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Sanguine Debauchery enhanced: SD+ (January 2022)

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Or could someone add the option to turn dogs/horses/cows/chickens off in SD+ or SD Addons...?  :angel:


Dialogues is already supposed to turn off cows, chickens, horses... anything that is not capable of enslaving you, but I noticed there are still issues.


There are also conflicts between attacks from SD+ and attacks from Dialogues. I will disable the former and replace them by the latter only.



The only thing is that it looks like the option (I haven't tested it yet) also turns off giants...? I can see giants enslaving you, along with 1 or 2 of the other races it mentions in MCM. It'd be nice to have the option to turn off barnyard and domestic animals while leaving wild humanoid creatures like giants, trolls, etc. able to "enslave" in their King Kong-like fashion.


Btw, 3.5.8 is awesome. Smooth and reliable. 

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Seems like a lot of things doesn't work right for me after my one year away.
So, until I can weed out all of these silly bugs, I guess all I can do is giving opinions based on what I can get. So I was just checking the masters behavior as of late, and I am quite disappointed that the master is now the slave, and the tied up, blindfolded, gagged player character is the master/mistress now. It's just that the owner npc will just stand there, waiting for the supposed slave to ask for abuses which in this case sounds more like pleasure. I know you have introduced the slave merit system, but that's just means your character has to be there & demand the supposed to do things to her & that's just damn absurd!

I still doesn't know how the SD Addon supposed to actually work, because I still cannot see how it works, as sometimes DD items appears as I set as ZAP and leather items still appears as I set as IRON (still no idea what that supposed to mean).

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Seems like a lot of things doesn't work right for me after my one year away.

So, until I can weed out all of these silly bugs, I guess all I can do is giving opinions based on what I can get. So I was just checking the masters behavior as of late, and I am quite disappointed that the master is now the slave, and the tied up, blindfolded, gagged player character is the master/mistress now. It's just that the owner npc will just stand there, waiting for the supposed slave to ask for abuses which in this case sounds more like pleasure. I know you have introduced the slave merit system, but that's just means your character has to be there & demand the supposed to do things to her & that's just damn absurd!


I still doesn't know how the SD Addon supposed to actually work, because I still cannot see how it works, as sometimes DD items appears as I set as ZAP and leather items still appears as I set as IRON (still no idea what that supposed to mean).

I understand the frustration but what you have to understand is that, if I am not busy with my rel life job, all my available ime for Skyrim is currently taken by these tasks:


- Fix random issues with dialogues not being selectable for creatur owners

- Fix the travel routine for masters in SD+

- Finish dialogue options for creatures (owner and slave)

- Add a main quest for Parasites and a quest around the Queen for Chaurus

- Finish quests already started in Stories (especially those involved with player starts in CCAS - the Old Gods, the Twins, the Pet, Kin family, the Red Wave, the Sexbot and the Milk Farm)

- Add a final chapter to Alicia and to the Blacksmith quest in Dialogues

- Add finishing touches to Hormones

- Make Mind Control more compatible with Dialogues and SD+


What you are asking for requires a rewrite of the 'brain' of SD+ to make the master play out more actions on their own and interrupt the player to ask for things. That comes with hours and hours of testing and trials/errors to get it right.


The SD add on was graciously provided by Content Consumer as a quick fix, and probably needs a much more detailed menu to make it easier to enable/disable races and better set the available gear. That's one more thing on the list to do :)


That will probably not happen anytime soon unless I start getting some help with bug fixes and patches for some of the more nagging issues I have to deal with at the moment.


Except for occasional hints and help from a limited few (for which I am very grateful), this is at the moment a one man operation.

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That will probably not happen anytime soon unless I start getting some help with bug fixes and patches for some of the more nagging issues I have to deal with at the moment.


Except for occasional hints and help from a limited few (for which I am very grateful), this is at the moment a one man operation.


The thing with teams is that you need somebody to coordinate the work. Thus by having more people working on your project, you'll have to spend time organizing and giving work to the different individuals working on it, including yourself. You'll need to find somebody that can work with you and somewhat understand the existing mod. That's not easy.

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That will probably not happen anytime soon unless I start getting some help with bug fixes and patches for some of the more nagging issues I have to deal with at the moment.


