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Oh anime thread!

So whats been good in spring season?



does anyone have any obscure anime recommended for someone who has an IQ above a fucking chair? all I can find are either shit animation, cliches, panty shots and protagonists that I just want to strangle with a piano wire.

I dont care about the genre as long as it is not school related. Just give me something good.

WIthout knowing what you like it is hard to suggest anything. And if genre doesn't matter then just go mal by top list and ignore titles with school.


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The mistake you make is to think a genre even matters.

If the story progression, dialogue and plot are good then whatever the anime is about it would be something good to watch.


Currently a lot of Anime companies are making shows for the Otaku demographic because making something and marketing it to normal people is risky.

Hence why a vast majority of shows are about cliches, panty shots and brain dead storyline centered about some loser.

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Oh i do agree with you. Lately good series are hard to come by and many are so dumb i think it takes special training to be able to watch them and survive.

But top list is fairy good there, i don't think there are cliche animes above 8.5.

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The mistake you make is to think a genre even matters.

If the story progression, dialogue and plot are good then whatever the anime is about it would be something good to watch.


Currently a lot of Anime companies are making shows for the Otaku demographic because making something and marketing it to normal people is risky.

Hence why a vast majority of shows are about cliches, panty shots and brain dead storyline centered about some loser.

Genre still matters, if you've been burned by a certain genre you're unlikely to want to watch anything with that genre again. It also defines WHAT the plot is, a mecha anime with 1 episode revolving around that mecha with the rest of it being slice of life is a pretty shitty mecha anime. You're wrong in saying that genre doesn't matter, it absolutely does an anime can be said to have excellent story progression, dialogue and plot but if it's a genre that doesn't appeal to the person you're recommending it to you're going to have a hard time getting them to watch it. As for the rest of your post that unfortunately is very true and is the reason why so much of the more recent series' are absolute shite.

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Because otaku are the only ones willing to shell out hundreds of dollars for 10 episodes of a series, so of course they're going to fill it with as much shit as they can to ensure it sells. That's why trash like Bikini Warriors and Kantai Collection are a goddamned thing. Or for pure nostalgia, which is why that piece of shit Sailor Moon Crystal exists, and why goddamned Dragon Ball Super is now a thing.


May as well just rename it AF and get it over with.

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Haven't been watching Sidonia S2 but watching Highschool DxD S3 has, for me, been like watching a professional athlete come back from a catastrophic injury.  At first you're all excited that they're back but you soon realize that they've lost a step or two.  You keep watching hoping that they'll get back into form but it never happens.  Eventually they either decline more and you give up on seeing the "old" version of them and just sort of ride out whatever your left with or they get re-injured and retire.  I'm not quit to re-injury level giving up on on DxD but I'm pretty close.



*clears throat*


For Sidonia




When I first saw the MK3 in Sidonia's EP, I got all excited but then I immediately thought that the season might actually go up to 24 episodes. Then, the alarm blared when the Graviton episode aired... The core of the weapon was missing in the anime! However, that got foreshadowed in the last episode I watched so all's cool. The makeshift rocket backpack also felt odd but I can think of the reason. The manga has Tanikaze go in gun blazing and came out unscathed after turning a literal baby head of the Gauna core into a beehive! That probably won't sit well with those vigilant parents. After that they actually skipped an entire unit's worth of story and give us MK3 on the go? Where's that MK3 prototype? Where?! Most probably the later story where Tanikaze go Independence Day cavern dog fight in MK3's first sortie to save a damsel in distress part got cut out too...





*takes a sip of beer*


For DxD




The appearance of Sairaorg got me hyped because I was anticipating an episode where Issei and Sairaorg would go good old bar brawl like in the novel to go full animated but then everything go to shit when they have the galls to make Issei's Juggernaut Drive berserk mode to be relieved by the power of Love? Bullshit! That the guy's who will one day become Lust Overlord Incarnate! He lives by the power of Boobs and boobs alone. His sense was actually triggered when he was reminded of boobs in the LN! The novel even gave us the Boobs' Theme Song! Fuuuuucccccckkk!! That also marks the beginning of the Great Oppai Dragon franchise! Ravel was supposed to be Issei's manager! And she's nowhere to be seen!


Shit! Where's the Boob God? That's the main reason why Vali's grandaddy went absofuckinglutely gungho at the prospect of trying to kill of Great Red in the later arc just because he considers killing unknown gods to be good sports as the Dimension Rift is supposedly possible to grant him access to other dimensions but Great Red is chilling there so he proposes the Beast! Yeah, he's a nutcase. Also, he's the main reason for most of the crazy shit Issei has been going through after turning Devil. He the BIGGEST NUTCASE ULTIMATE BIG BAD the entire DxD franchise has to offer to date.


