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These Fallout 4 mods are of a non-adult nature.

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  1. Rad Morphing Redux Trigger: Rads

    Radiation trigger for Rad Morphing Redux.
    Periodically checks the player's radiation and informs Rad Morphing Redux about the current radiation value.
    Rad Morphing Redux - without RMR this mod does nothing. MCM - to configure frequency and the keyword sent to RMR.  
    Install with your mod manager of choice.
    By default the trigger uses the name "Rads" and updates every 10 seconds.
    Both of these settings can be changed through MCM.
    Uninstall with your mod manager of choice.
    If you want to make sure the timer is stopped and event listeners unregistered, call Shutdown on the mod's quest before uninstalling.
    cqf LenARMT_Rads_Main Shutdown  
    Source Code
    Source code is provided with the mod. The full project including build scripts for VSCode is available on GitHub.



  2. Companion Ivy Main Menu Replacer

    This replaces the main menu background with Ivy's cellar. And replaces the main them with her 'affinity' music.
    That will be all.
    Thank you for downloading.
    Have fun using it.



  3. CRACKLE — Russian Translation

    Original mod made by @Tentacus

    Дальше будет перевод описания оригинального мода.
    Что это:
    Мне казалось, что в Fallout 4 чего-то не хватает. Я начинаю много новых игр, где моему персонажу нечего делать и некуда идти. Часто я использую свой легкий альтернативный стартовый мод DLYH. Много раз я оказывался под дождем и натыкался на костер. Обычно я ролеплею, что благодарен за тепло, но сама игра не дает мне такой обратной связи, и через некоторое время такое своевольное "создание собственной забавы" надоедает, поэтому я подумал: "А что если огоньки сделают хоть что-то... Что угодно... Пусть даже очень маленькое". И я сделал этот небольшой мод.
    Что мод делает:
    Облучение и тепло:
    Теперь, когда вы встретите в мире открытый огонь, например, костер, костер или бочку с огнем, он даст вам небольшой бонус к выносливости и дополнительную защиту от болезней в режиме выживания. Вам придется немного посидеть у огня, чтобы согреться, прежде чем начнется эффект, но после того, как он начнется, он будет действовать до тех пор, пока вы находитесь рядом, и в течение нескольких минут после того, как вы уйдете (меньше, если идет дождь). Защита от болезней особенно полезна, если вы едите перед костром или спите у него. Лично я считаю, что это очень реалистично и захватывающе.
    Дождь теперь будет охлаждать вас. Это не имеет отрицательных последствий, за исключением того, что если вы слишком замерзнете, вам потребуется больше времени, чтобы согреться у костра и получить бафф. Если вы замерзли, а костра нет, то нахождение под укрытием будет медленно согревать вас, пока вы не перестанете получать штраф за время пребывания у костра. Я не считал нужным делать дождь более наказуемым, так как в ванильной игре уже повышается шанс заболевания от пребывания под дождем. Это также работает со снегом.
    Плавание делает вас мокрым, что делает вас холодным. Вы медленно согреетесь в холод, если выглянет солнце, а также в укрытии, но вы не согреетесь без костра ночью, если только не находитесь под укрытием, однако вы высохнете от мокрого до просто холодного (если нет дождя).
    Добывать древесину, с возможными опасными встречами. Однако если ваши ноги искалечены, вы не сможете этого сделать!
    Он работает с кострами в мире, а также с мастерским костром и костровой бочкой, добавленной Wasteland Workshop. Он также работает из коробки со следующими модами для кемпинга:
    Kitcat's camping gear (Рекомендованно. Костры и палатки в качестве укрытия! Получите предмет "Дрова" и руководство из MCM, а затем добывайте древесину!)
    Campsite (костры, заготавливайте растопки вместо дров)
    Advanced needs 2 (Костры)
    Buildable burning campfires and fireplaces (Костры)
    Сидите или спите везде, с сохранением режима выживания:
    Теперь вы можете сидеть на земле или на большинстве ровных поверхностей, когда захотите. У вас есть несколько положений на выбор, включая раненое положение. После того как вы сядете, вам будет предложено меню. Вы можете либо просто сидеть и смотреть вокруг с помощью управляемой камеры, либо ждать с промежутками в один час или пять. В отличии от ванильного ожидания это мгновенное, что позволяет реально экономить время. (Используемый метод безопасен и будет правильно продвигать ИИ и скрипты, он же используется при заготовке дров) Когда вы закончите сидеть и встанете. (Снова откройте меню, нажав горячую клавишу/MCM) Если вы ждали, игра сохранится.
    Теперь вы можете спать на земле (и на большинстве ровных поверхностей), а также на скамейках и диванах. Мод использует AAF, который сканирует местность на наличие диванов и скамеек, на которых вы можете спать. Если таковых не найдено, вы спите на земле (или на любом другом месте, где вы стоите). По умолчанию вы будете прикрепляться к мебели только в 75% случаев. Если вы хотите, вы можете увеличить этот процент до 99 в AAF.ini, но если вы это сделаете, я советую вам уменьшить расстояние сканирования мебели до 200, так вы сможете решить, нужен ли вам конкретный предмет мебели, просто стоя рядом с ним.
    Когда вы ляжете, через некоторое время появится меню, в котором вы можете выбрать сон, лежание со свободной камерой или вставание. Если вы выбрали "лежать", просто нажмите горячую клавишу/опцию в MCM еще раз, чтобы вернуть меню.
    В отличие от ожидания, здесь используется ванильная система сна. В режиме выживания сон не у костра считается таким же, как и сон на спальном мешке. (3 часа по умолчанию), в то время как сон у костра рассматривается как сон на матрасе (5 часов) Поскольку он использует ванильную систему, моды, влияющие на сон на спальных мешках и матрасах, будут влиять на него. Я слегка изменил 2 сообщения, предупреждающие о том, что вы не можете проспать больше на этих предметах, чтобы они были более захватывающими и, честно говоря, лучше сочетались с другими ванильными сообщениями и не звучали как назидательный учебник.
    Wasteland Workshop
    Mod Configuration Menu
    Advanced Animation Framework v161.1 или выше



