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Version 1.32017
Hello and Welcome! Shortly: This file is another "HdtPhysicsExtensionDefaultBBP" which I *modified* for my personal tastes. I tried finding one but it soon dawned on me, that there is not one that has piqued my interest. (Dont get me wrong here, I found more than a handfull of them and they were good, even better than good, they were awesome! Unfortunately just not to my liking.) --- DOWNLOADS AVAILABLE: NiKoRo - Explained in the description (original) Freedom - A lot smoother and softer (original) FVHrc0E - Enchanced butt bounciness (based on NiKoRo) (yet to be perfected) --- A Modification, Of What Exactly? I used two HdtPhysicsExtensionDefaultBBP.xml's as quide lines which were closest to my ideal: <-- Made by "ppkkpp" Thanks to him! -The breasts on this one were a bit too rubbery/gum-like, but the perkiness and solid bounce really stood out. -The butt had been really shut out by dampening it to great extent, but had a solid perkiness to it. <-- Made by "clp2011" Props to him aswell! -The breasts were very bouncy and did it for quite a while even when the character stopped moving. the bouncing itself was smooth and the breasts had a feeling of weight to them, which is rather difficult to achieve. -The butt was rash in it's movement, it wasn't as smooth or bouncy as the breasts, but it was also very well made giving it a soft feel. --- What Does This .xml Feel Like? Like i said before, i made this for my personal tastes, but seeing as I did not find others of the same type, I though it might be allright to post it here. - The breasts were made slightly less bouncy and wobbly than Top Model, but giving it perkier feel while still trying to remain soft. ** A 3-4 bounce with a very slight jiggle at the end ** Dampening to make sure the breasts dont rip or deform in fast moving actions. (Crouching and jumping.) ** A slight sway/rippling when walking or running. (NOTE! heavily depends on the animation, might not do this with defaults!) - The butt was given alot "mushier" feel than Top Model, with added soft jiggling. ** A 1-2 bounce with smooth settling ** Dampening to make it feel soft and "mushy"-like ** Very slight wobbling when walking or running, the effect is gorgeous on big butts On a side note, I tried making this feel good with small and big bodysizes. --- Installation Same old copy/paste technique works, but you do need to rename the file: As you download it, it will be named "hdtPhysicsExtensionsDefaultBBP - XXX.xml" Simply remove " - XXX from the file name, and replace your older .xml file with it, overwrite when prompted to do so. --- Miscellaneous And Rambling Unfortunately, I cannot provide screenshots or videos of my work, as I am an idiot when it comes to recording devices and programs. This is also the reason to me explaining and comparing in attempt to give an understanding of what my file actually does. By no means do I downgrade or judge "ppkkpp"s or "clp2011"s .xml files! They did awesome work but as I have stated, it's due to my personal preference! Give credit to where it's due, to "ppkkpp" and "clp2011". Without them I would've not gotten this built! Give feedback and such, if you dont understand, or have trouble using this, or plan on modifying this, or just simply like it. That would be awesome actually! Oh, and if I dont answer within the first day or two, apologies on my part: Im usually on every third day or so, a few times a week, but I'll give an answer when I notice I am needed! And last but not least, this is my first upload on Loverslab, so please be gentle with me, I'll try to do the same. [EDIT 2014 8th day of the 4th month] Bugfixing and Optimising, A must have update if you liked the original! - 5 Followers on the file? Amazing! I love you guys! - Read the changelog for exact knowledge of what's been done. - Dont be afraid to download the file, it has the same name again, because i though that as an update, I wouldn't need to rename it. *** Im lazy and i am not afraid to show it. Also! starting now, I'll be taking common requests and making other HDT files out of them, sound good? great! Then start suggesting things! Might take a while to make/change them though, so have a bit of patience in reserve when requesting something. Okay? Awesome, thanks! [EDIT 2014 22nd day of the 4th month] New optional file is out! For those whom like a bit more jiggle! - 7 Followers? Are you serious!? Thanks guys! - Changelog is your friend again, to see and read what has been changed in the new file. - This time it's called "Freedom", Install as instructed before. *** No requests so far, I'll take it that you guys like the file! Yeah... That's what I'll do! Anyway, i was off for longer than i said i was going to be, sorry about that. "The Guy Upstairs" decided I am not