also fine, though different.

stand/kneel/crawl always worked for me too

what I mean with issues is if you wear certain DDs while doing that

for example, chaning slave pose while wearing an elbow binder will end in an standing idle of a DDi yoke instead the idle of an elbowbinder


1 hour ago, Lupine00 said:

Do I really need patches 304 for cages to work? I thought 362 didn't need the patches?

good question, as far as I understand it SD+ comes now with it's own working cage system

I just jumped at the SDpatches 304 cage variation, because of the connection to the added cages via SDcages

SDpatches doesn't overwrite SD scripts during installation

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1 hour ago, CaCO3 said:

Is there a way to use the crouch and kneeling positions with arrow up and arrow down outside the slavery content? I tried but can't do it ... ^^°

I think it should work after you've been enslaved once, or met Sanguine. At least,  it used to for me.

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On 1/11/2019 at 8:03 PM, Violence6884 said:


Ohhhh then maybe I didn't understand what the description says there in the version changes?


It says "Added: Creatures/Animals should only attack or enslave submissive players". But if that's true, and being sub depends on hitting Submit, then creatures will never bother with characters who have never been enslaved. And the only thing that will enslave those characters are now Humans, because creatures won't see the character as submissive(A character like that has never had the dialogue, as said never been enslaved).


So it's... Confusing. Could you explain? Again sorry for bothering you so much with this, just want to make sure I can move to the new version :3


PS. Have you considered incorporating UnTamed into SD+ as possible creature enslavement outcomes?!

The mod is dead I think and it was awesome. Or its author is working on a sequel but only for SSE so technically it's dead either way. I ask because I remember reading you weren't sure how to flesh out creature and animal enslavement. It could be fun progressing up to pack leader through gaining their trust ETC, then learning how to convert other creatures and animals to your pack(UT has some interesting "Powers" too).

It could also be interesting if you weren't the pack leader but the leader's or the pack's breeder(UnTamed had some pregnancy stuff or you could somehow use BeingFemale and the BFACCA- The creature and animal pregnancy and birth add on for it?), get ordered to find food perhaps or hunt for your pack?


Just rough concepts but maybe it's good food for thought. Matches well with your idea of "Queen of the Chaurus" as well, which I would love to see eventually!

Sort of bumping my previous post, I'll try to shrink it too.



Sort of bumping my previous post, also shrinking it a bit to be more on point with my questions.


- Do changes in the MCM take effect immediately even on running enslavement, or should I not touch those if enslaved already?


- Please further clarify about creatures and animals. New characters can't get enslaved by those because their Sub/Dom stat is not defined as they have never been enslaved before(Never even seen the Submit/Resist dialogue)?


- Please consider adding an MCM toggle about the above change, a way to set a character's starting tendency.


- What are the effects of manually removing(Not asking for help from an NPC) the collar? Do outcomes change? What happens if I put it back on manually? Also what happens if slavery ends and then I put it back on?


- Would incorporating UnTamed or some form of similar system, tied to creature and animal enslavement outcomes, be possible or wanted?


- Will we ever see a proper sleep animation for asking to rest? Right now I think for all kinds of owners, we get put in a pillory(Is that the right word?), kind of weird. There are many sleeping, lying or otherwise resting animations out there that involve no furniture.

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15 hours ago, Violence6884 said:

- Will we ever see a proper sleep animation for asking to rest? Right now I think for all kinds of owners, we get put in a pillory(Is that the right word?), kind of weird. There are many sleeping, lying or otherwise resting animations out there that involve no furniture.

Used to be a thing where a magic bedroll appeared, but it had issues with breaking the camera.


Seems likely it will be changed again in the future?

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Way too many comments yesterday to address quickly. I will have to review them and summarize my answers.


On the Sleeping animation point, you should get a proper sleeping animation already if you use the 'rest anywhere' spell without being enslaved.


While being enslaved, the master puts the player to sleep using a furniture or bondage position.

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Still reviewing the comments - lots of good ideas here.


Some things I can reply to right away:



Could you make it so that Draugr masters transition from "creature type" to "human type" if you spend a long enough time enslaved by Draugr? This would make a nice reversal of Ancient Nordic Queen ... or a tie into Hateful Wenches ... the idea that the longer you are with the draugr, the more draugr you become, and understanding them is part of this descent.

Short answer: not possible.


