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Banned from Nexus


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Guest endgameaddiction


If there is anything that reminds me of the nexus here on LL, it's this very thread.



Yep. This thread was fun at one point when it was about bans, unmasking nexus and the injustice. The moment it derailed into mod bashing I pretty much stopped posting much here. It's turned into a pile of elitism where a lot of mods do not fit people's agenda. And I've had my second thoughts on whether or not to even contribute in the future. I don't support this type of attitude and I'm not surprised if people up and left LL because it slowly grew and grew to be a hateful community.

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I was banned over that? I own Windows 7! 



Then why did you post that? A special version that can't be updated sounds a lot like a pirated version. Not that you deserved the ban for such a petty reason, mind you.





Yep. This thread was fun at one point when it was about bans, unmasking nexus and the injustice. The moment it derailed into mod bashing I pretty much stopped posting much here. It's turned into a pile of elitism where a lot of mods do not fit people's agenda. And I've had my second thoughts on whether or not to even contribute in the future. I don't support this type of attitude and I'm not surprised if people up and left LL because it slowly grew and grew to be a hateful community.


On the other hand there aren't that many people left that still post in this thread. It's not like the whole community is like that, just a select few.

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I was banned over that? I own Windows 7! 



Then why did you post that? A special version that can't be updated sounds a lot like a pirated version. Not that you deserved the ban for such a petty reason, mind you.



I bought it, I have the cd key sitting next to me, but I wanted to find out if it was true that it doesn't update, and shuts down some features when it's not registered, which isn't true. So I'll probably give the key away.

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You didn't read mines either >_>

Like I said in my post nobody bashed the mod. If someone says that the mod drops their fps to 2, it's because their PC can't run it, it isn't a bash it's a fact. Which is obvious sarcasm hence Duoleb's comment. Just because you're PC can run it and you love the mod, doesn't mean that someone who doesn't use it for system reasons and points that fact out is bashing it. He was just making conversation it's not a crime, you can go off topic every once in a while in an expansive thread like this.



Again, you didn't read what originally started this conversation. You just went off the last post I responded to. Here you go.




Well, this is clearly what was missing from my game.

Now I can play Skyrim at a stunning 2 frames per second proud that I've gone and fixed those stupid grasses no one fucking notices.


And then of course all their previous posts in this thread that is just more of the same about different mods as well. There is a big difference between constructive criticism, negative or positive, and just straight up bashing on a mod. This is not constructive criticism. And yes, this is Ewi65's mod, but that's besides the point.


I'm all for criticism of mods and giving your opinion on it. More power to you. But keep it constructive. What is above, is in no way constructive. And seeing as those textures in particular are the same size as vanilla textures, saying they'll drop you to 2 frames per second makes no sense (yes I know, exaggerating, but you get my point). Unless you can barely run Skyrim as it is, then some texture replacer is the least of your worries. Now they are just complaining to complain, and there is nothing constructive about that. I honestly don't see the point in finding some random mod that you would never use any ways, and then going on some rant about it just because. What purpose does it serve exactly?


Sorry but if some vanilla sized texture is going to destroy your game, then why are you even bothering to look at texture replacers in the first place? And then come complain about something that you will never even bother with in the first place? I don't see them releasing any mods for Skyrim or contributing in any way, so who are they to complain about other's work that they will never use? Just ignore it and move on.



Oh, if you just had a problem with Omega1084, why didn't you just PM her? Instead of putting her on blast in front of the whole thread? "And then of course all their previous posts in this thread that is just more of the same about different mods as well." Since this wasn't about the post really and more about them in general.


I mean I can't run Ewi65's mod (I mean the large ones not the small stuff like this mod) on my computer but when I get a better one I will be able too. I still download them and endorse. Omega was just joking about something I suffer with as well (Fps). It wasn't bashing because nothing said was negative. It was just an opinion. Fps is her problem, not noticing the grass is her eye (I notice them and they are placed by Bethesda, maybe a bash on Bethesda?). Nothing was said about the texture (which is the actual mod), she didn't call it ugly, so there was no bashing. All that happened was that the mod got attention. Probably got 20 new downloads from that post.