allowed to go home for a few weeks, and that's that. But i should be officially back, And for good this time. So I'll be sticking around more closely and see how things are! Allright? Thanks! [EDIT 2014 30th day of the 4th month] New requested optional file added to the list and optimizing the other two, + There's a surprise addition for all 3 files, can you find it? Yayy! - 12 Followers!? This is growing out of hand guys! Stop... Actually please don't! Thanks fellas! - Read the changelog, I dare you! Lots of things on it this time! - The new file is named as "FVHrc0E" after it's requester, TEST FILE, keep that in mind, Okay? *** Well damn, 3 files done and I am just getting pumped up... Not even parking tickets can bring me down now! Unless they cost 60€. Ouch! In any case all bugs and greenie meanie glitchies should be fixed in NiKoRo and Freedom, Unless someone points something out. AGAIN! Take care guys! Thanks for the attention! Cya! -
Version 2.12.15
=============================================================== Merida's Hair For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Author: Yoo, Textures by Sayka83 <3 =============================================================== Current Version: 2.14.18 Fixed Weight, Inertia. OLD VERSIONS 2.12.15 Initial Release =============================================================================================== Reqs: SKSE Latest version of HDTPhysicsExtension (tested on 12.29 - 14.28) =============================================================================================== Description: This mod adds two hair styles based on Brave's character Merida. Long and Short version. REMEMBER TO MAKE A BACK UP OF YOUR SAVEGAME, I WONT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER/CHARACTER According to feedback the mod isnt so taxing as I thought. But if you use an AMD CPU, the warning is still there. =============================================================================================== Compatibility: This mod should be compatible with almost everything, but it could cause issues with other HDT mods that use objects at collision layer 10. REMEMBER TO MAKE A BACK UP OF YOUR SAVEGAME, I WONT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY OF ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER/CHARACTER =============================================================================================== Troubleshooting: "The hair moves in a really weird way / it has a lot of jitter" - If you are using ENB and an old version of HDT PE be sure to enable "WaitBusyRenderer=true" on your enblocal.ini (not required for HDTPE 14.28) - Disable Vsync. - Be sure that your framerate is around 25 - 60 FPS =============================================================================================== FAQ: "It moves to wildly" It has been fixed as much as I can, now all the sudden movements/wild stuff is because how the player moves on the world, especially when you are loading a distant cell or you walk down a slope or stair. Complain to Bethesda about how faulty is the way the player moves instead instead of blaming me xD. "How do I get this hair?" Use showracemenu or go to the "face sculptor" on Riften if you have Dawnguard. "My computer dies each time I use this hair" That means your CPU/GPU isn't powerful enough to run this hair or this hair + the rest of heavly scrited mods. "Are you going to create versions for beast races?" Not at the moment, we're busy with the dress / cape. "The hair clips trough my HUGE breasts!" *facepalm* If I get enough requests and if I'm in the mood and if the stars align properly and the great Cthulhu and the always suffering Filler Bunny allows me. I'll do a patch for all your HDT breasts... "This hair sucks..." Well, it was done for MY character, not your MMD version of skyrim, it wasn't even intended for release... so... I don't care =) "Yoo are an awful person! May you fail in all your endeavors! I hate you!" I know, but you should care about the mod, not the person behind it. =============================================================================================== Tools USED Autodesk 3DSMax 2012 Product Update 12 Havok Content Tools 2013.1r1 Canderes scripts ActiveType Script Photoshop CS4 The Conformulator Notepad o.O =============================================================================================== Credits: ARTAN Studios: They always push me to be a better mole and live in a cave. HydrogensaysHDT: For creating this amazing plugin, I should build a monument on your name. Canderes: For his tutorials, his scripts and for being awesome. Sayka83: For making my job less painful offering herself to do the textures, for enduring my technical rants, for being so nice and so much more... Blabba AKA "Orange thing": For enduring my punny puns, his support and his madness. LL community AKA "The forbidden Lab": For their support <3 The silent clicks:...... and finally Bethsoft: For creating such a nice game and giving us less tools with each release. -
