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On 6/27/2023 at 1:30 AM, louisthird said:


They should not be treated as Raiders.  They should just be either the Human (10) or Other (0) faction.  In the base game, they have their own "DN054AtomCatFaction" faction assigned for all of them (I checked) and I may like to add them as their own supported faction in a subsequent release as "26 - Atom Cats" after "25 - Hubologists".




Could you turn on the debugging messages and look in the Fallout 4 papyrus script log for [Assimilation] messages and see what faction it thinks they are?  Or after it thinking they are Raiders you can send the log and I can take a look.


If it thinks they are Raiders then it is definitely a bug.  I will take a walk down there in my current game and see what happens.


Thanks for the report.




Well nevermind checking... I did.  You're right.  Here is a snippet from the log file:






UPDATE: Long story short: It's a Bethesda bug. For Assimilation, in an effort to better classify NPCs in the game I consider all their attributes: Race, Class, Faction, Name. When Bethesda created the Atom Cats they forgot to change their Class and left them in the RaiderClass (0005F970) you can see above for Duke.  Here is the RaiderClass record.




I will either put in a special check (i.e. Raider if Raider class and not in Atom Cats faction) or since the Atom Cats have their own faction I may just add a whole new configurable faction category for them so that you can configure how likely they are to affect you, etc.  Here are all the Atom Cats.




As it turns out, there are two issues from the base game.  1) Their class is CourserClass which isn't right, and 2) The Atom Cats are all based off an NPC template that is the LCharGunner (Leveled Character - Gunner) and Gunners (interestingly enough) are all in the RaiderClass -- that's why they all end up in the Raider class.





Anyway, it's all messed up in the base game but I'll find a way to fix it.  Working on it...



Edited by louisthird
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1 hour ago, Koopstaknicca21 said:

If it helps, I ended the assimilation through the MCM and the quest is still active in my quest log but every part of it is completed 


Hmm, maybe that isn't a very safe option to have available.  After having implemented it, I would say I have only used it a handful of times.  Can you go back to a save before doing that?

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1 minute ago, Koopstaknicca21 said:

if it helps the flirt option still causes a CTD with supermutants, i think its cuz there are no animations for hugs and stuff but maybe the flirt option could be somthing different for super mutants


When I had my AAF setup working (gotta fix that! @#&^%*), I think I had a Super Mutant animation for either kissing or hugging.

Maybe there is a expert at romancing Super Mutants that could chime in which packs have any kiss/hug animations?

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fallout version of this mod... cool. I didn't download and the pics are not too clear, but more drastic changes to the human body would be cool... ghoulify skin, morph you into an mutant hybrid, and other stuff like that....  thanks for the mod!


It has a bit of that mod, but they are different.  That Skyrim mod deals with addiction and other things.  Assimilation is aimed at immersing you in one of the other humanoid factions fighting for power in the Commonwealth and in particular one of the ones not available in the base game (i.e. Minutemen, Railroad, BoS, Institute).  Sex with Super Mutants does have a bit of a side effect sometimes.  There is already a good mod for ghoulifying the player: Dynamic Ghoulification.  I didn't want to duplicate it.

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Hello, I have the problem that after every AAF scene my character takes his hands up until I change my weapon. Some weapon "animations" are different after that. As soon as I deactivate the mod and reload it, everything is back to normal. Does anyone know of a fix here?


PS. It happens when I have a weapon in my hand before the AAF scene, it is then no longer equipped and has to be equipped manually again

Edited by GoodnBlue
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Feature request 1... MCM Option / Debug... End Quests


Not the Assimilation Quest, but the Fetch Quests...


Reason... My character often gets released early from Assimilation, because I've gained 100% affinity. But the Quests are not completed,


Currently I have a Fetch Quest that is stuck on, not the end of the world, and is something that is minor.




Feature request 2... MCM... No End until all Quests are done, and all people pleased.


Currently... at 100% Affinity, they just ask if I want to leave, or stay.


Not sure if it's in the current MCM options...




Idea... Various Faction Collars, with various effects.


Devious Collars, that don't equip, if you are already wearing a collar. But as soon as that neck is clear, you get one equipped.


A way of showing you are a slave to the faction, I use a mod that adds slaves to the camps I am assimilated in, and most of them are naked with Slave Collars.


Possible Collars...