I honestly think you should have sent a PM.


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I was banned over that? I own Windows 7! 



Then why did you post that? A special version that can't be updated sounds a lot like a pirated version. Not that you deserved the ban for such a petty reason, mind you.



I bought it, I have the cd key sitting next to me, but I wanted to find out if it was true that it doesn't update, and shuts down some features when it's not registered, which isn't true. So I'll probably give the key away.



When I get a new computer it usually takes me months to register (I get annoyed by the pop ups and do it.) It doesn't really matter if you do or don't, but you might as well use the key encase you run into any problems. Better to be safe that sorry when it comes to Windows services.


My advice: Don't talk like a pirate if you don't want people to think you're a pirate.

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Guest endgameaddiction





I was banned over that? I own Windows 7! 



Then why did you post that? A special version that can't be updated sounds a lot like a pirated version. Not that you deserved the ban for such a petty reason, mind you.





Yep. This thread was fun at one point when it was about bans, unmasking nexus and the injustice. The moment it derailed into mod bashing I pretty much stopped posting much here. It's turned into a pile of elitism where a lot of mods do not fit people's agenda. And I've had my second thoughts on whether or not to even contribute in the future. I don't support this type of attitude and I'm not surprised if people up and left LL because it slowly grew and grew to be a hateful community.


On the other hand there aren't that many people left that still post in this thread. It's not like the whole community is like that, just a select few.



Yeah, it's true. Eventually at this rate it's going to catch up to the staff to a point where enough is enough. And close off this meaningless thread once and for all.


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When I get a new computer it usually takes me months to register (I get annoyed by the pop ups and do it.) It doesn't really matter if you do or don't, but you might as well use the key encase you run into any problems. Better to be safe that sorry when it comes to Windows services.


My advice: Don't talk like a pirate if you don't want people to think you're a pirate.



Yarr, me matey! There be no piracy here!



Well, like I said, I wanted to see if it was true that it stops working. Now, if somebody that I know needs a windows key, I can spare one.



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Oh, if you just had a problem with Omega1084, why didn't you just PM her? Instead of putting her on blast in front of the whole thread? "And then of course all their previous posts in this thread that is just more of the same about different mods as well." Since this wasn't about the post really and more about them in general.


I mean I can't run Ewi65's mod (I mean the large ones not the small stuff like this mod) on my computer but when I get a better one I will be able too. I still download them and endorse. Omega was just joking about something I suffer with as well (Fps). It wasn't bashing because nothing said was negative. It was just an opinion. Fps is her problem, not noticing the grass is her eye (I notice them and they are placed by Bethesda, maybe a bash on Bethesda?). Nothing was said about the texture (which is the actual mod), she didn't call it ugly, so there was no bashing. All that happened was that the mod got attention. Probably got 20 new downloads from that post.


I honestly think you should have sent a PM.



I don't have a problem with them in general. I don't even know them. The previous posts thing was something I didn't noticed until after I mentioned the first post. Thus why it was under the "edit" section. Has nothing to do with them in general, they were just an example of what is going on in this thread.


And yes, it is insulting to basically say their mod is useless and pointless. Saying "Now I can play Skyrim at a stunning 2 frames per second proud that I've gone and fixed those stupid grasses no one fucking notices", is insulting for the simple fact that they didn't even bother to look at the mod and see what it actually did before going on some rant about it. And it is insulting for the simple fact that they would never even use that mod in the first place, but felt it necessary to complain about it. What purpose does that serve? There's tons of mods on the Nexus that I probably don't like. Doesn't mean I need to come here and whine about each one of them because they don't fit my "high standards" of what a mod should be.


Like others have said, this thread has degenerated into a bunch of mod/modder bashing instead of what it was originally intended for. It's quite disgusting to see what has become of the LL community when you see this thread.

