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Sanguine Debauchery enhanced: SD+ (January 2022)

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Yeah, but it can be disabled. It's annoying because it requires you to either use SlaV alternative death or Defeat/DA.


And defeat alone is annoying, because there are cases where you can still die whereas DA will take over in every single case. The problem with DA is that there is no rape event in case of defeat, so I need to use SLDefeat with it. Which means that any mod that piggy back on defeat will not work properly, like deviously captured.

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This is definetly my favorite mod, and I have thought of a couple of ideas -


1. Some npcs have very interesting schedules, so could you give us the option (either through mcm or through dialog) to use that owners natural schedule rather than the SD one.

Obviously we still need to use the SD schedule for other owners.


For example - the npcs in the "populated lands roads and paths" and "Immersive Patrols" mods travel around the world visiting different towns inns and some even capture forts from opposing factions. I would love to be be forced to follow an owner like that.



2. Can you give us the option (maybe through mcm) if we are captured by a non bandit, for our owner and us to NOT be added to the bandit or bandit ally faction.

Its exciting when our owner has to defend us and this would lead to more of those situations.


This would also be needed for the npcs on their own schedules from (1) to behave in the correct way.




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2. Can you give us the option (maybe through mcm) if we are captured by a non bandit, for our owner and us to NOT be added to the bandit or bandit ally faction.

Its exciting when our owner has to defend us and this would lead to more of those situations.


LOL I remember once I got captured by the riverwood innkeeper and all the sudden she started venturing up to party with bandits and hunt bears every day...

Funny, but I can't say it really made much sense, even though she got rolled as a badass that game and had a mid-tier dagger and a ward.

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The short version to the bandit faction is that owners are slavers, and slavers are bandits. 


The more accurate answer is that the travel package should take your owner on a trip to a place linked to their faction after spending one day outside, and most places are near or overrun by bandits, so I had to make the master and player part of the bandit faction to make the trip more playable. 



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When I get free from being enslaved I cannot interact with any crafting tables or change my camera from first to third person. When I try to interact with a crafting table then it just locks on to the thing for a second and then nothing happens. Also when I jump I get sent to the dream world and then the camera is completely black. Has anyone encountered something similar?

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Just wanted to check,

Heretical resources only works if you're enslaved by a Khajiit or Argonian, or are they available for any master/mistress? Reinstalled all of my mods so I can use UNP with Heretical, so just want to see where exactly it fits in with one of my favorite mods x3.

Just wanted to check,

Heretical resources only works if you're enslaved by a Khajiit or Argonian, or are they available for any master/mistress? Reinstalled all of my mods so I can use UNP with Heretical, so just want to see where exactly it fits in with one of my favorite mods x3.

Just wanted to check,

Heretical resources only works if you're enslaved by a Khajiit or Argonian, or are they available for any master/mistress? Reinstalled all of my mods so I can use UNP with Heretical, so just want to see where exactly it fits in with one of my favorite mods x3.

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When I get free from being enslaved I cannot interact with any crafting tables or change my camera from first to third person. When I try to interact with a crafting table then it just locks on to the thing for a second and then nothing happens. Also when I jump I get sent to the dream world and then the camera is completely black. Has anyone encountered something similar?

That used to be an issue a long long time ago.


Make sure you have the latest version installed and use the suddender key and the optio Resist to fix the issue if it happens again.

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Every time I walk near a dog or tamed wolf I get an attempt to enslave my character and even if I resist she is raped. This as you can imagine is pretty annoying after a while. Is there any way to turn off this functionality or am I S.O.L.? I also keep experiencing an issue when using Death Alternative where whenever I'm enslaved my character becomes stuck after the screen fades back in from black. The knockdown effects from that mod seem to persist except for my character being in a standing position and I am unable to move or do anything. saving and reloading results in even more issues as my character will then proceed to freak out as her arms and legs flail about uncontrollably in what looks like a scene from the Exorcist.

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Every time I walk near a dog or tamed wolf I get an attempt to enslave my character and even if I resist she is raped. This as you can imagine is pretty annoying after a while. Is there any way to turn off this functionality or am I S.O.L.? I also keep experiencing an issue when using Death Alternative where whenever I'm enslaved my character becomes stuck after the screen fades back in from black. The knockdown effects from that mod seem to persist except for my character being in a standing position and I am unable to move or do anything. saving and reloading results in even more issues as my character will then proceed to freak out as her arms and legs flail about uncontrollably in what looks like a scene from the Exorcist.


For animal attacks, there should be an option in SexLab Dialogues to turn them off.


For getting stuck after being defeated in DA, try turning off the Ragdoll option in DA. That effect may cause crashes or getting stuck depending on what you have for skeleton.

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Yeah, so, about animal attacks, could you weight them with multiple factors? SkyTEST adds a puppy in whiterun and that little shit is always following the player around, then try to jump her. Randomness doesn't matter if two actors are together for a long while, and since whiterun is kind of the natural hub of skyrim it makes the base issue really annoying.


The chances could be weighted by how much sanguine blessing the player has? High blessing means higher chances.

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Or could someone add the option to turn dogs/horses/cows/chickens off in SD+ or SD Addons...?  :angel:


Dialogues is already supposed to turn off cows, chickens, horses... anything that is not capable of enslaving you, but I noticed there are still issues.


There are also conflicts between attacks from SD+ and attacks from Dialogues. I will disable the former and replace them by the latter only.

