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I've been mulling over an idea that would combine prostitution with furniture items. The idea goes like this. You go to a location where there are some furniture items set up (Ex: stocks) In exchange for some money, you get locked in the thing for a specified duration. While in this position, random passersby can fuck you, whip you, etc. The payment could work on a customer basis, or if it would be simpler, one large lump sum at the start.


I'd also like it if this could be combined with followers. You command your follower to use the stocks, leave, and you come back to collect the money. To me, this seems like a much better way to pimp your followers than commanding them to have sex with individual people.


The prison overhaul already does this sort of thing with the stocks. There's also oli3d Furniture Bondage which adds furniture as static items, but I haven't tried it out.

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A quest/companion mod, maybe?

You find a secret mage tower, a dead mage, a caged dog, a whip with blood stain,a diary written by the mage.

You read the diary, find that mage trapped a serial raper's soul into the dog(use a forbidden necromancey spell), to torture the raper, for he raped and murdered mage's daughter. You decided to release the dog from cage and take it/him with you.

You can train the "raper dog" to fight, howere,due to his nature, he will rape female enemies when they are weak and trying to flee,especially when they turn their back to him,so he could put them down from behind and do the doggy style.

More enemies killed and more women raped, the dog grows stronger.

Sometimes when the dog does not get enough women, he will try to rape women in town. It is a crime and the guards will try to arrest you. Luckily you always notice the sigh before crime happens, so you can beat him with the whip.



I once had a dog like this. Believe me, it is not fun. Especially "the sigh before crime happens" (sigh ). :-/

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Devious Outfits


Expand on devious devices with lockable armor/clothing sets.
These outfits would be erotic in nature and/or embarrassing for the user to wear. (Examples: Maid outfit, Latex catsuit, Frilly pink dress, Slave clothes, etc)
The armor sets could be equipped forcibly to the player in a number of ways. Here are a few I thought of.
1. Quest requires you to put on the clothes.
2. Use the Submit+Devices system to add locked clothes to the player on submission.
3. Add enchanted rings or something to leveled lists designed to look exactly like vanilla items. On equip, the trick ring would auto-equip the armor set to you and destroy itself.
Find some existing erotic armor sets which would work, throw them in an esp.
Use the same enchantment and scripts on each item that the slave harness uses in "Live a deviant life". (The one on the highest difficulty which locks on equip, and blocks that armor slot)
For the ring idea, duplicate some vanilla enchanted rings, and add a script to them which does the equipping.
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I would really like to see a mod plugin or sexlab framework addition where females and males would equip sweaty/wet textures after the second or third stage of sexual intercourse!Just like it happens with the latest versions of estrus

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A quest/companion mod, maybe?

You find a secret mage tower, a dead mage, a caged dog, a whip with blood stain,a diary written by the mage.

You read the diary, find that mage trapped a serial raper's soul into the dog(use a forbidden necromancey spell), to torture the raper, for he raped and murdered mage's daughter. You decided to release the dog from cage and take it/him with you.

You can train the "raper dog" to fight, howere,due to his nature, he will rape female enemies when they are weak and trying to flee,especially when they turn their back to him,so he could put them down from behind and do the doggy style.

More enemies killed and more women raped, the dog grows stronger.

Sometimes when the dog does not get enough women, he will try to rape women in town. It is a crime and the guards will try to arrest you. Luckily you always notice the sigh before crime happens, so you can beat him with the whip.


I partly like this. However not that whole "babysit the dog and prevent he is raping everybody"-part (Got enough mods installed like frostfall, private needs, realistic needs that have me taking care of my own char all the time)


However, a canine wolf/dog companion you coould "train" (cough) to become your chars best friend (obviously I am thinking about a female char here...)

would be kinda cool...(interact through dialogue, the more you "train" (cough cough) him the tougher (harder to bring down, more vicious in battle, maybe special talents/abilities) he becomes...


Doesn't sound too difficult to make...any volunteers? You'll get a cookie!


