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49 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

Still can't seem to find any issue with those settings. Perhaps this is the old GetEmptyOverlaySlot problem that seems to plague some users. Try setting the number of face and body overlays to 14 (or more if you want) in NiOverride.ini. And try getting caught again by the toll guys.

That worked! I had it set to 8 since I don't have many mods that use overlays, but now it's set to 16 and it works!

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On 7/29/2019 at 4:50 PM, Antaufein said:

When the kennel keeper comes to rape you, the dialogue cancels after he says: "Well hello again, pet" and the player cannot respond anything and the kennel keeper then proceeds to rape the player saying: "Ha! Where are you going? Oh right. You have nowhere to go. Come here pet."


I've had the same issue running the latest version, but this time I did some testing to try to find the issue. I discovered that when the "Extra Devious Devices" option is toggled on, the dialogue completes without being interrupted, but when it is toggled off, it doesn't. My guess, without looking in the CK, is that the dialogue has a condition that requires the option to be enabled to complete, otherwise it has no other dialogue branch to fallback to, so the dialogue just ends.

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Guest AthenaESIV

Thanks for the update!


I've considered your Slaverun integration a few times, but I found the mod a bit obtuse and in need of more updates before really trying it out... Do you recommend using it? And if so do you use specific settings to make it better to play with? ty!

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For those using the UUNP/UNP body here is the texture conversion for them


UUNP/UNP -Cursed Magic Textures


The ones in the Normal folder are default colors but if you want to use ones you can edit with slavetats MCM then you can use the ALPHA version. Grab them put them in the textures>SL Survival folder and rename them to what's currently in there, have not tried tested the alpha version but it should work afaik.



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For some reason, whenever I beg for something to wear, it always thinks I asked for boots.  I'm not sure what exactly is going on here.

So far everything else is working fine, and I'm quite enjoying the challenge the mod is adding to my playthrough!

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14 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

The problem I have with adding proper prostitution is that there are already so many prostitution mods I find myself unmotivated to do it. 

If we rule out the ones that work and aren't incredibly boring, that leaves ... Radiant Prostitution.

The remainder are all too incompatible.


I can't even use the DCL one, it causes permanent cumulative slowdown in my game. Don't know why, and don't care that much because it's not interesting enough to play regularly.

RP has insufficient awareness of DD, or most mods I use really. It has the wrong flavour entirely.


I started writing a more interesting one for my SW replacement, but the dens and other stuff were too much work. Don't have time.



On another topic... 


With the amputation recovery by troll cum... How is this supposed to work in practice? Can you explain your vision for it?


I see this happening:

  • You lose your arms.
  • You get robbed and gagged.
  • You are now broke. Probably were broke already.
  • You can't buy a cure.
  • You need a troll cum cure but...
  • You are gagged so you can't give oral.
  • You probably can't find a troll either.
  • If you -somehow- get free of the gag, the next bad guys you meet re-gag you anyway.
  • How will you travel miles to find a troll, not be killed by it, and not get re-gagged on the way?
  • As a bonus, you may also have a follower adding devices as you fail and fail to pay. One might be ... a gag.


Did I miss part of the puzzle?


If the gag is always a ring gag, that might help a bit.


It seems like the cum cure is all but irrelevant, as you can never execute on it. The only way out is through prostitution, assuming you have such a mod.

That takes us back to the start of this post, where existing prostitution mods aren't really any fun.

ME was sort of fun, but it is unfriendly to many other mods. It screws with follower AI, it uses weirdo Zaz-based devices coded in the 1960s as part of the original space program, and it has more bugs than a surprisingly tick-infested sheep.

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@Monoman1 I was wondering if there was an option to turn off getting dismembered by creatures because a wolf bit my arm off ? lol i still love what you've done this is so great i was just wondering if that was your intention xD


@Lupine00 I believe there is a couple of ways through mods that this can be achieved

slaverun- has a dungeon with a troll in it

hentai creatures- allows you to train a troll

sexlab defeat- allows you to surrender to creatures without dying.

aroused creatures - i believe if the creature is horny enough it will just automatically try to have sex with you.


just a couple of ways i see it working.