After that, they make Loki play such a grand scheme in the last few episodes? He got promptly swept under the rug after Issei pummeled him with Mjolnir as far as the LN goes. The Balance Breaker copy isn't even supposed to appear this early because it's supposed to be the trump card of a siscon-incest-loving bastard that comes later! In a sense that future asshat is one of Issei's future brother-in-law on Sirzechs' wife's side. That's also when Issei went through his THIRD transformation after his SECOND DEATH! The poor bastard just can't catch a break. Oh, I don't know just how they are going to get out of this mess...




Crap! I need to get me more booze.

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A package just came in this evening.... It's my Danmachi LNs that I asked my friend to get for me if he ever travel to Japan again for his little R&R. All eight copies of the main story arrived to my surprise as I wasn't really expecting to get them for another few months. I guess he has some special business to go there recently. He's keeping the extra stories with him still; saying that he's protecting them from me... Yeah, BS at its finest. He even has the damn balls to write "Your LOLI BOOB Goddess has arrived, boobs sucker!" right up on the consignment note. Guess I'll strangle him when he comes back.


I immediately ripped the package open and flipped right up to the part where the anime (current episode stopped at the kidnapping part) to read what happened afterwards. Man, the ensuing fight with the upcoming monster in the novel is downright awesome that I cannot wait to see it animated. Bell proves he really is the damn hacker player in that universe with the Argonaut skill. There's another thing that I was thinking of seeing what Hermes meant by overlooking Bell's growth for someone. Well, my curiosity was sated but damn was the revelation so darn shocking I nearly fell off my chair.


Read if you want. You've been warned!




It seems like Bell had originally belonged to another Familia though he doesn't realize it. A Familia belonging to one of the higher Greek Pantheons; so high up it's not even funny as Hermes spilled the beans (to the readers) that Bell himself was actually adopted by his Grandpa rather than of his bloodline because his Grandpa is of Divine descent. His damn lewd tendencies towards the beautiful ladies are already a damn big clue but we'd have easily dismissed it as some dirty old man because of the frequency of this kind of gramps appearing in anime... Let me give you another hint. Who's the one god of the Greek pantheon that's associated with THUNDERBOLT? Yeah, HIM!


Also, there's a hint that this Familia no longer exists. I'm unsure whether it meant that the rest had been killed off or the Familia has been disbanded or something. Then, Hermes silently mentioned Bell's alias that nobody else has known of aside from his "Little Rookie" one. This one is so awesome that it tramps all those aliases he imagined in the anime. Bell has always been "The Last Hero".



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It seems like Bell had originally belonged to another Familia though he doesn't realize it. A Familia belonging to one of the higher Greek Pantheons; so high up it's not even funny as Hermes spilled the beans (to the readers) that Bell himself was actually adopted by his Grandpa rather than of his bloodline because his Grandpa is of Divine descent. His damn lewd tendencies towards the beautiful ladies are already a damn big clue but we'd have easily dismissed it as some dirty old man because of the frequency of this kind of gramps appearing in anime... Let me give you another hint. Who's the one god of the Greek pantheon that's associated with THUNDERBOLT? Yeah, HIM!


Also, there's a hint that this Familia no longer exists. I'm unsure whether it meant that the rest had been killed off or the Familia has been disbanded or something. Then, Hermes silently mentioned Bell's alias that nobody else has known of aside from his "Little Rookie" one. This one is so awesome that it tramps all those aliases he imagined in the anime. Bell has always been "The Last Hero".






I had a sneaking suspicion it was that womanizing god.... I think we all know. If so that's pretty freaking epic. It would explain why we don't hear of any of the higher pantheon of gods. It's the smaller and mostly unknown ones we've seen. Greek and roman pantheons are freaking so large that the main ones we learn about in school and popular media don't even cover a fraction of the amount of gods in their religion.


Speaking of lewd grandpas. My favorite one is from Heaven's lost property. He's pretty epic too, speaks words of wisdom they might as well be new commandments!



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Oh and found this while browsing youtube the other day. 

Can't stop listening to it. lmao







So watched the latest episode a while ago and man, Haruno is one scary gal. Cunningness doesn't even come close to defining her. And it looks like Unlimited Budget Works is ending, gonna marathon the rest of the episodes tomorrow.

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It seems like Bell had originally belonged to another Familia though he doesn't realize it. A Familia belonging to one of the higher Greek Pantheons; so high up it's not even funny as Hermes spilled the beans (to the readers) that Bell himself was actually adopted by his Grandpa rather than of his bloodline because his Grandpa is of Divine descent. His damn lewd tendencies towards the beautiful ladies are already a damn big clue but we'd have easily dismissed it as some dirty old man because of the frequency of this kind of gramps appearing in anime... Let me give you another hint. Who's the one god of the Greek pantheon that's associated with THUNDERBOLT? Yeah, HIM!