Except for occasional hints and help from a limited few (for which I am very grateful), this is at the moment a one man operation.


The thing with teams is that you need somebody to coordinate the work. Thus by having more people working on your project, you'll have to spend time organizing and giving work to the different individuals working on it, including yourself. You'll need to find somebody that can work with you and somewhat understand the existing mod. That's not easy.



If that was easy, I would have found one by now :)

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Is there anyway to turn off the auto equipping of prisoner clothes?  I would rather my character be left naked but at the start it always equips the prisoner clothes, and even more annoyingly equips armbinders so I am unable to take the prisoner clothes off right away.

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Is there anyway to turn off the auto equipping of prisoner clothes? I would rather my character be left naked but at the start it always equips the prisoner clothes, and even more annoyingly equips armbinders so I am unable to take the prisoner clothes off right away.

might be able to set the custom slavery outfit to nothing. Maybe?
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To avoid getting the prisoners rags when you are enslaved you need to turn on the Hardcore option.


If you do want to keep that option off because of the inventory system, your only optio left is to use the custom slave rags and set them to a skimpy or empty model.

I can't get DAYMOYL to register this mod's scenarios, which I need because the surrender key won't work. Not only that, but my character doesn't officially become a slave until they have sex, which might link into why the surrender key doesn't work, now that I think about it...

An error log would be useful to understand why the DA events are not registering.

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When I defeat and enslaved by enemy,i can receive a message " you are chained and collared ",but there is nothing add on my body and nothing in the bag,but i still can get electric shock from the collar ,Can anyone tell me what's the problem?

sounds like the zaz might not be loaded correctly make sure you have the old version because I don't think this has been updated for the new version yet.
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To avoid getting the prisoners rags when you are enslaved you need to turn on the Hardcore option.


If you do want to keep that option off because of the inventory system, your only optio left is to use the custom slave rags and set them to a skimpy or empty model.

I can't get DAYMOYL to register this mod's scenarios, which I need because the surrender key won't work. Not only that, but my character doesn't officially become a slave until they have sex, which might link into why the surrender key doesn't work, now that I think about it...

An error log would be useful to understand why the DA events are not registering.


Sure! Um... How do I do that again...?

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To avoid getting the prisoners rags when you are enslaved you need to turn on the Hardcore option.


If you do want to keep that option off because of the inventory system, your only optio left is to use the custom slave rags and set them to a skimpy or empty model.

I can't get DAYMOYL to register this mod's scenarios, which I need because the surrender key won't work. Not only that, but my character doesn't officially become a slave until they have sex, which might link into why the surrender key doesn't work, now that I think about it...

An error log would be useful to understand why the DA events are not registering.

Sure! Um... How do I do that again...?
on my phone so don't have the instructions available, but, y'know, Google.
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To avoid getting the prisoners rags when you are enslaved you need to turn on the Hardcore option.


If you do want to keep that option off because of the inventory system, your only optio left is to use the custom slave rags and set them to a skimpy or empty model.

I can't get DAYMOYL to register this mod's scenarios, which I need because the surrender key won't work. Not only that, but my character doesn't officially become a slave until they have sex, which might link into why the surrender key doesn't work, now that I think about it...

An error log would be useful to understand why the DA events are not registering.


Sure! Um... How do I do that again...?



Read this: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/22241-sexlab-troubleshooting-support-guide/?p=549438


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I don't know whether this was solved before but...


can you PLEASE PLEASE (i am begging you!) make SD+ stop overwriting walking animation with vanilla?!


It breaks all immersion with PCEA2 animation sets T-T

I thought that had been solved a while ago.


I am using the same system Devious Devices uses for bound combat animations.


Do you have the same issue with DD?

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When I defeat and enslaved by enemy,i can receive a message " you are chained and collared ",but there is nothing add on my body and nothing in the bag,but i still can get electric shock from the collar ,Can anyone tell me what's the problem?

Yes, i have the same problem. When i start a new game everything works well, but after loading any save a problem occurs. A lot of manipulations with required mods (versions and load-order changing) did noting. Meanwhile another mods that use DD, DDx, ZaZ works fine.

