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Sanguine Debauchery enhanced: SD+ (January 2022)

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Ok, tried it again (as long as there is any chance that i did something wrong i won't give up).


I got enslaved in Bleak Falls Barrow (that is a small area, only 2 Bandits and they dont walk around so much, perfect for trying to be a good slave, i think). Of course i saved before i got enslaved. Right after my enslavement my level was -1. Then i did nothing, absolutely nothing. After 5 Days my level was -5 and then Sanguine "rescued" me.


That's normal.

If you do nothing, your master gets annoyed more every day until he gets tired of you.

Who wants a slave that does nothing?


Ok, next try, loaded the savegame and started a new enslavement. This time i did what Arketus did and asked my owner several times per day "Why me?" and at the same time i tried to piss him off. After 5 Days Sanguine pulled me into the Dreamworld, my level was -23 and in the same moment when i arrived in the Dreamworld my owner sold me, so i landed in Markarth and got the message that my owner sold me, but in Markarth i had no owner. Now i wonder who bought me?


That's normal too.

Asking 'Why me' several times a day without doing anything in between just annoys your master faster.

There is still an issue that keeps enslavement from starting properly when you are transfered to Markarth. 

That worked in my tests so I have to find out why it is not happening here.


Ok, next try, loaded the savegame again and started the next enslavement. This time i tried everything to be a good slave, did everything what my owner wanted and every new day i could see that my level became 1 level lower (not higher). After 5 Days my level was -5 and then Sanguine pulled me into the Dreamworld.


Based on everybody's feedback so far, it seems the goals for food and money are difficult to reach every day.

I will change that to at least 1 gold and at least 1 food item a day. 

That should help move things along.


In total i have tried it now 7 times, 3 times from 1 savegame and 4 times with new games (and you can imagine how annoying it is to make all the settings 4 times).


I have never managed to get a positive number in my level.


During 3 of the previous games (the new ones) i tried to escape. All these attempts ended when i walked through a door (and entered a new cell), then the collar strangled me until i fell unconscious and when i woke up i was near my Owner again.


So i can't end the enslavement as a "good slave" and i can't escape, the only way out seem to be to either beeing send to other places by Sanguine or to be sold by my owner.


Now i wonder what i am doing wrong?


Nothing wrong.. you are just running into testing and difficulty balancing issues that will get resolved eventually.


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I wonder if you could do me a favour. Your mod places ZaZAnimationPack.esm right after daymoyl.esm. However, Devious Devices - Integration.esm wants it after Devious Devices - Assets.esm. In a future build, could you correct the load order for your mod, please. From what I've read, this could prevent future problems. Thanks.

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I wonder if you could do me a favour. Your mod places ZaZAnimationPack.esm right after daymoyl.esm. However, Devious Devices - Integration.esm wants it after Devious Devices - Assets.esm. In a future build, could you correct the load order for your mod, please. From what I've read, this could prevent future problems. Thanks.


I'm afraid I will not do that unless there is a clear, repeatable issue.


Each time I change the order of a master file, every reference to items of that master file are reset across the whole mod.


That means dozens of scripts to check and multiple occasions to introduce bugs in the game.

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So is slavetats supported?


Not at this time.


I thought it would be a simple matter of sending mod events to slavetats for people using it, but is appears integration with the mod is more involved than I expected.


INow that SD+ is more modular, it will be possible to create an add-on for SD+, with SlaveTat as a required mod. Someone can start working on it if they want to... or I will eventually work on it myself (not before the next year at least).

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I would like to know further information about this sold feature. :)


When your master is tired of you, he sells you. Happened to me when I reached disposition -6, ended up in the Inn of Markarth with a ball gag in my mouth so I could not talk to my master. 






I would like to know further information about this sold feature. :)


When your master is tired of you, he sells you. Happened to me when I reached disposition -6, ended up in the Inn of Markarth with a ball gag in my mouth so I could not talk to my master. 



Even gaged you should be able to talk to your master.


There is an issue where, sometimes, enslavement is not triggered properly when you are transfered to Markarth.


I have to investigate what is keeping it from starting.


Thank you for answering

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I would like to know further information about this sold feature. :)


When your master is tired of you, he sells you. Happened to me when I reached disposition -6, ended up in the Inn of Markarth with a ball gag in my mouth so I could not talk to my master. 






