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Y'all think there will ever be a game that replaces skyrim as the king on this site?

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On 1/26/2023 at 6:04 AM, Wolfshrike said:


Ya know, on this point, I'd honestly say that bad vocals- either in the form of poorly handled synth work or mediocre to bad VA work- sticks out worse than silent vocals in the more modern games. Like, I'd straight up rather a mod be silent and tell me what to do via silent lines and notes than try to work in questionable voiced lines. 

Modders should probably look into making use of the tools made available to them through Eleven Labs.


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21 hours ago, trurebel1 said:

I've got a good feeling starfield will dethrone skyrim, one big limitation skyrim had was you couldn't easily add new areas to the map. With starfield modders will be able to add entire worlds or utilize empty worlds as their canvas. We can have entirely self contained storylines on these planets and with the rise of AI voices we can have professional style voice acting NPC's. If Starfield's creation kit includes the procedural generation tools we're gonna get some amazing stuff. I am looking forward to a new bethesda game during the rise of AI game making tools!


I'm also very optimistic. I just feel it's going to be awesome. I don't think people will need to generate their own planets because there are 1000; there is no way that space will get filled by modders. But even so, I'm pretty sure the generation will be possible.


I'm just wondering what else can be done by AI that would open things up.

Edited by RohZima
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18 hours ago, Darkening Demise said:

Starfield might have a better chance than Fallout. But till TES VI is a thing Skyrim is king. Then again I'll be 40-60 by the time that game comes out if I even live that long. 17 when Skyrim came out, almost 30 and Starfield ain't a thing yet either.


I've seen people "joking" that the Fallout universe will be our reality before the next Fallout game releases, lol.

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2 hours ago, RohZima said:

I'm also very optimistic. I just feel it's going to be awesome. I don't think people will need to generate their own planets because there are 1000; there is no way that space will get filled by modders.


OK. Let's hold a sweep! How long before the first modder works out how to hack into the procgen process and uses it to transform a complete planet into Nirn, or Corsucant, or Apokolips, or something of that nature?



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8 hours ago, FauxFurry said:

Modders should probably look into making use of the tools made available to them through Eleven Labs.



Yeah, it's crazy how fast things have come from needing a VA or going silent to the VA synth tool that dropped... what? last year? year before? to this, now. 


I don't think it'll do old mods any good, but new ones are going to have the option to be almost seamless. Well, in theory. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

First i thought cp2077, with that, obviously, out of the picture the next big thin will be either TES6 or starfield. But i guess both will grow over time. Compared to each other, i'd say TES6 will come out on top, tho. But who knows, right now a lot of people are interested in Hogwarts, lots of stuff in the making. Tho, it will never as versatile as creation-engine games, that's for sure, at least when it comes to modding.

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On 2/4/2023 at 3:09 PM, DocClox said:


OK. Let's hold a sweep! How long before the first modder works out how to hack into the procgen process and uses it to transform a complete planet into Nirn, or Corsucant, or Apokolips, or something of that nature?



 Given it's todd we talkin' bout.. Propably a week, maybe less.

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On 2/4/2023 at 3:25 AM, FauxFurry said:

Modders should probably look into making use of the tools made available to them through Eleven Labs.



11labs has very tight controls on what content you can generate and what you can't.




dethrone skyrim


Not a chance in hell. Fantasy overshadows Scifi by a literal order of magnitude, in every genre, much less videogames.


Skyrim also runs at 8K90+ with hardware that's now available and that's with full non proxy SMP support provided you're not an idiot. SF will probably run at 4K60 on the same hardware and any injection modding thereafter will add to the load, nevermind this game is going to come out of the gate at probably 45-60K drawcalls in populated areas.


SF will curbstomp FO without much of a fight at all, but Skyrim is simply going to be a thing, probably even up to two years after TESVI launches.

Edited by 27X
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23 minutes ago, 27X said:


11labs has very tight controls on what content you can generate and what you can't.




Not a chance in hell. Fantasy overshadows Scifi by a literal order of magnitude, in every genre, much less videogames.


Skyrim also runs at 8K90+ with hardware that's now available and that's with full non proxy SMP support provided you're not an idiot. SF will probably run at 4K60 on the same hardware and any injection modding thereafter will add to the load, nevermind this game is going to come out of the gate at probably 45-60K drawcalls in populated areas.


SF will curbstomp FO without much of a fight at all, but Skyrim is simply going to be a thing, probably even up to two years after TESVI launches.