Skyrim treats creatures as non speaking NPCs. That comes with a nasty bugs that makes dialogues disappear randomly, which is why I used message boxes for creatures.


Also, forcing them to be human type would also enable all sort of human comments I would have to track down because they would just look weird, like Hello comments, comments about being in a cave, comments from friendly fire, etc...


They don't even have a skeleton compatible with humans, so switching NPCs and making them look the same is not possible either.



I found something kicked my SL to 6, somewhat out of nowhere, and it never drops. I have decay set at 0.9 so it should drop ... slowly.

Did you get the Bimbo curse?

Being a Bimbo forces you at level 6 automatically and ignores decay.

It's just one of the perks of being a bimbo in SD.



my issue was more with older versions that the whole "master dialog" vanished and only "please" dialog was left (the same dialog you get with any NPC while PC has high slave lvl or is enslaved)

Are you sure it is the same Please? dialogue?


I renamed the Master/Mistress? dialogues to Please as well for other reasons. So now there is only one slavery dialogue entry point and it is 'Please?'



Is there a way to use the crouch and kneeling positions with arrow up and arrow down outside the slavery content? I tried but can't do it ... ^^°
I think it should work after you've been enslaved once, or met Sanguine. At least,  it used to for me.

I have seen this issue pop up for some people for a long time, but all I can say is that I cannot reproduce it.

In all my tests, I am able to cycle through stand/kneel/crawl BEFORE my first enslavement.

I am waiting for this issue to manifest itself in my game before I can do anything about it.



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- Do changes in the MCM take effect immediately even on running enslavement, or should I not touch those if enslaved already?


If they are not greyed out in the menu, they should work and be safe to change during enslavement.


- Please further clarify about creatures and animals. New characters can't get enslaved by those because their Sub/Dom stat is not defined as they have never been enslaved before (Never even seen the Submit/Resist dialogue)?


The Submit/Resist choices control the random attacks when you are a slave and walking by a friendly creature. This chaurus or spiders while being enslaved to a Falmer.

It should not impact the chances of being enslaved from the submit key, from Death Alternative or other ways of enslavement.


- Please consider adding an MCM toggle about the above change, a way to set a character's starting tendency.


I'll put that on my list.


- What are the effects of manually removing (Not asking for help from an NPC) the collar? Do outcomes change? What happens if I put it back on manually? Also what happens if slavery ends and then I put it back on?


There shouldn't be a big impact of removing the collar. Your master will collar you again if he gets close enough. That's about it.


- Would incorporating UnTamed or some form of similar system, tied to creature and animal enslavement outcomes, be possible or wanted?


Incorporating Untamed is not feasible but I can look into creating a patch to hand over the player from SD+ system to Untamed's system as an endpoint for certain creature enslavements (the player earned their stripes and become the leader of the pack)


- Will we ever see a proper sleep animation for asking to rest? Right now I think for all kinds of owners, we get put in a pillory(Is that the right word?), kind of weird. There are many sleeping, lying or otherwise resting animations out there that involve no furniture.


I answered about that but to reiterate, you can already see normal sleeping animations when you use the 'Rest Anywhere' spell outside of enslavement. If I remember well, high levels of enslavement should also let you sleep without bindings, but I would have to double check.

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2 hours ago, DeepBlueFrog said:

Are you sure it is the same Please? dialogue?


I renamed the Master/Mistress? dialogues to Please as well for other reasons. So now there is only one slavery dialogue entry point and it is 'Please?'

that issue was in older versions of SD, master dialog vanished and changed to the please dialog

the actual SD version only has please dialog starter and no master anymore and the master(now please) dialog doesn't vanish anymore


Lupine00 has the issue that the master please subdialog "may I" vanishes

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Ive used SD for a bit and thought of a few ways to make slavery just a bit less repetitive. 


- Master gives us a few nonsexual chores such as mining nearby minerals, collecting stuff, maybe even independent quests later on? Manual labor is a part of slavery after all.

- make it possible to seduce our master and become a bit more romantic?

-Have our master pawn us off to someone nearby, or if they are in a crime faction like bandits, ship us to another dungeon??




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Been having this strange issue whenever I get enslaved and the owner takes advantage of my character, they suddenly switch position and treat my character(female) as the owner, and just fucks the owner(male) instead of the other way around. It only does this for Sanguine Debauchery. And I have no clue why this is occurring, could anyone help me as to what is causing the issue? Neither the re-align and switch actor positions of sexlab work

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Testet the current 3.62 Version was enslaved in Dawnstar from Abelone after some time i tried to run away, Collar startet to shock me but nothin else happend Abelone did not show up and i was not freed also not after waiting 2 ingame days. So i moved back to Abelone it does not look like she know i tried to run away she only told me we will go to a walk.