Here is an error when dressing is unsuccessful:

[04/25/2017 - 04:28:51AM] [SD] You are chained and collared.
[04/25/2017 - 04:28:51AM] ERROR: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
	[Item 1 in container  (1712B65D)].zadHiderScript.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
	[Item 1 in container  (1712B65D)].zadHiderScript.OnContainerChanged() - "zadHiderScript.psc" Line 5
[04/25/2017 - 04:28:51AM] ERROR: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
	[Item 1 in container  (00000014)].zadHiderScript.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
	[Item 1 in container  (00000014)].zadHiderScript.OnContainerChanged() - "zadHiderScript.psc" Line 5
[04/25/2017 - 04:28:51AM] [SD] You are marked as your owner's property.

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When I defeat and enslaved by enemy,i can receive a message " you are chained and collared ",but there is nothing add on my body and nothing in the bag,but i still can get electric shock from the collar ,Can anyone tell me what's the problem?

Yes, i have the same problem. When i start a new game everything works well, but after loading any save a problem occurs. A lot of manipulations with required mods (versions and load-order changing) did noting. Meanwhile another mods that use DD, DDx, ZaZ works fine.

Here is an error when dressing is unsuccessful:

[04/25/2017 - 04:28:51AM] [SD] You are chained and collared.
[04/25/2017 - 04:28:51AM] ERROR: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
	[Item 1 in container  (1712B65D)].zadHiderScript.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
	[Item 1 in container  (1712B65D)].zadHiderScript.OnContainerChanged() - "zadHiderScript.psc" Line 5
[04/25/2017 - 04:28:51AM] ERROR: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
	[Item 1 in container  (00000014)].zadHiderScript.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
	[Item 1 in container  (00000014)].zadHiderScript.OnContainerChanged() - "zadHiderScript.psc" Line 5
[04/25/2017 - 04:28:51AM] [SD] You are marked as your owner's property.


Are you using the new ZAP extended version by any chance?

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I don't know whether this was solved before but...


can you PLEASE PLEASE (i am begging you!) make SD+ stop overwriting walking animation with vanilla?!


It breaks all immersion with PCEA2 animation sets T-T

I thought that had been solved a while ago.


I am using the same system Devious Devices uses for bound combat animations.


Do you have the same issue with DD?

How can I test this?

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Since Bicobus brought up the whole, shall we say, task assignment issue by masters... Would it be fun to eventually add tasks assigned by masters such as killing opposing faction NPCs? For example if enslaved by a cat, it would ask us to kill X number of dogs or obtain 10 dog tails... To use simple grind MMO terms ;) Perhaps such tasks could have scaling difficulty, awarding slavery points or making the owner more trusting or perhaps they should be assigned to the PC after they become trusted enough or part of the owner's faction, bearing relevant rewards of various kinds.

A bit of a side question here too, would it be technically possible that the owner, based on various factors like say how much they like their pet PC, actually protects the PC they have enslaved? At least against opposing faction NPCs or generally larger threats than a random Skeever going about biting the ankles of the PC or a mud crab being too brave. Alternatively could masters be made to understand when the enslaved PC is threatened and thus, even if they would not actively protect their new toy, allow the use of weapons regardless of slavery status temporarily?


Edit : I know, I'm probably not missed or rather my text brick questions or absurd suggestions aren't. But I've been away for long enough for you to let it pass for now, I hope :P


While I'm at it, one of the hardest things to do while being enslaved is obviously leveling up. So, since you already have this nice slave point system, why not let the PC cash those in, in form of say, XP boosts. Just an example. Or other things such as long duration effects somehow tied to the whole slavery system or otherwise useful or at least interesting. Granted, I've no idea what you have in mind for the slave points so this may be redundant already but I have nothing to lose in suggesting that there should be things to spend points on. Even a very basic slavery level boost would be fine really.

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When exactly is the join option supposed to show up for falmer? Or is that not implemented yet? 


I have the options in MCM to set up so that join becomes available after 3 days. It's been 8. I have Overall Disposition set to 5, his disposition is 6. My slavery level is 4. Shouldn't the conditions for joining be met? The option doesn't appear under [cower] and the falmer hasn't asked me yet (are they supposed to?)


I'm using 3.5.4 at the moment, and there's nothing in the changelog since then that says anything about this being a bug or being fixed.


