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9 hours ago, Ekirts Ykcul said:

noticed the vibrant visual option has no description/tooltip

Thanks. Will check it out.



I was nervous of piling on too many visual effects, as people with slow computers might notice some impact.


Vibrant goes from normal to kind of sparkly. As all the effects range from 'not visible at all' to 'very strong', they don't have a 'negative' end, so desaturation would only be consistent if it were a distinct new effect.


However, the tunnel vision effect does strip quite a bit of saturation at the high end. I tried to make it so you could tell the difference between the effects easily, so they can be used to give a clear visual feedback linked to something else. 



You have a big debuff on combat abilities, and it's tied to the double vision, so you don't need to keep checking your skill levels to see if you're impaired.

You have a magicka-rate buff based on milk level, and it's tied to vibrant, so you know when you're running on enhanced mana-tanks.

You have a diverse set of debuffs based on sexual frustration, and it's tied to tunnel vision.


I guess these kinds of uses are obvious, but for them to work well together, I tried - within limits - to make it so each effect could be distinguished, even when combined with the others, and that's why tunnel vision reduces saturation - because you can still see the saturation loss even if you can't see the tunnel vision due to a huge blur and double-vision.


Vibrant kind of conflicts with that, but it adds brightness as well as saturation, and moderates sunlight a little for more intense colors that are less washed out in a non-ENB render.

I made the effects for non-ENB setups, as you have no idea what you might be targetting with an ENB. In the end, I can't say how people will actually use these.


If you're running Bleak or something, they're not going to work as well, and Noir is basically monochrome. You won't be able to get the full benefit with those kinds of ENB. I tried those ENBs, and a Dark Fantasy overhaul, but they end up being highly situational. Sometimes look great, but mostly not, and as you get used to it your brain starts to supply the missing color, and it's just a case of "less information in the scene". Great for screenshots, but not as good in normal play as you'd expect. Sadly, Dark Fantasy has been pulled now. I don't know why.

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10 hours ago, Ekirts Ykcul said:

Some suggestions:

- more detailed options for rape initiation, outcomes or as mentioned in previous posts tie in to sl adventures or other mods. It gets more and more difficult to remember which mod  

  initiates rape under what circumstance. :)  (maybe not that high a priority, i dont know which direction you want to take your mod)

<removed bit about vibrant, as it's covered above>

- integration with Sexlab PayCrime or a similar system. I would love to start with being able to pay really huge bounties by offering a blowjob and get that amount reduced by values

   like how many times victim, how many sex acts, maybe bad reputation.

   (I think Devious Mind Break does something similar by changing the values in Sexist Guards)

I ended up spending way too much time on the rape, which is not really a core feature of SLD. It's a feature, but one amongst many.

So, while I'd like more rape options too, they aren't a priority right now, but I'll stay alert for comments in this area, and if it's a feature people care about, it's not hard to fix, just takes some time adding options.

Right now, SLD rape options are easy to remember, because it's basically a flat chance, and that's it - though there is a rape on masturbate option, and in practice it was to support that consequence that I added rape at all.


I wanted masturbation events, and I wanted a risk associated with them.

Secondarily, I wanted another risk associated with falling over.


Bounty integration or pay-crime capabilities don't really fit anywhere in the mod right now, because it does nothing with bounties or crimes, apart from you might commit a crime due to masturbating in public, or getting raped, or both.


I don't think those features will ever be in SLD, but I want to make a small social mod that will do things like that.


The initial motivation for it is to introduce reputation factions that SLD (or other mods) can use. The other goal is to interfere with some vendor dialogs based on reputation in a not-totally-game-breaking way. Bounties would fit in there, though I'm currently only interested in doing them for some fiddly aspects of what you wear, because SL Adventures covers the big stuff already, but isn't adding the dress-up-is-gameplay features I want :) 


I don't want to have too much scope creep on that mod, so perhaps paying off crimes with sex is not something it will do. But if it ends up that I decide to put in sex support for other reasons, then the pay feature is trivial to add, and would probably get in.


My gut feel is that SL Adventures is going to do that soon anyway.

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Updated download link for dev V13 to beta 3.


See the original post for the download.


This fixes the missing tool-tip info items for vibrant visual effect and extends the node range limit up to 16 from 10.

Nodes values over 10 are generally a silly idea, but it does depend on your initial bodyslide.

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8 hours ago, Code Serpent said:

Can you add in different walking and idle animations based on the player's body? Like when the player is heavily pregnant, for example.

Possibly, if I had such animations, I would be interested in supporting that sort of thing, just as with the crawling.


However, I don't have any, though I'm open to suggestions if somebody knows a source.

Another issue is that such things are fragile. It's one thing having a new walk, but it then clashes with DD and so on.


Crawling clashes with a ton of stuff, and people still use it, but it's certainly got its downsides.

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Gah! Mod uploading in LL is quite confusing. When they say add new version, they mean "don't use this action".

And when they say "Edit details" they mean, site crashes and terminates your session, deleting all your edits.

Ah well, should be easier next time.


I got rid of the version number on the page. May be confusing at first, but hopefully better going forward.


If you tested any of the betas, the release version will be screwed up for you.