Version 0.6
Skyrim Skinned Mesh Physics for Bless Armor Pack (s666) This is a patch to convert s666's very well made armor pack to the SMP physics system instead of Havok. Change Log: Version: 0.5 initial release Version: 0.6 Corrected range of motion as well as multipart interactions as well as 0 point gravity influence. Please read all the info before downloading and installing. This absolutely needs HDT-SMP to function properly and is otherwise useless, so don't use it unless you use SMP. This must be installed after all s666 armor files Let it overwrite all his files, primarily it edits the XML's to give SMP physics as opposed to Havok This also overwrites the root meshes in the body slide folder and Requires reexporting your personalized variant of the meshes Now some of the technical BS. This is a first release and is not perfect by any means, it is a proof of concept Once the XML format is figured out conversion from HDT to SMP in a simple manner is rather easy.... ish. I need your help fine tuning the XML's Specifically people with SMP experience The collision data is rudimentary at best and I need feedback to improve it. There wont be any pictures because it literally is the same as the parent mod, just a different physics engine. YOU NEED THESE Everything the base armor pack needs I made this as I find SMP to be superior to HDT in almost every way, in the form of general use bugs and performance/stability. Please Please, leave feed back, submit your own corrected XML's, anything that can help improve the functionality-
- Skyrim Mesh Physic
- Skyrim Mesh Physics
(and 8 more)
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The sexiest, skimpiest bikini armour has arrived to Loverslab! Lets all welcome The Amazing World of Bikini Armour to LoversLab! This armour was created by some awesome modders from the Nexu$! All Credits go out to Nisetanaka, Kofman77 and Diablio for all of their hardwork! UUNP AND CBBE BODYSLIDE HAS ARRIVED!!! Please use the respective textures in accordance to the UNP body and the CBBE body! Users can use the mod as they like BUT they cannot re-upload with the intent to monetize the mod. They also cannot port to consoles or upload to There will be trouble otherwise. Thank you. REQUIRES:: XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended HDT Physics Extension NetImmerse Override "for ECE and ECEE users" DawnGuard DLC The Amazing World of Bikini Armour! "MAIN FILE" The Amazing World of Bikini Armour V.1.7 [Fixed Iron Gauntlets 2 and 4 for beast race support. Nord Plate Skirt added and the "Old Fashioned" Bikini's have been converted to CBBE Bodyslide] "OPTIONAL FILES" T.A.W.o.B.A UNP Meshes [Regards to behinds] T.A.W.o.B.A UNPB Meshes [Regards to behinds] T.A.W.o.B.A CBBE CURVY Meshes [install after main file and overwrite] "Miscellaneous Files" T.A.W.o.B.A UUNP Bodyslide V.Topless 2 [Regards to behinds] T.A.W.o.B.A UUNP Bodyslide Tiny Fix 4 - Fixed : Falmer Heavy Boots , Iron Gauntlets 2 & 4 [install after UUNP Bodyslide and overwrite] T.A.W.o.B.A CBBE Bodyslide V.Bottomless 4 [install after main file and overwrite] Light Armours .ESP [install after main file and overwrite] "I can confirm this works with CBBE" The location in game is from Alvor the Blacksmith in Riverwood. LINK TO THE ORIGINAL:: NISETANAKA' PRESETS:: (use ECE to access presets) NISETANAKA' SKIN:: NISETANAKA' TINTMASK FILE:: NISETANAKA' HEAD NIF FILES:: (NOW UPDATED WITH MINOR FIX) Want the SSE version? Check this link! I had the blessing of Nisetanaka and Kofman77 and Diablio to be able to upload this to Loverslab! Thank you guys for the hardwork once again! Hope to see more! If I forgot to credit ANYONE regarding these mods, please let me know ASAP so I can get your name here! PLEASE ENDORSE NISETANAKA' ORIGINAL POST ON NEXU$, SHOW HIM LOVE! <3 HUGE THANKS TO NISETANAKA FOR THE ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL BIKINI ARMOUR! HUGE THANKS TO KOFMAN77 FOR THE CBBE BODYSLIDE CONVERSION! HUGE THANKS TO DIABLIO FOR THE UUNP BODYSLIDE CONVERSION! HUGE THANKS TO DAYMARR FOR BACKING US UP ON THE SSE SIDE AND BEING HELPFUL! and me for helping all of them get this put up on Loverslab Kofman77 DEMANDS bottomless screenshots! GET THEM POSTED!! seriously tho, appease the bikini gods and get those screenshots posted! My contribution for the sexy bottomless pictures, Please welcome my character; Kyleeka Seterian, a gorgeous Nord! Mod review! Thanks to Dwadle "aka Porterhause"! Make sure to subscribe to him on youtub3! If anyone has issues downloading the files through mediafire, please let me know ASAP, will upload somewheres else. Thanks!
