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On 7/20/2022 at 11:16 PM, Visio Diaboli said:

On-duty Settings lets you adjust the frequency but that's it in the mod right now. The next version will have a swarming system ready where there's a configurable % chance for a bunch of NPCs to surround the player and wait for a turn with them, when they see one NPC use the player.

I think Nikett7 is referring to the fact that the frequency setting apparently isn't working at all. Regardless of whether one maxes the slider out, or moves it down all the way to 0, or 5 in-game minutes (as I assumed 0 might turn the feature off entirely), even with the approach radius doubled, in Solitude with the Populated Cities mod, i.e. a whole lot of NPCs walking about, all the time, I still only get approached once every 10 or 15 real-life minutes, ages in game time. I, too, find this bug quite unpleasant, but until now, I thought, for some reason, that it is a known bug, hopefully to be fixed with the next update. Is it not?

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@Visio Diaboli




Thinking through the issue of  'interminable guard requests for voluntary attendance' and politely declining them, coupled with Simple Slavery's refusal so far (in my game) to select the 'Forced PW' option (one day, the dice might roll that way LOL), for those of us who might want the 'surprise' of a more compulsive experience, why not just ....


  • Add an MCM user selectable Yes/No for 'Fame Score Upper Limit Forced Start', and
  • an MCM slider to set the value at which you want the mod to kick that off, so that

... where, if the user has selected 'Yes' and their fame in the present hold exceeds the upper limit set, then 'forced option' is, well, 'forced'?


OK, I'm sure it's not as simple as that, eg other mods' suspends might need consideredm etc, but it sounds like the easiest way of adding a bity of uncertainty.  You could even 'hide' the mod's current fame scores so you don't know when it might happen.... LOL






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Has anyone else been getting long startup times for sex scenes triggered by this mod? When I ask someone to use the public whore, it takes a good 10-20 seconds for a scene to actually start. This is different than all my other mods way of starting a sex scene. Those take 5-10 seconds. Wondering if its just me, or this is a common problem.


Edit1: I have a feeling there is something going on in the background. I first noticed that my crosshair was flicking on and off, so I assume something is wrong. I then reverted save files until I stopped noticing my crosshair flicking on and off, and the first save that didn't have it flicking was the save file right before becoming a Public Whore.


So after being made a public whore, my crosshair started flicking on and off (I use the iHud mod to hide it normally when I am not wielding anything/looking at any interactable object). 


I tried the debug option to clear my status (finish the Public Whore quest), but its still flickering.


Edit2: The mods I am running that affect my crosshair: "immersive HUD, moreHud, TrueHud & True Directional Movement". I'm pretty sure that is all. I have tried turning the mod off via MCM, and after reloading a save file made after turning it off, the crosshair isn't flickering for about 5 seconds, before it then begins to start flickering again. I am 100% sure its this mods cause (everything is fine right before becoming a Public Whore), but it could be interacting with another mod of mine.


Edit3(Final): I found the cause. It's partially my fault. Apparently the "slave collar" that is equipped to your character is the culprit. This slave collar makes your crosshair repeatedly turn on and off, for whatever reason. I assume this collar is part of ZaZ or maybe Devious Devices, so its kind of annoying that a piece of clothing can do something to this effect.


Regardless, I am happy that this means I don't have to revert saves to before first becoming a Public Whore, and not use this mod altogether. Hopefully if anyone else runs into this trouble, they will find my post in google search or the god-awful search feature of Loverslab. 

Edited by Nohrin
Found the problem all by myself!
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On 7/25/2022 at 10:38 AM, TsukiyaChan said:

Thank you, I love this mod... Everything works correctly but i have some issue with second time Punishment, for beast Scene there is nothing Happen, did i miss something?

I have same issue.

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I got a Issue,  my character became PW and after fullfilling the quota the Equipment was handed back but all was marked as stolen and later due to an misunderstanding with a guard removed.


So whats wrong with this mod that all of my not stolen equipment was marked as stolen after getting it back...

had someone the same issue and is there a way to unmark all of my equip as stolen?

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1 hour ago, Chlodwig said:

I got a Issue,  my character became PW and after fullfilling the quota the Equipment was handed back but all was marked as stolen and later due to an misunderstanding with a guard removed.


So whats wrong with this mod that all of my not stolen equipment was marked as stolen after getting it back...

had someone the same issue and is there a way to unmark all of my equip as stolen?

Same here. What i learned from other mods too, not only from this mod: do not use "remove equipment" feature in any mod. It is usually bugged. Deactivate it in MCM.  Avoid quests, that  do that.

PW is in my loadorder, since it came out. This is not bashing of the mod, every mod creator has his own idea, how the mod should be. Visio created an amazing mod and i learned to make it work in my loadordder.


If Visio reads this, please consider the feature of "removing the inventory" to be optional in the MCM. Great mod, i hope you will continue to develop it.


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1 hour ago, Chlodwig said:

But is there a way to remove the "Stolen" tag from my equipment,  I like the mod but loosing  magic weapons and crafted armor every time  is a bit annoying.

I seem to remember a technique for removing the "stolen" tag is to put the "stolen" items into a container they own and then remove them.  I don't recall if one needs to wait some time before retrieving the items.


There's also a console solution, but I don't know the commands to use and one must identify each item and them use the commands.  Which is rather awkward.


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I do think a good option instead of removing all items would be to instead have guards perform regular "inspections" of your inventory every X hours and then either add Y punishment points per violation or just a big dump of punishment points like the other rules. This would encourage players to have a lighter load, use a follower to hold items, become thane and purchase a home in the city (adding to their fame), or whore as fast as possible to try to counter punishment points for carrying restricted items. 


I think it that it also fits with the tone of the mod in that it adds a silly restriction so the Jarl & Thane can justify keeping you Public Whore longer.

Edited by blahity
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10 hours ago, monty359 said:

do not use "remove equipment" feature in any mod. It is usually bugged.

Items can be transferred safely & reliably, as long as a mod sets the KeepOwnership flag for the transfer and uses a safe destination container that's under its own control.  Sometimes a mod might implement this imperfectly, but there's nothing inherently unsafe about the process.  It will certainly cause problems if the actor has devious devices equipped at the time, but that's a different matter unrelated to item ownership.

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hi @Visio Diaboli,


There is a relatively new Framework, Toys&Love:


It could potentially replace SexLab. The Developer team designed it with speed, reliability and fleibility in mind. I used it for a short time and on my machine, the speed was significantly better, but my loadorder was smaller too. I asked in the forim there, if it would be possible to create somesort bridge plug in, in order to connect the sexlab mods out there with toy&love.

Here is the link to the post and the answer of the dev:

The devs claim, the APi for toys&love is easy to implement. It is very detailed and accessible to everyone.

My question is: Would it be possible to make PublicWhore compatible with Toys&Love?


whatecver your answer will be, thanks anyway!



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