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Sanguine Debauchery enhanced: SD+ (January 2022)

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Hey skyrimll I have a question, I saw that you were talking about integration of hair shaving with yps fashion mod is that yet integrated?

Yes but it is done through Hormones. I can't remember if I released that change yet.


I will check when I get back home tonight.

Oh so it wont just be available for SD+, hormones must be installed?

If you want to use it right now, yes.


I will add a direct call to YPS from Dialogues in the next version.


Awesome I tested the latest SD+ and it ran very well for me no CTD's everything played out very well even got a task to complete which was awesome! Also in the place I was in they used a cage which I think was the first time ive ever seen it used since I installed SD Cages i love it!!


This may very well be me but I had a few things or questions:


1.) When asking for food it would open up their inventory allowing me to grab everything from it but as soon as I exited out it automatically gave me a potion or something from there. This also could probably be my setup though as I was testing the latest development version of Devious Devices.


2.) Asking for clothes to warm up still isn't working, but I think you said you put that on the huge list of things to do for this mod xD


3.) This is just my confusion I did visit sanguine he put some spectral devices on me I wasn't exactly sure how to get them off, So I went to danica in whiterun since she seemed like an obvious choice to get basically the devils devices off lol I was able to get off everything but the collar. But again I am not even sure i was suppose to get them off through her anyway. Also side note the tera armor for danica for sexlab Parasites is soo cool!!

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Hey skyrimll I have a question, I saw that you were talking about integration of hair shaving with yps fashion mod is that yet integrated?

Yes but it is done through Hormones. I can't remember if I released that change yet.


I will check when I get back home tonight.

Oh so it wont just be available for SD+, hormones must be installed?
If you want to use it right now, yes.


I will add a direct call to YPS from Dialogues in the next version.

Awesome I tested the latest SD+ and it ran very well for me no CTD's everything played out very well even got a task to complete which was awesome! Also in the place I was in they used a cage which I think was the first time ive ever seen it used since I installed SD Cages i love it!!


This may very well be me but I had a few things or questions:


1.) When asking for food it would open up their inventory allowing me to grab everything from it but as soon as I exited out it automatically gave me a potion or something from there. This also could probably be my setup though as I was testing the latest development version of Devious Devices.


2.) Asking for clothes to warm up still isn't working, but I think you said you put that on the huge list of things to do for this mod xD


3.) This is just my confusion I did visit sanguine he put some spectral devices on me I wasn't exactly sure how to get them off, So I went to danica in whiterun since she seemed like an obvious choice to get basically the devils devices off lol I was able to get off everything but the collar. But again I am not even sure i was suppose to get them off through her anyway. Also side note the tera armor for danica for sexlab Parasites is soo cool!!

the sanguine devices remove themselves after some time. Too much time, imho. ;)
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I'm the one having that problem with getting Death Alternative to register Sanguine's Debauchery. I tried to post the papyrus information 3 times, and each time I got a browser message that said loverslab couldn't handle the request.

Again, don't post your log that way. Upload the text file.

I tried using a spoiler tag. Garbage everything... Hold on.

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Alright, here's the file. Sorry for the (admittedly embarrassing) problems I've been causing.

If you're using the short "Reply to this topic" box at the bottom of the page, click "More Reply Options" beside the "Post" button, then use the Attach File buttons at the bottom to attach your .txt file to the post.

I got it. Thanks.


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Great mod! Just a quick question - Would you consider eventually adding some of the lesser known beasts of Skyrim to the creature master faction? With so many new animations coming out for some of Skyrim's lesser creatures, I think it would be awesome if they had a chance to use them on their newly acquired Dragonborn  :)

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Alright, here's the file. Sorry for the (admittedly embarrassing) problems I've been causing.

If you're using the short "Reply to this topic" box at the bottom of the page, click "More Reply Options" beside the "Post" button, then use the Attach File buttons at the bottom to attach your .txt file to the post.

I got it. Thanks.


You have an issue with the state of your game, it's dirty. Far too much errors and warning at the header to even bother reading further: nothing will work properly has many of those errors involve vanilla scripts. Try not to install overhauls, but if you do be sure they work out of the box without any other mod installed.


Also, what the hell? -- Extra tasklet budget: 800.000000ms

I suppose your skyrim.ini is dirty as well :P

Great mod! Just a quick question - Would you consider eventually adding some of the lesser known beasts of Skyrim to the creature master faction? With so many new animations coming out for some of Skyrim's lesser creatures, I think it would be awesome if they had a chance to use them on their newly acquired Dragonborn  :)


Masters could be added quite trivially to SD+, but beasts do not have a lot of content as of now thus it would be a bit boring.