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At the moment I am working on sex preferences and planning to add complex mechanics for handling yes/no answers for sex dialogues. SexRatio will have uncertainty rating and uncertianity multiplier based on number of sex partners and sex ratio. Then uncertianity will be added or removed according to dialogue topic. Received number will tell if NPC accepts the idea ranging from "Absolutely Yes" to "Absolutely No", then there will be check for relationship with player, confidence, aggression and sex type to measure amount of favour. Each favour consumes favour points from favour pool, determined by relationship rank. Favor points recover with time. It means Player will not be able to spam Persuasion dialogue if he has high speech. Also favour pools are decreased if NPCs have spouses. That means you probably can give blowjob to that NPC if his spouse has no LoS, but don't hope for anything else. After completing quests or having sex with that NPC sufficient times, relationship rank will increase, increasing favour pool and it means that you can ask for more. However if NPC finds topic unacceptable at all or Absolutely unacceptable relationship rank can decrease and NPC will attack you if it reaches negative amount.

Also some plans for aggressive stuff:

Alter speed of sex ratio changing, based on confidence, increase confidence when aressor or reduce it if victim.

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At the moment I am working on sex preferences and planning to add complex mechanics for handling yes/no answers for sex dialogues. (...)

You might want to contact the author of SexLab Attraction and see if you can help each other:



Thank you for suggestion. I never thought about my idea as framework.

However if i consider supporting other mods as framework i might release simple bool function like 

bool function slPrefs(actor ActorRef, actor ActorRef2, string skill)

for calculating Yes/No. I need to verify what other mods do check in dialogues, so i may even do a seamless integration by modifying those stats before dialogue occurs.

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Slaughterfish sex animations ! Why you ask ? Why in the name of God, Allah, Zeus and Morgan Freeman ?! Because, think about it, a slaughterfish is the most USELESS thing in ALL of Skyrim, I say in ALL of skyrim. You can't see it, it can see you from 1 mile, it deters you from fast travelling, you have to wet yourself and die from frostfall exposure to kill the damn thing. And yes it's even more useless than Nazeem.

I hate slaughterfishes, but now that you guys made me a total pervert I want the option to fuck them instead of trying to kill them !

Though I seem to be unable to visualize this... I want this.

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I had this idea to make a sort of red light district town. A city devoted to sexual exploits. It could be filled with brothels, shops, slaves, and quests. Start off with a somewhat vacant region, throw up some walls and vacant buildings, then let people fill the buildings with stuff or add new ones. Certain mods like the Captured Dreams Shop could relocate to the town. It would be a great starting point for quest mods. So instead of throwing a sewer entrance on the ground in some random place, you could throw an NPC in the town, and they wouldn't look out of place. I know there's a sex guild mod out there. I haven't tried it, but a sex guild certainly seems like a useful thing for the town.


You could build some brothels, maybe some mansions with dominant owners who ornament their homes with girls, and recruit you for some quests. I had this idea where you could put a temple to dibella on one side of the town and a temple to sanguine on the other. Sort of a battle between the lighter and darker sides of sexuality kind of thing. Potentially a quest line could be added regarding this conflict in the town.


The only thing is I'm not sure how this sort of thing could be best done so that plugins don't conflict with each other in a small region. I haven't worked with external regions much.

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I was having trouble with Sexlab and Spouses Enhanced and through various reinstalls and going back a few saves I found that I had to propose to my wife to be a few times and I thought how deathly dull the courtship is.


So here is my idea.


A real courtship mod. I know this has been thought of before but nobody has actually come up with one yet.


Now I am no modder (I just don't have the time to learn) but I do have some ideas.


Normally in Skyrim if you do a quest for somebody it then gives you the option that if you wear an amulet of Mara then you can ask to marry them, then you get married and that's it (unless you have Lovers Comfort or Spouses Enhanced) but I think we can improve on that.


Much like the arousal level in Sexlab, you could have an affection level which goes up and down.


The mod could go something like this: Let's choose Ysolda (so we don't get gender confused, although it will work with both sexes and same sexes)


Once you initially ask someone to marry you, it triggers a quest. Let's call it "Lovers Desire" for instance.

This then sets your intended's affection level to 0.

You then have to do some mini-quests to raise her affection level.