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7 minutes ago, Risamei said:

slaverun- has a dungeon with a troll in it

hentai creatures- allows you to train a troll

sexlab defeat- allows you to surrender to creatures without dying.

aroused creatures - i believe if the creature is horny enough it will just automatically try to have sex with you.

Four mods I don't want to use though...

I can surrender to a troll with SD+, which I do have ... but then I'll be indefinitely enslaved to a troll - forever basically.


And one dungeon with one troll?


I know of others, but often they will be dead. Labyrinthine usually as some, it's probably the best spot, though there are troll caves here and there all over, they're often quite awkward to access.

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5 hours ago, Antaufein said:


I've had the same issue running the latest version, but this time I did some testing to try to find the issue. I discovered that when the "Extra Devious Devices" option is toggled on, the dialogue completes without being interrupted, but when it is toggled off, it doesn't. My guess, without looking in the CK, is that the dialogue has a condition that requires the option to be enabled to complete, otherwise it has no other dialogue branch to fallback to, so the dialogue just ends.


2 hours ago, jealco said:

For some reason, whenever I beg for something to wear, it always thinks I asked for boots.  I'm not sure what exactly is going on here.

I'll check these out. 

5 hours ago, AthenaESIV said:

I've considered your Slaverun integration a few times, but I found the mod a bit obtuse and in need of more updates before really trying it out... Do you recommend using it? And if so do you use specific settings to make it better to play with? ty!

It depends on what you want really. If you want over the top misogyny then go for it. 

Personally I use it just for the misogynistic atmosphere it brings. Then I leave survivals clothes licence at 'Slaverun towns' only. You might want to get hydras slave girls though. That way the men will prefer them if they are closer. Getting auto fucked the whole time isn't fun. Paradise halls slave are the same so I usually bring one or two with me into cities to both:

1. Protect me and 

2. Get them loaded up on SGO gems and milk to provide me with lactacid for milk addict. 

5 hours ago, Risamei said:

For those using the UUNP/UNP body here is the texture conversion for them


I'll link this in the main post. Or maybe include it into the mod?

Btw the tats aren't slavetats but overlays managed by survival. You can change the color in race menu. But you might have to change it every time it's applied. 

46 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:

That takes us back to the start of this post, where existing prostitution mods aren't really any fun.

True imo. But I think that's because prostitution can't really.... be fun maybe? I don't see any way that grinding out sex scene after scene could be. 

Unless there was some kind of shortened version where you do like one scene then a dialogue box pops up and asks how long you want to whore yourself for. Fade to black, fast forward, give extra gold depending on how long and of course would need some kind of consequences for how long. I don't know 'bow legged' debuff or something. 

49 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:

Did I miss part of the puzzle?

Sort of. Once you lose your hands enemies are pacified. And it's a ring gag that's equipped so... still possible ;)

Only reason for the gag is to stop you shouting really. Of course, creature don't have the luxury of being able to gag you. But I think if you do continue doing damage to them they WILL fight back. 


I'm open to other suggestions for a cure. Obviously the whole dwarven cyborg thing is something I want to look at. But I've realized that the comprehensive prosthetics thing I wanted to do with the amputator is impossible (as far as I can tell). If you go to the guy then all your arms/legs will have to go too. 

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26 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

I'll link this in the main post. Or maybe include it into the mod?

You can include them in the mod no need to credit me idc about any of that ^^ also did you see the thing about the creatuers being able to amputate? also oops i thought they were slavetats xD probably best they're not so just use the normal ones then not the ones in the alpha folder.


again though you killed it with this update!!



Also if maybe i could have some advice on coding with keywords if you're not too busy or its not a hassle

I use the mod eatingsleepingdrinking i already have used keywords with amputation mod so it doesn't play when you're amputated but I see you have several keywords for each part of the body is there a way to code something like (forgive me i dont have really any scripting knowledge)


if I have 1 hand it doesn't prevent the animation but if i lose both hands its does?


