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@Wired: What would spying at Helios One entail?




I have a plan for a quest where Wallace gets arrested for debauchery and you and the other bathhouse ladies have to go to McCarran and figure some way to bust him out.




The Cat's Paw is actually coming in a later version, CK has been designing it and it looks great . When its done, there will definitely be room for sketching out some quests for it if you're interested.


BoS already wants their Helios One back in the FNV storyline, isn't it? Legion can just destroy another NCR outpost (attack them right at the party, yeah). Or whatever, inclining into FNV story may break the game.


Wow, that quest is the next chapter in girls' adventures and it's perfectly fits to the party one.


Wow, that's most awesome! And where did you found the place to the brothel if it's not a big secret of cource? There are thoughts for quests, but not all of them is healthy or doable without goind beyond Sexout functionality.

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Fallout 2 rules, even to this day.


Indeed it does, still one of my favourites, especially with mods such as "The Restoration Project" which adds a ton of content to it. 


Second is to "reopen" Reno's cat's paw brothel and porn studio in Freeside. Third is to add some characters like (not the exact) Leslie Anne Bishop and Angela connected to Strip's casino bosses. I'll explain more, if I  come up with character development idea.


Way ahead of you son...  ;)


hmm perhaps you could elaborate on cats paw, or do you enjoy teasing your fans! :)


Wow, that's most awesome! And where did you found the place to the brothel if it's not a big secret of cource? There are thoughts for quests, but not all of them is healthy or doable without goind beyond Sexout functionality.


The Cat's Paw is actually coming in a later version, CK has been designing it and it looks great :). When its done, there will definitely be room for sketching out some quests for it if you're interested.


Indeed. I have been working on it for a few months now and it is very near completion. Fallout 2 fans in particular should be in for a treat. It is a huge new space which I have made from scratch, with many custom assets provided by some very talented artists. 


Here's a few screenshots:




















It will still be a few weeks away from completion and naturally the quests still have to be written, but as they say good things come to those who wait!  :D

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Jaw drops to floor. Floor collapses under the pression. Neighbour threatens to sue. Mayhem ensues...


Listen please, Sir police officer, I tell you it's because of a FNV mod... no, it's not released yet, I can't show you... hey, wait, noooooo...



EDIT : Fallout 2 forever!


EDIT 2 : this is totally awesome, ChancellorKremlin, can't wait ^.^

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To anger Trudy, have sex in the bathroom whilst she is in the bar and fail a Stealth check. She should start a conversation when you come out, so long as you don't immediately leave the bar.

To start the Easy Pete quest, ignore his warning and keep soliciting, then sleep in Victor's shack



Frustration is added by Spunk, as Azmodan mentioned.


@marieruth: This mod is fully compatible with Tryouts, in fact I've never tested it without both ;).


@VaunWolfe: (TTW) No, but someone is welcome to make a plugin for it if they are interested, it could reuse most the same scripts so it wouldn't take much more than writing dialog.

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Firstly, great mod!
Secondly, problems! :)
a) I've also run into problems with Raccoon quest (game crashed 5 times after intercourse with Werebighorner)
B) Game also crashes after sitting on a stool in Mojave Outpost (Bathhouse, Goodspring and Sloan are working fine).

c) The box from the quest in Gomorrah is causing the game to stutter (my gaming rig isn't top shelf, so that's the reason, but it would be nice to have something less demanding there)
Load Order is arranged by LOOT (everything else works fine)

Note: I have installed 3 big overhauls FOOK, Project Nevada and Mission Mojave with compatibility patches, but there is a chance I messed something up.


FOOK - New Vegas.esm=1
FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm=1
Project Nevada - Core.esm=1
More Perks.esm=1
Project Nevada - Equipment.esm=1
More Perks for Dead Money.esm=1
Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp=1
Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp=1
More Perks for Honest Hearts.esm=1
More Traits.esm=1
More Perks for Old World Blues.esm=1
Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm=1
Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition.esp=1
Better Casinos.esp=1
FOOK - New Vegas.esp=1
AllCompanionsEssential 2.0.esp=1
Four Traits v1.esp=1
Karma Perks.esp=1
More Perks for Old World Blues Update.esp=1
Casino Exchange All.esp=1
Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp=1
Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp=1
Project Nevada - All DLC.esp=1
FOOK-PN Convergence.esp=1
FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esp=1
OldWorldBlues - Light Stealth Suit MKII no NVSE.esp=1
Sorter - Combined.esp=1
More Perks Update.esp=1
More Perks for Dead Money Update.esp=1
Expanded Traits.esp=1
Kobu's Free Wild Wasteland Trait.esp=1
Stealth Suit MK II Speed Fix.esp=1
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp=1
NV_STTraitsandPerks - NVSE.esp=1
VanGraff Vendor Fix.esp=1
Armor Replacer Child NPC Fix.esp=1
More Traits Update.esp=1
More Perks for Honest Hearts Update.esp=1
IWR - Rebuilt.esp=1
Project Nevada - WMX.esp=1
Wild Wasteland YCS Fix.esp=1
MMUE POP.esp=1

And a question regarding Helios parties, are there any other requirements besides proper shift to get invitation?

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Thanks for the bug report


a ) Did the sex animation play properly? What should happen is the animations for you and raccoon should play for a while, then it fades to black, then you'll see a loading screen whilst and you wake up in Novac. At which point does it crash?


b ) Could you try enabling debug and clicking 'create debug dump' in MCM, then sitting in outpost again. If it crashes, can you upload the log file that will be in your FNV directory?


c ) Does it only stutter during the part in the box, or throughout that whole scene?