Judging by Shadowman2777's mod on the Nexus, the rules are not exceedingly strict though one can be sure that his detractors wish that they would pull the reigns in a little bit. 

They might put their feet down over some of the more extreme content found on this site and block everything from the various sites whose names are blocked on even the sites that some refer to as 'the site that must not be named' (like this one).

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I think the stuff that went out before they changed their TOS will stay, even the WTF stuff like My Good Friend Ahsoka and Nerevar is an Argonian (both of which are fucking hilarious) but you can bet anything that turns remotely political will instantly start the handing out of C/Ds like fucking candy.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The only scenario in which I see a newer game dethrone skyrim, is a combination of a few things.


The First is what pretty much everyone has already said: Easy to edit, no excessive weirdness in how the models themselves are capable of interacting with each other, reliable ability to Make, edit, place, and control NPC's, etc.


The Second is going to be a wide variety of good looking creatures, with skeletons that won't be a nightmare to do things with.


One of skyrims larger draws, the thing that has allowed screenshot takers to make careers off the thing, is the fact that skyrim has some of the best creatures across any game that has NSFW minded modders. If you just want to smash bodies together, there are a great deal of methods that don't involve trying to force the game to do what you want, and skyrim at this point has such a massive backload of outfits that you can pretty much make whatever setting you want to show off with them. Why try to break apart a game that is actively fighting you for the purpose of having some bodysuits bump uglies, when you can just slap them into skyrim and mod in a room that looks modern enough? Skyrims setting is pretty basic on top of that, so you can pick an actual skyrim locale and get away with just keeping the angles away from any significant landmarks.


Fallout, while it does have some monsters, doesn't have what I would call a high amount of good ones. Insects tend to be here and there as far as fetishes go, and most of the other monsters vary from "something that looks like it crawled out of a rotting pickle jar that was found in a nearby dump" to "Has a face that would make the archdeacon of Notre dame tell Frolo to drown the thing". It's setting also tends to look rather hideous on a good day, as you can only get so far with rotting hunks of garbage, burned out cars, and half melted structures covered in rust.


If we look at the kind of things Skyrim brings to the table, we have:

-Spiders, Chaurus, and Ashhoppers for the insect lovers
-Trolls and Giants, which while human-adjacent, fulfill the ideals of being overpowered by something much larger than yourself.
-Werewolves and Vampires, which are entire industries of romance on their own, and have parts of the game dedicated to letting you live out their better parts.
-Atronachs and a few subspecies of spirit, alongside the ever popular Spriggans. While just as niche as the bug lovers, they still get some decent attention.
-Rieklings and Falmer, providing the ever popular "Goblin" fetish a lot of ground to work with.
-The basic dogs, wolves, cats, and bears that make up the more public face of bestiality.
-Dwemer Automatons for the robot lovers
-Lurkers, Seekers, and Netches for those who have more eldritch tastes, also serving as a justification for tentacle content in general. Daedra being demons means you can do basically whatever you want with the more absurd fetishes and still feel borderline canon, since if it exists, there is a Daedra of its kind out there somewhere.
-Dragons, which basically 'speak' for themselves.
-Most of the undead are adjacent to the human category, but with how many ways you can rethink a corpse, you aren't lacking for inspiration.


I'm sure I missed a few monster types, but the list stands. Outside of the well known Deathclaw, the biggest draw fallout has that skyrim, for whatever reason, hasn't managed to mod in themselves is their insect list. Pretty much every monster Fallout brings to the table, Skyrim has something adjacent enough to satisfy, often looking a lot cleaner to boot.


Skyrim also has the advantage of a wide race list, meaning that a lot of the more humanoid related fetishes are covered automatically. Elves and Orcs don't even need you to step out into the deeper fetishes, since its "Human with some extra teeth and maybe some funny looking eyes/ears" that you can split whatever way you want. Fan of the brutal Pig-orcs and such? You have trolls for that purpose.

Starfield isn't going to outright unseat Skyrim in this decade, and I find it highly doubtful that it ever will...but it does have a lot of potential, assuming that the people making it don't try to pull a Star Wars/Star Trek and make it 90% humans with different bones in their face, assuming it has any humanoid aliens at all. Sci-fi might lack the outright magic that Fantasy gets to get away with, but it does have a large enough fanbase to make for a pretty big drop in the water, assuming that it provides a large enough and interesting enough monster list to satisfy some of those fantasy cravings.


The big thing is going to be whether or not it tries to go the lazy route with procedural monsters.