This only effects people who tested the V13 beta. Everyone else is good to simply upgrade from V12.


If you tested the V13 beta, this is what you need to do to avoid having to rollback to your V12 state.


  1. Install the new release.
  2. Go into the MCM.
  3. Go to Load + Save page.
  4. Save your current settings to a slot of your choosing.
  5. Go to Debug page. 
  6. Hit "Reset all Sliders"
  7. Hit "Reset all Effects"
  8. Hit "Reset the mod"
  9. Quit the MCM
  10. Open MCM, re-enable. Quit the MCM again.
  11. Open MCM.
  12. Go to Load + Save page.
  13. Load your settings from the slot you used before.
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There is some description further up the downloadpage:


About this version:

  • This is version 13. You could probably run this on SE, but I haven't tried, so I'm going to say it's not compatible.
  • As well as bug fixes, major additions include:
    • Removed the hard requirement for Devious Devices (DD is now optional)
    • Apropos 2 support
    • SexLab Inflation Framework support
    • Body morph support
    • Visual effects, such as blur and tunnel vision
    • Save and load settings from slots - with files you can copy to other setups
    • Masturbation, rapes and orgies as events
    • More event configuration and options


Thanks for the update. :)

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8 hours ago, user9120975435 said:

The changelog is missing from it's place on main page, but a shortcut to the file. I would really like to know what changed. :)

It is missing. It's because I didn't have time to post it again after LL ate my post.

There - will - be a proper change list soon.


Change list is there now. Also, new screenshots. Kind of boring MCM shots though.



Feel free to send me shot of your game where you thought visual effects did something good :) 

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New game, playing around with the new options, and with v13 SLD is now going to be a permanent fixture in my load order. The Apropos tie-in alone make this worthwhile. Finally, I have enough control over consequences to make a lost fight truly something you don't want to have happen. This is fantastic, and allowed me to kick a slew of marginally helpful mods in the process (sorry, SD+!). I keep toying with it because I keep discovering new ways to mix effects. Superb work.

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Very interesting mod, I'll have to explore the options in it as there seems to be plenty.


Suggestion: Add in a soft dependency to Slavetats, options to choose tattoo and when to apply it with conditions like: weight, race, class, gender,  level or debuffs like health?

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On 1/31/2019 at 9:25 PM, Krynn said:

the mod does not start with me for the sake of the best, I've tried everything! :classic_huh:
pity about it!

In what way does it not start?



Or you have an MCM, but you can't enable it?


Or you can enable it, but nothing works after that?


Did you upgrade? Or is it a new install?

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There will be a V13-update-1 soon.

It will still report as V13, and will be installable over V13 with no update, or over V12 with auto update.


When I say soon, I mean probably a few hours.



This will make some minor script changes (no ESP changes):


1) Shorter cooldown on stumble/trip/fall events that occur in combat.

2) Fixes a rare cooldown glitch on rapes that happened strictly because you fell over, that could result in you getting raped again straight after the fall-rape.

3) Tidies up a glitch in Debug MCM if you haven't enabled SLAR yet.

4) When dropping weapons, if you get a consequent 'auto-equip', when the auto-equipped weapons are unequipped, they will go in inventory, not on the ground, regardless of the "really drop" setting. It was a bit weird for dual-wielders to suddenly throw three swords on the floor (though certainly appropriately clumsy).


It might also have a change to oral animation selection for rapes. Still looking at that.


In the meantime, none of these problems should be game-breaking, they're just things that seem a little clunky.


Also, a note on stumble/trip/fall - it won't happen if you are walking - by design - you must be running, sprinting or sneaking.

And you won't get rape events if you are sneaking, again by design. You don't even have to pass a sneak test, you just have to be sneaking.

Also, guards won't rape you, again, by design. I know some mods have a toggle for this, I don't have one, may add one in future.


I'm waiting to see what features people keep asking for before just adding tons of stuff to rapes.

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18 hours ago, Durante said:

Suggestion: Add in a soft dependency to Slavetats, options to choose tattoo and when to apply it with conditions like: weight, race, class, gender,  level or debuffs like health?

How do you propose the tattoo is explained immersively?


Does it just pop up on the player?


The player blacks out - wakes up with a new tattoo? 


Only after rapes?


A highly elaborate capture and tattoo scene that depends on the Branding Device of Doom?



I was looking for an event to pair up with "blackouts" and tattoos could be a thing.


The fancy branding scene, probably not likely.

Also, creating a list of tattoos and when they apply, that's pretty much a whole mod right there, I can't do that much.

I could however (probably) have a chance to sometimes get tattoos from a single selected pack?


What pack would be an appropriate default?


I would go for the progressive tats, but they're not particularly attractive to look at long-term, and I personally get fed up of them.



I was considering (down the track) tats as a condition for things, like events. Maybe that's a higher priority and more useful than actually adding them?

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2 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

In what way does it not start?



Or you have an MCM, but you can't enable it?


Or you can enable it, but nothing works after that?


Did you upgrade? Or is it a new install?


new game and the first time installed.
MCM menu is there, but nothing can be clicked, so set.
I tried all your tips here and waited, etc.