  4. DOA Follower Mai Shiranui and REH's Sailor Steve Costigan And Mike

    Adds two companions for the price of one!
    Two legends from different worlds.
    Mai Shiranui of Fatal Fury, KOF and DOA guest.
    Sailor Steve Costigan And his Bulldog Mike of Robert E. Howard Fame! (Yes, that Howard, the writer of Conan The Barbarian)
    A semi comedic romp of what passes for a mini quest to find her.
    Trigger the Quest to find Mai, Steve and Mike in Goodneighbor by speaking to the "Scared Shitless man".
    Initially when you meet Mai, she doesn't like you very much (at all) and only speaks Japanese.
    In order to understand what she is saying (if you don't speak Japanese) You need to find Mai's translator.
    There are five of them (you only need one):
    1. Museum of freedom
    2. The Prydwen
    3. Diamond City Science Center
    4. The State House (Goodneighbor)
    5. Institute Robotics Lab
    Mai will warm up to you after you travel with her.
    Mai has a custom body for Fusion Girl only and Cbbe.
    and her outfit can be customized through Dialogue (Bodyslide Files for Both FG and CBBE pending - Will be in the next day or so.)
    Credit for Mai's face to the DOA races mods. series. If there is any issue with my using them please let me know I can rebuild Mai's face.  Her outfit Is from DOA6.
    I haven't figured out how I want to do her fan, I made a base Mesh for it but just not sure how I want to include it.
    Fun fact: 
    Sailor Steve Costigan was the Second Most Written Character by Robert E. Howard behind only Conan.
    NOTE: you must turn on subtitles the dialogue is not voiced.



  5. Far Harbour Paradise UPDATE 2

    For all Players, who love Dirt, Trash and disgusting Waste, go on this Mod isn´t for you, cause this Mod makes Far Harbour a little Paradise and not a Waste Bin!!!
    For all are newer to Modding! Best you start a Fresh New Game, so all i modded can take Place!!! 
    As i promised, its so far, Far Harbour a much better Far Harbour, with an Luxury Acadia,  a absolute clean Harbour, a clean NAKANO House, Mitch BAR CEAN+Mitch Face hehe, Roads clean, Environment Cleaner, Acadia has now a NEW FENCE! In Acadia in YOUR private Suite a Surprise awaits you, in Form of a Megastrong Weapon!  
    OCEAN is absolute clean of Nuclear Slime and Trash!!! So yes, now you can take a little Bath.
    Echo Lake is now Clean, Flat and the four Shops belong now also to you, so the building Area is a bit bigger than before, the only Thing is, you need to move the Boss Trunk down from above you, i set it in CK on Ground, but well, seems the Trunk dont wanted to. You can move her down in the Building Menu , means V.
    Visitor Center Settlement is Clean and Flat, you can even build behind the House, The House is total rebuilded, no holes or broken Walls anymore, it also has now a cool Gazebo in front of it.
    Cause i´m still work on it, the Dalton Farm will be next, so you dont have to build on Hills and Rocks, Flat, yes i will do it with the next Update.
    Cleared Radiation + Fog out of Echo Lake and Visitor Center, cause Radiation in a Settlement only SUCKS! Reopened and Navmeshed that Building in the Echo Lake Lumber Mill, once was boarded up! So now you can use it!
    I hope you like what you see and like the Overhaul of Far Harbour.
    Friends and Players, Badly i found myself an BUG that let dissapear the PUMP in the BAY of the NUCLEUS!!!!!!  BIIIG Promis i will fix this and with the next UPDATE ALL WILL BE GOOD AGAIN!
    Meanwhile you can solve the Problem, if you also dont find the PUMP for Sister Maii ´s WASHSALON, do this:
    1.) Open Console
    2.) Than Type in this Code for finishing her quest:     SetStage DLC03CoA_FFNucleus03 40
    40 is for Quest is Done.
    You still have to push the Button on Top under the Arch and you will hear a Peep Peep, but the Quest is anyway complete!
    As i said i fix this in the next three Days, depends on the Time, where i got not to Work RL, and the Fix comes with my next Update, where also the Dalton Farm is flat and clean, but also the Edge Cliff Hotel  + the Vault inside will be repaired outside and cleaned inside + a PLAYER ROOM with all you need as Bonus!
    Sorry again to all, that happened with the Pump!
    Thank you all
    What's New in Version 1.1.
    Released 1 minute ago
    The Last Plank looks now even more Better.
    Food is no more Radiated so won´t harm you! Nuka Colas  all Sorts of no Radiation Free!
    New Location added!!!
    All works now Properly and i hope you enjoy it.
    TYSM All
    UPDATED:   Dalton Farm is now FLAT AND CLEAN!!!!!! V.1.1.