Then one of the Miners attacked Abelone Collar was removed no new collar was attached but i still have the Enslaved Quest in my Questlog as active Quest telling me my Master want me to get Wood.


So how can i remove the Quest From Questlog? Already tried to find with Console the quest id and foudn a SD_enslavement quest but it was 0 in all Quest Stages.


Now i dont know if my char is still enslaved to some Ghost Master not existing in the World or still set to Enslaved in some Factions or not.


Any chance to reset it or manually complete Enslave quest?

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4 hours ago, A random name said:

Ive used SD for a bit and thought of a few ways to make slavery just a bit less repetitive. 


- Master gives us a few nonsexual chores such as mining nearby minerals, collecting stuff, maybe even independent quests later on? Manual labor is a part of slavery after all.

- make it possible to seduce our master and become a bit more romantic?

-Have our master pawn us off to someone nearby, or if they are in a crime faction like bandits, ship us to another dungeon??




- Nonsexual chores will be coming as part of the task system. I am still tweaking that.

- Yes. Once you reach the 'Let me go' stage, you can choose to keep serving your master even though the enslavement is done. He/she should become a follower that will still behave as a master.

- That's already part of the mod if you really piss off your master for longer than the set amount of days for slavery.

2 hours ago, D34THW1NG said:

Been having this strange issue whenever I get enslaved and the owner takes advantage of my character, they suddenly switch position and treat my character(female) as the owner, and just fucks the owner(male) instead of the other way around. It only does this for Sanguine Debauchery. And I have no clue why this is occurring, could anyone help me as to what is causing the issue? Neither the re-align and switch actor positions of sexlab work


That's a known issue. I tried to fix the issue where a female owner would only use a male slave by mounting them doggie style. The mod when the total opposite as a result. Something I missed in my testing.

51 minutes ago, Naps-On-Dirt said:

Is there any new content after choosing your path in The Truth with this new version?  :)

Not yet. I am working on that at the moment.

I have the next chapter laid out. I need to turn it into quest stages and dialogues next.

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On 1/16/2019 at 1:11 PM, DeepBlueFrog said:

Did you get the Bimbo curse?

Being a Bimbo forces you at level 6 automatically and ignores decay.

It's just one of the perks of being a bimbo in SD.

There was a case in the beta where we discussed this, and it was the Bimbo Curse. However, I haven't had that curse at all yet in my games with the new release versions.


On 1/16/2019 at 1:11 PM, DeepBlueFrog said:

Skyrim treats creatures as non speaking NPCs.

Ah yes. I forgot about that.

Clearly, if you were planning on blanket replacing draugr with humans with a custom race, to work around this, you would use the human skeleton for that race (or strictly, XP32MSE). Such a change would be ... a bit mad ... but I can imagine somebody having a shot. TitD does this with its talking Falmer, but of course those are all new additions. The work to replace existing ones would be rather major, as well as ... conflicty.


Well... it was a nice idea. Maybe... there's still a way. If you replaced only the master with what is basically a mer in a draugr suit, you'd just have the dialog issue to deal with. That the other draugr don't talk is tolerable, maybe better in some ways. The existing misc dialogs are dumb and wrong and annoying enough even for regular bandits, so I'm used to tuning out their inane, immersion destroying babble already. As the master wouldn't be in the factions, or based off the bases that enable most human dialog, there'd only be the most basic stuff, which TBH is out of place and immersion breaking no matter who says it to a slave.


But it's clearly more work than I was thinking of when I suggested it, so I get that this is a non-starter. Pity though.


On 1/16/2019 at 3:32 PM, donttouchmethere said:

that issue was in older versions of SD, master dialog vanished and changed to the please dialog

the actual SD version only has please dialog starter and no master anymore and the master(now please) dialog doesn't vanish anymore


Lupine00 has the issue that the master please subdialog "may I" vanishes

DTMT explains my problem accurately. Thanks. 