I would like to know further information about this sold feature. :)


When your master is tired of you, he sells you. Happened to me when I reached disposition -6, ended up in the Inn of Markarth with a ball gag in my mouth so I could not talk to my master. 



Even gaged you should be able to talk to your master.


There is an issue where, sometimes, enslavement is not triggered properly when you are transfered to Markarth.


I have to investigate what is keeping it from starting.


Thank you for answering



Had the same issue, there is a DD mod that allows npc to remove your gags, synergizes really well with SD+. I wasn't able to talk either, but then figured offering character to a nearby npc, after some use-n-abuse, they then offered to take the gag off (make sure you set gag removal at around 100% probability)



SkyrimII, notice one bug, when your character tries to change owners, there is a chance they'll get equipped with several ankle shackles, locking the character in place. Happens during helter-skelter of combat, or when events are in transition - slave collar chokings. Had about 6 pair of shackles on pc at one time, was able to magic them off eventually with DD system -- another nice synergy.


oh, and also when a follower is nearby, and you get enslaved -- that follower can then be killed? Moments after being enslave, my new faction executed Uthgerd the Unbroken -- time for revenge.

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Ok, next try, loaded the savegame again and started the next enslavement. This time i tried everything to be a good slave, did everything what my owner wanted and every new day i could see that my level became 1 level lower (not higher). After 5 Days my level was -5 and then Sanguine pulled me into the Dreamworld.


Based on everybody's feedback so far, it seems the goals for food and money are difficult to reach every day.

I will change that to at least 1 gold and at least 1 food item a day. 

That should help move things along.






Well, my owner never asked for something different than dancing and sex, i never reached level 2 and according to your info on the first page this is normal in level 1. Its easy to fulfill the wishes of the owner if he/she wants only sex, but i get no "reward" for being a good slave, i stay on level 1 forever. After 5 Days my level looks the same like i had done absolutely nothing.

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Deadly combat has a setting where PC staggers from attack. All punishment using mods have most of their punishment animations behave wrong when PC staggers.


Anyway, thanks for the awesome mod!


I'm also using deadly combat, the staggers look nice when getting whipped, unless you're shackled or on pillory then blocking staggers on player does make sense.

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Couple of issues, well one is an old one and the other I am not sure how much is SD and how much is DA or SL related


1st - Shimmermist cave, got enslaved by Falmer Shadowmaster's Centurion "pet"

I am guessing Shimmermist and Blackreach are the only two places it will happen as I cannot think of anywhere else that a dwemer automaton shares faction with the falmer so not exactly game breaking but thought I would mention it.


2nd - When defeated in combat and enslaved by Falmer, in third person the camera keeps moving my character as if still in combat mode so when raping the PC any mouse movement rotates them rather than moving the camera. Switching to Freecam works fine still but anything other than that will move the PC on their axis.

Tried sheathing weapons and just letting them beat me down and everything worked ok so I suspect surrendering would work fine too, assuming you can surrender to Falmer.

This does not occur if Defeat activates on bleed out instead of DA/SD but watching this Defeat strips your gear then takes you out of combat mode before the animations start.

Also does not appear to be an issue with normal humanoids as I just tried it with a some bandits and it was working fine, only had this issue with Falmer, so far.


That's all I have found so far, if no one else has reported (or reports) the second one then it might be limited to my install.

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Since you have rewritten a lot of SD+ is updating mid-game now possible? I know it could create issues in the past and is still recommended not to according to the front page.


Updating mid-game is causing less issues now.


Between recent improvements and save game cleaning tools available now, it is possible to successfully disable, clean up and reinstall SD+ on a running game.


That said, issues are always possible so make backups and proceed carefully :)

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Couple of issues, well one is an old one and the other I am not sure how much is SD and how much is DA or SL related


1st - Shimmermist cave, got enslaved by Falmer Shadowmaster's Centurion "pet"

I am guessing Shimmermist and Blackreach are the only two places it will happen as I cannot think of anywhere else that a dwemer automaton shares faction with the falmer so not exactly game breaking but thought I would mention it.


2nd - When defeated in combat and enslaved by Falmer, in third person the camera keeps moving my character as if still in combat mode so when raping the PC any mouse movement rotates them rather than moving the camera. Switching to Freecam works fine still but anything other than that will move the PC on their axis.

Tried sheathing weapons and just letting them beat me down and everything worked ok so I suspect surrendering would work fine too, assuming you can surrender to Falmer.