EDIT: Also I can see in the console that _SD_const_demerits_join = -60.00. Also, _SD_demerits = 0. Don't know if that has anything to do with it, just FYI

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  I really like this mod, but I get run-time errors right at the end of the sex act, quite a lot. It would be at the time when you are probably checking the mod event {{ with a RegisterforModEvent }} is done, and adding or subtracting what ever you need to do for your mod.



[04/26/2017 - 01:58:11AM] RNPC: Periodic update check.
[04/26/2017 - 01:58:11AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[04/26/2017 - 01:58:11AM] [SD] Stance override OFF
[04/26/2017 - 01:58:11AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[04/26/2017 - 01:58:12AM] Found 2 arousedActors
[04/26/2017 - 01:58:12AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.031250
[04/26/2017 - 01:58:19AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[04/26/2017 - 01:58:19AM] [SD] Stance override OFF
[04/26/2017 - 01:58:20AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.084961
[04/26/2017 - 01:58:20AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - OrgasmStart
[04/26/2017 - 01:58:20AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[04/26/2017 - 01:58:20AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Svana Far-Shield]  - Orgasms[1] Enjoyment [59] BaseEnjoyment[0] FullEnjoyment[59]
[04/26/2017 - 01:58:20AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[ZeNina]  - Orgasms[1] Enjoyment [58] BaseEnjoyment[0] FullEnjoyment[58]
[04/26/2017 - 01:58:20AM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: Vaginal:False-0 Oral:False-0 Anal:TRUE-2
[04/26/2017 - 01:58:20AM] Found 2 arousedActors
[04/26/2017 - 01:58:31AM] [CRDE] Player is busy with Sexlab
[04/26/2017 - 01:58:31AM] [CRDE] OnUpdate time:0.072266
[04/26/2017 - 01:58:31AM] [CRDE] closest npc(s): , 2:Calypsia
[04/26/2017 - 01:58:31AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (13042D62)>]:Aroused scan skipped because sexlab is animating.
[04/26/2017 - 01:58:40AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - OrgasmEnd
[04/26/2017 - 01:58:41AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (13083137)>]: ZeNina got -40 exposure for being rape victim
[04/26/2017 - 01:58:41AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationEnding
[04/26/2017 - 01:58:41AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Svana Far-Shield]  - Resetting!
[04/26/2017 - 01:58:41AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[ZeNina]  - Resetting!
[04/26/2017 - 01:58:41AM] RNPC: Periodic update check.
[04/26/2017 - 01:58:41AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (13083137)>]: ZeNina got -40 exposure for having orgasm


That "RNPC: Periodic update check." is as best I can tell from dawnguard DLC, and I think it in connection with your mod, has something to do with the problem.


  I am not complaining, I am wanting to under stand, what I might do or change to avoid this. Other than SLAV I have had almost never any Runtime Error pure virtual function call's at all..


   I did have some with and earlier version of DCL, but sense her last update, I have not seen them at all.


  I was wondering if you could shed some light on the possible things I might do to improve this problem.


  I have already installed or re downloaded, and installed all the C++ Re-disttributable versions, and as I said I only have the problem with only your mod, and SLAV, and both happen at the end of a sex act with an NPC from the said Mod.


   I do know that corrupt NPC can cause problems , two quick one's I recall are 


Soul Cairn

quest "Impatience of a saint" Find the ten pages, and finish quest to solve.

Jiub quest, >>> this one is a highly know case of a Runtime error caused by a DLC ( actually a corrupted NPC in that DLC ), which is actually a glorified mod.

Another pretty well known Runtime Error quest >>> runtime errors is after the wedding in Solitude during the assassination quest. Apparently there is a problem NPC (Bard) whose AI can cause runtime error crashes.

 If that's the case you can try going back to that wedding area, go into console and type "prid 000D5637" which selects the NPC, type "enable" to make them appear, then just kill them.

It seems to be mostly with and AI, that I have seen documented flaw's, and fixes.


  I am not saying it is your NPC flawed, but I know Corrupted NPC can cause the problem, and they do not always cause a problem for everyone, some people are not effected.


   I am just trying to figure it out.. It is puzzling, and I really like your mod, and want to play it, but if you have ever had CTD problems you know what I am talking about in immersion killing, so I was hoping for some helpful advice.


   I hope you do not mind my asking.

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