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Finished Zankyou no Terror the other day - absolutely loved it. Good story and amazing soundtrack, which is no surprise with Shinichiro Watanabe and Yoko Kanno (both of Cowboy Bebop fame) working on it.


Few of my favorite animes:

  • Hajime no Ippo - amazing series about a shy, friendly guy becoming a pro boxer. Great underdog story.
  • Shigurui - story about a famous samurai dojo, its students and its master. Slow paced and very gory.
  • Bakemonogatari - pretty much about a guy solving problems for a bunch of pretty girls. Great visuals and funny dialogue.
  • Kill la Kill - over the top action with a ridiculous story. Loads and loads of fanservice, also extremely funny.


Also want recommend a manga that would be a perfect fit for LoversLab. Behold Kangoku Gakuen aka Prison School. This manga has a hilarious story, great art and funny dialogue. But the best is obviously the absurd fanservice which goes to a point of being part of the humor. A few examples:












Well here  is my mind about them ^^

Zankyou no terror is a good anime I do agree with it.



*going to have a look to "Behold Kangoku Gakuen aka Prison School" first


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Started watching some of the new ones


1) Garo: The Animation

2) Hitsugi no Chaika S2

3) Grisaia no Kajitsu

4) Terra Formars

5) Gundam Reconquista

6) Trinity Seven


1 sure gave me the jitters watching the story unfold. It started with a Witch Hunt and a woman burned to death at a stake. That's rare for today's anime standard. The Makai Kishi armors shown in Garo's anime is just plain godly. If someone can actually recreate them perfectly in Skyrim (with the HDT Physics effects), I'm pretty sure a cult will be raised in that modder's name overnight. Oh, please make them an activation transformation Lesser Power.


3 started off with the vibe of a cliche harem plot beginning but the first episode's ending sure gave me a punch in the guts. Did a search on the light novel plot and I somehow ended with so much hope for the anime plot. At the very least, it may not be boring. Come on, the MC hid a rocket launcher under his bed, a girl tried to stick a paper cutter right in MC's eye and another girl is seen making a time bomb. Not exactly your normal daily school life.


5 somehow felt like a remake of Dunbine with Gundam RX-78-2 and Turn-A Gundam's plot thrown in and turned on the blender to make smoothies. Not bad just from the two episodes that I had watched but it's just the start.

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I haven't watched anime for a while...

Any new recommendation? Any genre is good, but please no feels train... I already have enough of that for now..


Btw, it's seems there is a new meme:




Oh the pregnancy test templete? Yea i've seen it it's kind of funny :D

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Any new recommendation? Any genre is good, but please no feels train... I already have enough of that for now..

No Game No Life

Parody, Comedy


Log Horizon

The older, mature brother of Sword Art Online. If you didn't like SAO because it had too many anime cliches and plot holes you'll properly like this one. It takes a few episodes before it really gets going, though.


Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun

Despite the premise it's almost completely a comedy, not a romanze. A very good comedy.


Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san

Plot-less, ~40 minutes long comedy with sketch after sketch.


Suisei no Gargantia

Already over a year old, but easily one of the best anime in recent years. Just don't get fooled by the first half of the first episode, its main focus is on how a war-experienced soldier tries to get accustomed to a peaceful society.


Ao Haru Ride

A romance that tries to be serious most of the time, and manages to be mostly believable. If you're into romanzes you'll like this, otherwise you can skip it.


Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii

Romanze with some comedy. Its story has some weaknesses, but the main characters, especially the female lead, are amazing.

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So it seems as though Toriyama cannot keep himself from spewing stupid shit in regards to Dragon Ball. I mean, the man already went from a basic increase in power through training concept to powering up, then finally setting into an ever increasing series of multiplier based power up stages (though to be fair, this was sort of retrofitted into being true during the late Pilaf saga, when Goku went great ape because of what later happens during the Vegeta saga and his 10x mult and then brought back during the shit that was GT), only to hit Super Saiyan God and who the fuck knows what that was all about.


So now, he says that he's just dropping everything not base form, SSJ1 and maybe SSJ God. But this doesn't surprise me, since he also went out of his way to say other things, like how Frieza's family is made up of abnormally powerful mutants, or that Android 16 was made in the image of Dr. Gero's son, hence why he had such a peaceful nature yet made him so powerful so he couldn't be destroyed. You know, except for the whole bomb powerful enough to destroy Cell in his body bit. Because when you want to ensure something doesn't can't be destroyed, you give it a self destruct mechanism.


