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Skyrim SexLab - Sex Animation Framework v1.62 - UPDATED Jun 3rd 2016

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How do you engage in a sex animation that involves more than just two people?


That depends on the mod you are using to initiate sex (remember sexlab does not initiate sex).  For example,  with matchmaker, you just have to hit 3 people with the spells within the time limit (pc and 2 npcs, 3 npcs etc).  With the Submit mod (using the seduction part of submit), you talk to the first person and if the seduction is successful, then you have them follow you somewhere private.  Then you talk to another NPC and try to seduce them.  If successful, you then can initiate the sex, and it will do a 3-way.  Submit's rape section has a similar functionality (PC rape an NPC, then talks to the victim, says they they are going to give them to a follower, then you talk to the follower who's going to perform the rape and they suggest that both of you rape the victim = 3 way).  It can get complicated.  I believe Defeat has some similar functionality (done with Defeats menu system rather than dialog).  And with the MCM settings in Defeat, Player or follower as a victim can end up in a 3-way as well (all depends on settings and chance).  Other mods vary.  You need to look through the docs for each of the sexlab mods to see how 3-ways are initiated, if they support them at all.


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Hi, first time poster here. I have a problem with missing Out of breath sound when SexLab 1.59c is enabled (even without any other mods). Your character should start to wheeze / breathe heavily when stamina reaches 0 after sprint. I've seen this issue mentioned in this thread but no valid solution was given.

I tried removing Dialog Topic with Tes5edit from SexLab.esm and it worked! The voice is back. Not a perfect solution but a starting point. I reverted my change and looked further inside. SexLabMoanTopic has assigned 'OUTB' as a SNAM - Subtype Name - if I change it to 'CUST' (see attachements) regular Out of Breath sound plays properly. I'm not very experienced with editing skyrim files, this might break something else. Could you please check this issue and hopefully provide a proper solution?



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Hi Ashal,


I have a problem relatet to the RegisterAnimation, I've looked around in the wiki and other script but I've not found any solution.


I've "done" some new pair of animation, I tagged they as "LeadIn" and SetContent(Foreplay), but when I register they will checked true as normal anim in the Sl Anim register...


There's a way to avoid the auto toggle as Normal animation and let only checked in the Foreplay list, without doing it manually?


Marking an animation as leadin doesn't make it excluded from the regular animations list, it just makes it selectable as one of the default animation choices during the leadin stage if the mod starting the animation hasn't predefined it's own selection of animations to play during leadin. 




Hm.. ok so I was supposing a difference that doesn't exist, good to know :P


I think that I need your opinion about a thing:

I'm developping a mod, that's currently in alpha stage (that I hope will be released in this month as Beta)

In that mod the npc will do a single Sl animation that is only a foreplay, so I made a disable leadin thread and I play that as a Normal Anim


The animation so Should stay Enabled in the "animation normal" but that could create some issues with other mod (that could find in his Animation list an animation that shouldn't be here)


Did you think that is better do an "auto enable-disable" those anim when I need or there's a better way to do it? Like a function "Use that anim even if disabled"?


(I have serious doubt that I have wrote in an English even remotely understandable, Sorry, in case let me know if i've explain it wrong)




If the animation should be considered unique to only your mod, and not randomly selected by other mods to play; than you should use the "phantom animations" system to register your animation instead of the regular animation system. This system lets you register a hidden animation that is only useable by mods that know the key to it, doesn't show up in the main SexLab MCM menu, is not selectable by the traditional animation selection functions, and if somebody were to uninstall your mod, the animation automatically uninstall itself as well. It's basically a system for creating and running animations that are unique to your mod through SexLab, without having to register your animation globally. This is what both Zaz and Devious Devices does for some of it's animations.


Take a look at the functions at the end of SexLabFramework.psc for the API and find the function 


; ... Other functions here...

sslBaseAnimation function GetSetAnimationObject(string Token, string Callback, Form Owner)



Tnx ;) I'll give a look

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I found a possible bug. I don't know the name of the animation. It is doggy style and at the end the guy kicks the girl in the butt and knocks her down. The problem is the end animation the finish keeps looping. He kicks the girl in the butt, she goes down and then it goes back to doggy style just before he pulls out and kicks her in the butt and it keeps looping like that. Pressing U ends it but thought i would report it in case anyone else had the problem or knew of a fix.