For instance, you might need to find a rare flower or get a specific bottle of wine or even brawl with a randomly chosen rival suitor. These could be triggered randomly each time you talk to your betrothed, Each successful  mini-quest raises the affection level. We could choose 20 items of various affection, some good some bad, some very good, some very bad. For instance a Nirnroot might raise it by 10 points but a Red flower might knock it back 10. Only through trial and error will you find out which is good and which is bad. I could choose so random items like a dwemer bowl which would be good, or a bottle of mead which would be bad. She could say something like "Find me something nice"  or "Mikael is following me around." Much in the way that Radient Prostitution works - the suitor can be random. You might even need to meet her somewhere by a certain time. Success raises affection, failure lowers it. The idea's are endless.


Now comes the tricky bit. Sex. You have to wait for the right time to ask for it. Again by trial and error her affection level will have to be above a certain threshold (I'm not sure if this can be chosen randomly or not, but that would be great). If you get knocked back 5 times then her affection drops down to zero and you have to continue wooing her with mini-quests.. If you get knocked back say, 15 times she will break off the engagement and you will have to wait at least a week (or longer) to try again.


If you are successful, then her affection level will rise. To continue to get it to rise you need to keep wooing her with random things, some will raise it and some will lower it and some will do nothing (Think of how you give gifts to the children). If you use sex, don't forget to kiss and cuddle as this will raise it, but if you are too rough and she is not ready for it, she will be unhappy and her affection will drop. If she is ready then you could gain significant affection.


When her affection is above a certain threshold, she will be more open to new things, so keep an eye on it (a hot-key could be the answer here)


Once the affection level reaches the maximum, you can ask her to marry you. I could be cruel here and say it's a 50/50 chance but I think a 70/30 is more appropriate.


If she accepts, there is a short animated sequence of the proposer going down on one knee and a short dialogue (taken from the vanilla game) - later additions could enhance the wedding segment, possibly.


If she rejects you then Lovers Desire fails and you have to begin again after a period of time. I could again be cruel and say" that's your lot" with this particular person - the game already has that if you turn somebody down - but I'm a romantic and think that's jut cruel, but it could be an option (possibly in the MCM. Thinking about that, you could switch on or off certain aspects, like ignoring the thresholds or cheating.


 If you are cheating on her during the courtship, then there is a chance she could find out. Sexlab has a counter and if this increases then it wouldn't be too difficult to incorporate this during the Lovers Desire quest, I imagine. You might also find her cheating on you, if her affection level is low. there are some good idea's to be had I think.


The quest will end with the success or failure of the courtship. So if you have any other marriage mods installed they shouldn't be affected.


So that's  my idea for a courtship mod, is anybody interested?  I am not a modder (yet) so I do not know how difficult this would be to implement, although a lot of the levelling idea's come from other mods, such as Lovers Comfort and Spouses Enhanced.


If anybody is willing to give it a go I would gladly help out with dialogue and situations.


Any budding modders out there DM me if this sounds like something you'd like to work on.


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     How about a mod that starts with the character on normal adventure travel outdoor, not in combat and a randomly generated event starts with a knockout from behind, coming back to conciousness the character is being  raped by one or more attackers, the character passes out again to awaken later alone in the spot where attacked with clues on where to hunt down the attackers for revenge or whatever loot they attackers took (although I hate to be cleaned out of money or stuff so maybe just an item or two) Submit already has the option to lead criminals back to a guard for a reward, then the guard finishes the offender on the spot, you could even have this be the final for good characters. I picture a radiant quest type setup sending you to different locations.

     An example would be after waking I find an empty bottle that smells like skooma and a scrap of paper that looks like an ad-bill for the Silver-blood Inn, you head there and asking at the Inn you get a lead on a skooma dealer. The dealers info can send you to a location of the attacker you described to him as you "convince" him to tell you.

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There's already another topic that deals with this idea but i think that it could be implemented in the next sexlab release instead of being an addon mod.

The main idea is to add an bukkake like effect to the npcs.

If i got it right the cum textures are more like spell effects and not like decals.

and i know it would be difficult to cast an spell over and over again on the player but why dont you(Ashal) add an trigger

that prevents the cum from dissapearing from a bodypart when new cum is added.

This would make an bukkake like feeling because the cum textures are slowly traveling downwards on the body and if 

then new cum is applied it would cover the whole body and like i said would look like and bukkake party. :D

and with this feature I would like to see and cleaning spell or something like that. :)

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Not sure if suggested before, but... What about a fame system? It would be fun that NPCs had special dialogues based on your character's sex life.