Just waiting for the moment when he calls GT canon and negates the entire concept of SSJ God. Hell, while he's at it, just declare all the movies canon as well. Give the fans the fun of trying to figure out how in the fuck Tree of Might can be canon.

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Watching Fate Zero, not really my style but it should keep me entertained.

I'm assuming most of that is from Rider, Emiya and/or Berserker? 'Cos they're the most entertaining characters in the entire show imho.


As for me I'm watching Cross Ange and Garo: Honoo no Kokuin .


Cross Ange because of /m/ (reading their reactions to it make me laugh) and Garo because I'm a sucker for badass armour and awesome looking swords.

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hmm It seems I am very much outdated with what I have seen... stop a coulpe of years ago with finding new ones a settle for what I have... getting to old for this perhaps but well  I will recommend what I am curently watching


3x3 eyes (although most like the manga better I still like watching it.)


Getter Robo

Happy Lesson season 1 ( Harem and laughter  with this one for me)

Soul Hunter ( is seems enjoyable :) but I need to see it again as I am not sure about much in it as watching when I had caugth a cold )

Armored Trooper Votoom  ( is perhaps one of my favorit but for some reason I have trouble going past season 2 )

Legenden of the Last Labyrint is enjoyalbe but short. ( they stopped making it after ep 2 a shame I think it pretty decent. )




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Thinking of downloading Koi Kaze. Speaking of incest, did any good brother/sister titles come out in the last couple years?

I've been away from anime pretty much since Oreimo hit the stores...

My best choice is Ane Koi (it's hentai) from Yuzuki N Dash, Aki Sora (didn't quite like the ending) and finally Yosuga No Sora (btw this anime has 4 arc/ 4 story breach.

Another one is Kiss X Sis (quite funny/comedy)

Those are the ones that I already watched and recommended.



Watching Fate Zero, not really my style but it should keep me entertained.

I'm assuming most of that is from Rider, Emiya and/or Berserker? 'Cos they're the most entertaining characters in the entire show imho.


As for me I'm watching Cross Ange and Garo: Honoo no Kokuin .


Cross Ange because of /m/ (reading their reactions to it make me laugh) and Garo because I'm a sucker for badass armour and awesome looking swords.

And in the original Fate series (Fate/Stay Night), the most entertaining is the real identity of archer... didn't see that one coming..

btw, Cross ange reminded me of Gundam Seed/ Seed Destiny, really just look at the scene, they are so looks a like...

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Thinking of downloading Koi Kaze. Speaking of incest, did any good brother/sister titles come out in the last couple years?

I've been away from anime pretty much since Oreimo hit the stores...

My best choice is Ane Koi (it's hentai) from Yuzuki N Dash, Aki Sora (didn't quite like the ending) and finally Yosuga No Sora (btw this anime has 4 arc/ 4 story breach.

Another one is Kiss X Sis (quite funny/comedy)

Those are the ones that I already watched and recommended.



Watching Fate Zero, not really my style but it should keep me entertained.

I'm assuming most of that is from Rider, Emiya and/or Berserker? 'Cos they're the most entertaining characters in the entire show imho.


As for me I'm watching Cross Ange and Garo: Honoo no Kokuin .


Cross Ange because of /m/ (reading their reactions to it make me laugh) and Garo because I'm a sucker for badass armour and awesome looking swords.

And in the original Fate series (Fate/Stay Night), the most entertaining is the real identity of archer... didn't see that one coming..

btw, Cross ange reminded me of Gundam Seed/ Seed Destiny, really just look at the scene, they are so looks a like...


Cross Ange and GS/GSD have the same director, hell Tusk is being called Kira 2.0 on /m/

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Just finished watching ep 01 of Rage of Bahamut: Genesis. For an anime that starts out with scenes that look like it came out of Final Fantasy franchise, the whole story is littered with hilarious banter. It's been so long since I have seen a comedian MC. Moreover, the style reminds me of Karas.

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Watching Fate Zero, not really my style but it should keep me entertained.

I'm assuming most of that is from Rider, Emiya and/or Berserker? 'Cos they're the most entertaining characters in the entire show imho.



The characters are good, Rider is cool but Emya is too much on the brooding side, I prefer the sociopathy of Kirei and Gilgamesh.

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