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I found a possible bug. I don't know the name of the animation. It is doggy style and at the end the guy kicks the girl in the butt and knocks her down. The problem is the end animation the finish keeps looping. He kicks the girl in the butt, she goes down and then it goes back to doggy style just before he pulls out and kicks her in the butt and it keeps looping like that. Pressing U ends it but thought i would report it in case anyone else had the problem or knew of a fix.


Same thing always happens to me with that one. It's DI Doggy Style, I think. The space bar also ends it.


Having seen the DI forced threesome a few times it looks like they share a lot of animations and I'm guessing the two versions are somehow getting mixed up. The time the final stage of doggy plays in its loop seems the same as the final stage of the threesome.

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I found a possible bug. I don't know the name of the animation. It is doggy style and at the end the guy kicks the girl in the butt and knocks her down. The problem is the end animation the finish keeps looping. He kicks the girl in the butt, she goes down and then it goes back to doggy style just before he pulls out and kicks her in the butt and it keeps looping like that. Pressing U ends it but thought i would report it in case anyone else had the problem or knew of a fix.


Same thing always happens to me with that one. It's DI Doggy Style, I think. The space bar also ends it.


Having seen the DI forced threesome a few times it looks like they share a lot of animations and I'm guessing the two versions are somehow getting mixed up. The time the final stage of doggy plays in its loop seems the same as the final stage of the threesome.


Ah ok, well good that it is not just me then. Hopefully eventually it can be fixed. It is not a big deal but thought I would mention it cause it was the only one so far I have had get stuck in a loop so far.

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juste wondering if there is a way to truly randomize the animation selected by SexLab when triggered by other mods?

because it does seems to always start at the same indexes (depending of the animations caracterisation of course), and as a result there are some animation I see very very rarely

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I found a possible bug. I don't know the name of the animation. It is doggy style and at the end the guy kicks the girl in the butt and knocks her down. The problem is the end animation the finish keeps looping. He kicks the girl in the butt, she goes down and then it goes back to doggy style just before he pulls out and kicks her in the butt and it keeps looping like that. Pressing U ends it but thought i would report it in case anyone else had the problem or knew of a fix.


Same thing always happens to me with that one. It's DI Doggy Style, I think. The space bar also ends it.


Having seen the DI forced threesome a few times it looks like they share a lot of animations and I'm guessing the two versions are somehow getting mixed up. The time the final stage of doggy plays in its loop seems the same as the final stage of the threesome.


Ah ok, well good that it is not just me then. Hopefully eventually it can be fixed. It is not a big deal but thought I would mention it cause it was the only one so far I have had get stuck in a loop so far.



It has a timed stage for the final stage, but the accuracy of that timer can vary depending on script lag. You can always just hit advance stage or end animation after the kick over to end the animation manually if necessary.


New FNIS 5.2 events might offer a clean fix for this, but it's not a major priority at the moment.


juste wondering if there is a way to truly randomize the animation selected by SexLab when triggered by other mods?

because it does seems to always start at the same indexes (depending of the animations caracterisation of course), and as a result there are some animation I see very very rarely


It generally randomizes the starting point in the animation list, unless the triggering mod specifically defines the starting animation themselves. Other than that though once cycling through the animations they are in a consistent order, which is the same order you see when listing the animations in the MCM. Having them in order is prefereable for people looking to goto specific animations, but I agree can be annoying when it comes to variety. 


I'll look into adding a "Randomize Animation Order" option in future versions. It will likely be disabled by default however, as I'd expect the process of randomizing it to make animation startup noticeably a second or two slower atleast. 

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It generally randomizes the starting point in the animation list, unless the triggering mod specifically defines the starting animation themselves. Other than that though once cycling through the animations they are in a consistent order, which is the same order you see when listing the animations in the MCM. Having them in order is prefereable for people looking to goto specific animations, but I agree can be annoying when it comes to variety. 