- 826 replies
Hair Work for HDT SMP. For work you need mod HDT SMP (2016.07.08). How add Hair: 1. (open console and write help HDT(all name hair begin HDT SMP, then player.additem ID) 2. Download add item menu( and add hair. Version history: If don't work collision: 1. If instal HDT PE and HDT SMP(for body you use HDT PE)> download this(Config.rar) and place in hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs! (CBBE body) for unp need change name in body or config. 2. If install only HDT SMP(for body you use HDT SMP) > need open cbbe-tbbp.xml and add this Preview: HDT SMP HAIR.part1.rar HDT SMP HAIR.part2.rar
View File Skyrim Skinned Mesh Physics for Bless Armor Pack (s666) This is a patch to convert s666's very well made armor pack to the SMP physics system instead of Havok. Change Log: Version: 0.5 initial release Version: 0.6 Corrected range of motion as well as multipart interactions as well as 0 point gravity influence. Please read all the info before downloading and installing. This absolutely needs HDT-SMP to function properly and is otherwise useless, so don't use it unless you use SMP. This must be installed after all s666 armor files Let it overwrite all his files, primarily it edits the XML's to give SMP physics as opposed to Havok This also overwrites the root meshes in the body slide folder and Requires reexporting your personalized variant of the meshes Now some of the technical BS. This is a first release and is not perfect by any means, it is a proof of concept Once the XML format is figured out conversion from HDT to SMP in a simple manner is rather easy.... ish. I need your help fine tuning the XML's Specifically people with SMP experience The collision data is rudimentary at best and I need feedback to improve it. There wont be any pictures because it literally is the same as the parent mod, just a different physics engine. YOU NEED THESE Everything the base armor pack needs I made this as I find SMP to be superior to HDT in almost every way, in the form of general use bugs and performance/stability. Please Please, leave feed back, submit your own corrected XML's, anything that can help improve the functionality Submitter jonusl2d Submitted 08/15/2015 Category HDT Physics Requires s666 Bless Armor Pack, SMP, Bodyslide, everything the armor pack needs Special Edition Compatible
- 3 replies
- Skyrim Mesh Physic
- Skyrim Mesh Physics
(and 8 more)
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View File Hello and Welcome! Shortly: This file is another "HdtPhysicsExtensionDefaultBBP" which I *modified* for my personal tastes. I tried finding one but it soon dawned on me, that there is not one that has piqued my interest. (Dont get me wrong here, I found more than a handfull of them and they were good, even better than good, they were awesome! Unfortunately just not to my liking.) --- DOWNLOADS AVAILABLE: NiKoRo - Explained in the description (original) Freedom - A lot smoother and softer (original) FVHrc0E - Enchanced butt bounciness (based on NiKoRo) (yet to be perfected) --- A Modification, Of What Exactly? I used two HdtPhysicsExtensionDefaultBBP.xml's as quide lines which were closest to my ideal: <-- Made by "ppkkpp" Thanks to him! -The breasts on this one were a bit too rubbery/gum-like, but the perkiness and solid bounce really stood out. -The butt had been really shut out by dampening it to great extent, but had a solid perkiness to it. <-- Made by "clp2011" Props to him aswell! -The breasts were very bouncy and did it for quite a while even when the character stopped moving. the bouncing itself was smooth and the breasts had a feeling of weight to them, which is rather difficult to achieve. -The butt was rash in it's movement, it wasn't as smooth or bouncy as the breasts, but it was also very well made giving it a soft feel. --- What Does This .xml Feel Like? Like i said before, i made this for my personal tastes, but seeing as I did not find others of the same type, I though it might be allright to post it here. - The breasts were made slightly less bouncy and wobbly than Top Model, but giving it perkier feel while still trying to remain soft. ** A 3-4 bounce with a very slight jiggle at the end ** Dampening to make sure the breasts dont rip or deform in fast moving actions. (Crouching and jumping.) ** A slight sway/rippling when walking or running. (NOTE! heavily depends on the animation, might not do this with defaults!) - The butt was given alot "mushier" feel than Top Model, with added soft jiggling. ** A 1-2 bounce with smooth settling ** Dampening to make it feel soft and "mushy"-like ** Very slight wobbling when walking or running, the effect is gorgeous on big butts On a side note, I tried making this feel good with small and big bodysizes. --- Installation Same old copy/paste technique works, but you do need to rename the file: As you download it, it will be named "hdtPhysicsExtensionsDefaultBBP - XXX.xml" Simply remove " - XXX from