Different planets mean you get a massive amount of freedom in how you can create just about any kind of alien life, and if they actually go that route and provide a lot of different monsters? They have a pretty good fighting chance. Whether its tentacles, space bugs, robotic armies, or even stuff like the Starcraft Protoss, that limitless variety is going to be the thing that makes or breaks it in terms of its NSFW production. They can't compete with skyrim with the standard humans, as they have nothing unique enough to force people to migrate from all the work they did to make skyrim as beautiful as they want. It can justify quite a few space-sex related dreams, but the only true difference between planets and skyrims map is going to be "How much of this forest looks like it was intentionally designed, and how much is going to be procedural nightmares?", coupled with wearing a space suit instead of leather pants.


Regardless of what perversion you feel like indulging in on a particular day, Skyrim can cover it. Starfield isn't going to win on being shinier or the fact that it justifies technology, its going to win on what it can make different enough to establish a dedicated following of its secondary elements. The gameplay being good is mandatory to opening the door in the first place, but it will need something that gives it a staying power, as the vanilla sex lovers are never going to lack for as much content as they could dream of across a wide variety of games.


(That said, if enterprising modders manage to turn Starfield into the Phantasy Star (Online/Universe/Online 2/NGS) hentai game I always wanted? That game is never leaving my harddrive.)


The third and final step that will be needed for a new king, is to have a universe worth caring about in the first place.


One of the strongest things keeping people in a game like skyrim, is that they actively want to be there, regardless of the porn. Between Daedric Plots, the Civil War, memorable city design, and delving into the bowels of forgotten history or into monster pits, Skyrim is capable of making you want to see specific people being fucked, rather than just the sex on its own. Serana, Elisif, Ulfric, Balgruuf, The Dawnguard, the Dark Brotherhood, Nocturnal...these are names that you could mention in passing, in any context, and you would find someone who had at least heard of them. You can dress up your character however you want, whether you go full outlandish or try to make them blend in as much as possible, but that doesn't change the fact that you need something worth fucking in the first place. Fetishes can be supplied through a wide variety of methods, but often its the Who that brings people back later.


I don't have the highest of hopes for Starfield, given that every time people make an "Explore the stars" type of game they tend to go light on the plot side of things. Anyone can imagine two bodies fucking in space, but the plot will be what makes them want to fuck there, instead of some basement back in skyrim, or a daedric realm that happens to look like space.


Fantasy tends to be wildly successful because effort goes into establishing a map that people care about in order to sell their story. Genshin impact, as an example, has just as many people looking for details about its lore as it does people drawing pinups, allowing characters to remain relevant after the initial wave of "New waifu, must fuck" art fades. People get attached to characters for reasons both carnal and curious, and this gives people drive to want to edit them in the first place. Skyrim is by no means a perfect world, but it absolutely lets you go "Hey, I remember that city, it had [name], [name], and that one store that I always sold all my drops to. Maybe I should load up another playthrough with some extra mods..."


So, with all that said, there is one final point to keep in mind...


Even if Starfield is wildly successful, or if a new game manages to come out of nowhere that offers Bethesda levels of modding, Skyrim is never actually going to die.


Just because something is better, does not mean that everyone will want to switch. Whether people do not care for the new genre, or don't like the changes to body models, or even a case of "I specifically want to wander Skyrim, not Azeroth, Hammerfall, Tevyat, Hyrule, or Elseweyr". Skyrim is still getting new mods to this day, which means that whatever game comes out is going to have to find a way to not only catch up to the years of content, but also keep a constant output in order to not be forgotten after the initial wave of popularity fades. The modding community of a new king isn't going to be one that it steals, but rather one that it manages to breed and populate.

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On 3/10/2023 at 7:41 PM, IrrelevantIrrelevant said:

Fantasy tends to be wildly successful because effort goes into establishing a map that people care about in order to sell their story

Map is the key word. I love traveling, by foot, and exploring. How scenery changes when you go from place to place and the fact that "see that mountain? You can climb it" is a thing.


The problem with SF is scale. What does it matter there are gazillions of planets if a planet usually is just one type of biome and that's it? That doesn't really give you an impression of scale. If anything games like Skyrim have more sense of scale, because in the span of just one province you have numerous biomes, places, nooks and crannies that are different.


Planets in SF are small, boring, one-dimensional places with no sense of scale. Realistically you should be able to have a lifetime of exploration for just one planet. But no, all you have is a couple of locations at best and some vistas to look at, like in Mass Effect, but that's it.

