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Auds Multi-coloured Kink Shop

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2 hours ago, kapibar said:

That's what I always tell my old lady.

But yeah, you forgot the song. Again.

Really you could write a book, "how to make friends and influence people, the etiquette of charm " by kapibar



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51 minutes ago, audhol said:

I think you might be the traffic warden that checks the blue parking disks in my local town, hes equally full of festive cheer.

In that case, there must have been a mistake. I would never work in a government job in my life, much less in issuing fines. This bloke is no snitch.

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5 hours ago, NoirXiaoba said:

Looks great! Doesn't even need a quest, imho.


There will be no dépendance, DD version as well as the quest. 


5 hours ago, NoirXiaoba said:

Enjoy time with the family and your digital detox

I'm getting a twitchy mouse hand already, hope the sausage rolls and mince pies are worth it. 


5 hours ago, Miauzi said:

That's why I admire and appreciate your work so much.

It's kinda interesting that the digital and IRL techniques are similar in the way things are built. 


5 hours ago, Miauzi said:

And I wish you a relaxed and wonderful Christmas party.

Happy holidays to you all however you are spending it. 

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1 hour ago, NoirXiaoba said:

This. There are none.

I'd like to get the whole set done first, so we're missing the hood and the (as I've been mulling over) corset. Once it's all done I'll release a test version for you guysngirls however as already discussed its gonna need a brave (foolhardy) volunteer to make the le cbbe and uunp versions. Uncle Aud will be happy to let said volunteer sit on his knee whilst they work on it together! 


Cheers y'all. 

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22 minutes ago, Miauzi said:

As you can see from the picture, I also have a corset fetish.

Which picture? 


22 minutes ago, Miauzi said:

Because I don't know what of it can be implemented in 3D and above all with the existing bodies

Its not really the modelling that's an issue but your right about the restrictions of bodies as the corset can't alter that base without interfering with everything else. 

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48 minutes ago, audhol said:

I'd like to get the whole set done first, so we're missing the hood and the (as I've been mulling over) corset.

Don't feel pressured by my comment. I should've added that the questioneer ought to be a little bit more patient, but well, hindsight is 2022.


49 minutes ago, audhol said:

as already discussed its gonna need a brave (foolhardy) volunteer to make the le cbbe and uunp versions. Uncle Aud will be happy to let said volunteer sit on his knee whilst they work on it together!

Damn, why didn't I pay more attention when NIND tried to teach me? I wanted to turn you into a rocking horse for my dollies. Christmas is ruined! *pout*

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35 minutes ago, NoirXiaoba said:

Don't feel pressured by my comment. I should've added that the questioneer ought to be a little bit more patient, but well, hindsight is 2022.

I didn't get any feeling of pressure from your comment its fair enough for people to ask but I'm happy you guys got my back, thanks. 

39 minutes ago, NoirXiaoba said:

Damn, why didn't I pay more attention when NIND tried to teach me? I wanted to turn you into a rocking horse for my dollies. Christmas is ruined! *pout*

A rocking ?? With my back? I mean I can give the dollies a bit of a rock but don't expect much. Pouting is bad form at Christmas silly billy. 

If you'd like we can go through it together. The bodyslides I mean not the ?  bit. 

26 minutes ago, Miauzi said:

Upps - sorry - habe ich vergessen hochzuladen

I like the back bottom laces, the top might be a bit high for the hood, I was kinda thinking of an underbust design. 


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4 hours ago, Miauzi said:

please consider the blog as a basis for discussion - it shouldn't be more than that

Thank you for all the work you put into this - it really shows! The blog article told me two things. a) my one corset, which I wore with my black velvet dress, is with high probability of the "fake" variety and 2) I should look into an elegant and well-made one for back support, as my spine suffers from my desk work (and sports is of the devil).

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