Here is what i have currently to stop animations from playing 




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13 minutes ago, Risamei said:

You can include them in the mod no need to credit me idc about any of that ^^ also did you see the thing about the creatuers being able to amputate? also oops i thought they were slavetats xD probably best they're not so just use the normal ones then not the ones in the alpha folder.

Thanks :)

Well yea. Creatures should be able to bite/rip your arms off. Check out the 'Health Threshold' option. I would have thought that 110 health would cover most small creatures but check out the wolves health in the mfg console next time and set the threshold to something above it. 

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1 hour ago, Monoman1 said:

True imo. But I think that's because prostitution can't really.... be fun maybe? I don't see any way that grinding out sex scene after scene could be. 

I had some ideas I think would make it more of a game. So, yes, you would still grind out a lot of sex scenes, but there would be something other than that taking up your time, that would feel somewhat entertaining, and where you are making choices.


I think it also needs a better sex "game" than SLSO too. That's possible. Maybe not with much in the way of animation support, but you can still have a widget game that is more than clicking left mouse a lot.


ME was ... quite ... fun. Just the whole scenario of it made it more interesting. Unlike RP, where you can just dive in, exploit it for some cash then stop with no consequences, with ME there's more going on, even the simple business of trying to upsell the customers, bondage vs risk of kidnap, solo business vs working for an innkeeper or brothel, the possibility of being forced into slavery. There was a fair amount of variety - still is - it's just doesn't play well with most other mods and doesn't work reliably enough to rely on it alone.


Prostitution needs an advancement game like RP, and it needs "quests" or tasks to perform, and it needs some element of risk, which should not be just a random roll of the dice (looking at you Deviously Cursed Loot), but instead something you have some influence over.


A working sex-game would enable this. Then when you push up prices there is more risk - take on more hazardous sex situations - and if you fail the minigame, there are consequences. When you fail, you end up left in devices, or beaten and hurt, or robbed, or kidnapped and taken a "less nice" brothel where the rules are less in your favour, and so on.


Some awareness of W&T is important, and ME had its own system for that.


A genuine sex mini-game is important.


A better arousal system is important (ahem).


Actual "content" in terms of interesting dialogs, stuff to discover, quests and tasks, etc, are essential, both for simple variety, and to make choice a real thing.


Integrations (besides W&T) that would be nice to spice things up: DD (of course), BiS (SLS sex adds dirt already helps here, but dirt should also impact customer satisfaction and interest levels), MME (boob fetish customers), Devious Body Alteration, Hormones, Pregnancy mods, and other appearance modifying mods. Pregnancy deserves particular attention, as it could be made into part of the gameplay - something to avoid - or something to exploit, depending on your choice.



That's why there is no good prostitution mod right now. Making one is real work. A lot of work.

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1 hour ago, Risamei said:

i already have used keywords with amputation mod so it doesn't play when you're amputated but I see you have several keywords for each part of the body is there a way to code something like (forgive me i dont have really any scripting knowledge)

Code in the SLAX SKSE plugin can add/remove keywords dynamically. In quantity, if need be.

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Just so you know when you bring up the menu with F1 and you choose the heal option it will heal your arms but the effect of being amputated persists you will stilll not be able to wield a weapon, i know its a cheat menu basically but still ^^


also just something funny that happened i was wearing clothing and i stood in the room where you get dawnbreaker and that beam of light i stood infront of it for a second i had over 50-60 ripped clothing pieces on the ground popping out of my character lol so big glowy light BAD!!

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41 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:

That's why there is no good prostitution mod right now. Making one is real work. A lot of work.

Couldn't agree more. 

1 hour ago, Risamei said:

Also if maybe i could have some advice on coding with keywords if you're not too busy or its not a hassle

The new amputator uses factions really. The new keywords are (WERE) for the prosthetics I wanted to add for each limb.


4 factions, 1 for each limb.






Faction rank will tell you how 'amputated' each limb is. 