Raider Collar ......... Raider

Chain Collar ........... Supermutant

Dog Collar .............. Animal

Bell Collar ................ Gunner ................ treat you like a Pet

Gold Collar .............. Human

Tech Collar ............... Institute

Rope Collar .............. Railroad



- People Collars

- People Collars Tweaked ... my own mod tweaks



Just some ideas and tweaks... loving the mod, I made the Assimilation Settlement Beds and Stuff mod. Currently... long term testing it. It really adds to the game.

Also redid the the MCM setting as I said in an earlier post, for myself. Overhauling all the morphs... Loving it, not sure if the Nipple Size is working though...


Nora has become quite a busty, curvy young gal with my new MCM Settings. With the Sex Attributes and Sex Harassment mods, they all think she is a Prostitute as well. A full time job, keeping her from becoming the Town Bicycle... Also a Provocative Perks Mod I use and love...

Edited by Krazyone
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On 7/3/2023 at 1:27 AM, Krazyone said:

Feature request 1... MCM Option / Debug... End Quests

Not the Assimilation Quest, but the Fetch Quests...

Reason... My character often gets released early from Assimilation, because I've gained 100% affinity. But the Quests are not completed,

Currently I have a Fetch Quest that is stuck on, not the end of the world, and is something that is minor.


THAT is a bug.  My intention is that when you leave a faction it is supposed to fail and stop all the running help quests.  That is supposed to be one reason why you may decide to stay in the faction for a while to complete the help quests.  Interesting idea about being forced to stay until all help quests are complete.  That would be easy to implement.  All look into why the help quests aren't completed (they are marked failed actually) when reaching 100% and leaving the faction because that should be happening as you can see in the highlighted screenshot below:




BTW, do you find it is too easy to get to 100% reputation?  Should I by default make it harder by changing the balancing in the numbers?


I'll think about the collar idea... I think having that as some integral part of a help quest would be the way to integrate it into the mod.


Thanks for the ideas for the mod and glad you're having fun with it.

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5 hours ago, louisthird said:


THAT is a bug.  My intention is that when you leave a faction it is supposed to fail and stop all the running help quests.  That is supposed to be one reason why you may decide to stay in the faction for a while to complete the help quests.  Interesting idea about being forced to stay until all help quests are complete.  That would be easy to implement.  All look into why the help quests aren't completed (they are marked failed actually) when reaching 100% and leaving the faction because that should be happening as you can see in the highlighted screenshot below:




BTW, do you find it is too easy to get to 100% reputation?  Should I by default make it harder by changing the balancing in the numbers?


I'll think about the collar idea... I think having that as some integral part of a help quest would be the way to integrate it into the mod.


Thanks for the ideas for the mod and glad you're having fun with it.


Yeah... I got Assimilated again, my character is Level 62 in this Assimilation play-through. I have 2 unfinished Fetch Quests...

  Currently Assimilated by the Supermutants again...


Beds and Stuff...

I've been long-term testing my Beds and Stuff add-on mod I made ( unpublished ), which I love and feel it adds a lot to your mod. Adding linked Workbenches, Safe Storage, and a Player only Bed to Assimilation Areas. As per one of my earlier posts... It usually takes a few Weeks to get unassimilated...



MCM Morphs and Settings...

Thanks to your MCM options, I totally redid how the Morphs work. Turning off the Morph Triangle, and instead using the Named Morphs and Factions instead. With each Faction either increasing or decreasing the same Morphs. Breast Size and Breast Gravity, Nipple Length and Nipple Size. Along with the Curvy Hips increase or decrease by certain factions.


If I was using Fusion Girl, I'd be adding Swollen Labia to the morphs after the larger Supermutant Factions changes. But I only use CBBE...




Difficulty... Just add a Hardcore Mode in the MCM.


Hardcore Mode... MCM.

- 100% Quest Completion and Pleasing

- Faction Clothing only, or Naked .... Penalty is Zero Stamina, forcing you to play Iron Sights only. Devious Devices don't count.


- Everything Taken when Assimilated ... Naked with a Shock Collar when neck is free of Devious Devices, equips when neck is free of equipped Devious Devices.

        It'll make you fit in with the other slaves...

            Raider Collar = Standard Shock Collar

            Gunner, Supermutant, Synth = High Tech Institute Shock Collars.

            Animals = Dog Collar ... if you have a Dog and Animal Assimilation, that is...


- Talking in non-sanctioned clothing, gets ripped off and put into your stolen items stash.

      I love my Lazman Female Outfit Replacer with Vanilla Shoes version of the Prisoner Rags, it's a Bikini when you get Assimilated.

          With Railroad Ballistic Fiber, it's 110 Defence.

                 I use it with my SAKR Tags, so people know how revealing it is.