the file name, and replace your older .xml file with it, overwrite when prompted to do so. --- Miscellaneous And Rambling Unfortunately, I cannot provide screenshots or videos of my work, as I am an idiot when it comes to recording devices and programs. This is also the reason to me explaining and comparing in attempt to give an understanding of what my file actually does. By no means do I downgrade or judge "ppkkpp"s or "clp2011"s .xml files! They did awesome work but as I have stated, it's due to my personal preference! Give credit to where it's due, to "ppkkpp" and "clp2011". Without them I would've not gotten this built! Give feedback and such, if you dont understand, or have trouble using this, or plan on modifying this, or just simply like it. That would be awesome actually! Oh, and if I dont answer within the first day or two, apologies on my part: Im usually on every third day or so, a few times a week, but I'll give an answer when I notice I am needed! And last but not least, this is my first upload on Loverslab, so please be gentle with me, I'll try to do the same. [EDIT 2014 8th day of the 4th month] Bugfixing and Optimising, A must have update if you liked the original! - 5 Followers on the file? Amazing! I love you guys! - Read the changelog for exact knowledge of what's been done. - Dont be afraid to download the file, it has the same name again, because i though that as an update, I wouldn't need to rename it. *** Im lazy and i am not afraid to show it. Also! starting now, I'll be taking common requests and making other HDT files out of them, sound good? great! Then start suggesting things! Might take a while to make/change them though, so have a bit of patience in reserve when requesting something. Okay? Awesome, thanks! [EDIT 2014 22nd day of the 4th month] New optional file is out! For those whom like a bit more jiggle! - 7 Followers? Are you serious!? Thanks guys! - Changelog is your friend again, to see and read what has been changed in the new file. - This time it's called "Freedom", Install as instructed before. *** No requests so far, I'll take it that you guys like the file! Yeah... That's what I'll do! Anyway, i was off for longer than i said i was going to be, sorry about that. "The Guy Upstairs" decided I am not allowed to go home for a few weeks, and that's that. But i should be officially back, And for good this time. So I'll be sticking around more closely and see how things are! Allright? Thanks! [EDIT 2014 30th day of the 4th month] New requested optional file added to the list and optimizing the other two, + There's a surprise addition for all 3 files, can you find it? Yayy! - 12 Followers!? This is growing out of hand guys! Stop... Actually please don't! Thanks fellas! - Read the changelog, I dare you! Lots of things on it this time! - The new file is named as "FVHrc0E" after it's requester, TEST FILE, keep that in mind, Okay? *** Well damn, 3 files done and I am just getting pumped up... Not even parking tickets can bring me down now! Unless they cost 60€. Ouch! In any case all bugs and greenie meanie glitchies should be fixed in NiKoRo and Freedom, Unless someone points something out. AGAIN! Take care guys! Thanks for the attention! Cya! Submitter Nkro Submitted 04/06/2014 Category HDT Physics Requires HDT 10.24 package or later versions. Special Edition Compatible
PURPOSE: This thread is geared towards providing guides/tutorials and support for beginners to the wonderful world of HDT physics modding. This guide will be broken up into two posts, the first main post will be geared towards end users, contain FAQ, Resource links and support tips. The second post will contain tutorials/guides and other miscellaneous resources and info for modders. CREDITS: HydrogensaysHDT - Creator of HDT plugins Monsto Brukes - Creator/Moderator of HDT Subforums Canderes - Contributor to HDT physics, click on name for his guides & resources Yoo - Contributor to HDT physics modding, click on name for his latest project Groovtama - Resident Skeleton Wizard and provider of HDT Rig Map Fix. Enskyment - For Making a kick-ass guide for newbie end users! Special thanks to: Vioxsis, b00marrows, jacques00, Daiemonic, Stevierage, clp2011 and others for contributing to the HDT physics scene RESOURCES: HDT Download 14-28 Havok Physics SDK Feature Guide TERMINOLOGY: Read this section if you are new or unfamiliar with some of the terms in the guides and/or feedback from other users GUIDE 0: For Absolutely New to HDT: Click the above link for an awesome guide made by Enskyment meant to quickly get you up to speed with all of this stuff! GUIDE 1: Basic HDT Physics Installation (No Pics Yet): GUIDE 2: Adding Collision to your HDT PE Installation (Manually) (On Hold): FAQ: Q: I heard deleting the skeleton_female.hkx (Rig Map) file helps fix things with HDT Physics? A: NO, stop it. That piece of information is old and even then it was a horrible 'workaround'. DO NOT DELETE THIS FILE. Instead use the attached Groovtama's Rig Map file for maximum HDT Compatibility. Q: I do use my own custom skeleton and use HDT Physics, anything further I need to do? A: Yes, Download and install Groovtama's custom Rig Map, be warned though that if you are using a custom skeleton that has a new non-standard bone used for animation that is not already included in the XPMS skeleton, that this Rig Map will not contain the animation data for that new bone and you will need to add it yourself. Permissions: Feel free to copy/paste or link this guide Feel free to translate the guide. Feel free to make your own guide , I've attached the images to help you! (They'll be updated for revisions/changes) Groovtama HDT Rig Map.rar