GetFactionRank < 0 : Actor is not set up in the amputator

GetFactionRank == 3 : Actor is setup in amputator and the entire limb is ok (Nothing is removed)

GetFactionRank == 2 : Hand/Foot is gone

GetFactionRank == 1 : Forearm/lower leg is gone

GetFactionRank == 0 : everything is gone - Up to the shoulder/ass


So in your case all you're interested in is probably: 

_AMP_AmputeeArmLeftFact > -1 && _AMP_AmputeeArmLeftFact < 3

_AMP_AmputeeArmRightFact > -1 && _AMP_AmputeeArmRightFact < 3


Or probably just the right arm if that's the one that's animated? 

That is unless you're also set up to do leg amputations. In which case you'd need to check for them as well otherwise you're character would probably stand up and eat. 


BTW: I think the zad_HeavyBondage keyword will cover you for armbinders/elbowbinders/yokes/mitts/straitjackets. No need to check all of them individually. 

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49 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

So in your case all you're interested in is probably: 

_AMP_AmputeeArmLeftFact > -1 && _AMP_AmputeeArmLeftFact < 3

_AMP_AmputeeArmRightFact > -1 && _AMP_AmputeeArmRightFact < 3

omg your'e so great thank you!! so just to kind of re-affirm things so just basically copy what you have there and do this




my coding knowledge is limited to only really knowing how to compile things not really how to write anything sorry lol oh great i'll take away the others ones

i just added them all cuz i was unsure.

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3 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

It seems like the cum cure is all but irrelevant, as you can never execute on it. The only way out is through prostitution, assuming you have such a mod.

It is true that trolls are not exactly the easiest creatures to find around Skyrim. Besides the few troll caves and the places where they have a chance to spawn, they are not very common indeed. Beastiality mods like Animal Mansion (or Animal Mansion Plus or Redux) and Bestial Essence do have trolls in them though.


2 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

Btw the tats aren't slavetats but overlays managed by survival. You can change the color in race menu. But you might have to change it every time it's applied. 

Could be changeable in the MCM menu in a futur version maybe?

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3 minutes ago, Antaufein said:

It is true that trolls are not exactly the easiest creatures to find around Skyrim. Besides the few troll caves and the places where they have a chance to spawn, they are not very common indeed. Beastiality mods like Animal Mansion (or Animal Mansion Plus or Redux) and Bestial Essence do have trolls in them though.


Could be changeable in the MCM menu in a futur version maybe?

I would recommend this mod for those who are worried about troll spawns https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32394  here is the mod description


DFB Random Encounters 1.2 MCM is a lightweight spawning mod. It places 230 dynamic spawn points into Skyrim. You can take full control of them and decide what enemies are spawned, how many spawn and how hard they are to defeat.

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9 minutes ago, saltshade said:

What mod is this ME you're talking about? Sounds interesting. Also, have you tried Sexworker's Life? It has the usual progression sex, but some other stuff that looks interesting, like making it difficult to do business if you're dirty, and no payment if they aren't satisfied.

ME- I believe its Maria Eden 




I like to use Night Mistress Mansion once in awhile, i think its good a brothel mod. I also use TDF once in awhile to , about the whole spamming sex scenes. I might be in the minority on this but I find I have the habit of spamming sex scenes sometimes and I max out the time during the scenes through sexlab to 300 seconds through all 4 stages

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4 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

If we rule out the ones that work and aren't incredibly boring, that leaves ... Radiant Prostitution.

The remainder are all too incompatible.

What about Sexworker's Life? Looks quite immersive and has a lot of features. Should be compatible with most mods, but when it comes to DD items, it's up to you to be in "working condition" before soliciting clients.


You know the limitations of the mods you install, so it's in your best interest to work around them, instead of against them. For example, with this mod you can get reported to a guard, so it's probably best to disable public nudity in DCL while you work, unless you want a lot of conflicts. If are flexible with your settings, you can get most mods to play together.

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51 minutes ago, Risamei said:

omg your'e so great thank you!! so just to kind of re-affirm things so just basically copy what you have there and do this




my coding knowledge is limited to only really knowing how to compile things not really how to write anything sorry lol oh great i'll take away the others ones

i just added them all cuz i was unsure.