Mod Sound... Combat Strip Lite Ripping Sound Replacer





Devious Unequipping...

Devious Devices are not being unequipped correctly, their magic effects are being left on. It's a simple matter of manually re-equipping them and un-equipping them to dispel the effect. Not a big deal, as long as the Devious Devices are still in your inventory...


A couple of Devious Device Effects...

Talking in a muffle voice

Gasping and Stamina dropping to Zero ... Would be a fun magic effect for the Hardcore Faction Clothing, or be Nude effect mentioned above, in Difficulty Topic.



Ingestible Shortcuts...

Instead of pressing a button, for Keyboard Shortcuts, why not go the same way the brilliant Outfit Switcher goes. Making an item that can be made in the Chem Bench, that can be put in your Pop-Up Hotkeys Bar, to quickly select options. Good for Joypad users...


Currently I use Shift + T to bring up the Talk option...

Edited by Krazyone
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On 7/5/2023 at 11:13 PM, spawner said:

Help Takedown quest not working

Quest appears in the quest log but cannot be marked as active and raider  doesn't talk about it.


Make sure you are using the latest version.  There was a problem with help quests starting which I fixed.  I'll check it out, but I have tested this quest before and it worked fine.  If you have access to the Papyrus script log and can turn on the debug options then there might be something in there that would indicate why it did not start.


Thanks for the report.

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On 7/5/2023 at 11:06 PM, Krazyone said:


Yeah... I got Assimilated again, my character is Level 62 in this Assimilation play-through. I have 2 unfinished Fetch Quests...

  Currently Assimilated by the Supermutants again...


Beds and Stuff...

I've been long-term testing my Beds and Stuff add-on mod I made ( unpublished ), which I love and feel it adds a lot to your mod. Adding linked Workbenches, Safe Storage, and a Player only Bed to Assimilation Areas. As per one of my earlier posts... It usually takes a few Weeks to get unassimilated...


Cool.  That will be a nice mod even outside of Assimilation.  There are a lot of places I always wished there was a bed or a cooking pot etc.


On 7/5/2023 at 11:06 PM, Krazyone said:

MCM Morphs and Settings...

Thanks to your MCM options, I totally redid how the Morphs work. Turning off the Morph Triangle, and instead using the Named Morphs and Factions instead. With each Faction either increasing or decreasing the same Morphs. Breast Size and Breast Gravity, Nipple Length and Nipple Size. Along with the Curvy Hips increase or decrease by certain factions.


If I was using Fusion Girl, I'd be adding Swollen Labia to the morphs after the larger Supermutant Factions changes. But I only use CBBE...


Glad the options are working out to be as flexible as I intended them.


On 7/5/2023 at 11:06 PM, Krazyone said:

Difficulty... Just add a Hardcore Mode in the MCM.


Hardcore Mode... MCM.

- 100% Quest Completion and Pleasing

- Faction Clothing only, or Naked .... Penalty is Zero Stamina, forcing you to play Iron Sights only. Devious Devices don't count.


- Everything Taken when Assimilated ... Naked with a Shock Collar when neck is free of Devious Devices, equips when neck is free of equipped Devious Devices.

        It'll make you fit in with the other slaves...

            Raider Collar = Standard Shock Collar

            Gunner, Supermutant, Synth = High Tech Institute Shock Collars.

            Animals = Dog Collar ... if you have a Dog and Animal Assimilation, that is...


Most everything should be taken when Assimilated.  I don't take scrap/junk items.  Are there other items not taken?


Interesting idea about the shock collars.  I have been tempted to do more integration with Real Handcuffs if installed.  Shock collars in the base game are mostly decorative but Real Handcuffs makes them dangerous.


On 7/5/2023 at 11:06 PM, Krazyone said:

- Talking in non-sanctioned clothing, gets ripped off and put into your stolen items stash.

      I love my Lazman Female Outfit Replacer with Vanilla Shoes version of the Prisoner Rags, it's a Bikini when you get Assimilated.

          With Railroad Ballistic Fiber, it's 110 Defence.

                 I use it with my SAKR Tags, so people know how revealing it is.


Mod Sound... Combat Strip Lite Ripping Sound Replacer


Now THAT was an idea I had already been mulling around -- having faction members take things.... "Hey, that looks like a nice gun there, I'll take that from you."   "Hey, looks like you're carrying around a lot of caps, I'll take some of those as a donation to the faction."   "Hey, what are you wearing?  We don't wear that kind of clothing here."