I'll look into adding a "Randomize Animation Order" option in future versions. It will likely be disabled by default however, as I'd expect the process of randomizing it to make animation startup noticeably a second or two slower atleast.

thats understandable and I can certainly live with the current behavior, though I would appreciate the option if it ever get implemented :)

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Firstly, thanks for providing a great framework.


I have been facing a strange problem - even after installing the latest SL version (having followed all instructions to the letter), I still see animations changing randomly after stage 1. This is happening most of the time - an animation begins and at the end of stage 1, the animation changes abruptly to a new one.


Pressing 'O' to change animation changes to the original animation that initially began playing and continues from there.


Can you suggest how to debug/fix this issue ?


Thanks in advance.

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Can anyone lend me some insight as to why animations take a while to load up? I have found that pressing esc to the menu, then again to go back ingame, helps "play out" the animations but this is really strange. I'm new to 1.59c coming from 1.39 and just wanted to test the waters but I have found that I'm having quite a few issues with the new framework. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

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Can anyone lend me some insight as to why animations take a while to load up? I have found that pressing esc to the menu, then again to go back ingame, helps "play out" the animations but this is really strange. I'm new to 1.59c coming from 1.39 and just wanted to test the waters but I have found that I'm having quite a few issues with the new framework. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.


Read http://www.loverslab.com/topic/22241-sexlab-support-troubleshooting-guide-read-me-before-posting/

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Firstly, thanks for providing a great framework.


I have been facing a strange problem - even after installing the latest SL version (having followed all instructions to the letter), I still see animations changing randomly after stage 1. This is happening most of the time - an animation begins and at the end of stage 1, the animation changes abruptly to a new one.


Pressing 'O' to change animation changes to the original animation that initially began playing and continues from there.


Can you suggest how to debug/fix this issue ?


Thanks in advance.

SexLab does absolutely zero changing of animations on it's own accord with the only exception being the change between foreplay stage and normal animation. If you have an animation changing randomly mid animation without pressing a hotkey:

  1. You have a separate SexLab mod installed that randomly changes the playing animation at times. Lovers Victim or Lovers Comfort do this I believe, some other SexLab mods might as well. Making this NOT a bug, but a feature of another mod you haven't noticed or disabled manually yourself.
  2. You have a serious amount of script lag and the animation is just slow to change after you yourself press the change animation hotkey, making it seem like it just changes randomly when really you told it to change yourself, it was just slow in doing so.
  3. You have a sticky keyboard, particularly around the O key, making it randomly press.


Otherwise: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/22241-sexlab-support-troubleshooting-guide-read-me-before-posting/

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Firstly, thanks for providing a great framework.


I have been facing a strange problem - even after installing the latest SL version (having followed all instructions to the letter), I still see animations changing randomly after stage 1. This is happening most of the time - an animation begins and at the end of stage 1, the animation changes abruptly to a new one.


Pressing 'O' to change animation changes to the original animation that initially began playing and continues from there.


Can you suggest how to debug/fix this issue ?


Thanks in advance.

SexLab does absolutely zero changing of animations on it's own accord with the only exception being the change between foreplay stage and normal animation. If you have an animation changing randomly mid animation without pressing a hotkey:

  1. You have a separate SexLab mod installed that randomly changes the playing animation at times. Lovers Victim or Lovers Comfort do this I believe, some other SexLab mods might as well. Making this NOT a bug, but a feature of another mod you haven't noticed or disabled manually yourself.
  2. You have a serious amount of script lag and the animation is just slow to change after you yourself press the change animation hotkey, making it seem like it just changes randomly when really you told it to change yourself, it was just slow in doing so.
  3. You have a sticky keyboard, particularly around the O key, making it randomly press.


Otherwise: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/22241-sexlab-support-troubleshooting-guide-read-me-before-posting/




I had this problem with Lovers Hook or Comfort, I stop using both at the same time so don't know what was causing the issue, but i suspect it was LH


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Firstly, thanks for providing a great framework.


I have been facing a strange problem - even after installing the latest SL version (having followed all instructions to the letter), I still see animations changing randomly after stage 1. This is happening most of the time - an animation begins and at the end of stage 1, the animation changes abruptly to a new one.


