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For overlord manga i suggest checking out mangapark. I love their load all images feature.


Btw, if you have read the manga there are insinuations that there are other players like him because of X reason you will soon see. In one of the earlier chapters he talks about a guy who helped him out when he was first starting out.

I imagine while he is going to assume the role of demon lord that other player will be the hero and it would turn out this player is his very old friend and he is the reason this world happened in the first place.

I hope to god this is not the case but all the signs and cliches seem to indicate this path. Btw this is all my guess, i have not read any of the light novels.


The one thing i really like about this show is that unlike all the other anime/manga is that they removed the console commands and UI. So "its not a game anymore" is more believable.

Btw, i would suggest that you dont read the Lightnovels of overlord or any manga/anime. Whether its official or fanmade the quality of the writing and storytelling is worse than twillight.

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Just finished Highschool DxD BorN.   :-/

Not as a good as the first or second season.  I think it was the character art that threw me off.  I went back and looked at season one.  All of the girls were drawn better.  I didn't care too much for the story line either, but if there is a seaon four I will watch it.  :P


EDIT:  Just started Kenzen Robo Daimidaler.

:lol: WTF!? :lol:  A hero who can only use his powers after squeeezing tits?  And those penguin guys with the front tails!  LMFAO.

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Just finished Highschool DxD BorN.   :-/

Not as a good as the first or second season.  I think it was the character art that threw me off.  I went back and looked at season one.  All of the girls were drawn better.  I didn't care too much for the story line either, but if there is a seaon four I will watch it.  :P


EDIT:  Just started Kenzen Robo Daimidaler.

:lol: WTF!? :lol:  A hero who can only use his powers after squeeezing tits?  And those penguin guys with the front tails!  LMFAO.


Well, the MC of Daimidaler runs on the power of lust. His prospect of arousal? Breasts! He's pretty much Issei's long lost brother if he is one to begin with. The ending literally threw a finger at the moral society at face value. Laughed so hard that I could barely breathe back then.

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Yeah, he is Issei in a big lame robot.  What I've seen so far is just over-the-top silly; like a surealist Monty Python poke at anime genres.  The dialogue from the penguins is just hillarious.  I haven't laughed out loud at an anime in a while.  The series is pretty funny so far.

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2nd episode of Gate: Jieitai was better than the first the interactions between the modern world and the other world should keep it going for a while.


That's good to hear.  I was very,very,etc. underwhelmed by the first episode of Gate.  If I wasn't also watching Joukamachi no Dandelion then Gate would have been at the top of my "Most likely to stop watching this after two episodes" list.  On the other hand I was impressed with the fist episode of Gakkou Gurashi!.  Was not what I was expecting and that's a good thing.  Gangsta is also in the "so far so good" boat.

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tokyo ghoul was kind of neat i didnt like the end of it seasons tought hmm detective conan is entertain and gto onizuka is hilarious :) .city hunter is bit underwatched since it is older anime but its really funny. clannad , to heart , and in solitary we are alone were all really well made slice of life animes i liked even they were touchy and bit sad .well im a guy but i like some romance animes .

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Finished God Eater ep 01. Still doesn't like that eyebrows but at least I'm not too offended anymore. The background of the protagonist does add a nice touch to the overall feelings but after watching ep 02 preview... They're actually jumping straight to THAT?! I guess Alisa's getting cleaver right off the bat.

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2nd episode of Gate: Jieitai was better than the first the interactions between the modern world and the other world should keep it going for a while.


Even if the original source material is from a racist, militaristic and ultra-nationalist Japanese otaku the art on the manga was way, way better.


When I see the anime I just cant help myself but laugh at how bad it is. All the characters look like children, the world is too 'fantasy' like when the manga makes it more realistic (actual roman architecture) and so on.


The only complaint I have about the manga is sometimes the pro-japanese sentiment gets too much. For example this:



Yea... the Japanese were so humanitarian in war world 2... Oh boy.

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The only complaint I have about the manga is sometimes the pro-japanese sentiment gets too much. For example this:



Yea... the Japanese were so humanitarian in war world 2... Oh boy.

Nanking, Manila, Singapore...according to the history taught in Japanese schools those things never happened.  <_<  That's because the allies didn't hang Hirohito as a war crimminal and the New Land faction within the Japanese government (that was left largely intact) wasn't broken up.  Mayors, city councilmen, provincial governors; the whole system was left in place.  The people in power who wanted the war stayed in power.  Everything the Allies did in Germany to break the back of the Nazi Party they didn't do in Japan.


But this is supposed to be a HAPPY thread!  :)

I'm watching Chaika the Coffin Princess now.  Only on episode 3 but I really like the world concept so far and the animation for the fight scenes is really top-notch stuff.  Still trying to figure out the story line though.  It isn't following the usual anime formula, that I can see.

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If I cared about politics in my entertainment I'd never watch anything ever again, the writer's political opinions are of no concern to me.

If anything having artists ranging from as far right as you can go to the furthest left makes for a more diverse medium and hence better for the consumer.

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Just finished season two of Chaika the Coffin Princess.  I really liked the whole series.  Defined characters, believable plot twist, good animation.  Grade A-.


I liked the series a lot.  There have been a decent number of solid swords and sorcery animes out of late.  If you haven't already you might check out 'Maria the Virgin Witch'.

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Took some time to watch Monster Musume no Iru Nichijo. Good fucking lord... the MC got so pissed in ep01 that his punch literally broke the sound barrier! The anime literally upgraded that scene from the manga that I was rolling on the floor laughing. Also, love that ED. Also, I only just realized that Mia's hairclips are actually emulating the eyes of a snake....


Overlord ep 02 literally gave me another laughing fit. It's one thing to read the LN and manga but the voice acting just gave the characters a whole new spotlight. Albedo is downright CRAZY awesome. Calling Shalltear a bitch is the biggest freaking laughing point in that episode. If Momonga hadn't actually tweaked that status of hers, she'd have had an orgasm in the presence of Momonga just like Shalltear. The anime literally needs to have a warning plastered on the OP. "This anime is not for kids!"

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