This does not occur if Defeat activates on bleed out instead of DA/SD but watching this Defeat strips your gear then takes you out of combat mode before the animations start.

Also does not appear to be an issue with normal humanoids as I just tried it with a some bandits and it was working fine, only had this issue with Falmer, so far.


That's all I have found so far, if no one else has reported (or reports) the second one then it might be limited to my install.


1- Thanks for the reminder. 


I just added the DawrvenAutomaton faction to the list of factions banned from slavers. Hopefully that will help.


2- There isn't much I can do about that.


This is caused by having your weapon still on when some enslavement related animations kick in.


I added code to unequip weapons but it doesn't always work out as well as it should,

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Deadly combat has a setting where PC staggers from attack. All punishment using mods have most of their punishment animations behave wrong when PC staggers.


Anyway, thanks for the awesome mod!


I'm also using deadly combat, the staggers look nice when getting whipped, unless you're shackled or on pillory then blocking staggers on player does make sense.



Deadly Combat has been listed as incompatible since well before skyrimII took over; I've switched to Ultimate Combat because there's an MCM toggle so I disable the mod while enslaved.

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2nd - When defeated in combat and enslaved by Falmer, in third person the camera keeps moving my character as if still in combat mode so when raping the PC any mouse movement rotates them rather than moving the camera. Switching to Freecam works fine still but anything other than that will move the PC on their axis.


The way I've always dealt with this particular bug (which is not inherently related to SD+, just SD happens to be yet another mod that suffers from it :P) is to use the SexLab hotkey to relocate the sex scene, giving you 7 seconds to move about without having to get beat down again or whatever. Just push that key, then once you're on your feet select another weapon (as sheathing your current won't quite cut it) and then tap R to sheath (or put your hands down in case of magic). Then just let the rest of the "reallocation" time run down and the scene carries on.

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It seems like this mod and SD patches wont work well together anymore, am I right?


You are correct yep! Instructions and comments aside :P you should get rid of the SD patches asap as they were made specifically for the previous SD+ version, and the way they were conceived makes it so they will *only* work correctly for that specific version.

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I might have broken my game a little and I am not exactly sure how


My Bandit Chieftains are all naked, unanimated, and headless


I thought this might have been me not installing the addon pack as I recalled it saying it was no longer needed for DLC's (the Chiefs all use Nordic Carved armour so I thought maybe it had something to do with that) and perhaps I didn't run FNIS after one of the installs of something.


But everything seems to work fine except and animate ok and I was right about not needing the addon pack.


Tried a clean uninstall of SD+ and script clean, still the same which suggests it is not related to SD+


Any ideas what may have caused this? I can't see any of the dependency mods having any affect on an NPC like this.


I am thinking I didn't do something right on install, the lack of animation suggests I missed running FNIS at some point and if I recycleactor on them, save and reload they are armoured and animated.


Going to try a new start but if anyone can tell me what I did wrong I might be able to go back to the right save to fix it.

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I encounter some problem.


First the SL dialog give other npcs around the owner the "please" dialog tree, I don't know it's intended or a bug.

Second the kneeling animation seems to interrupt some other animation like struggling but I guess it's not a SD+ bug.

Third there is something preventing the gag or other punishment gear or any clothes to be added or equipped to my character during enslavement, maybe some conflicts with other mod like DD curse loot?

Fourth I got the permission to go to sleep, but then my character got stuck and can no longer move or activate anything, this end my testing today.


The escape works fine, but the blinking screen seem a little annoying. And immersive slave works fine with SD+.


'Please' is not a bug... it is a dialogue line for a player slave talking to NPCs that are not the master.


Did you update to Devious Devices Integration 2.8.3? That kind of issue with animations interrupted by kneeling should be resolved by now.


I am not using 'DD cursed loot' but it would make sense that the constraint on wearing clothes would prevent these to be added. I will remove that rule if I can't find a good way to apply it only to clothing and armor.


If you ask for rest or sleep anywhere and get stuck, try pressing Jump to interrupt your rest. I will make a note to add a reminder about that when sleep starts.



Using the new version now, enslavement goes fine except my character does not kneel/crawl at all, just stands there with hands behind back. 


I should add that I am using devious devices, it equips me with a black leather collar each time and yeah no kneeling/crawling, I have to wonder if this is because of zaz animations that the bindings give, struggling etc.


If you are wearing a collar when you are enslaved, SD will try to remove it and replace it by its own collar.