You will get invited to a Helios party if you ask to start a shift at the bath house after 4 pm (about) on a Friday or Saturday, as long you did not fry Helios One and you are not an enemy of the NCR.




Is anyone else experiencing crashes during soliciting sequences?

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Jaw drops to floor. Floor collapses under the pression. Neighbour threatens to sue. Mayhem ensues...


Listen please, Sir police officer, I tell you it's because of a FNV mod... no, it's not released yet, I can't show you... hey, wait, noooooo...



EDIT : Fallout 2 forever!


EDIT 2 : this is totally awesome, ChancellorKremlin, can't wait ^.^


Thanks! There are plenty of Fallout 2 references and it will in many ways be a huge nod to it. 


Dat "only YOU can prevent corporate espionage" on the last shot..



BTW, do any sexout-mod or modder's resource have abortion animation?


Ha, if you like that poster wait till you see the others...  :lol:


Btw, I'm not getting crashes, but I have had the actor disappear after sex once or twice. 

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I'll test Mojave and Raccoon crashes after work. But bighorner animation played out fine and crashed during character ragdoll.


The game stutters when the box is in my line of sight, so it was smooth even during the box part as soon as I panned the camera away.

So firstly I'm a big dummy for not updating Sexout but it still crashes after the update, in both cases.

If it's any help there is longer delay between sitting on a stool and a crash after the update.
Debug file is attached, hopefully I've created it properly.



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Okay, so I can narrow it down, could you try loading up this test plugin, it will run a simplified version of the sex scene 10 seconds after you load game. Let me know if it crashes after the animation.


Requires Sexout '91 (current stable version) or later and the main soliciting mod core/data.


It still crashes in the end of the scene

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Mojave Outpost: No idea why this is crashing, I have added some extra debug to this release, could you try creating another a debug dump, then sitting down and if it crashes upload it.


Post-Animation with Raccoon: I can't see any missing files and I would think it would crash during not after animation if there was one, also Panthercom said it worked for him. I'm not sure what's going on.


Only thing I can think of is that I am using SCR beta and English version of game. If you are getting crashes and have FNVEdit, could you check Soliciting for errors and see if anything comes up?




New Beta 5.4 (1)


- Added More debug in Mojave Outpost sequence.

- Added encounter with Ike in Boulder City. (I was looking for somewhere to sleep in Boulder City but the only bed is owned by Ike so unavailable... until now ;))

- Added MCM option (if Lutana v10+ is loaded) to search all loaded outfits for things that sound sexy and add them to a gift list.


(Outdated attachment removed)

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Mojave Outpost: No idea why this is crashing, I have added some extra debug to this release, could you try creating another a debug dump, then sitting down and if it crashes upload it.


Post-Animation with Raccoon: I can't see any missing files and I would think it would crash during not after animation if there was one, also Panthercom said it worked for him. I'm not sure what's going on.


Only thing I can think of is that I am using SCR beta and English version of game. If you are getting crashes and have FNVEdit, could you check Soliciting for errors and see if anything comes up?




New Beta 5.4 (1)


- Added More debug in Mojave Outpost sequence.

- Added encounter with Ike in Boulder City. (I was looking for somewhere to sleep in Boulder City but the only bed is owned by Ike so unavailable... until now ;))

- Added MCM option (if Lutana v10+ is loaded) to search all loaded outfits for things that sound sexy and add them to a gift list.


I checked with FNVedit and found some conflicts with other mods but disabling the other mods didn't work. (mostly GGNaughtyTradingSlavery in related idle animations as shown in image below




and an error in worldspace.




as an addon i have placed an debugdump below


Hope you have some use with this.


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Nice update, like the little touch with Ike in Boulder City. I am using Amra's anims though, and maybe it could use with a little variety in the anims? I've just seen one so far. 721 and 723 would also be good candidates. It would also be nice if there was some padding around the sex, like a message before about how he wakes you up, and then he says something before leaving. 





Did he just lock me in there? Because if he did, that's awesome! Can't seem to figure what's supposed to come next though. I can't pick pocket any keys from him when he comes in to sleep and if I go out there isn't any option to talk to him about it.


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Checking for errors with FNVEdit gave no problems.
In a few hours I'll try reinstalling all sexout mods, since I wouldn't put it above myself to mess something up, until then here is debug file.


Also something that made me wonder about my installation is the Werebighorner hide supposed to look like that?




EDIT: Also happy to inform that Ike was a smooth experience.


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Okay, thanks for everyones help tracking the crash with Horner Man, it was hard work but I figured it out:


Raccoon's trick will crash if you do not have the NVAC (New Vegas Anti Crash) plugin installed.


New Beta 5.4 (3)


- Raccoon trick is now disabled if NVAC is not installed to prevent game crash.

- Ike's door is now re-unlocked after sex or upon repeat dialogue if he locks it.

- Fixed bug in random picker added by 5.4 (1)

In last beta:



- Soliciting added to bar in Mojave Outpost if you sit down.

- Encounter with Ike at Boulder City.

- Option to add any loaded outfits that sound sexy to the gift list, if Lutana v10+ is installed.






@CK: It always uses the same anim for Ike at the moment, I'll make it varied in next version and add some more dialogue. Getting locked in was not intentional (I think it's part of his package) but maybe it should be... ;).



EDIT: Fuck, I broke the random picker in 5.4 (1 and 2), fixed in (3). :blush:


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Guest marieruth

So I've run into a tiny issue thing where the Dunton brothers don't switch to the erect body mesh when I first initiated sex with them, I initiated a second round of sex with them, and got the same result of them not in their erect meshes. The animations played through, though. Also, is the screen supposed to flash colors between each sequence of sex? That kinda bogged my game down; I was wondering if it was one of my lighting mods...

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