Not for Talk but they would more likely be better for "bump" conversations that trigger when you get near another NPC.  You'll see some of those bump conversations when faction assimilated where say Super Mutants will say some additional comments like "Need to find some fresh meat."  More bump conversations/side-effects are in the list of  future things to implement...


On 7/5/2023 at 11:06 PM, Krazyone said:

Devious Unequipping...

Devious Devices are not being unequipped correctly, their magic effects are being left on. It's a simple matter of manually re-equipping them and un-equipping them to dispel the effect. Not a big deal, as long as the Devious Devices are still in your inventory...


A couple of Devious Device Effects...

Talking in a muffle voice

Gasping and Stamina dropping to Zero ... Would be a fun magic effect for the Hardcore Faction Clothing, or be Nude effect mentioned above, in Difficulty Topic.


Sorry about this, but I don't understand what you are saying... Is there a problem with the interaction of Assimilation and DD?


On 7/5/2023 at 11:06 PM, Krazyone said:

Ingestible Shortcuts...

Instead of pressing a button, for Keyboard Shortcuts, why not go the same way the brilliant Outfit Switcher goes. Making an item that can be made in the Chem Bench, that can be put in your Pop-Up Hotkeys Bar, to quickly select options. Good for Joypad users...


Currently I use Shift + T to bring up the Talk option...


Constructible Consumable Shortcuts are done.  Will be in next release.


Thanks for your great input!

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Devious Device un-equipping... Your mod un-equips Devious Devices, and leaves behind the Magic Effect.


My in-game solution... Re-equip Devious Device, Manipulating the Lock, and un-equipping again 


It's a minor problem...



Difficulty Mode... taking everything ... leaves you completely Naked,, and Collared. The Collars need not be functional, just unable to be removed by anyone except the Faction who put it on. Marking you as a Slave until they decide to release you...


If you really wanted to sicken people, they could be Torso Armour and Clothing Stripping... like my Nano-Tech Nudity Enforcer Heels, in my Nora's Secret... Shoes Hunt mod... See it's screenshots. I love that mod...


  It's does not use scripts though...



Consumable Shortcuts... brilliant, no more jumping from Joypad to Keyboard



Radioactive Supermutant Hounds... I had to get rid of one by activating the Sentry Robot, and running away and hiding, as it was irradiating me, and I was Supermutant Assimilated. Smart Assassination, using the enemy to do my dirty work...



Ripping off Clothing... FO4 NudeBasics does this, if you try to take peoples stuff, even off corpses. With one of the Settings in the MCM... See the Screenshots for it's FO4 Nudebasics MCM location... MCM / Vanilla Effects / Restrict Naked Item Buying or Trading.

Edited by Krazyone
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On 7/6/2023 at 9:13 AM, spawner said:

Help Takedown quest not working

Quest appears in the quest log but cannot be marked as active and raider  doesn't talk about it.


Make sure you are using the latest version.  There was a problem with help quests starting which I fixed.  I'll check it out, but I have tested this quest before and it worked fine.  If you have access to the Papyrus script log and can turn on the debug options then there might be something in there that would indicate why it did not start.


Thanks for the report.




Yes it is latest version. This problem only with takedown quest, All oher quests work fine, but takedown does not work for all factions.

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5 hours ago, spawner said:
  • Yes it is latest version. This problem only with takedown quest, All oher quests work fine, but takedown does not work for all factions.


Ok, I'm on the case...


UPDATE: checked all the conditions and scenes and it all lines up theoretically... Off to try and get it to spawn in game....  More later....


UPDATE:  Doh!  Just got Takedown to spawn in my game and the Gunner walked away without saying anything... how rude!


Found a bunch of errors in the log file.  Obviously something is wrong.  I'll fix it.


UPDATE:  Doh #2!  Put in an optimization recently and optimized out the picking of what faction to eliminate.  Put in a fix and tested it.  Works fine now.


My apologies!  Fix will be in the next release.


Thanks for reporting it.


Edited by louisthird
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3 hours ago, Krazyone said:

Devious Device un-equipping... Your mod un-equips Devious Devices, and leaves behind the Magic Effect.


My in-game solution... Re-equip Devious Device, Manipulating the Lock, and un-equipping again 


It's a minor problem...


Hmmm.   It concerns me that it unequips DD because I have explicit checks to prevent that:




What DD item have you seen un-equipped?


3 hours ago, Krazyone said:


Difficulty Mode... taking everything ... leaves you completely Naked,, and Collared. The Collars need not be functional, just unable to be removed by anyone except the Faction who put it on. Marking you as a Slave until they decide to release you...