If that fails for some reason, you will be enslaved without automatic kneeling and some penalties that come with SD collars.

The rest of the collar behavior should still work (chocking, shocks...).



Thank you for replying. But the force nude effect also prevent the punishment gear such as gag to be put on to PC, I tried several time to get punished and when gag was equipped it just got removed right away.  

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Hey i'm having a bit of trouble with pleasing my master; never seems to want food, devices muck up the animations, and some other things.

- I'm using immerslave, and if i choose to start as a slave with full bondage, I come across a problem where anytime a sex scene triggers it will start an animation, realise that i'm wearing restrictive items that wont allow for a lot of the animations (all orifices blocked) and then triggers an armbinder struggle animation, while the owner starts masturbating.


- Despite dancing and causing the master to masturbate around 15 times in the 3 days span, my final disposition never went past -6 and when i asked what my master wanted it was always either "entertainment" or "STFU", never foods or gold, and i also gifted him loads of stuff and gold but hardly any effect. Eventually i ended up being sold to belethor, who shouted at me to get out of his house for ages before the enslavement kicked in JUST before the guards came. His assistant kept saying "you're not supposed to be here" and as i have psq succu installed, after i sexed him up a bit while sleeping, him and belethor started hacking at each other. Which is fine if belethor had won, but when i was transferred to the victorious assistant, i had no master dialogue, just him telling me to get out.

- The worst problem i came across though was that the slave collar "forcing me to not wear anything" message came up every 20 seconds, even though i wasnt wearing any clothes, and as i had my arms bound i couldn't exactly do anything about it if i had. I tried a playthrough where i didn't select full bondage, but chose everything apart from posture collar, in case the slave collar wasn't equipping properly, but the same issue kept occurring.


- Also one other thing i noticed was that deviously helpless kicked in slightly before or during the enslavement process and my char was raped, and then couldn't speak to the owner for a while due to the immunity cooldown?


Immerslave adds bondage items to the character as soon as you activate the bed, is this a possible cause of the devices not equipping properly and therefore causing all these issues? I dunno, i'll try to test some more tomorrow without bondage items. The mods updates sounds really interesting if i ever get in to run well so good job :)




# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
+FNIS Patch
+SD Cages 109
-KISS - Khajiit Cat Sprint and Sneak
-FNIS Patch w PCEA
-PC Exclusive Animation Path
+Tania the Hermit
+Skyrim Swimming Enemies
+Enemy AI OverHaul---Revenge Of the Enemies---No Scripts Version
+Perkus Maximus - Maximum Perk Overhaul
+Alternate Start - Live Another Life
+Estrus Chaurus v3.39
+Faction Crossbows
+Combined female armour mod
+SexLab Amourous adventures
+hydra slavegirls 814
-Decorations for Slaverun
-Adult Toys Merchant - NSFW
+Solutions Patch
+xazPrisonOverhaul V031
+FNIS Sexy Move
+Succubus Armour UNPB
+Skyrim Hair Physics Project
+Horsemen - Mounted Combat Enhancement
+Deadly Dragons
+Dark Lillith for UNPB-BBP
+Dark Lillith for UNP
+Bouncy Bodices and Booties for UNP
+Succubus Race
+Death Alternative - Captured
+SDPlus301 10.12.2014
+Draugr Rags Prison Replacer UNP UNPB CBBE and BBP Variants
+Death Alternative - Your Money or Your Life
+mslDeviousCaptures 12.11.14
+Deviously Cursed Loot 2.6
+Fuz Ro Doh
+Elewin Pumps 2 - High Heels and Stockings for UNP
+Deviously Helpless 1.15d
+Devious Devices Expansion 09.12.2014
+HDT HighHeels System
-qayl 0 2 6 1
+Devious Devices for the Masses II
+Devious Devices Assets 09.12.2014
+SexLab Aroused v20140124
+Shlongs of Skyrim
+Brawl Bugs Patch - Plugins - Modder Resource
-SexLab Consequences
+PSQ Succu
+Sharlikrans Compatibility Patches
+MoreNastyCritters7 10
-MoreNastyCritters7 9
+ZazAnimationPack Textures V0600
+ZazAnimationPack Main V0600
+A Quality World Map
+JaySuS Swords
+High Quality 3D Map
-Animated Prostitution - Skyrim
-VioLens - A Killmove Mod
-Interesting NPCs
-Dynamic Loot
+Ponytail Hairstyles v3_0
+Superior Lore-Friendly Hair - HD textures
+Sofia - The Funny Fully Voiced Follower
+aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Weapons
+aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Unique Items
+aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Dragonborn
+aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Creatures
+aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Armors
+The Eyes Of Beauty
+West Wind Combat Series - Misfit Mage UNP
+Selene by Neo
+Temptress Race
+DIMONIZED UNP female body
+Animated Dragon Wings
+Flying Mod Beta
+New Animation for Magic Casting
-Static Mesh Improvement Mod
+Smithing Perks Overhaul
+Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade
+Clothing and Clutter Fixes
+Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade
+Better Dynamic Snow
+SkyFalls + SkyMills
+Project Reality - Climates Of Tamriel-V3
+Immersive Weapons
+Immersive Armors
+【Skeleton】XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended
+Realistic Ragdolls and Force
+Fores New Idles in Skyrim - Creature Pack
+Fores New Idles in Skyrim - Spells
+Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS
+HDT Physics Extensions
+SKSE Scripts
+Winter Is Coming - Cloaks
+Cloaks of Skyrim
+Unofficial High Resolution Patch
+Unofficial Dragonborn Patch
*Unmanaged: Dragonborn
+Unofficial Hearthfire Patch
*Unmanaged: HearthFires
+Unofficial Dawnguard Patch
*Unmanaged: Dawnguard
+Unofficial Skyrim Patch
*Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack03
*Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack02
*Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack01