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So, you see this:



Then this:



And then you quit the MCM, and wait a sec, then re-open the MCM...


And you simply see the first screen again, with the empty tickbox to enable, and nothing else?








1) The "Node Support Requirements" on the right all show OK?

2) Do you have DD installed?

3) Do you have Sex Lab Aroused (Redux) installed?

4) Is there anything prefixed with FWB in your Papyrus log?



If you are missing either (2) or (3), it should still start, but in the case of (3), there may be problems, as I haven't tested the "no SLA(R)" case in a long time.

You will likely want SLA(R). But you probably have it.


In the case of (2), I just thought I forgot to clean the ESP in Tes5Edit, and it probably has a bogus DD master in there it doesn't need, so you can't run unless DD is present without first cleaning it yourself. At least ... normally this would generate a CTD at mod load time.


It seems I did clean it, and the only master for the ESP is SexLab, which is correct. SLA(R) is a soft-dep.

I intend it to be completely optional, but possibly it might not be?

I haven't tested without it since early V12 development.


I'd guess the most likely cause of a failure to start is a funny skeleton, such as your XP32MSE has been overwritten, or simply missing, or no NiOverride, which would normally come with RaceMenu, but you can get it other ways, such as the Standalone install.


Almost everyone has NiOverride, and has had it forever, so if it's not there, it's because it got overwritten by some old rubbish, or got unticked in MO, or some other minor mishap. The same with XP32MSE ... though some do have old versions of it ... it's worth getting the latest, as it's continually being developed, and the ESP is now allegedly safe to use without ruining your game! SLD should work with an NIO from 2015, so ... but there really isn't much that SLD actually depends on. Even SexLab will be a softdep in due course.

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2 hours ago, Krynn said:

in the mcm menu no XP32 maximum skeleton

This must show OK, or the mod will abandon the startup process.



For it to recognise your skeleton, the following must be true:


  • You must have XMPSE library version script files installed, 3.0 or higher (this means XPMSELib.pex is installed and not extremely old).
  • You must have XMPSE skeleton mesh installed, 3.0 or higher.


My library version is 4.2


The above checks will fail if you do not have XPMSELib.pex in your script folder.


Lots of mods will work fine without this file. So you might want to check it first.

Some mods will work fine with an old skeleton, like 2.0


SLD is picky about it being there, and not old.


Most mods are not, and do not even check the version. Instead they simply look for the nodes they want.

I have a suspicion that can cause you to CTD, so I don't do that.



Is your character female?

If it's not, SLD isn't going to find any breast nodes on it.


Do you have SexLab Hormones?

If you do, what does it say about your skeleton?

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2 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

This must show OK, or the mod will abandon the startup process.



For it to recognise your skeleton, the following must be true:


  • You must have XMPSE library version script files installed, 3.0 or higher (this means XPMSELib.pex is installed and not extremely old).
  • You must have XMPSE skeleton mesh installed, 3.0 or higher.


My library version is 4.2


The above checks will fail if you do not have XPMSELib.pex in your script folder.


Lots of mods will work fine without this file. So you might want to check it first.

Some mods will work fine with an old skeleton, like 2.0


SLD is picky about it being there, and not old.


Most mods are not, and do not even check the version. Instead they simply look for the nodes they want.

I have a suspicion that can cause you to CTD, so I don't do that.



Is your character female?

If it's not, SLD isn't going to find any breast nodes on it.


Do you have SexLab Hormones?

If you do, what does it say about your skeleton?


ok alright, I have now recognized the problem!
Thank you for your very nice help!

the problem is:
if I:
install, then the mod does not recognize my skeleton!

otherwise everything is running!



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18 hours ago, Lupine00 said:


How do you propose the tattoo is explained immersively?


Does it just pop up on the player?


The player blacks out - wakes up with a new tattoo? 


Only after rapes?


A highly elaborate capture and tattoo scene that depends on the Branding Device of Doom?



I was looking for an event to pair up with "blackouts" and tattoos could be a thing.


The fancy branding scene, probably not likely.

Also, creating a list of tattoos and when they apply, that's pretty much a whole mod right there, I can't do that much.

I could however (probably) have a chance to sometimes get tattoos from a single selected pack?


What pack would be an appropriate default?


I would go for the progressive tats, but they're not particularly attractive to look at long-term, and I personally get fed up of them.



I was considering (down the track) tats as a condition for things, like events. Maybe that's a higher priority and more useful than actually adding them?




It's probably not a feature I'd use, but I can see why others would want it. I'd go for a simple fade in/out black screen with visible notification. I'd also look into using this mod to apply them. I remember it being quite flexible, intuitive to configure, and completely user-customized when I tested it.

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2 hours ago, Tiress said:

That mod uses XPMS skeleton, not XPMSE. With XPMSE and it's weapon styles, you might not even need the mod above.

I'm pretty sure that weapon placement is all handled by XP32MSE and dependent mods now.

As well as bow placement, you can locate weapons left, right or back, and so on.


Also, in the latest versions, supposedly massive performance improvements. I don't know about that, I'm still disabling the ESP for now, but it's possible that Sexy Move is finally a usable mod.

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