Pressing 'O' to change animation changes to the original animation that initially began playing and continues from there.


Can you suggest how to debug/fix this issue ?


Thanks in advance.

SexLab does absolutely zero changing of animations on it's own accord with the only exception being the change between foreplay stage and normal animation. If you have an animation changing randomly mid animation without pressing a hotkey:

  1. You have a separate SexLab mod installed that randomly changes the playing animation at times. Lovers Victim or Lovers Comfort do this I believe, some other SexLab mods might as well. Making this NOT a bug, but a feature of another mod you haven't noticed or disabled manually yourself.
  2. You have a serious amount of script lag and the animation is just slow to change after you yourself press the change animation hotkey, making it seem like it just changes randomly when really you told it to change yourself, it was just slow in doing so.
  3. You have a sticky keyboard, particularly around the O key, making it randomly press.


Otherwise: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/22241-sexlab-support-troubleshooting-guide-read-me-before-posting/




I had this problem with Lovers Hook or Comfort, I stop using both at the same time so don't know what was causing the issue, but i suspect it was LH




Probably Comfort, since I also have this bug and have it installed, but not Hook.


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guys, can somebody tell me how to fix or is it a bug? after changing a few animations, actors usually move positions slightly away from original spot where they started, and the more animations I flip through, the farther away from that spot they get, but the camera still seems centered on same spot where they began and does NOT re-center itself on the actors for every new animation, like it should, so watching becomes increasingly inconvenient as the center of camera rotation moves farther and farther away from actors. I think there was no such bug in old sexlab versions.


please help me!


...still no reply -((

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guys, can somebody tell me how to fix or is it a bug? after changing a few animations, actors usually move positions slightly away from original spot where they started, and the more animations I flip through, the farther away from that spot they get, but the camera still seems centered on same spot where they began and does NOT re-center itself on the actors for every new animation, like it should, so watching becomes increasingly inconvenient as the center of camera rotation moves farther and farther away from actors. I think there was no such bug in old sexlab versions.


please help me!


...still no reply -((


Look around a bit and you'll find things like this:



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This may have been mentioned already.  I have seen it for several versions now, so I suppose you would have fixed it already if you knew about it, or it's just really hard to fix and you are still trying to figure it out.


Bug report:


I play with undress animations enabled and with foreplay enabled.  What I observe is two things.


1) Foreplay animations sometimes fail to properly animate until stage 2 or 3.

2) Actors remain stripped for foreplay for the entire sex session.  Only at the end of the sex session, which may have included more than 1 animation set, do the actors strip for normal sex, however with it being the end of sex, they immediately redress.


No replies.  I suppose I am the only one having this problem.

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Why some animations in the last stage move away -45 or -34 and can not fix with the editor, and in others the editor show 0 but when enter for to edit have other number and no change.




This may have been mentioned already.  I have seen it for several versions now, so I suppose you would have fixed it already if you knew about it, or it's just really hard to fix and you are still trying to figure it out.


Bug report:


I play with undress animations enabled and with foreplay enabled.  What I observe is two things.


1) Foreplay animations sometimes fail to properly animate until stage 2 or 3.

2) Actors remain stripped for foreplay for the entire sex session.  Only at the end of the sex session, which may have included more than 1 animation set, do the actors strip for normal sex, however with it being the end of sex, they immediately redress.


No replies.  I suppose I am the only one having this problem.


Edit fixed link:



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Why some animations in the last stage move away -45 or -34 and can not fix with the editor, and in others the editor show 0 but when enter for to edit have other number and no change.




This may have been mentioned already.  I have seen it for several versions now, so I suppose you would have fixed it already if you knew about it, or it's just really hard to fix and you are still trying to figure it out.


Bug report:


I play with undress animations enabled and with foreplay enabled.  What I observe is two things.


1) Foreplay animations sometimes fail to properly animate until stage 2 or 3.

2) Actors remain stripped for foreplay for the entire sex session.  Only at the end of the sex session, which may have included more than 1 animation set, do the actors strip for normal sex, however with it being the end of sex, they immediately redress.


No replies.  I suppose I am the only one having this problem.




What you mean with this link?

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