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Hey i'm having a bit of trouble with pleasing my master; never seems to want food, devices muck up the animations, and some other things.


- I'm using immerslave, and if i choose to start as a slave with full bondage, I come across a problem where anytime a sex scene triggers it will start an animation, realise that i'm wearing restrictive items and then triggers an armbinder struggle animation, while the owner starts masturbating.


It is working as expected.

This is SexLab and the Devious Devices animation filter in action. There is nothing that can be done about that hijacking of animations while wearing a device.


- Despite dancing and causing the master to masturbate around 15 times in the 3 days span, my final disposition never went past -6 and when i asked what my master wanted it was always either "entertainment" or "STFU", never foods or gold, and i also gifted him loads of stuff and gold but hardly any effect. Eventually i ended up being sold to belethor, who shouted at me to get out of his house for ages before the enslavement kicked in JUST before the guards came. His assistant kept saying "you're not supposed to be here" and as i have psq succu installed, after i sexed him up a bit while sleeping, him and belethor started hacking at each other. Which is fine if belethor had won, but when i was transferred to the victorious assistant, i had no master dialogue, just him telling me to get out.


Food and gold only appear at level 2 and level 3 of enslavement

At level 1, only sex and punishments are important.


If you give your master gold and food at level 1, or gold at level 2, he will not care much for it but he will not hold it against you if you miss your food and gold target.


I thought Belethor was a good fit... I may have to find another way (or make the player a friend of Belethor's faction).


- The worst problem i came across though was that the slave collar "forcing me to not wear anything" message came up every 20 seconds, even though i wasnt wearing any clothes, and as i had my arms bound i couldn't exactly do anything about it if i had. I tried a playthrough where i didn't select full bondage, but chose everything apart from posture collar, in case the slave collar wasn't equipping properly, but the same issue kept occurring.


I will have a fix for that one ready tonight. I am testing it right now.


- Also one other thing i noticed was that deviously helpless kicked in slightly before or during the enslavement process and my char was raped, and then couldn't speak to the owner for a while due to the immunity cooldown?


Yeah... not much that can be done about that either.

That's the joy of multi-threaded scripts. 

Sometimes, Defeat rape scene can kick in just as you are getting enslaved as well.


Immerslave adds bondage items to the character as soon as you activate the bed, is this a possible cause of the devices not equipping properly and therefore causing all these issues? I dunno, i'll try to test some more tomorrow without bondage items. The mods updates sounds really interesting if i ever get in to run well so good job :)





# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.