  6. Freckle Bitches!

    She's all grown up now!
    Straight out of Stilwater!
    Have a gut busting meal with some catchy tunes courtesy of the Mix 107.77!
    Don't forget to try our funbags for special Freckle Bitches Merchandise!
    courtesy of IllWireless we deliver now.
    (Load up the game- follow the quest)
    Located near Oberland Station.
    Bodyslide files Included for fusion girl 1.75+ and CBBE.

    NOTE: DO NOT START A NEW GAME WITH THIS MOD ENABLED. Enable it after you exit v111. I will try to fix this in an update. [Fixed I think. I haven't had issues so It seems so]
    Future upgrades - Transform other smaller locations into Freckle Bitches.
    Feel free to upload this but you gotta credit me and buy someone booze!
    - FYI- I do plan to add a censored version to bethseda.net (Thats why you can change the cook's uniform).



  7. DOA Followers New York Knights: Mila and Diego!

    Adds Mila and Diego. As an add on to Tina armstrongs follower mod (the way its supposed to be or as a standalone. FUSION GIRL ONLY. custom body.
    Adds a new experimental sparring system. (it resets after even if wonky stuff does happen). 
    Will add more later.
    CBBE Bodyslide support will follow.
    Find them in Diamond city. 
    In the standalone version they stay there and can be recruited through Dialogue.
    In the "Add On" version (Requires Tina Armstrong Follower), They start at Diamond City but will head to Tina's Gym after you have Recruited Tina Armstrong. You cannot recruit them (but can talk to them at Tina's Gym) until you have finished Tina's Quest. 
    If you have not located Tina's Gym yet, they will hand you a flyer.
    -Two DOA followers:
    -Mila and Diego.
    -Outfit changes by command specifically or random.
    -Randomized outfit changes daily If they have their respective "outfit change note" in their inventory.
    -Mila and Diego Begin with the note unlike other followers (If you remove it they will no longer change clothes).
    -Sparring system Spar once a day with either of them (Or Tina) and you gain a perk granting you 25% extra exp win or lose.
    -change their weapons. Each as a firearm, a melee weapon or unarmed as an option. 
    -Unarmed will cause them to add various status effects to your enemies (or you in sparring), Break Blows will strip the target, Fatal Stuns will trigger a brief paralysis effect knocking the opponent down.
    -If Mila or Diego are knocked into "Bleedout" mode their clothing will be knocked off and Mila's hairstyle will revert back to the "Down" version. 
    -You can change Mila's hairstyle to the only other DOA one she actually has with the hairpin.
    -Added fighter cards for loadscreen.
    -Mila's outfits are significantly more interchangeable than other DOA characters due to most of her clothing being regular common clothing and not very flashy.
    -Inter-companion banter between them and the followers from the Tina Armstrong mod if you have the add on.
    Let me know if there are any issues or questions. 



  8. Door Fix for CC Neon Flats and Better Goodneighbor

    A ESL-flagged ESP micro-patch to remove a second double door appearring in Goodneighbor when using Creation Club's Neon Flats and Better Goodneighbor.



  9. HBD_DressBox

    # DressBox
    # What
    Provides a command or aid item that opens a custom container which returns and equips any armor/clothes placed into it.
    # Why
    The pipboy is a pain to use when you have a bunch of awesome clothes mods from the community and you want to get your fashion on.
    Since the container transfer UI is a transparent overlay over the game, you can use this mod when 3rd person (or even TFC) so you can view your character as you try on different armor/clothes.
    # Commands:
    Commands can be triggered through the DressBox MCM page directly, or by MCM hotkey.
    Or via Aid Items which can be added via the Add Command Items button in the DressBox MCM page.
    Items are tagged [CMD][DressBox] so you can organize it in your inventory sorting mod how you wish, or set up a category for the Wheel Menu mod.
    1.Open DressBox - Opens the dressbox container.
    Alternative to the aid item.
    # Notes
    The MCM Open DressBox command will run once the MCM is closed.
    The most recent item equipped via the dressbox temporarily won't reappear in the players inventory list, and the previously equipped item for the slot will still show the equipped indicator.
    In the case of having multiple items of the same base type, all items of that base type temporarily won't appear in the players inventory list.
    They are actually returned to your inventory, the list just isn't updated to show it for whatever reason.
    They will reappear once the next item is equipped via the dressbox, or upon closing and reopening the dressbox.
    # Requirements
    # Installation
    Install as you would any other mod in your mod manager.
    DressBox is flagged as .esl



  10. Rare Stimpaks and Bobby Pins

    This is a small utility mod that will lower the chances of finding Stimpaks and Bobby Pins in containers to just 10% (including vendor lists) so they become a much more meaningful commodity. Those hair clips will now be a little more precious and your inventory will not be groaning under the weight of all those damned Stimpaks.
    It works by adjusting the "chance none" in the levelled lists. I think I've picked them all up but let me know if you find any I've missed and I'll update. Items which have been specifically placed in game (like with some Raiders) are not affected.



  11. FO4 - Tina Armstrong Follower

    Adds Tina Armstrong From DOA series as a follower.  