Also, there's a hint that this Familia no longer exists. I'm unsure whether it meant that the rest had been killed off or the Familia has been disbanded or something. Then, Hermes silently mentioned Bell's alias that nobody else has known of aside from his "Little Rookie" one. This one is so awesome that it tramps all those aliases he imagined in the anime. Bell has always been "The Last Hero".






I had a sneaking suspicion it was that womanizing god.... I think we all know. If so that's pretty freaking epic. It would explain why we don't hear of any of the higher pantheon of gods. It's the smaller and mostly unknown ones we've seen. Greek and roman pantheons are freaking so large that the main ones we learn about in school and popular media don't even cover a fraction of the amount of gods in their religion.


Speaking of lewd grandpas. My favorite one is from Heaven's lost property. He's pretty epic too, speaks words of wisdom they might as well be new commandments!







Okay, browsed through book 6 to 8. Wow... Let's just say that the fights got real interesting later on and you'll get to see just much of a bastard those gods can be (minus Hestia). Freya is decidedly more freaky later on... the kind that will make your skin crawl creepy because of what she did to Ishtar.


Also, Ares makes an appearance by leading an invasion on Orario, the place where we have mainly seen in the anime. Looks like there are actually other places/cities where other gods make their home base. That would probably mean that there are other entrances to the underground maze. If so, Bell's original Familia may be somewhere out there as opposed to have been disbanded outright. Then, that would raise a question... Why was Bell left all alone to fend for himself?


Oh, Bell received another promotion later on. The author is definitely making Bell damn powerful in the future but he's making Bell earn every single point of it.


What bothers me at the end of book 8 is that a new monster makes an appearance; a monster that seems to have human level intellect because it can speak when it sprouted from the Tree. None of the monsters that we were shown have that kind of intellect. The monsters may be experiencing evolution and the adventurers may have one hell of a fight coming right up.


The anime is ending at book 5 so it will probably be another year before we get to see a second season coming.





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Watched 3 echii anime. Kinda funny how their animations are all sub par. I've seen hentai with better animation quality.

There's something that they all have in common but can't put my finger on it.


Let me guess. Generic good guy protagonist with female characters falling for him for no apparent reason and a story that revolves around nothing happening. Seriously, nothing progressive actually happens. lol

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Watched 3 echii anime. Kinda funny how their animations are all sub par. I've seen hentai with better animation quality.

There's something that they all have in common but can't put my finger on it.


Let me guess. Generic good guy protagonist with female characters falling for him for no apparent reason and a story that revolves around nothing happening. Seriously, nothing progressive actually happens. lol



Bingo. Might as well watch hentai.  :lol:

Speaking of which are there hentai that have the same animation and art style like Otome Dori?

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Watched 3 echii anime. Kinda funny how their animations are all sub par. I've seen hentai with better animation quality.

There's something that they all have in common but can't put my finger on it.


Let me guess. Generic good guy protagonist with female characters falling for him for no apparent reason and a story that revolves around nothing happening. Seriously, nothing progressive actually happens. lol



Bingo. Might as well watch hentai.  :lol:

Speaking of which are there hentai that have the same animation and art style like Otome Dori?



The studio responsible made an anime adaption of Rance. There's also this one anime but can't for the life of me remember the title. It has one of the best blowjob scenes in hentai history. lol. I'll get back to you if I have the title.

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There's also this one anime but can't for the life of me remember the title. It has one of the best blowjob scenes in hentai history. lol. I'll get back to you if I have the title.

Is that the one with the red haired girl and his little brother? I can't remember the title as well.  :P

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There's also this one anime but can't for the life of me remember the title. It has one of the best blowjob scenes in hentai history. lol. I'll get back to you if I have the title.

Is that the one with the red haired girl and his little brother? I can't remember the title as well.  :P



Yeah, that's it. Now I'm really motivated to find the title. lol

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Just finished Highschool DxD last episode for Born. Guess I spoke too soon. Most of the odd stuffs remain in the end just that they altered the story progression (a lot). Triana seems to be coming up.  Even the Boobs Song make an appearance. They did skip over a Kitsune girl character in the LN. Probably coming up in some extra materials later (I sure hope so).

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I just finished watching Fate Zero and its amazing. Should i watch the original FSN or the current one UBW?


Don't watch the original unless you want to facepalm yourself every episode. It was okay....

Go watch the current one by UFOtable.

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