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Skyrim SexLab - Sex Animation Framework v1.62 - UPDATED Jun 3rd 2016

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Released new SexLab v1.50 update.


SexLab v1.50 REQUIRES the SKSE 1.7.0 alpha to function. Get the SKSE 1.7.0 alpha here: http://skse.silverlock.org/

Changelog is as follows:

  • Heavy framework scripting overhaul
  • Many many optimizations
  • Animation alignments can now be saved for individual race/gender combinations to allow more consistent alignment between scenes (can be disabled in menu)
  • Animation alignments can now be are now saved and loaded between 5 separate external json files so you can have different settings for different saves
  • Animation Editor in MCM for altering an animations alignments from the menu
  • Expression Editor for customizing the mfg presets used in sexlab's expression engine
  • New end animation hotkey to quickly end a scene (default 'End' key)
  • New target actor hotkey for use with below (default 'N' key)
  • Change targeted actors saved voice from MCM voice page
  • View targeted actors stats from the MCM sex diary/journal page
  • Start animation with targeted actor from the MCM animation editor page
  • Test expression on targeted actor from MCM expression editor page
  • 3 new animations by Zynisch
  • Overhaul of the stat system
  • Added API modder function for getting callback events whenever a specific actor or actor belonging to specific faction start and end an animation
  • Debug mode toggle for getting debug spells and having errors and notices related to sexlab printed to console for easy checking without papyrus log
  • Lot and lots of other stuff I'm probably forgetting


Updating from previous 1.39b should just be a matter overwriting your current install and loading your save.

Since this is a major rewrite of several  of SexLab's systems, many mods WILL be broken and need to be updated. Most notably anything that requires Zaz animations won't work, as the method of registering additional animations has changed and zaz will need to be updated.

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Did anybody of you guys ever got a strange texture mismatch with the hands of actors while playing an animation from SL? Fingers become shorter an the textures mismatch with the texture from the rest of the hand. In summary the hand become shorter and looks really stupid.


Will post you a screen, if postimage works again.

You using a "nude suit" option? I could see that happening with a nude suit that isn't compatible with your default body.



Hi WaxenFigure,

i´ve checked it, but this can´t be, because i am using SoS Full Version, which won´t work with nudesuit activated. Also it happend only on special animations like the AROK Animations. The AP ones are not affected. Could be a skeleton issue (i´m not using HDT) - but everything else works fine. I have make some screens which might help.











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Do we have list of mods is currently broken with the newest 1.50 ??


Given the many changes in the framework, I would suggest we consider all mods broken until the individual mod threads have had a chance to verify and/or update. After a couple of weeks it may be time to gather a list of stragglers to warn people about. At current, a broken mod list runs the risk of missing a less popular mod, and then someone sees that the only mods they care about aren't listed so upgrade and then discover that the missed mod is in their mod list. Besides a broken mod list here will not be able to keep up to date with all the updates the mods will be doing over the next couple of weeks.


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Got some error with devious devices.

In 1.39 when you wanted to start animation with belted actress for example SL was starting for example blowjob. Now i got info of no vaild animations available.


I'm assuming devious devices uses ZaZ Ashal already warned those would certainly be broken. If there has not been another post made for it yet it may be better to post in the thread for the mod that is broken to let the mod author know.

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Help...it appears updating to this has screwed up SKSE and SkyUI, and thus now I can't even get Sexlab to work because I can't see the MCM menu because of that. I got an Error Code 1, and did as it asked..and still no dice. Btw I do have the latest skyrim patch installed, and skse AND SkyUI...still not working right..><

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I am getting runtime errors when I try to run sexlab framework with working girl. Trying to workaround it. Also Zaz can't  call Sexlab anims atm cause it thinks sexlab is out of date.

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I am getting runtime errors when I try to run sexlab framework with working girl. Trying to workaround it. Also Zaz can't  call Sexlab anims atm cause it thinks sexlab is out of date.


I'm using working girl mod and it works great. There was something wrong with your installation procedure. Also ZAz is incompatible with SL 1.50. (For now).

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Taven - how in the world you managed to do that?! If you followed the instructions, there is no way it can happen. Did you use MO or NMM or manual install?


I'm not sure..I installed EVERYTHING correctly. First I UPDATED sexlab, and that's when the problems appeared. From then on, everything just went to shit..even new games still get this error. ><

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