I've nuked the game that manifested these issues and now playing two new ones, but due to the absurd difficulty I've set up in them, no SD+ enslavement has occurred yet. So far I've been in a total of one fight, between both games, and that was a mauling from wolves that resulted in a rescue to an inn. PC is currently so crippled from wounds, she can barely stand, and may yet die of disease. Enslavement would probably be the death of her in short order. In the other game, the PC is probably a twenty+ hours of play away from even getting into a fight.




Regarding the unsatisfactory nature of some master requests, I did put some thought into a little standalone mod that would make SD+ less frustrating/more interactive for the typical slave...


The problem now, is that you are asked to bring valuables, food, or ingredients when none are to be had.

Even if you have the allowance to go outside (and you probably do not) there's nothing in range. You know what I mean? If you don't, read the spoiler.



You're stuck in a cave, or a castle, or a mine, and you've given everything that isn't nailed down to the master already, and that junk added up to about 220 septims.

You are now out of ways to please your master, and it's not really your fault, and it just gets frustrating when he keeps impossible wishes, as if he just rubbed a lamp and you popped out. "I'm stuck in a blindfold on a 100-foot leash, not bloody Robin Williams mate!"


I had a situation where I was traded from one crappy bandit master to another, to another, building up ever more buyout debt, all in the same basic location, and with nothing at all I could do for them in terms of completing non-sex tasks because it was all stripped bare in the first day of the first master.


It leads to a behaviour, where for every task, you give him maybe one item and don't bother with more, because that at least stops him getting more angry - basically rationing out the few items you can access, stretching them out as far as you can. It doesn't make sense, and it's not much fun. In other cases, I had to resort to pick-pocketing the bandits to get items, and eventually I had stripped them too. I couldn't get the master's key this way because I'd already failed it.





This can be fixed without any changes to SD+, by a little mod that tracks container looting, a bit like DCL does it.


When you open a container, it looks at its type, and based on container type, may periodically spawn a new low-value item, or items, in it from a matching loot lists. Items that are spawned remain in the container if you don't loot them, until regular cell respawn wipes them.


So, you can "search" an "empty" dresser for the thirteenth time, and magically find some miner's clothes in it you missed before, or a tankard, or green apple.

Slightly unrealistic, but it at least lets you keep on doing tasks for the master, even when you're stuck in the same six rooms of a ruined castle for nine days straight.


It could also work on pickpocketing too, though it would be a bit more work, it's not that different.


Could be toggled to only enable spawns you're a slave - though it's not like it's a fountain of wealth - the time between possible "respawn" on containers would be a few hours, and the items wouldn't value anything over 50.


I can't think of a practical way to just spawn clutter items or stuff you could pick up directly without adding special markers, which would be a whole new class of trouble, so I don't think that's possible - still it might make sense for certain locations where you always seem to end up - Cragslane Cavern, Mistwatch, Halted Stream, etc.



So the basic play, is that when you get a fetch task, you have to go back and re-search every container, even if it says it's empty, and see if you can find something for the master. Not exactly the most fun in the world, but better than just standing around hopelessly because you know there's nothing left.

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If you ask a master to keep you after the normal time out, what are the conditions for leaving him after that?

Can you negotiate it through dialog? Or is it escape-only once you refuse?


I've never once dared take that option, as I wasn't sure the master would unglue from his favourite spot.

After being stuck in one place, with nothing left to fetch for days,  I usually can't wait to get out.


In dozens of games, different versions, and probably hundreds of enslavements, I think I've only ever had a handful of masters that wandered much, and of those, not a single one that successfully walked to his claimed destination. Mostly, they seem to stick in a kind of back and forth loop - one way down the road, then reverse and walk the other way - never arriving anywhere. I know Skyrim AI is a bit fragile, but PoP seems able to path to places most of the time, even if it takes quite a while to get there - so SD+ must be (or have been) swapping out the travel package on purpose.


I could drag my master around a bit, after a while, in the beta.

So it seems like that's a possibility now, even if he still can't really travel anywhere based on his own intentions.



Somewhat unrelated, but some masters are odd. Told Beirand that I need a strong hand to guide me. He enslaved me, then immediately freed me again. Yes. Latest version.

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Just a suggestion: I use TDF prostitution , an after screwing one bandit over an over it raises the relationship between my toon an that bandit to the point my toon can ask for food also ask to remove my binds where my toon can attempt an escape. I believe begging if successful will generate a food item which can be given to the master. Once you have raised the relationship of an np or bandit to you they are more susceptible to the begging option in SD DIALOG.

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