    YOU MUST TURN ON SUBTITLES. She is not voiced. (She does have combat yelps and such).
    She can be Found at "Tina's Gym" near Diamond City. Find one of her flyers around the Commonwealth to get the map location.  If you are having problems finding them just look up to see one of the many Billboards she had put up to advertise her Gym.
    As you unlock her simple quest more outfit options become available. Unlike Kasumi Follower, Tina is not shy about Nudity.
    I have also added "extra" costume outfits, right now they are just a mash up of outfits I already included in the mod, if you want to change these to a set of custom clothing you like then go into the folder with the extras and Label the body "BootsBody" "Pants" and "Top". (described in the "Read Me" note.)
    There is a great deal of hidden content in the mod. Have fun with it.
    Tina uses vanilla assets for her face and textures. I added a custom shaped body for her and her preset so you can use your own outfits for her extra costume slots.
    Do not upload this anywhere without my permission (I don't want any issues with what is going on with Nexus right now.) This cannot be put behind a paywall or any site where mods are sold. This is intended to be free content.
    Let me know if there are any issues.
    FYI- She doe not interact with Kasumi, At some point when I have made enough of these I will add a patch that will add idle banter between DOA chars.
    When Tina takes enough damage Her Clothing will be knocked off of her. This is intentional and a tip of the hat to the Existing crop of DOA6 mods and modders who have made mods for DOA6 that Break your opponent's clothing to nude.
    RECCOMENDED- I have tested this mod Extensively with aaf violate active and it does work without issues. There is also a safeguard. But you should suspend any mod that might alter combat or you or an npc entering a bleedout state. Do not stimpack Tina until after she joins you. 
    Mila Diego add on is recommended.



  12. Store Caps in Container

    Allows the player to store their caps in containers.
    It's a simpler version of 'Stash those Caps'. However, no more than 60000 caps can be stored per container, after that another container must be used.
    It is the player's responsibility only to use safe, non-respawning containers.
    I made this micro mod while trying out Hardship Beggar Whore. But it's also very useful in other ways.
    Do not use or activate it if you are planning to cheat with adding caps using the console.



  13. Nico's DOA6 Design Sailor Outfit For FO4 (FG and CBBE)

    Nico's DOA6 FO4 Sailor Outfit for Fusion Girl 1.75+ or higher and CBBE. Default meshes are Fusion girl, build CBBE in bodyslide.
    Fusion girl and CBBE Bodyslide files
    Modular Suit.
    BootsBody with three sets of boots and Stockings on or off (Adjust at Armor Bench)
    Jacket (Sleeves or sleeveless)
    Shorts (With or without sailor bear)
    Craft at chem.
    (May add the electric shock rings later, Not sure what I want to do with them yet.)
    Pics Soon



  14. HBD_MorphDebug

    # MorphDebug
    Provides commands to debug LooksMenu BodyGen/BodyMorph systems.

    See BodyGen Description doc below for a description of terms of the many features that use BodyGen and some tips.

    With so many BodyGen features that users and sometimes mod authors may not have full understanding of, I felt there was a need for commands to view and control the underlying Morph Values to get a better understanding of the current state of the BodyGen system and to try and work around issues.

    # Commands:
    Commands can be triggered through the MorphDebug MCM page directly.
    Or via Aid Items which can be added via the Add Command Items button in the MorphDebug MCM page.
    Items are tagged [CMD][MorphDebug] so you can organize it in your inventory sorting mod how you wish, or set up a category for the Wheel Menu mod.
    1.Set TargetActor - Sets TargetActor to the actor currently in crosshair, or Player if none. Used by other MorphDebug functions.
    2.Print TargetActor - Prints the current TargetActor.
    3.LogMorphs - Logs all morphs for the Target Actor to Papyrus log.
    4.ClearBaseMorphs - Clears Base Value for all morphs for the Target Actor.
    5.ClearKeywordMorphs - Clears all Keyword Values from morphs but leaves Base Value of the morphs for the Target Actor.
    6.RegenerateMorphs - Clears all existing morphs and reapplies BodyGen templates (if any) for the Target Actor.
    7.ClearAllMorphs - Removes all morphs from all actors making them re-eligible for BodyGen templates application (save and reload to see changes on NPCs)

    # Usage
    Use Set TargetActor to set the Actor you want to apply the other commands on.
    LogMorphs gives a full list of all morph values set on the TargetActor (must have papyrus logging turned on).
    The Clear/RegenerateMorph functions clear different values, see the BodyGen Description doc for greater description of the terms.
    They're intended to clear values that my have been applies/stuck from other mods.
    Since mods that use SetMorph handle when they apply them in their own different ways you may have to wait for the mod update tick/event or trigger them specifically if you know how in order for its morphs.
    RegenerateMorphs can be used to re-roll the BeodyGen template for the Actor to gen a better idea of what your templates are doing.