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When I get free from being enslaved I cannot interact with any crafting tables or change my camera from first to third person. When I try to interact with a crafting table then it just locks on to the thing for a second and then nothing happens. Also when I jump I get sent to the dream world and then the camera is completely black. Has anyone encountered something similar?

That used to be an issue a long long time ago.


Make sure you have the latest version installed and use the suddender key and the optio Resist to fix the issue if it happens again.



Are these all linked together so if i get rid of one will they all resolve?

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When I get free from being enslaved I cannot interact with any crafting tables or change my camera from first to third person. When I try to interact with a crafting table then it just locks on to the thing for a second and then nothing happens. Also when I jump I get sent to the dream world and then the camera is completely black. Has anyone encountered something similar?

That used to be an issue a long long time ago.


Make sure you have the latest version installed and use the suddender key and the optio Resist to fix the issue if it happens again.



Are these all linked together so if i get rid of one will they all resolve?



The camera being black in Dreamworld is also a very old issue. Where did you download SD+?


If you look at the first page of the menu for SD+, what is the version number at the top?


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Very sorry, but I'm new to this kind of modding for the most part- and I just cannot get the animations to work. I believe I've downloaded all of the requirements (and all the requirements for the requirements) - they all show up on my nmm load order. Everything else works perfectly fine, but When it says "kneeling" or "crawling" my character remains standing and also- the sex animations don't work even though I have them in my SKSE menu which says they are installed. Any idea what my problem is? Again, sorry - I'm very new to this kind of modding -- it's probably an easy fix.  

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Very sorry, but I'm new to this kind of modding for the most part- and I just cannot get the animations to work. I believe I've downloaded all of the requirements (and all the requirements for the requirements) - they all show up on my nmm load order. Everything else works perfectly fine, but When it says "kneeling" or "crawling" my character remains standing and also- the sex animations don't work even though I have them in my SKSE menu which says they are installed. Any idea what my problem is? Again, sorry - I'm very new to this kind of modding -- it's probably an easy fix.  

Have you run FNIS yet?

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Thanks for the mod, its a lot of fun, but Ive encountered an issue that.. I cant get smart out of(Ive searched the thread too but cant find it with the keyword I tried)



Whenever my character has sex with its owner, the scene tends to get "interrupted" by yet another scene, most of the time its sex at first and then suddenly a punishment animation, it just kinda flows into it but the owner stays in its sex animation while my character is on the wheel or whatever. Also the sounds keep going. Varies.


If the owner is a dog then well... its just one animation and then another happening/interrupting into it.



both versions result in the camera not moving anymore, I can still rotate it tho.

I can get out of it via sexlab hotkey, but its still rather weird. This does not happen if a random NPC grabs my character, only if its with the owner.

I do have Seperate orgasm installed but I doubt thats the issue since its only happening with the owner.


Help would be appreciated.

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Hey, Skyrimll, I love your mod, but I've encountered a problem, and was wondering if you know what is wrong. 


I've become enslaved by some bandits (all good so far), but my owner has no dialogue options, so I can't bring gifts or anything.


Not really looked into this much yet, I'm just preempting having to go through all the usual solutions to mod errors, because I've done that before and then asked, and it was a simple problem with the installation itself.


I'm gonna go ahead and remove the mod properly and then reinstall it, and try it on a new save while I await your, or anyone else's, response.


Easy, Sh227

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Hey, Skyrimll, I love your mod, but I've encountered a problem, and was wondering if you know what is wrong. 


I've become enslaved by some bandits (all good so far), but my owner has no dialogue options, so I can't bring gifts or anything.


Not really looked into this much yet, I'm just preempting having to go through all the usual solutions to mod errors, because I've done that before and then asked, and it was a simple problem with the installation itself.


I'm gonna go ahead and remove the mod properly and then reinstall it, and try it on a new save while I await your, or anyone else's, response.


Easy, Sh227


Have you installed Sexlab Dialogues? It isn't required to run SD+, but it is required to get those dialogue options.




SexLab Dialogues - needed to augment slavery options when talking to your master.


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Have you installed Sexlab Dialogues? It isn't required to run SD+, but it is required to get those dialogue options.




SexLab Dialogues - needed to augment slavery options when talking to your master.



Thanks, man. It would seem I had an old or corrupted version installed and it wasn't being registered. Definitely saved me the endless hours of head scratching I would have undoubtedly put myself through, cheers again.

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chadorjan, on 04 Apr 2017 - 6:17 PM, said:snapback.png

Hi Skyrimll, there's something screwy with the slavery leveling system. (v3.5.8) Here's what happens:


Message:  Slavery level 5 completed. (900% complete)

Message:  New day, owner needs etc.

Message:  Owner disappointed and takes time away.

Message:  Owner removed from master faction - you're free (collar removed)


Owner comes and whips the PC.


Doesn't seem right. If I re-enlist with the master all stats are reset to beginning- disposition -10 etc.


A log could be helpful when that happens.


it is possible you have reached the point where your master sells you away, and the 'sale' fails for some reason.

Could be many things.


I think it may have something to do with the type of npc. After testing with 4 or 5 custom followers I finally found one that I went through levels 1 to 6 no problem.


Another issue: On level 6, new day, 'today your owner needs - beating you'. There is no option on level 6 for triggering a whipping scene, so of course the PC fails the task at the end of the day. I really think we should bring whipping back on level 6 especially once the owner is following you, otherwise it's just another follower 'lets have sex' situation. A little pain never hurt anyone.  biggrin.png



I second that beating thing. I'm level 3 and all I can do is to insult my master. Why can't I just offer myself to being beaten?

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