I'm not sure of the context of the function. If you're trying to stop the rest of the function from running when amputated then it's probably more like:

Function ActivateShrine(ObjectReference akTargetRef, Actor akActor)
	Int FactRank = akActor.GetFactionRank(_AMP_AmputeeArmLeftFact)
	If FactRank < 0 || FactRank >= 3 ; If the actors left hand/forearm/upperarm is gone then do nothing
		; Do stuff


50 minutes ago, Antaufein said:

Could be changeable in the MCM menu in a futur version maybe?

I would like that. But I don't understand what all the various numbers translate to in NiOverride. Everything's in numbers. It isn't a simple Blue/Red/Yellow I mean. 

41 minutes ago, saltshade said:

What mod is this ME you're talking about? Sounds interesting.

Maria Eden I believe. 

47 minutes ago, Risamei said:

DFB Random Encounters 1.2 MCM is a lightweight spawning mod. It places 230 dynamic spawn points into Skyrim. You can take full control of them and decide what enemies are spawned, how many spawn and how hard they are to defeat.

Are trolls really that hard to find?

There's white river watch just to the east of whiterun. There's usually one or two up a little further north around the statue of talos. There's usually one at the little (dead) hunters outcropping of rock a little to the west of silent moons camp. 

Maybe it's just my mod setup but they seem easy enough to find. 


And if/when I expand on the animal breeder thing you could potentially bring a troll with you. But like I say I'm open to other options. 

Maybe the dawnguard have placed armored trolls inside cities to help stop vampire raids etc...


Or even something completely different like having potions of ultimate healing restore your limbs.

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So here is the whole script 



basically when you active a shrine it plays an animation where you get on your knees and pray, but it has activators for alot of objects and each have their own scripts so i just added keywords before them is all.


lol i so wish i understood this more i am trying hard but i'll try what you suggested and see if i can figure out how it works from what you sent ^^ thanks again! In my game trolls arent hard to find because i make them spawn more but in vanilla i only know of two troll spawns so they can be relatviely hard to find.

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6 hours ago, jealco said:

For some reason, whenever I beg for something to wear, it always thinks I asked for boots.  I'm not sure what exactly is going on here.

Can you give me some more information on this.

Do you remember what the Npc wanted? Oral/Anal/Vaginal/dog/horse/degradation etc?

Is your 'Client Must Orgasm' setting enabled?

Do you have devious devices expansion installed? 


19 minutes ago, Risamei said:

In my game trolls arent hard to find because i make them spawn more but in vanilla i only know of two troll spawns so they can be relatviely hard to find.

Had a stroll around vanilla skyrim and they are definitely harder to find than I thought so other options might be needed. 

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@Monoman1  Follow up my issues reporting. So NEW UPDATE on a NEW GAME is chugging along nicely.  Minor things are a popup every time I sleep about the kennel not being the location etc.. no biggie. No messages like drool etc showing.  All aspects working as intended so far as I can tell. Town enforcers are happily checking me, as are gate gaurds. Had removed the old saves and clean the most recent 3 and tho' they showed SL as updated with all the new aspects and settings, nothing changed. So obviously something lurking in save or container somewhere.  <shrug> kept all those separate from current game just in case.    The new update rocks!


I would have to agree with avoiding adding yet another prostitution option. Script load is going to get heavier as is, RP works great here, Defeat whoring works fine. I never use the DCL option either, In the past early days of Night Mistress it was ok with most mods, just not very fleshed out yet, and a booger on the load at the time.  Begging as is fills a gap ( at least for me ) of choosing to take a chance on being a ho' or a simple vagrant.  Or as often is the case if your really RP'ing it, you have many chances for attack and rape while using JOBS or simple RP table serving leading into many options on if your going to play the whore. ;)  'course not everyone plays the same, but all the mods that try to do everything seem to continue to add to loads that end in having to make hard mod choices on what you use vs not use as the loads are huge.  Just IMO.

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