    # Requirements
    LL_fourplay dll: You will already have this if you have AAF installed. Used since unlike SKSE, F4SE doesn't have a object-under-crosshair function, but LL_Fourplay.dll does.
    LooksMenu: For BodyGen, no point in using this to try and fix/look at morphs if you don't have any actually applied.
    # Installation
    Install as you would any other mod in your mod manager.
    MorphDebug is flagged as .esl
    @expired6978 for LooksMenu/BodyGen
    @LenAnderson for an example of a nicely structured mod, and the idea of using vscode and various build scripts to manage a mod project.
    # BodyGen Description
    This document collates information about the systems to help understand them.
    # Terms
    Community and my own terms used to explain stuff:
    BodyGen system - The overall system provided by Looksmenus f4ee.dll that manages it's features/data and 'does the work'.
    The community may refer to Morphs by several different terms, and interchangeably mix the Morph name/id with the overall concept of the Morph modifying the shape of the body, or the value(s)
    Slider - Alternate commonly used term for morph due to the BodySlide or LooksMenu Body Advanced method of changing the values with GUI sliders.
    Display name - Only in BodySlide (I think) which can show a different name instead of the actual Morph name
    Value/strength/power/factor - synonyms for the actual numerical value representing the morph.
    Base Value - By default the many BodyGen features use this singular value for a morph overwriting the current value.
    None Value - synonym for Base Value, usually used when talking about setting a morph via mods, where giving it a None value for the keyword parameter will set the Base Value.
    Keyword Value - a morph may have any number of Keyword values, used by mods to separate/identify their own value applied to a morph.
    # System and Features
    The BodyGen system supplied by LooksMenus f4ee .dll drives a number of features:
    When BodyGen system updates the morph it chooses the highest morph value out of the base and all keyword values applied to the morph.
    Note: there is a bug in LooksMenu f4ee versions before v1.6.19 that would apply the morph value of the highest keyword id (which was dependent on the mod and possibly load order).
    ## BodyMorph Sliders
    Simply labeled BodyMorph on the LooksMenu Description page, this is the feature accessed by LooksMenu > Body > Advanced > page of sliders feature.
    This operates on the Base value of each morph/slider.
    ## LooksMenu presets
    These save and load the morphs Base values.
    ## BodyGen templates system
    I'll just outright quote the LooksMenu Description page
    "BodyGen is a feature that allows for random (or specific) BodyMorph generation based on guided files (Because random everything usually results in a horrifying mess) for particular NPCs, or any NPC. If an Actor is eligible for random generation, when that actor is loaded (when you first see them, or load an existing save where they have no morphs) their morph listing will be computed based on the proceeding files.
    The BodyGen template sets the morphs Base Value.
    BodyGen templates are applied once to an Actor - the first time you encounter them, or when you load a save.
    Used by mods to set the Base Value (IMHO bad practice as it will override all the other features that use the Base Value),
    or their own KeyWord value (or technically any KeyWord value they want as long as they can get a reference to it)
    # Tips
    ## General
    (Repeating this, it's important)
    Note: there is a bug in LooksMenu f4ee versions before v1.6.19 that would apply the morph value of the highest keyword id  (which was dependent on the mod and possibly load order) instead of the highest morph value.
    Some mods might not be set up to use SetMorph correctly (see mod authors request below), so even using the most recent LooksMenu version some mods might not be playing nice with each other.
    There is a helpful tool [BodyConvert](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/41781) to help convert between different morph setting formats (bodyslide, looksmenu preset, templates.ini)
    ## BodyGen Templates
    See the LooksMenu page, or various BodyGen guides scattered across the internet for more information on creating and applying the templates.
    TODO: Find a decent tutorial to link or crib off.
    morphs.ini uses formIds not reference ids.
    Most of the features work off the assumption that the morph .tri files built by BodySlide are set to 0.
    If you still want starting point values you would previously have set in bodyslide, you can set up a template to be applied to the Player in morphs.ini.
    Example, assuming you have created a template in templates.ini called FusionGirl-MyCharacter:
        #AAF doppleganger of the player
        #AAF doppleganger of the player when in the pre-war/pre-game area (MQ101PlayerSpouseFemale). Don't think you would be doing any AAF stuff here, but you do you.
    It can also be handy to know/look up the values of your template so you can tell if a mod has changed them.
    You can look at the f4ee.log in windows Documents/My Games/Fallout4/F4SE/ to see if there's any errors in your templates and morphs ini.
    Note: It logs referenceIds not formIds.
    ## SetMorph
    Beyond using MorphDebugs LogMorphs you can use a text editor find-in-files function to search mods .psc files for BodyGen.SetMorph to see what morphs are being set to.



  15. True Wasteland Body Outfits for Men (SHB)

    Ever looked at the variety of outfits added by the wonderful mod True Wasteland Body Outfits and felt sad that your men couldn't wear any of them? That your poor gents were condemned to only vanilla models and meshes instead while your ladies rocked some sexy new looks? No more! Now your men can look just as hot as your ladies in these newly converted outfits made for the fantastic Super Hero Bodies! Just download this lil baby, True Wasteland Body Outfits for Men, into your mod manager of choice, let it install as normal, build the outfits in bodyslide, then load your game, and any men wearing TWB outfits will now magically be much more sexily clad than before!

    SHB is required, as is TWB Outfits. A nude skin texture is recommended, otherwise your guys are gunna look a little wacky with their undies hangin' out for all to see! Outfits must be built in Bodyslide to appear in game, otherwise any guys wearing the outfits will have invisible bodies! The plugin is flagged as an ESL, so it will not count towards your plugin limit!

    I would love to see your guys in the outfits, so if you take any screenshots, I'd be happy to see them posted up here!
    Download with/input into your mod manager of choice. Install using your mod manager as normal and activate the plugin. Open Bodyslide. You can find the outfits by typing 'TWB Outfits' in the search bar. Build the outfits! You can batch build if you search for 'TWB Outfits,' but you can also build the outfits individually. The latter might be desired, as some outfits have zap slider options that have been added, for anyone who might prefer flat boots or shorts on their guys. Run Fallout 4 as usual and enjoy!  
    Deactivate the plugin in your load order. Uninstall with your mod manager. All done! Any men wearing the outfits will now be back to wearing vanilla versions of them!  
    ALL credit for the original mod True Wasteland Body Outfits goes to its creator QuietPippin. They made some wonderful outfits for the ladies, all I did was convert them for men to wear as well! This mod has been made and published with their permission. This mod uses Super Hero Bodies (Enhanced Vanilla Bodies Conversion) and its sliders as a base, so of course all credit for the base body and sliders goes to MentalHygiene. This mod was created with the use of SexSwap Outfit Conversion Templates for Outfit Studio by NaiRae. Their fantastic conversion tool did the bulk of the work, allowing me to fine tune everything and make sure the fit was right without too much trouble. Their tool deserves a lot more recognition than I've seen it get, and they deserve far more endorsements. Some screenshots provided by EngineGaming. The pose used in my outfit screenshots is from the mod UPC - Unisex Pose Collection.