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Great mod! Just a quick question - Would you consider eventually adding some of the lesser known beasts of Skyrim to the creature master faction? With so many new animations coming out for some of Skyrim's lesser creatures, I think it would be awesome if they had a chance to use them on their newly acquired Dragonborn  :)


Masters could be added quite trivially to SD+, but beasts do not have a lot of content as of now thus it would be a bit boring.



Also, some of them just don't make any sense. How would a rabbit enslave you, for example? Most rabbits aren't that aggressive. What kind of markings would it make to claim you?


Although... being enslaved to a rabbit would be pretty much the ultimate burn. Even Molag Bal would be disgusted. Sheogorath might approve.

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When I ask master for food or drinks, I get one from his inventory.


But I can't eat it while my hands are bound.


Got any leads to solve this? My PC is starving :(.



I also have this problem.



There is a workaround for that. 


Find a container (a sack, a barrel..), open it and select your side of the transfer of items. You should be able to use Shift+Click to consumer your items.


I am thinking of trying to catch when the master gives you items (or when you are picking items from the master) and auto-equipping the items at the time you are receiving them.

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I am thinking of trying to catch when the master gives you items (or when you are picking items from the master) and auto-equipping the items at the time you are receiving them.



Hmm... how would you go about doing that, though?

Changing "additem" to "equipitem" is simple enough, but that doesn't work from the gift menu, right?

Would you have to make a copy of the player's inventory as a list, before and after, then compare the two, then equip the differences?

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I am thinking of trying to catch when the master gives you items (or when you are picking items from the master) and auto-equipping the items at the time you are receiving them.


Hmm... how would you go about doing that, though?

Changing "additem" to "equipitem" is simple enough, but that doesn't work from the gift menu, right?

Would you have to make a copy of the player's inventory as a list, before and after, then compare the two, then equip the differences?

There is an OnItemAdded event on both the master and the slave. I will have to detect if the slave received an item from the master and auto equip it.

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I know there​ is a way to force feed the player both food and drink instead of putting it in the inventory. In fact, I thought sd did so, but apparently not. Did you remove that, or am I thinking of something else?

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I know there​ is a way to force feed the player both food and drink instead of putting it in the inventory. In fact, I thought sd did so, but apparently not. Did you remove that, or am I thinking of something else?

I used to do that through Dialogues but that went away with the new inventory based system


I just added it back for the next version.

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This mod let's you eat the food directly without going through the inventory. Just a pop up menu tha pops when you click on the objects.
Don't know if the same method could be triggered via dialogue. Maybe the owner could simply drop the food or the beverages and then you will have to click on it (which, i must say, would fit very well given the situation. The master throwing food at the slave like as a dog!)



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So, how am I supposed to get Sanguine's bondage off? I was equipped with the collar, gag, ankle chains, and wrist bindings on my first trip to dreamworld. I hung around for a while and the wrist bindings and gag went away, but I still have the collar and ankle chains equipped. The wiki says to talk to a guard, but they just talk about spectral chains being dangerous or otherwise refuse to remove them. 

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Is there any advantage in wearing the "Sanguine Collar"?

Good question, I would like to know this as well. Other than the fact that it looks cool I haven't noticed any difference between it and other collars.



Each spectral item comes with a special effect:


- the collar gives people around a chance to grab and enslave you when you are not already taken

- the gag gives people around you a chance to force feed you drinks or drugs

- the shackles.... I am not sure I added a special effect to that one yet.

- the clit piercing increases arousal and augments the chances of attacks from the Coveted quest


Now it is up to you to consider these effects as an advantage or not :)


Thank you very much!

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When exactly is the join option supposed to show up for falmer? Or is that not implemented yet? 


I have the options in MCM to set up so that join becomes available after 3 days. It's been 8. I have Overall Disposition set to 5, his disposition is 6. My slavery level is 4. Shouldn't the conditions for joining be met? The option doesn't appear under [cower] and the falmer hasn't asked me yet (are they supposed to?)


I'm using 3.5.4 at the moment, and there's nothing in the changelog since then that says anything about this being a bug or being fixed.


EDIT: Also I can see in the console that _SD_const_demerits_join = -60.00. Also, _SD_demerits = 0. Don't know if that has anything to do with it, just FYI


There is no option to join Falmers, nor there is any plan to do so.


Creature masters are a one way trip. 

They can eventually tire of you and dump you somewhere, but that's about it.



Oh okay, I guess I misunderstood that in the description somewhere. 


Still, it would be neat though. Especially considering the Falmer Nisetaka Bikini armor mod. In the Debate Hall in Blackreach he added a bunch of custom npcs wearing it. Interestingly enough, since they're part of the falmer faction, I found out that if you're enslaved by them you can join the falmer faction through them. 

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