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A new manga series started, its about a guy who is in your stereotypical harem game/manga/anime with every cliche you can think of the women falling for the protagonist.

there is just a little problem, the protagonist is gay and constantly tries to get away from these women.


so far only 2 chapters but pretty funny.

here is the title: "I'm the Main character of a Harem Manga, but I'm Gay So Every Day Is Hell for Me Manga"



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A new manga series started, its about a guy who is in your stereotypical harem game/manga/anime with every cliche you can think of the women falling for the protagonist.

there is just a little problem, the protagonist is gay and constantly tries to get away from these women.


so far only 2 chapters but pretty funny.


I read that lol, it's so funny. Laughing my ass off so much.

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Denpa Teki na Kanojo


Okay, finished watching this two episodes of OVA. Felt like my guts just got crushed in hell. I don't know what was going through the storyboard writer's head but damn is the whole premise depressing as fuck. Not to mention that these could really happen in real life. The final scene really does tell you that Karma is a bitch of the highest order.

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Been on a manga-rampage, reading all the mangas for the shoujo animes i've seen and some popular ones in general, so i haven't been watching much anime lately >_<

But this new shoujo anime just came out and i love it soooo much :'D


Haven't checked all the new ones that came out yet in this season, but i'll go through the list soon i guess.


Gotta finish this shounen romance that one of my friend somehow expected me to get hooked on <_< Been reading it so terribly slow cause there's so much fanservice i can't even -___- Plus all girl are like in love with the mc, despite it not being tagged harem ._.

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Just finished Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse.  They shot their wad on the first 3 episodes.  Everything after that was standard anime cannon fodder.

I found it to be a lot like Infinite Stratos and Date A Live; a shitty harem series with the veneer of a half decent mecha series. Doesn't help that Muv-Luv is actually a series of visual novels.

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Gakkou Gurashi!, my younger brother forced me to watched this one. 
My reaction after finishing it




It's giving the same vibes when i first watched Madoka. Gonna add this one on the watch list. 

Oh and kinda cool how they changed some scenes on the OP of the second episode. Even the lyrics have some subtle double meaning behind it.

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Gakkou Gurashi!, my younger brother forced me to watched this one. 

My reaction after finishing it





It's giving the same vibes when i first watched Madoka. Gonna add this one on the watch list. 

Oh and kinda cool how they changed some scenes on the OP of the second episode. Even the lyrics have some subtle double meaning behind it.


My #1 anime so far for this season. I've read the manga too, and they've started with original anime path. It's not the same as the manga but the same situations and themes are there.


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Watched the first episode of Gangsta.  LOVE IT so far.  As long as they don't introduce the obligitory anime little kid character it will be solid gold, imo.  I loved Black Lagoon until that pussy little boy showed up.  That killed it for me.  If I had been Revy I would have shot him at the first tearful snivel.  Hated that kid chracter.

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Watched the first episode of Gangsta.  LOVE IT so far.  As long as they don't introduce the obligitory anime little kid character it will be solid gold, imo.  I loved Black Lagoon until that pussy little boy showed up.  That killed it for me.  If I had been Revy I would have shot him at the first tearful snivel.  Hated that kid chracter.


If it was just Roberta, i would have been sold, but the kid...

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I always thought ANY anime cliche character could have filled the kid's slot in the series.  It could have been a nekogi magical girl (or at least a regular girl who thought she was one and THAT'S why she needed to be protected).  Misa-misa from DeathNote would have fit the bill too.  ANYTHING but that fucking kid.  <_<

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I always thought ANY anime cliche character could have filled the kid's slot in the series.  It could have been a nekogi magical girl (or at least a regular girl who thought she was one and THAT'S why she needed to be protected).  Misa-misa from DeathNote would have fit the bill too.  ANYTHING but that fucking kid.  <_<


Well, the anime did well to remind us that there are "normal" societies not shown in the spotlight and the kid is the prime example. However, as far as the whole series go, I would say Rock has actually managed to push the kid onto the path of the darkside. Now, we just have to wait and see how far he'll go. Speaking of which Rock himself is pretty much just a white collar worker at the beginning of the whole thing. Look at where he is now.


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Watched the first episode of Gangsta.  LOVE IT so far.  As long as they don't introduce the obligitory anime little kid character it will be solid gold, imo.  I loved Black Lagoon until that pussy little boy showed up.  That killed it for me.  If I had been Revy I would have shot him at the first tearful snivel.  Hated that kid chracter.


I think there will be a kid character but she would be like Balalika or however you spell her name.

Except this Balalika is just starting out.

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Gakkou Gurashi!, my younger brother forced me to watched this one. 

My reaction after finishing it





It's giving the same vibes when i first watched Madoka. Gonna add this one on the watch list. 

Oh and kinda cool how they changed some scenes on the OP of the second episode. Even the lyrics have some subtle double meaning behind it.


My #1 anime so far for this season. I've read the manga too, and they've started with original anime path. It's not the same as the manga but the same situations and themes are there.




If Gakkou Gurashi! can keep it up for the entire season I will be very impressed.  I will also be quit happy as this series has been a very pleasant surprise this season.  It's so rare to find something in this sort of genre that displays any sort of restraint with its reveals and/or pacing.


Watched the first episode of Gangsta.  LOVE IT so far.  As long as they don't introduce the obligitory anime little kid character it will be solid gold, imo.  I loved Black Lagoon until that pussy little boy showed up.  That killed it for me.  If I had been Revy I would have shot him at the first tearful snivel.  Hated that kid chracter.

Just watching the opening to Gangsta and I was like "You have my attention".

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Just watching the opening to Gangsta and I was like "You have my attention".

Watched up to episode #3.  Still waiting for the anime cliches to hit but it hasn't happened yet.  Gangsta. looks promising.  And I'm with you on the intro.  Waht's not to like?  :P


Can't say as much for God Eater.  Episode one was like watching a rodeo or a basketball game ;seen one you've seen them all.  Nothing special about it.

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Just came from God Eater ep02... Well, that preview in ep01 is a dumb piece of fuck! On the other hand, I'm not going to spoil any more to those who hadn't played the game. Also, they at least managed to give Eric a more worthy death. In the game, he appeared for five seconds just to become monster chow in front of Soma and MC.

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Just watched the first 4 episodes of Code: Breaker.  It is total shit.


Male Lead: "I am evil."

Female Lead: "Don't be evil!"

Male Lead:  "I will kill them."

Female Lead: "Don't kill them!"


23 minutes per episode of THAT.

Sounds kinda like Strike the Blood.


Male Lead: "Now it's my fight"

Female Lead: "No senpai now it's OUR fight"


every fucking fight.

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I can handle the repetiveness IF there is something else going on.  Good art work, action sequences, ecchi to look at, etc.  One thing I can't get passed is shit writing or series crammed full of stock anime characters.  I guess I've seen so much I'm getting hard to please.

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Danna ga Nani o Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken


This an anime that should be recommended to all married couples and those in a relationship. This is just too funny of a slice-of-life kind of anime to not be enjoyed with your other half.


Girlfriend watching anime? lol not in this realm


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