  16. Father Companion: Alternate Ending Option for Fallout 4

    Work with Dr. Volkert to save Father and recruit him as a companion after the main storyline is over. You'll need the Cabot serum and more. There is also an alternative using the Forced Evolutionary Virus.
    Details at Nexus Mods
    You can save him even if you destroy the Institute. If you side with the Institute, he fakes his death and you'll still become Director.
    Interacts well with some of the popular alternate ending mods. No vanilla forms edited.
    To customize some aspects of the mod, visit the chem station. You'll also get craftable rewards for saving Father.
    There's no companion romance option, this is just a regular mod.
    View Trailer
    Toro Montana - modder
    Thuggysmurf - beta tester + compatibility with Project Valkyrie
    Caleb Mills - Nate/Male Sole Survivor voice actor (legacy content, no longer used)
    Emaline Tuck - Nora/Female Sole Survivor voice actor (legacy content, no longer used)
    DiscoGnome - Father voice actor (legacy content, no longer used)
    Ken Johnson - Dr. Dean Volkert voice actor (patch 1.10, no longer used)
    Brett Keane - Dr. Dean Volkert voice actor (patch 2.0 and up), "Coursing Venom" quest writer, ending cinematics narrator
    WolfieDarkfangs - Commonwealth Courier voice actor (legacy content, no longer used)
    m150 - Super Mutant Father's Lab Coat model
    HadToRegister - Arnold voice (legacy content, no longer used)
    yoo/Liz - Cameron voice (legacy content, no longer used)
    Bethesda Softworks - wouldn't be possible with them
    Soundtrack Credits:
    1. Faction Choices Fragment Credits:
    Music provided by No Copyright Music:
    Music used: Altered Carbon by Evan King
    Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
    2. Institute Destruction Followup Fragment Credits:
    Rocky Soundtrack | "Isolation" by Lucas King
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 International
    3. Shaun Dead/Murdered Fragment Credits:
    "Uniq - Art of Silence" is under a Royalty Free music license.
    Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: https://youtu.be/er--pnwFDgU
    4. Final Fragment Credits:
    Music provided by No Copyright Music:
    Music used: End This by Evan King
    Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
    5. Overboss of Nuka-World Ending Fragment:
    "Darren Curtis - Demented Nightmare" is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 3.0)
    Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: https://youtu.be/g_O4kS9FP3k
    6. Institute Reformation Ending (Project Valkyrie) Fragment:
    Mark Morgan - Dream Town (The album was engineered and mixed by Vladislav Isaev.)
    7. Vice Ending Fragment:
    TeknoAXE's Royalty Free Music - Small Whale - FunkSka



  17. Aylis Character Pack for FG (Face/Body/Armor)

    This is a character set that is primarily intended for my guide. But parts of it will hopefully be useful for others too. I hope you'll like what you find here.
    The files were meant to be used with the following mods:
    Aylis Face Preset
    This preset for my char has changed quite a bit over time. This here is my final version. Pretty, but not overly perfect.
    Aylis Body Preset
    This is the conversion of my previously used CBBE preset. To make sure it works as it should i rebuilt it from scratch. And again i tried to create a more natural body.
    Modifying the preset
    Armor and Clothing 
    Here i'll give you all armors that are currently used in my guide. They are obviously using my preset and only have to be downloaded and activated. The optional files should be merged with 'AFG - Armor'.
    Basic files
    FO4 and all DLC                                                   AFG - Armor
    Body and Vioxsis Strap-ons                                 AFG - Nude
    Optional files
    All available FG presets for the CC                      AFG - Creation Club
    Atom Girl Outfit                                                  AFG - Atom Girl
    Children of Atom - Fanatics Outfits                    AFG - CoA Fanatics
    Commonwealth Mini Dresses                             AFG - Mini
    Commonwealth Shorts                                       AFG - Shorts
    Converse Shoes and High Sneakers                   AFG - Converse
    All used armors from CROSS                              AFG - Cross
    Eli's Armour Compendium                                 AFG - Elianora
    Girls Workshop                                                   AFG - Girl Workshop
    Just another Piper Outfit                                    AFG - Piper
    NanoSuit                                                            AFG - Nanosuit
    Piercing collection                                              AFG - Piercing
    Precursor Suit                                                     AFG - Precursor
    Private Military Company                                   AFG - PMC
    Technical Competition Sportswear (TCS)            AFG - TCS
    Toxic Raider Armour                                           AFG - Toxic
    Vtaw Wardrobe 1 AND Wardrobe 4                   AFG - VTAW Wardrobe



  18. Aylis Icons Redone

    I was never really happy with the icons some mods added to the items in the game. So i started to add and modify icons and distributed them to all items which appear in the game. Here you'll find all patches that i created for the mods in my guide.
    As there are now a lot more icons this should improve the search for items and also give you on a glance an idea what an items is for. I hope you like what you get here.
    Covered mods
    Load Order
    The three mods should be very low in your LO.
    Extended Tags                     - Files for the icons.
    Aylis Sorting - Base Game - Patch for the base game and all DLC
    Aylis Icon Patches               - The patches for the single mods
    In case you want to add a mod on your own here's an overview of the used tags:
    Tags Overview.xlsx
    I'm still tinkering with a few minor details, but that shouldn't stop you from using this mod.
    All links to the used mods can be found in my guide.