If you really wanted to sicken people, they could be Torso Armour and Clothing Stripping... like my Nano-Tech Nudity Enforcer Heels, in my Nora's Secret... Shoes Hunt mod... See it's screenshots. I love that mod...


  It's does not use scripts though...


Assimilation must walk a fine line between PET and non-PET.  You are assimilated and have to do what they say, but they want you as a permanent member of the faction, i.e. for Raiders a harness like other Raiders, helping defend against attacks or collecting resources for the faction.  I think that a help side-quest where you are stuck into a PET situation until the side-quest is complete might be an interesting aside while assimilated into a faction.  An assimilation within assimilation (are we into the movie Inception territory now???)


3 hours ago, Krazyone said:

Radioactive Supermutant Hounds... I had to get rid of one by activating the Sentry Robot, and running away and hiding, as it was irradiating me, and I was Supermutant Assimilated. Smart Assassination, using the enemy to do my dirty work...


Bravo.  My go-to way to defeat hard foes... lead them to another group of enemies that doesn't like them.


3 hours ago, Krazyone said:

Ripping off Clothing... FO4 NudeBasics does this, if you try to take peoples stuff, even off corpses. With one of the Settings in the MCM... See the Screenshots for it's FO4 Nudebasics MCM location... MCM / Vanilla Effects / Restrict Naked Item Buying or Trading.


You've put together some interesting mods!  I have checked out NudeBasics a couple times and it's very interesting.


I once had a wish for Random Overlay Framework by Invictusblade that ROF would randomize the scale of Actors (why is everyone the same height?) and in addition assign a torso size ActorValue that is transferred onto apparel as a keyword (SmallSizeKeyword, MediumSizeKeyword, etc.) based on scale and chest/waist/hips body proportions that mods like FO4 NudeBasics and Scavver's Closet could use to decide if clothing fits or not.  Anyway... just relaying a thought I had once.


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Devious Device unequipping...

All Devious Devices are getting unequipped... Gags, Harnesses, and anything else Devious.


FO4 NudeBasics...

I didn't make it, I am just hosting the mod. Unofficially for a few years, keeping it alive. Then I got permission to put my tweaked version up, I can't script, so I could only tweak it to perfection...


I was following it, using it, and commenting on it, since it was release. Aka No1 Fan... I still use it all the time, except when I'm using Assimilation.


I know about those other mods...

Random Overlays Framework.............    I can't remember if I used it, or not. I've used a variety of scaling and body size mods.

Scavvers Closet.........................................    great mod, but Fallout 4 resets items when dropped, messing up the mod.

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1 hour ago, Krazyone said:

Devious Device unequipping...

All Devious Devices are getting unequipped... Gags, Harnesses, and anything else Devious.


When does that happen when affecting (i.e. after sex or combat) or during theft when getting faction assimilated?


1 hour ago, Krazyone said:

FO4 NudeBasics...

I didn't make it, I am just hosting the mod. Unofficially for a few years, keeping it alive. Then I got permission to put my tweaked version up, I can't script, so I could only tweak it to perfection...

I was following it, using it, and commenting on it, since it was release. Aka No1 Fan... I still use it all the time, except when I'm using Assimilation.



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5 hours ago, louisthird said:


Hmmm.   It concerns me that it unequips DD because I have explicit checks to prevent that:




Maybe slap a double parentheses around it for good mesure, i remember having some weird result with conditions in papyrus.

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7 hours ago, louisthird said:


When does that happen when affecting (i.e. after sex or combat) or during theft when getting faction assimilated?



The unequipping during Assimilation.

1. Lose fight

2. Violated

3. Items Taken, un-equipping Devious Devices, Devious Devices in Inventory

4. Taken to new location

5. Magic Effect Still on, Devious Devices still in Inventory. So I equip them, Manipulating the Locks, and Un-Equip them to dispel the effect


I don't know if other people get this, it could just be mods clashing. It's minor...

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7 hours ago, Krazyone said:


The unequipping during Assimilation.

1. Lose fight

2. Violated

3. Items Taken, un-equipping Devious Devices, Devious Devices in Inventory

4. Taken to new location

5. Magic Effect Still on, Devious Devices still in Inventory. So I equip them, Manipulating the Locks, and Un-Equip them to dispel the effect


I don't know if other people get this, it could just be mods clashing. It's minor...


Yep, it's what I thought.  There is a check for DD items when you are affected but NOT when the Theft quest stores items in the container.  Fixed and will be in the next release.

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