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Long time I haven't played this mod (and Fallout), the new additions are just awesome ! Congrats for the job. I have been nosing about the dialogs with the geck and noticed somes lines for Easy Pete and the wandering prospectors. Is this part of a content I missed ? (Cause I found no way to trigger them).


Also, don't know if it is a conflict with my mods but one of the NCR soldier in Novac doesn't seems to leave the bathhouse, he is wandering there since quite some time now (RefID xx00c683). And there's this ghoul with purple eyes (enclosed pic). I use v5.4 so maybe it has been adressed.


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  • 3 weeks later...

a little help? in novac, after sale-ing your body in the motel room, after sex, what am i supposed to do to leave the motel room? opening the door just lead to the unknown area(ungenerated area and teleport back to the room) and the customer just... teleported out and no dialog from them...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did the Helios one party again today. I got quite a few "double" approaches, like getting approached by one actor, starting convo, then as soon as the convo ended, another actor comes and starts dialogue. This messes up the camera because you get the "zoom" effect and can be particularly problematic if the previous convo ended while leading to sex.


Also, I really think the "box bitch" box is more hassle than its worth. It causes the framerate to drop dramatically, frequently causes clipping, and NPCs try to walk through it because they can't navmesh around it. It's a nice concept, but I think overall there are too many negatives to justify it being used. I'd also maybe reduce the number of NPCs at the party a little, as there's quite a lot going on, which further adds to the framerate drop. 


Oh, and lastly, we need some lights activated there during that scene for people like me that use weather mods that change the default darkness of the nights. It's a little annoying having to talk around there with the pipboy always tuned on!  :lol:

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Did the Helios one party again today. I got quite a few "double" approaches, like getting approached by one actor, starting convo, then as soon as the convo ended, another actor comes and starts dialogue. This messes up the camera because you get the "zoom" effect and can be particularly problematic if the previous convo ended while leading to sex.


Also, I really think the "box bitch" box is more hassle than its worth. It causes the framerate to drop dramatically, frequently causes clipping, and NPCs try to walk through it because they can't navmesh around it. It's a nice concept, but I think overall there are too many negatives to justify it being used. I'd also maybe reduce the number of NPCs at the party a little, as there's quite a lot going on, which further adds to the framerate drop. 


Oh, and lastly, we need some lights activated there during that scene for people like me that use weather mods that change the default darkness of the nights. It's a little annoying having to talk around there with the pipboy always tuned on!  :lol:


I can agree with all of this. This post sums up most of my issues with the Helios One Party. It's an awesome scenario but I can't really play it because of insane frame drops. I think the box is the worst offender.

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 Maybe the Helios One party would work better indoors? The climax of the Double Indemnity quest

is a splendid example of how to do everything just right, in comparison. It's perhaps a bit less ambitious,

but perhaps Model T's were never designed to be turbocharged and intercooled without blowing up.

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I'll rework the Helios One party, it was originally written for sexout '84 and NVSE 4.2 (which it exploded both of :P), and would definitely benefit from newer features available. My goal in sexout is to allow animation chaining- I have position switching working, the next step is actor switching, so you can put the player in the box and have X guys screw them in a row, without the player ragdolling imbetween (it will be a hell of a feat to pull off, but I know it is possible).



@gundamwarcraft: After which trick, was it a special one (eg: Raccoon) or a regular one?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Any plans for doing a TTW version of your mod? DC is just so ... empty when it comes to Sexout content.


The easiest way to do this would be if there was an option to freelance anywhere, which is a feature I've long wanted. Then it would probably let you flooze it up in the Capital Wasteland.


Obviously it defeats the purpose of the wonderful scenarios Odessa has created. (I adore the Novac one especially) but it would be really useful :), and for TTW a lot quicker than waiting for more finely crafted content, actually made for TTW.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After the Racoon trick Sexout appears broken, unable to do any more sex activity, cannot initiate sex at all, not even the masturbate hotkey works.


Looks like its time to load a save ;)



loaded a save, and this time it worked.   I think I may have broken something the first time by trying to rush through the 'Dennis' dialog. 


-- Having a lot of fun with this mod :)


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BOS content: Hadn't actually considered it, but there are definitely some interesting possibilities there.


TTW: I still haven't played TTW, someone is welcome to make an expansion for it though.


Fishy guy: thank panthercom for him ;).


Raccoon: Will test, someone else reported a bug with sexout breaking which I am meaning to investigate, but I've been very busy lately with RL... and the Witcher 3.