So, it would go like this: NPCs would randomly comment on your character when passing by depending on the types of sex and partners you're getting. It could track your character's consensual encounters, rape, bestiality, and even threesomes, homosexual, and the types of sex animations used.


For example, if your NPC is a male character that has lots of consensual straight sex, NPCs would comment on him being a "Don Juan" or also making despective comments on the matter (we could add some sexism to the comments, after all we're in a medieval world). If he's raped many characters, people will make frightened comments instead, and maybe (following the kinda sexist trend) other males could sometimes praise him.


The idea would be that NPCs would comment on your character if he's being noteworthy. if you have sex with one or two characters in Riverwood, for example, nobody will care, but if you fucked pretty much all the women in Whiterun hold, it'd be normal that people commented on this. There could also be a time variable, so the game doesn't consider you a too promiscuous character if you're having sex once a month, but you just got a very long-running save.


People would also comment about "rumors" of how you like your sex: if you got lots of vaginal sex, people might comment on how "old fashioned" you're in bed, while if you got lots of anal experience, they will instead comment on how dirty you are. Finally, there might be a way to make NPCs comment on you even if your fame is not too high, if they witnessed you having sex with somebody else.


I though about this idea after some time playing with the Spectator Crowds and Radiant Prostitution mods around. It's funny how sometimes you might get like 8 NPCs watching you having fun, but then nobody cares as long as you put your clothes back. I would suppose that in reality they'd gossip about you. Also, I guess it'd be kinky to get NPCs comment on your character's status as a whore if she's been working her body with prostitution mods.

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Sexual Reputation   and Unarmed Hand to Hand Combat Erotic Wrestling Ideas


1.  Skyrimfloo's idea of Sexual Reputation preceding your PC.  Adding to that, NPCs morality.  So, if an NPC is very moral,  they would look upon your PC with considerable scorn, more if your PC is female (once again adding to the sexism idea).  This would effect what that NPC would say to you in passing, if a vendor, then PC would pay more for items, and get less for selling items.   If the NPC had low morals, then the opposite effect. 


2. The second idea involves unarmed hand to hand combat becoming more erotic wrestling/WWE then just boxing.   And that is, instead of punching each other, there would be more of a erotic wrestling/WWE feel to it.  As in, erotic wrestling/WWE moves.  Clicking the left mouse button would not be a left punch, but maybe a grapple that if it is not defended by your PC or the NPC opponent would initiate a wrestling move.  The right mouse button would initiate a different one.  Then moving in a certain direction as mouse button is clicked would be different moves as well.  Maybe adding in modifier keys with shift+click, and cntrl+click.  Through the course of the fight, specific items of clothing/armor would be ripped off resulting in said item either unequipping or dropping to the ground.   Eventually the one that is winning will either initiate a choice of pins, i.e. school girl pins, arm bar, scissor hold (insert favorite WWE or erotic wrestling Pins or moves), or a rape move that results in more health damage.  The fight would end with the loser naked and with the winner having the option to initiate rape, and/or in mortal kombat terms, finish her/him.  The types of moves, pins, and finishers could also by tied into whether the match is girl/girl, guy/girl, or guy/guy.

This controls part of this might be added to a current mod like sexlab submit or sexlab defeat.   But, the animation part would need a lot of new animations added to the sexlab framework.  Although some current animations could probably be used.



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Found something new the other day.  
I was walking around near Whiterun, when I came across a farmer with a "painted" cow.  A brief conversation with the farmer came up with the following dialog scenario:


If you talk to him, he will tell you to stay away.


After further questioning he will explain that he is taking the cow to a giant's camp, and that they might mistake you for a part of the offering.

He advises you to keep your distance. You can then either wish him good luck, offer your help, or probe for further information.

Probing further, he will explain that an annual offering keeps the giants away from his livestock, and that the paint signifies that the cow is being given willingly, adding that some people consider it to be a superstition. If you talk to him afterwards he will state that he is going to the inn, and the same three options as before appear.


What would be an interesting MOD, or Scenario, would be that he takes the PC and offers her/him to the giants...


Now, what would a Giant do?


Well, there are a few sub-scenarios possible....