  19. JOE’S Apartment Quest/Player Home

    What would you do for a Rent Controlled Apartment in the Apolcalypse? 
    room with 10,000 roommates?
    Put up with them ruining your dates and stealing your food?
    based on the classic MTV short and movie based on that short of the same name.
    adds a horde of brave but useless followers along with a customizeable interior player home.
    Bonus Pre-Order Digital deluxe but on disc Content: Uncover the secrets of Joe’s Porn stash!
    NOTE: it is HIGHLY RECCOMENDED YOU LEAVE YOUR COMPANIONS OUTSIDE FOR THE FIRST TIME YOU ENTER THE APARTMENT (not the building) It is uncommon but sometimes they trigger scenes they are not supposed to even though the player should be the only one checked off to trigger them.
    I am looking into this. It could be my custom companions but for now just enter alone for the first scene then bring them in.
    find the apt to the left of museum of freedom when facing it. A door or two down.
    TURN ON SUBTITLES, the mod is not voiced!
    - Title Change and detailed pics later.



  20. Unbreakable Bobby Pins

    OVERVIEW - This is a mod that gives to you an object that allows you (while it is in your possession) to lockpick every conventional lock (except those that require keys, naturally) without the bobby pin breaking. You are required to provide your own bobby pin, of course. The mod does not contain any scripts.
    I do not enjoy the lockpicking game in Fallout 4. I also especially do not appreciate the bobby pins breaking after a certain amount of time or chances. This mod prevents your bobby pins from breaking regardless of the amount of time or chances taken in picking a lock. It does not modify the size of the "sweet spot" required in order to successfully pick the lock. It does modify whether you can pick a lock based upon it's difficulty level; You now can pick every lock so long as it doesn't require a specialized key (in order to avoid "breaking" the game, as such locks often require players to endeavor on quests or whatnot).
    Installing the mod is simple; It is a single .ESP file and is placed exactly where all of the other .ESP files go in your Fallout 4 directory. Deleting the mod is equally as simple; Simply de-select it from your mod manager or delete it physically from the Fallout 4 directory. There are no scripts in the mod and so, therefore, there are no adverse consequences in it's removal (except, of course, in your lockpicking abilities). This mod only needs the base game itself and is not dependent upon any DLCs.
    And where do you acquire this unusual object that gives you such amazing abilities? For those who enjoy hunting for such items, the first clue is non-spoilerish: It is NOT in an interior cell (in other words, it is "outside") and is in a container.
    Next clue:
    Next clue:
    Final clue:
    I hope that you enjoy this mod and that it alleviates some of the stress that the lockpicking game gives to the player. Everyone is different; Some people enjoy the lockpicking game as is while others reduce the game drastically (which includes myself). This mod greatly reduces the stress of the lockpicking game while still keeping a little bit of the difficulty (you still, after all, have to find the "sweet spot" however large or small that it may be).
    Please do not share this mod on NexusMods; I do not hate the website or those who operate it. However, I wish to retain complete control over my mod and have only one central location for which to change the mod if need be. Thank you.



  21. Liara T'soni Follower

    Liara T'soni Phd of mass effect. 
    Fusion Girl, CBBE.
    (Build CBBE Version in bodyslide)
    Follows you, finish her mini-quest. Find Her In a Trap door Floor Door in the alien cave.
    Talk to her. 
    Functioning follower to trade with. Has Facial animations. Blue body, Biotics.
    Do not equip grenades on her. although she has Biotic powers that trigger in combat her "Greater Biotics" that affect a radius use the grenade slot.
    She has "lesser" Biotic powers of (Throw, Singularity, Warp and Stasis)
    Greater Powers of (Singularity, Warp and Stasis)
    Singularity - ton of damage.
    Warp - lesser radius but chance to instant kill.
    Stasis - Freezes enemies for ten seconds but also adds damage protection to them. The CAN be hurt but its reduced damage.
    Throw. Low damage mostly defensively used.
    Barrier. on entering combat Liara will erect Biotic Barrier Armor. This is an effect and doesn't interfere with any armor or clothing slots.
    She has two outfits, if you want to clear them tell her to get naked and equip her with something else manually.
    Credit to Shiala 92 for the following meshes (and inspiration to make this)
    Liara head mask (basis for her head mesh)
    Liara Coat outfit
    Liara Alliance Battle Armor.
    These are found on Deviant Art (Links soon)
    Liara has an in-game base weapon but I suggest you use Shiala 92's "Mass Effect Weapons" Mod to give her a weapon more fitting her base game.
    Any bugs questions or comments let me know. 

    uploads useage perms etc etc etc.
    this file has assets from Shiala 92. So under no circumstances can you do anything with it except use it or modify it for your own personal use. Don’t upload it anywhere. Don’t make a Saturday night live skit out of it. Don’t post it on nexus and please do not use it as a front to launder crypto currency. Aka bottlecaps.
    well you can but get shiala 92s permission first. Then ask me I’m usually pretty reasonable w reasonable conditions like donating to your local charity that feeds kids or something. 
    (I have no way of knowing if you actually do that but you are an asshole if you say you will and dont)



  22. ESL-Flagged ESP

    As we constantly run into the ESP limit of Fallout 4 i was looking for a solution. This is a collection of modified ESP for my 'Fallout IV for Beginners'.
    Simply install and activate them. They will automatically put into the right spot of the list (unless they are for a mod you havn't installed).
    All ESP were created by other authors and i only flagged them as ESL. The included files either got an open permission or were abandoned.
    Regarding my guide:
    The ESP can be flagged as ESL (see 'Final').   This mod had a permission for uploads and is included here.
    Can be flagged as ESL                                    This mod had NO permission and is NOT included here. But it can be flagged as ESL.
    Instructions how to ESLify an ESP can be found in my guide.