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I bought it, I have the cd key sitting next to me, but I wanted to find out if it was true that it doesn't update, and shuts down some features when it's not registered, which isn't true. So I'll probably give the key away.



Well the words you used are the words pirates use when they don't want to say directly that they have a pirated version but want to make it obvious that they do. Might not have been your intention, but that's what it sounds like. :\

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Well the words you used are the words pirates use when they don't want to say directly that they have a pirated version but want to make it obvious that they do. Might not have been your intention, but that's what it sounds like. :\



Had I said unregistered version, I figured that would be an instant ban, too. There was a chance of not getting banned if I said "special".


Or, I could have just said nothing. But that's not how I do things.

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Guest endgameaddiction

Well the thing is, it's happened so much that they don't even know what to believe anymore. It jots down to proving ownership of the product now. Whether it's digital or physical. The fact that they insta banned you was uncalled for.


You can throw all the sarcasm in their face and they wouldn't get it. it's auto-extermination for you buddy.


Hopefully you can make an appeal and recover your account. Or even make a new one. If they are willing to listen.


Welcome to LL btw.

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Well the thing is, it's happened so much that they don't even know what to believe anymore. It jots down to proving ownership of the product now. Whether it's digital or physical. The fact that they insta banned you was uncalled for.


You can throw all the sarcasm in their face and they wouldn't get it. it's auto-extermination for you buddy.


Hopefully you can make an appeal and recover your account. Or even make a new one. If they are willing to listen.


Welcome to LL btw.


I won't bother appealing, I don't need to be in a community with staff like that. 


I've been lurking LL for a while, but now that Nexus is no longer an option, this will become the exclusive site to release my mods (if I ever finish them). But thanks :)

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Guest Omega1084


I don't have a problem with them in general. I don't even know them. The previous posts thing was something I didn't noticed until after I mentioned the first post. Thus why it was under the "edit" section. Has nothing to do with them in general, they were just an example of what is going on in this thread.


And yes, it is insulting to basically say their mod is useless and pointless. Saying "Now I can play Skyrim at a stunning 2 frames per second proud that I've gone and fixed those stupid grasses no one fucking notices", is insulting for the simple fact that they didn't even bother to look at the mod and see what it actually did before going on some rant about it. And it is insulting for the simple fact that they would never even use that mod in the first place, but felt it necessary to complain about it. What purpose does that serve? There's tons of mods on the Nexus that I probably don't like. Doesn't mean I need to come here and whine about each one of them because they don't fit my "high standards" of what a mod should be.


Like others have said, this thread has degenerated into a bunch of mod/modder bashing instead of what it was originally intended for. It's quite disgusting to see what has become of the LL community when you see this thread.

I'm very direct and cynical about the things I say, doesn't mean I hate a person. Usually I'll link to some dumb mod that makes no sense. A retexture and recolour of a single piece of grass isn't exactly the second coming of Jesus. I made fun of it like I do everything else I feel like making fun of. Making a single piece of grass a 1k texture doesn't seem practical or even useful to me, therefore I posted about it, if you feel so entitled as to bash me for it, go ahead, but I wasn't bashing EWI or what he/she/they does/do, just figured it would be funny to be sarcastic about it.


You say you read the thread, well, in this same thread I posted before a few times that nothing I say should be taken seriously because the majority of everything I post is just me being stupid on the internet. Now, there's something you don't seem to understand. The internet in and of itself is highly inconsequential and meaningless in real life. If you don't like an opinion posted on it you can gently fuck off to tumblr or block me and ignore my existence as it is, again, of no real consequence in relation to yours.


I've said my piece, have a nice morning.


Edit: Something I forgot to mention, I don't just post about bad mods.

I post about stupid comments on the mod comment sections of mods I'm interested in.

Like that one mod that added some cool weapons and plans to make some armour to go with them.

There was an asshole in the comments section and I posted about it after reporting it.

His comment was swiftly removed. Just saiyan. I'm not always an unrelenting cunt.