  • Sex Slave:  With the addition of the Creature Animations, that would be a sexual encounter of "Giant Proportions"
  • Dinner:  Zaz Animations has a "spit roast" setup that could be performed after a sex slave is used up.
  • There's a Skeever replacement mod, that replaces some of the roasted skeevers with roasting human females.  (2 models)  On on a roasting spit, on tied to a pole over a Giant's fire.

The trick would be the scripting for the Farmer to use the PC as an offering to the giants... 


The encounter information I read up on was found here:->  http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:World_Interactions



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I would like to see a SEDUCTION MOD. Not prostitution, not rape, but seduction of FIVE POSSIBLE KINDS OF FEMALE NPCS:


1. Innocent virgins (Haelga's niece, Sylgia, Hermir the smith in Windhelm, the harlequin romance chick in Solitude (Ilida?) who is wating for her white knight, etc. etc.)


2. Frustrated (easy) wives who are only too ready to cheat on their husbands (Annekke, Nazim's wife, Bolli's wife): women who call hubby milkdrinker, or think he is stuffed up the Jarl's backside, or conjecturing that the Dragonborn "will do" if he wants company 


3. Faithful wives who are more of a challenge (Adrienne Avenicci, Sigrid in Riverwood, etc.)


4. Ice queens (Grelka, Nadia Stone Arm, Sybil in Solitude etc.)


5. great ladies and VIPs (Elisif, Maven, the dark elf  thane in Whiterun, priestess in Whiterun, Mirabelle in Winterhold, Legate R in Solitude)


There would be quests given (by temple of Dibella) and rewards for successful seductions. I envisage (say) 5-10 ladies for each category for a total of 50 seductons. Rewards would include: free training (from Grelka and Nadia); valuable items; perks (especially in speech), and so on. The ultimate goal would be win Elisif's heart and EITHER


1. Marry her and become High King OR


2. humiliate her by destroying her reputation and leaving her on the streets with the tattoo Slut, for any hobo to enjoy


Who would possibly choose 2 over 1? Not this unlovely guy, but there are some nasty characters out there. (I could do it to Maven though.)



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Are there animations for the mudcrab?

I think it would look almost cute if the mudcrab would slightly pinch the nipples with its pincers and probe the pussy/anus with its 2 small antennas.

And there is this giant mudcrab fossil:http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Fossilized_Giant_Mudcrab


Would make a funny bestiality quest if some weird necromancer tries to revive the giant mudcrab for the purpose to rape/abuse the dragonborn :D

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What's that in the sky? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it Superman?

No! It's just me, trying to push my mod idea (again)!


In short: Genderswap mod!


In tall: A mod which causes, by quest or by random encounter, the layer to turn from one sex to the other (intended for male-to-female). If it were a quest, it would be something like, "Oh, Dragonborn, we know you tend to kill viscous fucking dragons normally, but could you go kill a small-time witch and get back the flute she stole from me? Thanks!" So, you go out on this fetch quest, find the witch, talk to her, get a spell cast on you, and pass out. When you awake, your gear is stripped, and you're female. Your quest is now to return to whomever gave you the quest and explain what happened, which, of course, they will not believe, and you are cast out into the world, the once famous Dragonborn now a poor, if attractive, beggar. You'd have a new dialogue option with anyone, saying that you are actually the MALE Dragonborn, but nobody will believe you. Perhaps some even "punish" you for your lies. All in all, you have to make money through "various means", and as no-one recognizes you as Dragonborn, you will be treated like any other beggar (or prostitute). The ultimate goal of the quest would be to relocate the witch, retrieve your stuff, and either kill her, or have her turn you back. The mod, in my own vision, would combine the unknown Dragonborn aspect, prostitution, begging, and slavery. Fun for the whole family!

Of course if it was just by random encounter with a witch, there'd be no "get cured" quest. You'd just be stuck as a female adventurer I suppose.


Anyway, that's my mod idea. If I could mod/had time to mod/had time to learn to mod, then I'd make it myself. But as it so happens, I don't. So, yeah.



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Just a small one, but we need something to incorporate dogs n horses.

Currently only mindless sex mods have them, Id like to see a mod that properly utilizes them, be it dont get too close, or dont go near while its dark etc, idc.

Its just really sad atm that those 2 creatures arent getting used by anything other than matchmaker/randomthing(while random encounter isnt bad, its just that it adds everything and everyone, i just want those 2 tho)

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