  23. Player Renamer

    A simple mod that allows you to rename your player character in the Fallout 4 game.
    After installation, will be added holotape "Change player name" to the player's inventory. Launch it, then close the Pipboy and a window will open in front of you where you can enter a new name for your player character. 
    Also, a holotape can be made in a ChemLab in the category "UTILITY". Nothing is required to create.
    The mod does not require translation into Russian or other languages EU.
    Fallout 4 1.10.163
    F4SE 0.6.21
    Text Input Menu
     Rename AnyThing 2.6.12
    Даёшь русские имена персонажам! (в игре Fallout 4) - for Russian Users
    Please note that the mod does NOT open the SPECIAL menu, but directly changes the base name of the player character.
    The principle is as follows:
    A click in the Holotape opens the Text Input Menu window with the current alias of the player character. Rename Anything tracks changes in the window and assigns a name to your player character as an alias after pressing the Enter button. And the last step: The Base command setName() sets the alias of the player character as the base name of the player character.



  24. DC Guards Are Now Women

    DC Guards Are Now Women
    Intended for use with a new game
    What does this do?
    This mod changes all the Diamond City guards to females, with the exception of Danny Sullivan (because he's so dreamy...)
    How do they Sound?
    The guards still use the male guard voices for now. 
    I'm still learning, and do not know exactly what method to employ to remove the voice.  It might simply be a matter of adding a new voice record into the mod and changing all their voices to it, but I don't know if that means they wont have any dialogue, lip-syncing, etc.  My goal would be to maintain the text dialogue but remove the audio.  I may upload a different version in the future to address this. 
    So for now, you can either turn down the volume when you pass them, or speak loudly over top of them in a high pitched voice while reading the subtitles.  Pretend they are all synths and the institute accidentally gave them all the wrong voice modulation masks and Piper was right all along and as a result Darth Vader is over there speaking like a girl from Fah Habah.  Perhaps they simply smoked way too many cigars at the nightly Poker Game in Geneva's room.  Maybe it's the rads...
    How do they look?
    I copied the various properties from "WorkshopNPCGuard "Settler" [NPC_:001167A5]" into each guard record for the look while making every effort to not break their AI and stuff.  I then customized them to have different vanilla hairstyles, hair colors and eye colors.  Feel free to use xEdit and change them to your liking.  You could even add a hair mod as a master to this one, load this after the hair mod, and try using whatever hair you want.  The hairstyles: Frazzled, Wendy the Welder, No Nonsense, Femme Fatale, Crazy Morning, Rough Night, Young at Heart and Public Defender. 
    Will this take up an esp spot?
    This plugin is esp-FE meaning it is "esl flagged esp file" and doesn't take up any room on your load order.
    Nothing special, but here's a fun fact.  One of the guard records (DiamondCitySecurityUpper01 [NPC_:00002F6F]) gets forwarded to DLCCoast which is the Far Harbour DLC, so I forwarded that one.  But there's no changes in between the core game and the DLC, so this mod only needs Fallout.esm as a master.

    Armorsmith Extended has a known bug that makes the DC guards partially naked.  There's a patch for it here: Armorsmith Extended Diamond City Guard Patch
    I did open this up with awkcr / ae in xedit and didn't see any conflicts, but they do modify leveled lists for the guards if I recall correctly.
    If you aren't getting female guards, and you've started a new game with this mod enabled, you may need to open all your mods in xEdit (FO4Edit) and see what is causing the problem.  If there is an issue, it may be possible to forward the records from the other mod along with this one into a patch.
    Huge thank you to @gravechild3 for requesting this mod, I enjoyed learning more about NPC records while making it.
    - In the screen shots I'm using Classy Chassis Outfits - Vulgar Villains (replacer version) by GrafPanzer which includes the DC Guard outfit.
    - This mod is really just a patch, I make no claims to it. If anyone wants to make changes and upload their own version, just send me a link and I'll link to it.  You don't have to, but it would be cool to see what other people do with it.
    - I tested this mod a few times, and did not run into any issues.  If I missed any guards, please press the ~ key, and left click on the guard, and give me a screen shot.  I'm pretty sure I got them all but you never know.
    Future Plans:
    - Might look into fixing / removing the voice
    - Maybe add some different skin tones



  25. Xaleya's Essential Well Endowed Collection

    Just a little compilation of mods I made for Fallout 4, trying to get sort of skimpy/sexy looking world while keeping it logical. Took me a while to get this thing together and I will update it from time-to-time. 

    I stole the title from my friend's Terraria modpack

    Social media:
    Twitter / Discord

    Available outfits:
    Vault Suit
    Army Fatigues

    You need body-slide to apply the clothes + any texture needed.

    Female Outfit Replacer 
    ALSL Vault Suit Unzipped 
    Atomic Beauty & Vanilla Outfits
    Atomic Beauty Vanilla Outfits CBP Physics
    Requeriments [Also credits]: 
    ZaZ's Atomic Fusion Body 
    Bodyslide and Outfit Studio 
    High Heels System 
    ZaZ's Extended Skeleton 
    OCBPC Physics 
    Icestorm's Heavy Metal Boots
    Louis Vuitton Platform Boots V4 
    Don't reupload to Nexus mods or anywhere without asking.



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