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So i went back roughly 30 pages and counted the references to good mods and the ones to bad mods just to see if infact this thread had degenerated into a mod bashing forum like some of you claimed. I saw 16 posts referencing good mods, as in mods people thought were note-worthy and posted a link for others to check out. There were 11 posts where there was a negative comment made about said mod, in 8 of those posts the same person gave an example of why the mod was bad. By this i mean that it had either stolen content or there were one (or even several) mods that did the same thing only better, even leaving links for the mod they felt was a better choice. That leaves only three references that can properly be classified as "mod bashing" in damn near 30 pages of rant thread forum. 

Could have we all gotten by without those negative comments about others mods? Obviously yes. However, considering that each page consists of roughly ten posts per page one course comment per hundred posts is actually reasonable on a rant thread, or atleast i would think so.  

It keeps being pointed out but i guess it requires repeating, this was left in place by the moderators as a rant thread.... As in a thread where people come here specifically to bitch and bicker, also (and again), nobody is forcing to to keep returning here. 

I'm sorry that the butt-hurt is strong in some of you but coming to a rant thread and crying when you see angry people is like sitting on an anthill and crying when your ass gets covered in fire-ants, at some point you just have to grow up and admit it's your own fault for walking into it in the first place. 


Yeah, I get this is a rant thread. It's a rant thread about those who have been banned from Nexus. Not a thread to rant about modders and other people's mods. If you got banned from Nexus, cry all you want and throw your temper tantrums. Good for you. But don't come here complaining about other modders and the mods they make.


There is already a dedicated thread for ranting here. If you want to be a non-contributing sponge and complain about mods and modders that don't meet your standards, then go there. This is a place for those who were banned from Nexus to vent their frustrations. Not vent about random mods and modders that have nothing to do with you being banned. Stay on topic.


So with that in mind, good luck in all your future endeavors and god speed.

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Guest Omega1084


Yeah, I get this is a rant thread. It's a rant thread about those who have been banned from Nexus. Not a thread to rant about modders and other people's mods. If you got banned from Nexus, cry all you want and throw your temper tantrums. Good for you. But don't come here complaining about other modders and the mods they make.

There is already a dedicated thread for ranting here. If you want to be a non-contributing sponge and complain about mods and modders that don't meet your standards, then go there. This is a place for those who were banned from Nexus to vent their frustrations. Not vent about random mods and modders that have nothing to do with you being banned. Stay on topic.


So with that in mind, good luck in all your future endeavors and god speed.


That rant thread is about general things.

This thread was left here for the simple purpose of letting everyone who has anything to say about the Nexus post here about it instead of taking other threads to do so and flooding the whole board with it. This is a "Rant About Anything On The Nexus" thread and that one is just a "Rant Thread But Not About The Nexus Because There's One For It Already"

Instead of people's complaints going everywhere around the site they stay here.

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Oh, I'm truly hurt. If I remember correctly, this thread was started just because the TC wanted some outlet for getting the stab at Nexus because of the uploaded pictures; not some altar where anyone who got the ban hammer would come and cry out at the injustice or whatnot. If anything, the moment someone posted anything not really related to the pictures the thread had been derailed and it's at least a 170+ pages back.


At least the posters keep a leveled head when talking about getting the ban over here... really. Other than that, a little change of pace isn't that bad.



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Guest Omega1084

Yeah, certainly a website right!?


I'm gonna refrain from posting on this thread from now on so I don't get people's pubes tangled again and start a white-knighting war over opinions.

It's been a trip and a half but I think this time I fell and hit someone's head a little too hard. :3

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It's true there's been an increase in criticism of mods in here, or the popularity of certain types of mods like followers, enbs etc (which we have too, I think). People's issue with Nexus staff shouldn't spill over to the modders or users over there. LL modders need to be able to reach out across whatever bulllshit divisions in order to collaborate and get things like permissions sorted. Bad enough this site is 'rife with piracy' and all manner of 'illegal' stuff, or that we have people worrying if it's 'safe' to download from here, we don't need to be in the business of trash-talking other people's work, creating bad blood for the hell of it.



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