That's boring and the illusion of vastness quickly fades. And somehow I doubt Starfield will go for Elite:Dangerous approach of having astral bodies that are realistic in size. I spent more hours just driving on the surface of a dead moon or cruising over ice canyons of Europa-like planet in a small ship in E:D than I had playing the entire Mass Effect trilogy.

Not to mention E:D non-Newtonian flight model is the only one of its kind among gaming industry. Will Starfield have an actual space flight model, if at all, or will it be just another iteration of "fighter plane but with lasers" approach? I somehow doubt it will be the latter. And I'm not interested in it in that case. I'll take that troll cock over at 7000 steps instead.

Edited by belegost
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  • 5 weeks later...
On 11/28/2022 at 4:53 AM, DocClox said:

That's why I've always been against the idea of paid mods. Once you start introducing money into a hobby, it changes the way people interact, and suddenly no-one wants to share any more. Instead of sharing techniques and insights into the engine, everyone wants to keep their secrets so the thing their mods do can't be done by anyone else. And then the lawsuits start and before you know it, everyone in the modding community has either left or turned into Arthmoor.


Still, we're not there yet, and it's not the first time this has happened. There are grounds for optimism.



We are. Those dll wizards in the other site, I discovered they are linked to the other site staff, and was told they are using bots to prop up their endorsements, so that they are always in the first page. They even used memes to illustrate it. In the discord author channel I read one of them saying they only do it for DP. 

The impact on anyone who spend more than a 1000 hours with modding is that they will not release their work, unless they are paid. It is a path of no return, and Bethesda is responsible for it. Not the other site, not Patreon, but Bethesda. And the result is lack of content. 

A solution I contemplated for it is to attract crypto whales to modding, so that the author is paid in full, and the work is not paywalled to the public. Patreon uses a very obsolete model, from the 2000s. Eventually the authors receive less than they deserve, and the public gets less than they need. 

Edited by Wolfstorm321
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On 4/11/2023 at 2:11 PM, Swiftstep said:

Did anybody bet on TES6?

Didn't read much here. Just wondering. Sequel would be a logical assumption.

We don't even know when it will be released (but I bet around 2030) and it will take 3-5 years to create a decent mod base. I don't even want to think how old I will be at that moment ?

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Maybe when Bethesda stops beating a dead horse and actually makes a better game and stops scamming people with shitty DLCs and cash grabs. If you liked the AE update, that's fine. But I was almost as disappointed with that as I was with the Rings of Power show.

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If one takes a look at the number of DLs on the Nexus, FO and Skyrim dwarve everything else there is. I don't know if there are bigger portals than Nexus (?).

Point is, the next title with a big modding scene will be from Beth. Even super-hyped Witcher 3 has less DLs than Fallout 3 - no, not New Vegas, basic FO3.

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2 hours ago, Swiftstep said:

the next title with a big modding scene will be from Beth

Depends if they are going to hand the keys over like they did the last games. However, will anybody really be interested?  There are some really good games out that are right out of the box and they have everything Skyrim or Bethesda will never have a true engine that runs. I have been playing Horizon Zero Dawn forbidden west and the game play is unbelievable it has combat that Bethesda could only dream of  with all the mechanics you could every want. No load screens no lag no glitches it is hands down the best game I have ever played. So I think it is desire that mods games.... games only been getting better and developers are really making their games top notch so much so that mods really don't become a thought....JMO

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1 hour ago, woodsman30 said:

games only been getting better and developers are really making their games top notch so much so that mods really don't become a thought....JMO

I don't know, maybe I am old-fashioned but insane levels of level-scaling in pretty much all modern games is an absolute deal-breaker for me, it just breaks immersion - why the hell everyone around me becomes stronger as I am becoming stronger? It just doesn't make any sense. But in Skyrim it can be fixed at least unlike pretty much all other games.

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8 minutes ago, outcast said:

I don't know, maybe I am old-fashioned but insane levels of level-scaling in pretty much all modern games is an absolute deal-breaker for me, it just breaks immersion - why the hell everyone around me becomes stronger as I am becoming stronger? It just doesn't make any sense. But in Skyrim it can be fixed at least unlike pretty much all other games.

Have to agree with this- especially for Beth games. I've never liked how they handled leveling and balance. The way they do it just defeats the whole purpose of leveling imo. *sneeze*- oh look, leveled again. Where's the grind?


Edited by KoolHndLuke
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