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BOS content: Hadn't actually considered it, but there are definitely some interesting possibilities there.


TTW: I still haven't played TTW, someone is welcome to make an expansion for it though.


Fishy guy: thank panthercom for him ;).


Raccoon: Will test, someone else reported a bug with sexout breaking which I am meaning to investigate, but I've been very busy lately with RL... and the Witcher 3.


Well like I said, if you added the ability to freelance anywhere as an option that would let you do it in Fallout 3 via TTW.

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SexoutSex, Hookups and I think NaughtyTrading all allow that already, with soliciting I am aiming to get a bit more local relevance to the encounters. If I get around to playing TTW I will definitely add some scenes though.

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Capital Wasteland is so uncivilized it's difficult to come up with Sexout scenarios for it from what I've seen.


An enterprising slut could do well in the pockets of civilization in the CW: Rivet City, the various BOS outposts, Megaton, Tenpenny Tower, Oasis, Underworld... and even the small settlements like Bigtown, Republic of Dave and Oasis. 


Of course availability of some of these places depends on the main story actions of the LW.  Before making certain decisions regarding Megaton or the Citadel remember that there is not much work for a whore in a radioactive crater.  




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Also in the capital wastelands there are a ton of slavers for example paradise falls , the pitt, evergreen mills etc for slavery and/or doing evil stuff as a male or female character + extra danger of enslavement for females .Plus there are random slaver encounters which could lead to enslavement at any of the above.msexfort/ tryour/ msexveronica /player slave encounters style/evil pimp or slaver


Plenty of characters who could be manipulated ,or fall into prostitution



cherry at dukovs would be vunerable and /or prostitution events with dukov.


lucy west in megaton the aweful secret of her brother, and the death of both her parents


Angela and Diego marriage could be sabotaged bf and or after they are married ( could use mei wongs to seduce diego she is wanted by slavers after all)


Triny and her nasty drug habit , and history of prostitution.


mei wong her self is vunerable cause of her fear of be reenslaved.


any of the run away slaves at the temple of the union


red and her fear of capture by the slavers at paradise falls and or humiliation and enslavement at the hands of super mutants


Clover insanely loyal to whomever owners her AND crazy


Silver on the run from moriaty ,drug habit , history of prostitution.





possible Pimps



Colin Moriaty

welll he want to keep the yokel knee deep in poon and booze ANd he has only one prosititue And 2 spare rooms upstair in the salloon.


Mr Burke

Well all those rich people at tenpenny towers AND only prostitute wanted by paradise falls . well if she was to disappear.


Eulogy Jones hell he lookes like a pimp , dress like a pimp , has 2 slave girls .If it walk like a duck , quackes like a duck its..


Brock/belle bonny muddy rudder sure its a dive but alot of the merchants from rivet city go their after the markets closed and their are 2 room of the bar and only 1 women their trinny.. if she where to have and accident .. though the bar might need to pros and or potential for cat fights and drama









Notable mentions



Confessor Cromwell leader of a crazy cult (john or moral crusader type ?)


Jericho ex raider and perhaps short of caps (john/pimp)


Leo Stahl drug habit spiraling out of control (john/ sml time pimp)


dukov sex crazed -only want to drink , party , fuck , and fart.has 2 live in prostitutes and 1 cherry want to run away.

(sex crazed)


Super mutan captures in the capital wasteland


Sierra Petrovita she is crazy, unworldy , and  nuka cola addicted



2 dogs - Pary hard



Ghoul city all those lonely ghouls and only sydney to keep em company , although she aint interested (lesbian)

-Ton of johns


slavers encampment north ? of ghoul city

-tons of johns


rivet city /megaton tons of johns + pimp/pros vs  law enforcement  (rivet city security/ sherrif of megaton) + moral crusaders perhaps (Father Clifort/ confessor cromwell)  + drama nathan confronted by wife after fucking novac in bar/

leo's sister confronting moriarty after leos spiral into poon / drugs.











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I can't seem to progress the Novac bathhouse stuff. What am I supposed to be doing exactly?

When the bathhouse opens, I pay a visit but there are no dialogue options when I talk to Anne or the 3 girls. (smallertalk has a dead end conversation)

Sloan, Primm and GS scenarios worked well.


Very cool mod! ! !


There is a fire station in Novac, with a big tent next to it. Anyone know what mod that comes from? and what I should be doing to find the keys to open the doors?

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