+FNIS Patch


+SD Cages 109


-KISS - Khajiit Cat Sprint and Sneak

-FNIS Patch w PCEA

-PC Exclusive Animation Path

+Tania the Hermit

+Skyrim Swimming Enemies

+Enemy AI OverHaul---Revenge Of the Enemies---No Scripts Version



+Perkus Maximus - Maximum Perk Overhaul


+Alternate Start - Live Another Life

+Estrus Chaurus v3.39


+Faction Crossbows

+Combined female armour mod


+SexLab Amourous adventures



+hydra slavegirls 814

-Decorations for Slaverun

-Adult Toys Merchant - NSFW

+Solutions Patch


+xazPrisonOverhaul V031

+FNIS Sexy Move

+Succubus Armour UNPB

+Skyrim Hair Physics Project

+Horsemen - Mounted Combat Enhancement

+Deadly Dragons

+Dark Lillith for UNPB-BBP

+Dark Lillith for UNP

+Bouncy Bodices and Booties for UNP



+Succubus Race

+Death Alternative - Captured

+SDPlus301 10.12.2014


+Draugr Rags Prison Replacer UNP UNPB CBBE and BBP Variants

+Death Alternative - Your Money or Your Life

+mslDeviousCaptures 12.11.14


+Deviously Cursed Loot 2.6

+Fuz Ro Doh

+Elewin Pumps 2 - High Heels and Stockings for UNP


+Deviously Helpless 1.15d

+Devious Devices Expansion 09.12.2014

+HDT HighHeels System

-qayl 0 2 6 1

+Devious Devices for the Masses II


+Devious Devices Assets 09.12.2014

+SexLab Aroused v20140124

+Shlongs of Skyrim

+Brawl Bugs Patch - Plugins - Modder Resource


-SexLab Consequences


+PSQ Succu

+Sharlikrans Compatibility Patches

+MoreNastyCritters7 10

-MoreNastyCritters7 9

+ZazAnimationPack Textures V0600

+ZazAnimationPack Main V0600

+A Quality World Map

+JaySuS Swords

+High Quality 3D Map



-Animated Prostitution - Skyrim

-VioLens - A Killmove Mod

-Interesting NPCs

-Dynamic Loot

+Ponytail Hairstyles v3_0

+Superior Lore-Friendly Hair - HD textures

+Sofia - The Funny Fully Voiced Follower

+aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Weapons

+aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Unique Items

+aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Dragonborn

+aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Creatures

+aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Armors

+The Eyes Of Beauty

+West Wind Combat Series - Misfit Mage UNP

+Selene by Neo

+Temptress Race

+DIMONIZED UNP female body

+Animated Dragon Wings

+Flying Mod Beta

+New Animation for Magic Casting

-Static Mesh Improvement Mod

+Smithing Perks Overhaul

+Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade

+Clothing and Clutter Fixes

+Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade

+Better Dynamic Snow

+SkyFalls + SkyMills

+Project Reality - Climates Of Tamriel-V3

+Immersive Weapons

+Immersive Armors


+【Skeleton】XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended

+Realistic Ragdolls and Force


+Fores New Idles in Skyrim - Creature Pack

+Fores New Idles in Skyrim - Spells

+Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS


+HDT Physics Extensions

+SKSE Scripts

+Winter Is Coming - Cloaks

+Cloaks of Skyrim



+Unofficial High Resolution Patch

+Unofficial Dragonborn Patch

*Unmanaged: Dragonborn

+Unofficial Hearthfire Patch

*Unmanaged: HearthFires

+Unofficial Dawnguard Patch

*Unmanaged: Dawnguard

+Unofficial Skyrim Patch

*Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack03

*Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack02

*Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack01



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I'm having huuuge trouble getting this mod to work at all. Was just playing the last version and it worked fine but now the enslavement just wont happen. I'll try to surrender and i'll get the message in the top left but nothing will happen. The enslavement on knockdown will fail, then the enslavement on blackout will fail.


I first tried on my normal game and couldn't get it to work so I made a fresh character to test it out and still no luck. Have been messing around for hours.


Edit: I disabled SD patches (are they incompatible now?) and it kind of works. The enslavement happens but the master isn't titled as master and there are no dialogue options. The new collar system seemed to work as well.

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Deadly combat has a setting where PC staggers from attack. All punishment using mods have most of their punishment animations behave wrong when PC staggers.


Anyway, thanks for the awesome mod!


I'm also using deadly combat, the staggers look nice when getting whipped, unless you're shackled or on pillory then blocking staggers on player does make sense.



Deadly Combat has been listed as incompatible since well before skyrimII took over; I've switched to Ultimate Combat because there's an MCM toggle so I disable the mod while enslaved.



Thanks for the heads-up, Deadly Combat has similar toggle, now that I think about it, so should be compatible when disable in mcm.


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