- 74 replies
- HydrogensaysHDT
- (and 5 more)
View File =============================================================== Merida's Hair For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Author: Yoo, Textures by Sayka83 <3 =============================================================== Current Version: 2.14.18 Fixed Weight, Inertia. OLD VERSIONS 2.12.15 Initial Release =============================================================================================== Reqs: SKSE Latest version of HDTPhysicsExtension (tested on 12.29 - 14.28) =============================================================================================== Description: This mod adds two hair styles based on Brave's character Merida. Long and Short version. REMEMBER TO MAKE A BACK UP OF YOUR SAVEGAME, I WONT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER/CHARACTER According to feedback the mod isnt so taxing as I thought. But if you use an AMD CPU, the warning is still there. =============================================================================================== Compatibility: This mod should be compatible with almost everything, but it could cause issues with other HDT mods that use objects at collision layer 10. REMEMBER TO MAKE A BACK UP OF YOUR SAVEGAME, I WONT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY OF ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER/CHARACTER =============================================================================================== Troubleshooting: "The hair moves in a really weird way / it has a lot of jitter" - If you are using ENB and an old version of HDT PE be sure to enable "WaitBusyRenderer=true" on your enblocal.ini (not required for HDTPE 14.28) - Disable Vsync. - Be sure that your framerate is around 25 - 60 FPS =============================================================================================== FAQ: "It moves to wildly" It has been fixed as much as I can, now all the sudden movements/wild stuff is because how the player moves on the world, especially when you are loading a distant cell or you walk down a slope or stair. Complain to Bethesda about how faulty is the way the player moves instead instead of blaming me xD. "How do I get this hair?" Use showracemenu or go to the "face sculptor" on Riften if you have Dawnguard. "My computer dies each time I use this hair" That means your CPU/GPU isn't powerful enough to run this hair or this hair + the rest of heavly scrited mods. "Are you going to create versions for beast races?" Not at the moment, we're busy with the dress / cape. "The hair clips trough my HUGE breasts!" *facepalm* If I get enough requests and if I'm in the mood and if the stars align properly and the great Cthulhu and the always suffering Filler Bunny allows me. I'll do a patch for all your HDT breasts... "This hair sucks..." Well, it was done for MY character, not your MMD version of skyrim, it wasn't even intended for release... so... I don't care =) "Yoo are an awful person! May you fail in all your endeavors! I hate you!" I know, but you should care about the mod, not the person behind it. =============================================================================================== Tools USED Autodesk 3DSMax 2012 Product Update 12 Havok Content Tools 2013.1r1 Canderes scripts ActiveType Script Photoshop CS4 The Conformulator Notepad o.O =============================================================================================== Credits: ARTAN Studios: They always push me to be a better mole and live in a cave. HydrogensaysHDT: For creating this amazing plugin, I should build a monument on your name. Canderes: For his tutorials, his scripts and for being awesome. Sayka83: For making my job less painful offering herself to do the textures, for enduring my technical rants, for being so nice and so much more... Blabba AKA "Orange thing": For enduring my punny puns, his support and his madness. LL community AKA "The forbidden Lab": For their support <3 The silent clicks:...... and finally Bethsoft: For creating such a nice game and giving us less tools with each release. Submitter Yoo Submitted 03/29/2014 Category HDT Physics Requires HDT Physics Extension Special Edition Compatible